Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 20 Dec 1923, p. 4

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nenderson's Quality Oar satisfied customers tell I Try a toar-ore feel sure you will to place your order with us for Christmas Cake & Shortbread We have made from th Sign: Supply d Candies ' Nuts--a Choice Selection NOW JUST ARRWED-- Muir's Famed Chocolates, ttENIEPS0N'S BAKERY vs a good supply of Li the very best ingredients NOW IS THE TIME " ' - - - - . _ _ y T) W Elam Scan-n5 and Lighting Equipmnl Standard an Ina: '* 1. M . t I All prices i. o. b. Ford, om. Cowman! Taxes -- - .n ' ___ I. -. u4vForo,eieysc.esuruatrl/hrttg.li. The new Ford Runabout is as - and mu. a car as 'rmwiil Mthemadwday. 'rs, um- arrangement ot the rear deck (um abundant “0'33. ‘- . 4;... I. JaiG, aitowing . bad . In canned This iq do bod at (or those who "Quite a good looking. only In! eco-ical car at the - - Em FORD Makers of Good Bread The New MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA. in its lock, An assortment of in bulk or Fancy Boxes tty Is our bread is delicious. may the same. ii/ova Touring Can For the motorist who requires. a good-loaning can u. unusual serviceability, the new Ford Touring Car is a splendid investment. To the sturdiness and endurance for which the Ford is universally famous have been added new features which materially enhance the appearance of the car and add to the comfort of the passengers The net / radiator is higher. giving greater cooling efficiency --the hood and cowl are larger affording increased leg- room, and the steering-post is braced for easier driving With roomy accommodations for five passengers, the new Ford Touring Car is undoubtedly the most practical general utility car on the market. Coupe. $665 ight and Dark Cake, , te'iti/nuu---ORDER liming Var, DURKAM Jar. $445 Runabout, $405 ' Elam. Slam. and Lighting Es mm»: 885 .00 um. fl: 'i"o"/riiriiih A, when Bread Nev Ford Prices SMH'H BROS. requires. a good-looking car he new Ford Touring Car is HOLSTEIN LIMITED. FORD. ONTAR'O ijriiijriiiaraiio d, Policy Fordor Sedan, 6895 .‘qulpmcnt Standard on that mmhb. uric. Cowman! Taxes can. “WHEREAS the social. educational w, and economic features of our move- Pres ment have tsuttered try our political Ago activities : _ fave AND WHEREAS an immediate par-' said tiU solution of our agricultural prob-) as t inns can be brought about through! for cooperative marketing ot our prod-l titttt acts on a commodity basis and Gore) T vrative buying of necessities, aetiv"s/ Ptttr. ties which can be properly carried: one out by our organization: :Wil} AND WHEREAS as an occupational‘ spli organization We should be in a posi-; enr tion at all times to appeal or to cri- Mr. ticize any Government which may be an) in pow-r on matters affecting our in- SC') dustry or the common good '. 1 30‘ THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED “a _ _ . n__....a...., ' THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the United Farmers' Organiza- tion ot Ontario take no political action as a party, but eontlntt itself to the aims and objects laid down in its con- stitutlon ; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLV- ED THAT since political action is necessary to the full attainment or our aspirations and ideals, we do not oppose the formation ot a political party which shall embody these principles." .. ,, --" In. tails the disgrace We are assured this resolution took hours in committee and discus- sion to get whipped into shape to meet varying views. It was endorsed by e.vPremier Drury and by See'y J. J. Morrison so small wonder that it passed almost unanimously, less than a scorn voting against it. A meeting is to be held on January'; 3rd in Toronto to bring to birth this? new party. Members of the. Progres-' give party in the Dominion as well isl in the local houses, together with the} doieatmi candidates in'last election,‘ are to be present. It is almost certain E. C. Drury will be chosen as lea-i der of the new party, for the warmth of his reception last week indicates cloarly that he is the outstanding tur- ure in the new movement. A spirit ot harmony and good will marked the meetings. Mr Drury and Mr. Morrison. if they ever had dit- t'u'ences. smoothed them over by compromises and exprossiops of con- 6405 Truck, $495 t iriiGiur 20,1923 Plan It REFOREST THE DURHAM REVIEW tte L. 1‘1! lllt'l )pposition on. It 'i') it it sue-t ory--if it! l . resolution‘ A ml [Hat-ni-I nl\. fldence In the nature and of greater progress than ever were commonly, heard. l W. A .Amos. last year's President, was re-elected to the position by ac-i, clamation. So was Mr Harold Currie of Strathroy to the Vice Presidentshlp' . ‘l I I "eu....". or Blrnunu; u: “u. ..-- -- and at a later meeting rM J. J. Horny t on will be Ite', Secretary.. " Eight names ere proposed tor the 1 Presidency. amongst them being Miss I Agnes McPhail. but all retired in I favor of Mr. Amos. Miss McPhaii l said she had no intention of standing i as the work she was now trying to do . for the tarmers "takes more of my l time and more ability than l possess." ; The Convention had its tense mom- Lents too. For instance when some.- lone accused J .J. Morrison of acting _with the outside press in trying to ‘split the organization. Miss McPhaii entered a vigorous protest, claiming 'Mr. Morrison had done moraulwp any other one man to further the ite, terests of the U. F. O. and "hoped shei would live longer than him so as tor 'tre at his funeral to hear something l good said about him." i ' Then there was accusations against' ‘ the Farmers' Sun as not having sul'-' y fluently supported the party during . the campaign but all were smoothed over and delegates have gone home to . tight to “tree the people trom the tin- l ancial barons who control the country t financially and politically." as Mr Hal- t bert said. - q 7-14” 0“”. " ”VII anus. 902:1 t':V"t,t',1)ad,," 'g')."';),','." Ha.) perature “306% and at 12 o'clock Inc“ iBinnie took a prominent part in the), i,,?,idiiidtt,r'sit.v.yrnfnt/pl'prl, t,tt discussions and in the'business. His; lace b motor tls' Hampden cemetery i was one or the nominees for the pai-:?,',.,' “day afternoon last Rev W J I 113’s“ CL)"g tr:vett11t'211ldni2"i,rvellr, Burnett conducting funeral services at . 1 . c, Ph" , was Pleated. The Sun says 2 "ne took) margin? sp,f,,l't1r,la1tlmlfl', s,,.)!,:'.,',,'," the opportunity to emphasize the int-j voulhful parents . ‘11)0rLa11LN‘ ot _ dew-loving co-operative" The a"2'iiiii'"meoting of our beet if '"ea,'.ii'v'.i,?,'"e,.d PIE“: _eigtism',re'Jhoudr" ring was held in No. 1 schoolhouse on ‘-' . pp_ .. r t ‘Fridny evening. last, Dec. 14th, “th - E,-.. A: 1mg: Dawn: Wert' hearte-d support. tof Elem." urn: Lru nupyv... .v. .__e""""" - ....V,r - Messrs may and‘nohorty wvre 01-1 prest"'N. vctvd as directors ot_lhe United Far-I the chair Ins-rs" L‘s-oprrauve Company. l The tc entitled "Cranberry Corners" in lei) tona School or. Friday evening. Ill characters took their respective parts ‘ exceedingly well and their persistence‘ in training was well shown up. The characters and plot are as follows: Mr Tom Dexter (Stanley Leding- hem was a retlned country gentleman who was in love with a city girl, Cat'- lotta Bannister (Jessie Hawkins) who resided with a wealthy aunt. Annas- ,tasia Bannister (Lavina Mortleyl whose home was in New York. This aunt was very much against the mar- riage of her niece with the country man and was trying to compel her to marry a rich and influential man of Now York. Sydney Everett (John Morrison) who had acquired his 'wvalth through a crooked deal and (which resulted in Frederick Bannis- ster (Howard Smith) and Carlotta's Mather. being sent to prison for 15 I years. He was afterwards pardoned ii" time to rescue his daughter from lthe hands of this man who was tho (means of sending him there to save 1 himself. - - A m.-, wr.., "r"""". Carlotta visited her aunt. Mrs Mus-l lin (Mary Morrison) who was the vil- Inge gossip, where she met Tom Dex- ter, (Charlie Schafer) also his aunt, Amelia Dexter (Hattie Mortley.) Hez- ekiah Hopkins (Edward Melosh) wast the untiring lover of Mrs Muslin whom she later married and went to New York on their honeymoon much against the wishes of the wealthy New York aunt who received them very coldly. ()ther characters Were Bella Ann (Mary Melosh) servant girl for Amelia Dexter and Nathan l Speck. (Clarke Morrison) Andrew Imxter's hired man who were also in the plot ‘to Secure Carlotta for Tom lln-xter. Florin" (Dorothy Sehafer) ithe maid of the wealthy Mrs Bannis- l ter of New York, also lived up to her L part. _ t. I\A-I... -....|.nanm A largo audience attended ”an. Bclween acts the Rocky orehestra" gave splendid music which was much appyetriatr'd by all, also step dance and song by Hugh Vase-y. Mr Duncan McLean was Chairman, and also auc" tioneer. He rendered an excellent reading durin who evenlng. Proceeds amounted to $50, Latona School Concert The death took place in Toronto} this Wt't'k from pneumonia of yell l Mills. Ottawa, son or the late Robrwtl innd Mrs Mills. on» time well known! 1 r-sivlonts of oDrnoch. Deceased was} la barrister by profession and had a I lucratlvn practice in the Capital City. ;He is survived by his wife and one l child. Three brothers and one sister ‘remain in the family, viz: Allister, l lawyer of Windsor: Donald and Fras- or, and Miss Maria. nurse of Cleve. ' land. Two brothers also are deceas- ' pd, Will and John, the latter dying overseas. Mrs Wm. Mills. Upper Town, is the widow of deceased's bro- f thre William. The monthly meeting of the Worm en's Institute was held at the home of Mrs R. Ledingham on, Dec. 12th. The meeting was opened by the sin:- _ .. .q___" v.. l Run Mit Tait Was with us and gaVe , l the ladies great praise in the way they conducted the meeting and Was i also pleased to know that our Ins'i-, i tute had done so much good in giving', I a little to help along other causes; l and in the way so many take part," .'also the talent we have among our ', young people. The meeting was clos- i od with the singing of God Save the l King. after which a lunch was served. l, Although our hostess was summt to l a. fine with such a tine spread, Mn was I, let ott for this time. Next FP. "etintt will be held It the home or Mi.ct M. l Merntosh. - _ . I In: nu E nub u.-- -,. --" V _ ing of the Institute ode, followed try the Lord's prayer. 12 members and visitors being present. Mrs. A. Mc. Intosh read the minutes of last, meet- ing in the absence of the Sec'y. Mrs. E. B. Dargavel. LPttors were read from different parts, reading by Mrs. W. Robertson. Mrs J. Crutchloy, Mrs Sillars and Mrs A. McIntosh. Roll call was answered by receipts. . tGGG" Pie Sock! was a gram suc- DORNOCH ROBT. MILLS the play ecu... “av“. "_"--,. - best plays that hue ever been noted around these puts. Communion: Lavina. - One of our young men while on his l way home with two friend: from La- tona Pie Social, had his horse takeI fright at apassing car and run into! the ditch. It upset the'preclous had left the buggy and all behind, and struck tor home, sweet home. Some kind person gave them a, lift, which shortened the journey a few miles. Glad to hear they were none the worse‘ Accidents are bound to happen when-i a young man has one hand only to guide his steed. Rev. Mr Tait left on Monday for Flesherton. Rev. D. Sillars returned on Monday ara u “mun“, n n’nunlo of weeks with Rev. Mr Tait leIt on , Flesherton. Rev. D. Sillars returned after spending a c'ouplo of friends near Quebec. The grim meseuger of death came very suddenly into this locality on Wednesday of last week, Dec. 12th. and called away Helen, the three month old child of Mr and Mrs Ken- neth Park. On Sunday previous the child had a slight cold, but apparently fully recovered and on Tuesday even- ing even smiling. On the following morning it was noticed the child was not its usual. Dr McLellan of Hol. stein was called and pronounced the trouble to be pneumonia with a tem- l perattire of 106% and at 12 o'clock the [Wrh L» wc., "mum vnllnE‘ human bios. XOUUIIUI Dul'l'uIa. The annual meeting of on beet ring was held in No. 1 schoolhouse on Friday evening. last, Dec. 14th, “th a lana- HImber ot beef PalPl‘S Wert' "mar-m, Putsidem Thus. McNiece in Til? total number of pounds Ot U beef consumed was something pret- ty large for the average weight was r, 462 pounds. The beef ring is appur- a ently one thing the farmers can stick , to ami-little time was lost in drawing t tickets for another season. Although t tor the present no butcher is secured. t We are hopeful that Mr Albert Mur- t shall who has given good satisfaction I the past two years, will see his way i ("e-m tn accept the job again. I l We must admit we were somewhat l disapointed with the turn over in the l welfare of the U. F. o. Convention last. week in Toronto. We thought the choosing of a leader would be one of the chief things to decide on but instead an almost complete back- down in politics was the outcome. That farmers should plod away at home and leave the management of public affairs to the upper crusts and too often dishonest politicians. We entirely disagree with the view held ii by some of the speakers that farmers i should keep strictly aloof from poli- . tics. ii We are caught up to the tinn l when politics are to be entrusted en- ; tirely to lawyers and doctors and l manufacturers. etc., then Heaven pity) il, the purity of our politics and the safe- i ty of our great nation. ' Mr Harold Watson who has been _ attending the business college at Mt. " Forest the past two weeks, is this I- week tdting a Week's course judging " in beet qualities at the abattolrs in I Toronto. - .. n H n....l .. Mr Jas. Wilton of Varney had 11" very narrow oscape from having his house burned down one day last week! Before the fire was discovered the} up-stairs were in flames and a con-1 siderable quantity or bed clothes with garments were destroyed. The loss) was fully insured in the Germanic) BLYTH’S CORNERS up-slairs were in times uuu a. wu-I ; siderable quantity at bed clothes and. 2. That for the purposes alarm garments were destroyed. The 100.3“ said, it shall behlawt‘ul fox" the mayor: was fully insured in the Germanic) and Treasurer of the said Town to Fire Insurance Co. borrow the said sum of $44,000 and to Ii'i'iii' debentures of the said Munici- -Hotf, w R no ding has been in! pality therefor, which debentures poor health fur some time but kept] shall be dyed on the day ot the is . However his medical advisers; 111.e Ihereol and BlttUl be repayable In 'd'/.ne'U'c'rCi him to take a muchl thirty years after at the Standard needed rest. Canadians everywhere l, tet,',',,' Canada, at the said Town ot " w to m n will; ' . milkhop: 2'i,.'"1g,avner.,!'." s a l 3. The said debentures shall be ma e a .p t'_"i"12:='L------l payable in thirty annual instalments Wish them Merry Christmas being given one Pt . sident Calling up friends by Long Distance to wish them Merry Christmas and Happy New Year has become a well-estab- lished custom. You can put so much more of the Holiday spirit into your voice than you can on paper that it is a question whether giver or re- ceiver enjoys it the more. The evening and night ratc s on Station-to- Station calls are very reasonable. by Long Distance 3v." Bel! 1'ch In . Lou. Drama Station of the umunnmmmmuumm ands Ot ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO OF THE TOWN OF A By-law of the Mun-cups. y-...-. of the Town of Durham, " lumen-JI in the erection and construction of a waterworks system for the Town of Durham, and to acquire the not, euary land and oxisting water rights, together with the plant. mr chinery and equipment therefor and 1 to issue Debentures of the said l Town “($44,000.00 for men pur- pun“ WHEREAS the said Town of Dur- ham is desirous of constructing a waterworks system in the sad Town under tho authority of the Municipal Act, the Municipal Waterworks Act. and the Faic.ctilitie" Act and amendments thereto. - _ av, nninlnn of Act, lllr mu...-.,,__ and the Public . Utilities amendments thereto. AND WHEREAS in the on the Council of the said Mun it is necessary and expedient vide for the citizens of the as water for drinking purposes er domestic use, and for an lion: and to install a pum tion. collecting gallery. mum ted tank, machinery and equi accordance with the report a Jamvs. Proctor and Redfern. - ' , “mt of it BY=LAW N0. 784' Julurn. n-vv--. _ at an estimated cost thousand dollars ($44,001 it is necessary to raise of the said Municipality oses aforesaid. AND WHEREAS application no” been made to the Provincial Board Fl, Health pursuant to the Public Health: Act tor the approval of the said. works, and the said Provincial Board of Health has approved of same. AND WHEREAS the sum of Forty {our Thousand Dollars ($44,000) is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this by-law. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to‘ I issue the said debentures at one time. and to make the said debt payable in| yearly sums during the period on thirty years. being the currency of: the said debentures, the said yearly sums being of such respective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for principal and interest in respect of the said debt shalibeas nearly as possible equal in each of the other twenty-nine years of the said period. AND WHEREAS the total amount ,' required to be raised annually by l special rate for paying the said debt . and interest as hereinafter provided is $3196.55. t AND WHEREAS the amount ol f the whole rateabie property of the t said Town according to the last revises ANL; JfGl',i'i"i7 -... t of tire' ream“. ... _-_, the Wioe ra ea e proper y _ a said Town according to the last revised "ijiii,i,jbtdd.et',reS,tf/li5ikl'l'l' " assessment roll is $567,530. i The shareholdres ot Bentlnck and AND WHEREAS the amount ot thei Normanby " week beef rtnq held existing debenture debt of the saldl their unnual tneetlng int may night Municipality, exclusive of local im‘ in B. B. No. l, Normality. provement debt and school tax is the Mr. Herb. Vollett put in the hear sum of $111,182 91 and no part of lbwi test beef of the season. which dre- principal and interest is in arrears. I med 570 pounds, the Iver-3e ,'rle,', h f th Manic! at co ration; being about 460 lbs. Mr T. J. wn n T "e ore o p rpo I l was elected President nnd Mr Wilbert of the Town of Durham enacts as‘ fttittttittqt imyth was reelected Secretary for i 1. It shall be lawful for the said, [:13 teg'g,'ae,PiorA27',t 2"d,'ll'tll .Town of Durham to construct the! ed _ q y said waterworks system in the said . G Town, and to install a pumping sta-I: “it; tiii i,ftrt,dg'. . successful tion, collecting gallery. pumps. eleva-t Messrs Alfred Voila): Elton Lewis ted tank, plant, machinery and equip- v , l . . .i and YN m. Smith attended the “into: ment therefor, to be done in accord Fair at Guel h the l tte Iso l it Eance with report of Messrs James,' in with t‘elaglv'es the; r a vs ' 'i Proctor and Redfern. Limited on file: Ir'] -i rr, A ------_ l __ I in the Town Clork'ts Otiic . . ! , , J, ___ ‘7 l ce um! ton st”. l 3. The said debentures shall be ‘payable in thirty annual instalments lduring the thirty years next at'terthe iissue thereof and the respective, lamounts of principal and interest 1 payable during each of the said years i shall be as follows: ‘ 10. '; ll. I 12. 1 13. H. l, 15. l 16. i 17. I 18. i 19. i 20. l 21. i 22. I 23. l 24. l, 25. i M, ; 27, 1 28 [ 29 l 4. Each ot the said debentures I shall be signed by the Mayor of the ‘satd Town. or by some other person ”authorized by By-law to sign the jtyne, and by the Town Treasurer. The Clerk shall seal same with the l seal of the said corporation. “Pills ll|Clcun WHEREAS in the opinion, of uncil of the said Municipality. ocessary and expedient tovpro- I the citizens of the said Tomi for drinking purposes and oth- aestic use. and for are protec- and to install a pumping 813" o0ecting gallery, pumps, eleva- nk, machinery and i)Fli','l'a,ii'ii,i.i,i) Lance with the report of Messrs ' Proctor and Redfern. Limited, estimated cost of forty four ind dollars ($44,000) which sum iecossary to raise on the credit um mmiolnality for the purp- " 5. The said debentures shall bearl interest at the rate of six per cent) per annum payable yearly " the: Standard Bank of Canada ml the Town, of Durham, and shall have attached) thereto coupons slxned by the Mtwtrri, and Treasurer of said Mnnlclpnllly' tor payment of same. l 6. During the currency of the and. deikntures them shall be ruled un- nully by spool-l rule on Mt the rate-l able property In the ma To" otl Durham, the In of "I...“ tor the WHEREAS application M '_-g.., um Year Principal Interest Tot'l pa) 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 193] 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 MMft 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 MunicipaI Corporation nnnnu T.., .- __ be raised annually by for paying the said debt as hereinafter provided ' 1t000.00 851896.50 556.55 2640.00 33196.55? 599.95 2606.60 3196.55, 625.34 2571.21 3196.55’. 662.87 2533.68 3196.551 702.64 2493.91 3196.55; 744.30 2451.75 3196.55; 799.49 2407.07 3196.55, 936.95. 2359.70 3196.551 887.06 2309.49 3196.55: 940.29 2256.26 3196.55; 996.70 2199.35 3196.55I 1056.51 2140.04 3196.55; 1119.90 2076.65 3196.55I. 1187.09 2009.46 3196.55 1 1259.32 1938.23 iiiiiii/ 1333.92 1862.73 ' 3196.55. 1413.95 1782.70 3196.55! 1499.69 1697.87 3196.551‘ 1593.60 1607.95 31965511 1633.91 1512.64 3196.55! 1794.95 1411.60 3196.55' 1992.04 1304.51 3196.55 2005.57 1190.99 3196.55 2125.90 1070.65 3196.55 2253.46 943.09 3156.55 2388.66 807.89 iiii/iil 2531.98 664.57 3196.55: 2683.90 512.65 3196.55? 2944.94 351.61 3196.55‘ 3015.39 IM.16 2196.55 l more!" ttttd of the "ld for we" PU" DURHAM It?"" revised) a daughter to mourn his loss. .530. l The shareholdres ot BenUnck and amount or and Nommby " week beef rtnq held I of the said1 their unnual meeting tant may mm of local im" in s. s. No. l, Nommhy. wool tax is the Mr. Herb. vollett put In the halv- no part of th'";, iest beef of the season. which Stt has 395896.50] -" “no" " MI! the - - _ out: at an odd - tor incl: an! tutors-t in - of the do». T. This 13va null “he and m! we Into opt-won It and when the agent of the electors of the " municlpnmy who at entitled to - thereon bu been othned thereto and this By-l-w shill have been antl- ‘in passed by the Council of the an , I "éoiporation: -. “M‘- of the Elecmrl at the, 5.,“ m p', 9. Ott the tittt any u. -- 1924. at the Town Clerk's omce in the said town It 12 o'clock noon, the Mayor will attend to appoint tn writ- lng, signed by him, the per-om " attend at the ttnal summing up of the votes by the Clerk of aid Corpora- Rion, and one person to attend oath polllng ptaee on behalf of the person: interested in and desirous or monot- tnx the pustng of thin By-uw and I like number in behalf of persons h» terested in and opposed to the pn- slng of this By4tor. -. -...t, nf the said tnwu sing at lulu u, _- 10. The Clerk of the " will attend at his otBoe in 1 Town on Wednesday, the 9th January. IMA, at It o'clock sum up the number ot votes I and agtrintst this By-ttor. ENACTED and Weed thls day at , 1924. q DIG. Mrs. Root. Webber VlBltuu a." ‘week with her daughter. Mrs J. _ Caswell at Rocky Sauna-en. ', .Mr. A. Knisley received word of the 'death of his brother, Samuel Knis- .Iey. who died the beginning ot [at ‘week in a Toronto Hosplul from a (paralytic stroke. The downed had l resided In Toronto for a number of _ Years and leaves his widow, I son and spam SOUTH EAST BENTWCK {Hutu I“ ..-_..'"""-" -_ me ' next season. Mr Albert Hush" s who was butcher for last you resign- ed. ' I Mr Geo. Sharp had n successful 1 wood bee last Saturdny. -.. - Messrs Alfred Vollem Elton 14>th and Wm. Smith attended the Winter Fair a! Guelph, the Inner also visit- ing with relatives there. wil FA" F0! SALE Lots 13 and It, lat con. N. o. It., Glen-1g. conlalnlng " norm. This property is in good state of cultiva~ tion.w ell fenced, plenty ot good wal- Cr. Convenient to school and thatch. For further particulars apply on the propurty to my proprietor. Phone Durham. TREE For Sale by B. McIETH T. M. McFADDEN RHEUMATISM SCIATICA NEURITIS LUMBAGO Here You Are! ‘1 ............ ........ ti." Men's FINE SHIRTS . . . 11.85 Men's NECKTIES from 50 to 9oe Men's CASHMERE 80X. .. 55c Men's SILK & WOOL BOX 79c Men'l UNDERWEAR tttne and Heavy).... $2.25 and 82.50 Men's FLEECE-LINED UN- DERWEAR .......r. $1.00 Boys' FLEEchbLtNED UN- Men's WORK SHIRTS (wool) DEitWEAR . . . . . . . . .. 73c LADIES“ VESTS ......... 79c WHEEUNU YARN ...8t.00 ttt WRAPPERETTE . . . . . . .30c yd Bee our CREPOLINE tin col- ors) at ......8t.N per " Also an entirely new and lune attttortment or HANOKEI- CHIEFS AND ”ROOMS. Tcmrldon‘LRhm-nk up.“ LAD] ES' LADIES' TEMPLETONS TORONTO so. I”! ‘. L. GRANT )IES' SILK SCABFS O ..........82.25 in $8.N )IES' GOLOSHES. 4 Nickle at .......'.......... 84.50 J. A. BROWN, I’rlcwllle R. R. l uh w" - " o'clock ttoo" to r of votes given tor M AYOR CLERK In the all! an: m ot' '(iiifi.ijii'., i)ilif i)) iii':iiiiii)' it! “I in Durham by “anathema DRUG “C'sTH': mm N, 1923 M Christmas Gifts Or M Mr Mr Bul Reacleane Screening Sta ndard MII BROTHER It' I. I)lll(iliMI it, Grocerv H BIG BROTHER M FATHER ROB ROY , At Brigham Wishes " Attt Hons " IV-

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