Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 25 Jan 1923, p. 1

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ble ly. Jessie Mar at» Wtstsoet. SI- YHANIO my and an“, many triemhs I“ their many - mt offerings Sttr. 1 bereavement. vacuum-met a of Mr and rho watered BUAM new [nights-t. I new“! beat. was: In a! "at, can: an- _ wt in done 2 those who loved rum-l). ten-hot 1923 ' by one. Mm. Moll" tor lone with - ml Rapids kim WANTED LP uh fl] ot ' CotrPER. (o hle to work and do ttood it " " MERS, with u lit [ which the) being given -d 'iiristQ one "C M mind. of xperV'nee you Manager ham. KR L! V RA y Te 1 via capable _ mach- in sun to I. " " swamp. state of mutual ousennt, schook I In In. ille. oat. uh nd III- ber oe ounirr .h and le " A iaattqqb. I, or to lee lo? ham-HI sarrird Harm urmm tn to ' Staci om m t iee 0mm lathe or mr kt: nth hip Jul kl not . VOL. XLVI. Messrs John and Chas. Moffat " vemse their tine tarm for sale in "Ill issue. see advertisement on page tr. Rob Roy Grain Prices-We an Paying 40 to 45c tor Oats, 55 to 60e for Barley. " to 531- for Buckwheat. 81.35 to $1.40 tor Peas. and 01.10 tor Wheat m our elevator thin wen. Rob Roy Mills Limited A box new will be held in Edge um School on Friday evening. Jan. Mth. A good woman I: In prepara- tion. [amnion 250 3nd 15c. Ladies Mush: boxes tree. Proceeds In aid of Durham Memorial Hospital. The postponed meeting ot Canaa- dun Greys' Chum" I. o. D. E., will take plan- In the Library on Tnesday Homing. Jan. 30, at 8 p. an. As nom- Inatlon tor an omcers will tale “new, a full attendance ot members I: requested. Will Hold Tanner and Son' Barnett Prvparauernt' Bre now being made ror a "Father and Son" banquet, un- der ntttrpiem' ot the Taxis movement. to tte held in the basement of the Methodist Church, Friday evening, Feb. 9th. Further particulars later. The regular mnetlng of the W0 mbu's lnenimto- will meet at the home of Mrs Thos. Mculrr on Thursday. February In! at 2.30 p. m., when Rev. W. H. Smith will give an addrssa. Miss Julia Weir will give a talk on "English Authors." Solo try Mrs A. W, M. Lauder. Question drawer. Ev- or; body welcomn. lad-mud " ”and. Rev. It. smug of Ilornoch. pream- " and inducted Rev. W. J. Gallagher as pastor ot Erskine Presbyterian Church. Neuron]. last Wednesday owning. Guthrie Church, Harritrton, presented Rev and Mrs Gallagher etch with a barium) club has n a when or rementttrtuter, previous to then having that church. Dr. C. J. and Bessie MeGUlivrtty, as will be seen by an advertisement elm-whom in this taunt), are about to oommmc' Chiropractic treatment in Durham. Both the Doctor and his wit" ore "cent graduate: of the Chte opractie School and are tlso well- known Glenettt residents, Dr C. l. Be. ins aui, of In. McGimvray at Glen- ”: Cctytre and Mrs Mccmlvray a daughter ot Mr and Mrs Thus. Davis. Purse. hr Departing Payton On saturday eeeitttt last Messrs John Kelly and Joe. Atkinson. on be half ot Trinity Church eonttrettation, pretwrtted their departing pastor. Rev -_ -- . IAl _ unknh-n, yum-"r - m - - F. G. and In Hardy, with a. substan- tial purse. and the previous wetting they were also the recipients of a purm- from his other charge. St Faun Church. Euromont. the presentation twin: made " the home of Mr Earl Matthews The Men's Clan Radical labor leaders and socialism; often nectar? thlt the Church ls their'; o-m-my and In league with the capital»; tats to keep them down. It ought tol hr of real benettt to study what; Christianity has done tor the labor.) ing man When the church was Brstl organized. prurtlcslly all world“; men in the world were slam-s. Altho the prawns was slow and long. it was th" church that broke down slavery. Mow it was done will be discussed pest Sunday “know. We want you to come. An Epidemic of Cold. and Flu Not tor many “NON tttwt? we ttation-so Well they had supported heard of so much sickness and other him in building up the church, both with- inability existing. as at the prev, liabilities on the Rectory and Church em tirue. No on" is exempt-from being wiped out in the 4 years of his the octogenaritut to the babe taking ministry. Also several hundred dol- its first “we. and while we are ttttul lars was spent in re-decorating and to my no cases haw rsssulted fatally, re-furnishinx the Rectory. The stilt some are of such " serious nat- church had an increase of 49 mom-l mm as to cause much anxiety in .qome bers since his coming to town and, quarters. Lemons. smut-r. mustard. also gave figures showing his work tte.. should be good selling commodr in funerals. baptisms. &c. Mr Hardy ities with the merchants who cam? announced the new rector as Rev. Mr them and we tastttttrt' to state many a, Whalen of Thedtord, who will assume cellar is inuded tor certain liquids, the Rectorship the tirst Sunday m (not for the 0 T A kick) for certain, March, Rev. Mr Bray to hill in the liquids that make appetizitm hot ap", interim. treals. . We $bre tsomewhat late mm; Mrs. M. McFadden Lou. her Mother our mails this week. due to some oil Th f i d f M M M P statt being temporarily laid oft. I e r en 5 0 A rs. Gore c tut. the ' I den will sympathize with her in the Owen Sound a “Ono-Paper City" l sudden loss by death at her mother, After over .0 yous service to 0-2 Mrs Simpson, ot Hamilton. On Thun- Sound and district. the Owen Scum, day evening last. she received I tele Advertiser will cease to exist urn-r: gram. the Brat intimation of her rich Feb. int and become incorporatedg new and Friday a. m. Mrs Mertdder with the Daily Maxims; The Fleur i let! for Hamilton. However it ' n I! in; Publishing Co.. owners of the Sun i another telegram cum allotment Times have purchased an newsptel, her death and thot name memos» per MINI"! and list ot the Advertise Mr Herald» tho left tor the atria er. the latter paper ttttttitat it leer en home. The funeral in held h hale to mold- " a paying proposition] Dunnrlllo cemetery where the dc mrintt the u‘ two year“ reduction! eeased lady thed he? tteat and all" - pe'mttrHt _ tttwr' m 'iiiiiiiii) ya". The Ute Mrs 81mm '" m instead of thin. costs have advan.‘ any: deeyly interested In my me eed iqt at all WW to the "ii:iiiiijteeitd1ta1'h""'df,t'd, __ 15yS"iCu"d.Gotno-nr-randft- "It: --""" _eHt-vV m “not The Advertiser will ecu-l line no )0. mm m" ' a Jil -ieobortion to the re. m bu conned the 'SUP and socialists Merchan- I Ordoryour counhr chock book: " the Review otritse. Auk to m and“. Levon prion. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church, will hold an old-time Social. Friday night, Feb. 2nd, in the base- ment or the church. when a program will be rendered entirely by marrieu mm and women. Refreshments will be served. Admission 25c. An old time dance and euchre will be held in St John’s Parish Haul,Glen- elg Centre, on Friday Feb. 2nd. Cards at 8.30 and music " 10.30. Supper will be served. Good aeeotnmodatton tor horses. Admission. Gentlemen. 500. Hunter Rink in the Final. In the Owen Bound Curling bon- spiel lam week, W. B. Hunter'te Mtttt won its way into the tinaltt tor Lemon Bros. trophy. only to be beaten out ll to 10 by an Owen Bound rink. Till the last end Durham was 5 Ihots behind; they made up 4 and might have pulled even had one ot the local skips placed a draw shot. Mr James Heughan attended, the funeral of his brother R. E. Heughan In Walkerlon on Thursday last. Mr Hughan was in his usual good health and was coming out of the door of his home on his way to church when he fell, and expired in a few minutes. Hurt failure was the cause of his suddm demise. Three daughters, ou" son and three brothers mourn his sudden death. Looking for a Label Change This is what many readers will tie-i doing who have renewed recently for) the Review. This week owing toi crush ot work and of sickness on our) stat! we have had to defer changes, bat next week we hope to complete the work. Meanwhile watch your label this week and compare it with next, and it you don't get credit, and deserve it rattle us up, not waiting I year to say "You did not change my label." Shipping Association Meets There was a representative attenu- ance of all the U P 0 Clubs in this‘ district at the annual meeting of the Live Stock Shipping Association cal Saturday in the Library. The annual; report was received and the former‘ oincers reelected: J. G. Firth. Presi- ident: W. J. Ritchie, Sec'y Treas.: Jas. Lawrence, shipper and Stewart McArthur and Wilbert Blyth, Audi- tors. The Association shipped 71 car- ‘loads of stock last year, with a total l value of $81,316. Mann's Death was Accidental That Robert Henry Hazen came. :ol his death on Jan. 9th. at the Colleg- late ground. o. Sound" try a bank of earth falling on him accidentally was the verdict brought in by a coroner‘s ry called to investigate the tragic death of the workman. lmmediateiyl following the accident Coroner Dr. Rutherford was called and he dccidedl an inquest was necessary. The same? attornoon a jury was named and after viewing the remains and going per- sonally to the scent- of the accident. the Jury adjourned tilt Thursday ‘when the evidence in connection with _rrazen's death was heard. Coroner Zliutheriord presided over the inquest and Crown Attorney Dyre conducted ' Rev. Mr Hardy preached his tare ‘well sermon Sunday owning to a icrowdod church. chairs being in the I aisle. He had nothing but good words ' to say of Trinity Church and congre- 'tration-tro won they had supported him in building up the church, both _ liabilities on the Rectory and Church being wiped out in the 4 years ot his 3 ministry. Also several hundred doi- ', iars was spent in re-decorating and F re-turttishinq the Rectory. The . church had an increase of 49 mom- . bers since his mining to town and . also gave figures showing his wont yin funerals. baptisms, &c. Mr Hardy r, announced the new rector as Rev. Mr M Whalen of Thediord. who will assum- the crortrxamination. Large Crowd Htar Mr Hardy Mn. M. McFadden Lou: her Mother I The friends of Mrs. Moore Mepturl den will sympathize with her in the: sudden loss by death of her mother,1 Mrs Simpson. of Hamilton. On Thura-3 day evening last, she received a tere. gram, the first intimation ot her sick- ness and Friday a. m. Mrs McFadden left for Hamilton. However " 9 a. m another telegram came unonnclns her death and that name utternoon Mr McFadden also left tar the strick- t'tt home. The funeral was held to Dunnvlllo eemetery where the cw evaaed lady lived her but and active years. The lute Mrs Shannon was ulways dooply interested in my mu:- teat matters. she herself being 5 sins- or '01:; Lian - and for yen-a hold the position or choir lender tn the town of Dummy; It in from her 1-1;!er Git-ic, McFadden Inherits her muted outlawed” and ”we mmmuym_m for In. iiTruiuiit In her any loss. iifht itil tttlil/Ita, jtlttrit Death of " h. s. Hunter Thursday ot last week " her son's home in Vancouver. the Well known Mn. A. B. Hunter passed away. About tour months ago, she with her daughter Margaret went west in the search tor health, which since the death of her husband about tour months before, had not beet soon. The desired recovery even with the devoted care of daughter and doctor son, did not come and she passed away. Son and daughter uttdertoolc the long journey east. arriving lil Durham by Wednesday evening train. After resting two nights in the old home, which knew her so long, an. terment will take place Friday to Durham cemetery. p Deceased was Elizabeth Agnes, sveond daughter or the late Robert Oliver and Margaret Lauder Oliver, who later mum-d Mr. Arch. Hunter Br., one of the tirtrt pioneers of Dur. ham. She was born in Cumberlnnu Co., England, and came to this coun- try when a. child and settled near Durham with her mother. Sho was married some " years ago to the late A. s. Hunter, a grandson of the pion- eer Arch Hunter Sr. She is survived by her three children. Dr A. W. Ran. ter of Vancouver, Margaret and Oliv- er of Durham and l? her sister. Mrs“ Mary E Gun, wido of the late Dr ( Jumps Gun of this town The passing of Mrs Hunter breaks another link with the past, and mom- my will recall the virtues and public- spiritedness that endeared her to a host of friends. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church and a faithful attender on its sorvicr-s when Pl hnalth. We share in the sympa- ‘thy extended on all sides, to mourn- Agricultural Socigy lug relatives. At the Annual Meeting ot South Grey Agricultural Society here Fridav lt was decided to enter the combined Field Crop Competition, where'grmx iiGGitsoth {n field and In m. tt will be in Data. registered seed, either Banner or 0 A C 72. --- _ TFiirriit Fair this year will be hela Sept. 12th and 13th. l Following are the newly electoul omcertc l Hon. Ptwsidvnts--W. Calder, D. Edge President--' W Myth ist'Vice President-Geo. Ritchie 2nd Vice Presidcut-Areh. Park Bee'y TYeas-George Binnie Lady Directors~Mesdames Jno. Me. Gowan, Dr Wolfe, J S Mailman, R. Burnett. DIRECTORS Egremont-And. Hunter, Stanley Wit. Nuns Bentinek--Mats. Mather, R. Griemn Gieneut--Thots. Bell. Jno. McGlrr Normsntry--Harold Barber, W. Blyth Durham-Thom Petty Auditors-T. G. Lauder, P. Ramage Delegates to Fairs Atmoeiation--J. IS. Blyth, Arch. Park At the regular meeting ot the l. O. F., held on Thursday evening, Jan. Huh, 1923, the following omceris were duly installed by Bro. J. Morrison, D. D. H.C.R., asslsted by Bro. J. S. MeIlraith, B. M. C. D.--Bro. W. H. Mofttst Contributions to side of Garatraxa ...... 15.25 North West from C. P. R.... 12.40 tom Ford Garage West .... 12.76 lFrom Sherk's South. East side 11.M h. o. D. E s............"..' 10.00 lLaznbtou St North to river . . 8.25 [GER track North, East aide 6.65 ', Hunter's store to Sherk's. East 12.00 t RURAL SCHOOLS ...... l, Cruvtord ss..........'...'. 810.00 I Aberdeen o............"..'. 9.00 ' Holstein e.........'..."""" 8.0t . 2108.019”);............... 6.4o badge Hill .......e...v....". 6.25 ”Campbell's Corner .....r.... 4.00 DURHAM From C. P. R. to Lambton " West side ot Gamfraxa, . . . . ' . 323.00 Lambton St. to Ford Garage, West I. o. F. Uificers Installed P. C. R.--Bro J. W. McKechnie C. R.--Bro John McQueen V. C. R.--nro Wm. Hewitt Ree. see'y--Bro John Morrison Fin. Bec'y-Bro J. G. Huton, M Orator --Bro H. Murdock s. W. --Bro S. Wilson J. W.-atro T. Whitman s. B. ---Bro M. McClyment J. B.--Bro. J. McDonald Ni s, mane}: e............ Not previously acknowledged. -JriiiiiLor THURSDAY JAN. M, 923 the newly elec’tm Children's Shelter Elécts Oificerg ....c.... 8171-35 With which Is happen!“ the Holstein Lulu For gate-Man'), Korean beaver fur coat, nearly new, half price. Apply at Review omce, Mr. and Mrs Robert Mural-lane have left this week hr St Petersburg. Florida, where they will spend the coming two months. We wish them a pleasant and invigorating trip. Mrs Alex Davies of Edmonton, am: a former resident of Georgetown, is visiting with Mr and Mrs Jno. hic. Coskery for a few days. Dr and Mrs Arthur Backus after :2 month's visit with his pun-v.15 and brother and sisters in town and coun- try, and Mrs B's rvlatives in North Egremont, left last week and to w" sutne" his dental practice at Outlook, Sask. Mr. Jas. Burt went to Toronto Mon. day where he commences his fourth term this parliament as messen- galleria at the Parliament Buildings, Toronto. r." SCOTCH CONCERT POSTPONED Death entering the families of the choir circle. Durham Presby- terian Choir, deemed it in order to postpone their Scotch Concert advertised last week for Burns' Birthday, Jan, 25th. The new date chosen is Tuesday, Feb. 6th and ticket holders will and the-tr tlckets good to? that date. There are still some good seats left at McFadden’a Drug Store where they can be procured for Me. The program as advertised last week, will not be changed. Beat the date in mind and be prepared to enjoy a good, evening. The expression “One Hundred per Cent" has been in common use lat- ely. In Red Cross activities, Y. M. c. A., School and College circles, In large business omeetL in manufactur- ing plants, anaot wherever there IS any competition, an anon has been made to obtain "100 per cent" rating. There is no reason why every man, woman and child should not have a "100 per cent" health rating. Health is normal, in other words 100 per cent. Disease is sub-normal or below 1100 per cent. The Chiropractor is a high grade machinist who knows that the human body is the most wonderful, the most perfect machine in existence. If any- thing goes wrong with this machine. he does not try to rectify matters by taking away one of its important parts. That would be not only ridic- ulous but would be reducing the chic- ieney of the machine to away below the 100 per cent mark. " stands to treason that if any part or a machine is taken away and not replaced. the parts that are left will have to do ex- tra work which should have been ac- l complishod by the missing part. The l result will be disaster. t' clerk M bite l'uriiiuul'ni. L)ulluluga, yronto. Mr G. G. Albery Bl Almost apologized tor being present beeause he wns a lawyer and not I farmer. but came down with Mr Car. w, CHlROPRACTIC son. but even though he was a lawyer‘ oi he said that he had now and always in F d d H m, iii-Fitifiéaifipi‘t‘E‘Lnftfiif‘mti‘ F', or oo ea ' " . tor very many years, and his every The expression “One Hundred per day life was associated with farmers ent" has been in common use lat- and he encouraged them to persevere y. in Red Cross activities. Y. M. c. and they would succeed. He had he- " School and College circles, in Tor heard Miss MacPhnil speak one .rge business omees, in manufactur- came Cor that purpose. it; plants, inJaot wherever there is . A. tr. Thurston . , ny competition; an effort le been Was next. He Wttt1 an editor and t fad“ to obtain 100 per cent rating. also the son of an editor; he. was d here is no reason why every than. running the Meadow Mirror, white l 'oman and Child should .nof have " "dad" wan devoting his time to the 100 per cent health rating. Health Flesherton Advance. He had STU-ll? t; inormal. in other words 100 per ated trom the Farmers' Sun. where E exit. Disease is sub-normal or below he spent ten years on the reportorUt ' 00 per cent. staff. and was there imbued with I g The Chiropractor is a high grade desire to atpsiat the rural tteopte “I ' aaehinist who knows that the human their struggle for their rights. Mun- ody is the most wonderful, the most ny thing however, he Said was that , terieet machine in existence. If any- he was now accused ot running I l hing goes wrong with this machine. 'Tory' tpaper. Well he Jutrt traid it 1 ie does not try to rectify matters by was A. B. Thornton's paper, and he , aking away one of its important was running a series of articlea just . parts. That would be not only ridic- now on rural depopttttition in Ontadtt. ilous but would be reducing the eme- In his home town trt Mearord he V“ d iency of the machine to away below doing a very ttood buSlness printins I the 100 per cent mark. " stands to auction sale bills of farm stock no I reason that if any part or a machine implements, which were every day in l is taken away and not replaced, the evidence. Even on his way down to- 1 parts that are left will have to do we day he saw them at every crow-road tra work which should have been no and high board tence. What's the complished by the missing part. The matter? There is something radically Nisan will be disaster. wrong when there are so many sep.. _ log out. Why doesn't the U. F. 0. doi l\ hat would you think of an onto something when thoy have been in mobile '3amsman. who would try to hower now for three years, and what hell you a car with. one or more of its have they done? The only cure for important parts missing? you would the disease, he said, was to make the refuse to purchase because. you would profits from the farm a little more say and truthfully so that the car Was remunerative, and advocated more- not 100 per cent. No human being and better education on the than. who has been on the operating table . M Ph ll M p and who has had some vital organ re- Miss A. th ac . ' i; . moved is 100 per cent. tegt'g1uec"ftee)ttstloJit'i'ii. ‘ Disease is caused by nerve measure; to just answer a question raised ttyi by interference with thooe channels Mr Thurston, "What has the EEO. which transmit mental impulses from done since coming into power".' She the brain to every tissue cell In the said one thing they have done was to body. if 100 per cent of mental lm. smash the old “political party mach- (pulse, is fully expressed in function, ine" so badly that she doubted it it let we have normal hetuth,--a boon would ever again be in any kind at rn whirh pvprv human being is ere running order. Disease is caused by nerve pressure; by interference with those channels which transmit mental impulses trom the brain to every tissue cell in the body. if 100 per cent of mental im. pulse is fully expressed in function, then We have normal health,--' boon to which every human being in en- titled. It there is interference one the Chiropractor is summoned. he 1 goes at once to the seat of the troub- le, adjusting the subluxated verte- brae to their natural positions by the use of his bare hands only.. He then \makes it possible tor the full amount of We force to reach the diseased or- gans and in a short time HEALTH IS THE RESULT. Why not try Chiropractic First--. --Not Last? Results speak loudest. No charge tor a talk with us. Call today. A few adjustments have overcome i chronic diseases of many years stand- lng. Your health is surely . worth a few minutes consultation. c. a. a BESSIE HoGILLIVRAY. chiropractic acclaim. at MIDDAUON HOUSE, Durham 100 acres lot 40, can s, West of Gu- afran Road. Remind. 4 miles from fDurhun. 1 mile from school. Fran: lee tutd bun with good atone foun- dation. Mitt. Land In good state ot mttttrattoss. 10 acre! bush. creek run- ning through farm. For further w- ucnlm apply to It” NIL CLAIR. no ettt A". B. 0'” tyttttnd TORONTO Annual Meeting of _ ll. F. l Political Ish The Annual Meeting of the South- East Grey U. P. 0.--1. L. P. Panda: Aasociatlon was held In Pricevme on Tuesday, Jan. 16th. Although the weather was very un-i favorable, yet R goodly crowd of nf bout 40 Were present. In the :bsencey of President Joseph Goodlellow, Vice President John Whltefonl occupled the chair, and after a. few openlnc remarks, he called on the Socretuy for the reading of the last minute- and the tinaneitrt statement. After the adoption of the minutes. and the midl- tora' report, tho olectlou of ofiicerg n-sulted in the re-vlr-ctlon of Joaopn Goodfellow for President, Whlteford tor Vice President, and s. E. Murray tor Sew-Twas. A few visiting friends from the North, viz., Messrs A. B. Thur-sum and G. G. Aibery from Menford and Mr John Caz-Han from CapeRieh, were present, and the latter being Riding Director for North Grey, was called upon for a tow remarks. -Mr Carson regretted the fact that our territory was such as to compe; a treparation of friends, thus dividing‘ the North trom the South. He com-3 plittuantcd tho w- rt and women of tho) South on thnfr 3",""vtas at the polls " the last Frdrm! (locéion; (My of tho North had also put up a hard tight but '\w:e not succcssful in electing they candidate, Major 'ihos. Ruther. ford, They were having their meet. ing in Owen Sound in tlie Bear future 'and he would cxpoctantly look for- ward to mocting some of his Southern friends there The motive power which had for! merly been used to run the old mach- l me, was furnished by a few in the! seats of the mighty, while now the motive or driving power Was furnish-l. ed by thousands in the rank and tire; of every Riding in Ontario and every riding executive should retain control of that motive power. Bankinxdnul- uiuturiug and transportation were linked arm in arm in one and domln Ming over all other interests. Agne- uhure was represented in the Federal Parliament by " tamer-s, some ot whom however she regretted to any. seemed at times to be ”hauled Uri, acknowledge their calling. These " men were elected to look alter the (“new interest: in Ottawa and it they don't do it there are other: there -- - tAA- ' "os “an. the] uvu . Iv -.. "v, - nut will. The Barkers And the Man-! uraciurors will attend to It, She re‘ terred to the name of the may or Vhlch she was a member last 1tt't!.ttl _ - w-.---".- - . Parliament by " farmers. some Fii'ii whom however she regretted to an; ' . . . seemed " timea to be atshamed ‘21: With any of the following preparations l acknowledge their calllng. These " . ' . ' men were elected to look after fjl WII'OR I Cod Liver Oil ttrmers' interests in Ottawa and If . ' , . . they don't do it there are othersthere ... Paula White PM at Space all“. 'tt 't'l'i'iiGrFtiiiiiiiGGettteyPfa o........'..'. uracturors will attend to it. She re. ' thd I terred to the name of the my ot‘ . . Btterts 59'“, et " Old Liver ttt mrhlett she was a metnber tart sealant . 5". Wttite Flu - Tttr tttgg',,' 331° T,'". 2"'1"l2 - . White Flee Eucalypul and My. is. e y no at u we“ . was nude. She liked the use iiiii/ Forum M a”: -....Meves I'm ed tuners” better. This movement . .A M" -- .u u 11Cl -- a ‘1’.“me Dwain tgf, . "rut karma: iria/ This movmontii D us not new. it run an old the . . in Ina mum The trrineiNes m the a; m . S. HOBETH rimtt 'hflllili u the signing of the "Magna Chart: . . w m P?"' and Bil the w Ml . . -.agay..t9* av.sa:aar.eiilrea:"' men w . ‘hese 66". nor tuck: and It ... Framer!- . . Me Man-! . . sue re‘ My of . . a Inn-hull- ,, Brown is Grey's New Warden Reeve Emerson Brown ot Collin:- wood Township, wu elected Warden of Grey County fP Tuesdty. defeat. In: iii. Yin - HcTnvtsh, new Fleshenon. try 1 vote. Notwithstanding the number or young folks laid up with colds; ma. there was n good attendance " tum day's earttivtU,tutd tlteeostumet' were fair. Rome outstanding ones were "ka Plug" the famous rm horse, by Geo. Hub" and Bert Fat-run. Egyptian lady by Miss Maude KNEE. and “Maggie. In China" by Fred Saun- ders. Mrs Mcilroith. Miss Weir, one Mr E. D. McClocklln awarded prizes " follows: tin tseveral use: there were no mute-z) Historic or Kuhn-J: Ladr--M. R. 1!ftt1", 'nd-N" Moorhead and Mrs Irvin. Girl--Etten Ray. Bor-Earl ('tdiiiuiiii, Jack We. first Carnival ' Success follows: (in several cases there ere no Patrice-z) Historic or Nutionnt: tautr--M. R. rein. 'nd-Mrs Moorhead and Mrs win. Girr-alltten Hay. Bor-Earl cKechnle. Jack Lauder. Fancy 003mm: lads--- Katie btrs "mm: Rance; Hopkins. Gent--mus, EGGGGGEEGGGE .trraF:""""iit.. g CURE THAT com" o. COLD§ Published Weekly at 82.1 32.50 . year tn ulvwce THERE is an old-fashioned theory whkh some still ding te-ehatc, baek yum)“: 1tt1'y. 'IVHLM " III Ulu-xuu-uzuu ...-u.’ ...,_V_ 7 - still cli te-qhat a bank wanu‘no dealings with than ”hungry have "lots of money." Such is not the use with this bank; on will be welcomed whether you have tt or $1.000 to 12mm. Open an account with what you feet you an spun new and Md to it ntt2 a "pay daf'eomen around. It is a comforting celiug to lawn that you. have sevcrathundred dollar: put away safely ix the but. THE ROYAL BANK O F C A N A D A Durban Branch: J. A. Rowlnuf. Hunger HAVE YOU NNN MONEY IN THE BANK t at 82.00 a your in advance To United It“. Name. C. nAlAGl-I & SON. was: M _ " or ence and Nelllo McGirr. tiultstted div-N of Harper and In Mrottr. Wu in the ladies' nee Mae ”an - NC- lle for tlrtrt place. ttttd ttttes-q Rowe won thp mm'u run " (it mum Mchr Second. Prank! Vain". easily won the boys' he”, with Ian"- ard McComb second. ”all! It” and May Mlle: Wen ttit and M n the ttirts' race. With one of team holding an!“ m hand and sliding thus. white It it!!! shoved him ltoidittgt no “set. Incl Saunders ttnd Steinwhm' just a. In tin-ad in the whwlbarmw rm, mu: Ernie lit-Donald and s. Rowe second. " was 1n musing stunt. Durham Band supplied good musk u mun/m during the ovum. Wallace hardwood. Welt “um! laced tram" buildings. ror mum ,lnl‘ormqun. mu. m: apply to l NEAL MCKINNON. tacKny-ht Gum Hospital. Win“! on Jun. 15th. to Mr and Mrs hum nudity. nun. (Mo-lMumuleud) MID Mutiny-FM Cruse [long-ml. Windsor on Jan. 18m. Intuit non of It and In Frank Inlay. acres being lot " and a. 2ns'. 5. D.R., Glenda. " alum": Ute, tt mite from school. about res cloned. M) can: swamp. FARM so: an: o------------ CE. '1, Prleevilto, On an

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