Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Jan 1927, p. 7

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(‘anadlan true continue. to aatmatd It a gratifying rate amt h . m- trut mantis-2'. The grand tottl of Do. minion businem toe the twelve month. can”: August, 1926, amounted to $3.- 3.yi',1,rt9,G'G, " compared with $1,923,- 4Al~,7m in the previous twelve months, an .zv'-:'w.~:e tor mama! period o! $4tw",,r,"rr,.",_1. Exports in 1926 amount- rd $l,3C,7,907,814 " compact! with 81. Itrrr.7bir7'd.y. in tho previous ”or. and Irurctts m $969,281,231 " compared wfm $il7,683,042. In the “who tm mm the favorable trade balance w.”- ixn:~r..um"l trom $'288,08t,680 to q to Then the I that a Ill It is the cm tablecloth that catch- " the ,ar'g you not. Tt CANADA'S TRADE AF' mullths res-,0 from '" :7;n.226.515, will» Cum! 9 from foreign countries 1 $621,044,144 to 8759,904‘ year Canada's unfavonb new in thin connection M The Care of Linoleum. M M n to Foreign cannula. ,1 “ports- of Canadian pro- foreign countries tor the it " 'anad eigr, a N use the: not only " h H n , best linoleum. :thod ot care ts just oleum is plain or igt. i it. No scrubbing. Sprecd a limo m. ' liquid form, between piece ot cheesecloth. ttoroughly with this, ax sparingly. Then his purpose you can mush made espeeially y or make a similar I with a heavy brick tr h " h Ill is prim Med 01 the under review In eountriest with- trom $196,838,893 Canadian exports " from $480,£85,- th m. SI] e a not: mellow am that you can war w: you luv an; lth occasional dry up with a doth wax the place. are II Tt 8612,480,395 hen ll th rd -that is, the surface --then you good clear a charm- your dim cful ttoor hem you our iino at new to short. an be ,000 in 5 the IV to” "or the you re " I; After long tests we are con- j, vinced Aluminum is the i best container for tea. ll TllMfih1ul)iTlt "ThlXatIl)(lfi". LEADS 1926 RAM) PROGRESS Expect Oversees Radiophone to Be Avaihwle for Public Ser. vice Within Short Time-Observe" Review De. velopments in Broadcasting. Radio telephony across the Atlantic. beam wireless. weather maps try radio photography to vase-ls at m and the sending of short waves around the world are listed by experts as the out. stamnng mun accompHshmetsts ot factory cNtublirhrttcttt of radio tele. phcne communication across the At- lantic through the joint efforts of the American Teiepiwnc- and Telegraph (‘meany and the British Postoftiee," dtciares Major Gen. C. Mek. Sain- man, Chief of the US. Army Sign“ Corps. "The experiments conducted to date have demonstrated the prac- ticability ct connecting a telsphono subscriber in England with a sub- seribor in the Elston: section of the United States. and it ls not dimcnlt to foresee the extension of such a. ”stem to the network ot the United States." If standing 1926. “I can say that it mun-9 to me that tho outstanding radio achievement in the year 1926," United States Senator Dill of Wttsltlttgtott, author of the D111 R2110 Control Bi'd. said, "is the deve', cprnettt of the transmission of radio signals by the balm t':/trrom dcrelored by it n le the quired ot chant dangers To Captain RW.ey McLean. Director of Naval Communication. the year stood out for the eonrrtantly increas- ing use at short wares and the con- stantly increasing number of vacuum tub; transmitters. which has greatly reduced 1nterrerence. "i think tho most remarkable achievement was attained by ama- teurs." ventured Dr. J. H. Rogers of Hyactsville, Md.. who, with a minimum amcznnt of electrical enemy and most- ly homemade instruments. have eo- tabiistwd communication with every nttton on the globe." Dr. A. Hoyt Taykrr, head ot the Naval! Research Laboratory, has treirn impressed with the experimental work which has thrown so much light on the structure of the outer layers ot the earth's stmouere. To Charles M. Schwab, speaking for the listener, the outstanding future of radio was the year's development of opportunities heretofore and-reamed ot to hear speeches of President 0005 "The location and direction ot move- ment. of icebergs could In added to the radio map with a further apportunity ot changing the ship's course to avoid n all it under u Miser-back mum”. W. I. India. Link“. In In"! Bt., Toronto 2 ugxuvs'" "er" I T Act: “it I 'Jlls'- I did! ‘9 we nvem 1] TEA: " Csirtru1'oiToG' iriiG-G ara iiU% m " (but in “macaw 1mm an it and" a mom-wk manta. "siirTeireGTtGCdyirrrAq Mll- Buckley'l mum" b gjigltfgl pr?' 'air DE arcr n storm ccx storm ht '. for he a n Row packed only in .hl..t.1tttir11.e,,I,t,,,t, " ~11 Radio Weather Maps n :1) that ink and automatic :es the map aboard ship, hat litied the equipment required ships can have radio weathel 9 photographer or p'uotograplr ical or dark room being re re inform father " -ridii b hge' . Matt in the t,,hN2. '4tt oe' ISOU E No. '--w. the Amateur: Score --- ping di anon. Is tl I when gm {It ti ion u] When ll tt ha major achieve No Is the satis- th tho Atlantic, ll his th ma that ment in Senator the Dill storm. 'pcoivins tutomatlc hip, has required weather of most ‘tor in- oroach ship is ve-nther that are Cis good ttii' perfected television threatree 1 What you need ls help to build up will be added to the list of palm. your blood and you should begin at lie entertainments, and. it will once to make your blood rich and red be possible in England to watch by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. a baseball game in the, United You will soon notlco thtyAiittareneo lo ' States or a. cricket match in Your health " a better appetite and Australia. lncreased vigor. The moon is that the new blood mated by Dr. Wllllum' =u-==zr--==----=========e Pink Pills stimulates all the organs of Hge and others on important ccca- .the body to healthy actlvlty, and lo the 520m. :system gains nourishment and "I rarely ever get a champ to oie1tenlrstrenqh. It you are weak or out of in." Mr. Schwab saH. "The only timelsorts begin gaining new strength to. I An in whpu more is some speech deay by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. "I rarely ever get a chance to "s-ten)"")'. It you are weak or out or in." Mr. Schwab said. "The only timelsorts begin gaining new strength to. I do is when the“ is some speech “day by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. would like to hear, and to me thei You can set these pills from your radio has been a source of great pleas- 1 drugtrist or by mail at rn cents I box ure a,” interest in this respect." 1from The Dr. Tnluarms' Medicine Co., Dr. William A. Kinnan. First Assist,mxsek'ius Ont. _ ant Patent Commissioner, said: I ----------u- "Thea has not been so much atten-lUurier Memorial Hon given to the receiving eat during 1926. but ettorts have been made to ct mNue the tunetious of such were as, for example by combining super.hete- xmyny-devices with reftering means and by combining some ot these with the su-calted super-regenerative tea. the lures "Further :rlvant‘e has been mrch. in me l millzing commercial pawn lo ergize Cast lhe oil-mum cf mmmm tul-a rwvivers CrsHItl by Insunv M 'eliw.inajrs" ".st alune stoo ol' ccrr'nine) with rectifying and whil suurcrruing-cur. d, vices. Some we!) de. Fu.ve vices are It-rnuzl 'tru'rkl? chargers.', L. A Sump futultey atism'ion has been given turd to collapsible m-riuls berause of their sion, marked advantage of 1rorts.biiity, it ed t having been found that the mum-date worl cy civing bet has wc-utr-ir-nt wieclivity‘ Tl and srms'divetHars =0 r'mler unnwea- arm guy the 0111M type of aerial. 11h” I There has bean mmldnrable work of I' done in umnmtion with short wavered tl and in utilizing the ttflrotion of Wave, mitd also in tnodlfying preivers and trans- _ the miners so they will work wich such-m7" short waves." 1 Se ---- fp- ------e real, , a re NOTHING ll) EQUAL .m BABY’S OWN TABLETS ' E Mrs. Georges Lefebvre, St. Zenon.I Que., writes: "i do not think there Isl any other medicine to equal Baby's Own Tablets tor little ones. I have} used them for my baby and would use= nothing else." What Mrs. Lefebvre: says thousands of other mothers say.i They have found by trial that the Tab; lets always do just what is claimed; for them. The Ttaieta are a mild trutl, thorough laxative whtch regulate the’ bowels and sweeten the stomach and,', thus battish indigestion, eoristlpuiott,l colds. colic. etc. They are acid til landmine dealers or by mail at " cents a box from The! Dr. Wiirialna' Medicine Co., Brockvilio, Ont. Societ y women often have wondered why Queen Mary, following tho ex- umpdne ot Queen Alexahdra, alway- mrrie-s an umbrella. ot the longhand- led Taritr. It now has become known that the Queen ttttda it uncommonly new} during the many functions In which she takes part. Btte uses the umbrella u a mayor! and. it has help ed her through my m “up. Long Handled Umbrella is Aid to Queen Mary Pei-hoops Mary also taken an tun- b19113 or pan-01 to function: at wind) ahe may have to “and some time, Igondon, England. - "Looking in" by radio may soon become as familiar as “listening in," J. L. Baird believes. Baird, inventor "Radio Views" Will Replace "Radio News" of a teievlskm machine. demon- strated his invention recentjy berm a gathering ot scientists. It was imperfect, he admitted, hut he enureswd ooatideneo but he express-ed tyotytidettee that the introduction of certain tachnical Improvements would overcome the defems. Already the vision of a person has been radioed ten miles, he Bald, but when the invention is perfected television threatrea will be added to the llst ot pub- lie entertainments, and. it will ho possible ln England to watch a baseball game in the United States or a. cricket match in Auslralla. Grusahoppem Gnunits u high a 18,000 too I The flrtyt thing to note about this i family name of MacRaith is that it has inc connection whatever with the Irish family name of MacCraith, which is 1really a veriation of Magma. though We spelling is almost identical, and ydu would be more likely to think-Mac- 'Raith connected with the Irish name, than with its other Scottish (arms. Vnrlltlonu - Mncllwrnlth, Macllrevie. Rovie, Macllreach. Macllriach, Mac- Illerlach. Reach, Riach. Racial orlttlrt-Scottlsh. 8ource-A nickname. The original Gaelic term of, the name is 'Mae-Giue-Riabhaich," and its mean- ing is foughly "descendant of the heckled man." All ot the present forms of the name are either phonetic spelling: or true Anslicized forms. Such forms as Beech, Riach and Revie are more likely to represent Lowland variations ot the Highland name than anything else. The MtutRaitlut, according to tradi- tion, were the hohdnary bards to, the chiefs ot the Clan Donald. North, and the seat. ot the sept was let Trotters EFFICIENCY Mthggilf nish Why Many Men and Women Are Badly Handicapped. When you are so run down in health that it impairs the emciency ot your work as well as your power to enjoy your leisure hours, or obtain rest, it is time you looked to the Cause. lf you do not, a serious breakdown is almost sure to result sooner or later. In nearly all cases this condition, which doctors usually describe as general debiuty, is due to poor blood-blood that is deficient in red corpuscles. When the blood is thin and weak your whole system suffers. You lose ap- petite, have no energy. your nerves trouble you and you feel restleés. Paris.---') original of the statue of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, to be erected on Parliament Hill at Ottawa, has been completed by the Montreal sculptor. Brunet, now living here, who was com. missioned to undertake the work by the Canadian Government tt year ago. Casting of the statue proper will be commenced immediately. It is under. stood that Premier Mackenzie King, while in Paris some weeks ago, made several suggestions to Brunet. Hon. L. A. Tachereau, Premier ot Quebec. and Philippe Ronganadian Commis- sioner-General in Paris, lime express- ed their satisfaction with the artist's work. The unveiling of the Maine has been arranged for July I, in connection with the celebration of the diamond Jubilee of Contedreation. It hays been suggest- ed that at the some time Premier King might plant two poptar treea behind the statue. to soften the prospect in front ot the buildings. Senator Joseph M. Wilson, of Mont. real. has intimated that he will present a replica of the bust of the statue to Laurier House, Ottawa, - Everyone is familiar with what takes place when a petri' fall of water is IWung rapidly round the head. Even when the pail is mouth down- ward, at the highest point of "the swing, the Water does not escape. A somewhat similar phenomenon, though due to a different calms. may be shown, as follows: A wineglass is in- troduced into a basin of water and fithsd below the smrfaee,.takimr care that no air remains in it. Holding it mouth downward in the water, a thin card is slipped in below it over in; mouth, and it is lifted out of the water, when it may be held mouth downward without either the card dropping " or the water falling out. You may easily make a conjur- ing trick of this. Challenge a friend that you will set a wine-giass full of water on a table, and nobody shall be able to lift the glass without spilling the water. Easity done by laying the fiited (In: on I table and pulling away the end. By dexterrouiy work. imrh-ofp.perrm_rPrr1f may lift the (but, water and at}, but Four adversary probably will not think of that. Cuotomor (who owes hik1)-"U your human also!“ much by the unnat- M W?- Surnames ad Their Origin Things can no good to our: help sting too much. now Mam. Dannie: for it. Take Seize“ Syrup. Any drug more. A Water Trick. ”Nata-mud: ubytho MacRAlTH. Untamed all“. Rer.dy for Casting. Racial origlrt-UEngtiah. 8ouree-A locality. _ Ypu wouid guess a long time before you "urssd out what modern ‘word it the equiva’lent of r: syllable "tui" In the tamily name of Fulham. ThsrtamUy name itself. ot course. {I but the development of a place name.- that of Fulham, a vf'hage on ttre river Thames. Such family names, " has been stated in other articles in this series. were in the iirigt instance, but mere references to places of residence or former residence used to distinguish ontiudividual trom others betting the same given names. It wan only - tsally that such purely dedtriptios Bur. names became crystallized into heredi- tary family names. . But the village of Fulbam derived Its name from two old Aarlo4Hxott words, "tu1len" and "ham." The mean- ing ot the latter is no puzzle. It meant a. -vinairo or a group of buildings. in short a hamlet C'hsun4et" being a "small ham”). “Fallen" was simply the plural ot the old Anglo-Saxon word meaning "fowl," and from which, in fact, ode modern wand "towl" has come. I grudge no man his form ot prayer. I mkret not with any creed; Thigworld has room enough to “rate For all the roads which upward lead. A kindly heart to always tair No matter what its caste or breed. Who play. the friend from day to dar, Who sometimes puts himself aside To smooth another: troubled way, Who acorns the arrogance of pride However he may chase to pray, I'm sure will never be denied. For man must live his life on earth, Where hats and stn and wrong abound. 'Tia here the soul must prove it: worth, A "Ti. here the strength ot lt [a found, And he has iuattfitrd his Birth Who plants one row on barren ground. _ The test is: I: be kind and true. Too big to play the brute." chm? In all he does and tries to do Is he a man men like to meet? rt so. I say, when lift Is through He need not fear the Judgment Beat ---rildtrar A. Guest We chose this title. rather than "Treatment ot Rheumatism in the Child," because the disease itself call: for treatment with drugs mainly, which is not a proper subject ot dia. cussion in a nonmedicai magazine, while the treatment of the child who is subject to rheumatism is ehietir hygienic and dietetic. The disease is not very common in children under tive years ot age, but between that age and tttterm it is greatly to be dreaded. The first attack is seldom very painful or serious, but it is likely to he follow. ed by others, and then there is danger of damage to the heart. For this reason the first attack "l to be taken as a warning that a predio l position to the disease exists, and that) everything possible must be done toi ward oft another visitation. A child: with the rheumatic tendency must be. protected against exposure to extrema cold and damp. Woolen underwear,‘ including stockings. good stout tshoets: to keep the feet warm and dry, and: confinement to the house on stormyI or cold. blustery days are of supreme importation The house should be kept war , and the playroom or nursery should have a southern ex- posure. to insure sunlight through thel winter months. When the weather permits. the win- dows should be opened during the hours of sunshine, tor the health-giv- ing rays cannot pass through glass. The child should be examined every six months at least, in order that any existing tori of disease in nose, mouth or throat may be detected early and removed as completely as poceible. An antiseptic mouth wash, gargie and nose spray should be used morning and evening, and the bowels should function normally. Attention to diet is important. Dur. ing an attack only milk, butter, cream or cottage vheeoe, toast. zwieback and oer-ails should be given, but after con- valescenre eggs and meat in great moderation-that is to any, at one meal only two or three times a week-- mey be added. The child should drink plenty ot water and milk both during and after an attack; lemonade and orange juice are excellent drinks. Tho on of candy and, of sugar in any form €ehould be greatly restricted. In short, ;overything must be done to build up the health of the child and maintain it It tho highest possible level, " the name time avoiding any coddling. Ploy ‘in the open air should be enoourued [whenever the weather permits. ht Bnowmaa-"Gofne to the ball com?" 2nd Bntrmnan---'Nntnt ball?" lat Bnowanan-"Whr tho “I.“ “land’s Llrtlmatttp-0tmr "Mable. The Rheuniatic Child. The Man. FULHAM. TORONTO Many of as h". distinctly unplea- ant recollections ot the darts a men- tion ago. when the three chief con- stituent. ot the funny Meme chat van Cum on. 'ileioetrfe Oil and God- ilver on. These three View Indlvtdul- 1y or collectlvoly “ministered on In- nunmblo occulous. Ono tenure common to all lundl out in our mem- ory, namely, their disagreeible tutu. The nut two ot the tttmrhonored remedies hsvo been (radially sup- planted by prepn'ntions equally calca- clons and infinitely more palatable. Codllver Oil, however, ls more tirmly established to-dny than ever. accum- Oil in in pure form is Bt1tti commend to exert some rather do. finite ittlNetttee In the prevention or; disease! ot the rennintory tract; to be an excellent tonic for younger child- ren taken alone or combined with other medical units. It II. however. u I preventative Md cure tor rickets ' that it is now most widely used. l, In the temperate tones. owing to the lack of sumctent sunshine in the autumn and winter months, it bu been found necessary to give all bottle!“ and most M461! infant: Codliver 5n, in order to “old the possibmty of their developing this extremely common complaint. . Codlivcr Oil may be safely admittin- md in until dose- to " children without tear of digeluvo disturblnoo. and is readily taken by int-mu. One- hnlt toaspoonful twin dolly. “(or three months of use; one teaspooni'ul twice daily from three to six months of use; and from one teaspoonru1 to one des‘sertspoonful twice a day up to two yearn. Coduver Oil should be given pure and u a. rule unmixed with such " tldel of food " milk or orange juice. Setting the table it like visiting strange lands. I lay the clam: dumusk trom Done- gal--- I an no the we Imprint of simm- rock and tern in its fronted turf-co: Silver and steel from Birmingham And the fiery Beter ot Shemeid; Salt iron: the can coast, tasting of so. wind: and on foam; Pepper from Zanzibar, black with the tropic sun; . Sugar from Cuba and-tho euttterlttg canal of the Caribby: Bread from Suhtchewan and the still gold prairie can; Olives from Italy and tho ancient groves ot the Orient; Maybe ttet' from Smyrna. dates from Algiers. Nuts trom Brazil. oranges from Cali- fornia, _ And a round red chem from Edam. " we wipe " the travel stains In little brass bowls from Bagdad, It ”ems that all the ends ot the earth Have met at my table. Sneezing .'-Use Minor-C's Lirttrnertt A little English girl named Mar- guret Clnrke this your celebrated her seventh birthday on the seventh day of the seventh month, and she is the seventh daughter of a seventh child. If there is anything in lucky numbers and seven is proverbisyy lueky- this young lady must be marked for an extraordinary career. If we willed it, our social evils would vanish in I geeteretion.-A>non Donaldson. Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Q----------'"'", Colds Neuralgia Pain Neuritis Et), yiy, 11$“; Headache Lumbago ware In , Toothache Rheumatism 'l'1p.alyil'fi',ri'e,'tl.e trlr1t"a).le-. with! b m Ind. M (M In 0%) ot m luminary! a! '_'-"'." “*0th (sPu'ihili wm-uumuuwn “I" one: iiii5ff,iila="A'ftlfd iriiiiiiiii'iitot"a% DOES NOT AFFECT' Setting the Table. Codlivcr Oil. Floyd Roberts. I ' INST. plan cl neon-4|. " aloe- tions, “mantle. Villa 806.00 {a $85.00 ggnt,tt Poison. “0 load Royal at. Montreal. tyttti3tliliiti-e', otfer stead, employment and pay weekly to sell our pe,tt,t and exclusive lines of gun!!! quality, whole root, ftrlt dHt.-to-o,r,d,trlett mu... nu... ..-_.. --.. V, - - out plant... Attrretiso illustrated ramp?” and fuy, co-opontion, O money-making opportuttitr. Luke Brother. Nur-le.. Menu-all ---- ---" - which contains proven directions. In browsing recently mood new of pm only Tudor period I curiou- btt turned up that showed how one ruler appraised union rendered. Km; Henry vm. kept a Journal which!“ mainly an account of monies spout and mhednbut In part mood when in m and what he did. There are chm cum“ undor (has ot Jun. 7, 14.7. on. of them reading “To s iittMo lumen that Juneau. gut." Dated eight months later, Aug. 10, we lad the (allowing: F "Th, hm that found the new Ida. This “not: tho omen! to which John Cabot was then rewarded for being the tlrst to sail on Ensush ship to these shares. giving the old land m hula tor future territorial can): and colonization. He In presumed lea than the "mayden" received who provided dNersion tor tho monarch and " “can. £10." She Daunceth for the King. T lCTROLA sum. "mu. CAE. God in good to those who per-awn. Stuffed Up ? I 'iurt {mm of " mm {can at u and tety--omgguta. tee.strt,yrgrg.Tt.",,',T'giht, A I,A."I. iriiirtttrtryVefPIt Cleo: your head with Minn-d1 Warm the limmenl and inhale. EWOPHONE. “I “I.”

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