Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Apr 1927, p. 4

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74 $1 t Â¥ ?‘,{ P a A We Deliver 4 Coâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"Romomâ€" Cross & Sutherland Hardware Co. Persons desirous of erecting monuâ€" ments or having inscription work done on those already erected, should consult me before placing their ord: er. All work done in a workmanlike manner and satisfaction guaranteed. W. J. McFadden "Im Mighty Glad We Bought that PERFECTION! * Marvel Ballâ€"bear‘g Sepa‘t‘r Cseam Separators It will pay you to see it. Easy payment Plan. Separators to Rent this Spring, it will pay you to get our prices before buying. Our stock is the newest, our prices the lowest. Y\ »ur choice of Three makes If you are Thinking of New Curtains DURHAM MACHINE SHOP F. W. MOON, Gilson Agent Phoue Day and Night, 140 See them before buying. Peabody‘s Overails & Smocks Which is a pleasure BLACK DUCHESS SATIN Kwey. Â¥1.75 Tor ... ...¢..«.... §¥L39 HOUSE DRESSES, reg. $1 for.. 89c Boys‘ and Girls‘ Running Shoes Mas Infants‘ Pat. and Tan Strap Slippers Women‘s Kid Strap Slippers For the house. Low heels, to clear at .......... Women‘s Black Canvas House Slippers Women‘s Patent Strap Slippers Men‘s Biack and Brown Oxfords Gizes 6 to 19. T€Z. values up to $6.50, to clear at J. S. MclLRAITH, That‘s the way the menfolk talk when the oid wood stove has been replaced by a beautiful Perfection Oil Stove. Fine for them! No more wood to chop and carry! PERFECTIO N But it brings joy to the women, too, for it means far less hard work ; no ashes to lug, no backbreaking drudgery, Meals can be cooked in no timeâ€"no waiting, no worry. Less potâ€"washing, for the Perfecâ€" tion gives clean, smokeless, odorless heat. See the new models, prices $9.00 to $£170.00, Distributed in Canada by 1118 Snuzer Metat Paopucts Co, 9 CxNA"* The ANKERâ€"HOLTH The MELOTTE We have a full line of Rubber Sizes 6 Sizes up to T, ‘to ALEX. A. ALJOE MONTARAL ToroNTO WINNIPEG PDMONTON VANCOUYEA CALGARY MONUMENTS Oil Cook Stoves and Ovens We have a feow CONGOLEUM REUGS and Medium heels, to clear at its vyalue Specials heels, leather soles, only in the very newest patterns REPAIRING A SPECIALTY SOLD iN DURKHAM BY to own at ‘Che Durhum Review i Mrs Cameron was a woman of CHINESE TROUBLES | sterling character, leal and loving, Trouble is not yet at an end in having taken dogfees of honor in the this vast country. The rush of the| University of ihe Home and the southern forees towards Pekin nas| S¢heol of humanity and good citizen been stayed, not enly soâ€"they have Ship. To her dearly loved community been driven back. In a few places| ty she gave the community house hot heads have fired on the foreignâ€" where are held all the religious serâ€" ers, compelling British guns to be usâ€" vices of Whitby Township. _ Above | ed which were soon effective. Chaing All things Mrs Cameron was a deâ€" | Kai Shek, an influential leader, seems| yout Christian whose feet were so to be drawing to the British and one firmly planted on the Rock of Ages, ‘ need not be surprised if the turouâ€" no storm nor stress might assail. | lence soon fades away. It will 091 She had long contemplated death ; | some time, however, before the hav-x to hbher it was the meeting of her | oc in missionary circles can be rem«| Saviour face to face and the reunion | died. | with her dear ones of long ago.. 1 â€"â€"â€"â€"@Gp@ _ | "Thou wert all faith and hope and THE MISSISSIPPI FLOODS | and the Chicago Steal ! Every spring they come but this | year they are the largest on record, | and already over a hundred lives are | lost and more threatened whiie propâ€" | erty damage will be enormous. The | large city of New Orleans is even Member Canadian Weekly Newspap ers‘ Association. C. RAMAGE & SON, Editor and Proâ€" OF CANADA, LIMITED prietors Phone 47, Durham J 10 m10 mâ€"â€"Hopmom=â€"=> The Cash Shoe Store A new lot of DRESS TRIMMINGS This Is Interesting "With a Perfection you don‘t have to scurry sround and get wood to build a fire. Simply touch a match to it and you have a hot fire at once. You can have s little heat or mediun heet, and if you are e little bel®nd hand, an intense heat! I never had it fail me yet." Just Arrived _Mrs. T. B., Tillsonburg, Ont. 3.95 2.50 1.50 1.25 1.95 274 threatened, levees or dams are givâ€" ing way, areas like counties are inâ€" undated and people are being reâ€" moved in boats from housetops or other eminence, and catastrophe is feared. Small wonder that sufferers should be found blaming the "Chicago steal" for the unwonted disaster, and puny man finds that nature brings its own punishment when her laws are inâ€" terfered with, as is being done by turning the Great Lakes water to tne Mississippi Valley. Chicago to the will be anathema. A suggestion that Premier Fergusâ€" on defer his proposed plan to extend the Normal School course two years until the possibilities of improving the present one year course has been thoroughly explored, was made in a resolution passed by the Inspectors‘ Section of the Ontario Educational Association in Toronto last week. HIGHER STANDARDS IN NORMAL SCHOOLS The means of improving tue pres ent course suggested by the resoiuâ€" tion were, insistence of a higher standard of academic | qualifications, especially in elementary school sub jects; summer courses in professionâ€" al training and professional reading courses. Mrs Jno. A. Cameron, S. Grey Pioneer, Died in Dakota Mrs Janet Beaton Cameron was born in the Isle of Mull, Scotland, Dec. 20, 1845, came to Ontario with her parents in 1848. She was united in marriage to John A. Cameron (aiâ€" so of Scotland) in Ontario, Nov. 5, 1868. With her husband, who a few years ago preceded her to the Geâ€" yond, she came to Bottineau County in 1894. She died at the farm home, north east of Kramer, N. D., after a long illness March 30, 1927. To Mr and Mrs Cameron were boin eight children : â€" Alexander and Mus. Richardson of Pasadena, Cal.; Mrs. J. A. McLean, Mrs J.S Murray, Mrs. D.F. Woods, John and Duncan ol Kramer, who with the exception of Alexander were with her at the end, and Angus Cameron who died near Kramer a number of years since. Mrs Cameron also had sixteen granuâ€" children and one great grandchild, John Cameron McLean. Mrs Cameron was of the Clan Beaâ€"] ton, belonging to the race of Scotush! patriots who with the people of, France were and are chiefly instruâ€"| mental in the settling and upbuildâ€" ing oi Canada. Theirs was the real pionecring. Foot by foot, acre uy acre, the immense forests . were cleared where now stand beautifui manors, picturesque _ villages and mighty cities, Mrs â€" Cameron saw, much of this. She with her husband| were known through a broad portion of Ontario for their fine Christian activities and Celtic hospitality as many old residents of Bentinck can testify. | At noon, April 1, impressive serâ€"} vices were held at the farm home,! Rev. I. D. McBean and Mr Duncan McGillivrary officiating. The music| was in charge of Mesdames Swanke, Nekler and Cornwall. Furthor serâ€" vices were held at Bottineau Baptist Church, Rev. McBean and Rev Gregg| in charse. The pastors dwelt chiefly| on the beautiful Christian life of Mrs Cameron and on the preparation tor death. The floral offerings were many and beautiful.. . Interment was made in Oak Creek cemetery. The passing of Mrs Cameron came as a double sorrow to the faraily, as the husband of Mrs Richardson haa been laid to rest the day of Mrs Cameron‘s death. Poor South Grey Electors ! (Hamilton Herald) This woman is no credit to pubiic life in Canada. And it is not crediâ€" table to the electors of South East Grey that they have chosen her to represent them in Parliament. (The Herald has another guess coming.) loveâ€"â€" To such there is no death." Advertising impresses your name and business into the public mind so that when people think of anything in your line, they connect your nam» with it. The business that is adver tised keeps in contact with hundreds of homes every week. Why then take a chance and us | Sugeidigenhe Te it curactinege x water that is polluted and unft '°’| We take subscriptions for all daily domestic use, when pure Wwat@er C#! | papers and periodicals _ You don‘t be had by having a well drilled. !| need to do business of this kind with also handle Pumps and Pump repair® ; strangers or go to the trouble 0‘ Satisfaction guaranteed. | sending by mail. Pay us and we wi% ED. J. PRATT, R. R.4, Qurhan | be responsible for getting your dail; Phone 98, r 14‘ to you regularly. Watee! Waterl! W ate What is Good Healith Worth ? Mr Geo. Searles, Guelph, and son, spent 2 day this week with his broâ€" therindaw, Mr Wm Hill _ Mrs Hil is not improving very much in heailth and is still> with her daughter in Guelph. Mrs Jno. Vessie who has spent the winter months with her daughter in Clifton Springs, New . York, 1 turned to her home here Satwrday. Mr Campbell MecLean spont Monâ€" day evening with his friend, Mr A. D. Mcintyre, Dornoch. Most of the farmers are preiiy well on with the seeding. We aro getting quite a bit of rain lateiy. Misses Armetta and Islay McKechâ€" nie spent an evening with Owen Sound friends. Mrs Jas. Buchan and two daughters of Clifton Springs, spent a fow days with their many friends here. Mr and Mrs Geo McMeekin, Dus ham. were recent visitors with M and Mrs Malcolm McKechnie. Miss Muriel Brown spent the we end with her uncle, Mr Arch Wats of Welbeck. Mrs Bert Willis was a visitor for for a conple of days this week with her mother, Mrs Simpson. Miss Blanche McKechnie spent a day with her cousin, Miss R. Clark. ; Principal J. A. Graham has receivâ€" | the time table for the midsummer Departmental examinations which has just been issued by the Dept. of Eduâ€" | cation. M« and Mrs Eldon Runciman of ‘Toronto, also Mr and Mrs Arch Ferâ€" egnson of Durham, called on Mr and Mrs Hugh McDonald recently. Mrs Col. Weir, Port Credit, visited with â€" relatives, Messrs Donald and Huzh MeLean. Our _ teacher, mick, spent his Toronto. Miss Mary McQuarrie returned to Toronto Saturday to resume teachâ€" ing dutics, after holidaying with her parents, Mr and Mrs D. McQuarrie. Mrs Dan McArthur of the Garaâ€" fraxa and Miss Merron of Bunessan, spent Thursday last with Mrs Davia Lamb and Miss Mary, Pine Grove Farm. Gilbert Brown, Hanover, noNda with his aunt Mrs Hugh McLean _ Miss Lizzie Fairnie spent a day recently with her friend Miss Catharâ€" ine McLean. t wiges mil;-i:;vrl"fioble was in Flesherton Sunday. l Mr and Mrs Jas. Ewen and family spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Thos. Timmins, Traverston. ~Miss Catharâ€" ine returned home with them afier spending a few days with her cousin, Miss Florence Ewen, who had nher ankle fractured. We are sorry she was unable to return to school. “fl‘i_;;.Beatrlce Grasby of the Rocky spent Wednesday afternoon with her friend Miss Stella Lynn. â€" it* 1‘\'1’}; -I;.“La;lil’)wind'daughter Mary, spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs Jas Lawrence, Rocky Saugeen. gain Mr and Mrs Gorman Johnston enâ€" tertained a large number to a dance on Friday evening, when a most enâ€" joyable time was spent till the wee sma‘ hours. â€" Mrs D. MeQuarrie ,Peter and Mary and Elsie Ledingham of town, spent an evening with the Heslett family. Mr Donald McLean of Mich. visited friends in this vicinity while home for his father‘s funeral, the late Neil McLean of town. Mr and Mrs Jack Noble and famâ€" ily of O. Sound, spent Sunday with the Noble family. y-\;fveâ€";r'éngl;dfi to report that Mrs. John McDonald is able to be about aâ€" Miss M. Lamb, who has spent the holidays at her home here, has rcâ€" sumed teaching duties near Blenheim Mr and Mrs H. McDonald, sons Master Kenneth and James, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Honess of Crawford. Pupils writing on the High School Entrance examinations wil commence on June 28th, when they will have Grammar, Writing and History. On Wednesday they have Composition, Spelling and Literature, and on Thursday, Arithmetic and Geography. The Lower School examinations will commence on Friday, June 24th when first and second year Agriculâ€" ure is on the schedule. On the 27th, they will have Physiography, English Grammar and Latin Grammar. _ On the 28th, English History and Geogâ€" raphy, on the 29th, Art and Botany and Arithmetic and Zoology on the 30th. The Middle and Upper School pupâ€" ils start on June 20th and write un til July 5th. Literature and Chemisâ€" try comeâ€"on the first day. Geometry and English History on the 2ist, Physics and English Composition on the 22nd, Algebra and Ancient Hisâ€" tory on the 23rd, French Authors and Composition on the 24th, Latin Auhâ€" ors and Composition on the 27i:, Trigonometry and Botany on the 2s German Authors and composition oa the 29th, Physics and Zoology on the 30th, Greek Authors and Composition on July 4th and Spanish Authors and Composition on July 5th. THE DURHAM RKEVIEW The June Examinations ABERDEEN Brown, Hanover, hqlldaycd Mr Donald MceCor Easter vacation in eel On Mr and Mrs ~Wm. CAMpPDON . 20"° Ralph visited on Sunday with the former‘s parents, Mr and Mrs Sandy Campbell, Elmwood. Miss Jessie Hastie, nurseâ€"inâ€"training in" a New York hospital, was the guest of Mr and Mrs Andrew Hastie the first of the week. _ ¢ Mr John McKechnie of Durham, &¢ companied by his son Harold â€" and daughters, Misses Armetta and Islay were Sunday visitors at the homes of Mr. Alexz, McDonald and Mr Andrew Hastice. Miss Jessie Ledingham of Dornoci visited over Sunday with her cousins the Misses Boyce. On Sunday Mrs Geo. Mighton, Jr. and son Bobby, with Mrs Philip Mcâ€" Donald of Mulock, visited the forâ€" mer‘s parents, Mr and Mrs T. Stinson Mr Jimmie and Miss Nellie Stinson were recent visitors with their sister Mrs. Geo. Brown of Glenelg. 4 Miss Edith Anderson of Durham, spent Sunday with her mother and brother. Mrs Wesley White and two childâ€" ren, Norman and â€" May of Toronto, are at present enjoying a holiday with the former‘s mother, Mrs Joun Whité. Mr D. J. McDonaid accompanied our pastor Rev R. Young to Meaford Tuesday to attend a meeting of Grey Presbytery of the United Church. A bouncing baby boy arrived at the home of Mr and Mrs Henry Haug on Monday, Ap. 18. (Fred La Verns.) Congratulations. Mr and Mrs N. McDougall, Hamilâ€" ton, accompanied by Mrs 8. McKechâ€" nie and Miss Edna McDougall, motâ€" cred from Hamilton Saturday evenâ€" ing. Mrs John McDougall returned with them Sunday evening. Mrs McCrae, Mr and Mrs Thos. Stinson and sons James and Arthur, attended the funeral of the late Au«. Ireland of Glenelg. Miss Minnie Baker of Port Elgin, is spending a few weeks with her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs F. Haug. U.S.8. NO. 1, EG‘T & NOR‘BY Report of Easter exams. Sr IVâ€"Dorothy Caldwell 86. Jr IV â€"Claire Morice 56. Sr IIIâ€"Clement Patterson 44, Billie Caldwell 68. Jr. IIIâ€"Dorothy Bogle 81, Velma Blyth 71, Elgin Blyth 57, Marjorie Kerri5. 8r Uâ€"Tillie Bryans 61. Jr Hâ€"Muwâ€" ray Morice 66. ‘fORONTO SCHOOL REPORTS Marjorie Caldwell, teacher Comfortable SMITH BROS. The solid comfort of your favorâ€" ite easy chair is built into Ford seats. Cushions ten inches deep at the crest of the roll, carry your weight on delicately tempered coiled steel springs that respond to every movement. The proper length and width for perfect comfort and the ideal angle of tilt and the roll of back supâ€" ports have been developed T HE *R EAL â€"C A NA DTA N and This high quality Product has been the choice of all Painters because of its resistance against climati¢ conditions, its lustrous finish and econâ€" omical value. 36 attractive colors ready for use Easy to use, dries overnight, and is guaranteed far superior to all floor paints. A superior Varnish Stain for redecorating woodâ€" work. A beautiful natural finish is obtained with this stain and varnish combination. Ask for our New Color Chart today R. C. JAMIESON‘S _ Pure Prepared Paint A. S. HUNTER & CO. CROWN & ANCHOR Floor Enamel CROWN & ANCHOR Varnish Stain The result is that every Ford seat is a realization of all that complete and restful comfort should be, a seat that you can occupy hour after hour in complete enjoyment. This is just one of the many reâ€" cent Ford improvements that give the buyer greater comfort, value and economy of operation. through countless experiments. ‘58 Fine Floor Varnishâ€" Hawmer, Heel and Waterprcof Durham, Ont. Durham â€" Hano! Mount Forest aAPRIL 28, 1927 The funeral of the late A took place on I"fl_gay last t cemetery here, Rev. A conducting the services Annand of Dundalk pr ©ermon. A large turt ncighbors and friends . v to pay the last tribute « Mr John Jones has en sheltered commodious .( rear of lot adjoining < | o Hardwood and Sofj wood Ties ‘ CUSTOM 8Sa w 1l May the Fi; A Car of We Feed at Wright‘s PRICEVILLE PRIC at Put a Brigh amount. Has Always T Custom All ingr Best Qu Get our Pri Pastry F Pilot Flo Maple L« Prairie T Are Royal Majest O Can: King F Feed 1 GOODS DELIVER APRIL 28, i to arrive this »»..... 48¢ per b BLATCHFORO‘S GUNN‘S BIG 6 Set your HEND JOH THE W ¢ as | intend Full Stock Shoes, | PAIL Suppo Ap THIS 60

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