" iees Moyer M be men rtm I " ow a raga; he mate in moan but iar " rim I h , k YI M Ho "I II Mm to i, . XLVI.NO 14 ' , 'It. tryw eitiie% _ fl; 'omcs. prottattility, thamrml In: into rtrect short than" as a chino-u ugh-um! or eat wrung Ment ot W treen all" uncut. mum-d No-ws of Mr. Hughes“ Immu- tn'. “us n-m-iwd with a great dual ot mrprisc. but it usurp» his perman- ~x tuoittotiP" in Dundas. as in an: 'rohability, tht' bank‘s policy or 'hamginx munagoxrn would be brought, mm mm within a comparallvmy short thaw. To have lost Mr. msarnek m a citizen would hatw been deep" ugh-uni on all “an. He la at prev mt _s"eut.te Ma second year as Prâ€. ido'nt ot ttw Board or Trade and has bro-n utlw In many other when» romtmlu‘ to hurting the town. " u the ulncvrn- Irish of everybody that [hr crumm- ho In about to make Tritt Inn-V0 treaettctat in ull ways." a Arrivcdw A t SHOULD be used to “clean- up" advances you may have received from the Bank. Keep your credit “good" and you will never l-v , ' "Y "Hfictrlty in obtaining funds when you may need them most. Crbe. had seasrn tttGY find you un- prepared ttcal 3:21: wyd have dttticotty in naming your Mal Bragg!» J. A. Ruins} Repeated The Proceeds of Your Sales Hm Business " THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ,xo-Iixmrul instructive play Munro's. Proceeds all tor vaultâ€. I Admissior " Poor “kin: of having a not. d or any Inscription om MeruIm-n. local trgent "I 'N w INiae 1 Coming Next Week ~.O AHA , Mr John Warm-n ll M r Fadm _ A car of B. C. Shing- x, also acar of Norway v Joint and ttooring, " com MI'RIKM‘K. Durham I)?" rlo-uion to the o. A. ehrn not present a! Toronto Good Friday. In tho raw and 10 Mvrklingc-r of Mano " talk-u. Mr Harding rar ting or o. o. , wlm has been pro- ic-ly Fair in Ches- 'ur youâ€. has dis. and good will u: u town. Mr. Rob Tnrr t4ee'y of the two wrrks ago. a my Owner any Lil?! amount and IL Apply at Rev- SONNY an [hr program OI in Town Hall on 'il. Dou'l mit to " Council My, Durham. Tht. Uld Fast» 'tf or the â€an of (Insulin: K. will meet J, at 8 p. m. All members rnl. u-xetuuvv post ty Seating Co,. Huglws' Immu- a great deal ot I Murdock, t', Tuesday in the he go and this .npport and congm , by " Mr. John Warm-n. piano muonwill be in Durham on business next week. All orders for piano tuning may be It"! at Snell's music store. For Sai. A Driving Horse, A--l driver : works double or single. As owner is in the West, this horse must be sold. Apply to D. N. CLARK, It At. 2, Durham Rob Roy Grain Prices-We are paying 480 to 50e for Oats. 680. to Toe tor Barb-y. Toe to 72c for Buckwheat, $t.05 to 81.40 tor Peas, and 81.10 tor Whrat at our elevator this week. Departmental Examinations Ttw midsummo-r Departmental Rx. p.mintstiorts will be mm on the follow- ing "trt-s'. Lower School and Junior Public School ttraduations June 1213: to 19m; Upper School June 14 to '.'/tth; Middle School June 18ttt to 27th. Missouri Also Ha: Thom The Missouri c-ditors. it is said, arc [Musing to publish obituary notices or people who during their lives railed to subscribe for their home paper, claiming that people who do not take the paper are dead anyway and than past-ling in of no news value. Put Her Knee Out I prop"r position. 'I little weak, but BI min its lull um). The Vegetable Act Men-hunts are rmnindrd that tae root vvgrtabls act of 1922 is now iv. fort"'. and that all potatoes and orv ions must now be graded. Bags must have attached a tag showing the grade and the mmw of the vendor. Cratst, must be similarly marked. 'U.trare arr thrm- grades or potato" and tive of onions Thiat both a morning and aftvrnmm} service may be rvsumod over the Walktetott braneh of thy C. P. R. m warn of only tln- urn-moon train on: or ttere. as at present. and which is proving very unsatisfactory to per- tion." wanting to go to Toronto and In- w-ning points and roturn the Bame day. was gathered from an interview we had with Mr. J. B. Timing. Trav- e-llim: Passvngor Agent ot the C P ti, who vtsltvd the sanctum on Tuesday. The schvme. which may be inaugm~ May Resume Two-Train Service ami i-arly this coming summer, tsl, old son. was [vexing “mm... a-“ .- .. - - non.- other than the putting on ot i) them sooner. he determined to walk I iargv coach running on the rails and _ to Mt. Forest. Starting out at 9 tun. f driven by xasoiim- after the style 0t '; he walked the railroad track tin) l a taiiyho or super automobile. in-{wholu fifteen miles. arriving in Mount l. steud of H, crew of four men such n35 Forest tired and footsore. but happy t is rwqulred to run the present pan-inbout 1.30. He returned by train that i wow-r train out or \Vaikvrton. 'ioelnittht with his mother, but took the l {in c.nKln" would be marmed by tttel, bus home from station. aschis hects i chain-or only, who would collect ttr. '; wore raw after the long tramp. ‘1 krirl t th '. t . .5 in 't ')'il'C.,l,1dr's1" grit: “Lamina†td",'; ;Got Contract on Garafraxa Road i'. Hamil“ O‘n “w iui, amt 'ik' a l",y Tho contract tor the construction ‘ for thr. next (18:0! 'r,",'."';,', 'df/Ile! the balance at the Provincial Inga- " Fum- 'idiiy wrvicv 'i,'e/iiin Wale 'way north ot Chatsworth, to the one. . ... . .. . - . f'. in! the part of the road already uncer "rton and Baum-0n Junction to linkl .t Icontract. has been let to the Frann. up with the Toronto-Owen SoundI . " . .. I. ' (Milligan Construction Company, min train. could be operated for much,': ' ' . » " Mg thp.n it now costs m tho aritetl saniv tirrp that has the contract to. . '.. r. V .’ . . itht- portion already constructed and not»: ti.i.‘.l only. The M'hvme hast tarF? F . ' -under construction. It is expected but. workin?, out satisiactorliy uni I rtq ' itiiat. the contractors will be able to, uni.) min-r branch linett throughout. ' l I.,', F . __ iconipletu both contracts this year." tlt" Dominion and mi]. Tie understand m _ _ . T .C., ts- . . i I'hc statement has been made that to â€unsung adoptvd this coming . .. . .. a.,. " ._ . . .tlils year the part of the roadway, )iill b:. the Canadian National Raw, t i - 'et _ . . ., l, built on the trarai'raxa. would be oiled. “.-.}.‘. wlity.ao new Prrwidettt, hm Hon-i - l, .?._nwnn is v.ii:tirut to Mi r'\;.'i°‘ tarred, and that next year the, . . ' i..ii.. C __. ..., a Mt . Ill" but: dt4leit (In the thu-rnmont ', probability Is that it Will be paved. l ownv-l railway. and it possiblo to ce) "rr-tet,:-,,',":;;,'",",", _ l-Itzrr- a dividend without impairing} NO, 12, EGREMONT I th" svrvictt. " by this method the†Sr. tth-Eva Lawrence. Jr. “ii-- i Wi.tltt-rtot1 branch ot the C. P. R. can 'Amanda Matthews. Br. trd--gessre '.' _', cin its old tin.1 morning and an. Hooper, Norman Watson. Edith Hun- . t'f)‘.".li‘. ran-ice. a long felt want will ter, Pearl Wettrott, Harold Eeeiets, , h" unwind and the cup ot the iraiay,rrwirt Mathews. Jr. trd-John Hoo- t 1 litth' public will run over with Joy. . l per. 8r. tnd-Ethel Lawrence, Way ', --Waittertott "eroiiirnrsi?yy Adamo. Martin whence. Br. .-. “Ann". mum-son. John Matt- " Ci '. Bott ould bt tv.,or-Roay---At the Methodist Par- ;rm;~.ge. Wednesday, March 28th. by Rev. C. G. Cole, Myrtle, young- est daughter of Mr. John Rare. Wetter-u. to Mr. Elmer Batter, sou JUG" In. Wu Met. llowublv to r t all undone: u m-II to far, the provisior eeive ttw ini mt mammr. a summons _ the instance m It Mtotttt M all potato tum-m. carrot nus! now "grtablvs t for Peas, and $1.10 our Monitor this weeR. Rob Roy Mills Limited t tht in close tho growers tt ar in mind that hle to mix [my MARRIED lurked. There arr‘ (allow! and mm or l growers avd arm-h mind that it is no! , mix tanzvthrr po- I in; and sizes Jie) amiliuriw themati- (ms of the act. lest mt‘ormntion in an l through the metr , to the court. I;-.- 'e of v. Government I'd be rememberea tows, onions, and ma. pat-3mm and} be sold by “70'1ng with thrt tops on. son] barrels. l Cut' Bull!" V'v-u .- V7777. .n into-rvivwl Last week Mrs. Frank Hinds ac- ming. Trav/eompan.itd her daughter, Mrs stew th" C, P IL. i art and baby to the latter's home in on Tuesday.' Mt. Forest, after a few weeks new. be human-1 On Monday, Cecil Hinds, the 9 your summer, as _ old son. was feeling lonely. and to sm- m: on ot on them sooner. he determined to walk he rails and) to Mt. Forest. Starting out at 9 run. the style otihe walked the railroad track tho) mobile. 112-: whole fifteen miles. arriving in Mount m... unnh n9: Form-n tired and tootsore, but happy “Vill- is no t pa. ' an] Council Securing Estimates ' For Waterworks System The most important bush-war. tran- sacted by the Council Monday night, was the taking of the fitnst steps to secon- a waterworks system tor Dur- ham. Two engineers addressed tlir Council and the lam one". Mr. new-m of James, Proctor and le'krn, Tor. onto, was engaged to prvpan‘ uni :L- at»; cf tho cost of installing want works throughout the town, the com of grouting estimate, not to exceed $150. It the project is gone on with, and Mr. Itodt‘om's firm engaged as angina-rs, thla tee will form a. part oi tho contract. Mr. thl‘vrn cited Cort/ and nxporioncm in installing mum- works in other towns. and in a rough gut-33, thought that Durham would not crawl $75,000 to $100,000. Def- init" information as to sources ot supply, quantity of water available, its purity, lvngth of mains required, &c, was necessary before an estint. ate could be prvptmul and for the foe above mentioned, he and his aaslsb ants will visit Dttrhmn su'vral tinvert during the next few weeks, taltlng levels and investigating sources ot supply. The springs east of the Dur. ham hill and west of Upper Town are to be first mated and if suitable and ‘sulllcicm water tovailahy", it Will net [be nvmsmry to look Farther. Other prospects arc the spring creek at the 2nd Coit., Gleneltt, “A miles east at town and Wilder's Lake. Mr Whoa. Daniel was appointed collector of unpaid taxes. Councillor Saunders romance! that dogs Wert. nbundnnt around town now, but they' are much scan-er about Juno. wlwn the collector calls. Arc-ordingly Mr. Daniel was also appointed dog tat: collector and is to collect in April. As the Town Hall is not paying: running expenses. It bylaw to in. creasu the fees will be submitted a: next meeting. The proposed now rates are $5 for local concerts, $8 for donors and $10 for outside shmvs. Tltr. Build was granted permission to mm tho lower hall for practice two nights nor work, giving way to othei meetings. Smith Bros. were. given the rlgnz w erect a free air Manon in front Ot their gumgv. Court. John McQueen was author V, N, to rmww the insurance on nu Jackson building, the premium boy'; tre.. tuttottnt of snappy. vmrancuxg “luau; was l'urrxislwd by the Arthur orches- Hru. which delighted those tripping 111w Right fantastic. 'itreeit in Some Walker A rumbrr of accounts were pawn-u, among, them bolus one or $4152.26 to the! Dunlap Rubbu' Co. for tire hosts The Auditors. Mossrx H. R. Koch and Clarence Darling. yrvsi-ntvd their l'wport. which was accepted and 50 mph-s ordered printed. Enjoyable Bridge and D, The bridge party a by the l. o. D. E. in I Tuemlay night, was c successful vvo-r held an unfavomlm- night rrowd was present a: Sr. tth-Eva Lawrence. Jr. 40--; a", 'Amanda Matthews. Sr. 3rti-Jessiei, A. Hooper, Norman Watson, Edith Hum! liter, Pearl Watson. Harold Eecles,l, V :, Irwin Matthews. Jr. 3rd--John Hon-1 .her. Br, 'tui-Ethel Lawrence. War,' ryum: Adams. Martha Lawrence. 911 1frd-iGGrd? Panel-son, John Matt-l jews, Cum Wilson. Douglas serl, lean. Jr. I-Lawson Andrew.. Br. r-;Pr.--Ca.rman Harm-ave. Jr Pr. B-- wphry Dolley. Clara Wauon. Wilm- g- Patterson, Annie Hooper, Clarenm ir:) Nelson. Jr. Pr A-Da" Dolley. Goo. in Wilson. 'Pruem every (by. l M, new. Teacher itil ttttttttti, tiltgitrji,itt Mm,» party and dance given o. D. E. in the town hall on night, was ono of tho most nappy, entrancing mumc DURHAM, THURSDAY APRIL 5,1923 _ given the right to station in from on hold new. Though night, a large town sent and a liberal ance With which is incorporated the Holstein Lesa" Mr. and Mrs. John H. Rocks, or Toronto, Wet'cs guests over Earner at her sister’s. Mrs. D. Loin). 0 Miss Laura Gillies, of South Em f. mom. is vitsitintt at her cousin's. Mrs Thos. Whltmope. Mr Eric Kelly of Toronto was home for [Caste-r holidays. Mrs. John Leith of Holstein: spent over Raster Sunday with in parents, Mr and Mrs. J, Backus. Mrs. J. W. Blyth and Miss Winnie, f.,,., ./, upwtt from Friday to Wew ticsd.ty with i‘omllu-s in Guelph. For Sale A good driving horse and Fora Touring Car. A bargain for quicx 1211112 Apply to Dr. Hutton. Next taittOuy "Usury" will be 150 topic tor discussion. The question or the value of money, exorbitant inter. zst or any interest at all has conu- down to Us from the tyorlivtst agps o: tho world's history and economist“, --lttwrmckrsrs and the prophets of God have all had Couutsel as to tho wise and humanitarian solution of ti. To-day with tlw war (labia, national, px'mlnclal and municipal, (it-but and loans nect-ssary for personal and commercial "nterpriseis, the "no of it:- tvrust in one ot the biggest world problems. Wu Inc". Men's Cine! Rules of the Durham Hydro System I The following are vxtracts from t"rl,l rulea and regulations of the Btu-halal Hydro Elvetrie System l (I) No prompt payment (llsnount will be til lowod unless the bill is paid on or in“ fore the last discount day. This rule wlll be impartially enforced. l ~(2) When a consumm- is 15 days in arrtzu'; for one month's service.‘ the sorvlm- will be discontinued and; stevie" will not be given again unlilg payment 15; mad" in full, including a} charge of $1.00 for the cost or row oatmrretinpr,. Rut-h discoutluuunt'e of service dots not when! the customvr of reliability for urrun's. which if not paid, will be plum-d on tho tax roll [or collection as provided for in tm. Public l'tilitluu Act, It. S. o. 1014, C. 204. S. 72, whcther the consumer is an owmr or u tumult. Per C. C. ELYIIJGE. " Soc'y-Trt insurer April 2nd CHARLES MCARTHUR i At tho ripe am: of 87 years and 5; months, Churn-:4 McArlhur passvd away at tho home of his (laugium. Mrs. Anderson of Niagara Falls. New York, on Thursday. March 29th. 1923. He had van infirm for somv wars. but alwoys moved around un- til Ori'l' two months ago, when no became “Imus; helplvss from rhvu- matic trouble. as ii/ram, two sisters. Mrs. Don, Arthur, Dentinck and Mrs. - or Glenelg. p' be; - again" bearer but mas. The Roll Call who a! 1923 , bearers were all MeArtle n. Angus. Dan, Archie and McArthur, all nephewa.and a grand nephew, whose It. McArthur would have tor his 111- 'BU'V l'Il un- mortuary! Sturdy Chleks, bred trom 2 yr. old born an, pure 0 A. C. Single Comb W. LP: on. Many; horns. You are assured of vigorous ', and no: pulleua that will mum» and lay early mew (Iv-g 20e each, $19 00 per 100. "n, Mr. Jno. Suthvrlund of Stralford, with son Archie and daughter Axum, attended the funeral of his Wifr‘s father, Mr. Chas. McArthur. Miss Eva Redford. Toronto, Was w; Hustvr visitor with her parents, Mc. and Mrs. Alf Redford. Mr Alex. McQueen after a months holiday with his yam-ms here, In: for Detroh on Monday. N iitiisiMhi"ohhh""m"hw""i"'hhhuh" "i v , - ', , h' r, . f? 3!“93°;-f‘??!1“i".‘ff.‘â€.‘...m°.‘;..:‘7‘."1‘£‘.’.‘21“g. Venus Silk llilosiery iii)' Mr. Ernest MeGirr, B. A., and my ter. Miss Chrissio of Toronto. are this week home from school duties. Miss May McClocklin in comm!)~ with a Toronto party or trsaetwt.-, Even! this Eastrl'udv in Atlantic C'sty and New York. Misses Mary, Alix and Edith Eda". of St. Thomas, St, Catharines an: Dundus, t'etwoctivel.v, an- homo rot the vacation pun-10d with their sister Margaret. Mrs. A F'. Muir and son Grant, o' Ceylon, is 1isiting twr parentr', :.:r. and Mrs. C. L. Grant over Easier. Miss Edith Grant of Toronto is aim a vacation visitor. Mrs. John McArilulr of thotthcon. Glerwlg zulmulml mo funrrul of ttw late Chas. McArtluw and has 31mm berm visiting with Mrs. T. Banks and other rclativie'. Mrs. Dooald Campbell, I Went to Milton on Tut-5d spend the WWI; among fr ghile transacting some tn Mrs. Donald Campbell, Emu-r Town Went to Milton on Tut-May and will spend the wow]; among friends there, ghile tra.rwacti'ng some busmvsu aim. Mr. Robort Torry mum home on Tuesday, alter spending the wirltm' with his son Fred in Turov.to and his daughters in Kille-xwr and with ins wife's r-‘latins in Multan. Mr A. v. 314mm oi" tirc Sugndaru Bank Naif lit-re. s; cation in Toronto l). M. 11::ng of tht Mr. and Mice. spent over the w, ter's, Mrs. Jas. r'nt Mr. and Mrs. C. Douglas ol 1.1310“- el, spent Hash-r an Mr. F.. W. Limin's. Mrs. Grunt McCoisilo and little so" Gordon, are :zpvndinu " wrstrk with n"- mives at New Hatubttr.ct. Mr. Arch. mama of Pmulisv mu S:-.sk.. altnmled the [um-m1 of hi mull unrlr, Mr. Chas. McArthur or Monday. llry mm. l 1.1†up Iron .......H m a... his :uzzn. Mrs. Jo. Mr. Arch. Dunn-m m x'zu'tuust- nu... Sttsk.. uttandvd the [um-ml ot the? mun-.1 unt'lr, Mr. Chips. McArthur on: Monday. Ho molt. l 1.1†up trout: Guelph to set» his mutt, Mrs. um Firth, tho MrArt1ctir 'o' of tho len and. otha-r vt.lutives. He was sent to (N- mwn brtos‘t- tho ryas'ot recess to m- tervi.ass' tht' Miuis1rt of Railways to upon " bunch linv to his town and part of tlot muntry, ab they are now CY) tunes from a railway station. Mrs. Moi'htrson, Toronto, spent owr thr. weu4r end with her sister. Me. hit-i1 McCamlwl and sister Miss [Mt-[mun at their homo rust ot town. l Miss Lizzie Byt-rs of Parry 801140. ,1; making a visit to former tow ': nimds and is at prvsent at Mr Alian Q Bell's. _ - - . '- _, ._ tttwa tr tot-view upon " part of ?.o mm Miss lliuunn of Brmufunl, is vim.- ing her sister, Mrs. C. A. Robbin.- over the Enslvr vacation. Mr. and Mrs. G McDonald and lu- tle son of Chatsworth, spent on: the week end with her parents, ittt. , and Mrs. J. P. Humor. ' Miss Julia Weir. u. A,, spout th" holidays with her sister in Guelph and cousins m Toronto. I Mrs. (Dr) Burnett of rtatmnou,1/ ‘was an Easter visitor with her pur- outs. Mr. and Mrs. Adam i'dirl/.l,i','rr) l Mrs. Wm. McCracken aknd nivr-v,‘ Mary Mvachniv of Gait, are visiumv their Humorous friends and relatives, in and around Durham. i, Miss Marion Marshall left chm-ww day for Toronto where on Saturday) lot this week sho will be united mi ‘marrlage to Mr. Wm. Kenna!) oy), l Stu-Ibumo. ‘i Mr A. C. 3 White Wyandotte Chicks, brorto. 'AF. bay. First hatch on April Tth. 23r at each, or $22.00 per 100. il, Hatching [and W. Leghorn!» oats/it) 10 mu each. I: it"; Custom Hatching, 83.00 a tray. .M' l MRS. J. C. HENDERSON an: 39. DURHAM, Ont, DURHAM BAPTIST CHURCH ONTARIO Matt '. Mb?“ Middleton 'AM‘P. uzzd at her Lt,- hunks. Frown. C. Douglas of Liam“- an Mr. F.. W. Limin's. IcCoisilo and little son ndim.’ " wrstrk with tw'- ui" Um Sumdaru 1-H tiu. Bash-r "r with him brothâ€; Hunt; of Montreal. Mb?“ Middleton TORONTO Inâ€: Axum," his wift's: " at. i mo. Was in: ctt'tNtttr, .13. 1 r a month: , here, le-lt /31 i T- A., and tr.,-, Home. mm; 301 dulic-s. ;; I n compzu'y ' g V I I1 luu'hrx.-. ulauzm- (any I mam 1hip. .I .urinvs uns‘ homo rot) Hu-ir sieltu i m Cram, 1) i /ctrcrttr, .1222; Ttut' Basin. {I onto ip, ulna? Rt the 4th con.) wad of thc, d has sum»; 1 Hunks and SCT, er in Gum tit ,. r l, Easter services were conducted in or Hammou,l, the Itsptirt church. Sunday April m. with her WWI lt E. Cameron spoke from Psalm lam Robertson limo. where David's pvrsontrf devo- . . lion and confession of faith in a rus- in aknd met-mi urrectlou is spolu-n of "as for mo I in, are visiting; , shall be satisfied whvn l awakv." in a and rerativ1"st,th"ae words the writer n'inces hrs n. {with in a future resurrection. mo. m lett 1m,ur,,,o.'e1rr.tl.o?, is a mark of Divine bettev0. I? on Saturdm I lncu to man. juatvuu IS the opening ot be milled ii, l spring, coming ails-r Munro is releas- m Kennedy miâ€! from “Tillers iron bars. Resur- . ' gin-lion is also an rxhibitiou of sin-o- huh which lies beyond the limit ot ----."-. :mnn’s ulmost c‘l'fort. Tho “surren- r CHURCH flion is tho Jt1stiflctttion of tho Cross. ‘ThC suffering of the Crow: is hero I B. Th.. Valeria...“ to justify man tor whom lin- MU, 19:3 'itrtthsti1iriion was made. ot Ifavigauon' ': Tho prophet also expressm his mu- ha Street" tilde-ac" in God's future ulvaling with Dr Torrie Virulmm. "i shall be satisfied." This it" rd, in visu- A. Robbin.- 5:85;; . . it Dynamic Tonic gammy 75c & LSO 1,3,9: Wampole's Cod Liver Extract, $1.00 'e'i'r"ii/t Burdock & sarsapariiiafttrtttd, SI _iaii', ill. Morlock ti: Sons has . r Service a l Baptist Ch. We have just rrreived a large shipment of our famous Venus Silk Hose, in plain and fancy ribbed in the newest. colors, including Beaver, Beige, Do, C, Silw r. Nude, White Navy and Black. Always insist on Venus Silk Huaiorym best for beauty. comfort and wear. ’3’ SPRING TONICS for Easter. Best for ti BEAUTY " LOMFOR'I‘ "c." “lung ijli, HAT mes-- a. In is an a one aggs. McBETH D "swag." l, 932nm Lur.-ae-s.swarar" We would appreciate you calling and lcoking over our large stock of New Spring Merchandise. We are aiming to carry the best assorted stock in town. No trouble to show goods. Give us a call. We will try to please you. kW HARM! Mtl l ii 'g PM†' ' RPM " 'AV â€W†N geeeeeeeseese eeseeeasee- i', Published Weekly at $'2.00 a ' 82.50 a year in adxauce. matchévcyycom' l I . 3,†Arrow Collavsior Men Clears the system' and purifier the blood. Wr: haw tln' latest styles in bold soft and starch collars. SW the V row line-you wilt like mom. Colorite ltt tgditteeettt m i year in advance. To "Ml-d St“. C. HARMâ€: & SON. Publish-II Janice! 'l'alcum Powder Now 25c and Mc Now 25c an: Jouleel Face Pouder. Jonteel Combination Reduced Guam . . . ' Janice! Cold Cream . . Junlcel Compacts ... . J :nleel Range . . Jouleel Cream Pomdct (new... .... MCFADDEN" DRUG STORE ure hope mm tho settled Noun-m in David's trvulr.id lifv. Often sailing: m tempestuous was. his God mun..- his anchor, his chart and compass. To God hr. was willing to (run trot future of his. soul, to God in whom- likrness. bo should, alter the [to-sul- rection be round. The image- slump ed upon man at his croulion. but Im- red by sin shall be amused and mama etear again through the Iranian. At the close of the Herman ts dues. "The two Paths-which om- will you lake?" was sung by Miriam and Ebl-n Cameron. tn the evening tho sermon dealt with tlw marvellous wants which w. fatw, drawn from Chriscs words it John S: T27 and Dunk-l 12 '. 2. Mies Redford of Torolno. them hang a beau “ml and wall rendered solo. "va Him In" vmlch vwryom: r.'00 "d. The choir at both I": suitablv Rash-r twin-cm were much atom-minted. DURHAM, ONT. Ir yourU. P.R. Tickets he Dwain and Btationor "" mama JI Prfus Ht vim Mc Elle 511 F re wt dealt ie (l'"