Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Jan 1927, p. 1

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' Ceo, tit UR I +0q00000+ G MILL AL orest tuned VOL. L, N0 Mr Rietsard Boyce, Canon, nu disposed trbr 100 acre farm. normal the one on which he nudes. to Mr, Spence Hopkins. wut Honor " Vitamin. The Udtetf... Aid of Knox Churn nre holding n Vdentine Social on the 14th or Februnry nnd to which much thought in being given. hither and son will be represent- ed on the slate of the 1927 County Council Board at Owen Sound. Ed. ltor Thurston of the Fluhorton Ad- vnnce. will represent his village as Reeve, while his son Stnnley. recent- ly editor of the Mentord Mirror. will represent Mellon! " Deputy Reeve. Mothers' Allowance Id. lunar-lad At a meeting of the Grey County Mothers' Allowance Bond, held in hundnllt recently. the iollowing otBe- era were appointed for 1927: Chair. man. H. G. Brigham, Hanover : Vice. Chairman. Mrs Long. Mealord; Bee- retary. Mrs Win. Dingwtul. Hope- ville. The other members of the Board are Messrs John Mills. Hono- ver and A. E. Cohan of Mnrkdale. Hanover Store in Merger Hanover» biggest store, H H. Eng. l i Co. Ltd., has been taken over by a newly organized merger. the Can- adian Department Stores Ltd.. which at present consists of 22 ntores hr. rntd in the best towns and cities ot Ontario. J. C. Engel and the entire std! will be retained to run the buo- ‘tness. It is claimed buying in tre. mendous quantities for ash direct from mannfnctnnrn will cut out Inla- dleman's proBts and elect n uving of from 15 to 30 per cent to the con- miners. Help. Both Sid“ “up w... -"-"e" Advertlulnx is a servlce to the buyer as well as to W seller. " helps the merchant to tell goods. It save: him the Ind that of his man in descrihlng goods. " helps to make more sales. More than these things, it helps people to My intelligently and .r:atiattu:torily. It lets the public know what ditterqgtt kinds of goods are to be found and Habit): folks to so there without loss or time and obtain what they want. As a. merchant are you tttV ing the medium placed at your dla penal in the paper for letting people AL;... 9 A- know how you can serve them , As a buyer on you tindintt out through the advertisements where you can but be served ? Durham may be leading tneir uls- trtct in the Northern Hockey Lear no. but the locals had their hands full in defeating Walkerton. the oitenders. here on Monday night. The Durhams got the worst game of the season out of their systems. and were fortunate that they were' not up against Miner opposition. For . team without a rink. Walkerton put up a game battle and held the', scoring even after the tint period.! Scores Were 2--0. 4--2, (F--4. Tttru' out the game there were stages ot good hockey. but in all it was en un- interesting contest. and only . small crowd attended. Reykold was the visttora' our [Id they “so have two or three cther good prospects. Dur. ham’s scoring wan done by the regu- lar torward line. Elvidge getting 3, Minn- , and Buschlen I. DECIDING GAME WITH PAI5LEV HERE FRIDAY t‘heslry's default left Durham Ind Paisley tied tor luau-ship or O.H. A. group No. 13. each with 2 wins and l loss. The ttnal we hereon Friday night Pauley " Durham. will decide the victor. Phi-icy In! Durham ii, Walkerton 4 been defeated only once this annual and will he the stem“: opposition here thin winter. A mat. dole - Ind a big crowd is assured. Don't forget that game is culled at 7.45 p. n to trite Paisley mule time to each night mun one! - yi'iithi Crawford. han farm. normal Knox Church no Social on and to whieh leading their dig. Mrs Currie had the misfortune to slip in the but shed ot. her home on Monday, (“gloating her wrist. Knox w. M. 8. The monthly meeting of the W. M. 9. of Knox United Church. met at the home of Mrs Thos. McGirr. on Thursday, Jun. 13th with a. large number of ladies present. The Prem- dent, Mrs John Bell presided. and at- number ot ladies present. The Presi- dent, Mrs John Bell presided. and " ter the usual opening exercises in which several members took part, various items ot business were dis- cussed and the visitor-3' report was given. The Bible reading was taken by Mrs A. H. Jackson, after which the topic “Spreading the gospel" from the study book was given by Mrs J. J. Smith. Miss Drummond then gave a sketch of Dr. Campbell, on early missions in India and Miss Belle McGirr read an account of the work from 1876 up to the present time, the Jubilee year, making men. mm of the visit of the Moderator, on early missions in India and Miss news-w w w- -v Belle McGirr read an account. of the lion in Tax-om? o work from 1876 up to the present The Couneit appeal time. the Jubilee year, making men posed to act in th lion of the visit of the Moderator. it over until Feb. l Rev. Dr. Endicott and Dr. and Mrs. Mr John Morriso Gum. the latter carrying Jubilee High sehool Tru greetings from Canada to all our yet" term. Mission stations in India. This very Hydro Commiuio interesting meeting was closed by A request was r1 [Eager you) I',',' g',,",',',?"",';",',' the; Elvldge. Sec‘y ot or 's rayer n in son. rs am . Miss McGirr served tea and apleaa- (Continued-c Jury Return Verdict of "heeidatal Death" ant hour was spent Wednesday afternoon in the Town Hall, the inquest relating to the death ot the late John Highley, who ttttur- ed in a fatal motor accident on Oct. 25th last at McWilliams was held. The Jury who comprised Messrs Rob The Jury who comprised Messrs Rob Whitman, John Snell. Ab. Noble, G. Noble, M. tgteinaeher, Geo. Camp bell, Geo. McKecthe. John Dbbney. and A. G. McComb as foreman. were ttrat up to the hospital to interview Mrs Highley, who is still a patient there. From here they adjourned to the Town Hall where they listened to evidence given by Mr and Mrs. Thou. Moore and daughter Esther or McWilliams, Dr. D. B. Jamieson. Conductor Campbell, Engineer Moore and other railway officials of the C. RR. Crown Attorney Dyer ot Owen Sound was present and cautioned the jury as to the seriousness of the git, uation as to the pending verdict they were about to bring in. The semi annual installation of the omCern of Grey Lodge, I.0.0.P., was held Monday night, when Dist. Deputy Grand Master Rev. W. H. Smith and his team of six local brethren, with Past Grand Chas. Ritchie " Marshall, ably performed tho work. The new otBeertr are: J. P. G.--gotut McLean: Noble Grand--. J. R. Snell: Vice Grand-Geo. F. Jucksch: Rec. see'y--Bert Stone- onse: Fin. sec'y---A. C. Kinnee: Treats.--P. Ramage; Warden--- Robt. Whitmore: Conductor - Cameron Lauder; R.B.N.G.-- John McKenzie; Ld'r.N.G.-- Wm. McBonnld: RS.V.G. --Jno. Ritchie: L.s.v.G.--Altr. Mc- Ronald: R.S.S. --Jtts Smith :: LS.S. W. Vollett: ehapltun--A. Bell: LG. ---N. McRonald; O.G.--D. Ewen. Following the ceremony, Rev. i. Ronald: R.S.S. --Ja8 51mm c; ”0.0.; W. Vollett: ehaplain--A. Bell: 1.6.1 The deceased will be much missed ---N. McRonald; O.G.--D. Ewen. Pt, the neighborhood and leaves be- Following the ceremony, Rev. i.' hind as chief mourners his wire and H. Smith gave a ttne address on the 'tlu".. 12'.'11'ii v“: Eltcn in Bent- requisite qualities tor oddteuowshirsrlii .' R, c. fl'. West. Ball) ot Dur. arm which lunch was served . am . Maggie, Willie, Bert and Kei. . ity " home. MISS McGIRR WILL CON- DUCT A "WHo'S WHO" COLUMN Elsewhere this week in the col-l umns of the 'Review', there swans a short biography ot Thom” Mu- shall Porter, “Specialist in Boys.“ from the pen of Miss l. C. (Belle) McGirr. The writer has the iiiGi) faculty ot clothing her tact: in mom a manner tint takes the "drvueas"' out ot the narrative. it is Min Me. Girr's intention to frequently occupy " cslumn or nearly so, renting to gsome interesting present day person- 'age that carry . specialty ot their own. or on some topic that appeal” to the public interest and Welfare." In this overcrowded age ot work and amusement one finds little time and whisper lieu inclination) to mad {when thick” biographies ot the: ,groat and near we“. Bo Min Mc- _uirr in her spare invatidtd hours bu 'condenned for Ill something of the Iineais uni activities cl people ma objects " present in the limelight. You will and than interesting, r0 Wee-whim on "WhoU Who" by reading these articles. rii1tt, B tttttttti, iiilttriittit Lid than Interesting. PO nod on "Who's Who" by these uncles. - inclination) to readl biographies ot the' .gretrt. Bo Miss Me nre invatidid hours has us something of thei, Mlle: ot people iiiiil sent an the Iimelixht.‘ L: Town Council Propose to Vote Themselves Salary The opening session of 1927 Town Council Wu postponed until Tues- day evening. on account of Mayor Murdoeys Illness the previous week. All members present Tuesday ex- cept Conn. Hunter. To the Mayor's right are seated Couns. Albert Nob Ie,, R. McLean. o. 8. Hunter and on opposite slde of table Clerk Vollett, mum- Arnold Noble. Thoa. Render cept Conn. Hunter. To the Mayor» right are seated Couns. Albert Nob i' 19.. R. McLean, o. S. Hunter and on f apposite side of table Clerk Vollett, Calms. Arnold Noble, Thoa. Header- son, A. McClockllu. i Ash for Delegate to convention I The Mayor read a communication. from the Ontario Good Roads Asu'n.' asking $15 membership fee, and a; delegate to be appointed to Conven- tion In Toronto on Feb. 24 and 25. The Council s6veared favorably dis-i, posed to act in the matter, but left'; it over until Feb. Tttt meeting. 3 Mr John Morrison was reappointed; High School Trustee for a three your term. Hydro Commissioners to be paid A request was read from Mr C. Sudden Death of Geo. Lewis (By our Blythe's Corners correspond- eat.) It. was with a very deep sense of sadnesg, and gloom and regret that the news was pegged around on Mon- day last, of the sudden passing out of one of most highly respected citi. zens in the Demon of Mr George Lewls. many not hearing of his brief illness. Just a week previous, deceased was In Holstein and on Tuesday following assisted with the chores on the farm, usally known as the Torry farm. While on his way home walk-' log he was taken with a severe pain in the region ot the heart. He wuss. heavy and big man. weighing 230 pounds. The following morning he was unable to leave the bed. Dr Me Lellan of Holstein was hastily sum- monedoand administered relief tor the time being at least. knowing however that the trouble was d ep- seavnrl being low blood pressure. Friday last he was able to be' up tor a little spell, but on Saturday became somewhat worse. Sunday he was nothing improved but cheery. In the evening however he became very ill, the Dr. being constantly in attendance. the patient's temperature being as low as 80 degrees at times, but through skilled aid was able to keep alive. But gradually the heart grew weaker and weaker and he day morning, Dr. D. B. Jamleson had been has. tily called early ln the morning for consultation and after making acred. itable effort to get down, Just got to the gate when the lite in the once strong rugged frame blinked out. The deceaoiil was one of our best farmers at the 'Cornisrs', kind and obliging and widely and favorably known by a. large eireie of friends and highly respected. ', Beginning about 30 years ago asa wage earner and a wife to support, through honest toil and energy, hr- owned at his. death, over 300 acres of fine tillable land-surety a. fine ob-, Ject lesson for others ot what may! be accomplishet) by thrift and pluck. Very uhcommon the deceased was the firet break In a. large family ot brothers and sisters. Also tive brothers; Jas. in Enter“, mom; Robt. and Charlie on the! Provincial Highway and Harry amt, John in the West: tour tsisters--' Barbara (Mm Thos. Kirby); Mag-1 ttie, (Mrs Jake Stevenson); Lizzie,‘ (Mm Bowling); Edith, Mrs McEnch-' em; Kezziah, (Mrs John Main.) l To-the grief-stricken widow and family, in the loss of {kind husband and' father, we extend the sympathy of the whole community. WILLIAM BENTON ! l Word has reached In (without Ie-l, ‘ tails) ot the death of Wm Renton its; Toronto. He is a brother of James" and John Benton of Egremont. and was well known there and in Dar [ham Ind Glenelg. where for some- ltlme he resided. he married Deceased was the second son of Mr and Mrs John Kenton. who in the only 60's of last century settled .on lot 2, " can, Emmont, coming {nut nc:.:- Guelph, when deemed was born about 1852. In young manhood . Séc‘yvof the local Hydro (Continued on page 5.) away aboth 9 b'clock Mon) DURHAM. THE ROLL CALL um June! Baxter, 1; um. which ls “amount the Holstein THURSDAY. JANUARY 20, 1927 daughter of James Baxter, . pioneer ', of the 22nd con., Egremont. The: ' took up lamina on lot 3 con 19, Ett. ‘remont for some years. Later they! moved to Durham, he engaged m mason work in which he had nomel skill. The wife. a clever helpmeem and a splendid baker, began to sup-z ply bread to neighbors, till her buts- mess increasing, they had to secure} help and enlarge their equipment. it: was with them Mr Rowe ttrst came and later he engaged in business of his own account. The Rentons inter _ moved to a. home in Glenelg, near ;Dornoch. from which they moved to Toronto some 8 or 9 years ago. l To them were born 7 children, two [s dying young. The survivors are Bel. . la, Mary, John, " married and two I. or three younger. A brother Robert - died some years ago. The Review . extends sympathy to the mourners. The death took place in a Toronto hospital last week of Mr Thomas Jack, son of the late John Jack, a pioneer resident of Durham. De ceased, who was 59 years of age, has been unwell for some tune, an outcome at a paralytic stroke. and was tenderly cared tor by his brother Alex and sister Sophia. (Mrs Cress- well) at her home in Toronto until Ir, days previous to his death. when he was removed to the hoispital. The hm Mr Jack for many years was y.y?'e'. as~a teamster at Sault Ste Marie and in British Columbia. At- ter suffering a stroke of paralysis in the utter province. he came East. Deceased was brought to Durham Saturday for interment in the ceme- tery here and the remains were ac- companied by his only remaining brother and sister, previously men- tioned. The pall bearers were Mes. an; Norman and Jas Mcmnald. Mm Hopkins. Norman Johnston, Geo. Mo Kay and And. Derby. Rammed wat about 20 years ot age when he left Durham,, but many citizens here and more abroad wilt yet remember him. Mr and Mrs Cresswell and broth- m- Alex.. were guests of their uncle. Mr Jag. McRonald, S.Line. Bentinek till Monday. Bunessan and Vamey Clubs '. Win in Debating League Last week we recorded the'vtétory at: Rocky Sangeen team on Edge Hill in the South Grey Debating League Tuesday night. The subject was atesoived that the drift of popu- lation from country to city has not thus far. been a detriment to Agri- culture, in Ontario." The he subject was debated at; Varney Wednesday night between) Vamey and Holstein teams. the neg-1 ative pair being Miss Esther Petty) and James meson. while Hoisstein'si representatives supporting the GI',.','; ative side of the argument Were Misss' Armetta McKechnfe and B. Smith. The judge was Rev. J. H. Whealan. who also acted at Edge Hill. and while at the latter place gave the de- ‘cision to the atttrmative, he decided that at Vamey the home club had slightly the advantage of the argu- ment, and awarded the verdict to the negative side. Buneuan at Old Durham Rd. School Again on Friday night at Old Dur-H ham Road School. South Artemesia,i the same subject was debated bed, tween Bunessan and Onwam Ciubs.i Bunessan had the trttirmative, their} team being Miss Mary Benton and EH don Weppler, while "Onward" was} upheld try Miss Marion Muir and; Clifford Hincks. Mrs Fred Kari stedt ot Prieeville was judge, arrtl, complimented both upon their ear-'1 iceiient presentation. While the teams; ;were equal in delivery, she gave thel 'declsion to Buneuan. deciding" tti; lhad a little the better of it in argua 'ment and refutation. i The debate was the loading fen l l ture of a. fine program. 'onwsuws',s) President, Mr Wm Hincks being the, chairman. A tine play was preseni-E ed by seven] of the Onward young: people-Margaret and R. J. Turner.g Beatrice and lion] Wetter-e. iudiel Oliver, Jno. Russell and Then Cur} rie. Other nubile" were 1 recita-' lion by Miss Annabel MeArthur, vio-I lin solo: by Alt. Wepglor .occompm-I Lled by John McFIrloane. 1nd tt [non-1 Eclogue by Jno. Russell. The serving! “oi lunch trrouetttpn enjoyable oveni , in: to A close. I i Rocky Banyan. Vamey and mm. essan Clubs will now beopllu-d 3-1 guns: more distant Clubs in theI Riding. who were also tirst roundi winners. The next topic up for de-l bath will be of this mture: "Resol- ' no that it is more pmdltabte todeni 'rnrtttsttse1oea1stoe* manure-nil 1_ order or down! nor-e." ttoe. "rxsseitsstrthrrsrcuN.tef Quint No. T, Normnby. and m remmuve' ”an" on Miss FU that )1va and Mr Jo? Crammer. THOS JACK Annual Meeting of S. (i. Agricultural Society The annual meeting of the above institution was held in Public Liir‘ rary. Wednesday. 19th inst. Fresh dent Geo. Ritchie presiding. Sec'y' Geo. Binnie and daughter Miss Win-' nie furnishing the topics. Minutes of last meeting Ind of subsequent Directore' meetings were read and adopted. Mr Jas. Mather and Mrs..l. S. MctlrNth .nioved thmke to thr. ycung people ot town and country. who helped to put on the play in the Society’s interests, which washenrt- I ily carried. A - . -= - A..IJ u, “.0--. They decided to conduct I field crop competition (oais) again this yen. Also decided to have Govern- ment Judges, male and female at next show. Auditor! report tshowed 11 siight deficit on last. year's trans- actions. even after the proceeds of the Dec. concert, mounting to $87, had been applied. . \ Mr lulu In»:- _".'."""'"- A decision was reaeheh In the in- terest of economy. to use last year's Prize lists. of which a. small supp!) is on hand. The election of a delegate for next Provincial meeting on Feb. 2nd a- mused some interest. Mes-rs John W. McKechnle, Thos. Bell. David Robinson. John McGlrr. were nomin- ated, Thos. Bell winning. The. election ot oneers: . President-Geo. Ritchie (reelected) lat vie-President-Arch. Park. 2nd viee-Prese.--Jotut McGlrr. _.-_ Municipality Representatives: Bentinck: Harold McKecthe. Wm Livingstone. Egremont: W. Lawrence. Wm. Bogle Glenelg: Thom Bell, David Robinson Normanby: Wilb. Blyth, Jae. Pickett. Durham: Dr. Wolfe, Allan Bell, Mes-1 dunes Wolfe, Mcllraith. Davis, Me Gcwan, Tobin. Auditors: Peter Ramago, Harold Me Kechnle. Tuesday and Wedsnesday. Sept. 20 and 21 were selected us Full Fair dates. This is immediately preceding Hanover fair, whoee dates are Sept. 21st to 23rd. The appointment of Set-iuary and] Treasurer rests with the Directors.I who at the close dealt with the mat- ter. They learned to their regret that Mr. Binnie had decided to retire from this important position, which he had e'd1ciently tilied for the past ttttedit years. in recognition of the long service in addition to thanks. they made him an Honorary Director. The new appointee is Mr Jae. Mather of Durham. who in many ways is well qualified for the position. l Miss Frances Nicknwa. the gifted l concert reader, who is a. full-blooded lCree Indian. is engaged to marryan 'fattrlltstt gentleman. Mr. Mark, who ‘wlll be her business managex, hus- I band and companion all in one. Miss {Nickawa gave an enjoyable ru-cllal ii“ Durham Baptist Church thn-e or I tour years ago. " Here's wishing success to the old machine newly manned. and good weather for a successful fur in 1927 The difference between a success and a failure is that the l'omnerlives on last month's income and the lat. ter lives on next month's. Fall KEEP WELL i' Puretesl Cod lim one ean lake it. Nothing like it for clearing up (helmet coughs and bronchitis. It'." a real builder. Raxall Tasteless Wampole's Cod Liver Extract, $.00 Nyal Creophos A Tissue Baud". $1.00 NORWEGIAN Bo pure and refined that Mather the new Secretary A tonic 1nd Builder and ap- petizer 31.00 per bottle Fair Sept. 20 and 21 McFA00EN'S _ Drug Store The REXALL‘Store Everybody knows it's good so: a homo Lean Carr's Cough Syrup W and 76e per bottle Cod Liver Extract TORONTO Dr. i YOU “Can Be Well ome"====-aor====-"===="""'" 't , (i mbtitttsed “'egkly_u 83.00 A l Wampole’s Extract d Cod Liver If you will obey the laws of Nature, Disease cannot exist THE HUMAN Boriy WAS NOT MAN? TO SUFHR FRO“ DISEASE Ft ll THIS “EARN .- Nature has Provided ali, u liner of Mrs tRev.) Ledlnghum ot Harriston. Wednésday, January 26 th Gall Stones removed without on ope ration. Goitre removed with- out in operation. Asthma. Pikes. Heart Troubles, High Blood Pressure. Stomach Trouble's. Skin ”senses. Dedwottinx. Worms. Nerve Troubles, Constipation and Appendicitis. Kidney Tumbler. Pnralysis. Diabetes. Bright's Dina-o. Lung and Bronchial Troulr lea, Bladder Troubles, Anaemia, Clurrh, money. (Brawl, Over Fatneu. Female? Troubles, Arthritis, Rheumatism. Neuritis and an Di,qetttse'e. - n . n A A - To all our cummners taking Herb Tre.trugM'tttB, um- " talus (250 oldaime Herb Formula). the long-cherishe of our forefathers. and meat Hex-balms like Nicholas and Pastor Knelpp. who lived many years ago and I -wlth rreat success. THERE IS A HERB FOR EVERY OISEAIE. CANADIAN HERB 0M18il)'f STAN DAiiil J5ANK Ammoniatcd Bronchial, Compound " -osr CANADA DURHAM BRANCH-W. A. Johann. Nanngcr Snub-Crunch “W . MCBETH MED HAHN HOUSE. DURHAM Herb Doctor Book Page For Coughs and Colds Will correct all irritable conditions of the. and lungs. Prompt relief for brand" asthmatic troubles. = pet bottle The Reward Of Years Of Toil r rou contemplate w motion-ale the closing out oi your year: at client in building up n complete i'u'm equipment. the Standard Bunk is aplendidly equipped to enter to your tirutneiat needs. Our tocat man» azer and his at!!! will gladly mutin- In nmngemenu for the volimwivn and discounting ot all “In notes and for inmishing an extension of cred,t where necessary. A tutecesstut sak- is entirely dependent upon mound it minds! arrangements. Tastek u - the HERBS the “In E comes king Herb Tmmmenu, this hook com , Formula), the tone-cherished secrets amt Harbin-u like Nicholas Calm _ --" ....~| on... You tn am. To Univ-d Bum C. mum-m & BON. Pauline» Hours--9 a. m. te 7 p. m. only M. Gram. the gm ot . daughter. (Inn-I. Bolton.) Pl'l'zsulMONB - At Battle and. Alberta. on Jul 7th. 1037. to Mr and In an. Hummu- (are or.tANr---In Nonnuby. on May. 1n. ma. to Iran! In Gordon r of the Canadian Herb Gar- Herbs,willbeyat the i"iiise Binamoor) I daughter 2ririGoa will use them m f thugs and pills, you will 0:19 Jan. N--- , I. 111.107 p m. An excellent sync 'iitntilder Drugxist and gtation Pins 3. 0L7 RH and Blossoms tor muons: 0'35 and used them LONDON, ONT. iAnl hinl (hm tet u and

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