Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 18 Jan 1923, p. 5

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18. 2:; buvine We It,", ODS 'ERS 3.25 1.60 1.30 ore iety W Pf? 00 Mc ' BRONCHITIS ti The aLGiiir -__e __: w - “will”! as: "aiMMX'WdfdrX1llllimllMfXlXlMtglMMlgltilgigl8al8l iii, JOHN McGOWAN Pi iii:'., THE PEOPLES MILLS E ',4,Xylh"alh'lxXlSlXXXXXXlMh4XMNllKMgMk; Bette. quickly relieve. even the moat stubbomenee ofchlonk or ante bronchitis. A few done. . leviate the haltin- bronchial cough Ind enable the eager" to sleep mu. all, at night. meter................. 80 0am ....'.......... 40 Baehwheat.......... 010 Barley.............. 55 Peas,............... 1335 Wiont.............. ta, Buckwheat.......... 60 65 Barley.............. 55 I30 Peas,............... 1335 t40 Wiont.............. ta, 110 Floarper-t....... 350 to400 Pun-AI Jun 18. I923 "on. liver,fotr..... Banter................. 30m u Groceries, Dry Goods, n Boots and Shoes Albert Stafford l Giving up Business [I Clearing Sale Phone No 8, Day or Night. Highesl Prices paid lor WHEAT delivered at the Mill tti) J. N. MURDOCK 321mm" Mmuobn Patent Flour. pH 98 ttt lack brlipye “our Ipen9. per 98 "t lack .....m...r....... While lrly Pastry kT or. I'" 98 lb sack .... Bun czar-1mm per 100 Show... ..... ... Shun-Li (um In“) P"r 100 “an...” ..... ... Fwd Ftonr (HIthmr) [m 100 Ittr......... N I. 1 mm Chop, pe 100 lbw......... ........ (LLUbop P"r 100 lba (old oats)......... ...'.... 1'riatttrd Oao. p" 100 lb.- (nld osu)......... .. Bh'cbloui's thut Neal. sr, lb "ak......... .. Canton) Chopping. w100lb9...... "......... Phone No. 85 DURHAM Basswood Heading Bolts Track Ties tnd Fence Posts TIMBER WANTED scant: => - === -rierz-xcz==z:::::=rmz:::z= DURHAM MARKETS General Merchant Commencing Wed., Jan. l0th when our Full Line of -z=x=zc-z:zz:i:z-zzz==n ' OUR FLOUR IS GUARANTEED. The above prices are " the Mill and Strictly Cash. JAN. ls, ”993 Will be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices. Come Early and get your share of {he Bargains. For information. write or call on MC FADDEV'S DRUG STURE. DURHAM GOODS DELIVERED around town every afternoon. Send in your orders early. Prices for Flour and Feed of First- class Merchandise at Stafford's Store, Pricevine At Your to " K " When you Have your Mu Sale Bills Printed. A! try the Review Office " 45 25 _ BALSAMEA is a syrup containing the um from the root of. rm plane, and is free from all harm. fuldrup. Teeyesthephierntmdclears trt.hyitrs. Keep le in you-Jung. "The baby kept too still," he told the mother. "Sh-be still." the mothn‘r was mooning to her (rabe as the omeere, passed her door. "Lot's 801- the baby," asked one of the unicorn He pulled back the cov- rrs and fnund the Inrtutt-a real ”hootch" baby with a capacity of 10 gallons. So qulvt, undo-ml was the sconv, tite ottitirs halted to disturb it. They tip-tom! past the beautiful picture, made invcsu,gations which rvvvaled nothing and werc about to take their have: When Inland Rowena? Omeers from Winnipeg mule-d a farm house at norm; Man. in search of moonshine operators, they found a peaceful pic. tutt----a mother and babe. Mama's Darling Was "Baby" was too Still and Gave the Game Away, say: Agent Priceville ormourrefGlGd. I0 Gallon Cask The grade hog is more profitable for the farmer than the scrub or ', nlorback and the pure-bred t. more profitable than the grade. The pure- bred gain: weight faster on the same tved than either the grade or the scrub Ind tittiBttett so much better for market that it invariably commands a much better price. . Labor saving home mscmnery can " replaced; women's backs unnot._ The bigger a hog can make of him- self the more preamble hog he in. The New Yvar has opened with a rush ot subscriptions that has smash- ml all previous records. Judging by tho stacks of subscription orders that at times have threatened to choke the great Montreal otticp, it would ap- pear that halt ot Canada had selected the Family Herald and Weekly Star tttl the best all round Journal for 1923. ic-zl cooperation oi' more than half a million readers. For the your 1923 the publishers of the Family Herald and Weekly Star, promise their readers better vaitte than ever in the past, with more val- ued contributors ancl.more resources in all departments. The plans involve heavy outlay mr new features. but the subscription price will remain at $2 per your. the extra expenditure being undertaken in absolute faith, uphold by the confidence and pract- 3 A journal that for over fifty yours lr::s grown in public esteem until it has acquired the largest number ot readers of any journal in the country in which it is published may without exaggeration be said to have grown into a national institution. By the testimony of its readers, by the testimony of the press of Canada, by the testimony of vast numbers of the thinking population and by the admission or capable Journalists and other onlookers in other countries, The Family Herald of Montreal. based on its enormous army of readers, on its independence and on its devotion to the welfare Ot the country, has come to be regarded as one of the National assets of the; Dominion. l 2. They are open for a game at any lime now. The hockey boys from here drove out. to Proton last work and had a game with the lads more: score D--. Bob Klnnoll and Hugh McMillan were in the city last week with a car load of crittlv, and secured a fair price. Mrs Will Hainstock spout 10 days with her uncle. aunt and cousins, the .\ldcorn's hers, and in Corbeuon and has now gonp to her old home at Fordwich. Her home is at Shannan-- on, Sask.. where they had a bumpe'r crop this your. , Mrs John Aidcorn has spent the past week in Shelburne with her daughter. Mrs Kennedy, helping to nurse little Margaret who has had an attack ot pneumonia, but is improv. ing. ' George Haw is out every day with his clover huller turning out the golden seed. The price is what is worrying now. Philip and Clarence Harrison are busy drawing the big elm logs these days for the Armstrong Co. ot Marte ditle. John Lane also delivered a few taking four teams out with one tree the other day. Tho Orange Socimy held their an. nual At Home on Jan. 5th,--. a con. [ t'et't in tho torn part ot tho, evening. Handy McDonald, Comedian of Tor. onto, was the main entertainer, although local talent ably 'assisted in _ song. reading and dialogue. Sandy _ McDonald and Company will give am :other concert in the Hall on Wed- i mutiny. Jan 24th. After this concert, 1 as at the last, a dance will be enjoyed mspeoiaily by the young. _ A Chang? in Skating Nights. Here, i totore Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- i day were the nights but it was t thought that this was too much ot a :good thing. After this, Wednesday gum! Saturday night, 8 to 10 o'clock. Come and do your best. ' What might have been a serious ac. ritlent was staged at the bridge be. , min the skating rink one night Latoiy. _ ',' hret- young mon with two ladies, all in om- small cuter, drov.e over the tide and into the running water as it r'uws into the dam. All got out sar. My but Donald has boon considerab- ly cripplu-tl PVr't' since. Earnio got to his boarding house and to bed but not on many or her old neighbors here, attending Church the last two Sab- baths in the Park. Mr Nell D Clark contemplates building a new house next summon to sleep. He kept the others awake Irylng to pull the young ladies out of I'm creek. Kenneth went quietly homo and to bed but when he awoke :u-xt morning he was surprised that his clothes could stand alone. The ladies were none the worse and wait. wl for a ride as usual the next night. Mrs Oldfield. formerly Miss Isa Campbell of the Park but now of Al- berta. with son Archie and daughter Margaret. have spent some time with her sister ,Mrs S. Goheen, and called There is only one trouble in the. " Park at present and everyone has it '--tt bad cold. Some families have _ been very~bad with it. But We minis lmoot are improving now, it Bowes, the weather man, doesn't stir it up again with a January thaw. I The B. Park U. F'. o. Club enjoyed itlte meeting on the 4th inst. very " much and appreciated Miss McPhail's 'taltt on her experiences at Ottawa. Th next meeting on Thursday, Feb. lst, will be enlivened by a debate. j“Resolved that the school teacher should spend the dinner hour with ', lhe children." or course this applies _ more to rural schools. as in towns ah go home for their dinner. The affirm- _ ative side is upheld by Messrs John Hill and Neil D Clark, negative by \lrs G W Payslow and Lawrence Irv. A NATIONAL INSTITUTION. “wilted Makes Best Gain. Mrs G ing. SWINTON PARK M Black-Brodie: That try-law 639 to appoint caretaker for Hall for 1923 be filled in with the name ot Alfred O'Neil at a salary of $25 and read a third time, signed. sealed and engros- twd In by-law book. Carried Auo'o-.M. Black: That by-law 64o appointiv.r; Board or Health for IMG, Ih'odie---AlJoe: That by-law No 63" appointing truant otrtcetnr for 1923 be filled in with the names of W. N. Whitrnoro and Jas. Ledinttham ttt a salary of $10 each and that It be now read a third time, signed. scaled and cngrossed in tho try-law book. Car. sPcond time Cari-£01. Brodie--Aljoo: That by-law No 635 appointing auditors for 1923 be filled In with the names of R. T. Edwards and Henry Beaten at a salary of $15 each and that it be now read a third time and signed, sealed and engros- sed in by-law book. Carried. Aljoe--J. J, Ultwk-- That Bylaws Nos. 635 appointing Auditors, 638 an pointing Truant Other, 639 appointing Caroiaknr for hall and 640 appoint- ing Board of Health, be now read a svcond time Corriccl. re Annual Meeting to be held Feb. _ Grain be paid $5 a. 1 cord of wood 2flth, March lst and 2nd. It was; for Township Hall. Carried moved and spconded by i M. Black-Brodie '. That the Grey Aljoe--J. J, Ultwk-- That Bylaws and Bruce Fire Insurance Co. Impala Nos. 635 appointing Auditors, 638 an; $5.13, being tirst payment on Insur- pointing Truant Other, 639 appointing ance policy on hall and outbuildings. Caroiaknr for hall and 640 armoint-l Carried. Met Jan. 8th as per statute. Newly', issued on the Treasurer to Mr J. S. elected members all present: A. hie-5 BJaek as follows '. Postage for 1922, Cuaig, Reeve; Alex. Aldoe, J.J.Black.3$9; writing minutes to papers in Malcolm Black. and T. J. Brodie.‘ 1922, $7.50; Total $16.50. Carried Councillors. Members having madef 13rodie--M Black: That the Reeve declarations of Qualit’icatlon and of? be appointed with the Auditors to err. Oilice took their seats, the Reeve in i amine the Treasurer's securities. Car. the chair. Minutes of December meet-l BrodienAljoe : That the Cannon ing read and adopted By-laws Nos, for 1923 shall not be paid mileage tor 635. 638. 639 and (Sin were introduced ‘ attendance at Council meetings. Car. and given a first reading. Communic-f Brodie-M Black: That Jno. Thin- ations were read from Hospital for‘audeau be refunded " dog tax, he Sick Children. Toronto, requesting aid f having no dog. Carried. From Ontario Good Roads AssociatlomI M Blaek--Auoerprftat Jno. Atty I Friday night all roads led to S. b. No .1 school, where a most success- ! ml concert and box social was held. 7' The school was 'well tmed and splen- did order was given during the whole evening, which speaks well of our community. Mr Arch. Beaton made a splendid chairman and was handed ( a lengthy program of choruses, by the school, reeitatiottg by Misses Mary Beaton, Annabel McArthur, Florence Benton. Marybel McArthur, Jean and Beth McGillivray. lza Trafford, Jean I and Annie McArthur. A splendid i feature ot the program was an exhib- } itlon of club swinging by Misses Mary i Benton and Annabel McArthur. VIo. ”in music was given by Miss Ada (Brown, accompanied by Miss Marie McArthur and Messrs McKeown and McArthur also rendered some violin selections. Another feature was a drill by ll girls entitled "An Old Fat-lib ioned Garden" which was splendidzy‘ done. Misses Elsie Boyce and Adel-) ino Graham also rendered a couple ori tine duotts. A Scotch quartette byi Misses Benton and McArthur midi Messrs J l) McArlhur and Frank lic-), Arthur were certainly well renderea.i A play, “Advertising for Service i was Well done by eight of the school children and the play "From Pump-f kin Ridge" by the young peopzef brought down applause which ended; the program. All took their part} well and much credit is given to the; teacher and pupils for the work they: put on it. Miss Ada Brown was plan-i ist ol' the evening and .accompanied( all the numbers on the program. Mri, Dan McLean, Auctioneer, had the rest; of the program in his hands and zinc-1 tioned " about 30 boxes. The pro-i coeds tor the evening amounted to) $57.00. 1 How about the young couple that Rot upset on the crooked hill coming home on Sunday night? They must have enjoyed walking better, when they let the horse run away. A number from here took in the dance at the R. C. Hall Friday night and report an enjoyable time. Mr. Will Beak of Behomberg, ls vis- iting his sister, Mrs. Arch Benton for a few days. . Mr. Robert Edwards of Grand Val- ley, is visiting his cousins. Messrs Wm. and Silas Edwards. Mr Neil McFarlane arrived home Saturday night from a fortnight’s vis- it with his-sister, Mrs Edward Davis in Toronto. Monday night's snow storm certaxn- ly left lots ot snow on the roads and everybody Its out with their sleighs. Hero we are again after a consid- erably long holiday. Everybody ap- pears to he laid up with the cold and grip: whether it is the keeping of late hours every night or changeable Weather. we do not know. Sold In Durham by MeFaddon's Drug sum Glenelg Council THE DURHAM REVIEW TORONTO Barn 55 x 65 with annex " x " stone Itabllng underneath. cement floors, running water, cement silo " x 30 and litter carrier. Drive shed 24 It 60. Stone house with water sys- tem throughout, hard and soft weter. --hot and cold. bath, rurnlce heated, woodshed and garage. Will sell with stock (48 head. " pure bred Aberdeen Angus) and Implements. it so desk- Cd. Reasonable terms. Inspection in- vlted. Phone '06--18 FARM FOR SALE Lots 39 and in, E G R, Glenpig, 200 acres. good soil, well watered, drilled well with windmill, never failing spring creek, situated in tirgt class neighborhood. From Durham 5 miles, Provincial highway 1% miles. school v; mile: rural mail and Bell Tear phone, well fenced and in good auto of cultivation. Good bush and a. few acres cedar swamp. 7 acres fait wheat and (all plowing done. M. mack-Brodie '. That leave be granted A. McCuaiz to pay the Treas- urer the following amounts , Wm. Kenny tor railing for ttotitis; bridge, lot 90 con 2, S W T & S R, $2.00: Wm Kenny for removing tree on road, $1 2 Inc. Wilson, timber. 75c: Mr Norwood, gravel account, $3: Gm Jones for yawning not completeu, $7.50: Total $14.25, and error in ac- count $4.0". Carried. H.H. McDONALD. Clerk The following motion passed at Dee. 15th meeting was omitted in larval-ding minutes of that meeting to local papers '. Alloe--g J Black '. That municipal oiection oxponses be paid as follows for the several polling sub divisions: Poll No A, R McFadden, DRO, 314.50; Poll No. 2, A n McArthur, Duo, tr:. 50: Poll No 3. Jno Varly, DRoan. 50; Poll No 4, Colin McArthur, DRO.. $14.50: Poll No 5, George Campbell. Ir. R, 0.59.50 and that H H McDon- ald be paid " tor delivering ballot boxes. Total 872.50. Carried. Council adjourned to Feb. 10th at 10 a. m. for Clerk. Carried Brodie-d J Black : That Mr J. S. Black be allowed 11 gratuity of $150 for his past courteous and faithful services to the Township of Glenelg as Clerk for 39 years and that an or- der tor the above amount be issued on the Treasurer. Carried. AWe--M Black: That an order be issued on the Treasurer to Mr J. S. BJaek as follows '. Postage [or 1922, $9; writing minutes to papers In 1922, $7.50; Total $16.50. Carried 1h'odie--M Black: That the Reeve be appointed with the Auditors to err. amino the Treasurer's securities. Car. ', Brodie-g J Black: That tho, Clerk {prepare a by-law to have Statute ,Labor commuted on all lands border. 'ing on the Provincial and County ':RoaO in this township. Carried. j J J Buck-Aust.. That the Clerk write the several Boards of School \Trustees of the different school sec- :‘tlons. requesting them to take the nncessary action to have the bound. Varles of their sections definitely an. ifined and also furnish any intorma. tion available re sumo Carried. 1922. Carried. . Auotr-d J Black:: That tht Mun- lclpal World be mud account dated Dec .23, 1922, of $2.29. being suppiies for Clerk. Carried . M Bhtek--AOoe ingslone be paid work with team 1922. Carrie _ Brodie-M. Black: That Commis- lsloners for the ditterent wards for @1923 be as follows.. , Ward I, Alex Aljoe; Ward 2, J J e.."..'!," Ward 3, Malcolm Black: Ward 4, Thos. , Brodie and that the 'Reeve be superintendent at all britt. iges and townllnes. Carried. l Alioe--J ' Black '. That a deputa- l tlon from this Council wait on G. M. gLeeson, M P P, re getting govern. ment assistance in building bridges. ; Curried. gar Patterson. Carried. AlJoe--J J Black: That a grant Ot $10 be made to the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. Carried. nrodie--M Black: That the Clem advertise in the Markdale and Dur. ham papers tor applications for " sessor for 1923. Carried. nrodie---M. Black: That the Reeve be granted leave to refund $7.50 to Treasurer, being error for til" to Ed. gar Patterson. Carried. M. Black-Brodie:: That the Clerk order seven copies of the Municipal World for members of the Council. Carried. J J Black-M. Black: That Thos Nichol be paid 84.50 for ' days titat- ute Labor overcharged in 1922. Car. M. Bttutk-AOoe: That an order be drawn on the Treasurer for 810.501n favor ot J J Black tor special wort in 1922. Carried. Brodie-M. Black: That the Reeve be paid " for assisting and the Treasurer " for preparing Financial Statement of 1922. Carried. A0oe--Brodie: That the time for returning the Collectors' Rolls Be ox!tnded to Jun. 20th, 1923. Carried. be tmed In with the following mutter. J. G. Hutton, M n, M O H; Arch Me. Cualg. member (exomeio): Geo Bin. nie, Chairman and H. H. McDonald. Secretary, and that it be now read a third time. signed. sealed and engros- sed in by-law book. Carried JOHN & CHAS. HOFFAT. That Albert LIV- $3.20 for 8 hours dragging road tn China Cups & Sumer- 97 piece Dinner Set. Bo- ral band design. "-3532. All stock ptuterms-th" (In be replaced. Call and so. the!» sets. They are excellent ulna. “piece D_iuner Service (Floral Rose design).. M piece Piotr _fUrvieo Dinner Set Specials The VARIETY STORE The Municipal Council of the frown- ship of Glenelg will receive applia- lions for the ot0ce of Assessor for 1923, up till Saturday. Feb. 8nt. Duties to commence Feb. 15th. Dov» test or any tender not necessarily tMy copte"d. Apply suiting salary expec~ ted to I am prepared to take I limited number of pupils who wish to learn tho violin, in an evening class, cow.. menelng on Tuesday. Jan. 23rd. Pu- pils must have their own instruments. FRANK BUNCE Residence: Old Wright PropPrly at top of Durham Hill. . The W. M. S. of tho Presbyterian Church held their tirttt meeting ofthe year on January 11th at the home of Mrs Thos McGirt. by invitation. Al. though the day was stormy and the [roads heavy. there was a good meet. ing and good attendance. Mrs A. 1'i'iil; President, was in the chair, and the meeting opened with prayer (ii; the President and a hymn. Mrs. lJ. J. Smith read the Bible lesson and Mrs Derby gave the paper from the 'new study book. “Building the Na. tion," which was on exploring pion- eer missionary work, going back to Columbus who after landing at the island. called it “San tSalvador/ ;meaning "Holy Saviour." This ye‘ (did out of thnnkrulness for a safe; , journey. Two letters Were read IT ,the Secretary, Mrs Mc'""?--:.""" itrom Mrs Dr. Furqulvursou, thanking} 5the Society for tho "h Ammonium} 'which they gave in memory of their} itwo boys, James and William, lino| i said the Doctor and herself had manyl i fond recollections of the time spent in I ;Durlttutt when their boys Were grow-l 31ng from the boy to manhood Mama i Mrs Whaley was most appreciative or, I the "tn Memoriam" given in Mr Who-E lley's memory and said there was: mothlng the Society could give which; would please Mr Whaley more. Mrs, W. Lauder gave an explanatory chap-' ter on the study book. “Building the! Nation'" A collection was taken and the meeting closed with the Lord's] Prayer. This prayer should be more appreciated and more thoroughly nun-l erstood after the addresses given onl it at the Week of Prayer. Mrs Mei Girr very kindly served the If,',',',',') with refreshments and after shaking,1 hands with the hostess and Miss Bell.’ who though unable to attend the meetings, regularly contributes, her paper. thus taking an interest in all the Society is doing. the ladies toon their departure utter a most pleasant afternoon. 1 I When a young lady teacher in the Township of Gorham and Ware, Port Arthur District. went to take charge of her classes Monday morning last. she found the school in possession of the former teacher and a number of pupils. trustees and ratepayers, who denied her admission. The former teacher had been declared tmqutrlit1eti by Mr .Ritchie. by reason of not hav. ing attended Normal School or model school, and he made the new appoint ment in acordanco with Departmental regulations. As a result at the hold ent, the schol is now closed pending Mr .Ritchie's return to Port Arthur. January Missionary Meeting On Saturday evening "Mr and Mrs. W. G. Krug and Mr and Mrs Conrad Krug and some neighbors who had been invited in.~heard a concert in Los Angeles. California. " was a long way " but they all not back m time for church on Sunday morning. This high cuss concert like so many good things these days, was brought to them some 5000 miles by "tdio.-- Chesiey Enterprise. Mr. John Ritchie Show: Authority Our Pricevllle and South Line cor. respondent last week touched on a chord, that pleased many readers. when he gave in retrospect the loll of the past year. We are aslwd from one Durham reader to pass lwr ap- preciation of the article on to our rub eran write? from that district, Tool: in Concert " Lu Angola “Rally my dearfiuld the husband. "I don't see how you run the house on so little money. Here’s an extra fifty for yourself." Classes in Violin Instruction His Write Up Appreciated FOR BALE-one 12 inch Massey Harris Straw Cutter with il ft. carrier, nearly new. Apply SMITH BROS., Durham Students in the Entrance Class art- asked to correct this sentence: ASSESSOR WANTED H. H. MCDONALD. R. R. l, Pricevllle, Ont I2.59 I329 I. Junior [adulation _ a. lame. to the Norms! 'tthet" . Each member of the ml! in I Wir mity [rude-t: and In elm mew. . _ launch" pupil.“ ms Meat. ter It the beainninttof the {all m. Intonation-I to mane. my bel. (mined In: the Principal. The School In. a crcdutahle record in the plot which it hoped to mint.“ in the Intuit. Dark-Ia in In "trvctive and bruit" to” and good uccnmmnduion cu; I. obtained u mun-bl: rues. . e. um -- c. I. m . MM The School ie thoroughly e - D “it up the following Cums“? DURHAM , BEIGE SCH©©IL . - -tttfrtrP!Wiy) , Choose a High Salaried Future Yonge lad Charles iiurroroiito The way to avoid the road to at. uppolntmvnt nnd railun- is to got-n Bound trnlnlng in our school. fit Interested, write {why for ot", catalogue. Enter my time. ( w. J. ELuoTT, Principal I - It land! so . mum;- {a if." n den-coin (nylon. Banned AGraa,Tr- u. Co, they for-I. nodula- mum tor cola I to.“ m. In” Ina-goon no new" Ot “than... it (hnupndonm m Mt or to Ceylon P.O.' will In [Io-MI! ‘04 ‘0. human-Hutu. On DUN“! - AND ""W_ EANOVII But-Mar. Solicitor. Etc. mm.. m Imam Owen Sound. ou. Business. Shorthand. Mars" Courses, also Prepu'utory cour- ' so tor (bone who mind the tirtrt chance public Ichool. New term open 1mm 2nd Information Free on request1 by mall or phone. C. A.Fletnin¢. RCA. G. D. Hernia. Principal Iceman HONOR GuWATI Toronto DIN”. a” all!" Qitl 00le Dental 3mm 0.1:"qu I. ”an“, . " n ' - - "wrrttv, et, if. “d nano qite M MR". of Dental HOUR? - OUT. Here you can equip yourself for a good position in the shortest penal- ble timo by means ol' our cyslvm of individual instruction. Enter any time Catalogue hum. W.-C. PICKEIING D. it s, I. It s 9193193 IB._ADl’ATE a Tom... gnlvqgigl. graduate of: OtBee and residence. corner Gonna. Ind Limbton. opposite old Pout 0M caution“: “on a ”and ly. an, , tp 0 p. m., add ill DRS. Jameson & JAMIESOT ' 0M t--t “lat-noon mttaw. 7-4 Minn J. L. SMITH. M. B., M. C. P. S. Inland: has“ how no; .1 mm “mu-Immalhm a, anon nouns 0-11.. . '-1ttrnt. '-o..t. toleolouo lbIIunlmuto'x no!!!“ 0.0:- I Indiana» u all noun. " get J. 44.RtrrroN,M.th,tmo MAIN STREET. HOLSTEIN. Reeuemte t PRICE/ILL! Telephone 2, " 1 .6. Graduate. University or TI Sacco-nor to Dr. Mair. once Residence. _ A GIFT TBAT' "SYS Give that boy or girl of your: a mu that lasts a life time--- and pays dividend:- daulr-- I courso In the _ n'twttttRtttERttu0m moan... Puyucunu null-noon Olhric "we: Our J, P. femur-clog - fl', " 0w. Ina-m 0an. M. o. E. CARR. B. A. (Ton) J. [GRANT D. 0.9 L‘MoPHAIL "I" . nu _ y-IIL. mud-y ntterrtiion " I “on land-y I I airiiiiiiiiiiiiriiT.' air; A. B. CUR z-t Mt. CHAS. MCLELLAN w. A. TRIMBLI-i, Principal TIE CHOICE B. $tetPOrL. Ceylon or to 0. “NAME. Durban on Lambton St , of Um

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