922 tem No. 3 quality. 0 more. e are all ny ts, UIF re, 25¢ ea 1b... 10e â€"lour r Cash.‘ HAM 50 Biscuit Olives 20¢ tin L* = J 80c lb 30¢c 50¢ ) 1 N uxd " THE PEOPLES MILLS § poulp® alun on o le " alo to a ® o n # vle 2 uds ® o o ts h ts in #a j s ue a i 2 udn 2 aie ae o t je 2o i a 0. 2 2 is# ode s afa o o c Doranamu, Os;. 26, 1922 Hogs, live, f o b..... DUMIGK .:~~«<«cer«<*+â€"râ€". 30 to CARS.««:«ssissseses««« B0 4 CMHSS ««««<a«c@aorasces." h BuckWwBGkk..«««« «.. 55 EMCY ..rere o« e es «e 50 FPOAK «<.s««cccrrer«e« EO YWME . «+ e« ax rarees 95 Filour per owt ....... &6 ue (g] (o)[ Phone No 8, Day or Night. Highest Prices paid for WHEAT delivered at the Mill Sovereign Manitoba Patent Fiour, per 98 lb arack Eclipge Flour Blend, par 39 lb sack ................. White Lily Pastry Ficur, per 98 lb suck _.... Bran (ton lot:) per 100 Ibe...... Shorts (ton lot=) per 100 lbs...... Fseed Flour (Middiings) per 100 ibe......... No. 1 Mixed Chop, p»r 100 lbu......... C( .t Chop per 100 Ibs (old oata)......... Crmraped Ost«, par 100 lbe (old oats)......... e Blatebford‘s Calf Meal, 25 !b sack......... PP Custom Chopping, per 100 lbs...... 0 Durham Markets McFADPDEN‘S DRUG STORE The Rexolh store NESNLOKL NS Successors to Maciarlane & Co. OUR FLOUR IS GUARANTEED. The above prices are at the Mill and Strictly Cash. GEO. S. BURNETT JOHN McGOWAN LEATHER LABEL Always on hand. See our as we will have an expert h a large assortment of the Nev who will take your measure. guaranteed. ȴ9, 10 D..... 9 50 exxirs assrses««« 30 to 30 NOTICE ww un en e en e e e+ k 3.0â€" t 30 The Durhan en e e n un un ue se 0e 30 4.0 ;\Sgocia[]on w UOMEs c«vre ««rr 55 "0‘ ham, on Tues 80 55‘qupsled to giv «ers sesees «e 1 1Q 1 2) Jas 95 1 00 s ‘r owt ....... 3 60 w 4 op| Phone 606r‘3 m %E If you Want to Get a Tailorâ€"made Suit or Overcoat Call Here on Tues., Oct. 3ist just arrived. Look these over before you buy yours GOODS DELIVERED around town every afternoon. Send in your orders early. Prices for Flour and Feed special line of Combination Underwear For Hats, Caps, Ties, Shirts, Sweaters, Hosiery, Etc., give us a trial. Just Received of Men‘s and Suits and Overcoats vedâ€"a nifty assortment and Boys‘ SWEATERS " ) PRICEVILLE 42 [eommmsmmamencccon i OVERALLS . & SMOCK s None better NOTICE To FaARmEeRrs. The Durham U. F. 0. Live Stocx Association will ship stock from purâ€" ham, on Tuesdays. Shippers are reâ€" quested to give three days‘ notice. Jas. Lawrence, Manager Phone 606 r 3 Durham, RR. 1 t here that day with Newest in TWEEDS All measures â€"no button Eald | 4. We therefore recommend that a special grant of $200.00 be given to 3. While it is evident the proposed road will be a desirable connection between the Provincial roads at Markdale and on the Garafraxa and thereby would be largely a through road, we do not consider it advisable to undertake the expenditure on a new road, instead of those for whicn we are now responsible. 2. Discussing the matter with those who would be depending on the presâ€" ent roads, we found them opposea, as it would tend to more neglect ot the present roads. 1st. After examining the «presen: roads, we found them naturally difmâ€" cult, and very much neglected. 1 Communications were read as for ‘lows: Petitions from ratepayers asxâ€" ing for snow fence to be built on mc Phee‘s hill (west side) lot 15 con. 1i : ’from W. McLeod for wire fence. il‘rom the following claims for sheep killed by dogs: Wm Henderson, Thos. lGA Brodie, Mrs. R. H. Banks, Jno. Mcâ€" ’ Kechnie and Angus Hooper and for ‘insp»cting same from Colin McArtnur and Malcolm Mclnnis. Ward Appropâ€". riation report from J.J. Black, ward 2; special job reports from wards 1, 3 and 4 and the Reeve and also specâ€" ial report from Mr. Brodie for work on townline Glen. and Holland. REPORT OF COUNCIL MEETING AT MR. JAS. ELLISON‘s Sept. 16, 1922. _ Re petition of 8Z residents of Glenelg Tp. for road through Mr. Jas. Ellison‘s, from west end of 10th con. to 2nd con., E.GK. } Council met Oct. 14th as per adâ€" journment. _ Members present, reeve in the chair, minutes of last meeting read and adopted, after correction of item in Com. J.J. Black‘s appropr:aâ€" tion report re work on Hall‘s Hill, S. Line. The Ladies‘ Aid Society of Priceâ€" ville Methodist Cbureh, met at the home of Mrs. Farquhar McKinnon on Thursday afternoon. p. m. to permit the friends of the neighboring churches to attend. The pastor, Rev. A. Bushel, will take charge of the service. _ The choir of Ebenezer Church \will furnish the music, while the LÂ¥dies‘ Aid Society will look after thekdecorating of the church to suit the joyful occasion. On account of the accupmulation of back debts, amounting to $100, a thank orâ€" fering will be taken{at this service, with the expectation| that the friends will wipe out this stinding indebtedâ€" ness. On Wednesday]} evening, Nov. 1st, the Harvest Homg Concert will be held in the church.\ Besides local talent, there will be a rcial attracâ€" tion in the Owen Sound Diktrict Male Quartette, comprised of t following Methodist ministers: Fran N. Bowes of Markdale: W.F. Andreps, Dunâ€" dalk: H.H. Eaton, Chatswbrth: aA. Eagle, Holland Centre. TheÂ¥ will ar> so contribute individually to Ithe proâ€" gram. The Hooper trio, in{rumenâ€" talists of Dromore, are aiso e®ipected to be present. An admission Â¥ee ot 35¢ and 25¢ will be charged. The Harvest Home Services wili be held in the Pricevilie Methodist Church on October 29th and Nov. 1st. The Sufl(luy service will be held at 3 Priceville Methodist Anniver‘y Glenelg Council _ Matches in the hands of his Sixâ€" yearâ€"old son caused Mr. Louis Coâ€" bean, a young farmer of Saugeen Tp., Gowanlock‘s Settlement, â€" Bruce Co., the loss of his large barn 60x60, ioâ€" gether with his entire season‘s crop, three horses, a bull, four calves, one pig, about 100 hens and chickens, a large number of implements, &c., and his driving shed. By the fire which started by his young son lightâ€" ing a match to a large straw stack near the barn, Mr. Cobean was comâ€" pletely burned out. J SIXâ€"YEAR.OLD son Congratulations.to Miss A. Fettis, teacher, at Willow Grove 8. S. No. 4, on winning first prize for her school at the recent Proton Sehanl fai» Mrs. Geo. Gilkes has returned home from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Black anc family spent Sunday at Mr. Chas. Wales‘. Mrs. Jas. Sturrock hasw been â€" suiâ€" fering an attack of flu. _ _Misses Fanny Christie and Devina Gilkes were around collecting for the Bible Society last Monday. Mrs. Geo. Riddell was visiting her mother at Woodbridge last week end. Miss Jessie McEachnie has returnâ€" ed to her duties in Toronto. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. J. Rowland, Toronto, have been visiting their relatives, the McEachnie families. Mr. Rowland isi enjoying the time hunting. | St. Andrews Church intend having their anniversary services on Dec. 3rd and tea with social evening the Monday following, this being tue date on which the church was openâ€" ed, 1911. ervision of Mr. Robt. Ferris. A number from here took in the service at Dromore on Sunday and enjoyed them. One lady says she was invited for dinner in twelve different homes so that speaks well for the hospitality of Amos Church peopze. The rain and snow on Monday evenâ€" ing prevented some from being presâ€" ent at the fowl supper and entertainâ€" ment. Miss Ferguson‘s house looks well with the new roof. The work was done by the neighbors under the supâ€" ervision of Mr. Robt. Ferris the Company, has helped greatly its success, George Wright at the fire box and W.A. Richardson with the separator, means work for the men with the pitchfork. The Swamp College Threshing Co. are finishing a very successful seasâ€" on‘s work toâ€"day, at R. J. McNaulâ€" ty‘s. Having two old threshers at the helm, they also being members of Council adjourned to meet Nov at 10 a. m. Later Messrs C. McArthur and Jno Ellison waited on council reâ€" above road and owing to Mr. Ellison being represented as giving better terms, council reconsidered their first deâ€" cision and offered to pay $1000.00 for the right of way in the new location offered, provided that Mr. Eliison asâ€" sume all responsibility for fences. Council went into committee of the whole to consider action to be taken re road petitioned for through Mr Jas Ellison‘s and decided to recommenc a special grant of $200.00 to improve the roads leading from west end of 10th con to con. 2, E.G.R. M. Blackâ€"Brodie:That reports . of expenditure of the different wards be accepted and cheques for payment of same be issued as follows; Ward 1. Thos. Turnbull, $38.50; Ward 2, J.;. Black $230.25 ; Ward 3, M. Black, $117.20; Ward 4, Thos J. Brodie, $123. 40; The Reeve (townlines and bridâ€" ges) $311.93. Carried. Turnbullâ€"M. Black: That Commisâ€" sion on Expenditure be paid as folâ€" lows: F.J. Black $19; M. Black $3; Thos. J. Brodie $10; A. McCuaig $24: T. Turnbull $3. Carried _ M. f)lackâ€"Tumbull:That followlng! sheep claims be paid; Wm. Henderâ€". son for 1 sheep $7; T.J. Brodie for 1 sheep $8 : Mrs. R. H. Banks for 3! sheep $24; Jno. McKechnie for 1| sheep $8$; Angus Hooper for ZSheep; $16 and that Colin McArthur and M.; Mcinnis be paid $7.50 for five insp«c-l tions and $1.50 for one inspection reâ€" spectively of same. Carried. Brodieâ€"M. Black: That Mr. J. S. Black be paid $50 on salary. Carriec. Turnbullâ€"J.J. Black: That followâ€" ing gravel accounts be paid: Wm. Mecâ€" Fadden $4.30; A. Leitch $4.50. Car. ’ Turnbullâ€"Brodie: That bylaw xo. 630 to levy rates to meet the current expenses and liabilities of the townâ€" ship for 1923 be now read a third time, signed, sealed and engrossed in byâ€"law book. Carried Byâ€"law No. 630 was read accordingly. Turnbullâ€"Brodie: That M. Black be instructed to have a snow fence conâ€" structed at lot 15 con. 11. Carriec. Brodieâ€"M. Black:That Wm. Mc-i Leod be paid $10.00 bonus for 40 rods wire fence at lot 44 con 2, S. D. K. Carried. | 'lmprove the roads leading from west end of 10th con to con 2, EGR, all of ‘which is respectfully submitted. (Signed) A. McCuaig, T. J. Brodie, M. Black, J.J.Black, T. Turnbull, Councillors. Turnbullâ€"J.J. Black: That byâ€"law No. 631 to appoint a township clerk: be now read a third time, signed, sealed and engrossed in byâ€"law book.. Carried. Byâ€"law No. 631 was reag acâ€" l cordingly. * ning first prize for her school recent Proton School fair. SWINTON PARK HOPEVILLE BURNS OUT FATHER H. H. MeDONALD, Clerk ONTARIO ARCHIVEsS TORONTO DURHAM REVIEW Dated Oct. ber next, at the ho* m., to give their against the proposed Owing to two argely signed pet; tions, one in favér of a road througn Mr. Jas. Ellison‘ Glenelg Township, and the other op sed, the Council hereby respectfull request any inâ€" terested to attend \the Council meet. ing on Saturday, 11th day of Novemâ€" ber next, at the of 4 o‘clock p. fou) @ dn im en se 16 1i DIXONâ€"At Canadian Greys‘ 1.0 ledge â€" the following which they have receiy patched to headqguarters Can. Greys‘ Chapter ... Miss M. Farr Miss A. Gun Mrs. J. J. Smith 1. 0. D. E. Benefit for Northern Fire Thos. Broughton Bert Henderson Robt. Watson W.E. Curran, pastor Mr. and Mrs. Oldfield _ expressed their appreciation and gratitude for these very generous gifte in a few well chosen words. Lunch was seryâ€" ed by the ladies and the evening spent in games and music. Signed by Thos. Broug Robt. Watso utstas Auacics d ‘ As a more tangible way of expresâ€", sing these sentiments, we ask you to . kindly accept the accompanying gifts | as a token of our regard and a memâ€"‘ ento of our good will and friendship. | Signed by the Stewards, | IAONâ€"At Scott Hospital, Scott, Sask., Saturday, Oct. 14th to Xr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Dizon, Tramping Lake, Sask., a daughter. i/ biutcccliia c acli d is in the discharge of this duty made your services indispensabte neen unappreciated by us. We wisn, too, to express at this time our apâ€". preciation and thankfulness to you as | an oflicer of the church, and for valâ€"| uable assistance you have rendereq ; for many years in helping along the | service of song. Your faithfuiness in 11 P . This duty, which calls â€" together the members and adherents of Corâ€" betton Methodist church, and â€" also your friends and neighbors, is one or a very pleasant nature, as we have come to spend the evening with you on the occasion of your return from | your post nuptial trip. ‘ , Dear Mrs. Oldfield, you come into our midst as no stranger, and it gives ius the greatest pleasure to \Velcom«J you. We know something of your Imany talents and capabilities, ang ‘ that you are sincere and faithful ;n‘ the discharge of your duties, and W(‘J pray that your life may be one or happiness and prosperity and usel'u:-l ness, and that you may speedily ffl':} at home amongst us. As you, Col, have grown up among us, most of us | here toâ€"night are well acquainted with | you, and have known of the hlgnf type of manhood exhibited in your daily life. _ Please rest assured tha; | your unvarying courtesy and geniall-; ty have won for you the sincerest‘ esteem and these qualities have not: been unannracistall We sn reys 00 B John Grey Marion Ross Jack Stewart Hazel Richardson On Tuesday evening many other friends and well wishers gathered at Riverside Farm, and after a pleasant evening spent in games, contests and music, Messrs Bert Henderson and Robt. Watson presented Mr. and Mrs. Oldfield with two beautiful Japâ€" anese Seagrass chairs, a silver bake dish and byrex pie plate on behalf of the Methodist church and â€"friengs. Rev. Mr. Curran read the following complimentary address: To Mr .and Mrs. Colwell Oldfiela: Dear Friends,â€" Signed on behalf of the members and adherents of Corbetton Prespyâ€" terian church, On Monday evening Rev. Mr. Hose acted as chairman, and after a few kindly expressions of good will anc appreciation, the presentation â€" of a beautiful quarter cut oak china capâ€" inet was made by Mr. McMurcay, lMessrs Thos. Aldcorn and Urquhar: lMcCosh, on behalf of the Presbyier ian church. Miss Marion Rose read ’the following adress: To Mr. and Mrs. Colwell Oldfield : _ We, your friends and acquaintanâ€" ces have gathered here this evening for awhile to enjoy this social hour, in your company. Each of us as Inâ€" dividuals, are glad to be present here to congratulate both on this occasâ€" ion, and it Ts a pleasant thought that you have setled in our community, We wish you a long, prosperous and joyous life and that you may be a help in numerous ways and that your influence may be felt around you. You, Mr Oldfield have spent a numâ€" ber of years in this vicinity, and â€" arâ€" though you, Mrs. Oldfield have been been here only a short time, you too, hold the friendship of many, We appreciate yoru friendship very much, and as a small token of our esâ€" teem, we ask you to accept this china cabinet, and trust in the future ii may serve to remind you that we are friends and that it may also be useâ€" ful and convenient to you. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Colwell Oldfield, Corbetton, was the scene of two very pleasant social events on Monday and Tuesday evenings, when their friends gathered at their home to show #n a very tangible way, their good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Oldfield, the latter formerly Miss Janet E. Livingstone of Glenelg, who for the past year has been teacher at Corâ€" betton school, where she made many warm friends. Mr and Mrs C. Oldfield Honored , | 282 Cpe on PC uge lison‘®" Glenelg Township, her ophosed, the Council pectfullt request any â€" inâ€" attend \the Council meet rday, 11th day of Novem:â€" the of 4 o‘clock p. e their \reasons for or proposed " A. MACUAIG, Reeve 23rd, 1922 NDTICE BORN Marion Ross Hazel Richardson games, contests +**+*+» T50 after a pleasant C in a lew| ch was seryâ€" S the evening | ) beautiful Japâ€" , a silver bake _oak china capnâ€" Mr. McMurchy, i and Urquhar: f the Presbyterâ€" : on behalf of and â€"friengs. the following Henderson $40.50 other â€" at The Variety Store Durham is an attractive and healtby town and geod accommedation can be ebtained at reesenable rates. DUREAM ENGEH The Echeo! m theroughly cquipped to take up the feliewing courses : REPAIRING All Kinds MACHINERY Farm Machinery, Cream Separâ€" ators, Guns and other small arâ€" ticles. All kinds Tools sharpenâ€" ed ; Saws, Axes, Scissors, Knives and other Cutlery, (Intr: "I love a Lassie," "Oâ€"h4â€"0," "Roamin‘ in the Gloamin," "She is My Daisy." Harry Thomas Trio Vaise Inspirationâ€"Waltz (Piano Solo) Harry Thomas has a wonderful tone, clear as a bell. Price $75. Come and hear it play Victor Re*ord No. 216367 (10â€"inâ€"85¢) Another Scotch and Sodaâ€"Fox Trot Machine Shop Long Evenings areHere Lots 13 and 14 Concession 2, N. D. R. Glenelg, 100 acres. Apply to Sarah Webber, and A. H. Jackson, 34tf _ Executors, James Webber estate Co., was married on Tuesday last to Miss Edwina Currey of Newmarket, daughter of Mr. Jno. Currey of that town and sister to Barrister‘ A. B. Currey of Durham. After the cereâ€" mony which took place at Newmarâ€" ket, the happy couple left on an exâ€" tended honeymoon trip. They will reside in Walkerton. Reg. Leicester Ram, two years old. Nine head of Nyearling Cattieâ€"Hereâ€" fords and Shorthorn cross. Also one Reg. Clyde Mare, five years old. W. M. GROAT, Holstein The happy couple left on thte aftâ€" ernoon train, G.T.R. for Toronto, the bride travelling in a navy tricotine suit. After their return they will take up residence on Elgin St., Durâ€" ham. ‘The Review also wishes to exâ€" tends to the young couple a happy and prosperous married life. Meekâ€"Currey Mr. Chas. Meek, BS.A., Ass‘t Ag ricultural Representative for Bruce Make them Short by Installing a Phonograph The bride who was given in marâ€" rlage by her father, and wore a siiver gray canton crepe dress and carried a shower boquet of roses. Only a few of the nearest friends and relatives were at the ceremony and these all sat down to a dainty wedding dinner. C. H. BANARD B. A., Principal _ A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hutton, Durham, on Wednesday, Oct. 18th, at 12 p. mf., when their only daughter, Irene Hazel, became the bride of Alfred W. Sharp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Sharp of Durham. The ceremony was performed by the bride‘s pastor, Rev. F. G. Hardy ot Trinity Church. The Concert Grand l- wo noo" " Machinist, etc. y opposite Post Office. PDarkhan Farm for Sale For Sale Hymeneal §4*¢#Â¥9%¢ t @#t##g@ h wear... T5cpergarment 2 #r 5 C, L. Grant + «k Yarn at 85c and $1 perib $ 4 Gray Flannel...55¢ peryd w «h Boys‘ Overalls...... 85¢ pr J B Men‘s fleeceâ€"lined Underâ€" * _ wear... $1 per garment e «* Boys‘ fleeceâ€"lined Underâ€" t w wear... T5cpergarment & t Children‘s SweaterCoats, W lp _ ............. 15010 175 ue z and checks.......... 563â€" Ladies Swede Gloves, * > ... T56, 1500; 125 pr ! Children‘s Swede Gloves $ Just Arrived ! 4 Semething New in t se e sin ui in# h o tb i t Every graduate of the last twelve months has promptly obtained emâ€" ployment. Enter any time. Write for catalogue . ai i ] PB Prepare for a Business Career D. MoPHAIL. Ceylon or to C. RAMAGE, (Durham 8@ Mr MyPasll bas a terephone in h‘s re dence in Ceylon. Licensed Auctioneer for Co, Grey Ferms, moderate Arrangements for sales a to dutos &0., must be made at the Review Gi tou 9t n conte» Cprgumetimne sddresars ere, or . 0., wi e prompt} y sttended 4o, l‘ez-muomlcnlon to DURHAM W.C, PICKERING D. D S., L Ds e o e e o e e l d HONOR GRADUATE of Torono. Univonit%. graduate of Royal Onllege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario Rooms Over J & J HUNTER‘S New Stopre Office and residence, corner Countess and Limbton, opposite old Post OMee Office Hours : 9 to 11 a. m., 1.30 to 4 q.. m., 7 to 9 p.m., Sundays and hureday afternoon excepted. OrriCE 2â€"5 Afternoon Houks: 7â€"8 Evenings a J. L. SMITH, M. B., M.C. P.S. DRS. JAMIESON & JAMIESON Â¥â€"11 a. m $â€"11 a. m 2 ~â€"4 p . 1â€"8 p. % Telephone Communication between Office an lddamflnl hours. J. G. HUTTON,.M.D.. C K o °* 1y opposite Registry Ofice, _ _ _ RESIDENCE : Second house sontn of Registry Office on east sige or Albert Bt. Aprons...... 50¢ and 90¢c House Dresses....$1, 1.50 Bkirt_lo_nct!u in stripes Residence : _ PRICEVILLE Telephone 2, .r 1â€"5, Bateen Dresses.....: $2.00 Chintz and Sateen We also have a large number of rurmltmmsowzooucmlorm. priced right. Good land and good buildings. If you want to buy a farm, write telling us what you require. ONTARIO FARM AcENCY, Palmerston, Ont. Town of Drayton 2 miles. This is one of the best farms in Wellington County and is priced right at $14,000. Half cash, balance at 5% per cent. It you are looking for a good home and a first class farm, see this. because our instruction is individâ€" ual. _ You are taught as fast as yon can learn at the ‘ Owen Seund, Ont. Catalogue free, A.Fleming, £.C.A. G. D. Fleming, Principal Secretary ® : Over J. P. Telford® 0 g%mfll’:’ Rogistry Olno.m-“' uen DR. 0. E. CARR, B. A. (Tor.) You can Begin any Day Yonge and Charles Sts., 'i‘orou‘o J. F.GRANT D. D.s. . _ MoPHAIL _ Member Oouoeon Physicians and Burgeone Office on Lambton St Except Sundays AM â€" AND â€" HANOVER Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. A. B. CUREEY W. J. Elliott, Princip oranches, di