Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 15 Feb 1923, p. 7

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suttatie ow ea‘k .{n In Great Britain and Ireland during the wa was 4,270,302, ie To sweeten all the way, Al thesa combined with thoughtful A smile to greet the morn‘ng with; A kind word as tha key To open the door and greet the day, Whateer it brings to thee. A patient trust in Providence, was thought to be excessive. "A recent report issued by the Doâ€" paitment of Agmeulture of Manitoba shows that the products of the hens of the province last year were mar keted for & sum exceeding $2,000,000, ‘Thus in one year the hens of one proâ€" vinee brought the farmers oneâ€"third more imoney than the purchase price of a tract of land which is now among the richest sactions in the Dominion." th fu tC teem mig‘t get son would certainly gi correct before it is takes and blunders ness and sclfishno make a revision of policies which furt Interests und not man at the other e No matier what : tion may say, it | say about him th n It #as been long the custom for the prospective bride and bridegroom to rehearse the merriage ceremony lest at the solemnization of the marriage they should commit some blunder that would make them conspicuous or rldiculous. Would it not ba a good plan for men to borrow an ldea from this and perâ€" gonally rehearse their funeral sermons geveral years before the probable time of their death? Will make a happy day The total number of men recruited A a revision of many coldâ€"blooded es which furthered only our own sts «nd not at all those of the at the other end of the bargain. matier what a man‘s funeral oraâ€" may say, it is what the people ibout him that counts. Revise judgment now by rehearsing your ve always thought that I would » know what the employees and who have been associated with life, my friends, acquaintances eighbors, would say at my funerâ€" Vould it be fine and helpful, in # and comforting, or would it be and condemnatory, a revelation of faults and werknesses that I ever thought of in such a light? t know, neither do you know, my , what people will say of you afâ€" i are gone. Wouldn‘t it be & thing then for you and for me, | of us who have reached middle o begin right away occasionally carse our funeral sermons? vo were to be perfectly frank murselves, our vanity and selftesâ€" mig!‘t get some severe jolts. It cortainly give us a chance to t before it is too late many misâ€" and blunders, much thoughtlessâ€" and sclfishnoss, and perhaps to By Orison Swett Marden Marriages and Funeral Hens of Manitoba. eph Flavelle, former chair tho Grand Trunk Railway ite this statement In a recent and backed it with official rmC sermons, above all else, omnest and sincere. But !f th were told over the cofâ€" : dead men, it would greatâ€" he occupants if they could instead of the eulogy de e minister, they could ‘marks of employees and had seen only that side of cter which they tried to heir friends, how shocked be! If thw could only reâ€" funcrals as they did their hat a fine cnange it would 1860 rovinces of Manit and â€" Aiberta, Pa bed because the 1 m vere to know years be it people would say of eral, how quickly he rk to chang> his Mfe lefects. How many of ring, danming things about him after he is hanged to praise. How tories and biographies e who have passed on ‘," said of Canad Bay Comp for the ; in the lar Phi ‘a last year contri wealth of Canada Government origin three prairie pro ‘rmon years belore To have known in timation in which ty held instead of hout ever having completely changed r lives. Many men a large part if not to have had the opâ€" ng themselves as in time to corrtect 1 th at the close t & true. f the it the P prairle r Joseph, agreed to iy 300 000 of those given to In e n would f their er in Ywo e pro ora.| _ Outside the cost of the receiving apâ€" ople | peratus, which may be purchased for vise ' twenty or twentyâ€"five dollars, or which roup & bright boy can rig up for ten or twelve, every home, no matter how ! far removed from the great centres of | civilization and culture, can have its p lown permanent bureau of entertainâ€" ‘t"!â€"| ment. At the expense of only one or “f"‘ two cents an hour, the entire family &1‘ ean enjoy, evening after evening, the st ~ TIREDâ€"OUT WOMEN If you have anything to say about people or institutions, why not dip your pen in the ink of sympathy, of charity, instead of that of denunciation of contempt? Why hammer, blast, condemn, denounce others‘ motives, others‘ acts? Why look for the bad in everything instead of the good? Why is it that so many pessimistle iconoeâ€" lasts are toâ€"day expressing themselves this way in printâ€"in books, magazines and newspapers? Some of these writers are even making fun of radio, condemning, criticising and lampoonâ€" ing it. Now this is cheap business. These carping critics mistake stupidity and captiousness for cleverness and wit. The truth is, radio is one of the most wonderful developments of electricity, and it is going to revolutionize home life, especially in the country. Think what its use will mean to women in remote country districts who are pracâ€" tically slaves to their homes, who rarely leave them, and who have no opportunities such as city people have for change, recreation, amusement and instruction. Radio will open to them some of the priceless advantages enâ€" joyed by the most favored city dwellâ€" Ruby tints in glassware are due small traces of gold mixed with it. while. 1 continued taking the pilis for some months, and was then enjoying the best of health. I cannot too strongâ€" ly recommend Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills to anyone run down and in need of a tonic as they buillt me up, and there is no signs of anaemia about me toâ€" day." You can get Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills from any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams‘ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. two b got a petite work, while. The woman who feels tired out, who aches all over when she rises in the morning, who feels drpressed most of ber time, needs just the help that Dr. Williams‘® Pink Pills can give toerâ€" new rich blood and stronger nerves. terest in anything, and was in a pitiable condition. _ I tried different doctors, but they did not help me very much. I was in this condition all summer unâ€" til a neighbor advised me to try Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. _ After taking The number of disorders caused by thin blood is amazing, and most woâ€" men are careless about this condition of their blood. Their nerves are quickâ€" ly affected, and they bocome frritable; they worry over trifes, and do not obâ€" tain refreshing sleep. ‘There may be stomach troubles and keadaches. This is the condition that calls for Dr. Wilâ€" Nams‘ Pink Pills, the blcodâ€"making and nerveâ€"restoring toniqc. The value of this medicine is proved by the statement of Mrs. John Conroy, Fall River, Ont., who says:â€"*"Two years ago, after the birth of one of my childâ€" ren, I became so runâ€"down that I had to wean the baby and could not do my housework. I lost appetite, took no inâ€" What They Need to Restore Health and Vitality. 5 Made by Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Limited # 4§ Front St., E., Toronto Factory: Windsor, Oztario boxes I felt somewhat better and i further supply. I found my apâ€" e improving; 1 could do my houseâ€" , and living again seemed worth _ GrapeNuts Boosting for Happiness and Efficiency *~~___«There‘s a Reason" Grapeâ€"Nuts with good milk is a complete food, combining all the food elements needed for bodyâ€"building. , Economical, too, because a moderate amount provides unusual nourishment. Crisp, delicious Grapeâ€"Nuts is a highly nourâ€" ishing cereal food in unusually compact form. It supplies the rich nutrition of wheat and malted barley, including the mineral elements of these splendid grains, without which health and strength cannot be maintained. \/ARIF.TY in foods is essential, of course, but in providing variety do not overlook the importance of nouriskment. Some foods supply bulk with litile nourishment â€"others provide nourishment with little bulk. Sold by Grocers Everywhere! THE BODY BUILDER By O. S Marden singing of the world famous opera stars, the finest grand opera and conâ€" ‘cert music; they can listen to the | greatest orators, lecturers, clergymen, , teachers and entertainers, each speakâ€" | Ing on tis own particular subject; the | chidren can be entertained with bedâ€" time stories, and the young people | with dance music; in fact, the opporâ€" tunity for entertainment and instrucâ€" ’ tion, according to the taste and desire of every member of the family, is unâ€" limited. Instead of being a subject for jest, radio is an unqualified biessing to milâ€" lions of people, a new instrument of : progress for which we should be deepâ€" | ly thankful. Just think what it means 'ror invalids and semiâ€"invalids, people Iconfified all the time to their homes, | in many instances to their beds, to be ;able to receive mental treatment, enâ€" | couragement and uplift, every day in | their own homes, without the slightest | inconvenience to them! Think what ;n will mean to millions of shutâ€"ins, ‘cripples, invalids, and the very old, to be able to get encouraging, cheerâ€"up, helpful sermons ani lectures on the radio every day, by those who know how to uplift and cheer! Just think how it wil relieve the tedium of their confinement, how it will help them to bear their suffering, to be able to look forward to even an hour of daily enâ€" tertainment and belp the year round! How stimulating for those who have a talent for entertainment to realize how much they can help the world along, what a marvelous amounrt of good they can do, bow much they can alleviate the suffering of their less forâ€" tunate brothers and sisters by theo exercise of their gifts. The wor‘d‘s annual yield of raw woo! is reckoned at about 3,000,000,â€" 000,000 lbs., of which about forty per cent. is produced in countries of the British Empire. Mistake Somewhere. Bobbieâ€""Why are your whiskers so thin on the right side of your face, Mr. Jones ?" Bobbieâ€""But papa doesn‘t sleep standing on his head!" Jonesâ€""Oh, it must be because I alâ€" ways sleep on my right side. That rubs the hair away." A couple of young men, manifestly from "up country," were observed standing in front of the window, enâ€" gaged in «pelling out the sign. "What‘s them, Harry?" one asked the other. "I dunno," said Harry. "Let‘s go up the street a bit and seo if we kin fird an eyester saloon. 1 feel like eatin‘ some eyesters," said the other. Minard‘s Liniment for Neuralgia The Mislieading Placard. A restaurantâ€"keeper who apparently had a weakness for the "highfalutin‘" placed in his shop window a placard inscribed thus: MOLLUSCOUS BIVALVES In every style. A couple of young men, manifestly from "up country," were observed The wind is hanging the stars toâ€"night, The high wind, the north wind, She holds them in her hands to light Aund runs among the trees. Among the treetops, high and high, The white frost sifts across the sky, She bhangs the north star there. The scudding clouds run on beforeâ€" She hangs a star abobe my door And one star in the pine. Beneath her feet the whirling snow, I peep without and see her go, Then shiver and draw back. I pile my fire and shiver stillâ€" 1 hear her laughing past the hillâ€"â€" How cold it is tonight! Wind and Stars. â€"â€"Abigail Crosson. not exercised his right of vetoing, or stopping, a law since 1707. More than one thousand different, varieties of wheat are known, and the: pumber is constantly increasing. l Laying a Trap. A British tar, home on leave and celebrating the occasion, had got himâ€" self into a dilemma. He had hired a tari, only to discover when approachâ€" ing his destination that he was penniâ€" lese. lHe had dined and wined, not wisely, but too well. But the British navy is a training«chool of resourceâ€" fulness. He caught up the epeaking tube, shouted "Btop!" and jumped out. "I just want to pop into this tobacâ€" conlat‘s and get some matches," he oxâ€" plained to the driver. "I‘ve dropped a pound note eomewhere in the cab and can‘t find it in the dark." He entered the tobacooniat‘s and as he did so the cab and its driver vanished into the pight, as he had anticipated. | Second Bache!drâ€"-"svomelhirnéiVliz’;e‘w- ing all the time, I suppose." First Bachelorâ€"*"Some people seem; to find matrimony very stimulating." | The Peace Pipe. Calumet, the name given to the peace pipe of the American Indians by the Frenck Canadians, occupied among the nations a position of eymbolic sigâ€" nificance and deepest reverence. The calumet was only intrusted to the care of the highest ofiicial of a tribe and was used in connection with the superâ€" stitious rites and ceremonics of the race on great and solemn occasions, such as making of peace treaties and sometimes on declarations of war. The peace pipe or medicine pipe was beâ€" tween two and three inches long, and the fact of peculiar significance is that it was the stem which was the object of veneration among the aborigines. The stem was of reed artistically deeâ€" orated with women‘s hair or eagles‘ quills. The pipe bow! of the Western Indians was of red catlinite, which was a fine grained, pliable stone of deep red color found in the Cotean des Prairies, west of Big Stone Lake, in South Dakota. In the East and Southâ€" east the bowl was of white stone pierced with several holes so that sevâ€" eral stems could be used at the same time. The calumet quarries were noi only neutral ground to all warring tribes, but there were many sacred traditions connected with these quarâ€" ries. Winter is a dangerous season for the little ones. The days are so changeâ€" ableâ€"one bright, the next cold and stormy, that the mother is afraid to take the children out for the fresh air and exercise they need so much. In consequence they are often cooped up in overheated, badly ventilated rooms and are soon seized with colds or grippe. What is needed to keep the little ones well is Baby‘s Own Tablets, They wiil reguiate the stomach and bowels and drive out colds, and by their use the baby will boe able to get over the winter season in perfect safeâ€" ty. The Tablets are eold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams‘ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. KEEP LIMTTLE ONES WELL IN WINTER moonlight than by sunlight is now beâ€" ing demonstrated at the Hartley Botâ€" anical Laboratories of Liverpool Uniâ€" versity, says a London despatch. The research followed the remark dropped by a gardener named Hayes Swanley of the Horticuitural College to Miss Elizabeth Semens of Liverpool Uniâ€" versity that cucumbers grew two or tLree inches more in the moonlight than by deylight, and the seeds gerâ€" minated better under the moon. Miss Semens began experimenting and in the last six weeks has made considerable progress by artificial light. She finds that the polarizged light of the moon gives a spurt to seed germination and that polarizedl artiâ€" ficial light has a similar effect. Miss Semens says that meonlight can be polarized only during certain phases of the moon. She finds that when seeds are exposed in tanks of water to the direct action of the moon germination is greatly quickened. When there is no moonlight she exposes starch grains to polarized artificial light and finds that they break down, producing little masses of dextrin and sugar crystals. She says tho outer skin of the leaf acts as its own polarizing apâ€" paratus and it is belioved that we‘may be on the eve of learning what cccutrs within the leaf itself. In Great Britain the sovercign has & B s , CA Gl C S Finds Plants Grow Better |VETERAN TELLS | by Moonlight. | HOW HE ESCAPED! That plants grow more quickly by wee s mmeme s . oonilight tran by sunlight is now beâ€" Declares Tanlac Freed Him‘ Home Brew. RuUSsSELL Y AN Heokt ONTARIO ARCHIV TORONTO As soon as you eat a tablet or two of "Pape‘s Diapepsin" your indigestion is gone! Heavy pain, heartburn, flatuâ€" lence, gases, palpitation, or any misery from a sour, acid stomach ends. Corâ€" rect your stomach and digestion for a few cents. Each package guaranteed by druggist. The Tripping Tongue. Hostessâ€"*"Pardon me, won‘t you, if I continue sewing while you are here? I shall then feel that I am not wasting my time." Silkworms wore first reared by Chinese Empress 4,500 years ago, at cording to an c‘d Chinese book, en titled "The Silkworn Cassic." MOoNEY ORDERS. The safe way to send money by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order. ' Halo‘s Origin. The halo had its origilu nearly two thousand years ago. To guard against the possibility of rain strining the marble faces of their gods, the Greeks used to protect them with a large metal plate placed over the top of the head. These were mistaken by paintâ€" ers in later years for emblems of divinity. _ Accordingly, our Christian saints are pictured with the ring which we call a halo. "Last winter," said Mr. Lewis, "I was down with pneumonia, and after that I couldn‘t get my strength back and was unable to work. 1 had no apâ€" petite, and if 1 did dare to eat it only caused me more suffering with my stomach. 1 had neuritis in my legs, and my feet would swell up till I thought they would burst. My kidneys were out of order, and it was imposâ€" sible for me to get a good night‘s sleep. CGeorge L. Lewis, Boullie St., Lonâ€" don, Ont., weliâ€"known carpenter and veteran of the South African and World wars, has added his name to the long list of Ontario people praising Tanlac for the benefits they have deâ€" rived from taking the medicine. I can just feel the medicine building me up. My appetite has come back full strength, 1 can sleep like a top, and you can bet I‘ll stick to Tanlac." "But I have taken on new hope and courage since I started taking Tanlac. Tanlac is sold by all good druggists Bulk Carlots TORPNTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFE . ToRronTo America‘s Pioneer i»o' Remedise Nature‘s â€" Warning Bitnal. Heat and Thhale Minard‘s Liniâ€" ment at once. It relieves cold in the head and arrests the deâ€" velogment of more serious trouble. COARSE SALT LAND SALT ‘The Family Medicine Chest. Swelli d Weakness f 1 f Y‘ef“:rg-;m‘zumh i Lift .Off wntt.1 Fingers Sneezing? DOG DISEASES and How to Feed Mailed Free to m{ A& drees by the Author. H. UL‘DJ Glover Co., Inc. 120 West 24th Atreet New York, U.8.A. Book on Your druggist sells a tiny bottle ot ' L«.wwmm-â€"-fi "Freezone" for a fow cents, suflicient| To Clean out your bowels wi to remove every bard corn, soft corn, C"amping or overacting, take Cascarâ€" or corn between the toes, and the cal , Ots. Sick headache, biliousness, gases, luses, without soâ€"eness or irritation. | lndigestion, sour, upset stomach, and | all such distress gone by morning. Nicest physics on earth for grownâ€"ups _ and children. 10¢ a box. Taste like Doesn‘t rurt a bitt â€" Drop a little "Freezone" on an aching corn, instartâ€" ly that corn stops hurting, then shortâ€" ly you lift it right off with fiagers. Truly! Rely on Cuticura Soap, Ojntment and Telcum to care for your skin Giffard, Quebec. UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on taplets, you are not getting Aspirin at all six months before I began usin Cuticura ESoap and Ointment, ;uz after using three cakes of Soap and three boxes of Ointment I was healed." (Signed) J. A, Macdonald, *‘Pimples broke out on the back of my head and neck. At first the â€", pimples weresmall and then f‘f"v'\ :nn into each other :;: z> }, formed sore eruptions ai! wht the size of a ten cent piece. _4 The skin was sore and red ~]° and itched a great deal, (Â¥)) causing me to ecratch. ""I had the trouble about Small and Formed Sore Erud)tions. Skin Sore and ed. Cuticura Heals. PIMPLES ON HEAD AND NECK Accept only. an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tableis of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose wotked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earach» Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tabletsâ€"Also bottles of 24 and 100 ~â€"Druggints. Cmy T Aspirin is the trada mark (registered in Canada) of Reyer Manufa: eceticacidester of Falicylcacld, While it is well known that Aspirin manufacture, to aseist the public agains? !mitatione, the Veblets of 7 4 Y T a C C CE invcull mils_ y wil} be stamped with then ge Bruisesâ€"strains Made in Canada Apply Sloan‘s. The blood circulates freely and normally again. The painâ€" ful congestion is broken up _ . : Sloan‘s [ufimentz Fads in PonaAdnz ~kllls M"! CORNS Aspirin â€" all soreness disappears) al trede imark, the "Peyor Will Be Interested in NMrs. Thon son‘s Recovery by Use of Lydia When women who are between the ages of fortyâ€"five and fiftyâ€"fiveare besot with such mno{ing symptoms as nerâ€" vousness, frritability, melancholia and heat flashes, which produce headaches, dizziness, or a sense of suffocation, they se Compoune, 1 isenpestallyedeples e Compound. Itis y to help wmn through this crisis. It is prepared from roots and herbs and contains no harmful drugs or narcotics. This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived from roots and hcrbek has for !ortveun proved its value in such cases, Women everywhere bear wi“'mf testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkâ€" ham‘s Vegetable Compound. Women who suffer should write to the Lydia E.Pinkham MedicineCo. .(Iobour& Ontario, for a free eo1py of olfzdia Pinkham‘s Private Textâ€"B upom * Ailments Peculiar to Women." _ G, Winnipeg, Man.â€"‘""Lydia E. Pink» ham‘s Vegetable Compound has done me good in every way. I was very weak and runâ€"down and had certain troubles that women of my age are likely to have. I did not like mm the JZ)ctor so I took the Vegetable Com« i)ound and am still teking it right along. recommend it to my friends and to any one I know who is not fecling well,**â€"= Mrs. THomrson, 803 Lizzie 5t., Winniâ€" WOMEN FROM ‘= FORTY TO FIFTY E 1RN $20 WEEKLY, :Efi. t home, addressing 4 Cipculare. Bend 100 for Music, tion. ete. American Music Broadway, N. Y. The true interests of my country ere never in opposition to the true interests of the world.â€"Talieyrand eanndy U» used, Q:Nloy-, saws, cable, hose, «.. shipped subject to approval at la est prices in Canada. York Belting 116 York 8t., Toronte. Minard‘s Liniment for Rheumsitiom, B l UBAM CLOVER, TJ annual Write for in ormation, D. Fraser, RR. Pinkham‘s Vegetable Compound kELTINS FOR SALE "Cascarets" 10c £LTING OF ALL KINDS, NEW OR Best _ Bowel Laxative When Bilious, Constipated EKVE O tu~e of Moneâ€" _ means Bever ayer Cour pany

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