" CC] Chrome Nervous and Spinal canâ€: a Spunky HRS. C. ii, and Widdaugh House. A» Durham For Good Health Try Chiropractic First. not last he: i H i's,'tlt,)i. if 'ira, " . c: . a» x ,ldir"t; . 511:: ‘54 H Ah'p1'll 'g H in HA»; 't?rl,il,uiiai If you have any idle cash, invest quickly, as and; high interest run-s will not be long available Write. call or telephone Prnvincial and Municipal Bonds yielding from ii', to 7 per cent Industrial Bonds. yielding 6 to 9 p. c. V1810“ BONDS JNO. McKEchNIE, Durham Excellent Investment Opportunities H tttlft'iratiai "was: mama -i1e Sold by Macaeth'; Drug Store. uhd 'ulerviee . t Are You Prepared Ladies q For Easter ? of pure vitamine-bezring' cod-liver oil a real. ' help in restoring 'rf normal health andl ,'I strength. Take â€-5-“ Srott's Er/ti,',".,'-" it heirs suit'." vitality.' _ 1ArAltitiVtv'0, LADIES' strap '.ripper. ttf inch Cuba that a grown person run- down in body or strength, or a child that does not moms healthful!» finds that ilioys' School Shoes BLceiMti 11ac0lLl.lvit.t Y " P. RAMAGE, Durham v,tt':rs ran upsnlesf' hummus Co., Toronto. Mci L n Calf l tsea-ra-G", mum. heavy sole and tot, cup. heavy sole and toe cap, Sterli.nir's Mutation F ui, poi: L AUlkt'v' Black Suede or inch Cuban heel..... '._...... RAIT H Li“ DI" e tor 00 all maturities. yield- in; Ll,. to 5 per cent coats of production. I ported to ho a short labor. Whether all this is mu Imitation Prosperiiy " ls it the Real Thing? with ruhber heel 1b e, Irmher sole Sport Loszmg foo Much Thu Ps,' 0 that it is 3 " and that scone " will burst. The Cash Shoe Store “with“, -_H ONT. et “1' roub! thar 1:15“ math-r3 nwnd. and m. tin-r.» will be another bus- rike. For no particular reason are climbing. both m that 3' and in Canada. For instant»- , it is going to cost more m han it did in 1922. Which wilt that the publlc are golng to t thr.ir dollars twice helore m- t thorn in building operations. I†the. basic comtnouitiett. such I saw-l. lumbar. lead. otc. Art . higher, in stunt, cases seventy tral ' . I . Lnximm Baum; [my am hlgher than in I' iutle npplir-s to such ttrtit th qua r0 Deal 3 or" April V2 " kl suzn 1‘5 thrt. (xro- LO' “Cl Vlcaldllw " “"3, " mu?» [dams [tt __ “mum hizm: To be Taken up at the June Session Thur“ is also rr-', of the County Council mu oi Luv-m} __-------.- that anthran ex! yo-nr than 3.75 3.50 3.40 3.50 tun oty ba 6.00 $6.75 5425 ll Assam» tnd that United ml. and Pet l, Mr Kvenan stated that ttro/Oro any-l lthinx could be done tsuoeossfully, m; y mlucatlonal campaign must be carried ': on. The p'uople of the county and the, 'mv-mbers of the Council llwmsvlvoal " must bo 'sdrteatvd to tho imrr,ndittto : necvasity for n-l‘orostntion. H9 is {waning data on r"iorvsttttiettt and' _ this is bointt sent to the mottslrerN ot' the County Council 5.0 that tlwy will: be prr-parad to dual with tlu- matter, when it is planed betore them in‘ ‘June. Mr Richardson said he woulu; ' be glad to Come' up in June and law" tho whole matter ttotore the County Council and Show them a a"! of Ian-I l tern slides which harm hem preparoc.) L A cornpleto rI-pert on tho math-1' with , suggwstions Mr action is to be pre.' Two features tn" outstanding cred- it to the Cow-I'nmom have cropped up during the. past fortnight in Provin- The Drury Gow-z‘nmmt tiainr,3 info tho last half of the "lratrtto.n session of the IM3 ngixlature with apparent ly unditttird.v.hod prtstitto in thr. House anrl in thc country. t'pon Lo gum- has the opposition Como war to yer. iously embarassing the Crovetnritr..nt and budget rriticisms In the debate which Mlshea [his Ire-k, have teiled ott into Inn-o snippintts " the mnaiv ter and obscure phases of Govrnment tu%titthstration, which for tlto mos; part. arr- not accordvd the dignity ttt reply by Government memburs. Can Premier Drury Secure AF berm Coal? V sented by the County Council Com raitterv---'attr'ritmvs tho ro"m~r»smlirn can-'2. lt is c-t‘pwuzf; that tho Whirl“ 1900 am‘: a will bo Pla::- 1-2} in 5 y'cui'.U, List year 60 acre-sf Uri-rs:- plant, (l and it is hoped that 200, will be planted this year. Scotch] Norway and whitv Pino seedlings mm foot high are secured from tho Gov: vrnment nursrius at S! Williams. Nor-l full; Co. This nurse-w turned om, fourteen million treteatt lam your. Twu', othvr nurserlva have bran rerunlly mm. stalled. The cost of planting the troes variey from $10 to $15 por arr». {or i'wforetrtration. most enthusiastlt Mr Richardson Department Wm was "willing to a The Dwartmpm Saturday last at noon, Mr 1tothweu.l James Keenan, Chairman of the re} tores-str-ation committee ot the Owen; Sound Board of Trade, Mr Arthur it.', Richardson of th" Ontario Dept. mi Lands and Forests and Mr T. S. Coo-i Pt the Agricunural rtoyvsentatirei :0: Gruy Co., mm a court-renew lei -i:.tc.'orestriition. All four DIM} WNW, most enthusiastic in the matter. 1 Mr Richardson e:iplsined how lhvi Dupartmnm which he reprpst-Imui." O: Cour; Proceedings in the Legislature. man. will haw-a conch to plates' before the co, time and it is "specter) late action will b. Iakvn At tho June Sr-ssion of tho County Council or Orr-y. the matter of coun ty rerorestration is to be considered morn stsriousl.v. .The special re-tor. Pstratinn commit'w with hop. Reevr G- A Batman-H of Sydnnham as chair man. will haw-a concrete proposition let This accounts tor tho losses,) attairs--otio is the strenuous et- not only in Liston-cl. but in almngr fort being made by the Gov't toward every town where. sports are held. , a solution ot Ontario's serious fuel This is the outcome of the sort or'; problem to make it feasible to brim-1 _semrprotessionalism, which has crep: , Alberta coal east at rheap rates. Tho 'into sport in recent years. Playtrrr'arthec. in the reported decision O' utt- _ no longer regard them.uelves as in the,'Gov't members to bring in a Redis team tor their own benefit and Pt, :tt'ibution bill. Tho latter feature itat. poynwnt. They have come to than. not yet had oiaCitu attttttune6xtttotlt. fthat they are doing the public a sew. hut it is understood that newspaper price by playing, and if they are not, reports as to Gov't intentions are cor paid for their serxices. tii".' (-urtajnn ' r-ct. 'must have all f"arr'tMres paid. F Should the Drury Gov't suecesstully l "Anything to win" is at the bottom ;.r.-a.nge for the economical carriage to! the trouble. A player sees that of coal to Ontario. it would be entit- [ the manager is anxious to have hivn.; led to the undying credit or a melless others too, are anxious to have him; Province, whose people are harassed _ and he puts a price on his sm~vices.g by the problems of keeping warm in a He becomm a hired entertainer; Severe winter climate. And. it is UP.. whether there is a direct bargain toi derstood. the Premier has encountvr- that ettert or not. This sets up a a. ,eti a reasonable degroe of success in ding between managers for the goat? his unto-date piirleys with Sir Henry playrrr and treo.uontly.a team is to: ‘Thornton of the Canadian National tun together which in a very small I Railways. and Ottawa authorities. ttree represents tho town from will _" " the Entry Gov't brings in Redis- it gets its llalltta in this 501'! rd port, tnbutioa this“ Gecsoion, it will prow- petition the big town easily outbim.i beyond all peradveature its political tho smaller Ono. Its a trtatter os:"'"")'"' and its entiro disregard for which can put up the m0cit money. party political advantage. ' Undoubt- 8eftyresiatitm in Grey Co. Individual farmers a km: the w hm X) TI In com-n40 propositloc . the Council at that "specter) that itu.rued. iii 'Y "mâ€â€œr't New Years nabs-rod in a wintm- Iliu- 5 r"ot"""ratioui the tabled (mm-1 of yore, y: .‘Iliting frosxs and howling blizzards. may, by “’9‘“; train the cruel Arctic shore; Yf'ltrnl 1"1'1'i, Raging winds. unprecedcntod to me 'ar to plant twol ho . lo w. plar.wrl about Fil .) an p m ' . 1uiartts about 1T,,r,'ri".'ti'c' have been our daily portion ' .. - I since tho advent ot the year. tr. [rm-s nrn sup‘ .. lot. 5 “a†The; Winter summonvd all his legions. “I. is tlwoxtvcess.. snow and frost and yrlnfl ulna all, F; must plant tht ; madly came um- at his bidding wlwn 2 they horn-d his clarion call : mowing†with And the Citadrl of Nature they did 1 taming damn“ storm with trt!ttht and main :5. Council must Tlll onlhrono-d was old Klanl'lntvr id 5 to 25 acr'e to begin his vigorous reign. -.r a road, where) Like a tyrant. ttutot.ratie, like a Czar ‘. tera are) sup/ of the old Brawl. 50m and man All his subjecxs Wtu"o oppmesed a) and th." planting; his hard, rohmlt-as pale; "399"?†is buyCAnd they charm! beneath his burden. in the matter rviotvstratlot: rrrttiwretion to ' illue d-‘scribcd do . rwivps with dawning light. 'For bl-m-at'n this desolation. 'ttoath. i this harrennrass and death, "I‘ln-rv mo hidtli-n fnrees yearning im‘ , the Spriné's can-rslng breath ; And, responslvv to her wooing, mo; 3 will burst with lira anew. "ml tho woodland. hills and moadowr, {m- adorned with richest tuso, Limphl brooks will burst their m! h-rs. sing ihr-ir antiwmti loud and; from, 1 Through a sylvan mazo of'grnening‘i in theiy journv-y to th" 90a; 1 Joyous birth will trill than rivals; and swell the balmy air, 1 And precious bits ot woodland bloom; will yield than incense rare. . Oh the magic. of tho Springtime ll who-rt Earth smile» to Heaven above! Wolcomn as the branch of olive to.» Noah's flithful dew ", I Bo with true atttrreeiatioa. may our hurts exult and sing To the wonders __of Creation, born with each successive swing. Sorrow's cup was overflowing ttfe long, dark wintor night But joy cometh in tho moruér revives With dawnlnw Hum All his subjects rar- oppressed Dy his hard, rvlnmls-ss rain; And they chart-d beapath his burden, 'nuath his yok" upon than thrusr, But he laughed them to dorision, trloated in his rule unjust. Noon and evening. night and momma all the long black svason through. Gall and wormwood mm- the pagan: men-d out to an and you ; Bitter wr-n- the drogs we swallow while he laughed in fiendish glen Mocked us; in the roaring tempo callous, cold and harsh was ho. 0000 ME MARSH Whl‘ER! The election at Moose Jaw Tuna- day brtweon aLiberal and tsProgron. sive aroused much interest, and re ports show the Progressive elected by a '.4ttro majority. The last member. a Progressive, was unaeatv-d owing to a tochnieality and would not run again. Moose Jaw city gave a great majority tor the Liberal. but country districts (am-m firm in their Prottresr sive faith. l [ rial attairs--otgo is the strenuous er? xort being made by the Gov't towardi a solution ot Ontario‘s serious ftteli' problem to make it feasible to bring? Alberta coal was! at cheap rains. Thu. other is the reputed decision o" tur- (iov't members to bring in a Redis ( hibution bill. The tutor suture nan not yet had omcial announeerttotst.l but it is ur.dcrstood that X."WS;’)3D'“I" reports as to Gov't intentions are CO'", THE DURHAM REVIEW A. K. Mclr, Welcome Spring 1 'ertlowimr Huron h, Ibrnoch morning, how Mr Alvin Caswell is doing ve/s. teat. isfactory work win: his buzz saw in this neighborhood. Miss Esther McLum returned to Mr school at Rock Mills Monday. After spending a 17911 eujoyah!" holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Thompson, Mr and Mrs Bartlvv Thompson rHurnM to their home in the city. Miss Meron MeArthur returned to Toronto Monday where she 13 in at. tetuiance at the 5'0er School. Ploaoed to report Mr Jas Lawnmo- is improving nicely after suffering a Severe attack of heart trouble. Mr and Mrs. J. W. McKechnin pp. termined a numb-T of Irivnda Friday night and an M) or a wry enjoyablr time. Mrs McPhrrson ot Toronto was a recon! visitor with her sisters. Mrs. .‘lcCamwl and Miss McLean. Mr 'tsat" Cnrmnn Noble ot town, til'".'.', a iow days with his cousin. MACDONALITS . - CROWN ' Sorry Mr D. Hamilton Is not im- proving " much as his many friends would mun to see him. Mr and Mrs Geo. Noble, north ot Durham, “Es-Ina! ho-r parents, Mr and Mrs. A. Alvtcande-r. Mrs Sara Patterson has been at- tending to hs C mother In Durham, Mrs Hrpburu. who has been serious- ly m. Our school rmpcned on Monday with quite a number ot little folks added to tho volt. Quite a few in the neighborhood ware making mapln syrup. ms» McGirr, variety of exhibits will be the muted over izcid north of the Baltic. The grounds cover over 7.5 acres, and in addition to historical, cuitural and other exhibitions ranging from fine-arts to exports, numcmus interna- tional meets wiil be held; "u'omvin'le and aviation meets, printing and journalistic congress-s and athletic and gymnastic competitions. etc. Foreign china are being providod with transportation by the authoritiu and such an interest is bcing Minn in the games that Quite a number have tappvd but HAT is planned to be the greatest and most. W interesting exposition ever held in Scandinav.a will be held in the old Swedish mayor! of Gothenburg from May 8th to September both next. Most of those who are touring Europe this year “all endeavor to include Gothenburg in their itinerary. and thousands will probably go to Sweden from all mm of the world fur the specific purpose of visiting tin: Jubilee Exposition, Which, in physical proportiuns and Je" I F T .r t 5 1 _ Pt:: _ _": f ry."-- f v."'" 246125“? _ii:..i._.i.'.:.'.(s)ii.i/.r.,i..i,i' ONTARt GREEN GROVE Ianaclians Will Visit Gothenburg Exposition Sr. 4tlt---Floropee Grant, Sadie Noo lo, Landels Wilton. Jr 'tit-Mas Noble, Arthur McCabe. Br. 3n; - Charlotte Patterson, Harold Grarby, Jr. 3rd--Jetusie Grant, Wilfrid Gratr by, Margaret Harper, Irene Grashy, Sr. 2nd-- Douglas Grant, Dorothy Caldwcn. Jr. l-Evelyn Grant. Circ. tuutst Putctsv.t, l?,illie Caldwell. J. W. KERR, T93l".u-r .a" §31§H§2Ym Q!.11t8'ett . Ltre, vr. Sr 'nd-Tom Melosh, Colin Ray, Walter Schaler. Sr. l-Frances Ms" lush. Pr-Freda Schater. LAVINA MURTLEY. T, adv": LATOSA SCHOOL Sr. 4th --Myrtlo Martin-3', Charlie Schafer. A. D. McIntyre. Jr. 4tir-- Mary McIntyrm Donald Morrison. Clark Morriqn. Br ard-Lena Schax~ Mr. Alvin Cums†ia busy on tro' line with his bun saw. Sp=eial Sale at Hopevillo Or,1y two wm-ks more to buy vour goods at Hockridae's, Hopvmuu Come while the buying is good. Miss Isabel Mcquarrie of Toronto, spent the Easter holidays with My parents, Mr and Mrs. Duncan Mc. Quarrie. Messrs Jaa. Evens and" Sam Mc Cracker: made a bmrittestt trip to Dun all: one day last weok. Miss Richmond. teuhor. has Trs turned after spending her Eastrt holidays at her home in Chester. The roads are In very bad shape tor travelling " present but We or;- pect another week will we most of the 330w gum and the roads drlnd up. Sorry tohear Mrs. John veggie has been on the sick liat and hope 'tat. will soon be well again. the weather is not very satisfactory and we don't hoar of anyone mamas a fortune at n. U. S. & N01, HGT & XOR'DY SCHOOL REPORTS Aluady a ltr usage on the ( Frtropr. mad the: ct them. is a great attracunn to the town. whieh in full of in. terest and variety from an architectural point of view also. No expense has been spared by the interested indiriduala or the city itself. and for the purpose of gathering historical material. Baron " Ueiria, ard lir. Sixten Stromhom have excavated Gothenburg‘s two ancestral cities, Gamla Lodnse and N,†Locum. and have made some of the most important and inter- esting archaeological finds in North Europe in recent years. On the site of the ancient town of Gamla Lodose near Gothenburg. Baron at l'nlas. has un- covered a church almost " large " the mes-em Guthrn- burg Cathedral. several smaller churches. city walla. a castle. private houses, armour. tools. ete.. which throw considerable light on the history and culture of early Scandinavia. A model of the church and some of the armour and tails will be exhibited in the his- torical r"rhit,'.t of the Exlgqsition. pr. Strombom'a ex- terieal section of caution: nil! co Gothenbcrtr, and inspecting for tl tifitatieni. on. a Arta and cmeiLiiiUTt"tti"i CiitiiTi%tr."aeTL1Ti you. (and: u no Indian. special excursion uld tourist trains will run practically every sport: day from different parts of Sweden and the _adjoininz countries. t f2t1ilttwfttidi t huge number of Canadians, have booked the Canadian Pacific Empress litters for the exposition in the first thought cf many etnti.nye within _the limiti I)? -tiiiGi.vi' :d visitors will have thGiso%tiii.;. i/t thermal“: the “dent works and for. Mr. J. Miller of Anon move household belongings to one 0 houses at the mill 3 week am Mr Clifford Whiteford "aft, law day for Detroit to takrs r; outr- mechanical work. The Stun “I mill commenced o r-rations again lust rev-k with a fu force of caplbie men on htrnd, Mr.Wm Henderson ttnd family under the weather with In ttriptw Mr. Michael Byers had the mus tune to lose- . valuable cow Ittst w maklng the second loss thls wlmvr Winter Moms [cube to law us we had another small bllzurd Sundny. Mr. James Byers' f prusent under Dr. Eu tie Hudson having con ot pneumonia. We will soon be better. Mrs. A. Andvrson and lie lpent I bor days lag Miss Alice Burgess' retur Suturday. an." spending Ex at her home near Burgoyxm Wood been, and making ma up seem to be the prevailing these days around here. Min lube! Harman left morning to take . position er at Atwood. Miss May Byers returned duties as teacher " Lamas um Bell; Pull of Sou-1 spent a few days In! um. gnndmolher. Mrs. Walter tk tt. NO. s, GLENELG Br Attr-4Madras Firth. 'loha on. Jr 'ttt--heno Hum, , “mill. ‘Normnn Haley, I my. Mr. trd -Charlie Tin Graham Tumult“. tu. tttd-Cay, Tanning. Nota Noble. Sr. 1;.- en MeNatr, Gmrrtte Blur. Jr, 3 It IMttita. Prmier A-tsalt I Mary McNah. Gordon Sabin I B-Ada Banks'. Those 11mm were absent for am or man . E. M. SICHOL Twp . APRIL 12. 192:; contract. 'attt t week in Lo " moved h W "Kar 0 [00 mm. lot 27. mu. 7. Tons! d lemma. County of Grey. , â€a In. the Provincial Highway all! I'm Durham. IO mites m M. Bunk barn, H by " lar detehttt MW and I fairly my - who!“ and church a quzm of I mile. Apply to A. IcGILLIVluY. I. I0. ml. thou! " an emtteenttmt. umm- ttttrdwa Gunman to Mhml an â€(on In I tram» barn 42 m foundation. t'ottt'rt'tt I. [my turn Mt x {m Sh Wt: has pun 2n , Iva-ad brick housv “in: MM. drilled well “in no! concrete- mtter tank. oetedetd to hay and In arm Plover. This farm is m-H I m I good titato of mun-an.- Amuy AT Mur.Rtl.V'r' n. It. No 4 l - Montana! Urdu; \. been a the new" o",: Iluploc. Limo“ Inn-m The Durham U. P. n l.x\.- s Amuon wilt uhip sun-k tron; h... on Tuvodnys. Shippwn :n. W m Rive tttre. (in)! mum. Ju. Luvnnce. Manage Phone 606 r 3 "" ivy NOS/MAE“ Runabout 8405 Touring 84.iG RADIUM l ICI Coupe. $695 Sedan $785 Chassis $545 'thtiidhatists4C, Cheaper and l “mutant ett I and IN- mam G1tfsNL' Guohtl: l NOTOCE TO FARMERS I CALM We are ix quantity 0? Barley, l’czzr: pay higher! APE-L312. v..:.'" If you have call us up rum won BALE mm FOR SALE Tu. Cut “-100.“qu _ d m to See our N CN New Bertha Collar that r can-mm ' bi'if'"A' CM; l ESE much: t / We has to ROB ROY At M, Egromont fu Grain Chat NWO " hurl K I of lid cas an RC " I ttt d" At h