Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Oct 1927, p. 1

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GLENELO. Tuna-p an. on " l EGIIIONT. You" U F. o. Hall. I ' Oct. " All meetings commence t 8.15 p... H. Mekechnie, cutary l U F. o. Men rs and all others innervated are Headed to attend their Township M lag. NORMANIY. Blyth 9"th TllNlTV CHURCH HEAR DEV. W. C. ALLISON, HANOVER The Harvest Home Service: of THnity Anglican Church. Dutham. were held on Sunday. Oct. 3nd. The special preacher was Rev. Wallace C. Allison. rector of Hanover. who delivered two very able and lnsplr- lug Demons. Mr Lorne Willhms ot Won. sang “Thankful o Lord. an I" in a very pleasing mamié; The service- wen well attended. Misses Laura and Selina Truu visited with Mr and Mrs Punk Ken- nedy. Tam, the put week. Mr and Mrs Frank Livingstone and mac daughter. Toronto. visited with harm Mend: the put week. month after a lengthy summer holi- day. The opening meeting was held m their club room Tuesday. the Ret »nt Mrs G. Kearney In the chair. A heavy evening of business was put through. the Town Hall stage for which the Chapter is responsible. re- quiring much discussion. " is be-l ing planned by the Chapter to have an opening of the newly renovated: Town Hall that will be worthy ortre: amnion. Further announcement will; he made as plans take shape. As a' device to make some financial gains tor the Chapter. they have decided, upon a series of private bridge par-) tites to be given by some of the mem- bers. to be known as Tani-him: Bridge! " it works out in practice as well " theory. the Chapter will be netter on ttntuteinuy at the close ot the season than now. The Town Hall Improvement hand made heavvi inroads on their bank book. They " so pnrpoae to sell the 'Poppy' for, Armistice week in November. 5 ........., unullu'u [no choir in a few words. The male members of the v-nmnlzalion spoke- n. few words Ind Mr Chas. Lane on behalf of the nth- »rinr. thanked the host and hostess n: the pleasant evening. to which Dr. Jamieson responded. t. o. D. E. Again Active Canadian Greys. [0.1). " rosamwl winners for the an and winter mouths luff a 1enethe nun-nu.- kn" - __u_. vv‘u .. "nut Pool for outside diversions. but in the spacious living room of the cot- rago the time 31 ed as " on wings and it was not known as a 'quiet' party. At on appropriate time. corn with alt the accompaniments, was brought in and short work “as made of this wen-table. This was followed by sandwich. coffee and pie. Shortiv ai- Ler on behalf or the gathering. Miss \larzaret Hunter. organist, presented to All" Sadie McDonald. a retiring member. on behalf of the eholr. with . handsome silver Bower basket. " iirt appreciation of past services. 'f'lto' much surprised. Miss McDonald tattinxly thanked the choir in a for As minor breaks. Mr Mbkrnzies' oar.. m mom fortunate, but Mrs Knia 'ey received a seven shaking up. Corn Roast and "mutation The members of Knox l'nited "hutch choir, to ttte number of a- mm twentr. Were invited out to the summer home of Dr. and Mrs D. B. Jameson at Wihlur's like on Tttew U. F. o. TOVNSHOP MEETING White coming in to town Sunday morning for church service. Mr John McKenzie, 2nd con. Bentlnck. with his sister Mrs Knish): driving a Ford coupe. collldrd with . Ford touring coming south. driven by Mr. MCC-ry. " Bound. at the Juneture Unstrung Rd. and shitload south of ‘be town. The impact was sumcent to dinn the radiator, bend the Tame. break on a light and hammer humno-r of Mr MeCattery's earns well as minor bunks. Mr Mcsziox' rm“ Bay t"rtine. Ttde {in}; The belief Aid or the Presbytom in Church held a home made kiln: sale In the A. Y.P.A. rooms on Bat. urday afternoon last. They also ser- wd a delectable hot supper and the proceeds from thro.re two sources ran their procenls to marl) 850. Cars Collldod I Buying Casino“ Property A local Property chauxt- is being made this week. Mr Geo. J. Jucksrh. Supt. of the Durham Furniture Co., purchasing the slow property man the Roy-.1 Bank. occupied by Mr A. G. Mecomtr, from Mr. R. Macrarlam; Roam“ We" Congratulations to Chas. Brown of to". who to-day. 6th Oct. In Cele hating his mu birthday. He still takes his daily walk to the Post ot. thee. More power to him. All Red Cross work mt. will ro- qutre to he in the hands ot Mn Geo. Jucksch as soon as msalbh. as the) bazaar falls on the last Saturday ot the month. WANTED A young girl, willing to so to To to with Mrs. Martin. Apply to Mrs vld mipnon. Trinity Churth Lad . Guild Will hold their annual bazaar Saturday Der. 3rd. in the A.T.P.A. ms. FOUND: 0n Inn-ham Road. a small sum of mo y. Owner will mow property and 'ay for this ad. FMquire at this ome . l VOL. L, N0. 39 ?iiiiii as n on wings and as a ‘qulet' party. time. corn with an ts. was brought in was made of this was followed by was a little tttit the best of“: kind“ and all li, one, for such I and] sum was cemmly surprise to the visitors. During: Angus .95 publishers from Great Britain it the colonies visit- ed Canada. The were naturally in- terested in Ca dian publications. While in Montre I many of them paid a Halt to tha biz Weekly. the Family Herald an} 'ee‘kly Star. and received the sur 'rity of their Can- adian visit when th T learned that Canon had a Week] publicntion with a million of rude each week. Many of them knew the wily Her. nld in the Old Country .Wen ex. tremely interested to lea how ruck I wonderful Paper, " each week. could be insured n n yen. Yet it is done a (3th at the, A. M. Robb, were in Hanover on Fri- day last, when they went in particu- lar to have Brtst hand knowledge of a modern Science room and which they expect to have in Durham’s new High Schooi addition. The trustees are rparlmz neither time nor expense in seeking to put Durham on the ed- ucational map of Ontario and the new addition. when completed. will be a monument to their energy. In Him- over Principal Homilton kindly show- ed them over the High School build- ing there and was most. courteous in explaining in detail the futures or Hanover's School. Mtssrs John Morrison. A. C. Wolie. H. McCrae. " C. Town, Moore Me. Padden, John Smith. all members of the High School Board, and Prln. J. After a vote of thanks to the Dur- ham ladies and concluding prayer. a tine lunch was served by the Domoch W, M. S. who are much to be com- mended for their fine missionary val. A duet was sung by Mrs (Rev) Smith and Mrs Stoneouse. a solo by Mrs W. H. Porter This with united singing and prayer by the ladies. composed the program. The collec- tion was $33. _ V7._~.-._u-u vl Int "UTA. Mrs Mertraith read a missionary story In two parts of Southern Italy and Ukrainia, describing the. people's and country of those who have come so largely to Canada to make thvir home. An imitation from the Dornoch United Missionary Society. to the Knox United, to attend their Thank- um-rinz meeting last Monday, was cordially received and about 30 ladies motored to Domoch to the home of Mrs Colin lclntyre. where the meet- ink was held. As it was Corttedera. tion year. a Canadian Mission” pm- Krant wus put on. Miss Margaret McGirr gave a splendid talk on "School Homes and Home Schools and Hospitals of the W. M. S. of the. United Church in Canada" with es- pecial reference to some m the West: I ola f‘era. Wahstao. ltadwey (‘t-n- ire. Portage in Prairie. etc., whirh have newly come in. The speaker specially mentioned some of our own deaconesses who worked and taught there: Mrs Boyce (M. A. Twamim). Miss Elma Ball, Hanover and Miss M. Halpenny from near Dromore and several others we have read ot. " was a fine and inspiring address, and sho'wedumuch knowledge of the work. - at tarious intervals and a most " Iriendly spirit reigned throughout. 1'. The ladies representing Durham Were Meedames Henderson, Jucksch, Irwin McIntyre. Moorhead. McDomtell,sptus "' lint, Miss Fl. Kress. e James A. Hamilton. son of Prinrl, i pal Hamilton of Hanover High School. has been awarded the de- nim-e ot' Bachelor of Arts with hon, are by Queens University. Mr Ham. ', ilton left for Chicago Saturday lust, ' to enter the Graduate College oi'Chi- r' cago University, where he hopes to I receive the Master of Arts degree in . 1928. Mr Hamilton, who is only 21 . years of age. secured his degree at'. ttt only three veers " Queen’s. _ Barn up in Flames on 2nd con, Eg't i A somewhat strange tire took place =on Saturday night last. on the 2nd 't-tth Egrernont, known as the Hillis farm and owned by Mr Fred Noble. On Sunday afternoon, Mr Noble and i his son had occasion to go to this Ibarn and to their great surprise. round it a heap of ashes. To the j present. no clue is forthcoming. The burn has a post foundation and is a- bout to x 60. The place is unoccupied l sure while they are removing the , crop " the farm. We understand 1 there were 20 loads of hay in the barn. The building and content: I were insured tor slim) in the Grey t and Bruce. t KNOX W. M. S. FRATERNiZE WITH DORNOCH SOCIETY VISIT HANOVER H, SCHOOL nmsn PUBLISHERS sun. Nansen Two rlnks or Durham lady bows lers Journeyed to Holstein on Frlday for a friendly tune with the lady bowlers of that village. Both of the places represented came out on top The Wo n's laminate will beheld at the home I Miss Annie Weir on Thursday. Oct.' th. Addresses by Misses Etta Twi ley and Marzarvt Smith. Visit Holstein Club Tnnhy Churc Gulld will suw mails to those a rillng the Teach. ers' Convention n xt Thursday and Friday, In the AY. A. rooms. Trinity Chum} iiiiht if! tttttggi illhtgiitttt 3,3? Zion Church have a (s, Anniversary Services Thu ladies of Durham Red Cross Society will hold their 'irtrittnt'ttoaor in the Armory 'on the last 'stituruay in October. , ' I' ,Douglas Kendall...vho recently re turned from missionary work In con. nection witty £110 Halted Clinch In the West. spent, . few days " his home at Maqull._ Ihttt. My fuller. n“ n__ - ."--r- .- _V-._‘ ... ere',".. wun In! "f Rev. Geo. .rrtnt1titr.'trtrdtrhit, " tit Theological College' tn Totem: W"... ___ - sync-lulu uull' cluslon. The proceeds In all were very gratifying. The pastor and of- tieials “pressed their gratitude to all who helped to nuke the pro. mm the splendld luccess thatit was WWW,” -_. ouualvl UPC. HI K. M. F'irth, Miss Anderson Padtieid and Mrs Lennox: l Messrs J. Part and B. Marla lecllons by Durham Quarte Zion trio. Rev. Mr. Smith, 1 United Church. Durham. in ceptable manner added much program by a splendid addre numbers were heartily encot all felt that the Annivernrv 1 The choir and others taking part, drossed in old time costume, sang old time selections. The program consis~ ted ot solos by Mr Benson, Durham: selections by Durham orchestra: readings by Master Geo. Hay. Mime Tlo. Anniversary Services of the lion Church, which were held Sun- day. Oct. 2nd, were very largely at- tended. The church was fittinxiy decorated with a profusion of tlow. H's and autumn leaves. A full choir rendered anthems which were much appreciated. Rev. H. S. Fidrles con- ducted the service-s, dealing in the afternoon with the subject of “The Holy Spirit" and at night preached on "The Great Refusal." The entertainment on Monday even- in: was a decided success. There was a full and varied program at which Rev. H. S. Fiddles acted as chairman. The church was filled to capacity. On motion Whitmore and each paid $3 midnight to rr Gowan fire. Mr Wm Laidlaw addrel Council, asking that while re Town Hall, they build two 8t under same for accommod prisoners. No action was I Chairman Hunter of Prove; was advlsed however. to earth removed below Hall , it, and besides the Yuma would readily be round for lug space in basement. neat. null. it carried by a 4---e, vote. $1625.79 was passed in Finance Com. acc‘ts., $500 of it going to Sink. ing Fund to meet maturing deben- titres. Ab. Noble-at. McLean-That a street light be placed on Garotraxa St. between R. Barber's and Hodgr son’s homes. Car, A largely signed petition by my per Town residents requested a street light in front of Mr C. Read nedy's house. it is a dark locality but other lights near are largely hill» den by thick foliage. The F'ire & Light Com will investigate and wait" feasible to "mow present lights toI better location or install a newllght, and bring in areport atnext meeting. A boys' Club asked use of the old Library as a club room and gymnas- ium. The meeting being held lathe Public. Library, See'y Elvidge lnform-' ml the Council it was under Library Board Jurisdiction and rented to Hy- dro Com. Mr Wm Laidlaw addressed the Council, asking that while renovating'; Town Hall, they build two small cells, under sum» for accommodation oi" prisonrrs. No action was taken. l Choir".,.... Er..-. 'e - Tlie ladies of __ 7.__.-.. .u nun-Incl 'o" and ttprint; weather. Wood Was be- coming increasingly dittteult to Ret, and before the probable life of the furnaces-as years had expired, wood would possibly be uruobtainatrte. The Council was divided in deciding and on a motion by Bell-Ab. Noble--. lhat"(‘0uncil instruct Prop. Com. to call for tenders for coal furnaces to heat hall, it carried by a t--.", mm The wood would be most suitable ruel to use for hall heating, when an occas- ional tire only was required. Reeve Bell thought nothing but coal furnaces the thing and wood could be used in them in milder fall The new heating '3ystem to be in-,' G'leuelg School Fair at Edge Hill stulled in the Town Hall, was tii/last Thursday, opened in fair weath- burning controversial question be- I','), but a heavy downpour from four fore the Durham Town Council Mon- " clock on, marred the enjoyment of day evening. The Property Ccm., not the close ot the day. There was a wishing to take the responsibility of big crowd present, competition in deciding between coal or wood fur-i speaking, drills and exhibits was nan-s. brought it before the whole strong. alttywtrtg an increasing inter. Coum-il and each expressed opinions) PM by the children. Nine schooits on the matter. Chairman 0 .S, Hun-f had oerxhelts-r.No. 1 i U. No 2; U." ter stated tenders had been cunt-d" No --: b'ep. No. 3; No 3; Sep. "I ;' for wood-burning furnaces. Two ten.. No. tr; N029; U. IO, A wonde"ful ders lille, in, one for $465 which collection at " varieties of woods,' would heat 35,000 cu. feet and anoth. by Isabel Firth, was a feature ot' the er $565. heating 65mm cu. feet. He splendid exhibits. l had been advised by a prominent con-l The girls' public speaking contest! yPAnr, eny.inter ot experience, that', 'Pts won by Mary Moore of Mo t t Coal Furnaces to be l hstalled in Hall: Council have warm Discussion over This Question Monday Night r. Rev. Mr. Smith, of Knox Church. Durham. in his ae- manner added much to the by a splendid address. All were heartily encored and It the Amsivertraryar.viiGi brought to a splendid con- The progeeda In all were niversary Services of the ch, which were held Sun- 2nd, were very largely at- The church was fittlmzly with " ~-r-"~ . _ $3 for 12 o noon RI Master Geo. Hay, Miss Miss Anderson. Mr R. Mrs Lennox: Music by an and B. Morlock; se- Durham Quartette and of _ Noble--MeLe mm of Property Com however, to have all below Hall while at '5 the furnaces. use b P, _ W. .. Harry Holmes Wetta DURHAM, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 6, 1927 I?, hrs work fer guarding the Me. use of the old ‘m and gymnas- sing held lathe Elvldge Inform- ) under Library I -- "A . _ petition by " S requested a ot Mr C. Kev, a dark locality tttt largely hid. . The Fire & remain Inn, T, turn With which is “contented the Holstein load" Dubai Fresh? , Not only was the convention lar- "rely attended but it was very suc- locum! from every standpoint, spel- :Ilng progress and greater possibili- j ties for the coming year. Rev. R. R. Spencer. pastor of the convention lchurch. Dundalk, presided throughout l the day and was reelected President of the district Y.P.S. Union. Rev. S. Elmer Kenny was in charge of the impressive devotional exercises with which the convention was opened. and Rev. W. H. Smith of Durham presided during the prayer and praise which marked the opening of the, evening session. The ttijyiit1iFt speakers or the convention were: I Rev. C. H. Myers, Toronto, religious. educational Sec'y for Young People's' Work in the Toronto Conference and‘ Ree Ernest Hunter, pastor ot Carlton': M. United Church. Toronto. They; both delivered inspirational “drew; sea during the evening. I The election of otBeem which re-I sulted in the return of the popular} president. Rev. R. E. Spencer. to th nee, also included the following ehoi-l: oea: Vice Pres” Rev. Sidney Martin.l pt Chatsworth: Sec'y. Min Olive Mc- Donald, ”Owen Sound: Treasurer-,l Mia's McKedeock, Mannie. Depart-!, mental heads were also selected. l, Young People’s Con- ference at Dundalk The annual convention of thery Presbytery Young People's Union, held in the I'nited Church, Dundalk, on Wednesday last, attracted aguod- ly representation of the local United Church Y.P.S‘s, as well as represen- tation from the numerous other points thoughout the district. About twelve from Durham, viz: Rev. and Mrs W. H. Smith, Mrs R. Catton, Misses Myrtle Koch, Margaret Fine. Olive Middleton. L. Hind, Florence McDonald. Mrs Duffield, Arch D. Me. lntyre. D. Wilson motored down to be present. -. - -- - V.....‘.,. r. LVN 3--$4.70: No. '2--$6.40; No. 5--$3.yo Sen. 5--t9.60: No. 1(l--$9.60: No. I --$10.20. All first prlze winnlug pupils and schools will compete at the big County fair In Owen Sourrl. Saturday Oct. Rth. . i -~ _ _ "ii/ECG?,. T,.i,ic.',i"i - ,,,,__-. , WOODS - WATKINs .Mr Hatoid McKechn . . .__, N .. - ,,_-_......., ..66R-& t l . . . Mi s Liiti . Hine; s) PM by the children. Pe 89mm? _ t2"iditiit, J,fen"ghe"it,.1gT/ A',; A very pretty wedding took placo It Qr,'dtl"u,t "iUU 2 2',1'i,','id tot 1: 2,",t.xhlyy--cyo-or. U. No 2; U. week after spending the summnr St. Teresa's R. C. Chureh, To."p"y late for the presentation'. d; No " '. st?. y. Ji; No 3; Sep. li months at his home recuperating his last Wednosday moming at h o'clock The shield is It beautiful In". ham t-; No. 6; 5059' U. IO, A wonde""‘“. health Mr Lloyd McClockliu. who. when Mime Fyizatreth Jean Woods, shaped. with the following inst-rm l collection E" " varieties of woods, spent ls, week end at the parental daughter of Mr. and Mrs ”whim" lion: "Championship. Young Hamlin: p by Isabel l-Irth. was a feature at the home returned with him. iWoods or Etrmttiont, imam the Sac...,...sl Gtey PrNsttyter.v, Softball e "it,yiid.e.xybitt: 3 Mr'and Mrs William H. Rogers»? bride of Francis J. Watkins, fron of Won by Durhsm. 1927." The local " The girls' public speaking contestK Holstein Ont. announce the etttat:t,e-) Mr and Mrs J. Watkins of Toronto. girls have the honor of winnin'g tht t was won by Mary Moore or No ‘-' mutt or'their daughter Mildred “do? The bride looked very New in a tirtn championship to come lo Our. , (Uunetrsan), Jean McGilli'vray of, to Dr Theo L P Sweot son of Mr.ltrown of white Chilton taffeta with ham, sud the shield was displayed in - same school 2nd: Gladys McKinnon,f and Mrs R b' Ui/iii ' Portage la white kid shoes and shockinxs. Ov. R. Burnett's window Sunnis) tttter- ll??. IO, was 3rd; Isabel Firth, No 3,' Prairie scatii, the. marriage to; er this fell the beautiful voiding noon and evening. " will adorn th,. ti 4th. May Anderson. No. 3 and Ade-g take place on Oct. 15th Aveil. arranged under a band of schoolmnms u. Kno- :‘mi Out..." m. [lime McNally No 9. also competed. l m. w B .Voliet. and Miss orange blossoms. A bridal bouquet United Churches, until 'itll mum-r I" Fred Arnett, No, tr, won the boys', Sarah i'ave this Thursday for a of Ophelia loses. shamans! with at least. when " will audit» in- vol!" ', contest: Ruby Lawrence, No f), was two seeks“ vacation with the Ander- maiden hair torn was carried.. Deted tor. , first in Miss McPhail's contest: Am, son family in Hamilton and the Suth-l She was assisted by her sister. The winners Ire-n- Elizabrth Hind. ' me Mame)" Sen. 5, 2nd. erlands in Tomato It is our Worlln’i Mrte A. ll. McPhee, while her brother Florence McDonald, Violet Mervyn. Six schools contested the parade town clerk's ttnrt .vacstion in "we; Mr Benjamin “'oods acted best man. Msry Brown. Ellen Hay, Unis) Math- and drills, and live ot them ran very,! wars and Constable Allen will hold I After the Wedding cemnony the bri. er. Grsoe Baird. Christeno and Sarah close in total points. Judges Aiii'.llli','Ji', his chair during his abandon ldtist may returned to the home ofthe McCulloch, Mari. Ritchie and Male Stewart and J. C. Mercer had sow-3' An interesting visitor in tuiint,'trridis'i, Silt”. Mrs T. Mchnney. Bell. P. Ratttttee “3 manna”. il dimcult decisions to make, so Wall! weeks has been Mr John Grant ot p, lwherar a wedding breakfast was ser-l Burnett coach. and A. Clements aim executed were the several parades'. Columbia a member of the wall: ved. Those who attended the wertussitsteri in training. and their tomrdg were: ikuown Grant family. south of Mar.' ding were Mrs Bend. Woods, Sr: Mr; ---_----- IM-sep. No. 3 (Dornoch), 17 pupils, hey. He has been Visiting his broth-l and Mrs Ben). Woods, Jr and Mrsj The Annive' i'y Sonia-rs oi Si Miss M. Sullivan. teacher. 86‘ er George in New York State.broth-l A. D. McPhee, Egnmoni: Mr and; Andrew's Pres!) teriun Plum-h, Mt, I points. er William, now of Mt. VOWEL noph-i Mrs T. Watkins of New York ; Mu; Forest, will be id Surrlui. Uri. 'o. l2nd--No. , (Ritchie's), 30 pupils, ew Gordon on the old home and om: and Mrs W. Pullan. Buffalo. After a; The speaker will Rm: Major J.r' 313415;} 1'ia,.Niftaett'jp, “point: pr friends or early days, His will honeymoon the young couplv will ".4 Tolmie ol' Souiha mun. - . . y mawreen), stalwart ma h d I k it i, "---m------ ----------, - - -_--- -- -__ - - pup., Miss lsisy McKechnie teach.! work and Mn Ill' (of; l, asi mil “'1;er No iii? G & E (Top Cliff) “gratis with him. We enjoyed our in-I I i . . ' . . ,. erv ew. - _ 17 "ly','; /l'/y E. MeCuaitr, teach! Mrs. Wm. Burgess and son Row-i , . . , er. no nts. I . ' .. -l C . who... a (Edge mm 25 Irupflsr, 'IS: ;2: ttL/tleg',',',,,, minim ; Keep the Body Flies can Bisease t 'lea,."" Beaton, teacher. 1lj,iii.'s,ei wee guests ot Mr and Mrs. J.) , Straight & Strong iNTO YOUR HOME t I , u '. _ . _ ' 'utr-tio. 4 (Toynsend’s Lake). yr ti'l1f/itlu'hdtT"gi.vPe- tormerre i ,... FLY.KIL , [“1533 Miss EWBNS. teacher. ") Mr and Mrs In. Town of Thessa- with I fad Mo 3 school had their o,n/:le.e:, were visitors With the former"sl, , . q 'Rprayed in the room kill, 0 . . ',, .m. .' brother, D. C. Town this week. l I r cod " Ities and min-r insu'ls install”) 2 tity displayed on herdpieces asuell.’ Mr and Mrs Bierworth announcei . t they would have won 5 points tmul',', the engagement of their daughteri I soc per home I '"thtifdt' 'lUe')r:eireteg,,,t.u,re) Hilda to Mr Andrew Cameron Milne.‘ , One te'i1vpoont'el or our oil is ='====a=r=======x=====, I HT ., of El . _ t: Ira; . '. . . and strenuous. Miss Hazel Benton? 'lh.s'i'y"1reo'ifite)tartmoy'eftae, tkei l equal '" Tiunmin A “mum to , C came lgt in teachers’ "tce, Miss It.; Misses Julia Weir F Nichol and. t one pound or butter, eleven Carr s t gamed; it', ”id Miss 1i. .Vthechmei B. Lane ot Durhs'm .ngh School; , pints or milk. or tsine 0:15. . . l r . oar ease won rus ees'race., . F . . t L Jos Renter 2nd and Wm Brown 3.d.| 3mg": in 1512:3212" tte'i?ec',Y i SQutB"'s...... 50c and $1.00 Diarrhoea Mixture t g‘heI rrize. you: tak(en by; est-hi meeting. Miss Mary Gordon, ii'i'/o'; , PARK DAVIS ...'r..... $1.25 “wants a natural ...,,;.m;.,,_ ' $3803?) -w§:ii fli, 3.3:?2210.‘ it'? {Jl now teaches at Listowel, was also, i PURE TEST Am es.sad n- c'., .'__, .... o .‘MU ..' A -- - a. . . . . nrnanno The girls' public spas was won by Mary Mo (Uunessan), Jean Me same school 2nd: (“My No. IO, was 3rd; Isabel 4th. May Anderson. No, line McNally No 9, also Jieir. No, 3 Won Parade g [ at Glenelg School Fair Keen Competition in Drill: and Exhibits Prize list on oils. Miss E. MeCuaig, teach g points. r. 3 (Edge Hill) 25 pupils, Hazel Beaten. teacher. H ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO uulcme's), 30 pupils. ichol. teacher. Xipo'ms 2 (Rocky Sangeen), 19 Inlay McKechnie, teach. to make, so Wu“ the several parades page 5, -. MV “‘4-.. can uuuguxm‘ (Norma, of Hamilton. visited Mrs T. ;Wheinn in: week for a few days. 9 Mrs Robt. Kinnel and daughter and goon-in-iaw- Mr tad Mrs Philipps, of" fToronto. and In John Ferguson, B. i Put, visited Mm Thou. Atchison. I)» f per Town, Wedneldny. I Mr and Mrs Wm Harding and Wm ‘in of Hamlton, spent the week ond 'with Mrs m, pure-m. Mr and Mes, _ ---- -- "my I " the Harvest Home services. gag unit-'65:" -- --.- ".uuw, "If It"! MPA. Chas. moms. Mr Willlnms. Pulmerston. spent the week end at Mr R. Moorhead':, and an; a very pmtty and suitable 1050 In Trinity Church Sunday evening at tho "ao..,-... u__- - . unun um young son mlumed with them. Mm Martin, Toronto, Is visiting her 'sitster-n-tak, Mrs David Inmlmum uncle or Itiendg In Proton, Fht. remont and elsewhere. Herman came to Iuttemont m 1886 and soon became known as a shrewd local poli- tlclan and strong Liberal, Sure ko- inx West he has been honored byhis Punieipality (near Swift Current), having been 12 years in the coumil. ten of them in the Reeve's chair and only three times contested. Mr and Mrs P. W. Kelsey were in Woodstock for a. couple or days tis. iting their daughters. Mrs Gloln and Miss Isabel, 'utrmr-fmttainintr. Mrs. Gloln and young son hemmed with them, Pleased last week to h; from Mr Herman Haw of ewan who has been visitii circle of friends, in Pr remont and elsewhere. came to lineman! m 1886 became known as a shrmml me noston\ "Bruins," the crack pro fessional hockey team of that city. Mr C. T. Batty, manager of the Standard Bank, Flesherton. with Mrs Batty, Messrs McNally ard llam- wlck, the latter a member of the High School staff there, were Visit- ors the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs T. M. McFadden. Mr Batty has recently been transferred to the Newcastle branch of the Bank. Mrs. Thos. Altchison accompanied week with their mother and also relatives at Dromore. We hope that Mrs Aitchlson's residence in Durhtm will be marked with good health. Pleased last week to have a call “M. br,, .. __ spending a few days at the home, preparatory to let Boston, where he has signed the Bolton, "Bruins," the Ci t‘essional hockey team of tl Mr and Mrs C. M. Bowman, Soulh. ampton. spent over the Week end with his daughter. Mrs D. B. Jatuio. gnu v WT ,_,__- v. mu. uaugnter Hilda to Mr Andrew Cameron Milne, of Elmwood. the man-loge to 'ake place the latter part or October. Misses Julia Weir, F. Nichol and B. Lane ot Durham High School Matt, were In Harriston Saturday at. tending a Teachers' Federation meeting. Miss Mary Gordon. who now teaches at Listowd, was also present. Mrs Thos. visitor With werk. Mr and Mrs Jan. Town of Thessa- lon, were visitors with the formor's brother, D. C. Town this week. Mr and Mrs Bierwonh announce the engagement of their dauzhvm- _._--.._V. v. lllT W"ll' known Grant family. south of Var-‘ nay. He has been vitriting his broth-3 er George in New York State, broth-! er William. now of Mt. Forest. norm-g ew Gordon on the old home and oth-I er friends of early days. His stlllI stalwart manhood looks as it his work and his adopted Province in! grees with him. We enjoyed our ln-' terview. ! Mrs. Wm. Burgess and son Row-f and, and the farmer's dtyurttteruin-i law, Mrs Noble Burgess. all of Bun, goyne. wee guests ot Mr and Mrs. J.) Burgess Wednesday. The former re- mained for I. few days. I Mr Martin_ Lauder, Owen M: and Mrs John Ferguson, Swin- ton Park and their son Archie and his wife, Toronto, spent the titaet of the week with the farmer's sister, Mrs Chas. Brown, and called on oth- er town friends. Mrs E. Evans, her son. Mr John Edwin Evans, his wire and two child- ren, of Rochester, N. T., are zunsts this week of her brother. Mr Arch. Mcwlan. HYMENEAL Cook, Markdale, was a Miss Julia Weir this l Mrs David gaGiiiG'i'. Whelm _a_nd daughter he has 1iddiiti, wi:h week to have a call n Haw of Saskatch- teen. visiting a wile n Sound, is he parental leaving tor and Mrs Ben). Woods, Jr and Mrs.i A. D. McPhee. Egnmonl: Mr and" Mrs T. Watkins of New York ; Mm and Mrs W. Pullan. Buffalo. Mir: a, honeymoon the young eouple will r»l A very pretty wedding look plat-n It St. Teresa's R. C. Church. Toronto. last Wednesday manning at N o'vlock when Miss Elizabeth Jean Woods, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Urnjamin Woods or Egremont. Imoanw the bride ot Francis J. Watkins. son of Mr and Mrs J. Watkins of Toronto. Immediate-ly after the Ceremony, the happy couple left for a slum hon- eymoon to points north. ea, tity ot the valley and maiden hair fern and was attended by Miss Mar) Cameron. while D. L. Laughton cup- ported the groom. [rock of blue gmrgelte over tsilver face. wlm‘nllver shoes and stockings and large picture hat to match. She carried a bouquét of Sweetheart Po'.r GTN ttciid. we _ 7 WV --t Their any friends Join in wtslu - Tye [my looked charming In a if, 293- may happy years of we S. McBETH fhe Stuat, 's tDemtat Cream for preservation of Teeth and Gums. Made with Squibb's Magna Magnesia ---Neutralizes mouth acidity ' Btie a tut", Ftrchmtut, pastor of the church ot-, 'et. It " uary.ttt., [only Branch SQUCBB'S...... 50c and $1.00 PARK DAVIS ...'r..... $1.25 PURE TEST 40c and 75e AYERST ........60e and $1.50 One teaspoonful of our Oil in equal in Viuuttin A content, to one pound of butter, eleven pints of milk, or nine o-ggs. numbed Weekly m 82.00 a you it alum. mo United can. 82.50 I you In dance. ' mm & ION. Human McFadden's Drug Store Thef1pyat Bank of Ccinada Durham Branch - J. A. Rowland, Manager ' 00M , lug (Incl J. ded life. the expansion of. tiade in The Annive' ry Servir.rs of m Andrew's Pmsti tartan Phurrh. Mt Forest. will be Surdu)‘. are. it The speaker will Rrv. Major J. l,‘ Tolmie of Souvhn pun). Creates a natural P Sun) for children too, Mk per home Sprayed in the room kills Bies and other Insects Instantly Mte per bottle ham, and the shield was displayed in R. Burnett's window Saturday after noon and evening. " Wm adom tttrr schoolmmns ot Know and (rum-n St. United Churches. until urn summwr at least. when " Will again hr not!“ noted for. The Ihleld ls a handful our. ttear, shaped. with the following mam-m lion: "Championship. Young People's Sock-Hes. they Pret'trytery, t%fttrall. Won by Durham. 1927." The low! glrls have the honor or "mum: tht, llrst clumplonshlp to come: to Our. league. “5 presented to l‘mnmu. Mr Harold McKechnlu Nevin-d " and gave It over to Mime Uni.- Hind. captain. who “lived R,momenl too lato for tho presentation. At the Young People-'3 Rally in Dunn-Ii last Wednesday, tue shield. etntrlemntte of the championship of any Co., Emma Church 80mm! Phil; 3. DUIBAI Brought lo Durham Championship Shield Thglr may may]; join m m. ------.------ - M3:

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