Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 11 Aug 1927, p. 1

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ICED n mi picnic of the season-tttig time at thr' Plat Roth, east of MtCoWall'a Mill Darn. There was a good repro- vrntation of members out and the aftemoon was spent in picnic gnaw: and diversions. The gathering how. ».ver was made to bring together 9.0- ;nembon to honor three departing workers. all teachers the past er .I' Durham Public School. Mrs. It. "anon. President. addressed tho 'adiws in question. Misses Sadie Me. Honald and Fina Browning. Mists lunalda. Mcrhtchertt being the oth. ‘r young lady honored. but who was not able to be present. Mrs Catton ”(prayed the regret ot the gathering at their removnl from their midst and of the esteem in which they were held by nil present. Xian. Jenn Hepburn nnd Mary McKee-ante etepped fol-wad " an Iowan-lute time end on hehnlt of the Society presented In: McDonald with silver eantmqttekt, end blue and cold enn- dies nnd Minna Browning and Me. Enehern with mm chinn an). and - respectively. The re- cipients were “My taken by MA each ,m the - as made for the other. But both Mad their voices and node . um- nblo reply. A My picnic supper was enjoywl by " but unusual“ min cloud: broke the “that!“ up and“: than intend“. She ascended the throne on June 20. {M37 and at the eomnatlon a medal unl an onnge was given to each v'hlld at school as a memento of the occasion. Hts; \‘ollet's hunt. tho we Mrs Geo. Isaac. was a 7-year rld tot golnx to school In Plymouth and always kept the medal. though oerhars at the time she valued the orQutw? more than the medal. One An Hi‘oric Victorian Modal I Miss Sarah vollet in town has it rare keepsake. being a medal struck at the coronation of Queen Victoria, which took place on June In. 1838.. She ascended the throne on June 20.! we? and at the coronation a medal "it!!! has the young Queert's prohlo, the other shows crown. sot-pt"! and the date Miss Vonet prizes the tit. tle article. a reminder of the begin. an; of the longest reign in British history. Rommbcrod ttepartirttt Mambo" The Young Ladies" Auxiliary or inox United Church held their see- Enlarging Plan! It has been an open secret for rtome time that o. S. Hunter has tren making such a success of buy- ing and oporting clover seed that tis warehouse West of the C.N.Il. nation. has become much too small. yn-nrdinxly this week. Mr Hunter is iavlng a new addition built 8x20 tt.: .ml to be used as a dust room. ee) mil Mr Hunter nor-ind over 15 tonsl Ir seed every day whiletmcklng was possible and only last winter on ad- uition. It by 40 ft. was put to thel original building. nu. A postal rmm her en route to 'his city says: "Lust night on the 'oat Tre passed thousands of cariboo .atd two wolves so I felt we certainly were in the wilds of Canada. We rave just returned from the gold wines and I had in my hands $2000 worth of gold but it was too heavy D Cc. Unit to be "crammed anrnoch: M. Vase) Friday owe-hing of this wet Lit-um McIntosh. C. New sCarlson. Hanover, will be In town to' son, Schlldroth. lea u-nrxanize the local militia and winl autumn), Dorothy mmnwnc» drilling manouvres. Swat! Byers. Wilson has had the Armory going; Durham: L. Hind, through a ttousstleaninit in prepararlD. McIntyre, L Me lion lor the future aclhilies and now L. Hunt, Jean Hepl .ro-srnls a wry creditable appear-‘30, Daisy Mather, l .nw, I Umpire. L. A. Me New Car Or n We are tak orders for the new Ford model. All rders will be tttted in rotation. Nor r deliveries ex- u Ned anon. , her duties as: nurse in Albany NA. Miss Fnorettee MeUvHde. teacher 1 S. S No. It, Normanby. Is enjoying yr wrstu‘n trip to the full. She has :ma- as far as lmwsun City in Alas- ’M New PM We. " Work has started on the excavat- ing for the new Post OtBee and be- lore long the long {on want will he tilled. " is to be a one~storey vim hue-mm! ttttair and no doubt uplo- uate in emeieney. Mrs F. Goodchlld entertained the Queen Street Minion Band " her home. when a splendid afternoon of gamma and other spons were arrang- Radio my»: on the Gen '00 [mist and dema genuine Ford Hm. Spurious par are dangerous. Ve stock nothing bu the genuine. Smit Bros. carry, so left it there bheult suppL of P.atteries, tubes. :0. in stock. N batteries will be who“! in all " in town with no um tharzr for ht r. VOL. L, NO. 32 The postponed Pets-Bit Cats mm- in Durham Softball League will w plade FYidayevening on the High r-hool grounds. and the Brst Mal er Tuesday orJ'hurs. of next week Smilh my Ford Salve: d 'rd"'iirhi StuNI "FIN Armory going; ’mumm: L. Hind, P. McDonald, A, ml Some» ktlt Bil-per diririiri; ii" litgver Boy -iiiii" a _§Durham GIs Won iiiii'i' i'.!ack IIs Domoch ll. (1 Church in Motor Accident; in United Church League I 1234567mml . inomoch 101436116 Durham 214730x17 I 1li'll1')'l1.. M. Vasey, H. Vasey, Rota k Lit-Him McIntosh. C. McLean. Stella David- torn l?, son, Seltildroth, Jean udlngham, S. Three or four ball games were in progress during the altemoon at one time, at one of which a picked mixed team from the Sunday School down- ed the choir 8 to 2, in a good nine-in- nings contest. The tug of war was a big attrac- tion after supper. Two ten men teams Were captained try Ezra Schepk and Frank Murdock and on tirtt pull the rope broke ard all dropped with a thud. It wu knotted togther and two each side dropped. whereupon Schenk's eight pulled the others owe. Children's races were numerous and A" winners were rewarded. An In- teresting nee wu the school teach. ens. when eight entered in two raven ot (our ouch. lines Amen: Me Kechnie and My Mattter were tha two winners and in a meddling heat, between then two. the latter breez- Annual Knox Church Picnic in picnic mood. The place chosen this year was the grove near Hutton Hill school. quite a nice place. abun- dance of shade, a tield near by avail- able for games and all went merry as a marriage bell. There was no platform program no srenklng or mu- sic. but what with ball games. races, tug of war. swings, etc, there was a tine time until the ladies gave. the signal and there followed a hen” time as they discussed the abund mt provision made tor the inner nun. Thursday afternoon ot last we.; saw a large turn out of members and adherents ct Knox United Church,an V. McLean. G. McCrae. E. McGuir- vray. M. McFadden, C. Mitchell. M. Moftatt, G. Noble, M. Noble, D. Pick. ering, M. Proudley, L Reay, J. Ren. wick, A. Ritchie. D. Ritchie, l) Rott. inson. C. Rowe, H Ryan, W .Smith. A Taylor. C. Traynor, L Whitman. R Wiggins. Harold Wilson, Hazel Wilson. Lower Sch. Promotions, D.HS. From F'orm " to Form ur C. Anderson, R. Adlam. h. Arm”. bl Bailey. N. Gagnon. E. Hunter. I. Keller. M. Kelsey, E. Marshall, R. McFadden. H. MCAutitte, CMcCulloch F. Moon, B Murdock. C Rowe, R Tin- ianov. F Vollett, M Watson. E. Willis From Form I to Form " I. Alan. M. Amstrong, E. Rain]. A. Bell. L. Bell, T. Bell. N Burnotn. n. Clare. D. Firth, c, Glass. 1. an; son. E. Aamiintt, G. Hay. E. Hill, h. Hopkins A. Holmes. N. Lowe. N. Meintyrr, F McArthur. C. McLean. Mr Dan McGrath, Wimamtrtord, made a capital chairman for the pro- gram which followed. a varied and interesting one. The Highland Pipe Band of Owen Sound gave a couple tine selections and Racher's orches- tra two snappy numbers at the clam. One of the best dancers We haw semi D. McIntyre. L McComb, M. Brown, L. Hunt, Jean Hepburn. Jack Lam 30. Daisy Mather, Wallace Hepburn. l'mplre, L. A. McLean During and after the game the loaded supper tables were Burrotttul- ed. and the choke viands rapidly disappeared, still there was ample lot' all. First of the evening was the ball game between Dornorh and Durham mixed ball teams. In 7 innings Dur- ham won 17-16: they had assumed a good lead in 3rd and ith aided by iiomoch's poor tieHintt then. but al- most threw it away in the 6th when wild throwing and ham hitting wave Domoch 6 runs. Domoch ttdded l in the 7th which tell Just 1 shot ot' tying the score. The crowd was there from all par-s of the county and perhaps beyond. Durham was strongly represented and mum- were present from Chataworth, o. Sound, Cheney. and Markdule lo. calities, as Well as the entire migh- borhood. Smith's Delco lighting sys- tem brightly illumined the ground;. The big annual garden party held under the auspices of the Women's Catholic League or Domoch R. C. church Tuesday evening was a pro- nounced success and fully maintain- ed the record of preceding years. A m-owd ot 700 or 800 was present,whn swarmed over the well-kept grounds at the rear of the church, among the various booths, enjoyed good eats, a good program and a tine dancing platform, with Rachel-'9 peppy r-r- chestra from Hanover supplying the music: (Continued on pan- 5) iiht iiitit ttttttttit Btgittt Schafer. Ethel his when.“ 'rortofPtttnerston,mo. tored up Wednesdny afternoon for their unit's [new on receiving word that morning, but unfortunately ttrs Heed hero too late. Mrs. Bone'l daughter. Mm. And. 31ch and non Jim ot Toronto, attended the Men! and will rennin a week with her motion In. Car. Mrs Harvey was a good neighbor and friend, and many neighbors were attentive to her in her declining years She was. a great tiower lover. Me was brought up ln the Chunk of Eng- land, but in health frequently attend- ed the Baptlst Church, end the ma- tor, Rev. Jun. Taylor, conducted the funeral service " 1.30 Wednudny ab ternoon. Interment was made in Deceased was eighty-four years of age, and was born in Maryborough. Quebec, ‘er maiden name being Eliz- abeth Tyndall. After her marriage there, they removed to near Price. ville. and about any years ago moved to Durham. where she has since re- sided. Mr. Harvey died hers twenty. three years ago last February. Those ot their children surviving are: Mrs W. Bone (Kate), Toronto; Nat. of Burlington; Wm. ot Toronto; Mrs. Dr. Lewis (Alice). Saratoga Springs. N. Y.; Mrs. Wilson (May) of Hamil- ton. Another son John, who resided in Durham, died four years ago. Twelve grandchildren and four great- grandchildren also survive. At her home here at midnight on Monday, the spirit of Mrs Chas. Har. vey took its ttight. Four months ago Tuesday she took a paralytic stroke, since when her daughter Mrs. Bone has tenderly cared for her. Last Wednesday her mind became unbal- anced. and Saturday noon she fell into a deep sleep, from which she did not. awaken. " Bros. and employees, they having closed that afternoon as a tribute of mspect to a respected fellow work- men. Before the remains were forwarded to Durham, a service was held in Humphries' undertaking parlors. Tor. onto, which was attended by manyot the Durham Club there, and by Crev- Mastgrsont Guelph Mr Ralph Brunt was the second son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Brunt of Hanover. and was 26 years of ake. He was manager of abank in Detroit being ucclaimed one of the youngest bank manaxt-rs in the States. The remains were btougltt home Tuesday. Residents of Hanover were sudden-f A large crowd of about 200 witms-; ed on Sunday morning, by the ttewtt' sea the game between Durham ana' thttt Mr Ralph Brunt, a former WW“: Hanover giris here Friday night.i lar lifnovel‘i'iwyi has: '"iel,l.meal I)“; which Durham won 25 to 13. The; amoor aceten. r r ' on: . qBWF . " . with his uncle. Dr James McGeagii.f:;u::lse t',21',/"1',,.',f t2 3:: JJ, "11:5: ot Detroit. were in a Packard coupe; . q ' . . , .i owned and driven by the latter ”awnings with 9 inns each when th"yl were on their way to Hanover to ;,l.§combined heavy hitting with ionic, tend the dedication of the ceme4,vr.v!tteldintr by the. visitors. Florence‘ memorial gates. 'Mt-Donaid and Daisy Mather Were the) The accident happened about ninei lrtuiing swatters, the latter also main; o'clock on Saturday evening, Aug. (Hing a feature. catch. M. Koenig was when they were about 20 "tiles tnisiHunover's best hitter. ' side of Sarina. They crashed into alscore by innings; i PrP". containing some rare math! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7mm; met"): ",l',hr'ttJ,t,1 "le, ,t,"'i'i'i',tr, flt Durham 9 " 0 9 l 5 l 25 I out pan s I. e car vet ur . o ' ' " Mr. Brunt striking the side ot 'lltiiHenorer , 2 ft 6 I " I 13 i head against some heavy machinery. Durham: FCllen Hay, r.r.; L. Hind' and receiving such serious injuries p.; C. McCulloch, C, 3rd; P. hiciion-~! that he passed away three hours la, aid. 3.5-: D. Mather Lt.; G. Baird}; tet'. Ur. McGeaglt escaped with mi I1st; v. Mervyn, c.i.; s. Mecunoo,,l, no; injuries and a severe shaking up.13rd, e; Mary Brown. 2nd. I] Tht. cur is totally wrecked. The wa-l Hanover: v. Peppler, W. Booting} 3:111:31?! '"'1t'l/e" me f/"ve."it,tr"t,iry: Peppier, M .Miiis. v. Weiidort'. M.i: Kilt. ' ,triv o . ., , p, wagon was thrown into the ditch, but (tCII M. Moon, P. Brunt. FI ' escaped unhurt. It is said one ot'the Ti . i horses was killed. - te win gives Durham 3. clean” MRS. CHAS. HARVEY THE ROLL CALL 2p] DURHAM, THURSDAY. AUGUST ll, 1927 With which is unwanted the "tatetn Lean H .8 arttt' or their cousins. In 11¢le and Mn MePtteratnt My. Min Jean human, Toronto. I: spending a. couple or week- with Mrs Geo. Campbell ot town. Mrs Alex Kennedy of Toronto an! daughter Selina, waned last week with Mr and Mrs Walter Ewing. Bun. esun. Mlss Selina is remaining nor this week. Mr Wm Podd ot Rochester spent the week end at Mr Walter Ewing's. Bunesun. Mus Dora Helmkny of North Bay Collegiate sun. was the guest or her sister. Mr: W. R. Alder for the shower tendered mu McDonald at the lotter's home Tue-day night am! with the Atderu motored to Toronto Wednesday. Mrs Hematock of Hamilton and Miss Nettie Daniel, nurse of Ann Arbor, Mich., are visiting their sister Mrs J. N. Murdock. his own son John from the same province. Archie fumed near Lum. sden for some time but gave it up and has now chute of an elevator. He is meaning in a few days and looking for a big crop to handle, it the frost allows. Mr and Mrs Jagie. Toronto. trpenta few days with Mr and Mrs Ben Coutts, Bentinelr. Mr John A, Ferguson, Egmunnt, has had the pleasure for a Week qr two of entertaining his brother Arch. ie, from Beatty, Sash, as well as Mayor and Mrs Murdock were down in the Niagara Dist. Sunday. at the opening ot the new Peace bridge. Miss Blanche and Miss Nettie Daniel returned with them. Mrs Walker and three children of Toronto, are visiting at Messrs Ben Coutts', D. Chmlcks' and with other Benunck relatives. Mrs J. E. Mantel has returned to her home in Tllsonburg after apleas- ant visit at the old home in Clem-lg Centre. Mr and Mr Geo. W. Parslow, Hope- ville, Ont, announce the engagement of their elder daughter, Elan Annie, to Mr Wm. J. McLeod of Lamhton Mills, son of Mr and Mrs Neil Me. Lead, Swinton Park, the marritMrero take place the latter part ot August, Hanover does not have to import thrill makers any more, for it has its own "human tiy." On Saturday night Mr Bill Herr}. the local steeple jack. climbed up the cement race of the Knechtvl ramory, three and a half stories high, before an enthusiastic crowd of citizens. repeating the act by climbing down again. By trimming \Valkerton 5 to I in a good league lacrosse fixture here last Thursday, Durham Midgets (-lnchud the District championship. They will next meet Fergus. who it seems, had a. setni4inal bye, before the finttts in? eonteated. Hanover has its own 'Human Fly' Valves ground, a n cleaned. car. buretor adjusted, an ignition mor- hauled: labor $3.00. pa extra. This offer will expire Sept. I Don't .112- lay: act Now. Sm Bros. Durham Midgets District Champs. Lost. -- In rham, on Tuesday, Aug. 2nd. " In bills. Reward upon finder leaving 8 e at Review Office Special to Ford A nan. Keep Srpt. " and 19th open for Varney Anniversary and Fowl Sup Durham Hanover Holstein (defaulted) The win gives Durham 8. ole-an sheet ttnd right, to enter semi finals in the United Church league. Their first semi final will probably be Ut??" week. The final standing is Hanover: V. Peppler, W. Booth M. Peppler, M .Mills. v. Waldorf, M, Kcettitt, M. Moore, P. Brunt, Fl Wright. 12 3 4 5 67mm Durham ' " 0 9 l 5 1 23 Hanover 3 2 0 6 I " I l.", Durham : Ellen Hay, r.r. ; L. Hind p.; C. McCulloch, c, 3rd; P. Menon, ald, 5.5.; D. Mather Lt.; G. Baird. lat; v. Mervyn, c.l'.; S. McCulloch, 3rd, c; Mary Brown. 2nd. ran an on RENT ut. Aprtr lo ll7 P. Won Lon convenien- ""0 'qlt,iMetrd t motor trip of con- tridemMr but 4000 mm since leav In; home on the 14th Jun. Mr and In Alb-s. Detroit. (nee to Her b: Mr and Mrs James McClocIdln and three children ot Toronto, m holl- day/1n; with his parents. Mr and Mrs E. T. McClocklln. After spending the or six weeks very pleasantly with nhdvn 1nd friends u "amatr, Human and Anton. Mr “(In It. H. McNaught- 1'1ed,.1ttttitttsrsettiGtG7e"U Mr and Mn Harper McGirr and Infant daughter, ot Detroit, are spending a couple of weeks with his punts and other rehtlyea here. Miss Isabel Kelsey has passed her probationary term at Woodstock Gen- oral Booms! and in now I. ttttl-ttmu. ed _nrtrue4ttArainintr. Mr and Mn June: Mecioeuin and Wednesday for a few week? holiday Mrs Wm Wright and daughter Mary of Hanover, and latter's friend. Miss Smith of Detroit, visited Friday with Mrs Wm_ Veggie old daughter Mamie Mr and Mrs John MeAulitte. and Mr and Mrs Gem Amen. all of Detroit. came to they hope in Upper Town Thou. Farr accompanied her over. Miss Janet Kerr returned Tuesday Mrs Isabel Simpson I- on a Halt to Mrs Irving Anderson, Glenelg. and other titetydtt and will visit Tllson- burg tad Toronto before returning to her home in Vancouver. B. C. Mlsa Margaret Farr of Kincardine is visiting with the Misses Hughes this week. The two sons of Rev. MISSPS Armena and Islay Mekech. nie left Tuesday to spend a couple of days at the Educational Congress in Tommo and thence leave for a two weeks' holiday trip down the St, umncc to Quebec and Ottawa. Mr Geo. Weir cf Collingwood and; sister. Mrs Noble Wilson of Wine: ton, Sash were welcome callers at: the Review Ottiee Friday last. his-.3 Weir was a one-time school mate or, ye Editor's wife in old S. B. No 13., Egremont. under the tutelage ot our half brother, the late Alexander 'res/l, gluon. Mr Weir Informs us that Mr T. J. Morrison has exchanged his, 300 acre farm at Batteau, near Coi-' lingwood, for an unto-date span- ment house in that town. , Mr and Mrs Linweiver of Strat-l ford. Were guests over the wek mm with Mr and Mrs J. W. McKechnie. l Mr and Mrs Rom. Petty of souris/ Man. have been visiting around "rl scenes of the farmer's early you”: in Knox, Normanby section. It is W, years slnce last East and twenty years since he shook Ontario dun, for the West. They are doing xuis' trip by motor and purpose visllitugl Mrs Petty's people at Uxbridge ami'; Cobalt. ere returning home. i Miss Jessie Campbell of Orangu- vine, visited in Durham Friday lust and the Revlew was pleased to have a call from her. Miss Jesasle my; a former popular resldenl of Swinton Park. Rev. John E. Bell, of Brookdale, Mam. arrived in Durham by motor on Friday last and with Miss Mary Mellrailh, will be principals in an interesting event today. Thursday. , Mr and Mrs Chris. Peulmw of ‘Detroit, are visiting for a week or ,' two with the latte's mother, Mrs H. 1 l Armwamlth. Mrs Thos. McGirr, Misses Marwari et and Chrissie, are in Toronto tlus, week, where they will attend on! Wednesday. the nuptials of son and: brother Emest, to Miss Olive Fox oi. that city. Miss Chrissie will act as: bridesmaid for the occasion. I . . . F l . . o.' Good (How Honey at luv u pound Dr .and Mts'Cnin were guests '0'; The home at Mrs. ye: R. Alli. I} in bulk. Itrin your ow" "mum,” Mr and Mrs Walter Porter over Sun on fuesday evening, “as tinothet m and have them "eel while it “h” urday, while en mute hn up in gaunt these gatherings, set to snap- the in; . s'. Ste Marie from their 1""'esm"o"i?fg,e"dtot."tiat Ji,',' 3:53:33) “In WM. A. , ”mu.” trip. _ -r _ ' . "t Countrt't Ft., Durham . ' . ' Sadie McDonald carried the blush ol Mrs Thos. McGirr, Misses Marmot-I surprise all evening” She was at 'r-e------,--,-.--..- et and Chrissie, are in Toronto tl'"': friend's home and by telep'none was h week, where they will attend ""f casually invited over to the Alan:- Wednesday. the nuptials of son and home tor a. short time. She mu M) brother Ernest, to Miss Olive. Fox oi ; and on entering the home, the piano that city. Miss Chrissie will act mi and members struck up the chums; bridesmaid for the occasion. "Here comes the bride." " was no, . . ' Rev. John E. Bell, of Brookdale.’ small ordeal to face a battery of ly Arinq containers and Man., arrived in Durham by motor; $111113. f,t,fl'i,,/t'kt ",l'g.,','yC"'//.t pick your own. _ ' i . Marc, T ' . , on Friday “at and with Misa .1 1" l in before the guest of the euninz, ttc tt lb Memaith, will be prinelpal._ 1n ani and in it carried tangible good wish.) Interesting event today. Thursda}. (es of those present and others not), No children under ’1 Miss Jessie Campbell Ol Orange-l able to be there. The verses uccmu _ trllowed to ick ville, visited in Durham Friday test; panyintr the ttttts were read by tho' _ p . Ind the Review was pleased to have, bride elect and caused much men-l-' m . 1 call from her. Miss Jessie was a: mom. later telegrams were I'et' ' i PICKING Friday, August ttth former popular resident of Swinton ed from such illustrious petsOtmnus , park (y Premier G. H. Ferguson and Hon.’ "esday, Aug. l6tit Mr and Mrs Robt. Petty of Semis! John Dliver of B.C.--the mrmet 'Yi Friday, Aug. i9th Kan. have been visiting around ‘hei pvessintr regret at the lotus Ontario ts, :cenes ot the farmer’s early mum. 'i"lf.t.,'rt,reg'grh for]; d7."e.it,y"c'. w J n Knox, Normanby section. lt is up other welcoming her to ll. C IA em _ m. “quest "ears since latst East and twenu ial time was on andnenr the clan ul ' "earg since he atsook Ontario "yr, the evening the hostess servev' m. l Phone 6ll, r 3. or the West. They ere doing lins‘i'ee and light refreshments. ( k. Mr and Mrs T. Moon, McFadden] and Miss Kathleen left Friday last for Windsor, where they will Haj") summer cottage life with Mr ledlu. dmggist of that city. Mr and Mrs Wlll Buchan, Dunn- vote, are holidaying for a time with relatives here. Mrs J. C. Howell ve- turned with them after a few week's holiday there. Mr and Mrs James H. Coleridge and daughter Miss Jean, of Toronto. were on a motoring trip through E:- remont, vieiting relatives and friends last Week and visited from Friday to Monday with the tox'nu-r's sistvr. Mrs C Ramage. A tasty lunch was served the p,ctilr nan] wing and as the ohhtct or their this» sion was accomplished surwesu:rully, F-.- they left for their several homes Accompanying the girls w1sich were brought in below thc l-ridvlo- be, in clothes basket and run-ms. wagon. Were witty and charming verses, tendering good advice. Thum- wen- read by Miss Chrissie MOI-Hr. That the honored guest enjoyed a lurgw and favorable friendship wi'la the nobility as well as "ettrs$tnlti, was evident, Judging by several lo-la- grams of congratulations she merit- ed on the occasion ot her approam- lug marriage. I Miss Mary Melimith was [Magnum 'tc the home ot Mr Ind Mrs Thos. [L-nderson on hidny night last. all 'uuruspecting ot the trap laid for "ter. On entering the round abut” thirty five friends who were pl'PSt-ill Io t'rertsortaily extend good wishes a la the kitchen my and she went to her own home later that evening supplied with an almost complete as- somuent of kitchen cookery utensils --'vtte tolling pin that Jiggs' Maggi-- wields so successfully being in mi dence. But apart trom this our L'iitit' this piece of kitchen furniture has always had an honoruble existeuct_ an! plus an important role in hot: Aa- hold economics. I S. McBETH Willians' Luxury Silvio: Cm I. Inge tube. . . . . .Jsc Milty’sSbaviagCreau............... ........35c ColonialCthm- """'".'..o.............. Soc Shaving Sticks. Sun, Basie}, Straps. Rum. Etc. WiLUAMS AQUA VELVA . The ”Semitic “Mullah; prepontion...50c bottle The Royal Bank u of Canada Showers for the Bride Durham Branch . Punt-mud Weekly In 3200 I vent In "mnre " cm 'btntrt 32.50 I year tn advance. ll. WAGE & DON. Plinth"! SHAVING REQUISITES J. A. Rowland, Manager RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO liknlBlili's lkag Store; Bring containers and pick your own. llc a lb No children under 't'2. allowed to pick. PICKING Friday, August lllh Tuesday, Aug. loll! Friday, Aug. mm Drums: and Buckner Phono 3. DUBHAI ---tor Me. " works equally well wlth either hotor cold wa- ter, and softens the taught” beard Instantly. We ittvite our cuslomers to try " on our mum“. Men who have used it BN' it is the best Shaving Cream In Canada. It makes Inning . plenum. It makes the bl-da ten times monn ettoctive. " does not dry on the tune. A small amount I: I" that is rr. quired. " its economic“ to use. The tube conning twelve (12) feet ot erNMtm-mote than 2Mshaves ---tor Mc. " works emutliv Rexall sGik: Emu g' Kohl‘s, Films, and all Vacation Supplies is Best tor you to buy FY FOR SALE r3 Ir') L}

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