Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 17 May 1923, p. 4

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!il Shop in Durham and Save Money [ Scatt‘s Emulsion | THE WONDEREFUL *# FOODâ€"TOKIC The Durham V. F. O. Live Stock ancistion will ship stock from Durâ€" . on Tuesdays. Shippers are reâ€" sled to give thre. days‘ notice. Heavy Fringed Wool Auto or Buggy FEHHY . IK YAlIH0 IOH...... ...« <««<<r4ccrowsse Canada Paint Co., outside or inside Paint JOC ELE ...........rarscorcerenrcerenraradndnscus Boys® Wash Suits, regular 2.85 for Big Reduction Sale of Shoes Wednesday is Last Day All Men‘s and Boys‘ Hats & Caps at Special Prices M aresco or Alabastine, por package Pure Linen Towelling, reg 40¢c. for D. C. TOW N â€"rce Curtains (white and ecru) reg 2.30 IOY ME AUK ... ....... ..2.clliecciaccd in Wednesday, May 23rd only Cut CGlass Water Set, 7 pieces, reg $6.50 for 4.95§ Cut Glass Water Set, 7 picces, reg 11.00 for 8.65 All other Cut Glass at a Special Discount for this day. _ This line makes a splendid, useful and appreciated gift. is 8 % Pul idb CINER LEAF PLATES, breakfas: size, reg. $3.00 doz for...$2.00 doz urtain Serim, regular 20¢, for per pard We have many Bargains to offer at this Sale. All of our large Shoe Stock will be included in this Sale Ladies‘ Overall Aprons, reg. 150 for 98e Curtain Scrim, reg. 25¢ for ........ 19¢ CGinghams, 32 in., reg 35¢ for ...... 29%¢ CGranulated Sugar.. ..... 9 lbs for 1.CO NCTICE TO FARMERS. HBARDING‘S HARDWARE c our Wedresday Line of Specials at 5§{¢ ok over our Noâ€"Button Underwear. A Large Stock just arrived. snaps for Wednesday WEDNESDAY AND WED. NIGHT, MAY 23rd 6Â¥ for Glass Tumblers Clifferd Howell, Manager |â€"â€"I Durham Earthen Teanots, : DON‘T MISS THESE SPECIALS GEO. S. BURNETT J. McKECHNIE J. & J. HUNTER . H. Harding . L. GRANT PLATES, breakfast CcoaT3‘ MERCER CROCHET CoT doz for...$2.00 doz ‘PON : ... .c.isk‘x} rie‘s aoa‘r ApoOr (The THE VARIETY STORE SPECIAL These Bargains hold gocd for the one Day srd Evening cnly. Stores closed Thursday afternccn. ac each $1.940 Ehe Durhom Review The election campaign is fairly opâ€" ened throughout the Province, ail three parties putting candidates into the field, in most places each regaraâ€" less of what the others are doing. Singularly the U. F. 0. in Lennox and Addington have decided, after a meet ing, to run no candidate there, so a despatch to the Dailies says. A nomâ€" ination of a U F O candidate in oppoâ€" sition to the late Speaker Parliamert, who is a Liberal, has caused some unâ€" favorable comment. The late Speasâ€" er under the Drury Government, remâ€" dered unbiased service in his imporâ€" tant position and many think he should have received no opposiiou €9¢ The Gift Shop Thursday, May 17, 1923 Election Notes. Buy one tube at $5¢ and got an extra tube for 1 cent..... 2 for 3%¢ onE CENT SALE OF COLD CREAY 2.00 16c 4.15 J. S. MclLRAITH WOMEN‘S BLACK SILK HOSE, guaranâ€" teed pure art silk, sizes 9, 9%4, 10, for.. 13 pair Infants‘ Patent Button, red kid top sizes 3 to 7, reg. $2.50 and $3.00 for.. Specials for Wed., May 23rd 19 pair Infants‘ Patent Button, white kid top, sizes 2 to 7, reg. $2.25 and $2.50 for \/, 1b tin Red Salmon, reg. 25c...........2 for 256 2 tb tin Clark‘s Pork & Beans, reg. 25¢....15¢ tin Canmet Dates ......................% pKkgs. for 256 Men‘s dark brown allâ€"wool Tweed Suit, reg $20.00, O SHIt ......r}sri¢rxtzconcrt‘rries Men‘s dark Navy Blue heavy Serge Suits resular $50.00, on smle ....;:........... Boys‘ dark Brown Tweed Suits, regular $1k.00; on S#le ..........srrÂ¥irsraxs%.s Men‘s Khaki heavyy comb. Overalls, regular §3.50,. on sale ..........ri....2..4 Men‘s Blue Chambray Shirts, on sale Refrigerators, Floor Coverings and Curtain Materials for Wednesday ED KRESS Wedanosdcey, Way 23, 8 p. m. Reduced Prices cn Dishes and Chinaware PRBand j)royram J & W. MclACHLAN Specia!s for Wed. only Oh, Canada. Marchâ€""The Eagle‘s Home.".Francis Myres Overturecâ€"â€""Exubcrance" .......... Al. Hays Waltzâ€""Song of Love" ..Sigmund Romberg Cornet Soloâ€"*"‘The Rosary"..Etholbort Nevin Walitzâ€""Swanee River Moon“..l”it.!;an Clark Marchâ€""Advance" .;....... Harold Bennett Selectionâ€""Southern Breezes" .F.P.Atherton Descriptive"Operatic Mingle" ..E. W. Berry Sacredâ€""Nearer my God to Thee" ....Dyke ; from the government party. There is a split in the tory ran‘s in St. Catharines. Two candidates o that strips, are cach blaming the othâ€" er for lukeâ€"warmness towards Hydro. In North Groy at last election the Liberals had no candidate in the fiela. This time they have placed Alderman Wallace Dickin, cattle buyer, to conâ€" test the Riding with the late member, D J Tayior, who is again the choice 67 the U F (Oâ€"Labor group, and with Wm. Breese, Conservative. A fusion candidate, representing Liberals and Conservatives of Pori Arthur is taiked of to oppose the U F (Oâ€"Labor candidate. A novel way to choose this candidate is suggested : 1t is this ; at two Conventions of the ol parties, let each choose their besi SPECIAL PRICES GOD SAVE THE KING ! J. LEVINE Black Beauty Axle Grease 25 1b 10 !b 2 Ihs CROSS & SUTHERLAND HARDWARE co The Cash Shoe Store pail, reg. $8.50 pail, reg. $1.50 in buik for ... «+ 1.89 ~ 1.89 ;;l- 95C Furniture Dealer 17.95 19.175 7.95 2.10 man. This done, toss a coin to whichof the two is to get it ! ! this way they hope to â€"beat Amongst the latter is the fact that there is no return to the 2â€"cent posâ€" tage, as some guessers expected. 1 reduction is made in the limit of tnc 2 cent stamp tax, from $2 to $1. That is, on notes, checks, drafts, etc., % cents must still be applied on every $50 up to $2500, instead of up to $5000 as formerly. This is a gift jarâ€" 08c THE DURHAM REVIEW $3.50 for.. $1.50 for.. Men‘s Wo::k_Shirts, reg g1.35, Special ...:......... ... Men‘s Raw Silk Shirts, reg. §5.00, Special.......... Wednesday Specials GINGHAMS, at 35¢ and 25¢ a yard 40 1N. UNBLEACHED COTTON 25c yd. NEW GALATEA, at 35e per yard Gasolineo .....‘*:+«.«....:.:80G perga! Garden Rake..49¢e¢ _ Garden Hoso..5%e Carpet Beater .......... «+s .. A&e Copper Nickleâ€"plated Tea Ketile... 2.25 Groceries at Attractive Prices BROOMS, St. Thomas No. 1 .................. 50¢ MILVERTON JEWEL FLOUR ..........Cwt. $3 45 Rennie‘s Mangel, 1 1!b pkg, new seed, any kind 39¢ DBUTCH SETTS ONIONS, Tb ...................146 LEMONS, per dozren .................0...........186 FANCY MIXED BISCUIT, tb ................. 196 GIN PILLS, regular 50¢ for ................%. 8 ENOS FRUIT SALT, reg. $1.2%5 for ........ 8 KELLOGG‘S ASTHMA REMEDY, regular $1.00..7 FORHAN‘S TOOTH PASTE, reg 35¢ for ...... 2 FORHAN‘S TOOTH PASTE, reg. 606 for ...... 4 STORE OPEN WEDNESDAY NIGHT CLOSED THURSDAY AFTERNOON 8. McBETH GIN PILLS, regular 50¢ for ............ ENO‘S FRUIT SALT, reg. $1.25 for .. KELLOGG‘S ASTHMA REMEDY, regular FORHAN‘S TOOTH PASTE, reg 35e for FORHAN‘S TOOTH PASTE, reg. 60c for Drug Bargains for Wed. BARGA|NS AT McFADDEM‘S Drug Store A. S$. HUNTER & CO. BEGGS‘ STORE $2.90 $1.20 a0€ THE STORE WITH THE STOCK aeaaaaaaaaanaaanaaeaaananeanananncen .00, Special.......=. 4.50 . MORLOCK & sONS KROBT. BURNETT Wednesday Speciais in The Rexolk store JOHNSON‘s FLOOR wax 1 Ib. tins, reg. $1.00 fors...... ELASTICA FLOOR vARNiISH gular $1.90 for ... :./ ‘~‘ m3 see tne It is satisfactory to note that 1 further increase is to be made in the British preference. Also a stanging offer of reciprocity in natural prow ucts with the United States is wrir ten into the tariff. Sugar duty is reâ€" duced % a cent a pound, a saving (0 consumers it is said of $2,250,00© a year. gely to bankers and brokers wit datble in thousands. Sales tax simplified by being fixe at six per cent at source instead of graded at different points and exen: piions granted on raw furs, wool, L.« for drainage and newsprint. Petroleum duty to be cut in hall a: June 30, 1824 and to be ended a yeas later. Tarif is reduced on machines for stumping ‘! ard for utilization of fisn waste. Surplus on ordinary expenditures for year was $34,391,696. Owing to railway and merchani Druggist & Stationer $1.00 110 $1.79 80¢ 39¢ 89¢ 79¢ 29¢ 49¢ 49¢ 39¢ 89¢ 79c 20¢ Te«inst with one e!oeptlonâ€"wlvwi:, MacLean of South York. The vote on the bill f with combines was signific Progressives voted solidly Government : the Tories malitvirediedi®. ies lasis s Mr and Mrs Anthony Lawrence. Mr and Mrs John Morice and son Murray visited on Tuesday at Mr Wm Picken‘s. Mr and Mrs Wm Moore of Flesherâ€" ton, spent a week ago Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Chas. Petty, Miss Alice Doyle of Sullivan 18 spending a few weeks with Mrs Hero Voilett, % Rev. Mr Cameron made â€" pastoral calls in this Vicinity An atnagl... Mr Wm Knisley went to Harriston on Tuesday where he has accepted a position with the Bell Telephone Co. Messrs Charlton and Wells of Vie kers have rented the Langrill farm and are putting in the spring crop. Mr. and Mrs. Robt Hopkins visites on Sunday with the latter‘s parenis, \ CImrens: on V enar ob C The Dornoch Women‘s Instituie | held their annual meeting at the home _ of Mrs C. Mortley, Wednesday, may | 9th. Attendance 10. All the old on cers were reâ€"elected : Pres., Mrs Aiex. , MclIntosh : Vice Pres., Miss Margaret | Mcintosh : Sec‘y Treas., Mrs Bryce .l,)arga.vel : Auditors, Mrs C. Mcintyre ‘and Mrs. D. Sillars. ‘The annua; reâ€" ‘ port is as follows : [Members fees... ............$ 4 09 ‘Govemmant grant ...;.;..... â€" 3 00 |\Cash on hand, May 31st,......108 85 PCollections ........ ....... ‘ 15 96 PDonations.",;;..;....1..21%4 3 50 MNrs. J. Koepp a.ndflti;tfs'ghter Lau.â€" ere, is at present visiting the formetr‘s sister, Mrs Thos Ware, Toronto. Misses Myrtie and Belle Hatton oi Mooresburg, accompanied by Mr s. Fenion of Chesley, spent SunGay evening with friends here. Miss Margaret McCurdy of Welbect:, was the guest of the Sullivan giris over the week end. Mr and Mrs Elmer Hutton and son guests of Mr and Mrs E. B. Dargayâ€" el, the first of last week. Miss Crang visited with Mr and hirs Colin Mclprtyre Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs Harvey Givens ang daughter Eileen of Holland Centre, visited Mr and Mrs Fred Shewell on Sunday of last week. EXPENDITURE Speakers expenses ........ Programs for 1921 ....... Progprams for 1922.... ... flls â€"gotin 1918 .......... Financial report 191% ..... Exchange on cheque ...... Fire Sufferers............. Childrens Shelter, $5 : pt‘ge Durham Hospital.... ... Balance on hand.......... A number from here attended tue dance held in Williams{ord Tuesday night. Miss Kathleen Sullivan spent a \'.'.jgk with friends in Owen Sound. . "Our difficulties all arise from the city of Toronto," said Mr McKelvey. He said the idea was abroad that all the rascality and cupidity were cenâ€" tered in what are called the big inâ€" torests in the city of Toronto, and ne declared that private ownership was founded on distrust of the individuai. He was against the "holy hydro sysâ€" tem" and he said that two of the three parties stood for the common peopte, while the third supported the "higa hatted fellows" who upheld the sy»â€" tom he had attacked. He wanted to postpone the selection of a candidate for two weeks." VUltimately a Mr. O‘Grady was t choice of the Convention. A missionary play will be given in the Presbyterian Church on â€" Friday ecvening of this week. He would not suggest that they dGo not nominate a candidate, but tha; they do not choose him toâ€"day. 20 years, ago, he declared, Ontario was the only state or province that could boast of belni out of debt, but toâ€"day it wasfar othOrwise. Western Ontarâ€" io, he averred, was decadent, where once it had been the garden of the world. And the blame for this he laid on the concentration that was taking place with Toronto reaping the benâ€" efit. The Liberals. of Temiskaming ricâ€" ing held a meeting recently at whick Mr, Angus McKelvey figuered promâ€" inently. He and a few others spoke against bringing out a man, as a Druryite would represent the uis trict in the next house better than a supporter of "that man Ferguson." The following is an extract from a local paper, of part oOf Mr McKelvey‘s speech : "Mr. McKelvey took a vigorous crack at what he termed "the holy hydro system" that was preached in Toronto, and one result of which was that clectric power was supplied o that city for $14 per horse power while" a beautiful little town called Leamington" was charged $83. Combines, Trusts and Mergers in Canada, taking advantage of the tarâ€" iff to raise the price of life‘s nece» saries, are to be investigated with a view to putting an end to their exâ€" ploitation of consumers. marine requirements public debt in creased in year by $49,293,086. SOUTH EAST BENTINCK Total . DORNOCH 2CUZCZOn made pastoral vicinity on Saturday. was significant, T; the bill ‘for dealinp Total . Toronto :s«s++ +« _ ED0 To 15 a4*+s . *« 39 06 pt‘ge 62¢ 5 6. i mss » + > BA ra4sas» / AT 8§4 â€"+++« % 2 ©9j sons 1 â€"+*+»+*«+> ~ $ TeTNIs & â€"+s++.‘ â€" $# â€"0p!Frank 1 50 Mis: 70 visitor !.’anolmsl Eepeiespaith / . 1/ Mr with the _ soliGiy $135 1 $135 1i at n« Chronic Nervous and Spinal Diseases a Speciaity. DRS. C. G. and For Good Health Try Chiropractic First, not Last Call and See us Consultation Free. the Y W C A. She is much interes\ ed in Child W»elfare and moral an: social problem:s, and will have mucs of value to giv» to the people. Lecturer : Miss Elizabeth Kiarcos Humberside, Ont. Subjects : "A Women‘s Work" "The Childâ€"in the Country and 1» the City," "The Working Girl‘s Environmen:" "What of our Boys" Miss Harcourt is a graduate of ti~ Buffalo Training School and holus : diploma in Nursing and Health from Teachers‘ College, Columbia Un ersity. Miss â€" Harcourt â€" organizos Health Development work in the pub lic schools of Boise, Idaho, also in~ Social Service Department of the : iversity of Michigan Hospital, and . assisted in the Health Education partment of the Dominion Council Summer Mcctings of Womens‘ Insitutes skyDOM .: s.s.41+.s 444 ... . May 17. Holstein, home of Mrs R. J. Arnill r»2s+++... May 18t : Dromore, Taylor‘s Hall ... . May 218 "jon, Church ... ...:;.., . . .. May 22n¢ Durkam, Public Library.... May 23r1 Hanover, Town Hall ...... May 28‘~ Lamlash, home of Mrs Henry Pate SOR .......... ........ May 2064 Eimwood, home of Mrs L. Chaime ra*»sa««%+«s May 30‘ Mr and Mrs Edgar Fursman of Ha over, spent Sunday in this vicinity. Mr and Mis Reginald Sharp «n sons of Mulock, spent Sunday wit» Mrs Sharp‘s parents, Mr and M« Frank Wise,. Miss Mary Alexander was a recen: visitor with her friend, Miss Haz= Johnstone. Glen Eden, home of Mrs Wm. Ward ’ »»+»+*+«++ May 16th Ayton pA*Arak8 24 +4 +%+ ++ ++ s » MURy 171 Miss Laura Bartman spent a coup> of weeks with her cousins, Misses Lil lie and Ruth Hopkins of Allan Park South. Mr and Mrs. Herbert Brigham and children of Hanover, were recent v> itors with Mr and Mrs W. A. Livin» stone here. Miss Wilson of Elmwood comm«:: ces this Monday morning to compic:> Miss McEachern‘s term. Miss ic Eachern had to resign owing to i! health. Mr. and Mrs. George Adlam of Ha over, spent the week end with » parents here. Seeding wili soon be over for anoti er year. Some are through whil others will finish up this week. Mr and Mrs Moses Donnelly vis ted recently with Mr and Mrs Ja Donnelly of Durham. Mrs John Patterson, Marriston, ; niece: Mr D. Caudile, Lakelet an: George _ Trafford, Kitchener, wer visitors from a distance for the fun eral. The Review extends to the fam;, and sorrowing husband, its sympain» in their severe loss. Alsotwo sisters and two brothe: will mourn her loss, viz: Mrs Caua; (Eliza) Lakelet: MrsR. B. Hopkin (Jennie) Bentinck : Richard and sa of Swan Lake, Man. The floral tributes were many and beautiful, the family contributing a large pillow and also a wreath {fron the Trafford family. Mrs Trafford was buried Monday in Durham cemetery, Revy C. G. Coo having charge of the services a house and grave. _ Many old neign bors and friends from _ Allan Park were present to pay the last respec: to the dead and the pall bearers wer relatives and old friends : Thos. an< Spencer Hopkins, nephews : Richar Hopkins, brotherâ€"indaw : Samuel \» kers, Goorge Brown and Wm Adlam There passed away on Saturday last, May 12th, at her home in Lower Town, Mrs Robert Trafford, aged 62 years. Deceased was formerly Miss Martha Hopkins, daughter of Mr ana Mrs Charles Hopkins, and was born at Hutton Hill. _ Mrs Trafford ha* been a sufferer for many months back, and her death was due to periâ€" tonitis, and an outcome of the fu and pneumonia. After her marriage she resided on a farm about two and a hbalf mile; north of Allan Park. Mere she lived for many years and about seven years ago came to town to resico, She was always an active woma: and her cheery manner and disposi tion made for her many friends. She leaves to mourn her loss n« sorrowing husband and six childrer, viz : Mrs Fred Staples (Mary) Edgo Hill : Mrs Alfred Noble, (Margare) Bentinck ; Mrs Fleming, (Christenc) Hanover : Mrs Carl Fry, (Eva) Dw ham : Joseph on the home farm, Ben tinck and Prosper, also in Bentinck William, another son, was sudden!) killed by lightning some years ago MRS ROBT TRAFFORD THE ROLL CALL BESSIE MacGILLIVRA Y MAY 17, 1923 ald U hi We are in quantity of M Barley, Peas | pay highest p Bterlings work Sho JNO. McK If you have eall us up Girls‘ School Sh 4 Da Men‘s Box kip work $4.15 fbor ....:..>.», Boys‘ Elk tanned h Abbor.............. l §3.25 for ........... Ladies‘ Patent Sli; regular £5.00 tor Ladies Two tone 8 Terms Cash Business Ho Saturday, MAYX 17, 1983 patent, regular 1 ROB RO that we ROB ROY We haxs Now This Sale i Wks WARTINâ€"SENOUR White dark canno from | to be We guarantee th Martinâ€"Senou 100°, Pure Pain pure . y pure ox with co quant :fl;ecti\'e snaces tints, with pur linseed oil and tur pentine dryer, and to be entirely FRER from water, zine, whiting other adulteration and soL» ®C njv.c} TO CHEMICAL AN: WI Grai Puaranter Sts If you has su Save 1 h«

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