Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Jul 1923, p. 1

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I923 gathvrml pt their Jun“ "lands and t. A very an» m. the 'teetgttt sowed. In and ttowers con-my dis- r "or. pas- run. Wht In». Mr 'tr that In t 30 may INC- to b. We hope W Ids " Alex In xees Ids are also ”use sane my warn low [for If If I'i M M welcome. a!" heat h a m M It 66L. XLVI. N0. 27 A serious shortage of I'M! clover; seed is predicted. therefore u much. 3061! as possible should be saved. l Mauricio! l 1'se British American Guoline. " HartS quicker and goes farmer. Soldl at Smith Bros. Caulk. Three piece oak bedroom set tor sale. snap. qurply at residence to Phone 76. Mrs. A. W. H. Lauder Durham District L o. L. will at. t, nd service in the Presbyterian Ctt., on Sunday evening, July 8th. Irett.1 rm will meet in the Orange Hall at B. 03 p. m. Band in attendance. 1 Hampden Anniversary and“. 1 Hampden Anniversary Services will" hr held next Sunday, July gth, at " a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Rev. Malor Grit. ham. of Geneva Church, Chesiey. will Hindu” both swvico-s. Rob Roy Grain Priees-We I"! payin: in" to 501C for Oats. 65e for Marin. tia', to 68c for Buckwheat, 3120 in $1.25 for Peas and $1.15 'or Whom at our elevator this wett. Rob Roy Mills Limited paying 4M Barter, 6 31,20 to S for Wheat Crowded out this Wool: ”wing to the crowded condition of mu- rulunms this week. we are towed m Irma ovw our rontinued story ot Hm Press trip to ttw Maritimn Provin- Ebvno-zrr (‘hun-h. B. Glenelg. on Tuesday. July lmh. under nuances ot the Ladies,' Aid. Durham Male Quar- tetie will be present and other enter. Iaim-rs' Lunch served from 6 to 75 p. m. Admission 15e And 25e. Rev. (‘urran will occupy the chair. Lou: her Brother by Death Mrs. W. ll. Your" will mourn the loss or her only surviving brother try death in Parkualr. Mr. Rom. Buther. land, in his K2 yo-ar. He was one or pioneer businvss men of Parkdate and had bean in the insurance busin- o-ss tor over 30 Mars. He leaves to mourn him his wire, two daughters, Helen L. and Lilian A. at home and one son Fred R. J.. Edmonton. He was a member of St. James Anglican Church in the city. Will In Principal at Parry Sound Mr. C. H. Innard. Principal ot the High School here, has severed his connection with Durham Ind goes to Parry Sound at a handsome Inlay. Mr. and Mrs. Emntu.d will be missed iron] our citizenship and the Metho- dist church especially will regret to lose them. Mr. llanard has been two )ears principal and has shown him. self to be progressive. He will he kindly remembered by the many pup- ils who have crowded the school dur- ing his term. Garden Party at Dornoch The annual Garden Party of Dorn. och Presbyterian church will be held on the church grounds Wednesday owning July ttth. Supper served mom is to K p. In. Rev. P. T. Pilhey of Knox I'httrch, 0. Sound will ad- dress the. gathering and Rev. Mr Gra- ham of Cllt'slry is also expected. Miss Janet Gilchrist, soprano soloist or o. Sound, will be present and render solos. also the Male uuartette from Knox Ch., o. Sound. Admission 35c, minim-n 15e. Lady new": have Organized A number otothe lady enthusiasts in lawn bowling met an the green on Tuesday alirrnoon and organized then Durham Ladies' Bowling Club with the luilowing omeers: President, Mrs (Dr) Pickering: Vice Pres.. Mrs. S. " Croft: Bee'y Treat. Mrs. C. Robbins: Executive Com. : Chairman, Mrs. Harding: Games Com, Mrs. Meueth: Entertainment, Mrs R. Maer'arltuse. The ladies will haw- the use or the bowling green on Monday. Wednrsday and Friday alter- :.oons. All ladies wishing to bowl are invited to Join the Club. making application to President or Secretary. Annual Bowling Tournament Friday last was a gala day for bow. irrs and their trionds on the local green. The day turned out to be one of the best. though as night tell. " became considerably cooler and to those not actively engaged in the sport, it was eveu cold. However Canadian Gres a' Chapter. I. o. D. E. had a tent on the grounds all day Md supplied the players with hot and cold drinks if desired, as well as oth. er edibles. . 19 Rinks Were in the play and itt- wrest was held high throughout the day. Durham Club had donated handsome prizes to the tour high rinks and they were well contested. The first If}? went to the Bert Tit- mus rink trom Hanover and took thol form ot four er wing sets to ench member of the rink : 2nd. Dr. Field's rink. o. Sound. tour sweaters: 3rd. Dad Merrinm's rink, Chatsworth. tour electric stoves : 4th. T. G. i'2',iii;hii'ili/ rink. Durham. tour Thermos bottles. 1 As we have stated there were " rinks in the pivy and eight ot these were from Duhmm. The remaining rinks and the number of rinks sent were from Owen Sound I. Chat!- worth 2. Mt. Forest l, Chuley I, Matt. ovor 3. Clubbing l, Arthur 1. 'idir/ril. Loles, ". 4th. T. G. Goottehildusl DAVIDSON-- r- "ink. Durham. four 'rhortaos bottles. I 1',ll,'11'lT, It: I','?",',',',',?",,','.',', Wigggi As wr haw- stated there were 19] Davidson. (nee Jean Brown) a rinks in lhe 33.1: and eight of these} daughter. m-re from Irv.::at'c. The remaining! ' rinks and [hr nu’nbvr of rinks 's'iiit':""s','et'i7-iit,.t 2'/ht,"2'vo.'tff on were from ()wrn Sound 1, Chats-t ' 'll"l, UD' ttt, t0 ce. and Mrs: worth 2. Mt. Forest 2, Chesley 1, Han-l , ' urnett, momma, . datttrtttet over a. Clarkshurg I, Arum; l. ,LM DER-At Durham Hospital. on The Hahn Trophy was also turain' Sunday. July Ist, lo Mr and Mrs. [ought for by the Hanover rink ttf) Cameron Lauder, 1 Mahler. they succeeded In mung It Duck with . than by the duel-anec- ot one shot. !T“‘LESON- tn Btrattord Hatqttal, mm JiGuiosettmmrh_oytl ongitttttttoMrnrsdMr.iber, ot the min plenum nature FG' mar Tina-on. (nee Mar, In”) ot I o D a. “n elm "and ’30 ttmn' Clintonvllle. Winch-in. I Millet. . . . M Illa-both.) _ the an. at - at their mu. l union "arty will be held (Heads. on at -srr.HriCiiodickiit in: appointed the new careuker of Durham High School, at a special school board meet- ing on Tuesday night. Ford Coupe for 8al0._ New Circular of High School 1922 model, privately owned, with over $50. extrtgtt--gutt visor. stop park- ing and dash tight, winter hood, door lock, etc. Five good tires, engine Just overhauled eompletely, and in splenr did Condition. For 8550. Apply at this omet. Garden Party and Bauer. The Ladiea'Aid of Ebenezer Church Towpoe Glenelg and Egremont. will hold a Garden Party and Bazaar on Tuesday evening, July 10th. at the Church. Supper will be served trom 6 to 8. followed by a baried prozram. Rev. Mr. Kearns will occupy the chair Admission 25c and 15c. For Tourists The Drury Government in its dying days as it happens. hos issued a charming little booklet on "0ntario's Lakeland Playground" which to tour- ists and people of leisure must furnish a delightful source of information. " is beautifully illustrated and a per- usal ot its pages is a revelation of tho beauty of our fine province. A 1-0- quest to the-Department of the At. tornvy General, Toronto," will brim: to contemplating tourists a copy of this booklet with its this road map. Sunday School Convention The 10th annual convention of Dur- ham and Glenelg Sunday School As- sedation was held at Zion Methodist Church, Jun" 28th. Mr R. T. Ett. wards, President, called upon Mr Jno. Taylor, Hanover, to conduct devo- tional oxex-cisvs. after which Mr Ihr “urds gave a short address of wer come to those present. Mrs John o, Greenwood and Mrs Arthur McNally gave a most phasing duet. Rev. F. W. Madden, Bramptoml "l who has been a rural pastor and Sun- " day School worker lor many years, tl Kaye an address on "What is my h Tusk l'" which was lull or good things st), for eYi'ry S. S. worker. Especially ty helptul was the Round Table Confer- h: t'nce where Teacher Training, Home l Dept. and Temperance and Missionary instruction were given. Miss Winnie‘ 1, Minnie gave a splendid paper on A “Some subject which QI, supply a y real need in your Tomi ip." Tin: E paper was so enjoyed by all that al k resolution was passed to have it print t ted in the Ontario S. S. Leader. ‘, l The evening sosulon opened with a song tservlce, followed by a short, in- terestintt address try Mr Taylor, point- ing out that it parents are not inter- ested in s. s. work, how can the child be? and to try and lead the young lives of your community and make them good citizens. Mr. Theodore Fallaise rendered al beautiful solo, which was much en- joyed by all. Rev. Mr Madden again addressed the meeting, taking for his suture! "What is our task." The ad- dress was so inspiring. the only re- gret was that there was not more present from town and township to hear it. Rev Mr. Madden closed his address by asking the audivnce to pieture in mm minds, a teacher, a child and a goal. Lunch was served between 'de.hr sions. Next year's convention will be held in the Presbyterian church, Dur- ham. At the evening meeting, the resolution committee presented the following resolutions: "That thr. Sunday Schools that are opened the whole year, be asked to recognize "Go to Sunday School Day in May" and those that can't have it in May, a day suitable." "That a hearty vote of thanks be given to Zion and community tor their cordial welcome and hospitality and to the speakers ot the day." Both were unanimously carried. God has need of birds and Bowers, A place for each beautiful tree, And so I am sure In His wonderful plan He has a place and mission for me. OFFICERS FOR 1928 President Mr. John Snell; Viee President? Mrs. Lauchie McLean, R. R. No. 1, Durham ; Sec'y Tran, Miss Jessie Bell, R. R .No. l, Priceville. Department Superintendents : Children's Division, Mrs J. S. Mell- raith, Durham Boys' Division, C. H. Danard, Durham Girls' Division, Mrs. G. Mekeehnio, Durham Adult Bible Class, John MeGirr, R. It. 4, Durham Home thot., Rev J. E. Peters, Durham 'Ieachers' Training, Miss E. Scott. iiltt iiiiiil ittititi, thttritttk Durham Missionary. Min W. Binnie. R. R. 2, Prieevine Tempevanee, J. A. Graham. Durham DI'RHAM AND GLENELG BORN Red Cross Celebration! Beautiful weather all day favored the Red Cross Sports Day on Mon- day. July 2nd. The attendance was fair and a gate of nearly $400.00 was the result. This with the proceeds of the concert in the evening, will en. able the committee to help the funds of the hospital. Everything was car- ried out as advertised, and the crowd i,ii""tGrtilGarliirleked hill seemed to enjoy everyAbigof it. u...” t..., _._ - - The bought-ed performances could scarcely be called "circus attractions" but they furnished many a good laugh. The contortlonist seemed almost. un- canny as he twisted his limbs into un- conceivable positions, Justifying the sage remark that his anatomy had rubber where other people had bones. The pipe music and dancing was thoroughly enjoyed. The dancers were clever artists and in Scottish and Irish costumes did reels, horn- pipes. sword dance, &c.. in regula- tion style showing much skill. The water flght between two sew- tions of the tire brigade was a stir. ring spectacle well carried out and a feature or the afternoon. This and the aerobats, the trick cabin exploits, the music and dancing. ee., filled in the rimming hours of a beautiful after- noon, while accompanying all was a tine baseball match between Dur- ham and Walkerton. which proved ol great interest. The game was the fiyst league one or the District and after a close bat-5 llt' throughout, Walkerton "miisttecl, ahead. 14 runs to 12. Walkertou sun; cured u e, run lead in the opening in-’ nings. and it was the 4th before 'dll) ham owl-took them with 6 runs. The; filth innings saw both sides retired In] order, but the sixth was another'; swattest. when the visitors added " runs and Durham G. Our boys were 2 runs up. but the Bruce boys coun- ted one more in "ith, and batted 3 more in the 9th while Durham was blanked the last three frames. Moun- tain pitched a good game for Durham though hit hard in spots. The locals had the breaks of the game against them, having 2 or 3 runs counted on badly bounding balls. The score by innings 1234567S9T'l \Valkerton 3 2 0 1 0 4 1 " 3 ll Durham I lt o 6 0 5 0 o 0 12 The line ‘up in batting order : DURHAM WALKERTON l A. Corbett, 2nd b. U'Brecht, s. s. The slow Ford race, once aroundl i the track, had live entries. Cars had to be run the whole distance on high Rt"ar--any stalling or changing into 'iow’, would disqualify them. Oliver Milner was the last to make the (round trip and thus won the event. ‘lCatmpbell Clark took second longest laud Cecil Blyth was third. Stanley i Pust and Art. McDonald stalled their tears en route, otherwise they had a lsplendid chance or tinitshing last. A. Corbett, 2nd b. U'Brecht, s. s. W. Voile". r. f. - new. pitcher K. Schulz. catcher Anderson, c. r. H. Mountain, pitcher McCartney, cat't. l Elvidge. c.1'. D.Andertson, I. r. Moorhead, I. f. Knephlar, 2nd b. A. Kress. 3rd b. Campbell. 3rd b. R. Burnett, lat b. J. Aitkens, lst b w. 811911, B. s. Raybould, r.f. Umpires-Lou Anderson, Walkerton, at plate: ll. Moorhead, Durham, on buses. The Races for boys and girls under 12 years, resulted as follows: 100 yd "ash-Norman Ritchie, Tom Cald- well, Norman Dean. Egg and spoon "tce-Dorothy Jones, Mary Chalmers Lizzie Hinds. Centipede raee---Bon Chalmers, Raymond McGlrr. Kenneth Wilson. Sack race-- George Hahn, Hunk Goodchild, Norm. Falkingham. Girls' tace-Lizzie Hinds, May Miles Dorothy Jones. and Judges Mrs. (Rem) Cameron, Nurse Fettis and a mere man, Alex.1 M. Bell, had no light task to make a: decision. After due examination, tea. ting weight, &c., the first prize went to Mr and Mrs Wm. McGirr’s son "Billy", while second went to Mr and Mrs. Archie Davidson's little hope. iul "Betty", and who were here from Port McNicoil for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rlvidge's son Gladstone captured third place. This is the sec ond child of Mr and Mrs. McGirr’s to receive recognition at a baby show. THE BABY SHOW Firtwn Just tirat class babies were in competition in the égrigultgral Han MISS JEAN GRAY l Sunday last the end came to this) lady alter less than a week's illness" at her home on Queen St. south. bur-1 ham, as a result of a chill she" received after returning home froml voting last Monday, Election day.i, Neighbors were thoughtful and kind, but their services and medical aid proved unavalling to stay the hand of death. A hurried call was sent for her nephew, Mr. C. G. Watson. of London“ who came before she became uncon- scious, giving her a measure of coup l tort that a relative was near. I liss Gray was horn'st Dundas, Ont., over " years ago and is the last of a well known family in this district. Thomas and Chas. Gray were broth- era, and sisters ,were Mrs Charles Mc-i Kinnon. Egremont, Mrs Jno. Watsoun London. Mrs. Wm Mountain, all now‘ deceased. . Deceased lived alone. a sturdy spirit of independence never leaving her. She had comlderable force or character and won the w spec: of neitthttttrs. Interment. took glue to Inland cemetery on Tuesday. he: puts. Ree W. H. sum conducting sol-vim. BUREAU, THURSDAY, JULY ti, ma Obituary gas' a Success With which is ileum!!!“ the [chick [can i Mr; David Leith left on Monday 0:11 'tt request from his sister, Mrs T. te.ey near Guelph, who is a severe‘ 1 sufferer from the cyclone that struck ithat district Election Day. Orchards, (tences, &c.. were severely handled jam] in many cases stock have to be 1 stabled ttll fences are replaced. Mrs. i Knox and her son work a farm. 1 Misses Mary and Katie Morrison. of _ Dornoch. Helen Milligan. Bentinek, 'Adeline Graham and Sarah McCallum lot town, lett Tuesday for Burlington l where they will be fruit picking for a ' month. Miss Adeline Behorter of Hanover. is appointed to the position ot lady superintendent ot Guelph Hospital to succeed Miss M. A. Stewart, who rec- ently tendered her resignation to take charge ot the. Children's Memorial Hospital at Chicago. Mlss~Armetta McKechnle left Tues- day on a month‘s training in the Agri. cultural College, Guelph, tor a teach, er's course. Mr. Archie McDougall of the Maclean Pub. Co., Toronto, visited his mother, Mrs Colin McDougall ovvr the holiday. Visiting at the homo ot Mr and Yirsl Harrow, 12m West, o. Sound, urn-l Miss Agnes Harrow of Weston and al daughter of the home, a te-acher. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Harrow of Windsor, the former n son of the home. and; Mr. Alex. McLeod of PNcvville. Mrs'. W. it. Poucher of Edmonton,‘ will come to Durham this Thursday on tt Vlstt to her Simon; and brotnur. Mrs. Jas. isdingham, Mt"; L. McLean Mrs N. leingstot- and Mr Duncan McQuarrie, Bentinck. Mrs Poucher is on her way west from Qurboc whvre "he attended the annual tnvvting of the National Chapter, I. o. D. E. for onto or the Edmonton Chapters. Mrs. Wm. Johnston and two child- ren of St. Marys. me \isitors for a couple or weeks; at the home of hm parents, Mr and Mrs. Peter Reid, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. M, K. Module and daughter Christvna, Mr and Mrs Jno. McAngus and two children, Mr and Mrs. Skinner and two children, all or Hamilton, motorml to Durham lust week end and spent the holiday at Mr John Morrison's and Miss A. L. Mo. Kenzie's. Mitts Christenn Hsolle r0- mained for a time with her relatives while Miss A. L. McKenzie returned with the party for a visit in the Am- bitious City. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scarf. Toronto, visited their relatives in Durham over Dominion Day. Mr and Mrs Arthur Rowland of Toronto, were Dominion Day ttuests of his brother, J. A. here. They also entertained over the week end Mrs. Rowland's sister, Miss Norma Rosa or Embro and the Misses Clark of Woodstock. At Old St. Paul's Church,' Wood-i stock, on July 2nd. a quiet but prelim wedding was soleminized when Sara Ottilie, youngest daughter or Mr and Mrs. E. W. Limin, became the bride of Arthur Frame Clark, son of Mr and Mrs. John McGowan, also of Durham. The bride, who was unattended. was attired in a navy blue tricotine suit with gray blouse and becoming gray hat and wore the gift of the groom. a beautiful strintugt pearls. The church was decorated with ros- es. peonles and marguerites. Rev. John Morris, rector of the parish, pertormed the ceremony in the pres- ence of only the immediate relatives,! after which all repaired to the rectory the home of the Bride's sister, where a dainty buffet luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. McGowan left later on a motor trip to Stratford. London. Hamilton and other points wast. On their return they will reside in Duts ham. The Review wishes to extend the very best wishes to this young couple A very pretty wedding was solemn-‘ ized at the home or Mr and Mrs Jno. Mottatt, Pinkerton. on Wednesday,‘ June 20th at high noon when their only daughter. Irene McCallum. was united in marriage to Mr Roy Alex. ander, second son of Mr an Mrs. w. R. Alexander, Pinkerton. Rev W. M. Lee omeiated. The bride, prettily gowned in ivory satin and Spanish lace. with embroidered tulle veil, and mot, "a." _e.9..tr.9.r._.'-e_"'" ---" . a coronet of orange blossoms, t'e) carrying a shower boquet of Colum- bia roses, entered the parlor on the! arm of her father, to the strains LI wedding march, played by Miss Car/ lotta Mutrie, and took her place be- side the groom in the bay window. banked with tiowertg and terms. The groom's gift to the bride was a beaut- iful string of La Reine pearls and to the organist a gold bar pin with tur. quoise setting. After the ceremony a wedding breaktut was served in the dining room, the guests numbering‘ about 40. The bride and groom were recipients of many beautiful trirts.i including a number of cheques. Tue happy young couple left by motor for Stratford, Toronto. Niagara Falls, the bride travelling in a navy tmwl, suit or poiret twill with hat to match.‘ On their return they will reside on the groom's farm on the 14th com. Green- ou. Bruce Co. l (The bride is a granddaughter of Mm. Rom. Ector. Edge Hill and niece of Mm."rttotr Turnbull and In Win. Weir.? ALEXAN DER-M OFFATT McGoWAN--LIMiN tiymeneal Dr. J. G. Hutton, after a brief hos. pital experience is home again in im- proved health which his many friends hope will continue to normalcy. Mr and Mrs Turner and son Master John of Hiiltsburg, spent the holiday with Mr and Mrs J. H. Harding. Miss Lavina Mortley in visiting Miss Mary Mekechne, _ - _ ”Mist-37 Béila MeGirr' has returned home after spending a month with her sister, Mrs J. McLean in Shelburne. Dr and Mrs Park and little dauglr ter Helen of Hamilton, spent the ltoll days with Mrs Park. Mr and Mrs R. H. Isaac and Miss Margaret, accompanied by Mr and Mrs. Jno. Lockiv, visited the past week with friends in Guelph, Gall and St. George. Mrs. Robinson of Toronto, and Mn! Mr. and Mrs. M. Knechlel spent and Mrs. Arch Beamish and lwu~over Dominion Day with the latter’u children of the same city, were visi-isisier at Blyth. tors over Dominion Day at Mrs. 'rltosl Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Edwards. Toron- Mcuirr's. i to, Mr. and Mrs W. Kennedy, Shel- Mr. J. A. Black, and three damn-E burne and Mr and Mrs w. wueughan “TS of Ctsegley, were visitors in Dur. and daughter and non of Milvenou, hum over Dominion Day and “are. ail spent over Dominion Day wlin guests at the Heview ()che. i, their mother, Mrs. R. Marshall. Mr. J. A. Black, and three daugh- ters of Ctsegley, were visitors in Dur. ham over Dominion Day and Wttu' guests at the Review ()lnce. - Mr. Will Lauder and Miss H. Blake of Toronto, were holiday visitors al his tattlter's, Mr T. G. Lauder's. V Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Voile-tn of Queen St. s., were visiting friends and rela- tives In Allanford and Southampton over Dominion Day. Mr. Alt. Redford and daughter Eva with Mrs. Gus. Ridout (nor Miss Glad. ys Search) and imam son of Toronto, motored to Durham Saturday, Miss Eva and Mrs. Rldout holidaying at the formers home for two weeks. Misses Chrissie McGirr and Ursici Matheson, tormerly of Priceville, willy teach in Parry Sound after mldsum-. mer holidays. Miss Margaret MH-l Kenzle will teach at Todmorden, a' subttrbof Toronto, to take effect after. Sopwmbor Ist. i Misses Julia Weir and Mary Edge hart Monday for Toronto to mark PK. aminatiou papers in connection with tht' Department of Education. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Moore ot Elgin St., spent the holMays in \‘Yalkertou. on, apt-u uu n.v-u.u,.. ... WWieee9e"'e--ee Mr. Chas. G. Watson of London. came to Durham Saturday to see his aunt, the late Miss Jean Gray, who passed away Sunday. Mrs. Alex. McLachlan and daughter Vida, Mrs. D. C. Town and Mrs G. McKechnle. spent the titat at the Week at Wasaga Beach. Miss Sadie McDonald is spending two weeks at Oliphant Beach with the Misses Marie and Gertrude Cole at their summer home there. Mr. Brock Grant ‘of the Bank or Montreal, Welland, motored to Dur- ham Saturday in his Chevrolet coupe (or the Dominion Day holiday. Miss Edith is also home irom Toronto for the summer vacation. Miss Bradshaw of Toronto, is via- iting her sister, Mrs David Jameson. Mr. Moore McFadden motored to Hamilton to spend the holidays with his wife’s relatives and will be ac- companied home try Mrs Mer'. and daughter Kathleen, who have been spending some time there. Miss Mary Mollraith, Deaconess of Toronto, spent Dominion Day holidays at the parental home. Mrs. W. Heughan. and daughter mu son of Milverton, are spending a holi- day at her mother's. Mrs. R. Mar- shall's. Mr Heughan was a week end visitor. ”Kl-Ks. Mary Turnbull, student at Guelph Collegiate Institute, is at how home In Bentluck for the vacation. Miss Mildred Scott. Toronto. but who is holidaying at her home in Dru-, more, spent. Monday with her cousin” Mrs. J. Burgess. i Misses Hazel Young and Merrtn Me Arthur of Btratiord and Toronto Nor mal schools respectively, have return ed to their homes for the nation. Mrs. W. H. Smith I: in Branttord this week, visiting her father, who is critically til., - - _A Mr. and Mn J. L. Stedmnn Ind young son. motored to his home in Weston over the week end to see a brother home from the west. Mrs J. W. Sutherland. son Archie and daughter Annie, and Mr and Mrs. Muray Hoy of Btrattord, motored from that city and spent the holiday at Mr. Thou. Banks' and Mr Thus. McGlrrs' respectively. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Joseph. Toronto. were holiday vino" with the latter', brother, Mr. Peter Hay. Miss Marietta Put left Monday from Owen Sound by boat for Pt. Ar- thur, where the proceeds to Medicine Hat to visit her sister. In Allister Anderson, as veil as other points in the West. down Mr. and Mr: Donald McCoskery. Mrs. 't'. Gunmen and Miss Louise Barnett. were guests of the farmer's sister. Mrs Malcolm McInnes. Price- ville and brother, Mr John McCon- kery, Durham, on Dominion Day. Mr and Mrs Walter Dunn of Flint Mich., returned to their home Smur- day, try motor. and were accompanied by her sisters. Muses Agnes and Marion Petty, who will spend a-coup- ie of weeks there. ' "V /Gri'eriiaireis and Cross. left Mou- day tor a trip up the lakes to Port Arthur. _ _ .--. ; Farmers' Salés Notes Mr. Isaac Hooper, Miss Ada Middle. ton,and Master Bert ot Durham. mot- ored to Corbetton Sunday to spend the day with the Euler's relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dunks. Miss Kntltleem Firth left Tuesday for the city, where she will spend tttt remainder of the holidays. Miss M. D. Corie. Exeter. has been visiting her t0rmer school friend Mrs. J. S. Mellraith. 7 ml; Durham Branch, . - . . John Kelly, Manager. Bundl Ibo at Priceville. ilts. McBETH Pa; cert-..:....'.:.. EEEEEEEEEE 'ht p. 933333an as.suaesst.ir.e.atdciD' For Proper Care of the Skin ii.t and Complexion, use ll 1ln0llBillllf'8 FACIAL PREPARATIONS ',ir,'i Published Weekly It 82.00 I you In an”. To United sum. $2.50 I year in advance. C. WAGE & SON. Publish“! k, a. ' s,,Uf' MgFA00EN'S DRUG STORE BRANCHFS of this Bank in rural sections render valuable service to farmers 2 acting at cm.- todian for their sales notes, or by iscounting them and making collections when due. Standard Service makes the farmer's financing Woodbuty's Soap. . . . .......... 25c cake Woodbury's Facial Cream. tubes. . . . . . 25c " Facial Cream, ncw. tubes. .35c " Facial Cream. ins .... .. MK ONTARIO ARCHIVES STAN BARR BAN K " Jud-sh M can at " "W? GTG, Giih Parisi/v, Schu- nnker. skip. Wu the closest, of the series but the lnvlnclblvs "on I: to It. Third. same Wu with Curgill. Brick- Pr, skip, and the Cargllliws hue Hi- denlly tsomething to learn yet about bowling, tor Durham math it "early unanimous. 23 m I. winning 15 to n. The is! prize was the M. A. Haili- day trophy. an domain affair. whim rests in Durham until romv wmm- Gill [rum challenge! the victors an this occasion. Tin- than won braidvs i sloamvr rugs Taiuvd m t,trottt $50. We rontrratulate tits' "how" on tho-Ir victory. Captured tle may Cup III! oii, “Infant“ Braggint and Stationer DURHAM N :7) A! MW '. CII k $595.»- mm El

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