Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Nov 1924, p. 7

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law 10,7 DEVELOPMENT OF UPPER MACKENZIE TRADE FACILITATED BY WIRELESS SYSTEM. Hunting, Health of [alumi- ants and Schools Satiofactory --Increase in Wild Buffalo h now may violin- did Samantha" who during m. but And busy life? Of course more in no possible my at "rertatning the and number. One) nuthorlty nu it a 1.000. Anomaly nth-r much mauled mouth, pata' he number " 1.110 Wanner. Of this 540 violins, ll viola and so 'collos no said to have unwind. This make. . total ot 00! Stud- known to be tn oxlatonco u tho pmont day tf the “are. no col-root. ad leave. In “would for. It I. then 514 un. .eeotmtod tor Studs that interest. tho man who and: an old tiditlo in M. u. no bearing the magic was ot Btmdi. nrlul on It: musty lamina-Minna a. Bddu. Re have to the conclu- uou that he has found on. at than un- amunuq in, "I! coo- vltlonl at weath In the near future. “nah-nun baud.- being the pror- pior violin “or of tho world, was t miracle ot industry. for we find him um busy engaged in making violin: u the no of " Ho left quite n nnnr ber of violin. unnnhhod " " death, pupil: There in an innnltuimnl proportion of real 8mm. not. previously known at be in existence umong tho Was a imituionn scattered over the world, tttst u than are a few In". trearta In l mountain ot oyster “MID. but it In In. looking tor the proverbial noodle In t hunch to fittd one. An old tumor was: to tho ttettti" to 3". an aching molar "atored. no oporution was computed; and tho rim! then inatntetod tho tooth nwor to "move an nu: out. "It mm accusary," upwind a. Comm. "That one only who. In lyn- Fifty." V'K'ank it out, then," growl” tho mun" "Darn Inch sympathy u How Many Violins Did Stradivarius Make? uf of which were completed " In. Painful Ptty. RUSSELL Variations-R-l, Rouse, Russ. Racial Origin-Norman-French. 8ouree--A nickname. The family name of Russell is, In a sense. akin to that of Reid, and its variations, Reed and Read. It comes from an old English word meaning "red," which, however. was of Nor. man rather thnn Anglo-Saxon speech. This word was "rottae," .nd has sur‘ vived today only as "rmoet," with a Honour, DIVISION Canadian General than mum” _ com: "JCI-Ili',',, people- Pin-oi! -fGU%Gr" or any aduherant in COME TO THE LECTURES, DEMONSTRATIONS and PRACTlCES Mock and seed Judging .,.........r."'.."'. Jan.13!h to Jan. 24th Poultry Raleing _.......................""'. Jan. 13th to Feb. 7th Fruit and Vegetable Grewin v................ Jan. 26th to Feb. 7th Fiorieuiture and Landecape gardening ..... . ' . .. Feb. Oth to Feb. 2Ut Cour" for Factory Cheese and Butter Makere .. Jan. 6th to March Mth Cow Toning r............-.--..-""""""' Jan. 12th to Jan. 23rd Farm Dairy r......................"'."""" Jan. 26th to Feb. 6th Factory Milk and Cream Teatlng ....... ..."... Feb. 9th to Feb. 20th Condensed and Powdered Milk ........... . . ' . Feb. 23rd to March 6th Market Milk and Mechanical Refrigeration .. March 9th to March 20th Ice Cream and Mechanical Refrigeration .... March 23rd to April 3rd Creamery and Cheeeemaklng Couree ...... March 24th to March Mth Farm Power _.................---.-"'."".' Jan. 27th to Feb. 7th Drainage and Drainage Surveying ..r.... ' . ' . . .. Jan. 13th to Jan. 24th lee Keeping ..._....._.....A......-...... Jan.13th to Jan. 24th These courees are planned to meet (he requirements of farmere, farmere' eons. dalr men. poultrymen, beekeepere. and horticulturlete who may be able g leave home for but a ehort period during the winter montne. All eoursee are free. with the exception of tho dairy These courses In planned to meet the requirem farmers' Iona. dalr men. poultrymen, bookoopon, an who may be able g leave home for but a short Pl wlnter montm. All courses are free, with the excepl courses. for which a small registration he I. charged. A change from home aurroundlngs. meetings: In the things In which you are Interested, axe I the acqulroment of knowledge, will do you good. course that appeals " you. erto for. booklet dt J. B. Reynolds, M.A. L. suvemon, M.8., A President. Director of Ixtonn Ontario Agricultural College 1925 - SHORT COURSES --.. 1925 Toasts two slices of bread at once. The toast is turned auto- matical1y by simply pulling down oneof the nickel-plated guards. Designed to grace the finest appointed table, For "I. by dealer. MIDI!“ Radio Sets This powerful small set is the ladio sensation of the yen. It brings to you, strongly Exceedingly simgle to and clearly, all the wealth operate, compact, ullt of of life, music, and fun mahogany, good to look that fills the air when at. Made , the people night falls-all the thrill who made t e 'phone in of tuning in a voice a your house-and nearly thousand miles away. a million others besides. Write to-day for full particulars and illustrated literature to 88-85 MAIN ST. Dealer-We colzcit your ennui Nortitortt Etoctric Surnames and Their Origin David A. McGowan HIM nr, D'J."erl‘t'e.";; Gaia ducrlblng the courses. L. Stovenaon. M.8., A. M. Porter, B.8.A. Director of Ixtonnlon. ,Regmrar‘ Distributor AT THE ndlngs, meeting other people Interested Interested. exchange of experience and WIN do you good. Plan to attend some meaning "brownish-red) somewhat dit- terent from the original. As might be expected it was, to- gether with the sobriquet “lo Rode," Just then: as widespread as red hair was, for apparently there is no per- sonal characteristic which the human eye singles out more quickly in a man to differentiate him from his fellows than a red head. The name "le Rouse" Ind "le Rus- sel" appears frequently in the old re- cords, the uo-calleld "Hundred Rolls," the "Munimenta 011d Lallac Londonien- 313" (Minutes of the London Guild. tum), etc. An explanation for the name Run. which form is also found among the‘ old records, but an explanation which probably has little foundation of tact.‘ is that this name was derived from' the nationality of one ot the original bearers; in other words, that it means "the Russian." While a great many names are known positively to have taken their origin trom nationality. the evidence is again" the claim in this case. for it was not customary among the medieval English who knew little ot the lands to the east of them beyond the shares ot Germany, to make any distinction between the races inhabiting them, all of whom they referred to as Esterlings, or 1i1trtsterlings. This. objection, however, does not apply to the explanation in cases where the name has come to the ‘United States from other countriea. Variations-None. Raclal ortgm--Medlevttl Engmh. ttouree--DeseriptNe. Palmer is a, very appropriate familyl name for a. crusader. Its origin is traced straight back with little varls-f tion or change to the day: when the} spirit of tighting religion swept over! all Europe and crusade after crusado' was launched at the Turk with the, object of winning back the Holy Land.| {we very old English document, dating from Norman-French days, gives a list of names. among which is one Hervey Its Palmer. Another men- tions 5. Geoffrey Ie Palmere, while an old document ot Parliament speaks of John 10 Paumer, Harvey the Filmer. Geoffrey Palmer. ring for cam the Palmer and John the TORONTO, ONT. log ue Ind ditcounu. PALMER Tha MI W with R-16 Amplifier “dared I Jilly thin. to do in those) do". any more than it icon-lama: silly may to: tho some: to won his; campus]: stripes or other mini: do? noting service in the army or nuy or, membership in 1 society or lodge. The palmer was one who had made a. pil-E grimue to the Holy Land, either a o: warrior fighting the Turk or simply " i I. lrnveier actuated by religious fer-l The descriptive appellntion of par mer quite naturally developed into I family name on a very large scale. In the Brgt place, there were many pil- grims. In the second place, the man who had made the pilgrimage we: like. ly to be considered the moat import- ant member of his family for several generations before and after, and therefore the most likely individual in his family to perpetuate his name to the extent of its being permanently accepted in the course ot years as the family name. EASILY FATIGUED A Condition Known as General Debility Due to Watery Blood. General deiiiiity is a. term used to describe a weak and run down condi- tion ot the system. Debiiity may come from a number of causes. The after effects of acute illness, lack ot nourish. ment due to poor digestion, overwork or worry, or anything that makes the blood thin, thereby preventing it from carrying nourishment and health to the tissues of the body. The "mit. toms of debility vary, but weakness is always present, often a tendency to be easily fatigued. spots passing before the eyes. weak back, dizziness, wake- fulness caused by inability to stop thinking, and unreireshing sleep. Mr. Lorenzo L. Camacho, Rocklsnd, Ont., was a severe sufferer from this trouble and tells how he found release. He "yer.--"') years ago I was in that condition which medical men call general debility. I made periodical visits to Montreal tor fourteen months to undergo electric treatment. At the end ot this time I was feeling well and thought with proper care I would con- tinue in good health. But in the course of a month or so the symptoms came back more acute than ever. I lost sp- petite and could hardly sleep during the night, and what sleep I had was disturbed with nightmares. I had headaches and the least effort was telling on my nerves. I always felt pains somewhere, and had to lose ‘much time. After suffering tor three months, trying various things without lgood results, I was terribly depressed lend disheartened. One day I met s tte, who noted how pale and thin I ,wss and he so strongly recommended Em. Williams' Pink Pills that I deter. iminod to give them a. fair trial. I got lsix boxes and began the treatment at once. After I had taken tour boxes I began to notice an improvement in my health. I could sleep better, and I iscsrcely had a headache. Since that ity my health has been steadily im. f proving and now I feel just as well " lever. I have gained twenty pounds laince I began the treatment. Now I |woum not be without Dr. Williams' I' Pink Pills in the home, and strongly 'reeommend them to sil who tn1tter from a depressed system end the aches l that follow." You can get these pills through any medicine dealer, or by mail at M) on. A box or six bozo: for $2.50 trom The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockvile, Ont. Huskiaaon was very proud ot " son and heir, who had only arrived It hitt house a few months. He was never happier than when he was showing " his son's good points, A minor. of cont-0.,wu on. who 139135th wai among tho party of inspection. “Well, Bagshnw," said Ruskin-on, u ho proudly showed ott the wonder- child, "what do you think of that for a strapping lad?" Bagshaw made no reply. "Think he looks like met" persisted "Wm -â€" well-ee-ha-ham w well, Huskisson--well, old pal, to tell you the truth, I'm afraid he does." Huskisson The invisible our drum Invented by’ A. o. Leonard. which is s miniature! megaphone. tttting inslde the our en-l “rely out ot sight, is rosiorln; the‘ tuning ot hundreds of people in KGl York city. Mr. Leonard invented tin-l drum to relieve himself ot deatness) end head noises. Ind " does this tttti, successfully that no one could tell he! is s deaf men. It is attentive whenl deafness is caused by eatarrh or tsri porfcrnted or wholly destroyed natural l drums. A request tor intormatiort': to A. o. Leonard. Suite 48T, TO Pitth), avenue. New York city. will be given. . prompt "Nr. IM l More shipping passes through the Built Ste. Marie locks during naviga- tion than goes through the Panama, Suez and Manchester canals In twelvo months Dominion Express M Safer than sendlns bills Virtues must be familiar with par- liamentnry praetiees. The minute we make a good molutiou someone moves that it be laid _.onAhe table. Minard'a Llnimcnt for Rheumatism. When sending money by twtil an AND DESPONDENT His Hearinit Restored. Moat Unfortunate. Money Orders, For every 100 women in Ceneda there are 106 men. Bo Canada solves the problem ot Importing women from England as was done 300 years 910 by the American colonies. And the plan suits England. tor statisticians estimate England has a surplus ot 8,000,000 women. Parties of women and girls are formed in England, brought to Canada under reliable es- cort, and offered jobs in whatever line of work they may choose. As each ship lands. scores ot housewives are on hand to hire servants. and farmers, to offer them jobs in the rural dir tricts. says Capper's Weekly. Bo far as the marriage'question is concerned, the women have proved able to take care of that detail. Records Show that most of the girls are married within a year and settle down on farms of their own. Atur the city-bred young woman wu put in charge of a, country Ichool, to the on.“ in arithmottc she Mid: 'Now, children, if there an ten than on one side of a fence and on. jumps over, how many sheep will be leftt" "No sheep. teacher," answorod I tow-headed little in: of ton lummarl. "Oh, no!" cried the city young wo. man, repronchfully. ‘You are not " stupid " that.' Think again. If there were ten sheep on one side ot the lance and one sheep jumped over. nine sheep would be left. Don't you no that?" "Nol not no!” persisted the child. "It one sheep jumped our, all the others would jump after it My tuber keeps sheep." Then, seeing the puzzled look on the tetuther's face, the little low-head ox- plalned apologetlcally: “You know 'rithtmstie, tttitttt, but I know cheep.“ Mirhael'a mother had married again, sud though Michael did not object to " new father. he Wu somewhat puz- Bled " to the roluuonship. "Mother," he said. "is this man my stepfather?" “You, dear; he'g your ateptather." "Well, mother," mutln-ued the child, "you 1sall me your little lad." 'Then, mother," continued Michael, "t luppoee I must be my stepfather- little Mopladder." -----9--- .__r- Couldn't Be Mistaken. An American woman went to Soot- lend to Tigit Iome friends. When we returned one of her friends accom- panied her. "‘Yel, dearté, you are mammals lit, tle IM." - As they neared New York the Ameri- oan woman and: "In a. little while we shall see Sandy Hook." "Oh!" said her Scottish friend. "Do not tell me when, because I am um) I would know . Scotsman anywhcre." Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer product proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for Insist on Accept only “Bayer" package which contains proven directions. Aapirln is “It and: lift (Watered In mm) at I”. lull-mm. of Honolwlk: “Mater ot "urriirrcui (Marl (“Hulk Add, "A. I. A."). While " " we.", tun-r1 that Aspirin man- 50er tr1Nutfttetum, to - no will: all.“ Immune: um ”an... a: Bays: Company will be “and Inn on: "I! (and. mm. m "3.; _'." an..." Handy “Bayer" boxes of f2 tableteAilo bottles of " and totr-Druggitsta. N, tissc?ei'-1-r--j/ m: '5 Ps " " . ‘ - "illlIillh - Shiploeds of Girls. T he best Tobacco fl or the pipe M Iohael Wu Mytrtttud. She KneW Sheep. persisted the and. BAYER TABLETS OF ASPIRIN OFOFN" HVERPOQL At I choir pnctico a new cunt wu being {tho-nod. Artu- n few verso- ot the Palm had been lung the ehotr. maltor ttgtilerd out: "No, no! thlt's .11 wrong; take the chant through nan. Can't you see It goes diLIerantly in the 188th”? No.90! wrong nun! Well, we must get along with it. Now, then, next line: 'O, yo tools. when will re undemund t" GUARD THE CHILDREN FROM AUTUMN (1lur The "ll in the most severe "Mon of the year for ooide~oue day ie wen-m, the next cold end wet, end union the mother is on her guard. the little one. ere seized with cold: that mu hung on all winter. Beby'e Own 'I‘ebleu ere mothers' beet friend in prevent“); or banishing ooldl. They not as I gentle laxative, keeping the bowel: end enum- eoli free end eweet. An oocuionui dose ot the Tablet: will prevent colds. or it it do” come on suddenly their prompt uu will relieve the baby. The Tablets ere sold by medicine dealers or by mail at " cu. . box trom The Dr. Willieme' Medicine Oo., Brookvilie, Ont Cloovaork. Haqrttim--"War11, old mu, how! bumm- going?" Martin-Nh, like clockwork." Borhtne--"Bttt I'd bond 0. rumor that your people had lulled." MWF"80 they have. The bus mu hu just been wound up." An “(lo can live twenty days with- out food, while I condor can airman-1y am for forty days, " Mlnard'. Llnlmont ‘Rolllevn Pain When we read s wire maxim We think how aptly It applies to tome friend: there are maxima that apply to ourselves. Colds Pain Toothache - tube typo, m trp., In good con- dition, also 3 In” uncut ot Numb in. lighting end been“ equipment. Will sell entire or in part " greet worm“ because of “tendon: to our property. Reel Eeutee Carper-glen. Limited. Top Floor. " We“ Adelelde Street, Termite. Telephone lljln M01. Neuritis L. COSTELLO " W. Adollldo " lend d"trNptlttrt and full pal-Haul"- " For full "no of Guaranteed Hoalcry direct to oonuumer. No Investment. LONGER WEAR HOSIIRY CO. 33 Rlohmond 8t. Wut Toronto AGENTS WANTED SHIP MODELS WANTED BOILER Very Approprllu. FULL RIGOID Lumbago Neuralgia Rheumatism Headache Toronto i Cl-taug Ad tPd',,".',',",",,',"', OR BOOKKEEPINO b taught In twenty home Ieuone. Proftetettey guaranteed. D t p l o m e given. Empire Dunne“ Cullen. " Bmdview Ave., Toronto. JU wanted. Reynoldl, St, Toronto. F All the Wham-c. Aa the clergyman Mariel on tho but a now-boy thrust a - under lib no“ and shouted, "Ail the whneru, ctr." The shocked put-Ion inquired ur- ouucall'y it there war. no other new. In the paper. "snir," returned the boy ; "all the runner- tor to-mmrow." Don't be a quid". It in Jun " we“ to remember that triumph In. the accent on the try. 'Refmha Tired Eyes ,rauaoeco.,chi-mrbscurish WWNEi -. ?ttt1 FIFE Pains and Headaches Ro. lieved by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham'n Vegetable Compound noun) NUT SLEEP NIGHTS Dublin, Ontario.--", wu wuk I health wi.th . ptdnt tel, htP1itttt 'GrGiiik not sleep nightr. I learned ghoul Lydia E. Pinkhima's veqwtable Compound by reading the lmrera in the newspaper: and tried it Docuuw I vented to get better. 1 have got good results from it u I feel . lot stron er and am not troubled with such ffif 'rtt,teteh'"', l Td, abodnd tl') TIt " Br. am [In w t a I myths and I all as friend- wlae kind of medic!” I " all“. You lg!) use m] latter in a u"t,,tfft.hegtii'it. Hrs. All: Raw, tt 12, Dublin. Ontario. Halifax, N. S. - “I am I mate nurse and have recommended eg? Pinkhnm’n Pete,hi, (Mum many women I “are ch .10 $312“ P,', 'eg', Letl st'11,i, I .. ' an my a: m e 'iiitti',i'ii' tdt'fetf; ar,,iik'eiiit w e I . on a copy Vtt', of "h', 'pftu'W,i.1 Women'l climb. luv. which keep to Und. I will will letters from my wow the Vegetnbh Compound. " B. 901.319", .24 UM 8M l " My Nubia began with eczema which huh out in pimples Ind spa-d rapidly. It ascend my was tom the elbow. to the tips of my (lawn. I could not put my hands in was. they new and burned so. Cuticum Boats, Ointment and Tnlunn promote and maintain dun purity, akin comfort md akin health can when all the an. - Bet?. In. Ad Ieem Mrti ”we. i,rit'SS'trti'itrht.iiiili'. Jg'dite our new Mud-u stick. “dim notdomy regular work. t could not deep on account of the Million. " The doctor advised me to use) Cudoun Soap and Ointment and in two week. l was completel healed, after using one and I blah:- of Soup and one boar of Ointmem." (Signed) Mm .7171. B. May. Marshfield, Vc, Jane 6, 1023. NoG%oiia. In PImplesL Could Not Sloop. M0113 Heals. Halifax Nurse Recommends ITBHY EUZEMA 0N ARMS MONEY-TO LOAN. HOME INDY ISSUI No. "td"otitrre. ' "

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