Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 3 Jun 1915, p. 4

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Feed Feed Feed Food.- hGit that we we selling in ton 1otaathrltmdnttrruer. Aauerunne-ertetta.-...--..-r1o6f! otuttunesnfreed,rerton....--3N8 Special prices in over five ton Iota If you want good heavy mixed feed, try our ‘Chicftain Corn Feed " It gives good satisfaction. We are paying 60c for Oats at our Elevator nouns: My " Night , 26 The Rob Roy Cere al Mills Co. oatmeal Mills. Durham 500 tons of No CMixed Chop WHEAT AND BARLEY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop The first thing to think about is a stove with which to cook. Of course you want to do the best cooking you pos- sibly can do. One element lie. in knowing how to prepare the food: the other element lies in the supreme importance of having a New Perfection Oil Cook Stove We want to tell you what others tell us, that there is no other Gas stove made which gives anywhere near the universal satisfaction. We want you to see these for yuuruelf. Gifts for the June Bride We have a well assorted stock of Silverware and Cut Glass of the finegt quality, which makes very acceptable Wedding Presents and the prices are right. Have a look at our north window before you decide what to give. We also have Nickel Lamps, Brass Hanging Lamps and Fancy Parlor Lamps. Give us a call and the problem is solved. Large Quantity of No. I F.eeling...riy Sovereign, Eclipse and ?astrt. [flour All kinds of grain bought at market price. l on Flour and Feed in ton lots. tt."t John McGowan THE) RED THE CITY BAKERY Highest prices for has Ind Rtrgs. any then here. We have e Fuel: and verled nook of the choice-t Groceries. Greases. Lemons. Peels. Dem. New. Candies of .u Made. end everything required tor the Halide y feedviziee. Our prleee will suit your puree. Give III a all. Headquarters for Confectionery and all Bakery goods Your Holiday Groceries, Fruits and Confections The Prospective June Bride for turning out all kinds of Commer- cial and Job Printing. Give us a trial. Y. M" , gtodymeh of Corn led Gyoupd CRIMPED OATS for horse Feed at Fairptices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates THE PE0PLE'S MILLS REVIEW is well. equipped Fresis and Clein, the very best. See this tiay before purchasing elsewhere. It will pay you. Eve:y Bag gdruneaed. If not as tisfactor? bring 1t back and get your money. The Red Front Hardware . BLACK . A ROWE Special Reduction my bor 'if' 'v'iiii'uriGG, Seen sunk in British waters, withloas of life, but not so serious as at first ex- The reply of Germany to the United States note is not satisfac- tory and it ignores certain points altogether. It claims the Lusi- tania carried concealed guns, which is positively denied and had stores of ammunition, which is admitted. Also it declares Canadian troops were aboard, a complete fabrication. The reply is got up for consumption in Ger- many, papers being ordered to oublish it, while they were for- hidden to publish the Wilson pro- test. It is quite possible the States may order severance of diplomatic relations. The retirement of First Sea Lord Fisher and elevation of Sir Henry Jackson to the position, is, it is reported, restoring con- fidenee in the Navy. Italy is winning victories in two directions against Austria and her movements betoken thor- ough preparation. An Austrian Hydro-aeroplane has been cap- tured, as well as some minor towns. Trent and Trieste are the big objectives in the meantime. Bulgaria and Roumania may be in the fray any day-and they may not. Pzremysl is almost surrounded by enemy forces, but Russia has stayed the dr.ve and may yet turn defeat into victory. Trench by trench is being won by the Allies in France and Flan- ders and Ypres is still uncaptur- ed. J effre keeps " nibbling," though popular feeling is wonder- ing why bigger bites are not ta- ken at a time when the main Ger- man offensive is dealing with Russia and Italy. The London Times and many lesser lights are urging conserip- tion in Britain. " It is a shame for any man of war age to be do- ing work a woman can do " says one paper. The purpose of the new government seems to be to organize the whole nation either as soldiers at the front or work- ers to supply them with food and munitions. John Bull is gritting his teeth, thoroughly waked up. Since last issue, guite Greater activity is also expect- ed in Canada and all volunteers who have had some training may be asked to enter for more serious work. Purgunnt -to adjournment council met " special meeting for passing of by laws and general business. she,rell-Lunrsey--That the Coun- oil grant the HriirtrEleetrie Railwuy right of way for construction of power line on Gsrafran Road from southern boundary of Bennnok to corporation of Town at Durum.--arned. Turnbull ... Shows-11 - That. Ed. Boyce be pod $6.00 for sheep wor- ried by dogs am It Twamley $1.00 tor Inspecting sheep.~ Carried. "riGiaiLkssww--'iuat Bylaw No 5, 1915. for the purpose clean aol- idaung the By-iawa oi Township ot Bentinck be read a tirgt time. fr .1st No 5 Has vsd a let. tune. Lanner-ahaiidst1uc, By..luw No c, receive the second readmg. seuinidt-.-1'urrom-Uat 'l' Reay be paid $1.25 tor one day shave-12mg on rmui,--Orried. ___ ., . By-Us No c, wu read a second time. - _ sistunidt--Iutnbull---Tbst Brlaw No 5 receive the third reading. fintslly psssed and sigred by we wave and clerk. tibewell--SArr,id" - That Br-hor No 5 being fit t lly passed and duly signed tlse Clsrk la {ML-r" zed Lobave a number of “piss Pi mud by the l ogt Mining o F ve for the use Ot the otticerg and taueyryus of Municipal it , Itanner--rrar rnul--.IUt clerk up on receiving copies of bylaw mull distribute to the different oMtstsrs one or more 00pm. and that ratepeyerl on epphcuiou may receive one copy etch and that person: receiving no! copies Ibell preserve for future reference. Miss Belle Firth visited last week at her sister's, Mrs T. Moore of McWilliams. t'iha,ril--Tyrtrtlttsl1--TUt council do now Idjourn to meet " I Court at Reyxsion on Thursday, May 27th, at 9 o‘clock, Mr H. Hunt's, of Vickers, itt oline sawing outfit is to- y. Tuesday, working at Mr Arthur Greenwood’s. - - Edge Hill Beef Ring starts on 9th June. We think it is the oldest ring in these parts. A number from around here attended the concert at the Tp. Hall and repel-c a good crowd, ex- cellent order and a good program, Mr R. T. Edwards purchasing the quilt at $6. “lush on Int!” clears out Rate, M1ee,'iete. Doet't die In tht House. m an! tBe u on: and Odom?) SW99. ri) law No 5 we read a. 3rd time. 31.50 per year. 81 oo it mid in .itiee. ilhsrtetttt 3mm BE NTINCK COUNCIL JUNE 3. 1915 War Notes EDGE HILL .0..- THE DURHAM REVIEW a num- [The followlng ooze and clever nir- ring poetry " "ttt an by Ir. J. w. Greenwood, student minions?! in Norman: Ontario, well known in Durham. Ila Boodle McDonald should write moto.--.) Sometimes the conception of the south he- heen that the talent of the north, especially that upon some of the heck minion leak. is very limited. l In dome respect: this idea in correct. However In my experience in the north, I was ensued tofirrd a young girl possessing genius to write the en- closed poem. In a sense. I felt myself complimented to he one of the class deserving at those thoughts from the pen of such a one '. . Awaynp north, where the steel smite iriniU, Where the f1shealeap and the wood- vhuck mines. Where the pinetreas rock and the bills around Are laughing buck each wild-wood sound q That'a where I‘ve wandered-doth know how, Now I'm here I‘ll raise no row, Guess Nature wllisued, and I cnme on TI" lettuck thurttrt of bush and stone- Awny up North 1 I'm glad I came, I hate 3 land whvre thing: Ire tone, Sire me a. land you have to win, Ahutd where you work and fight like sin ; _ - I Give me this, and I’ll ask no more, . Lat me forget my heart is sore! ', Herr l'll forget it, I know 1 will. Forget it '. whispers hill to hill. Give me a. something you havetodaue. A trail that leads to dear knows where', That‘s what i naked. I found it here " Lhis tar [and of hunted deer, Give me this, and I'll plsy the man. I'm not, afraid of a coat of tan,-- No pretty girl and than for me, But. a broad outlook on things that be. Give me a purpose and let me work, Guess you may trust, that l'0 not Shirk. - $il,ve me a life on the lonesome wM, Give me to tGture--i'tu her child. Give me a chap whose heart is clean, Nothing about him sma|l or mean l Ghe me him, and I’ll call him friend, 6. Chum it " up to the long trail end. Give me someciuws the silent. night, Give me battle and let me fight; but, me be strong in body and soul, " Never it quittei- " attain the goal, Uise me the night and the peeping suns, Let n. e have ll qrn--ttature'ts nib. No v I'll stun! it -douirle shift. Giso It]? only a tiglrting chance. Nut urt- an pipvr rmd l'lt dance; Give me a uol,le air: and hope. And l'il dare life's 1"iri"tt slope 2 Ma; k the way. ru try t 9 test, Wbem i 's (.Vr'Y, kl" me rest. No pretty girl an " wind cigar. But a brand octlr wk on thingu that. are 0eran by Rios sine MacDonald, on tie Info. " ilte .tadent missionary, J. W, G "et-tis', mil, m Northern On. tam". Drum! BMW ind Jet... May 17th. Executors' Notice to Creditors In the matter of Me estate of Mrs Rob- ina Roberta-(m. late ofthe village of Priceville. (owns/tip of Artenieaid. in the {bunt}; of G'r'ey, widow, de. ceased, .. NOTICE is lwrtby given pursuant. to the “wind mamas of Ontario, 1915, chaptm ler, section Mi, and amending acts that all the creditors and gun-r pvlums having any claims or demands "gamst, the estate of the above named. a!” Robina Robertson. deceameit, who died no or uhounhc 1th day of Any, 1914, A. D., are re- Turrd (In or lefurv Lhe Och day of um. 1915'). Lu send by post m to he de. livewd to Wjusu, Chisholm. Lion's Bend Pm: Ott'tcc, Ontario. the exec-u (or cf the cums vi Ibo mid deceased. Lin-Ir full " mm and sulrrssee, togeth- er wuh full path-ulna of their chums n wziuug and mu mime of the securv ity it any [mu hy ttg, m, duty verified by statutory d tlarisbuttt. And Notice is hm " fun her given that after the mud 9m day of June, 1915, the said exclulnr will proceed to distribute the hurls " the said de- ceruwd among tre " Allies entitled thereto. havmg A: tard only to the claims of whim l V. will then have had t1ccice and the sum exw‘cuinr w.ll nut be hub]..- for the , all asvels or suy part the-led, to any person or persons ot wuoue claims he etaall not have te- ceived notice at the time of such dis- tribution, Dated this 4th day of May, 1015. WILLIAM CHISHQLM. Funny. has 2, 1915. Jirioarperuwt.-. ... 370tot50 Oatmealper sacs ... 4 00 4.00 Chopper cwt........ 170to200 Buckwheat.......... 70to 75 FullWheat.......,... l40tol 45 'ttr/tlt.".".'.'.:.:.:-. '.40tol 45 Oats, 'tsed............. 55 to 60 9am. milling.......... " li? P. 'Iii,), Barley............... 65 to TU Butter................ 2lto 22 Eggs IT to 18 Pontoon per bar. .... 40 to 60 B-dim.,..........,. um Beef.dreued........ 1200tol300 Hogs.liva,fob..... 980 Bay, per ton...... .... 1600to2100 List has been caudally "wired, MEN OF THE NORTH Durham Markets. Genus! c1953.! Time 1f.ttfl? Particulars from C. P, R. Ticket Agents or write I G Murphy. D, P. A., cor Ktutt & Yul as an. Titritnto. Whom, Agent, Darkl- Polnt-au-Barll 8mm Rim- Prench and Pickerel Rivers Muskoka Lakes Ridean Lakes Lake Ontario Resorts ldealVacation Route Conveniently "Aching LG/N Head P. od. Bruce 00.. Ontario. TORONTO The Baseball Club have started practice tor “other chance to meet the “me parties they played last year. We hope they will have as good success as then. i Remember the Institute on June 9. It will be held at Miss Skene’s. Mrs Parke is the new President. We know she will till the position well. Let us have a hall meeting. S. S. No. 3. B. & 9. Ir. tttt - Annie Morrison, Ruby Smith, Bob Hartley. Ruth Ledingblm Sr 3. d-- Annie MLGlllivrny, Mary Mor- riaon. Peter Ledmghsm, Maurice Smith. Jr. 8rd-.-tnorence' Benton. Howard Smith & John Morrison eq.. George Gibson. Sr 2od-Sumley Led- inahnm. Katie Morrison. Hattie Mort. ley- J r 2nd- Penn! Mortley. Esther. lne Bay. tir, I-Annie Schafer, Julio _ Braun, Jr I-Allie Smith, Dorothy l Schafer, Maggie Ray, Edward Melosh, I Primer-Mary Melosh, A D McIntyre. A 'iiiLsCai'u,iie' sihuer, Myrtle Manley. Clark Molrison. B. REID. Teacher Doasocu SEPARATE SCHOOL Entrance trltua-G'eotge Vasey. Sr. 3rd-Rosm Park, Jus Coffey, Hugh Vaser. S: 2ad--kathleen BulliVan, Mayme Sullivan. Maurice Vuey. Jr. 2nd--J. T. Sullivan. John Matthews. Pt 2ad--Eva McArtney. Miriam Pate, Nora Sullivan. Primer -Margaret Vasey. Patsy Matthews, Alice Sulli- van. No. 4, GLENELG. (Townaend‘a Lake) 4th-- Marion McArthur, Jean Me. Arthur, Mary Quiliiuan. Br 3rd-Col. In McArthur, Lanna Gmdwill. Lillian Goodwill. Jr 3rd --attutley William. son. Alex Baker, Lois Bull, Jae Baker, Sr 2nd-urace Mcuurtoen. Myrtle Goodwill. Ewe! Goodwill, Jr 2nd A 'Roht Ellison, Ernold Brodie, Alfred M(Nally. Alice Traitor-d. Jr. 2nd B-- Roht Torry & Ernest Ellison (q, Glad- ys Baker, Johny2uillimut. t1)-lvelyn Bainec. Jay. Goudmll. Sr Primer-- Meta Goodwill. Eva TrMford. Jr. Primer- Violet and Victor Bumps. Lavina Goodwill. Clittod Brodie. Present every day 13 Percentage of attendance 9L --" A. Juckrch is missing. He was wounded and I doubt whether he came out or not. A Rapor and Al- bert White are Mao misting. Bert Harris is in the Hospital and Harry Walsh was killed, shot " through the heart. 'u-Extract from a letter of he. Durant, a Meaford boy, to his mother. phlished in the Express. What Raggedy in a few; lines! From one neighborhood. School Reports T. Axum: McIs'rosn. Teacuer The amok is large and varied, embracing the unwest designs in the new-rt patterns of Wall Paper, Rugs, Linoleums. Floor Uilcloth and Stair ()iicloth. Rugs 2133‘ Linoleum, and Floor Oilcloth Large Sales uncleums They are of English, Scotch and Camdiun manufacture, all sl. and Floor tti'ngri1t, t,tet, b 'i/ir, neatnesa of designs and pretty c» 1 . r gs, osemadebyNairn Co. . , S-tl; l Oiieioth excel. Have a look at them. & t of Kirkcaldy, co il Wail {‘11 If Canadian mypfa.etmre, made by the celebrated n,hers Stun: Paper :23]: toszbntlrgrzhe style Is up-to-date, and the tblri 6dtattc, '.S NW1 ." ' ' Men , Clothing Made to order and a good fit guaranteed to be furnished in one week fut: in one week from date of getting order. A nice stock of cloth to choose from. A large stock continually on hand be got in two days after getting order. styles, made on good fitting lasts. Try our Star of India 3nd Light of Asis Thats, A thits stock Departmental Store DORNOCH hhiKahniieihiraslrly News House Furnishings Fresh Groceries Continually Arriving They are the product of the best English looms, reasonable in pl " _ es, yet having the Oriental appearance for which the Eastern Rti.us are famous. A pretty stock to select from. of DRESS GOODS, in the newest st)lets, in the newest putty: r" The Highest Prices for Produce in an tttl Are You R -1‘.‘ Boots and Shoes E 'riisri-ueanintt tf, Beef, Iron 6: Wine Emma: SURE JMlliftjff filil lit tft, "in": It's can». and you take no tl.r'W risk. Ste; m to-day, and get F- a large 0 cent bottle of EllllllSll PARIsum SAGE, the germ fun killing hair rcstorcr. Mt Mt . If it does not cage dandruit in two weeks we will give you your money back. - - PARISIAN SAGE in n.piearant, faintily perfumed tonic and hair' 1','l'i',."Ji It 's guaranteed to stop falling " or itching of the scalp, and to cure all diseases of the scalp and hair. PARISIAN SAGE ha. many imitaton --gct the genuine. M cfarlane Co. Druggitsta, a tgei.tf,', ant. On Second Floor J, McKEGHNIE One of the finest, purest l is: - --- full strength and most I valuable tonic: known. l All the leading vari- Large bottle $1. Fully i ties at lowest prices guaranteed. ' . , , MacFARLANE s Drug Store m ttless/lk law Spring Goods Be just to yourselves by havingf a. look at our 1am- stock before selecting your next pair o In our higher-priced goods we have FOOTWEAR Classic for Ladies, Eclipse and Westons for Misses and Children, Astoria md Brandon for Men with many other makes in medium priced lines are the same in most lines as last season. Close Men's, Ladies', Misses' and Children’s Trunks, Valises Suitcases at bottom values. Odds " Ends of broken lines at cut prices to clear. Custom w and Repairing attended to as promptly as possible. Dow; Town Shoe Store 'iro,srn after THE If 80, take Town Office r,sararsrggsrwtert'sfie?52t1ES1if and any spacial kind ycu n ny Want cu: Our grtytth aim is to 1mm the new J.s. McILRAlTH in sea-son. Close prices tr,' and Children’s Hosiery have Arrived Red Cedar 2-: Compound :1: Durham Field and Garden Seeds " -- - -- 7uaGtGs-ir.ekfr., Lwc, on“! magnum: sou-m1. 'lust .. ----- ,,.,gm P0.tqe mum. 'e Buy your Tickets here $-iriii.t))j'tl3)iitt'i.tittt" I?!" Is the best Moth pre- ventive. No bad odor Largo package. Ilk. JUNE 3, 1915 WE ,tttrerlittrmlt ' 'G wanti'n'oii IE Small Proflts “CG I!" ATI'RL ungkglzl La L Geotguu: Na: french It Hr Imam-Wu ' or; cap: I fl'll!l u. Hun! Parts Park Pricevitk '5 Muslim, Gin tina, Orr mp“. C tor won“ lino are Come m a 'de mam “mm toe 10:1)" yd “need PLAN“: '3 Freshly IF, Sh trttt Fm " SA; Shir Saw “no viola Au tc a" but and in H Y " DURHAM at be: mu ll Ihk I“! " A 'spit MUSIW Empress 'i "trest ZENUS C in!!! NE ssorted G Pie MIDI an)" nus

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