McKechnie‘s Continue ; Clearance Sale & High Class Footwear at Remarkably Low Prices Your Chance to save a few Dollars Ladies‘ Rubbers, very best quality, all lasts 550.00 $50.00 T he new Fruits and Peels for Christmas cakes and Paddings have arrived and are at right prices. # Penmaa‘s All Woo!l Underwear for Men in all sizes. Come in and look them over. There is none better. Chilktrens Wide Last Rubbers.................. Wimwses‘ PlainOver Rubbers.................... "ten‘s Plain Over Rubbers .................... Men‘s Heavy Gum Lace Rubbers.............. Men‘s Heavy Elk Bluc (sterling make) Pegged TYOU . ¢ « 1 «a‘s . aa nb e e e laialla ie o w ul ol e taannioes A Cabinet Pitonograph and 12 Records for $8§ â€"New China New Work BRaskets, Fern Baskets, etc. New Ivory Clocks, Electric Lamps. etc. New Leather Hand Bags, Purses, Kodaks, â€"New Porfumes and Toilet Articles, Toilet Sets â€"Smoking Sets, Thermos Bottles anM Kits, Boxed Candy â€"Fincy Stationery, New Books, Fiction, Bibles â€"â€"irayer & Hymn Books, Waterman‘s Fountain Pens â€"Games, Booklets, Cards, etc. McFAPDEN‘S DRUG STORE zne Roxolhe store SlC Cl tilaane. Abundance of Worth while JNO. McKECHNIE, Durham Christmas Gifts We want you to see our stock. You‘re not obliged to buy. Comein. Sale Opens Saturday, Dec. 2nd, at These Cabinets are 18 x 20 x 42 in. high, made of five ply veneer and fitted with Double Spring Banfield Motors and Banifield tone arms, and will play four selections with one winding. Your Choice of Quartered Oak or Mahogany. Also Table Models, with same equipment at $32.00. The Supply is limited and price is low, so come Early if you want to share in the greatest Phonograph Bargain ever, offered. Out MANUFACTURER‘S SLAUGHTER SALE of $125 Cabinet Phonographs Now on Display w 1J >3 CCC PA 1 . ['fll‘lll‘], alil 14003 .. V ¢«¢iut«««.««=«sazisxs +s O0C «rettacerserrrrrs»~+, q090 «LKÂ¥ Sa ¢@«**x1r««s +« E.10 Lers........... ... on An Edison Amberola and 12 Records for $63 CNGWRL Y Sagecie SW We ssepe H. J. SNELL‘S MUSIG STORE 3 95 i) 9 o .4O 90c 69c The MceQuarrie, Lamb and Edge families attended the gathering at Mr J. W. McKechnie,s near Durham on Friday evening * Mr and Mrs Dougal Clark, Miss Rena and Master Bryson of theRocky mill, were guests of Mr and Mrs i. Lamb on Sunday. Mrs Wm. Honess of Crawford has been visiting her daughter, Mrs i:. MacDonald this last week. The Aberdeen bridge is open ow trafiic again, aiter having been closeg for some time, but the cement coverâ€" Ing will not be completed until soring Mr Jack Smith and Mr Young spent the week end with the former‘s moâ€" ther Mrs. J. W. Smith. Miss Ellen Smith spent a few days recently with her sister, Mrs J. Macâ€" Donald. "The Durham Hospital was opened on November 16th, and is in every way a credit to the village. More “S'[ pecially is this so, when it is rememâ€" bered that Durham is only about hali the size of Fergus and they have had. to do all the work themselves. The hospital building is â€" situatec on a beautiful piece of rising ground overlooking the Saugeen River, and is complete in all the ordinary apâ€" pointments of a mogern hospital.’ The present capacity of the hospitai| is about fifteen patients with proviâ€"‘ sion made for extension. The rooms are simply but beautifuily furnished, | and the operating room is most suil-; able and convenient. [ We congratulate the people of Durâ€" ham â€" on their broadâ€"minded _ spirit which made the achievement of their purpose possible. The pettiness so commmon to small places, seems to be absent there. It is remarkable how the benefits to be dorived from having a hospital have impressed themselves on the people in the last few years. Iwenty two years ago there was not one hosâ€" pital north of Gueliph. Now there are nine, all going along successfully in their great and good work. A compliment was paid to Fergus by the people of that northern town when they asked Dr. Groves to perâ€" form the first operation, the Dr. beâ€" ing wellâ€"known there, where his abilâ€" ity as a surgeon is appreciated." Mr Dougal Clark and his sister, Mrs Wallace, motored to Owersounc one day recently Newsâ€"Record under the above heacâ€" ing. Only two small errors occur in the article, and they relate to Durâ€" ham, not to the hospital. The Newsâ€" Kecord calls us a village. It is Ferâ€" gus which is yet a village, while Durham has helid town status over torty years. And Durham is "only about half the size of Fergus." Why, Brer. Templin, we‘re about up to you in population. Durham has passed the 1600 mark, while Fergus at last figures we noticed had between 1800 and 1900, Here is the writeup : The following complimentary referâ€" ence appeared in last week‘s Fergus Durham Opens Hospital. And will Continue until all are Sold. ABERDEEN THE DUBHAM REVIEH The Durham U. F. 0. Live Stock Association will ship stock from Durâ€" ham, on Tuesdays. Shippers are reâ€" qucosted to give three days‘ notice. All citizens wishing to wire houses for electric light, before doing so, should make application to C. C. Elâ€" vidge, Secretary Hydro Commission. Mr and Mrs Geo. Legate, Toronio, spent the week end with his brother William here, Miss Florence Legate returning to the city with them. Notice ! Jas, Lawrence, Manager Phone 606 r 3 Durham, R.F Mr. Wm. Bell lost a valuable horse last week. Mr and Mis. J. W. McKechnie enâ€" tertained a number of neighbors and friends last Friday night and ali reâ€" port a very enjoyable time. The T F O will hold their meeting in the school next Friday night. Mr Joe Davison has returned from Toronto and intends to spend the winâ€" ter in this part. 6 T. A Miss Lamb is busy training the children and expect to hold a schoo: concert on the evening of Dec. 21st. Mr Clarence Thompson is engaged with Mr. Alex. Fletcher for a few weeks. Mrs F. Kelsey has been on the sick list for the past few weeks and pleasâ€" ed to hear that latest reports finds her improving. The W. M. 8. will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs Jno. Mcâ€" Kechnie. Rev. Mr Craw very acceptably fil led the pulpit last Sunday in the ab sence of Revy Mr. Sillars. Rev. Dr Craw occupied the pulpii them. An address was on Sunday and gave a splendid a~ Mariettta Park and the; dress in the absence of Rev. D. Silâ€" the recipients of a han lers, who is spending a week with and a halfâ€"dozen dining friends in Glengarry. {as a little token _ of The young people of St. Paut‘s from the folks of No. 9 Church are holding a dance in their; schoolhouse on Friday. f ec«â€"meâ€"mmmatip «sn A number of the young folks a:â€" round our burg took in the card parâ€" ty and dance at Chatsworth on We« nesday night. Pleased to see Mr Mcintyre able to be out once more. Dr. MeVicar gave a splendid talk on China, which everyone enjoyed, also the lantern slides, showing views where he and Rev. Dr. J. F. Smitn spent some of their mission days toâ€" gether. Miss Ruth Lowe spent a few days at her home in Crawford. Mr and Mrs John Lowe Sundayed with the Dargavel family. We had quite a blizzard on Thurs day night, which reminds us tha; winter is fast approaching. NOTICE TO FARMERS. RCCKY SAUGEEN Signed, Hydro Commission DORNOCH TORONTO IN FRONT RANK | _ The concert given in Mulock Ch. | by Miss Miriam and Master Eben | Cameron of Durham, was a decided i success. _ The disagreeable weather , prevented a large crowd from being | present. These young entertainers , have besides their musical gifts, a | very striking personality which enâ€" ables them to sing themselves right into the hearts of an audience anc | there is a mutual sympathetic interâ€" est. Anyone wishing to have a rea; live concert will make no mistake in | having Miriam and Eben Cameron. Rev. Mr Cameron also gave an interâ€" | esting address on California. On Friday evening of last week a’; | Jolly evening was spent at the home of Mr and Mrs. Dave Ritchie, Durâ€"| ham, when their old neighbors and! friends followed them to their n«.. : home to pend a social evening wiln' them. An address was read by Miss Mariettta Park and they were made the recipients of a handsome coucn and a halfâ€"dozen dining room chairs | as a little token of â€" remembrance We wish to correct an error conâ€" cerning the singing of the Anniverâ€" sary services, Nov. 19th, Mrs And. Hastie‘s name being omitted. Those who favored us with dueits and solâ€" os were Mrs And. Hastie, Mrs D. 3. MceDonald and Miss Nancy Boyd. The first sleighing of the season makes everyone wear a broad smile these days. Mrs McCannel attended the Conâ€" vention in Toronto held by the Woâ€" men‘s Institute as a delegate from the Durham branch and is enjoying herself visiting friends while there. The U. F. O. unloaded a carload of salt on Monday of this week,. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Campbell Dunsmoor on the arrival of a young son Scott‘s Emulsion Ay&» sion is Norw codâ€"liver oil at its best. Codâ€"liver oil is different from other fats because of its great richness of vitamines and is so readily absorbed by the weakened system. is an effective agent in imâ€" proving nutrition and building up the reâ€" gistiveâ€"powers of the body. Scott‘s Emulâ€" Scott & Bowne, Toront8, Ont. DARKIES‘ CORNERS MULOCK $50 If you have Grain to se‘l or call us up. We are in the market for any quantity of Milling Oats, Feed Oats. Barley, Peas and Mixed Grain. Wili pay highest prices. 2 Phonograph Specials Terms Cash Business Hours 8 a m to5 p m. ROB ROY MILLS, Limited ROB ROY MILLS, Limited We have a stock of Ground Feed on hand that we are selling cheap whi‘e it lasts. Grain Wanted HIS MASTER‘S VOICE Console Model at The Variety Store The Puritone at $110 Mahogany finish, large size model, 5 ply throughout. This Phonograph is equal to many which are much higher in price, and is noted for its distinct reproduction. Call and hear the new Victor R« cord "In an old{ashioned Garden." This is the newest model and anyâ€" body thinking of buying a VICTROLA should see this one. $50.00 $50.00 No Town Delivery Telephone day No 4, Night ®1 want to buy feed, sNOV,. 30 1922 Price $145 Oats, Buc k w Barley Peas . [ ___ Te Hogs. Fatter Flon: r ; W her Durha NOV, 30, 1 Pa Faoll 1 tÂ¥