Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Jan 1923, p. 5

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ho In My: 2Fi9 Iermta " tstnlcliOI , a united it to lean I clue. eon- I. 23rd. rw mammal“. t BUNCH Ptoperty " Mlil Ming, " liver I form, tak e, tilated arned _v,ia iii, THE PEOPLES "ii"i"ri,f:li'i" 937:5 xzxxxxixxxarxxxxrrxte1hul*iritlariY, When you tf ave your "t "hTLC,',.fgr,',','g.ti.t . . "tto £0an Ind Dail Adv . sale Bills Printed/ or " on. ot'.",'...'.'..'.'.?...'..'.'.?..'.'.?.: t,.'ttg Ind Dnilv Flu Pm- . a , pm".............................. try the Review Office [ Tho Rum! sad the F-rmon' Ad. LITTLE MISS JOANNA CALVIN, ot HANOVER Judged the Second Ptettiest Child in Canada, among 8,000 lin. tries, in the Toronto Daily Star's Loveliest Child Competition. 7 io, full particular. apply to Grand Trunk Ticket Agents. W. CALDB Tenn Any-om Conn-l Dru Score. Telephone lo. ' " DURHAM T06am 3.15pm " MOUNT'OREST ...q. 738am 3.5Ipm Lv PALMERSTON' r . . 8.28 a m 4.88Y In " FERGUS . ._.. 9.15 o m 5.05 p I ‘AEGUELPH -._.____.__frfft1tt_._1.e?!Lr..r...e.u.....- Ar BRANTFORD r....Fr 100pm 835p!) - Ar HAMILTON _f' ... _ 100pnt__trar_.tt_, - Ar TORONTO .-t. mr. .‘ ll.lOam T.40pm Rolurninlu Lone Toronto 6 so am. and 5.02 p m. Parlor Buffet car Palmerrgton to Toronto on morning hail: Ill Guolph to Toronto on evening "gm. - - _ __ _ - A GRAN» 'I'dUiK tlailwair System If you have any idle cash, invest quickly, " such high interest rates will not be long available Write, call or telephone Provincial and Municipal Bonds . yielding from 5: to 7 per cent Industrial Bonds, yielding 6 to 9 p. c. VICTORY BONDS Excellent Investment Opportunities we. 26, " LI Lv " Ar. P. RAMAGE, Durham IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE Daily except Sunday Tho Rev " Ind Toronto Daily M ol mu Empire for I you...... 1 The “on": and Daily Advmiu. i or " an. "mr......-............... [Tho Both-w and Dnilv Flu Pm- all maturities, yield~ ing 4; to 5 percent menu for t you... . 7.05am 7 38 a m 8.28. m 9.155 m 9.45. m 3.” p In 3.51 p m 4.232;: m 5.05 p Ill 5.36 p T, 675 676 675 POR SALE-One " inch "any Emu Smw Outta: with 8 it. cutter, Hm lcPhail M. P, ave 1 good address In Wot-en’s Hall Tuesday, 16th, but on account of the inclemen. cy of the weather. the nudienee we: not a lame as it would ‘have been otherwise. The occulon In the an an! meeting of the South Eat Grey Tr P o Executive. We hope the Pricevme writer is on right attain and able to give home at the town now: u we don't get there generally but on Sun”. and then we devote our time listening to good ser- mons and not picking up news. It was I good act of the Glenelg Council to nuke . presentation to the venerable ex-Clerk of Gland; " their Brat meeting. The annual meeting was held in the Presbyterian church on Monday, 15th inst and was fairly well attend. ed. The congregation in also in fairly good shape. in Thou Nichol tena- ered his resignation as truperintemr ent of the Sunday School. an ottiee he has Med faithfully tor a good number of yen". Mr A B McDonald is liker to be his successor. Min Vicky Mo- Miiiatl is still the organ“ Although tendering her regulation. Reeve Mchalg of Glenelg Is ttttend. ing County Council at 0 Bound this week. The roads on the South Line are bad in some places with pitch holes and slides and some pat-ta ot the road are icy. Grip or some kind of an epidemic ls prevalent In the locallty. in some instances nearly all the funny being laid up with it. as numerous as she has experienced In the past. or if she is a lady yet in the prime of youth and naturally ex- pects to see as many return as she has passed, to her we extend our best wishes for the return ot many New Years in future and accompanied by much happiness. We thank those that appreciated our last write up on the New Year and the passing of the old year. It " certainly gratifying to us to see that our feeble ettorta in giving a few at the innumerable changes during the past year are appreciated by readers ot the Review. To the lady who re- quested the Editor, We send our best wishes and thank her very much. if she has Been many new years passing and cannot expect the returns to be PRICEVILLE AND The young people are enjoying themselves on the skating rink these nights. A number of our youth and beauty attended the box social Friday night at Bunessan. (intended for last. week.) Mr Willie MncLeod in drawing brick from Proton Station. Mr Willie Hlncks and sister Gladys via“ one any last week " Mr Joe Buck's. and spent Sundny at Root Mule. _ . ' The Annual Meeting of Pricevlile Agricultural Society was held on Sa- turday of last week. The attendance was not as large as it should have been but the members present did considerable business. The tinan.eiat report, as read by the auditors, seem- ed to please the meeting. The Dir- ectors were recommended to revise the Prize list. and as there is a good substantial balance in the Treasury, they intend to incrase the cash prizes in classes of live stock exhibited at the Fall Pair next Oct. 4 and li, IMii. Two Field Crop Competitions are on the program for this season --The regular field crop competition and al so the combined held crop and thresh- led grain competition which otters $216.00 in seven prizes, ranging from $75 to $10. The total prizes for the two competitions will total $360.00. Man a card at once to Secretary Fall Fair. Prieevine, asking fer full in- structions where to' get pure seed and all other particulars. He has a limited supply or instructions on hand ond will get more if necessary in a tow days. Bo so to it _and make money. The Ladies' Aid Society of Price. ville Methodist Church purpose holo- ing a Valentine Social on the evening of St. Valentine's Day, Petr. 14. Wat. son's Hall will be suitably decorated (tor the occasion. Each person on entering will receive a red heart, the purpose of which is unravealed. A very interesting program will be gr ven. after which a Valentine potrr omee will be opened, with real cour- iers to deliver the love messages to any part ot the hall. The valentines will be on sale at the omee forvall use and at all prices. ‘Pie will be served to all but there will be extra pies on sale at the restaurant. An admission fee of 25c and 15c will be charged. The ladies are preparing for o very comfortable and homelike social evening, where friends can meet and really enjoy themselves. Mr Geo. Rutherford, In'aurance a. gent of Shanna-no, was around here last week on business Bad colds have been the general ailment about here, but the majority of people ore getting back to normal health min. . The January thaw we had last week did not continue long enough to wet the snow to the ground. Some wells are at!!! short of a proper supply ot water. PRIOEVILLE "Mica? . SIM BROS., Durham PRICEVILLE SOUTH LINE The Ravi-v In}! In“, Wit-u- foe I "e.........-............... The Duh In! Tovm Dun, Ohio In t your.................... flu Inh- ud Torn-u Daily “I “t t "co-mnoommmm Mr Dare Johnston left for Montreal Friday to spend tt month with friend- Mr and Mrs Roy luNalty Bun. dared with Ceylon would). Mr Arch. “We” in cutting you. at Mr Wm Moody's. Messrs '11. J. Mailman and Lou-me Wrasse: no working " Bob. msdkn, cutting wood. . Mr um Mrs Byers of Corbetton. were up to lee Mr Dunn'- um re cently. We welcome Mr and In Bob Knox and family. of Babel. to our neigh- borhood. Some ot the young people enjoyed the dune " Hopevllle Friday night and report . good that. Miss Flosaie MacCannell visited re- cently with her friend, mu Margaret Richardson. Miss My MacDonald of Dromore is visiting her sister In A McCanneX Miss Alma Watson Is waiting " her uncle’s, Mr Jack Echardt's. Mr Wesley Heard Sundsyed n Ebenezer. Mr Henry Richardson returned back to Aty'th Bay Monday. Sorry to report Mr Parker its ill with pneumonia. Miss Annie MacCannell returned back to the Queen City Tuesday after spending a tottnitrht with her parent» Mr Willie Knox returnea home from Toronto Hospital feeling mucn better. Mr George Haw ls kept truiy hun- ing "Stl clover in our burg. Mrs Naylor and Mrs Manny or Lucknow. are visiting It Mr W. A. Richardson's. Congratulations to Mr George Por- ter and bride. Miss Mary MacLean left Saturday tor Toronto where she intends spent:- ing the winter months. (Intended tor [all Week.) A number of children and adults are suffering from the etteca of colt. and la grippe. Mr Bert Haw in a all” In our Mr Watson. Toronto, took charge of the Sunday services " Bethany Chapel and sauna! meeting Monday afternoon. Menus John tutdJtobert Armstrong hav'e a. ratio set mauled. .' Mrs Oldfield and, two children of Ai. berta. were visiting I few an at Mr Jug Dinnall‘s recently. Mr and Mrs Oscar Onmnder and 3 children, Mann. have been 71mins their"dauehter, Mm Percy Wade and other relsuvea. A, .. - . Miss Flor: Rttuett ha gone to take a course at McDonud- Imam“, Guelph. A C McPhall, M P, and while All have not the same pounce] views, at!" she is very, very popular, in her old home town of Hopevllle end was listened to with much Interest. A large turnout of old neighbors. school friends cud others, gathered " the 11915.1“. 5th. to welcome mu The young people of this vicinity, enjoy a dance in the Hull every Ptt. day night. Mrs E. E. Koch-lace made I recent business trip to Toronto. Mr J. Carmount held a successful sale last Friday prior to moving to Mount Forest. Mr Albert Stun-och has rented his farm. Mr Wm. YoGLBrauoton, is spen- ding the winter with his brother, Mr Jan. Young. We hear Mr A. Iiidded has rented Mr Wm Gamble’s farm. Mr Gamble and family intend moving to New On. tario in the spring. Mr and Mrs John Sinclair. were vi. siting his uncle Mr Hugh Sinclair " Yeovil one day last. week.- Mr and Mrs Geo Christie spent " turday at Mr Jas Stepheng'. Cedarvule "iik/rii)"i.i,' Campbell and children are visiting relatives " Orangeville and Toronto. Mr Gordon Kerr of Mikel-ton was up on a short visit with his former neighbors. Messrs Beckner. Miss Emma blunt". A. T. C. M.. has Bone to Toronto to study at the Conservatory of Music. but week's budget Mrs Dave Allen and son Eel-Kmar- haw. were recent vlaltora " her bro. ther's. Mr Nell McKechnle and at Mrs A Mekeehn.ie'a. Mr Albert Amen. Wareham, spent over the week end at Mr Jae. Young's Miss Nellie Haw has been spenhlng a few days with her mat Mrs Wm. McEachnle. Mr and Mrs J. A. Browne visited one day recently at the home ot G. M. Lemon's, Varney. Messrs Silas Edwards, and cousin. Robert Edvard: of Grand Valley. went to Hamilton on Tuesday. A number from this but; took tn the carnival on Tuesday nittht and re. port tut excellent time. Mr A. D. McArthur of Huleyhury, I: visiting his ttrotttere, Mr A B Me. Arthur. Runtornr bones in the order Att Sunday nights in this vicinity. What do you think c--, SWAMP COLLEGE ',iifteAtitiki1 cum: 'ttttes v- HOPEVILLE THE 011ml "WBT' WWII“. rar, ml. 'il, C75 I75 Phone '06--tt Barn 55 x 65 with annex " I M, stone stabllng underneath, cement floors, running water, cement lilo " x 30 and litter carrier. Drive shed 24 It 60. Stone house with voter sys- tem throughout. hard and sort voter. ---hot and cold. bath, furnace heated. woodahed sud garage. Will sell with stock (48 head, " pure bred Aberdeen Angus) and implements. it no denlr- ed. Reasonable terms. lnopectlon In. vlted. 1 f ion at the next general election if he _ held out until then. She aid the me. mers' party did not want either Ham. , mall or Blnette, u it VII strength or lwlll, strength of purpose, Itrength ot lprineiple and of honor that counted 1 far more than strength in numbers. Lots 39 and 40, E G R, Glenelg, 200 acres, good soil. well watered, drilled Well with windmill, never tailing spring creek, situated in ttrttt class neighborhood. From Durham 6 miles. Provincial highway 1% mil". school lg mile: rural mail and Bell Tere. phone, Well fenced and in good state of cultivation. Good but: and a few acres cedar swamp. T acres (all wheat and fall plowing done. i, There was a whois GiGrTiG%, did not catch It ttli. She paid her compliment: to Mr. Binette, whoae ablence from the tar. mer mun. the described " being good company and regarding his " sertion that the Farmers' cramm- tion was built on sand. she replied that he was tioundertne in a bag or quicksand and would sink into obitr. , Div. No 7 was a. Bill to prohibit ol. eomsrssrine from coming into Can. ada and Sir Henry Drsyton's meni- teat interest in the cue woe good mldsnce to the former- how they laught to vote. I Div. No 8 was on the Budget Inc No , was on the mendlnent to the Budget speech. Owing to the not that . third party was in Parnament, the Progressives endeavored to put through an unendment to the mend- ment, but the Spesker ruled them out ot order. They therefore had tol, choose the lesser of two evils until she said. she voted unmet the Bad- get and for the amendment. Any1 downwu-d revision in the mm which might happen to help the runners, we: more than ol-set by the increa- ed sale: tax, with the result that the lust stste ot that indivldnsl wu worse then the ttrat. No 6 was on the Oriental situation on the PtuMe Coast sud in the cours'e of the debates, one member whom she was sled to state we: not a. farmer. made the ttntrrammatietu remsrk that “them there Orients aren't humans." This phrase became the try-word or the House for the remainder of the Session. Div. No 4 In: over the comple- tion of some C P R contracts. Div. No 5 In: on the Crows' Nest Pass agreement and in the debate on this Bill, the Hon. T A Crerar showeo up at his best. His candor sud sin- earity were commendsble and the Progressive members were 1 unit be. hindhind their leader on this occu- ion, 1 _ The 2nd Division wu on the ttttii. ity ot having so many Ron! N. W. Mounted Police looting mund Ot- tawn: they were intended to petrol the North west territories. The 3rd Division was on the famous McMuter Bill on which the whole Liberal party tttttthed wince 1921. Why? Because the outs were in in 1922 and the in: were out. She aid Hon Arthur Meuhen “we Premier King the most complete trimming‘ ever mortal man received. He liter-1 lily wiped the ttoor ot the House ot Commons with him and wiped it I clean at that. oruawereatrgreenaattse mum Artemelin and after the discussion or debate on the reply was over. the lint division or vote was men on some- body's bill to give 1 few thousand dollars cub bonus to each returned soldier. those hundreds ttf yearn. down to the indutrtu worker. of the presenting it in the “no struggle tor democrncy try the masses, be they In the tteid, the yard. the onion or the (notary. She emphatteatiy protected Iain-t any nun or wanna muting my apol- ogy for being I. tanner. She then went Into n resume ot the work done in the [at tension, re viewing the votes taken in the follow- ing order. in listening to the speech from the throne she said the majority of us were " green I. Hm n... “.1 Anal Icahn: - ll. F. 0. Piilical Ass'l ASSESSOR WANTED JOHN & CHAS. IOWAT. R. R. l, Durham, Ont. TORONTO FARM FOR SALE Continued Irma Pam Netuttadt _il.i'i'p,aiiic) J. N. MUBDOOK Phone No. " DUBHAI When . . . . .'." ”our" on llama Beading an. Tm Tlea “I Face Posts uemw' oiG ,riiiGisG'i" =raa; tow job both an to money and Appar- I LliITiifriTr? . Machine Shop REPAIRING " Kind, “CHINE! SKATES CHARPENED Circular 1nd cross cut San summed and sharpened. sun. faction managed. "nun. Jan 25. go... mun...“ The varietie- ouueeted on- u toe lawn: Ducheu and Wealthy or " len: Snow, Spy and Greening for the main crop with . few Mare and Bold- ( win. Some of the Iocnl men thought it was not ulviuble to get too me I from the Ben DIV“ owing to the poo- eihiiity ot developing " export true with South Atria lt-Inny be Interesting to the people ot Grey County to know that there ore 30,000 acre. in the Georgian Bay Dietrict which in lit for Apple producq tion at the prelent time. Very little‘ or this in actually producing " the‘ present. The 'totentuiities ot the district in thun nlmoot unlimited. therefore pouihilitieo of the Geor. ginn Bay District for the young men ot Grey County, ere well worth con. sidering when they are oontenrplnting their life work. TIMBER WAN TED planes in dime-ed. Hwy points of practice] benetit to the Apple men in the district were given and the young men were given pointers in the matter or Marttntt orehardts--.var. ietiel to Ielect, we. During the put week only one special speaker --aer G H Dick-on. Pomologut Speculm. Vlnelmd Hor. tieuitttrat Experiments] Sutton. In present. Apple Grounding In an m The Dept. of Agriculture. MAI-hide would be glad to sum my Clubs. Society. or Boards or Agriculture to nuke amusement. for such Excur- alons. These are educational mm which chould be “would by every farmer. Write about these trips early. Short 000m Work anplp 999mg every day at " this you. Br special Went! with the Cancun Mum Alloc- huon the rate- will be one tare and a. third for the round trip. In addition lunch will be provided for vmuon " the Ichedule In prom“. P. I. I”! Machining on. Nearly opposite Poo: Ola. , A 1ettesr.ttorn President I. B. Reg- noldc, O. A. C.. Guelph. recently re- ceived Announces the rm that the June exclusions to the lode! hm will be resumed In the month on“: Juno Execution Continued DURHAMMARKETS Gold In Durham by IcFaddon'o Dru. “on DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE For tabulation. write or coll on t08 tto 850 trt600 SCHOOL The I” to no“ the "tad to dis- Imlntmenc And (will! II to (at I ma mining In our school. " Interested. write today tor our] 'atatettrtre. Enter any the. Choose a mu Salaried Fill“ “a: 6' "i"GL"G'4ioa'G - P""'"' B. COPIAIL " to c. mam... - gun-u In. an». I- M: I. ta-a- Autumn?!“ a", a...“ no a ttdu my. p.. 'lr.'gt2d2EitJ2.i. , about "an? 5'"? Here you can equip yourself tor I good mitten tn ttttshortest pom-J No time by man. of our .§ni;3'¢ Individual Induction. Enter any time. “We hee. a... -rCiWi7iehvr"tG"d "one: GRADUA'I‘I at the... . . and t of 'ttmet (you. ll"laStgatr. It! (hf-HA In“- between SUCCESS and m"; I. Me In m. Resolve m toi Bert I'M! toe [DOOM by an} “III for A course ot can? in I gun H than... Wigmemua o. as. I. as; has. Jameson & 1mm om d id ' 'l'fh1'lhg,t gamma“: o-qt n. I ._ ‘qugli Yam and Chung; in: a a mrrrottaat.,ciiii W: "new“: Tom. t " , " mm: "as". Maul.” hm cut-nun. annoy: 0M J. P. “loam a. 1tffet. anOlu. d. loan" to... L. m‘ELWAtF "(out an“ L 1iitePHAtL, no. acute. ILA. (Ton) w. I. amen, Page!“ luau and... SMITH. M. B., M. C. P. S. I 1kBAMMrtt than can... u. _ 3I a I. "'dSUl"'"t B-ir" c. 2: Ptture OWN. lid «an, A. B. CHERRY w. A. T'rtWBgae, Mt. CHAS. MEL“ (Zr-dun. University ot m lei. “maid w antenna-IQ. m CHOICE , to " -._-.._|,... unsw- '-".

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