Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Sep 1927, p. 4

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Two humln-d an" In Glenelgtown- on». Mm: tour 7 and a. con. 13. On this mus-my is a good frame house um] haw. burn. with on!" buildings "te.ury of mater', good orchard: son-n mun no» Markdate. This Is a :mlondid crop lurm. Will bs. sold chomp. aim very easy terms. Apply in Mrs. Neil Livingstone. K R. s. Hound Comm. Oat.. or “but Livingstone. Durham) Do not Gil to see (his large display tuthori"rd Fwd Deal. '3 since "O..'. o'lmmben thu, orders lertwith your home town printer in. sun to w; the wines of workmen who In turn spend this money vl'h local Maine-am houses, thus serving to main. than that round of business which is necessary In order that rural town: tl'"ott:r,hstr. Canada may ttottrigh and prosper. rust. what a ten dollar bill which a rarmersttetuis in his hone- town may accomplish ? Let us follow it around. Probably the " goods merchant gets it than He passes it on to the hard. Wart. mum-ant in payment of an account. The hardwars merch- ant .uu " in wages to one of his employees. This employee yum " to hls landlady. who pays a grocery bill with it. The Aro1 -.- can then pay his butcher. The butcher passes this on to um pyoduee meretttutts, buyinglargely from the farmer, pos- no» tuis ten dollars hack to the farmer, from whom it originally canno- Thus is has. In Its ramblings umong the ham; tori was, served many useful purposes and yet It is still in the wnmunhy to again acne. - ~"I'hal. ten dollar, bill I: done for good. It may starve to build up toy home city elsewhere. Bu' so tar as the home community I: eooeerned its usefulness is at an end and the community has In: drained of Just that much working capital. When in Need of Printing If Sent Away To Distant Merchants Lfflrt'faratRDRr4 C50JOGElRii' r. W. MOON. Datham Tcltfhone HOW www.mu "tt5t-.,m-,ore. Did You Ever Stop to Think m Mtiilt M PAW PLAN Learn an the fact about thin new and “nationally priced furnace. Our easy payment plan enables you to have the Gilsoa Maxie installed at once-the bamee ot payments spread over one year. Write today. mus-Album 0° mauve“, The Gil-on Magic burn: any fuel equally well. It been three times faster. The marine, heavy steel plate body, special cotta-shaped gates, bonnet hex. electrically are welded joints, which mently pre- vent gas and = from leaking. all contribute to make the Gilaon "Magic" the man seminary and economical furnace. a-ir-tGe,, iGGatiir H qUiitt 7' .: of ta'irft'i'Ma'iYu'l'flr'ttrtL' Mf. .m 0." “in!" a!!!" hind mi comfort to the hon-m and can fuel an: ”third to NMyMtlchil‘ Fark Within y wiping We have just received a shipment of Westinghouse, D:Forest, Crossley and Atwater Kent Radio Sets; Also, a fresh supply of Batteries, Tubes and all Radio Accessories ASK POI A DEMONSTRATION m YOUI OWN HOME. We will be phased to moan one for your inspection t “(I H”! SALE at our Show rooms at any time convenient to you. The Durham Review RADIO ! SMITH BROS. Furnished or unfurnished: all mod- ern eottvertletM.Ny3. Apply at the Mid- daugh House. When considering your printed re quitvments, consult the Review. Careful and prompt attention given business stationery. prize lists. pro grams. toldors, factory forms, auc- tion sale bills, etc. and orders taken tor counter check books. Phone 6. Apartments to Rent Review for Job Printing 3-an 350.00 in "u-- Burnn Any Feel-- No Joints- (in! Pam's“: Can't Leak Ga. 13 years dept 1 dablo service tion by great task. nr. Oliver tttres-ed the fact that the cross was, In the Roman would, the gallows. and that before Christ died upon it. He bore the gallows in His own heart. As Hig fonowerr,.the Church and the believer must 1130 bear the gallows in his heart. There ls domandwl real teacyifiee and suf- fnrlnz it His kingdom is to be uh" tended. -Tho West ot to day is diit"tsrs ent from the Wegt of the old dams. There was the Old West, the Ream West gnd the West of today. The Old West Is represented by the day of the explorer ard the fur tradep. The day of Missions among tthw- tern Indians were days of come: m- The Recent West was cliarartn:lz- mi more by settlement. especially of British stock. the folks from On'nr- in and farther East, from the U S. and from the British isles. During this period. Missions Were establish- ed among the settlers, and towns were beginning and developing. rail. ways were being built and life was passing from the pioneer and explots ing stage to that of agricultural and social conditions. The Modern West was a Wrst with its new problems and outlooks. The development .of the country was rapid and romantic and today we have to face the results of that growth. Population, agriculture. and Wealth and social life have increm- ui and that increase has brought the problems of to-day. Every second person in Saskatchewan is non-Anglo Saxon. with traditions and Mans that have not been such as we have re- ceived. Yet these people do desire to become Canadians and we have to face the problem that their presence and purposes present. We cannot im- pose upon them every detail of our "to. In their traditions and outlook, they have things to contribute and we should be willing to receive them and their contribution into our lite. They need our fellowship, we need to understand them. Sympathy. co- operation and fellowship is the de- mand of the peoples who have come to our Western lands, The plea of Dr. Oliver was for men, young men. strong men,-the best men to hold and win Western Cana- da for God and for Jesus Christ. The Life and the means of the Church to [any on to advance the work In the prairie provinces was shown. He The task facing the Church to-day is to provide religious services and Christian service to these peoples. Western Canada needs men on the frontier in pioneer settietnertta,.sourtg men. men of vision and of faith. Dr. Oliver indicated a new phase ot Western life when he said that he knew the East and most of the peop- le in the West today had known the East, but his boy did not know che East. Born in the West. educated in the West, without experience in Ontario and its life and conditions, the new generation knew only Wes- tern Canada. The students sent from our colleges that are due to leave their flelds, have never done better work than they rave done this year. but the fields they are leaving are being left vacant. iFis,r Furl“! m Rania» The Presbytt ry of Grey of the Cut. ftmt Church of Canada. which tttrd at Division St. Church, Owen Scum. on Sept. 20th, listened to an address by Rev. an. Oliver, M. A., Ph. D., min- ripal of St. Andrews Collage, Sanka- toou and one or the leaders of the church in Western Canada. erB' Alumina. C. RAMAGE & SON. mm und Pro- prietors. Mem ber Canada has had three "hsts" in her History Stirring address given to Prubyury on Western needs by Dr. Oliver of St. Andrew:' College, Saskatocn the missionaries to their Tenders are called for 0 supply an- other be escape add endcrs to or cot same will be tea by the under. sizm‘d at the Town on k's omen cm or before Oct. 6. " . spechicarions and information In bo soan at the Clnrk's once. Lo qt or any Fttalcr Mot necessarily no trn. Property orruiiittee, O. 8. MM. rhairmaa I l An interesting discussion follows-Ii ithese addresses and the presentation, of. the Presbytery Com. on Mainten- lance and Extension by Rev. J K. Peters, M.A. of Meatord. Our local lexpenditure to keep up our own lo: 1 2a! church work was stated in dis-t Ecussion. to return in benefit to our-i (selves. Giving really started Winn: |we gave to this fund. Within the iPresbytery enough had been given Ito organizations other than conned- ;ed with the funds to have. decreased lby halt our failure to reach the, :mark we had accepted. The presen- ltation of the need and the calls of the work impelled the Presbytery to, endeavor to raise by Dee. 3lst, the full year's allotment and to ace rt {the objectives for 1928. All an that we should strive to meet the Ivery real needs and to accept the [challenge of conditions. l 1 Queen M. S. B. had a program of rocltations and choruses by the pup- ils: Bible stories told by Mrs Groves. {mother of Mrs tRev.) Fiddls : and a misslomry story of little Korean |glrl by Mr Rees Ptuifieid. The hymns were illustrated by lantern slide; Earn 825 w kly up at home elite ping newspaper and addressing m velopes. No ca vasrinz. Every- Lhing fumished. 1tret or run time. Particulars tor It: . Gillies Mail- lng Service. Box 8, dncy, N. S." _ Pleased Mrs Richard Hopkins was able to leave the hospital Sundayand is staying for a time with her daugh- ter Mrs Waiter Ballvy. Mr A. Redford and "aCriitiir Eva. spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs R. Sharpe. Mr and Mrs Emle Calvert and m- tle daughter Katherine, Mrs Heughan and Mrs Currie. Sr. all of Toronto, were week end visitors with Mr Gen. Brown and other friends here. United Churches Held Rally Day Services Mr and Mrs Arch. MeDougalt with Mr Donald McKechnie and daughter Mary, attended the services in the Presbyterian church. Durham, Sun-y day and were also guests ot Mr Hats ry McDougall and family. I Mr Geo. Torry, Mr ROM. John am Miss Mary Torry and Wm Ellison or Markdaic, were visitors with Mr and Mrs Clark Torry Thursday. all taking in Hanover Fair in the afternoon. . _ Mr and Mrs Vern. Watt were the Rally Day Serrkes guests this week with the latter’s pur- ------- ‘ents, Mr and Mrs H. Weber. Sun/lay last was Rally Day in Knox‘ Mr and Mrs Jack Boyd, Glenmul- and Queen St. Churches when many en, were visitors this week with Mr or the parents, as well as pupils and, and Jas. Miller. teachers were present. Knox Sunday: ----_----- School followed the service 'We shall 36-9 Jesus" as prescribed in the 'll'lll ABERDEEN ular program. A Sunday Schooll Mr and Mrs Jno. Hopkins of Tob. choir rendered an anthem. Misses M.; armory, called on Mr and Mrs Herb Ko th and Kathleen Milne told stor-f Hopkins the latter part of the week. less. and Messrs Dr. Grant, John Ala-i Mrs LedIngham and daughter Elsie red and Rev. W. H. Smith delivered) ot town, visited at the McQunrrie addresses. Supt. H. J. Snell presided home. and it was an excellent service. 1 Mrs John Keyes, Walketton. is at Mr Gerald Brunt returns to his atudlea at McMaster University Mom day of this week. We hope he bass. successful year and this is the With of all hls friends. showed that the money needed was! but a null per cent of the money; LATONA Spent on either gum, totoeeo, candy Miss Annie Senate: of Owen Sound and such things Ind money tnnslat- spent the week end a her home in ed Into human life. sympathy and Glenelg. service was the can of the '"""t Mr Arehle McArthur last wcrk ance and Extension Md. purehtoed a new 30 h. F case, vmttltte. Mr and Mrs John McKinnon, Mr and Mrs Arch McKinnoh ard Har. ley, all of Walkerton. were Sunday visitors with Mr A. C. McDonald and family. Rev. W. H. Smith. B. A., of Dur. htun, the chairman of the Presby- tery, who had been to the meeting in Toronto, on behalf ot the Mainten. ance and Extension Fund, spoke of the place or the Church in the lite ot Canada and the need for the Church in the life of the people. To main- tain the work ot the chunk, we were face to face with inadequate funds. If the Church would rarre a twelve months’ b udget tor this part of the activities of the church by Dec. Mst. then we could meet the past emu-m diture. balance the accounts and go forward to maintain the work our“: Church, The anniversary services of Mulock Baptist church, will be held on Oct. 2nd. services at ll a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Rev. T. H. Richards. Hanover will take the services both morning and evening. Special music at both services. Mr and Mrs Wm Fulton attended Anniversary services: at Hampden Unim'i Church Sunday and were the guests of Mr and Mrs Hugh Fulton and Mr md Mrs Thos Derby. Mrs Wm Lunney returned home on Saturday after a pleasant holiday with Mr Geo. Lunney and family. of Toronto. Miss Tana Livingstone visited n, Sound friends in: week. Mr Cecil McLean, Camp Borden and Mrs Victor Canon. Grimsby and Mrs Chas. Moore. Durhnm. were ree- ent guests at the homes of Mr A. C. and Donald McDonald. TENDERS WAM'ED THE DURHAM REVIEW MULOCK the past few weeks visiting friends. Rally Day was observed in No 9 Sabbath School, it also being the um ening meeting for the season. Edge 'Hill Sunday School also traterutsed with them and were addressed by Mr Harold McKechnie, who kept the at- tention of the scholnrl on "We shall see Jesus,” expanding on the theme. git 1'“ much npprecinted. Mines C. Jacques, Ruby and Doris Lawrence for young tots, sang a trio nicely. (while Mina Domthy Arnett gave a recitation. Tenders to installing um air heating Iyuem In Durham Town Hall are being ed tor by the Prop erty Commuoe. Snowman: Rttd information can Seen It Clerk's om”. Tenders to In Clerk's of. Bee not later than S t. 30. Korea! or any lander not ”sadly " cipted. I Miss Minn Hargrave ha 'trom Toronto, where she the past few weeks was“. f Mr and Mrs Louis Wilmeyer and Mr and Mrs Fred Leeson. Chesley. Qspent Sundly with their brother, Mr. E. Pratt. l Miss Mary Andrews, Egremont. is _ spending a few days at the home of :her aunt. Mrs W. R, Watson. Congratulations and good wishes are extended to Mr Wm C. Watson and Miss Frederico Staples or Bilge Hill. who were married at the Queen St. Personae. Durham only Wed. needey an. and left on the morning train on . honeymoon to Damn. On their return. they purpose occupy- ing the groom’s “We form. while hls parents purpose moving to Dur- ham. The funeral of the late Mr William Campbell ot Chesley took place on Friday to baton: cemetery. Mr Camp- bell will be remembered by some ol the older residents as he taught school at Latona, in the old school. it brim: his firgt school. He Wits in his 83m year, and was a bachelor, living by himself in Chesley. Mr R. Wright, I. P. s., made his re- gular visit to the school on Monday and found both the work of teacher and pupils quite up to the standard. Mr and Mrs John Hnmuton spent Sunny with Mr and Mrs w. H. Hun- ter, North Egremont. Mr David Hamilton ls spending I few days around Holstein and taking in the World's Fair. Miss Mary Whitmore has left Toronto, where she will spend winter month. Mr Archie McArthur ltst work purchased a. new 30 h. p. case engine. Archie will use it both for threshing and for the mill. Rev. and Mrs. Mchlllam and two daughters visited with Mr and Mrs Rom. Manley on Sunday; also Mr G. C. Hawkins of Arthur. Mr Duncan McArthur and sisters spent Sunday afternoon with Joseph Young of Wilder's Lake. The school fair is to be held on Thursday of this week at Edge Hill Alt are hoping for a good day. Mr and Mrs Jack Caswell and rant- ily were visitors on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Earl Veggie. Miss Margaret McLean spent Mon. day eve with her mend Miss Corinne Lawrence. Mr and Mrs George Seams. Guelph. spent. a day this week with Mr Wm. Hm. Mr Wm. Crutchley of Detroit syn-m the week end at his home here. Mrs John Aldred. Durham. spun o, day recently with her friend, Mrs. L. McLean. Mr Bob Monley is busy on this line with his threshing outfit. Mrs John Keyes, Waikerton. is at present visiting with Mrs B. Davey. Misses Julia and Ten McLean'of Durham, spent the week end at the home of Hugh McLean. Walker. Mrs Bush, Muses Dorothy Dianne and M. Huck, Messrs W. Walker and H. Blllows. J. Taylor or Walkerton, also Mr C. Rudoplh of Hanover. Mr ma Mrs Cally. North Bay, 11-0- ently visited at the Davey home. A large number of young people gather in surprise party form at the home of Thou. Reay Friday Ind a moat enjoyable time was spent till the wee ema' hours. Mr and Mrs Ed Hopkins and daugh- ter, North Allan Park, Sundiyed with Mr and Mrs H. Hopkins. Misses Anna and Barb visltrd the Morrison family" the ttrest ot the week. Guests at the Lynn home at acorn and welner roast were: Mr and Mrs Wm Spitzlg, Mrs Bennlger. Mrs. ROCKY SAUGEEN TEdiitiriiiriFG GREEN GROVE TORONTO '0 “Mullins nm atr tem in Durham Town " ed tor by the Prop tee. thteefteatioeu, “a all seen at cures mien to in Clerk’s of. rr than S t. " Invent let not ”sadly u. T'tn'rry f mince Ptnts "rry Maxim-o o. B. Hunter. chairman t Hargrave has returned Barbara Smith ', Domoch, bu spent for the E Ohm. $70.56: a. nus: D. J ly. Wm Banks, d il my men for L','],',;,'.': Wm t? es Colin McArtl m, Beiemed, do, milk. Trustee-“sch“ n" t: With amount rm“... ',Petug---Hetr. lume- ...--. ‘W. J. Ritchie, Geo. Ritchie. White itreamr--P". Petty. Coll. Field grai- (_---ReE. manage. Shoal out: {rename gwinnlng tield In standing cmp com- (petitiots--Alex Herd, W. Mather, J.. tt 'Hamilton. Enallaxe corn-- Thomas gYoung. John McGirr. sunttower3---' iliord. J. W. McKechnle. Special. sh mars cont-James Burt. " Ln). ,,-_._.,. The General Rates County ' 8-10 nuns; 'Sundard. printing ac'ct from 11:20. 1927 to Aug. 6, advertising & Voters' ;Lisl. 8109: Sylvestq Martin. 2tambs, "killed by dogs, $20 '.. S. Mum. I sheep ttttd 2 lambs injured " ; Frank iHniey. 2 sheep killed $22 : Geo Mor- wood, 1 sheep and 2 lamb., killed, $M: Michael Burke 1 Shift“ killed. 89: Mal. Molnais. t inspection“ of sheep $3; S. H. Wright. 3 inspections sheep 84.50: H. H. McDonald, on salary. 850: may " Carried. Weppler - McKechnie: That the Reeve be authorized to Sign paymvm voucher No. 5 for road improve: ment as follows: Nichol“ Melonh. ip' sheet $8.40: H Minn“ m... union! on 1 sheep killed in Int. Carried. Bittck---wepoier.. That this cu make I grant of $25 to the eIgSchool Winner T.8.Cc Ari Representative. cum-m '; Met at Township Hall. Sept I), members present. Wm Weir. Reeve; Aeattrs Black, McKechnie and Weir pier, councillors. Minutes of last imeeting read and adopted. Bylaw No :69: adding 5 per cent to all taxes 'remmining unpaid after Dee. 20 in each year and ordering an: to be paid in Bonk: was passed: also itryiaw No. 693, "Current rates Mr 1927." Report was md from arbi. trators appointed by Min. of Agri- [culture he nppeol or Mr John O'Neil on amount of sheep clnim. I Btaetv--Mekeetmie.. That the tot. iiowing momma be paid : Mondale . ,-..-. . mule Liv- Ingstone. do, $28.10: Time Prlten.i " hours mperlntendlnx $11.90: Wm." T. Blown. wire fence bonus I13i, rods) 383.75: Canada Ingot "on Co..i repur- for under $1.20. Total 8367. n. thrrted. l, Werrkr--Btaeh.. Thu In IMAM- Mutton Jno Fall vim-t. white--" Mulnwu. John lie-Gin; J. C. Hamilton. PM! when. "sr-David Robinson. George Ritchie. Spring whoat---Regrrie Ram- m. Oats. short wtsite--dotus Morrk son. W. J. Ritchie. Geo Ritchie. Oats, long white --Aiex Herd. Barley, 6- rowed-ahttrid Robinson. George Bell. "a.o..._iagF inmate. Timothy treed-- Potatoes, white-TMS Petty, can mnnle. Swede turnips--Aier Herd, Reggie Ramase. Mangold “we! in- termrdiate--Ales. Herd. Mango“. a- By other-Alex. Herd. Sugar man- golds--Alex Herd. Coll. tieid nous-- Alex. Herd. . VEGETABLES Coll. vetretatrles--'rttos may. Mer. MY "b"-""""" -_VV,, - troldr---Aiex Herd. Coll. tieid mgr-E Mr and Mn Wm Futon, Mulm. ‘1 Ales. Herd. ‘wel'e Sundty visitors with Mr "t 1.. VEGETABLES IN“ H. Fulton. also Mission-x Pert, ',', Coll. veretabtes---'rhot' Putty. Mex.'; Knox Cm and Miss W. Ilium .1 Herd. sntsity---T. Petty. carmtowerl, (Renew. --Mrs, T. Davis. Thus. Petty. Cabhagtti Mr and In n Robinson, tion My. early---' W McKechnle. Arthur Rio-i ur ttnd dluxhwrs Alma and “orul'n. Donald. Cabbage, winter-Mrs GIIIM of Edge m" “we Sunday “show "t McKecimle, Reg. Romans. Cnrrols.. the home ot "his Mammy Hm”. Iontr---Reg. Ramnge. Carrots, short-5 '"',1Atfl'12 service Pmday. horn-- Mrs W. Cllrk. Thou. Young.1 M,',',.'",",',,,,','.'",',,.'"','.",'. Peer and Mi- Carrots, intermediate-M. C. Hamlin"; ore with Mr i% “I: mi??? In.) Mrs T. Davis. Radish“. wtuter--T.l, Mr and Mes 'r/iii' ii.", “M“! 2terc)or."1'L,'t"otlt: J.'",t.1tgt) sons vlslteii with n-imds ":Ci'.";c,,r,' re - . ' . . . ';" Fons-t meant! l . ., Beets, tomr---Mrt' W. E. Bom'tte. Tar-l ---- l nip beets--1 C. Hamilton. T. Young.‘ 'H Onions from seed-Mm Gllb McKech-f CRAWFORD Me. T. Young. Silver skin onions for) picktitttr--Thos Yoyte"o..onP'.1 (Intended for I.“ week) -Thos Petty, Arthur McDanIld. Mul- tiplier onions-Mrs Alex McCormick, T. Petty. Onions from sun: or tor 3-- Geo Bell. Mrs J. B. Strain]. Squash. tttuh-Alex Herd, Thos Petty. Vett. etable marrow-Mrs T. McGlrr. Yel- low pumpkims--Alex Herd, Mrs T DI- vls. Tabla turnips--Aler. Herd. Mrs Gilb. McKechnie. Table eorn--Mrts. W. Clark. Cttrons-t Petty, Chm-Me McAlister. DAIRY 20 m cmck ttutter-leo. Bell, J W McKechnie. 10 lb crock butter-Geo Bell, Geo. Ritchie, Mrs A. Anderson. 5 lbs butter in lb printtr--Mrs A. Am derson. Alex. Herd. 2 lbs butter-J. W. Mekeehnie, Geo. Belt, Mrs A. An- derson. '20 lbs. butter (Simpson's trpecut0-George Ritchie. DOMESTIC (BAKING) White bread-Mrs he Nichol. Mrs! Ion Murray. with Mr and‘ Mrs Will N. Whitman. Brown ttread-MN., Campbell nnd sons Cttartie and ltalym Wolfe, Geo. Bell. Bread. Pine Tree; vtgtted Sunday at the home of r M. tiottr--Geo. Ritchie, Mrs Wolfe. Bread! Clocklln at Zion. white nut or fruit-Geo. Bell. Bream! tThia week'l human) brown. not yentrt-- Mrs 118. Nlchol,1 . Mrs Mollnlth. Fancy btmtr--Mm 'ro-, o."g,,tg',,dg Ai,d"12t'gb,r".tcv, bin, Mr! W Bourne. Tea ”Wilts-'5 vislted on Sunday with Mr and v . Geo Blame. Mrs N. Whitmore. Gra- H. McDougul, Durham. ham metttir--Mm Mellralth. Mrs. Mt“; Saturday viBitors It the hom, o' Crae. Commeal mttttutts-Uohtt MG; Mr ind In And. Hnatie were Mnmd Girr, Mrs Mch. Tm: (butter)--- Mn Butch-m. non: Head and w Mrs A. Anderson. Mrs Dam. Tarts.! Ford. Mrs Gordon Eocleq, Miss lit., tletiy)--Mn, McCrme. Mrs W..Cllrk. Pearson and Mr: Arch Brown w Sponge eake--Mrt, Moth-um. Mrs Me-, Hanover. Crae. Angel cake-Mrs Mche.Mrsi - Blanche Boyce Sp?!” law Durham Fair hire [it tr, Jim -iicoik. Buttfto.er3-' . J. W. Mekeehtsie. Special. sl eonr--gtun" Burt. FIELD ROOTS McArtlmr. lie: ass-5.15 '. ed. "o. $31.21: Lorne (Continued " I I." II.“ - r----- - . - mt from this r, am - "I. h Hum-er last F'rldr, ' white-David Robin“. attaqtdB= (I. M. . rtrtt MP.arae It. 690. Sharpe ttrn Mi, ' J. C. Hamilton. lgmtet M . ' _. ' Mt. - Slturduy pm. David Robinson. George on: -. "M”. h . --Reggie Rum-t . ere. Nntr wheat t Dr am and! In Mar-mu, 7mm. short white-John Morrri m week etttf MBitora at t'i,',i,"C" meme. Geo Ritchie. 0-18. m we here. ' ' ' -.Aiex Herd. Barley. . In we“ is to be , d Robinson. George ma. [Med on winning g few J/ “(3'3“ Mmage. Timothy geed~ than at main-1 an. . he. Geo. Ritchie. White [an a... may $t Sunday hare , Petty. Coll. Field 3114“ my auto: ptrked at a. tl',',',,',',..',' ae. Shea! oats rmmpriu_lu1nx service: But due to it be“. i in standing crop COMP MVOI‘IH'." day, visitors hulls/i /ii2 ' --- -e_s.__.s.. ' " m patta--rhters' Edge Hill, Durham 3 New, clerk ls: “muffin; )toest mto In accord .. That In lccord. ot Government Ars 'dl It mm " oi. necnnle: That the ed to sign paymuut for road imtrrovrr Nicholas Melon, H “ML my Fslst,tid,.P,!5'e:l!l Ltd 8) May Liv. i Mr and In Sam Balk-3 and m. Ed. Bdley went West on the Hurwu tem' excursion. We wish thvrn .1 l plenum mp. ( Mr and Mn F. Twink-y and H-m lion Murray. with Mr and Mrs Will , Campbell Ind Ions Charlie and Rama i, vuited Bunny at the home of r M: i Clocklln at Zion. E Mia. Blanche Boyce spenv {as iytt? with her cousin. was stsn» ladlnghun, Domoch. I The Oct. meeting of the Craw'ori ' W. M. B., will be held In the church iwhon a speck] maker will drllur fin mare“. Everybody welcome - - 'V - V v“. U" I o _ “I". tttms-artsy. Tut t,ty'yiiiiiai, Marla] work Wat, Tomato ttad Hanover, In RA. Kenn-M. I mturm-d min-aim; lry from Km, spoke both nmnmm and may to In attentive IUIHNII’U' no mm mr the following run; tntt m a for! supper wlth numbw, of a. musical and vocal omit-r 1.0.: mm Knox Htoir and the Hwy”. ertette, Hanover: a solo by M. l W. Clark an! a recitation by Mis, r,,' Mellvdde ot Knox Corners arl Ir, T Nettie Byers. tween! visitors n the home of Mr. and Mn Ina. White war.- Mes, / Med and Pete Wulker nnd ttw Mi, MM many Bowling and Netta [but may. Tomato. .__,. overturn: worl Civil Romeo. Fraction Methods 3min! Cum hr Pam 80m ,h_L. - In A. Brown. Cheek-y, is HWY)” ing this week as the guest or Mrs A Rude. Mr and Mrs Edgar Boyne and two Ions, Beverly Ind Bruee, ”tenth-1 the leDould-Flddis nuptials may . ler Sum-day. It uni Mn A. Mcmmll. with Mr D. IoKechnle and (banner Marr, P visited on Sand-y with Mr and v, H. new. Durham. Mr - and Miss ktMe BMW?) visited Homily with Mr and Mis, M,' Klnnon. Chester. “In Edith Brown Ind Mr Tan!» " Cheney. were Sunday visitors m 11,-- home of Mr And. Hastie. ll You - In." any in! 6:th Mm Idlvldul In!!!“ enables Min to but: 3 our» at uly LIMP in This security sate gran”: the investor against loss through the guarnntee of all collateral deposiud with the Trustees under issue of the bonds. A lure 7 1( income without the word" incidental to ordinuy investments. WRITE. PHONE or CALL FOR PARTICULARS P. RAMAGE SEPT. 29. I927 with Guaranteed Security ncome Tainan. - Bantu. hum ml Irv: - PRICE Mr Ed Hoes: “on and moth for htm at the. Danny rm: 6sherton F" Gravel. The IMOSMu-n- "der%rt.v. We um: er much mon- a', “liner We ha” ‘ Near Allan MN I” and min-r t-eoeed up Sundm parents. Mr and Mr Ian. Hum (or McDonald Mr Bobs hurl. Tom Aldeom'u. Tinmalling y on direction and The: Cu OI tho Norm the Durham ' Ills 3r L: Sale will (l Custom Cho Best Qualiu Get our Pric: hs Always Taken Royal "our-eh'" Majestic Hour " Canada l‘lnm Kin Edwam n M Hour. pet Putty [Noun '21 “In "our. Iw Marie In; I’lo' Plum Prid" Pl J. S. MclLRAlT! 00008 DELIVERED IN Alt Are weil HORSE RACES. LII WAY, SPLfNLIU PM SCHOOL FA'R. Many other \urauim Phone or writ: for Pr BOY0 FORTH“ f. Thursday, Oct. 6th, 7t ulTCHFORD'S CALF CUNN'I BIG 60 BEEF HENDERS until Sat. SEPT. 29. 1927 We wish to JOHN THE PE PRICEVILLE g t intend b Owen Support y President M THIS IS I 0C

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