Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Aug 1915, p. 1

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WWI“ int. " M US Concert “In." Wk}. “we is oath-ere " be . outntantrst mm toe tuned Pmcavlue ooscrtnt--W" concert yet held seems to be the verdiec, of ell who were privileged to attend. Miee Brown's patriotic selections were in excellent taste and rendered with a spirit and clear 'rruweiatiorutttat.te" nothing to be desired. "Belgium for. evel"_ and "Daddr's Girl," will not soon be forgotten but ell her nullbere were heartily applauded. Ir Fiddee' tenor wee simply tinat and he will be welcomed but to Primiue my time in the future Will New nieteke it be einge "the Little lrleh Oil-I." "Jolly Jack” or "The Bea-dud on the Brae: O' Mar" anin. He he en ex- eelleet voice under line eonttol. They trantt duettn also end with pipe leek: 3nd deneiog and e thet eke- ocean- paniet in Miee Irwie it wee ebrew niche. The new receipts were up 0Q Omen Pom-no I Gaunt-In.- The Dominion G eminent mun: teen positions to orthern Balines- Uollvge. Owen Sound, graduates, who [has the civil service nuinntiona In Mar and November. [in 3500 lo 912m Ambitious young on and wo- men, haying attended Big Ichool for ayear or more ought on , top»- these ruminations, Alter to in; our Commercial and Sleno'rnphl Cour-e for six or also! month. W its tor patrticularsto Northern Bin-in 00L loge. C. A. Flaming. Principnl or . D. Fleming. Secretory. Tall term open- ing Sept. lat. MORE Booarr.-Anottter Middangh House nizure took pine: on mum-do) list. Constable Arrowsmith in com- pany with Mr Pottigrew entered I room " the kitchen and removed a barrel on a piece ot linoleum, then re- Iuoved the linoleum and found some loose boards which in turn were re- moved revealing {our bottles of whip. key, a lot of empty Itrnw core" and two empty kegs. with sumcient liquid remaining in them to determine the mutants. The constable took chemo of the tind and there will likely he. sequel. House. _ -2 w.“ the quarter tune score and the 2nd period was the best played of the “Ame each side counting one. Durban scored 5 to l in each of the last quarters. Frank Doyle. Beer, or the o. A. L. A. refereed the game. EASY Wm FROM Bs"ra"ntrm.-tttto 5 In. the extent of Durban’s victory over Shelbnrne team last. Thursday, in a game that was clan. but devoid at nnythina specmular. or “citing. The Duthams bad too much on the visiton and always held such a cute lend that enthusiasm was dink-It to nail ”0:.de M21933 an! A unusual: Chan. Proctor, while phking berries out of the Ce. ment Works on Monday, In startled by lacing s but. Bruin I... "arttod too and made " and Iron: the lit. of him Mr Prortor thinks it man have been an old one. " our hunters with their dogs could make . capture. it would relieve the tuxiety of ind for young heir] pickers. Cum-v Ite.rtrnv.- The storm of wind and ruin of Tuesday In: Ina almost. or calamitous propel nous. having not on- ly hurt hay and cut guin but levellad sunning grain and corn beyond recov- ery in acme instances. [larva-mfg wilt he made more dilicun and ttilintt will be imperfect. Fruit Alto anlered. The MI of rain in Toronto, 4 E Inc-bu. beats all "cords. Out of the an recruits from Durham to no to Shaun Camp hot. WOEK, three were accepted. namely, Ernest J. Mthrr, Alex . Roll. George Lloyd. They are in the 76th Muslim). This was he. Llordu fourth Attempt to jam the colors And " friend. are gland to see him auccoulul M. lust. thuugh no one is more planned than Ueortte himselt. The Entrance to Funny results no crnlly published eontained the lumen " Mina Alix Edna for Part t and “in In. men... of Pricevillo tor Part n, taking honor standing. Min Edna Ferguson, Paireville. secured Parr I of her In eertiticate, The Dornoch Branch of the Wo. men‘- Ittetitate will meet. " the home of IriiAIu Cumpboll, Welbeck. Aug. Nth, 1915, at 2 an. All Indie. no cor- dially Invited to “tend. Como pre- pared to annul- the roll all by diner- ont use. of “It. Corttrarr to announce-out mule in the Presbyterian church Sunday mqrn iattr, than will be no change in the Denim-cu to be held in that. church next Sunday. Rev. Mr Thynne, of Palm- erslon, will preach morning and even- I in“. I MOW-Bow" Coy] Sunday,...my.m 'e either at Review Pricevmg Barber Elm Fog; . Paw-Y. -ckar' .. _.> yam ' a tiilliiiiti W‘BGL-u‘ iiisillliiiis)8lrfet Ceylon Ind Durham I 's nineout. Leave co. Durham, or at iitVaOiF.' 'iriiAiiiirr mid Fort Win nun, Btu-ytttri.lVrrrett lupin‘Jl‘i: an 'connocuol' “in Dliirtieuuy from Canadian mine Ticket man. or write M. G. Murphy. District PM“ “out. Tom-h. Candi-In Paetth, Pnlntlal Great Lake- Stemshipo leave Port news» all, Honda”. Tuna-ya, Tti,"ttt Quay-gigs ond Atuirdart _o; It!!!” ”anon. Durban, Rev. Dr Marsh, Hot. stein t Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor. Brampton t Rev. Dr. Fuquhanon, Agincourt l The: Allan, at present in Toronto t H. H. Miller Hanover . Rev. H. Berry. linming . B. A. dame, Chicogo . Mrs o, H. ireriis,' Toronto I Mr Oo 'diiriidiii, 0. Sound I Mr Thou Column. London. Mr * Mrs W [some Toronto, Min Belle Smith Hamilton, Milo E. Slurp, Holstein. Mrs. (an) Matheson, Wsittnasttene, The funny desire to thank all friends for Assistance and sympathy durirttrttys dark hours of thet bemu- nont. and time. l AN APOSTROPHE. For thee. sweet meld, Lifer striies end one- no ONr, Bor us who linger. struggles Mill rennin. Wilt thou not sometimes sweetly o'er in hunt And In“. u: think that thou art here Bguin, Thy voicel sweet mold to saared song we: given. A "ring ot Ions veiled ever trom thy face, Now, thou In numbered withthe choirs of Haven Singing. with meals. at redeeming grace. Thy incline”. sweet mold. with us will our user Even on we how beneath the christening rod ; Yet will thy life to us. be in . "our. hinting to Duty and beckoning us to God. Thy work and worth, sweet maid. need no re. lating. [he "ae,", wu blessed in which thou out I l 0. lo we go forward but not with and heart break me. We'll strive to meet thee on the other ride. From Swinton Park and Holstein to Durham, from Priceville to Hampden come friends, from Holstein came Messrs D. Coleridge. L. B. N ichoison. J R Ptuip and their respective wives, anno Brown and three daughters, Mr [harem Mun. From Durham Mr. and rs. Abraham. Mean 0 L Grant. ohn Kelly Bohr Burnett, W. J. Mr. adden, John McGowan. W J. Young. John Adams. John Snell. Nell MeCan. nel. In. J. Burgess. Mrs P. Reid. Mr. and Mrs C hmnnennd family. From Normanhy came Mr and Mrs. Jae. Mather, Mr. and line PM! Mr. and i In John Morice, Mr. anti hrs. Wm. l Grunt. Mr Arthur Coleridge, son of Win. " present visiting his grand- mother. Mrs John Reid near Holstein, In 5100 present " the lunerul of his 00min. In. R. P Lento and familv of Fleeherton also attended her niece‘s “new nod Capt. Snider. Hanover. come the 20 miles tp sympathize wnth hie old military chum, Intten Ind expressions ot sympa- thy hygcogne triyn w. y. M, Bii:tr- Sonatina: in - and song. Now when we meet, this one we greet Never again in our throng." The Pall bearers, all members of the choir. were Geo. Lothian. Wallace and Murray Findlay. Wilfrid Brag- kt', Edgar Renwick. Jae. Bunaton. he casket was more than covered with flowers, train so many friends that a list of donors could not be se. cured. Notable among them was a harp. the offering of the choir and also beautiful wreaths and sprays trom Mr and Mrs. Edward Ramnge. Toronto, and Miss Agnes Ramona and from Mr Jae. Coleridge and Miss B. A, Ooler. idge. VI of Toronto and who were all present. Amongst the Boral offerings was laid the following versitied trib- ute which is published by request I seen. Under the direction of Under, taker McMillan everything was done orderly, the choir meanwhile render- ing "Gone to the grave is our loved one." The vacant chair of deceased. in their midst and suitably draped. added impressivenese to the scene. In word» neyer more appropriate they can: t "at: We have mingled together The hymns chosen were appropriate and few more solemn and lengthy processions passed the bier to take a last loot, “3 the slgeperl hare, been Ree B. M. Smith, her pester conduc- ted A brief aervtce At the home, speak- ing with evident emotion and the cortege left for the church which was more than tilled with sympathetic friends of the deueusvd. The speaker took his text from Iuiah, “Comfort C; comfort ye, my people saith the 0rd," and preached a comforting sermon for the bereaved ones, while for the living he pointed out the ne- cessity of preparation. We regret our "NM.'e wall not permit reference to many features of the address which showed abounding promises tor every situa- tion oflite. He was plainly deeply moved by the pathos of the situation and the church was fllled to ormfiow- ing with a sympathetic people. The remains of the Ute. Mary Rn.- Ige were interred on Friday last in the family plot. in Amos Church cern- artery, near Dromore. The tragic nat- ure of her taking " can a gloom m " the community where she was well known and popular and the funeral was a remarkable demonstration of interest And sympathy, it being ecli- lnnted that over 200 rigs Were in the procession. l Word was received in town this Thun- day morning that Arthur.Black, ton of Peter Black. near Varner, had died in St Marys from injuries received in an accident on Wednesday. Deceased wu employed in the St Mary's Cement plant and was on duty when the mishap occurred. Details are lacking. The remains are being brought to Durham thin Thursday evening. . The Mayor ha ulled a meeting in Town Hull on Friday night to In" the ViOWI of the ntepsyon on the lo- cation of the sub nation for the Hydro Electric service. Five Sailings Weekly Fatal Accident in St Mary's iiht B tttttttttt Review. Laid to Rest. Re Sub Station The REVIEW to New. Subscribers to January Isa" for only Forty cents. no The following night we got quite c scare. One of the fellows bend sounds at irielring, which he judged originated beneath his dugout. Ot course we jumped to the conclusion that the Gel-mum had drawn cup bound: our trench and we began to wonder jun how hifh “wanton! com of dyncmite won d blow " Be. tore long it I” dimvarod that the .coondo originated hon on. at our The iirst night we were in here our engineers. exploded a couple of mines to amuh up a up the Germans were driving towards our parapet. Al. though we were About three hundred ylrda from the explosion, the ground underneuh rocked like u cruzy canoe. Our tranche: imttteditrtaty opposite the explosion were» showman with Gannon barb wire eat-uglemonu 5nd and bugs. The trenches we are at present holdmg seem to be very quiet. ol though there is a lot of sunning and it is not healthy to expose yourself my more than you eon help. There has been nothing doing in this line for some time, but new that the Cana- dilnl on holding it, the Germans will no doubt stir up trouble ot some kind or other. Milton Mulls phoned me the other day and told me the Durham papers had me labelled a prisoner of war. Am pleased to say I am not yet re.. duced to a diet of sauer knot and limberger cheese and hope not to be so long as we can get bully beef and Tieklers jam on this side of the lines. Between the two evil diets Idon't know which I would choose, butI certainly prefer to be on the English side at the parapet. Milton is a IM-- naller in the tenth battery and some way or other happened to run across one of out stations last week and called me up. [The following letter was re- ceived on Saturday by Peter Ramage from Jae. Farquharson. " Somewhere in Belgium," at present, but looking forward to a holidar--Ed.] Vera Campbell Walter Hustle. No. " Egremont Rubens. Pimps. No, 10 Egremont Mildred Scott, No. 13 Egremont AYTON Lillian Kenna (H), Noah Oebm, Clarence Robinson, Madeline Troy, Della Werner, Band Widmeyer, NEUSTADT Guenlher Brackehusch, George Karl Gertie Lippert, Nelson Martin, Allen Hahn. PRICEVILLB Alfred Butler, Magdalene Butler. Bobs Meads, Hobs MacKinnon, Gordon McArthur, Alex Smith. Mu_riiel Spica, Violet Watson, Carrie Grierwn. Aberdeen Marie Haslett. Aberdeen Gorman Johnston, No 3, Bentlnck Myrtle Koch. (H) Durham Stir-ling Lamb, Aberdeen George Langrill, Durham Jemina Lawrence, (H) Durham Slb)l M. Lawrence. Hutton Hill Ruth Ledingham, No. 3, Bent. & Glen Audrey Livingston. Durham Meryl Livingston, (H) Durham Daniel McArthur, No l, Glenelg Marion McArthur, 4 Glen.. Town’d L. Stella McCrae, (U) Durham Florence McFarlane, No. I, Glenelg Clarence McGirr. (H) Durham Edna Mcllvride. Varney Jack McKechnie, Durham M itlhew McKeown, No l, Glenelg Elsie May McLean, (H) l Janie McLear, Durham l Kate McNally, N03. Glenelg Donald McQueen. Durham Isabelle McQuarrie, Aberdeen Annie Morrison. (H) No. 3, Bent. a GI. Wilfred Peter, No. II Nor'by, (Blyth’s) James Rutherford (H) Durham Raymond Search. Durham Evelyn Sharp. Hutton Hill Harold Sharp (H) Durham Ruby Smith, No, 3 Bent. a Glen. Willet Snell. Durham Etta Twamlay, No. 6 Bentinee George Vaeey, Dornoch Separate Sch. Joe Whitchurch, Durham Dorrie Whiteford, (H) Ethel Whitmore, Durham George Willis me. Nd B. Gknelg Ethel B. Young The following is the list of the me- _ cessful candidates in the recent exam- I inatinn- for Entrance into the High l Schools at the centres named below, For a pain. 40 per cent waerequlred on each aulJect and a) per cent of the to- tal or 390 marks. These receiving Honour Standing“ indicated by (H) be. low, ohlained ttt least a total of 486 m irks. The cards containing the mark, of the unsuccessful candidates will be sent out as soon as possible. DURHAM Mug. Jane Adlum No. 3, Bent. Edna Browning (H) Durham Ruby Ctuson, Durham Ralph Canon. Duthnm Joaeph Edwards. No. ',Gleuelg Annie u. Graham, (E) Duihnm [ Junior High School Undermining the Germans ----_.i------ DROMORE Trenchel, July 13,1915 _ DURHAM, THURSDAY, AUGUST li, 1915 Entrance Results Bi.ETj:'FAl, With which 'trurleeeroratu the low. Leader Council met Monday night and had an important session. Some discussion took place over an account of $17.00 from Crown Attorney Dyre for services in recent liquor case. The Reeve object. ed to the way in which he had been sc- cured which was by the constable, and made it plain that the mayor's sanction must ftrat be obtained. Coon. Saunders thought the Reeve was likely right but under the circumstances thought the account should be passed without un. due discussion as the constable had ac- ted as he thought under the by.law. The account was passed. A letter was read from a leading Hr dro otBeial in which he favored placing the sub-station at the old market ground. The whole question will come up at Friday night's meeting. 1 DRUG Busmess SOLD-W. Calder has sold the Central Drug Store Busi- ness to Geo. B. Dingman of Stratford. The new proprietor takes possession immediately and the store will be open for business on Saturday morning. Mr J. A. Darling will continue on with Mr. Dingman. The old nyals in sport. Durham and Hanover will cross sticks in lacrosse here on Friday afternoon. Aug.6,-. their iitat meeting ot the senson. The last. two games here have been easy weal wins, but Hmover will doubt- lessgive them a much harder tussle. Flesherton High School passed 18 oat of 82 students writing on the Low- er School Entrance to Normal Exam, Hope everything is O. Ir, in Dur- ham. I suppose they had the usual telebration for the Orangemen yester- any. We expect to be relieved to-night and Mt hope to have a week’s rest ahead of us. We shell the probably have I bud much to-night to billet. bat it In worth it for thte reek Had an in“ of rum thin more]. ' " everyone is cheerful. Wonderful how a little rum help: u follow one in the early hours. The lempernee advo- cates in England who started the agi- tation to atop the inns of rum us not r:.rpreeiated here. They may here good intention» but let them tnke I. turn m 1 much It! 1heir opinion- on the subject would undergo a rapid change. It’s easy to preuh from a. m‘mforteble pulpit, bat It's harder to practice what you preoch when you are up against it u we sometimes are. We Ire in Belgium It present. in when was it picturesque pert of the country before the terms were de. stroyed by shell fir. end the land dig. figured by trenches. Just behind our position is n large wood: belonging, I believe. to one of the estates ot King Albert of Belgium, Coming through the woods we new I number of grave- yards which were especlnlly well cared for. There were nlrendy several Canadian graves which were dieting-l uiehed by a meple leaf painted on the‘ erase. THE 'iiriji1ifsiiirofriiif"iiANx I hope to like I trip to England some time this summer, as puss- us being given to the original members of the battalion und my turn should come in a couple of months. They are letting six go each week. so al.. though there are very few of the orig- inal bunch left, it will like sometime to let them all have In". won the D, S. o, do dld Mojor " Cnig. about whom the pupal made so much fuse. We also have one V. 0. although the chop who won u no killed at Yproa. Than Capt. Jef- fery, formerly our battalion Sergt. Major. was award“ the militory crou for brown-y at Yprou. Our regiment bu menegui to pu " quite I few honors. On our: Ptndi.yr aging. Pic-t. Col. Loomis, 1:. U nforthhiil; aGi"G"ii'ii'iii2" menu Arrived the Gamma Ind au. appeared. their post, in batman the trench", the] - n Gonna pure]. They stood pit uni not but to our trench for roinforumontlg hoping to ur- nning le Iree [aground ppm“ Mir A Immune tratmrtiean No 8 com- pany Ind gun. a “patience Int night. Poi.tiry_ the; went out to on working pinks, no we wan to sleep in pout. Your fnend, town Council DURHAM BRANCH, b, [an " il in” J III M. FARQUéAnsox tptr dSaved is Money M8X . Never Defer Saving, but an oe',' a Savings Account to. IV- Van. - We golioit your account in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 'rh0,B,CofNnking ASMrrSovER8qtuttttt,mtt if The new regnlptions permit a man from 18 to 30 years ot age who is only 5 ft. 2 inches high and tttur a. cheat tmmaurement of 35 inches to enlill, ex- cept in the cm of artillery men. Men over 80 your: and under 45 years will be accepted on the old requirements. l Though the appeal for men is ever l becoming more urgent, some diMeulty ‘is oxpectedis expected in making up the latest quota of titty, but the It-e cent change in the requirements. Which will permit manv, who have hitherto been rejected, to qualify. will no doubt facilitate recruiting. Under the old regulation fully two-thirds of those offering themseryes were turned turned down by the medical examiner. And apparently the regulations have been more closely adhered to than formerly, for in the leer. quota. which left for Niagara. on Thursday only 29 out of 130 who offered were found physically fit. Since the opening of the war fully 1600 men have elk-red themeelveeln Grey County and only goo have gone forward. Lieut..Uol. W. N, Chisholm of the an: Regiment has leceived iantruet. ions to recruit another flftr men from Grey County, The values! was re- ceived last Friday and resulting has already commenced in Owen: Sound. Over 1500 have Offered Mr and Mrs Jae, Rolley of Lswrenec, Mom., motored here last Saturday to visit their cousin, Mrs. And. Marshall and other relatives. A family re-uu- ion of all the relations was held at be: home Tuesday evening. Mr Roller is a tine specimen of the successful Scotchman in the U. S.huving accum- ulated quite a. competence and is held in great respect by his fellow Citizens. Mrs. Robt. Isaac is visiting her pur- enta. Mr and Mrs Patton, near amn- ton Park. Mr. J. H. UoIeridge uni Miss B, A. Feridste of Toronto are visiting relu- tives in Durham and Egremunt [his week. Mr and Mrs Edward Ramagc of Tow. onto visited over the week and at Mr. U. Ramage’s. Min Irene. Lstimer is home from Owen Sound for the boiiday-s.; Mr Finch of Toronto wnangueb; ovenhe holiday of his relatinmthe lines; families. Miss Mary lcQuet-n is I gnu-t If the line. Hamilton of Holamin. Mr and Mr: Fred Glass and children of Eugenia, Visited his brother Will Tuesday and are. now holidaying in Toronto. Mr Ed. Jacob is spending a kw ddVB in Stanford this week, Miss Kate Fillh is visiting with rel. atives in Oranzeyille this week. Miss Helen Ireland, of Toronto, has been successtul in passing her inter. mediate pianofotts examination at Toronto Conservatory of Music. Mrs Wm. Gadd returned to town on Tuesday aftrr visiting relatiyes in To. ronLo and seeing her son Will, who has enlisted in a regiment stationed at Kingston and will leave shortly for Bermuda. Mrs Alex Russell, of Toronto, is a guest or friends in town. Mrs Thou. Dnniell ucderwent an operation for cancer in Perttt" Respi- tal lent week.' She is improving slaw- ly. Mr Will Armour, of Toronto. culled on Mr R. A. Lawson’s en mute motor- mg to Mcnfoni on Saturday, Mrs Bond, of Toronto. is winning her mother, Mrs Geo. Wilaott,fora few weeks. Mica Easel Laidlaw is home from Toronto for a few weeks’ visit. Mr And Mr: Ian. Wluon. of North Eat Nomsnby. left Monday to cum: three weeks with their sons in Detroit, near the city, Misc Clara Aljoe is Visiting her mum Mm B. Crowther, in Chauworth this week. Mrs Johnston Graham has returned from visiting Owen Bound friends. Only 500 Accepted TORONTO Notice in her y given that undw the new Electrl Light service L, (1 until the install“! of the Hydro. all residence lights wi be charged It the Nile of $2.00 per nouns, business lights 93.00 per mnu . Junta LLO , Chairman, Fire a L ht Committee T‘wn of Durham J ' 1915. Tuesedar's rain was the worst fora long time. Crops are badly down and myh haying to do yet. Rev. Mr Scobie, of Maxwell, preached with acceptance here on Sundny last. In spite of bad weather, all roads led to PrieeviO on Chic Holiday. The cause wail good and , fine crowd gathered. See page 5. Sorry to hear of sudden death of Miss Mary Ramege and to the family we extend condolence in the loss of their faithful daughi -r in the bloom of youth. She often accompanied her father to church entertainments here and assisted with her musical talents. Editor Mortimer, BUlburne took in Civic Holiday sports. " "W-"" --- ~--‘-‘~.H - 8th. Mr Dan McInnea. Toronto, is spending a few days among old old friends at Bunossan and Priceville. All glad to see him especially those with whom he faiihtully labored in church mat.. ters. Rev. Mr Matheson will occupy his own pulpit on Sunday, Aug. DAL Messrs Geo., Mitchell and MASH J Par Walker, Toronto, were gtu-sts of friends here over Civic holiday, also Mr and Mrs John G caham and funny. Durham, Mr and Mrs Neil McCannel, tsx-Coum. eiilor, R. Lindsay and many om- ers. Mrs McPherson, Toronto, is visiting at her sister's. Mrs Neil Mr‘Cannel, of Durham, and will be among relatives here next week. fricidts her; Miss Jennie Cameron. Toronto, Is spending a few weeks with Miss Bertha McIntyre and Ihss Thompson, Toronto, were visiting the farmer's old home st hot uncle's. Mr Norman Me] *1- ty p., South Line, and returned on Jrd inst. Miss Alice M_eDoutrtul, of To- rr :to. visited friends' on the 8. Lin, for two days. I Prom a budget received as we’re looking up, we cull the fol- lowing " PRICEVILLI AND LIMITS . F. MORLOCK I Call and see them-get your and choice. We are offerisg the greatest values in Ladies' Waists ever offered. 3 dozen Embroidered Lawn Waists must be sold, reg. 1.25 and 50e 1.50for........... '...... Extraordinary G o o d Values in Ladies' Wa i sts The. Store of Hones. Value Public Notice may: HAW... 7" MM Wail! I. 01.00 In... M. ditAMagN, & “Wimp-n. Good going Linux; 27. 28 mi 2k Denim limit Sept. G, It 5 Putlculru from Cm. In“. fir Agents or When M. I. 31mph l , Panama Au ant. Toronto. R. MagPatitrte, Agent, Darin-m To vuious points in Quatr, J, N Brunswick, Nova Semis, Ne, foundland, Prince Ed aura 1:131 Good goinr Aug. 13, 14, Ili, In Return Limit Aug. 31, 1915 “Wll " - claim cut r Slice. etc. De n't die in thr Itoa . and 25c A. Drug nod Country 5.0..- Durham 4 Granville 3 o. Sound 3 Mover 3 Dundalk 2 Shelbnme l District No. I Standing, 0.A.l.. ltr and 24:5 Bob Bahama!) Mr In War l'uuler And Willie nah to Fat-owl! Sunday not! vicin- D. IcLBIIaI'I. Iris Men»! dat A;'.‘I t Dir-Paul ot lubed, Mm. 'k Caldwell and Vlddlo of Dart In J. Corral, and Huryfrom was: spent. I. w Wain-day am!" tnd owning " W. T. Pindo: .. Imus Mary Doulu and In 11 Hill are wading their hem-w: their t, 2lrirttt more. I Hula; in m thue of the p--.~ ' when acting is low in was. , In Win-Io Caldwell loft If ad tor her home in tho want. In Jno Collin. and two at". of I’d-out] viaitad a for a ' In: week n In Won‘t Includirx Kundmnkp'nt. -‘1rtl Id Orchard, etc. To “All! PESOIT.“ Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Guinea yet to phy Aug. 6-Hanovcr " Durham Aug il-ttu ndalk at Owen b: und Aug. it-Durham at Oran, emu Aug. IF-Hanover at Shelbuuc Aug. ttr--Snclburrte at Orangevili Aug. go-Durham at Hanover Aug. 20-me Sound at Dundalk Aug. 2lV-0tangevi1le at Hano- . Aug. 2S-Shelburne at Dunda? Aug. SF-owen Sound at Du. La” Aug. 80-Uvatdalk " Orangex ille but $2215le EX‘JURSECNS 'en‘ Rice visited on t' S n we! triernd Mias t 81019“ souls won lost to plsr tor aw: , Ct to at " 2t In "

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