Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 31 May 1923, p. 4

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[ Remnants. urtain Nett, Madras, Scrim Auslins. Extra Special price m««« D. C. TOWN Reguiar 818 Diamond Ring for Regnular 825 Diamond Ring for Regualar $33 Diamond Ring for Other particularly good values Wednesday only. Every BRin T he 2be leiter size Writing Pads .. 2 for 35¢ Walitz Dream Talcum Powder...... 298 (Good quality Envelopes........ §¢ pkg Monarch Kurly Sweater Wool, reg Jo¢. for............ .. 289C Bbaill Chicken HMaddi¢ ............. Corm Flakee, per package .. T l gait Exnsificst .......... Thompson‘s Sesdiess Raisins flec‘eaned Currants, per 15 . Pure Raspberry Jam, per jar 2 tins Finnan Haddie .. 4 lbs Rangoon Rico.s.... Quaker Corn Flakes, reg 10 per cent Discount Wednesday Specials in Underwear and Hosiery THE VARIETY STORE BEGGS‘ STORE RESTORES VITAL!ITY Scott‘s Emulsion NOTICE TO FARMERS. SYMMER HEAT | â€" Three Big Grocery Specials Iurham U. F. 0. Live Stock tion will ship stock from Durâ€" a Tuesdays. Shippers are reâ€" to give thre. days‘ notice. Epecia!ls for Wed. only refrashes the system WEDNESDAY AND WED. NIGHT, JUNE 6th wears down strength J. & J. HUNTER Unusual Values flard GEO. S. BURNETT & W. McLACHLAN BABY CARRIAGES rer The Gift Shop 100 tbs ood values in Rirgs for Every Ring guaranteed. A Flood of Big Mananer PN@un These Bargains hold good fer the one Day and Evening only X6 css aer‘s vinne‘s ade !¢l_n Dutl_mm Revirw He charges the Premier and hi: cabinet with being poor administra tors, have not abolished patronagâ€" have relied unduly on Commissions for his course and criticism â€" durins the Session lately closed and indeea since he became leader was of a mild type, prompted partly perhaps wiIth the hope that he might bring about a fusion or understanding with the U. i. O. Lately this has been seen to be impossible and now he is using a vigo: in denunciation, quite â€" untike nts: course in the House. la«t Liberal Leader Weltington Hay is howinz _ unwonted activity for tne i=t week or two. We say unwontec * for 25¢, .. & fur 25w CAMPAIGN WARMING UP L'fhursday, May 31, 1923 Optician 2 for $13.95 18.80 28.15 .: 0e $3.45 r 25¢ . «¥¥e . .29¢ . .e « 41¢ ..21¢ Window Screens, assorted sizes, 40 to 60c Screen & Combination Doors..$2 to £8 Hammocks from...... ..... $6 to $10 Fishing Poles & Tackling at reduced prices. Ferrozone, reg. 50¢ for . ... . lronized Yeast, reg 1.00 for. Nuxated Iron, reg 1.00 for .. Nature‘s Remedy Tablets, re Cross & Sutherland Hardware 5. McBETH 5. Quartelté (requested)â€"*"Maggie" ..... 6. Waltzâ€""One Wonderful Night" ...... INTERVAL i. Marchâ€""Happy Days in Dixie" 8. Selectionâ€""Haviland‘s Happy Hits" . 9. Quarteite (requested)â€""Old Virginny" 10. Waltzâ€""If I were in love with you" / 11. Sacredâ€""Sandon*". i Good Black Tea for ............ 50¢ lb 5 bars Lennox Soap for............ 250 Misses‘ Wash Dresses at..... .... 1.50 14 inch striped Huck Towelling..18c yd Men‘s Trousers, guaranteed, reg 3.50, . $3 pr 12000000 MAIIZCICLIIE DIOUses, beautiivl emâ€" broidered designs, regular $4 50, on sale .49 Ladieg‘ black â€" patent oneâ€"strap _ Slipper, medium heel, regular $4.25, on sale. ... 3.49 Men‘s Fine Balbrigsan Underwear, in all sizes.. 9c + " s s . 6 Men‘s fine top Shirts, in reliable makes anmdqiuality, on Sale :1.........2¢%.40,f}. # Men‘s MHarvesier Shoes, in reliable quality, OTY KHIKG, DE "BAWK /. .........2..s. .ns‘ s 98 a Weanesday, FJune 6, 8 j. m. PBy Durham Citizons‘ Band Oh, Canada. Marchâ€""Our Nation‘s Pride Overtureâ€"*"North Pole" ... Miscellaneousâ€""The land of tipeliette Gingham in several different shades, regular 30¢, on sale ............ wadies‘ tricolette Blouses, beautiiul emâ€" PRand firoyram However Mr. Drury enters dispute . "this government is not dictated to by any commoercial organization," he declares with unusual vigor, is noâ€" under the thumb of any occupationa: group : #they had accepted gladly supâ€" port during the session from oiner parties in the House, but it wouia te unworthy of public life to have ba;~ gaining between two parties. As +o being poor administrators, he aske1 for particulars and not simply a iMfanâ€" ket charge, and that if they had been guilty of patronage it had ween :1 being too generovus with their oppon ents. He countered to Mr Hay as to adding to tax bills by reminding him that not one cent collected in Provrâ€" accepted dictation from a commereta organization, did not push through redistribution, had not legislated wi> ely for the farmer, but have addec :o his tax bills, a list of snortcom ks sufficient, if correct, io pull them from the seats of the mighty. GOD sAYE THE KING : M. WILSON, Conductor. J. LEVINE . L. GRANT The land of love with song birds" gie hi a k piuls on mece a hiie s a o aee + in a ce dE sted)â€"*"Maggie" ......... Wilson mderful Night" ........... Jones Druggist & Stationer Let us solve your Paint Problems. No 1 Rubber Roofing, 1( Nails, assorted sizes ... .. Electric Globes, 10 to 60 KT; +* y«\ ; «+000 , reg 50c .. 39¢ Y ids t o w ue it .. Mills ... HMalle .. Wilson Edwards Hayes Miller 24c Stores closed Thursday afterrcon & Colonial Press, Ltd., of Toronto ard Montreal, was warm in his prais= of the newspapers of Grey ard Bruce While in Owen Sound a fow days ago, Mr C. W. Knowleseof the Britis» Praises Newspapers cf Grey and Bruce Counties The electorate of the Province wiii have to decide between these men. The Premier is putting up a vigorous campaign and Mr Hay is showing e ual vigor, but is bandicappea in nay ing to explain why during the Session he did not point out or oppose tne faulty legislation he accuses them of. cial funds, is contributed in taxes uy farmers or others, and declares tna: in this and other respects Mr Hay :s talking "bunkum." He charged tha: Mr. Hay never sat out a night session and his followers also were often a*â€" sent from their places. 10 to 60 watt (guaranteed) THE DURHAM REVIEW Men‘s Harvest Blucher, reg. 3. Men‘s Tan Ek Blucher ... . hiz Men‘s Ladies‘ and Children‘s White Hose at special prices Wednesday only. See our beautiful range of New Gingâ€" hams in checks and plain. Nothing nicer for that new Summer Dress. 1(8 square foot rolls Quickshine Stove Polish, regular 15¢ Moody‘s Klenzine, regular 10c per pa Good quality 5 quart Pails, each .... Goodyear Bicycie Tubes Quarter cut Cak finish Screen Doors No. 9 copper bottom Clothes Boiler 14 inch cut Maxweli Lawn Mower . J. S. McILRAITH Ferrozone, reg. £0¢ for .... ... Ironized Yeast, reg. 1.00 for . Nuxated Iron, reg. 1.00 for ... §Nature‘s Remedy Tablets, reg i7 pair Youths‘ Brown Bals, narrow toe sizes A1 to 184. tor., ... u0st WV Women‘s White Canvas Oxfords, sport heel sizes 2% to 7, regular $3.25 for.:.:}4. Women‘s Patent strap Grey Buck Quarte sizes 3 to 7, regular $5.00 for ... ... 1. & A. Corsets, summer weight, h sikes $0¢0 30 > .. ;. .. cle.. gor Ladies‘ Summer House Shors black canvas, rubber heel...... 139 HARDING‘S HARDWARE Specials for Wed., June 6th REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY DoNE WUN I AKRIO BARGAINS AT McFADDEN‘S Drug Store STORE OPEN WEDNESDAY NiIGHT CLOSED THURSDAY AFTERNOON . S. HUNTER & co. ROBT. BURNETT TBE STORE WITH THE STOCK . MORLOCK & soNS Shoes at Bargain Prices The :Rem% J':‘ora nvas, rubber hect...... 1,89 McKECHNIE Wednesday Speciais TORONTO SPECIAL Polish, regular 15¢, for ****+« 6 Ibs for 25¢ d)........ 30¢ each 10c per packet ) lach ... :.... Merchants ! Orderyour counter check books at the Review oftice. Ask to see saimnples. Lowest prices. Counties, says the Owen Sound Sunâ€" Times. Mr Knowles has been makâ€" ing a general tour of Ontario and the Eastern Provinces and visiting all the newspaper plants. In speakiny to "The Daily Sunâ€"Times" he â€"said that in his opinion the newspapers of Grey and Bruce Counties were superâ€" ior to those of any other district, in Ontario, or in fact in any other part of Canada. He spoke very highly of the way in which many of the newsâ€" papers are serving . their localities. He coniended that the newspapers here show immore enterprise, are bev ter from a typographical standpoiat and cover the news of their field: hetter‘than any other group of nvws-} papers in the country. i 25 for §3 ... 2.00 * 419 The Cash Shoe Store +~+â€"~ $1.35 O0c.. 30¢ 2.50 +. 96 +*10€ ..196 . .756 $1.89 $1.98 $7.89 87e 80c 39c at_the time of DATED at q May, A. D. 199 WGutatiess BB i uc do + proceed to distribute the said deceased among th. tited thereto, having ro the claims of which he have had notice, and sai, tor will not be liable f¢ bution of the said estate, thereof, to any person of notice has not been rece at the time of surh Aic,~ | In the Matter of the Estate of I | John Bolis, Deceased. ' ! Notice is hereby given, pursuant t,o: | Section 56, Chap 121, R. 3. 0. 1911,} | that all persons baving claims against | ’ the estate of John Bolls, late of lhc-; | Township of Eramosa, in the County | | of Wellington, Farmer, who died on | | or about the 25th day of March, 1923." | at the Township of Eramosa, in the | | County of Wellington, are required or; | ' or before the First day of July, A. D.,| 1923, to deliver to the undersignad | Solicitors for Robert Seott, the A«| ministrator, full particulars of their| claims, and the namiwa «ev%k_.® 5 _ * SD Cmeen OP CHC Bolls (or Bowles) they to send in their claims; ; the descendants of Rol brother of the deceaseq Winimes 42â€" T F F 11 Kb uw ulssn ancss . t 1 ..\ | We j0Wnship of Eramosa, in tfiet(;,'u,':::fz .Mr‘and Mrs J. Anderso Of Wellington, Farmer, who died on| Y 9f London, motored uy _or about the 25th day of March, 1923,| the hboliday with Mrs Ande at the Township of Eramosa, in tnc} , MisS Annie Glave of La County of Wellington, are required of:| (€0_With Miss May Byors or before the First day of July, A. D. ' ter‘s homp. over the week e 1323, to deliver to the undersigned | _ MiSS Alice Burgess took Solicitors for Robert Scott, the ; ;.| Of the holiday anq spent f ministrator, full particulars of theip| NCt home at Burgoyne, claims, and the nature of the aecurflyf Mr and Mrs AllanWise (if any) held by them, verified by slal'[ ")&rk..spen( Sunday evenin utory declaration, and in particular if| SN@rP‘s. (}Po;ge Bolls (or Bowles) a broth--r’ ”3(‘:"“. id ’n‘\lr't:b«-r form thi of the said decease . is o usly thinking of taking Of the degcen guteb"4 i8 alive or any | 8Ci0U8sly think c o e nteing neayy receipts going forward the priâ€" ces have advanced nearly 2¢ per ip, since facilities have improved _ for shipment to England. It win be reâ€" | membered the severe criticism Donâ€" f erty was subjected to when he under | 100k to go direct to England â€"to try | his luck at lifting the embargo anc | his action was even looked upon as a ’pi('co of impertinence, But nothing | daunted, the wide awake and energe> | is Doherty went right ahead anu Acâ€" ’complished what other Ministers of 'grlculture utterly failed to do in 30 | previous years. With the U. 8. ma;â€" | ket closed to our cattle where would our farmers be toâ€"day? Nota few Oi ! them would be on the verge of bankâ€" ruptey, particularly those who purchâ€" _ased cattle last fall at from 4c to 7¢ per Ib. ‘The one above the many adâ€"| _mirable things about the Drury Gov‘ is the exceptional ability possessed by ’ each cabinet minister in his own & partment. Administrator‘s Notice to Creditors and Heirs The great pluck up in the cattie market surely has given the farmers a very real lesson that it pays to have a Gov‘t of their own cailing to look after their interests. 2 montns ago or less, a few hundred cattle was sufficient to block the market and subject the prices to fAluctuate up and down. Toâ€"day _ with exceptionairy neayy receipts going forward the priâ€" Iac Bunans cebecs l m | L F The decision of the Liberal Con\'on-‘l tion in not putting a man in the | feld is no surprise. it is somewrmt;’ gratifying to know that the rank and | file are liberal enough to know that | the record of the Drury Gov‘t as a: clean out and out Gov‘t cannot be | improved upon, with a record of car| rying through four sucessful sessions | with one of a majority, a record lwv~} er held by any previous Gov‘t whlch, proves conclusively they are no ma;| administration but clean the re\'ersc'.’ The Liberal party has some common | sense but the old Tories appears lo’ have lost what little reason they had.’ and are going to the d1 Mr Henry Damm hit the trail for Durham this Tuesday morning with his big bunch o fiat cattle, 37 heaga in all to ship to the U P O company. We wish Henry success as ne sure is a hard working man. gret to know that feeble health in he, T8th year, compels her to leave this neighborhood to enjoy better care and more ease. She leaves for Torâ€" onto on Wednesday of this week. Mr Donald Barrett and sister Anâ€" nie, formerly of New Ontario, bui now residing east of Toronto, are :n the neighborhood, preparatory to takâ€" ing their aunt, Miss Mary MacNa mara to Toronto to reside. _ Mary nas been almost a life long resident of this neighborhood, coming when only a little girl and she and her brother Tom are about the only two of the early pioneors now residents :m this neighborhood. Mary was a womâ€" an of noble christian character surâ€" passed by few and highly respecte;, and the ‘entire community â€" wili re What is the church doing to checs this great evil? and by way of ansâ€" wering, viewed the results by whai the church has done and accomplisnâ€" ed. Evangelism and periods of spiritâ€" val awakening now and then, here ana there, have succeeded in rescuing one here and another there out of the great crowds, but what of the masses and claimed it to be utterly impossibâ€" le to reclaim or accomplish much with the present generation and proved conclusively that the successful builâ€" ding of the nations toâ€"day lay in the: bringing up of the young in truth and rightcousness. 1 the most valuable asset in national building. One of the chief difficuities confronting the nations in this 20tn century was the great tendency towâ€" ard morality decline and claimed the great industrial age we are living in as one of the chief causes. It seems odd and certainly very unâ€" usual to see farmers puttering away putting in the spring crop the ia®{ week in May. Since the last defuge of rain, the land is working up deâ€" lightful and everything is lovely and hopeful. Come to Sunday School Sunday wa» observed in Knox Ch. Sunday last, & large number of old and young beinx present. _A feature of the serv:ce was a choir, all composed of youn;, girls, who led in the service througn out and rendered an aninem yery creditably, "The little brown churcu{‘ in the dale." _ Pastor Burnett gave a very interesting and inspiring sm-i mon on the training of the young as: _ ,_"Sf !all at from 4¢ to 7¢- The one above the many adâ€" things about the Drury Gov‘ mameias q oall2? BLYTH‘S CORNERS | ROCKY SAUCGEEN ueuooe 0P t said Administrator Lk cca P inced nearly 2¢ per 1b, B have â€" improved for Ingland. It will be reâ€" ‘ severe criticism Donâ€" whose wiir Chiropractic Specialists Middaugh Housc, â€"â€" Dyrham Chronic Nervous and Spinal Discaces a Speciaity, Cail and See us, DRS. C. G. and Try Chiropractic First, not Last The "Play" #iven by ladies of the Missionary the church here last Py PDOYOd NBIF cunnucsnce Stayed at ner home at Burgoyne, Mr and Mrs AllanWise of ; Park, spent Sunday evening at Sharp‘s, Quite a number form this part seriously thinking of taking in th F. O. Labor Convention which t place at Durh2m on Wednesday ernoon, For Good Health t Mr Arthur Wagner of Eimira holiâ€" | dayed with Mr and Mrs N Metzger on l‘ the 24th, ‘ Mrs Derby Sr of Hanover, visited a | few daysâ€"last week with Mrs Gedde:s | _ Mr and Mrs J. Anderson and ram flly of London, motored up and spent the holiday wit» Mrs Anderson, \ Miss Annie Glave of Lamlach wici ° _ _ "tsited the former‘s son, Mr i> Clark of the Rocky one day last wes;, Mr and Mrs Donald MeDonald . | Proton, cailed on Mr and Mrs James McBonald Sunday evening. Miss Lottic Fletcher nas returnes* home from Toronto â€" where she has spent the past few months. Inspector Wright called at 8 8 No 10, one day last week and lett a goo« report, Mr and Mrs Wm. Honess of Cram ford spent the week end with their daughter, Mrs Hugh MeceDonald. Mr Duncan Mcehesnh nmas recant‘s nimanfcael &0 07 i3 Ppurchased Mrs J. D. Clark lett visited the fo Clark of the Rocky Men are 7bi| on the Good | we fail to see Mr and Mrs and Mrs J. Le of the week in A number of our youths attend, the dance in the Hall at Williamsfo: on Friday night. Mrs E. Dargave] returned on Satu day ailter spending three months wii her daughters in Toronto and 1) troit. ’ Mrs Neil McKechnie and Miss Ca rie Mitchell of Durham, spent a cou | le of days visiting Mr and Mrs Har: Williams. ’ Our teacher, Miss Armetta MeKe | nie, has been reâ€"engaged for anot)» | year. Mr and Mrs Little and Miss Burr of Walkerton visited recently with : Misses M. A. and E. E. Edge, Mr and Mrs John Moffat and fam: of Greenock, visited Mrs Robert Eo the first of th'(-”\n'eek Mr and Mrs Fred :S'I;bfo:s nnd ian ily, spent the first of the week vis; ing friends in Markdale. | foin We are hoping for a"good d; and are sure a pleasant and prof | able time will be spent. |__Mr and Mrs Doug. Clark entertai |(~d a number of friends on the 240 Mrs George Ritchic is spending couple of weeks with her daught Mrs Nelson McGuire, near Orchar The young people of Bdge Hill na: organized a base ball team. Jt w take some practice yet before th, are poeriect, i Everyone is Jlooking forward |Inu>rosl to the big picnic to b« in Mr. Robert Lawson‘s grove on I 13th We are hoping for a goo Messrs John G. and Wm « have ~engaged | the â€" services Jamieson and Mr_â€" Simpson summer, C200 CATZB Z2V0 MID RODCDTS Ol Gal were visitors at the Robinson hou over the 24th. The Sunday School opened last S day with a very good attendance. 1 still there are a number of chilar in the congregation who have not \ started and we hope soon to see th, all in their places. Mr and Mrs Jas Lawrence a; family, Mr and Mrs L. McLean : family, spent a very pleasani day . Eugenia Falls on May 24th. Old friends and neighbors are y sorry to hear of the serious illness . Mr Ted Middleton and hope soon ; hear of his speedy recovery. The U. F. O. held their mont» meeting last Friday night win» splendid attendance. Arrangemen ; were made for holding their annu; picnic on June 22nd. Mr and Mrs G. Boyd woere guests o Mr and Mrs Neil McLean dast sy day afternoon. ent and the farmers have finishe; seeding and are busy at the roors. The Women‘s Missionary Socie:, will ho!ld their next meeting on ju», 6th at the home of Miss Ada Bank We hope there will be a full atten, ance. Mrs Cook and Mrs Roberts of Ga! BESSIE MacGILLIvRAY We are having fine weather at proâ€" na_Mrs R. Ledingnam ana Jn 8 J. Ledingham spent the fir week in Owen Sound. are busy piling up the grav Good Road as it is called at to see the good part. CZ L. 01â€" 09â€" Bs â€"younk, he Missionary Bociety in here last Friday evenins Â¥ suaccessful, Those wno lome missed a rare treat. '}. Clark and new Ford eol;pâ€"e DORNOCH MAY 31, 1923 Consultation Free spent fow days al _ of Lamlash visi Byors at the Ia: week end. tne services of : Mr Simpson for i Mrs Jas Has AI the advantag of _ Allan recenif Mr J takes ar Fi P m Wwi NoT ant 1M St@t« any pors may, OM filing ap; peal to | moved (7 plair ered W. 3. Flesherto Officer. June 4th. DUNDAL K June 8th at 2 lage Clerk, D erton (.z‘rk to Re gor filing ap; ARTEMESIA: A: \ NEUSTADT: A Monday, Ju Taylor, Tos Clork to R tor filing a stadt HManover m. 4.3 D. R., A vising O peals M: HANOVER mt FLESHERTON: A< vill urdeay, June 2nd, at 3 p lamy, Vilage Clerk, Fle Cleork to Revising OfMec tor filing appeals May 3 at the following times and BENTINC h TAKE NOTICE that Sitti pose of hearing complain Lists to be used at the 1 for the Electoral District Fascy Silk ; Novelts Women‘s ther SLIP] trim. at $ A* AND PCRTHE] Big \ Hosiers ONTARIO ELECTORAL DIS At in Oxeen Qualits We are in th quantity of Milli Barley, Peas an: pay highest pric. If you have G call us up p â€" L. GRANT w Terms Cash Busi.ess Hours ® a :a 1t on [ Tue Maurr Women O Man ROB RoOV idr We hav that we ROB BOY PIZ MAY 31, 1923 OW 17 Mc Grain At 11 H alues & U ilk 1 UYVC3 H W

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