Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 May 1923, p. 8

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I V ._ o o , "O o ' 1 . I", ( f a r . N Jttj " a: R. A. LISTER a co. (Canada) Limited (New Address) Head Office, Hamilton, Ont. SAVE PEARL so» mamas Air mm: Humans _Buy your! here. We have all varieties--- White Cap, Improved Leaming, Wisconsin No. 7, Compton's Early, Southern Sweet. All Kinds of Garden and Field Seeds Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, on hand. Red C'!orer, Mammoth Alsike,Timothy,Rape. Ete liinghams, mums, Voilcs. Otgandies, Chintz, thlonne tor Side Curtains, All kinds'ol Curiain Muslili Linoleum 4 yards wide Oilcloth I and 2 yards wide We have everything you need. SHOES - A little diffe rent from present styles, it greatly reduced prices. Latest Styles in Men's Gg My! Siting Caps WALL PAPERS Highest Prices Paid for Eggs, Cream, and all Produce USE CLIMAX CLEANER--Best for cleaning Wall Paper R. J ARNILL, Why Waste Money Daily! Write for free descriptive booklet. Don't delay. On account of the recent ad- vance in raw materials, it is impossible to guarantee present low prices for any definite time. Ten-year guarantee with every machine. The Melotte has been the farmers' best friend for over 30 years. It is the machine with suspended bowl and enamelled bowl casing. Hanging naturally on a ball- bearing spindle, the bowl is perfectly balanced, and is guaranteed easier to turn and to wear longer than any other. Of all farm machines, the cream separator is the one on which you can take no chances, for the smallest of cream losses soon mount into dollars. Men's Work Shoes and Rubbers Sbfat Value #115 AM. ]llitll)]llit, $1 L At voy!,gl"?ce'r,s 'low LL PAPERS Choice new designs for all rooms and halls. The prices are as attractive as the papers. and l LINEN UNION DISH TOWEL "8 BARS g/COM FORT soap" A. BARS oy' PEARL SOAP SEED CORN i, Calgary, Edmonton, SAVE COMFORT SOAP WRAPPERS Jbr VALUABLE PREMIUMS Have you seen the wonderful LISTER MILKER Simplicity I (self f Holstein Ch-labor. Dr. Roy Hacking of Tara twill likely be the candidate or Norm Bruce Liberals at their Convention on May L'lsl. Hem stiwhlng and Picot edging neat- ly done. Quick service and satis- faction guaranteed. Hmn stitchinr. We a yd. for cotton thread. 12e a yd. for silk. thread., Plcot edging. 15c a yard. W" pay return postage, WELLINGTON MFG. CO. Ihrutt,whnrann's Block, Jlanover,Ont Fll"wial Reduced Sale at Spirellu Parlors in sizes from '30 to 36. Mrs. J. C. Nichol. Local Itepresentatrve North Grey Liberals unanimously nominated Wallace Dickin of Owen Sound as their Provincial candidate last week ,against Wm. Brees", Conservative, and D. J. Taylor, U. B. rltsoasm-:u-staaaat-i tl Low AID PERSONAL; GRtyAT-trt Egremom on Wmlnesdav May 9th, to Mr and Mrs Harvey Grout, a daughter. Cockereh, for Baie-- White Rocks, White Wyandottes, and Black Minor. cas at $3.00. C. W. Lung Concert Postponed Mr and Mrs C. L. Drumm, Holstein, announcn the "ngatrement of then. youngest daughter. Pearl Clara. to Mr. Norman t"Dunk'0 McLaughlin. only son of Mr and Mrs James Me. Laughlin. Palmerston. The marriatt" will take place on Tuesday, Junv 5tn at 12.30 p. m. at the Presbyterian Church, Holstein. Owing to Inclement weather and condition or roads, the concert to be put on by Durham Women's Institute here this Wednesday evening, has been postponed to Friday evening, May liith. 7 Mr and Mrs J. Ross of Stratforu, spent over the week end with Miss Ross. Dr. McLPllan attended the ttttteral of his aunI.Mrs McLellnn ot Arthur, on Monday. Mr and Mrs T. Woodyard are to- day, Wednesday, attending the Inner- al of her father, Mr Halliday of River. view. The farmers are unable to makr- any progrvss with their spring work. Just getting well startml before the snow storm of last weok since whor, two or three very heavy rains have come down. ' The ground now is it not much better shape than whvn the snow went away. A. R. Hershey motored to Toronto and returned last week. Does the Hon. Howard Ferguson and his Stampers Imagine his actJona during the last sesslon appealed to the people ? He will know the real truth after June 25th. Miss M. Swanston is visiting ner niece. Mrs. Dodds and other friends at present. HOLSTEIN LEADE R FOR WOMEN BORN 100 acres. lot 27, con. T, Township of Bentinek, County of Grey, " miles from the Provincial Highway. 7 miles from Durham, 10 miiel from Hanover. Bunk tram, M by " large driving house and I mm 5000 house. School and church I quarter of a mile. Apply to 100 acres lot 40, con 3. West of Gar. arraxa Road, Bentinek, 4 miles from Durham, 1 mile from school. From: house and barn with good stone foun. dation, silo. Land in good state of cultivation. 10 acres bush. creek run. ning through form. For further par- ticulars apply to MRS NEIL CLARK, The population of Grey County out- side of Owen Sound is glven as 45. 828 and there are 3,610 autos. Thlri would give one auto to 12.6 person: or practically the same ratlo as m the city of Owen Sound. At an average valuation of 8800, the passenger cars owned in Grey and in Owen Sound would reach the total ot $3,602,400 and trucks at the same val- ttation would bring the total to $3,76c, 400. In Bruce there were 3.673 passen- ger car owners and 148 trucks. During the year 1922 there were 3,610 passenger automobiles and 115 commercial vehicles registered by owners in Grey County, outside of o. Sound. In Owen Sound 893 passen- Ker cars and 85 commercial trucks. or a totalior the county and city or 4,503 passenger cars and 200 trucks. ( It is with regret that we have to sympathize with Mrs Samuel Connor on the death of her mother, Mrs Wm Stlnson.who was highly respected and esteemed by all who knew her. She was a member of Letter Breeu Church and her seat was never vac- ant when she possibly could RH. there. The funeral was by motor to Barbers' Cemetery and was largely attended. her pastor, Rev Mr Mercer olllclatlng. l Seeding is under way but last wwk wintry weather stopped it for govern] days. Tho Ladies' Aid of Letter Breen Church, held their annual meeting last Tuosday and had a successful year. The new others are: Pres... Mrs.Wm. Owns ; Vice President, Mrs Ernest Holliday; Sve’y, Mrs E. it. Halliday: Treasurer, Miss Kezinh Mc. Farlin. Miss Keziah McFark-n is attending the branch meeting of the W. M. B. at Guelph this week, acting as sub- stitute tor Miss Lavina Rawn, wnu was appointed delegate, but was un. able to go through illness. Mr. James Williamson and famiéy spent. an evening last week with his cousin, Mrs. Sarah Rawn. Mr Elsmero Rawn. Kitchener,spent the week end with friends here. Miss Lavina, who has been with Miss Krziah McFarlen for several months, returned home Saturday. Farmers are not rejoicing over to- days rain after their enforced cessa- tion from seeding caused by last weeks snow. Miss Hazel Bowling. of Berkeley, is a visitor at Joe Dowling's. There is no lack for market tor our cream this year as trucks from Holstein Creamery and Scotts'. Mt. Forest. are on the road while a nun:- ber are disposing of it elsewhere. how We lisp it o'er and o'er: While we're drifting in time's ocean. drifting towards the golden sharp. In the Christian’s home in glory. out across Death's silent goal--- We shall meet her,--we shall greet her-An the homeland or the soul." The, eggs, grain, vegetable and tmwer seeds tor the School Fair were distributed last week.. Fortunatety Arbor Day came before the snow and rain. In various ways last Sunday motm ors with their boundless love won- remembered. "O, the hallowed name or mother, The home ot Mr and Mrs Harvey Grant was enriched last Wednesday by the gift of a little dautrttter-Lyla Dorothy. Mrs Wakefield returned to her home in Kitchener yesterday, after spena~ ing tmveral days with her daughter, Mrs. Great. Miss Jean Morrison, Holstein, was also a recent guest at MrWttt.Groat'a. Mr Hugh Reid recently spent a few days with his daughu-r. Mrs. A, Weidman, on tlw town line. Mr H. Horney ot Brucetieid is car ling on former neighbors. He cum- up to-day for his car. ' Mrs. Urquhart who has spent the past month with her daughter. Mrs. Fleming Reid, returned to her home in Owen Sound on F'riday, accom- panied by her little grand-daughter. Florence. We welcome Mr and Mrs Armin Irwin and hope they will find Pleat ure and protit in farming. One Car to l2 People in Grey 790 8th Ave. E., Owen Sound A. McGlLLlVRAY. THE DURHAM REVIEW FARM FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE. SOUTH BEND UN I AKIU ARCHIVES TORONTO Chatanrorttt, Ont l Lot T, con. 21, Egremont, contain- ling 100 acres. about 85 acres under lcultlvatlon, balance hardwood bush. Convenient to school and on the premises is a frame born 42 x " with stone foundation. concrete stables, Also hay barn 30 x lit) with none basement: hog pen 20 x 40. " roamed brick house with turntuse,i woodshed. drilled well with windmill and concrete water tank. 30 acres needed to hay and 10 notes to sweet clover. This farm ia well fenced and In a good ante of cultivation. Apply AT WATSON'B DAIRY, R. R. No 4. Durham Lots 155, 156, N.W. Toronto & By. denham Road, Arlemesia Tp., COD. taining 100.10 acres. 90 clear. bar ance under hardwood bush. Welt watered. Frame barn 50x60, good drive shed. frame house. Half mire from Public School, one mile from High School. if attention and will take n few before they are useful again. Master Ivan Hincks had the ful experience of having two tir, crushed while turning a grinds for his father. They required mm Nurse Fetus. Superintendent of Durham Memorial Hospital, spent ov- er the weeke nd with her sister, Mrs A. It, Henderson. Mother's Day was observed in P. flowery way on Sabbath last. Rich, bright colors for the mothers who share our everyday joys and sorrOWa and white, in loving remembrance or those who wait "over the way." Rev. Mr "rotuiroot of (hr Presuy terian Mission in South China, no dressed the congregation of Amos Church very acceptably on Sunday morning. Reserve tho evening or May 2fttt and come and we the play "The Lana of Promise" given by Prireville tai- enl. Admission 20c and 35c. ter Rev. Mr. Burnett has Ivarehaseu' .. car and was busy last wovk Iearuin:., the intracacivs of its driving mocha“ ism. Thus D. Brown by all accounts is another prospective purchaser Shall "dusty" take the place of "Otis, Miss Gladys Ecclos has return”: home, after spending several months in Toronto. Sorry to roport the illness of two at our oldest pioneers and man who haw been neighbors since their sottlement in FU,rremont--Mr Edward Henderson and 1.'r John Drimmio. We hope that with tht. \\':.i'.;i‘~l‘ Weather some or their health and vitality may rvluxn. A lecture will be given on Friday evening, May mm at x p. m. in Rus. sell Hall, I)romore, on “Rural Educa- tional Problems" by Rev. Mr. Songs- worth, F'ield Secretary of the Trum tees and Ratepayers' Association. Mr Sedgsworth will come to Dromore un- der the auspices of the Egrentont Ratepayers‘ Association. All inter. esu-d and others are im'lied to be present. Rev. Mr Broadfoot, a returned mrs- sionary from South China, took the services at Amos Church on Sunday last and was listened to attentively by a large congregation as he spoxe of the languages. the lite and the " or: among the people there. It was cheering to note the progress that hats been made among them. He gave it as his opinion that the so-called yellow peril was of a negative quan- tity and never likely to take place, but the progress required in 9. chris- tian way was ot vital importance there. it being Mother's Day--a fino and worthy sentiment - tiowerg were greatly in evidence. The chair through the kindness of Mrs Walter Hastie. who always has a wealth or tiowers about her home, Were bedetno ed in boquets, which were to say the least refreshing. amid the prevailing Arctic weather. A beautiful bunch of roses was shown in front of the pul- pit by Mrs Thos Atchison, they haw ing been sent to her from Toronto by her loving and dutiful son Cecil, m kindly thought of his mother. Bo the delight of the sight and the fragrance was shared by many. Many thanks young man. Had we seen the cheering and e.i- couraging writeup in the Review about planting trees. a week before we did, it would have lightened tin- labor involved in setting out 600 Scotch pine. and the required ltowkin amang the stones which were likely deposited there, aeons of ages ago by fioaung ice bergs. How they 'tot in the ice bergs in the first place, "she'll no be for tellin"' in this weeks budget. We are pleased to hear that the "Land ot Promise" is coming from Priceville to Dromore on May Mtn. We purposed hearing this play there but they dished up such roads at the time, so that if the "Mountain can't go to Mahomet, Mahomet may go to the mountain." There is no insinua- tion' conveyed here. We hespeak to: them a full house, the play being mil spoken of with good talent. A meeting of Tartan U. P. o. am others interested will be held in tito house adjoining the Hall, known as Bobtown, on Monday evening, Mu: 21st, tor the purpose of electing dam gates to the Convention on the 3011'. from both wards No's l and 2. Late. ies are also invited and welcome to attend and arr eligible as delegates. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. P" NORTH EGREMONT RODDIE STEWART. Ceylon Proton Station It. It. 3 FARM FOR SALE DROMORE l the pam- "ro fingers gx'indstouu wdica! weeks _ ----"'e-.'_".... """'"""'uniilhiN8it9 3; THE PEOPLES MILLS il - --,, --"""--""'-"eo-- ij-""""""'--::---;']?":"?"";';,': " ther is a sugar trust responsible for the increasing prices of this household necessity to Canadian house wives. the special agricultural committee of the Commons, by ques- tioning theheads of the sugar indus- try in Canada. intends to learn of it. The general manager and Presidents of live Canadian sugar retmeriett, have been summoned to appear be- tore the committee on Tuesday next to give evidence on the high sugar prices and their cause and also pro- duce all their figures. showing costs of raw material. manufacture, ' tribution and spreads. p.111. Alt changes of properties to- gether with any omission of names that should be on said Roll, or my other errors must broom tome Clerk In writing as no changvs or refunds con be made after the passing Ot mid Roll on laid date. The Atises:ivit:urnt Roll in open tor lnsppmion. Special Committee Deal: with Sugar DAVID ALLAN Holstein, May 17111. 1923. Thv Court of Po vision on the As. sessment Roll for the Township ot Egrelnont will bp held in Holstein on Monday, May cum. 1923, at 2 o'clock Magnet Cream Separators Lister and Canuck Engines. Lister Grain Grinders Lister Ensilege Cutters, Lister Milking Machines Lister Farm Light Pints. Lis. Bruston Automatic Plants All kinds of Cream Sdpnratnrs repaired, Saws trum- me., Lawn Mowers and Tools sharpened. General Re- pmnng. DURHAM MACHINE SHOP Call and see the Melotto Cream Sepnrator before you buy elsewhere. Buy where the quality is good. F. W. MOON. Machinist, Etc. Nearly opp’le Post Office Melotte Cream Separators COURT OF REVISION Township of Egremont JUST MtRMi0----h Shipment of Also have Agency for Iv! k Fancy Silk "Attte We have just received a large shipment of Queen Qul.0loves C. L. GRANT m Navy. We. Guy, White ( and Black. l Women's 13le Patent Letr ther SUPPER. Grey Mtede I trim, It ".00 In our. Children's Fancyritrbed Liste So. in White, Brown. Bitte axnd Black. I Queen (1tu ares Big Values in Hosiery 6: Gloves j Plain, Clocked, and Panes Stripe-d in the new“: colors. Women 's Mvrcutiztd A wide range to dune Women’s Silk Hose Novelty Silk Mullet MIM? 17, 1923 outslze ribbed lop tutsle in Black. from in day atternoonm all our Power'; ' must no to pm mould be Km“ I‘ll“! or others [WWI Mttrrest l as m reach as . day m. than WNW mind Mu" “we. Gun First Concert With mhl wmeq lam Wednesday , Hand were " Hum trom martini! Ilwir at! News in Earner “will: to [hr mu -iti.ess for J Plans aw Ins-1|" Quinn“ frw me u "rit didatrtt In bu my num- u Pimey. “In of I formvr II who now rvsi bu: u. I son‘s on Furnimrr provided whit" nott fund”. June 5 I‘M-p um tlat r-voetitut ot the ‘ L. No. MH. T and other WOW o'clock. Minds: the vim-d.» NHL Mun Com ' W. B. Lat TrMtr Ilium Menre tretorr Committee' ot oammtty. Wth'" ton tor mum: to "nude. that in " raw slide." tie I we! or a In!" Atherut to m maul. "mac-n18 and it ite ttw riltlvms to know Wilma. with m-u- a mun-Mann to bruin l um- I ot th thfa!tterqqn to be VOL. XLVI. congrmuhui “(a wmsv I dunk-u of Tw ttttty qualitivd Tuwuer, Percy 'tr.rwick, I'm: lay, Totvtrto. w Mt per I (“Hun-m be herv - You Plum-n m lh-m tor R., Ono-In. Apptr to l Durham. In. Boy Grain paying un- m Got' ti Barley, 650 In “M- ".20 to ".25 tor Mr What ll our c‘ ML will norm As t on show-d (ha: man-.1 Dim-l In!!!“ pry LI _'., Ivy with 210 lulu-s {on}: vow-l with 286. tu'.'" tec'; ehogt with '" lipids H nulls. or the bum q Walked-n fines. butl My um. um: nor ttttMe. ham eh' u: " tlt hit \\' I." unurr " " "on London tarr " Han "" Rub m [In ot would Any h Benet M Wu Hm H lot for " In " u “I w

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