Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Jan 1923, p. 4

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P" . J: Wrig- ls ' Canadian Pacific Railway trans- continental passenger train steamed into Vancouver. and the steel link " 3.000 miles binding ~ocean to ocean in Canada was at last corn- piete. Quaint to undern eyes looks oid Monti" No. 374. which drew this fimt Atlantic Express. It? burnt “wood, and with its big nmohestate% its generous display of l ribbed hraseworh. which shone 'he lye"; its array of ftaas and 2tetm d-asti-n, nah an impea- in; smack. that Mining en- gines draws the train ever the eastern and prairie sections at the line. President E. W. Butt of to- 'i'iriliiilll'ih2i'if,'iF,hit'i'ii into. when old e. ”I. with old "ster It” at the throttle and Jeane aylor poking legs of resi- nous My Menuhin spruce into the lilo-hon; Brake”! l. Medina; rd - to: J. ItavaiiiGa tad mink"! In charge burnt -6rood, and w .mua. its [onerous ribbed trauma-k. wl 'ke re; “I an” of i 1.. Coal h as . 'a.el't.tu, ch. tni mum sad pnirio anti ' MA... I. - II. Tnuz'rv-rn'n yam 130 the 1nd r-n-‘hn Dunilin Ib-o-.. .-- Let the Review Print your Sale Bills Workmanship & Prices will be Right FIRST TRANSCONTINENTAL TRAIN are arriving. Latest designs at remarkably low prices. MC FADDEN’S DRUG STORE and note the improvement. The child gains in weight, strength and vitality. Rexall Emulsion is the. most ef- tieient agent to build up bodily strength, renew wasting tissues. en rich tho blood, and unequalled in healing power in treatment of chronic coughs. colds and bronchitis. To insure your children against spring coughs and colds--- get a MK or 31 bottle today. J. S. MclLRAlTH Renal] Emulsion About FELT BOOTS AND SLIPPERS. we cannot enumerate all the kinds and prieos, but we clear these lines regardless of profit Mmberman's Retry Wool Bos The New Wall Papers for Spring Bora' Heavy Rib Wool Hosiery. sizes 9, 9%. for.. Wonk-3's thte wool Hosiery. black. lines 8%. , 9%, IO. to clear """'-".'-w..................... Women'u Black rib wool Hosiery. sizes 8%. 9. 9%. to. Mia. to clear 'e'..'...................... Women?) Black Calumere Hosiery. sizes 8%, tr, bVa. Pt, to char "r...................-.,,,,, January finds us with many broken lines in all mer- chandise and we consider it business pom y to ck at such linen at cost if necessary and clean up our stock. Hence the bargains. ON taiE Special " 40c value SOshcet linen Writing Tablet and par-lug. Envelopes to match, all PUT A THIN CHILD Now for Bargains for . Thrifty Buyers ca- P-tthe "the '" pendent. it was ttreeted. with ring- lng cheers in every direction. Streamer: floated on the breeze urol- the track at different points, while the ship- and beat: in the Coast. “When the"tuiri"aetriii Vancouver carrying the oak-era of the road_and your special corru- “Queen's weather ushered in the any long looked for by the Vancou- "rites-the blending of the Occi- dent and the Orient," states a dee- 'ret let tut. day Arems the I): at the terminu- with a hiring o the old air brakea amid the hlare It,', brass banda and shouts of ac- claim from the assembled citizens of Vancouver. That day, a memorable one in the history of Canada, will always be one of Vancouver’a most important anniversaries. In IMT, the Journey from Montreal to Ilan-, com-er, which now takes but four Jan. annulled a {all week. l of the train, alerted her L"' down the forbidding defile: of the rum and along the densely wooded shores of the Byrmrd.1tiut,um1ud of Cod Liver Oil reg. $1.,75 for .. l. which (In the {In W. In“ Vancouver. 3.0 I I 1 I . I t . B your C. P.R. Tickets hero The Cash Shoe Store DURHAM, - ONT. all for Mc , Tlic pr .' 65c pr Tlic pr complimentary nddrcu to Mr. Ah. bot. who nplied in planar“ at! suitable um: and made an Ipproc pride refcnnce to the able mil- um which he had received gram William Donnie. ”shunt superin- tendent; W. H. Armstrong, superin- tendent of construction. and C. E. Brown, general freight agent." 1 "There were many eastern tram ellera who proudly boasted that they were the first to come through from Montreal. The Vancouver City hand struck IR “See the con- quering hero eomef in rg, time. an Mayor McLean mounte the plat. form and proposed three cheer: for the Canadian Pacific Railway ant its powder local manner. Mr. Ats bot, w 0 made a grateful acknowl- edm‘ent. ‘The "PI" then read a harbor were resplendent with no rimted colon. At the railway wharf it seemed u if ell Vencouver bed contra-ted. and a mighty about went up u the train thun- dered into the station under I doo. tet.rehwar of fir. After all ls mud and done, what tto we send our member down to Ottawa tor. In it to fall in line when the party whip is cracked no matter what the Issue may be, or la it to stead out courageously and support what they believe he to the beat interests Miss McPhall thon, in an able and fearless way, gave an account of ov- ery vote that she cast in the House, and one that she didn't cast as well. and her reasons and although all could not see that very much had been done, yet all tad to admit with. out exception that she certainly had the courage to stand out for what she conscientiously thought was right and Inthe interest of South-East Grey, and the Dominion at large. no Inn-1 ter from what source it came and on) different occasions voted against heri leader. it seems this is a. sort of precedent in South East Grey to have our M. P. come. back after only one year and give an account of her stewardship. But after all, who are our M P's? Are they not only the representatives or the people and is it not better to come around ofgen and tell us what they have done and tried to do and keep in touch with the people and thir requirements--. especially at a time like this when everything is quiet, no election in sight and no no to grind. isn't it much better to do this now than wait till the eve of an election and then come round and teii us how well they like us and what good fellows we have been tor the last 5 years. Miss Agnes MacPhait of the-Fed- eral House was 'the next speaker an; a few years in our country, atot even knowing our language when he came here. to see the grasp that he has on public questions such as Labor am; other things. that. would put many Of our natural born subjects in the back- ground, showing that he must be a reader of no mean ability. This ac- dress was followed by more music; trom the local orchestra. I The next speaker calla-i Ga was Mr Charlotte and here it is worthy of note how a man that has only been After a row well rendered selections by Hanover orchestra, on motion..-. G M Lemon. M P P., was duly elect- ed to occupy the chair. Mr Leeson in a. few well chosen remarks, gave a brief outline ot some of the doings ot the Provincial House durlng the last session, one or which was con- cerning our local stone quarry. A Joint meeting of the Allan Park. Lmnlash. Carlsruhe and Hanover Clubs or the U. P. o. woes held in Han- over lam Friday night, when upwards of 400 people of the Town of Hunt) ver and the surrounding vicinity, " sembled and spent a. pleasant am: protitturle evening. The speakers oi the evenirur'were, Dr. Lesson, MPP: Mr. Charlotte, representing Labor: Miss A C McPhail, M. P., and W. .'..‘ Amos, President of the Uaited Far-1 mers of Ontario. ll. F. ll. Labor wilmm iagaUir omeuo Appoantod . MeDonntd--Mauurr - That June: Brunt tad W. G. McCulloch be null- ton at " each, and " for llama The Municipal Council elect met at the Township hall on Noudny, Jon. 8 " 11 o'clock. The Clerk adminis- tered the oath to each member om: council organized as followa: Reeve-Herbert w. Hunt Cottnei1iorw-. Robert G'riermm, In. W.Mather, Edward Rehhopf. Doug. J. MeDotuud., ' During Saturday's snow storm, the fox ranches in and around Charlotte. town, P. E. l., home so badly, banked with snow, that some so or 40 foxes walked out over the vim fences. Mr B. Graham Rogers lost (tom his ranch the prize winner at the Toronto Ex. hibmon. One Way of Escaping ces were fairly good under fiche" Brigham's hammer. Mrs Reny ls moving to town in a couple ot weeks Mrs Fred Reay's sale GrriGriay last passedA Irtt very successfully. Pri, , Mr James Park ‘and son or" Owen Bound attended the funeral of the farmer's sister-in-law, Mrs J. Pam. Mr and Mrs Dick Walt of Wan-er- ton attended the funeral of the lat- ter's aunt, Mrs John Park on Monday of last week. _ Mr and Mrs James Heughan of Durham, spent part ot last week with their daughter; Mrs Chats. Retry. Reeve Hunt is attending County Council in Owen Bound this week. Mr and Mrs David Adiam and tam. ily spent Saturday with friends in Hanover. Sorry to hear little Sarah Dyer has been sick with pneumonia but please: that latest reports tind her recover- lug. A number of men are busy at pres em putting the steel on the Rocky bridge. Mr Jag Millar had the buzz saw on Monday and trot a nice lot of wood cut. The U F o will hold their monthly meeting on Friday evening, and " full attendance is requested as sever- al items of business are to be discus- sed. Sorry to hear Mrs Wm Bell]; oer- lously m at present and soon hope to hear of her recovery. Mr and Mrs T. G. Lauder enterlun- ed a number or friends on Friday pp. ening and all report an ideal time. Mr and Mrs G. Boyd, accompanied by Mr and Mrs Arch Young and mm. son of Unity, Sank” were recent guests ot Mr and Mrs L. McLean. The annual meeting In connection with the church Ins held on Tuesday when moat ot the otBeerty were re-er ected and the ttntuteets of the church found in a very satisfactory conut tion. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs. Geo. Noble, on the arrival of a. young daughter on Jan. 16. Miss Record Sundayed at her home in Owen Sound. hers the past year. Six questions ore given out of the bible every Sunday night, which Rives the. young people and some of the older ones a chance to search the Scriptures and tind the answer. There are two sides, the Reds and Blues, the losers to give the Social. which makes our meetings very interesting. 1 r3: DUFHAV 'fh.ittr . The Y. P. A. will shortly hold " social in the basement of the Church. Our Y. P. A. has Increased in num- Miss Sillars. sister ot Rev D. Sil- lars. is visiting at the Manse for a short time ther Mrs G. Jones Pleased to hear Mrs jun Reay Jr, is improving and will be able to B... tend to duties in a short time. A number of the young people ot our burg attended the concert given in the new Community Hall at Wil- iiamslord on Friday night. We must cooperate together if we want to be successful. a. speaker on that subject and adver- tise the date. Walkertbn has them? Why not Hanover? We believe that such a course would create a more Mendy feeling between the urban and the rural people, where. We could meet together and get acquain- ted and understand each other better.) Just here. we might drop a sugges- tion to the Board of Trade , What would be the matter with having meetings or this kind more often. no: necssary of a political or commercial nature, but on any' subject they might choose. then get in touch with The last speaker. Mr Amos. Pres. of the U. P. o., then gave a very clear cut and forceful address. proving that he was the right man in the right place. After endorsing an! backing up many of the statements that Miss McPhail had made, closed with an able appeal tor the farmers to sup- port their own paper. The meeting. was then closd in the usual way by 33 hearty vote of thankful appreciation; moved by A. Derby and seconded " Jno Whiterord. to all those who so ably and willing took part in the pro- ttram, not forgetting the local orches- tra, who then led in the singing of the National Anthem. ot their people ma this much boaaten and loved Dominion of ours, of which we should all feel proud t Surely the latter. ROCKY SAUGEEN EBENEZER Hay sundayed with her mo. DORNOCH --Com. -- _ ,_ -.. .. v... Mather--Ameraon-TUt wary of . _ Treasurer be $150 and Treasurer to Low-tailed 11.31115 are unsightly. furnish Dominion bonds-Carried. tttd ttre upt to become very mun. McDonald-Rehkopr. That salary ot Treasurer be $125 and Treasurer to furnish his securities. .--lamt --Carrvd. Mather--Griertson: That J. H. Chit. tick lye Clerk at 8350 a yt'ut--Cccrriod McDonald-Mather.. That scale of wages be 2 Attendance " meeting ........82.75 Man. per day .......t-.w....._ c; 2.. Man and team, gravelllng .... 4.00 Man and team. grading ....... 4.50 Man and team, dragging .... f 00 Grierson -Rehkopt: That bylaw No. 71 be read and tlntuly passed. -Carrted. MeDontud-- Rehkopf: The! Clerk advertise for Assessor and receive npplicntions until noon Petr. " next. --Carrted. Rettkopt--Cmoraon.. That Collector be instructed to collect Mince ox taxes and return roll to Treasurer. who is hereby authorized to pay " "tarr.-Carrted. . Mather --Meootuud--Tut fees or Deputy Returning omcera be " and Poll Clerks $2.--Carried reporting to eourteih-Carried. MeDottaid--Mather.. That sulary Ol Collector be 8105. Curried Rehkopt--oriertsou: That wary of Assessor be $105.-Carried. . (llhill0lClliil0llliljlI'llJtlTi , ' 3: SE Good Service c R w llhl 2 {035* 1t,4liiis.t.rfi,lifu H l my , _. ET £039in£03524MLOLCAAAEEMLTEIHEfii,dumb If you are at all concerned about buyinf a Ford this year make it your busin- to et tht: 59rd Company know about it. - . t .e__.v I"'--'""'"" ..... gnu, u, u“. .uvqu-llvu u I. uku In“ Inuit In)!“ (HEM. The present low prices for Ford Cars are based on maximum production onlg. To-day's market “I: steel and other raw material that gee-pm the manufacture of Ford 1n Kill not warrant t ese prices except at peak production. or! prion lulu (a up all.“ I y a. "stifled by lama-d production. Everybody“ Businou Fill . Yo: Cum Sudtllo It/ot:' d it The Ford Cari: body's and!” Ford I Je, t e memoran urn wow an ma: business is everybodyls business. You and "ki Ford dealer tthose “m." “PM" below. . . . " Is merely .itptities your Intention to buy your neighbor, and he. neighbor are all utally F d C d b . . affected by the priced Ford Cars. 1 Pf/l at an o ligates you tet no manner . 'Wc are abmluccly frank with tt_trubiic when we say that the present tow {prices are iusti!,iid, by preae'nt prqductrion butJotqu by the progqction it}. hoped grill fault yom them, Holt the Present Low Prim of Ford Can Can Be Maintained in 1923 Hi: Ford Motor Company hats made a genuine attempt to give the public automobile trans- T IT/tth", at a price within the reach of all. " has carried out the ideal! oi the inventor of t he ‘ord Car, Henry Ford, and has placed the Ford Motor Company In the position of pen- forming a public eervice to the tt of Canada. _ It has 4eiinitply made F or ”ducts a national institution-43in; such, the Ford Motor Company believes it in justified in “a; the public it nerves, how the present low price of Ford Cars can be maintained in 1923. w., NV The new lines are in and marked ready for use. M e have all the new designs and shades '. Tapestries for living rooms or dining rooms, Dainty stripes and allover patterns for bedrocamr, good staple papers in suitable designs to) lite} ens, tang 1atmrhed tiles for kitchen or bath. Also a splendid assortment of Ceilings in all shades. We can give you Mouldings to match all papers See these Papers. the, will please you Come to Mckechnie's for your gamer -zo -While othermmmoditie; have gone up 37 to tttho.., -w ever I9l4 prices, the FORD TOURING tae has dropped _--------, ,7 SUE 7. BELOW When you decorate that Room, Oi ii JNO. McKEC um ha' pens. ' In admin-in. (hi iedifriaiiiikTG ed and ',lli11Wlhttud on during the Iintet Ina-tn the time I desire it. . "no .. V .. . I Wind that Mr. Ford and the Ford Motor Company have erlllfd Cars is a yum: newt Infan- Winn-iv"! to he ;n-ihlo. an] that than win-u u tte mt vol um- of bum-mu. but that they have to bring about u Inger . to IW,t there prices. Whi I am not (Mine!)- prepared m bu I at. I will int n. '_".'.'.."'...' 'd,aacar 'iiiiiarriciisriiat'y n l UI' to In It at that: use " 'd'2.ev,tt.,t.t.Pttyttht fi1'f1P,"?tflr. 9ytt . P“ that “aw-d. to, buy a Ford SMITH BROS. DURHAM Everybody’s Business 'w..s.. _-...,-......,......,.........:); 'Ctaic'irs" ict"it"G t"iiGriaiariGacaii an m to inl'or- the Ford Motor Con y that I iwnd to In? . Ford nub. Mb; hump". ttlt? tfeyf,tty thin 'llk%u'lt Io that the Far Motor Comm-y may no nan" ur'nl- " l... ..- -- .n,_ _ _.__-_, --- _. . - The trees In the apple orchard may be scraped down so as to mat. more etteetive the later "mum; ot the trunk and stain branches Eu masses of the ”snack Moth. con- Ipicuoumy whit, agai st the dark bark, ls ..d be I“ t-EUVC t LS .:(-uns of . wire ir, ’. I or ' ”it on u hum Dr. J.Uthnith, salary M.O.H W. G. “no. balance nun Grter-t-Mattter: That the toi. lowing “counts be paid: A Election account .............883.00 Mun.wtreid, trtat'y tor election 19.77 W. G. Hague. war tax. post. age I.“ phoning. . . .. We. Ind phoning . " Mi A DDRES J. H. Chimck. Clerk ”le . Durham Fm in to! -i"iGTGG to-. l the Ford Motor Company have reduced the pruv oii'ii'a' red to he panihle. Ind that ttwre Price. are not mum-d by that they have to his; about u in” Mum ol bun:- This Ford Company must know how many we are wanted in 1923 in order to maintain the twifes. You can help if you act at once. This meiel 3; -iieiu'j.iGiaririe'iliiirtT"iTy" n [gird Car and obligates you in no manner to___uy._ - -- 160.00 75.00 33.51 11.97 [iiiund to bu G TraeTi%riGiGGiG - '5..." I that the For! "our Comm-y my on» 1.00M I my be "In “In” at Residence: Old Wright Property top of mm mu. i tun prepared to tahe 1 limited number of - who will: to learn the violin. in an evening clue. com mencing on Tuscany. Jun. 23rd. Pu pill mun have their own itttstrtgtneutg,. t.,i!,ti,tvti,tgtii,i,.gi, Igdifirtittltaii! Math" AGU biT,iiuriii,' W of emulsion you buy. was”... Toto-to. oa. 22:15 vitnminerbearing cod-liver oil in ite purest form, J,tt pleasant to take, I y. ':' reqdily assimilated Square Deal The My? 3 "Fisher. W. M” - .etunlitr and glasses in Violin Instruction ml. 25. 1923 that ii 36161.3}; FRANK BU N C E 82? at ye it? .o“ " at xxxxxxw When you Sale Bill: try the Re Judged the Sea tries, in the h GRA " If you such high i VICTOR Indtsstri Provinc Excelle The atrov JAN, 24 Al Ar LITTL (MM tly chemo Pric l'ric bt F HM DOI Mot w OI 1N

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