Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 7 Jan 1915, p. 5

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:',y'.y:'y,','xlmll Wham 7, 1915 nt 'i'oelrf5tst1i; 1915 Produce RAITH n Service MONTREAL HHS Store Small Profit right Durham tere vd " H " clad um um trrti . under tor qmrx tha"". [ 200 new» Sivan-m, near Hols-tom. One of the wry howl farms in tbe TU\\rn~hlp. W.” man be picked up _ at Valy low pruve quoted, l loo acres Beotiove--the John Chwk farm. mm 3. W c, R. Cheaper than ever otrered hetore. - up ac'"'", Buntim-l; the “Comb" farm Lot 30 mm In Uttered very cheap " ind on Pert' - L-y terms. ltai "ere Bant'm-k. lot {:1 can 2, W. u. R . near Durham. Good farm. Toronto--- Chicago ' Toronto -Montrcal DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY - “For full particular. (tumult. G. T. R Tweet Ag nu or write c. E HORNv IP10, vim. Paw. asttetrt. Toronto. Buy Farm It in bound to increas: in value. Men in a posinun to 'udge say that. no turner Iwmg today will evn-r again are chew tr-et. This celtalnly meant! an ennv int-tease In the selling pnce of [am Imus. I lune tor sale l In!) acrvs near Dromore, convenient lo saw-l. Spl ndidly improved. only 810tn dowt.. lmlunce at 5 per cent, Price $2500. loo den-s um 18 Exromnnt. well pre- served gym or wnh another M) Henna, will. W0 new". tiheretuottt, near Mt. Forest. “and Gras. worth mun- hut: "tered to tr, He'll“; ti. ti. MILLER, The unduruignod hrs: to announce to restderttq of Durham and surround- ing cuuuu-y, an: he Ins his Planing Msll and tactory fully nipped and i prepared to take 1'.'l',all! DURHAM PLANING MILLS SASH, DOORS, and all kinds tsf HOUSE FITTIIGS Shingles and Lath atways on hand u. 'ight pnces. Custom Sawing promptly attended to Also Sole Agent nnd Quiet tor Duty- ham and vicinity ot sh. " - I . . - q _ - - For unerior " tmiutintr-ttetter Ind PhD-m»! lhnn lath and pin-tar. Easy to bundle 0.1.5 with n MW Buy mu on Cannot fall " a fet fuel No din or - Call Ind m tor your-d! Winter Tours to California Florida and Sunny South chm. P DUBHAI- bl.o Trutir--i'tsoue of Bantu bow F are new l" Alec: w M CALDER. Town Ticket Am. J. TOWNER. Ticket. Agent JANUARY q, 1915 WINTER TERM OPENS January t 19lli, at the l'm “to-37rd Train Spruce lllghnt flu.» of Equipment III '-'j,ys'd",'f(,-'-irC--f)liii',,/t'i, “/111u/11/gé ZEN US CLARK“? .v-mnn', tt, rd In BUY or SELL “(ROW u- LRND Wuhan! ttrit NEW FIBRE BOARD PRICEVILLE _ 310111116? at leVU. ' 3A 0. D. PLEHING pal f'.- 105 yeah . “century OWEN SOUND " " Exrrnmui. near Mt. Forest. nu. worth mun- hut otfered trrti . under for quirk “In Exremont, mmr Holstein. the wry best fume in the qt. IV.” son!) be picked up Property Now w, ite for it vo-nh vou why thr said: .. ll i.. the n Spiral in ttte - CHAIN, to announce nd surround- Hanover Mrs. Lona Frock and bsby spend ing Km” week It Zum. Mr and Mrs Wm. Porter and fam- ily spent. Xmas, with Mr. 3nd Mrs. A. [nuance of Glenelg. line! Marion Knox, Charlotte Porter and Eldu Paralow cf Flasher ton High School are spending their Xmu nation at their homes here. Min J. Aldcnm is home from Owen Bound Collegiate. Mm Isa Campbell of Toronto is yuiung her parents here. Mrs R Pnrslnw and little dapgbwr ot Vulcan. Alta, me waiting with Mr. Ind Mn Jon Ferris. Min Annie Marshall of Toronto and Mien May McCannel of hit. For. est. no holidaying a: Boo uville. Mr. und Mrs. John Aldcorn and family spent Xmas at. Corbouon. Mio Hale has returned to lwr home at \ankenon. The mnual Christmas tree was held In the Orange Hall Monday night. Owing to the, inelemeuey ol the weather the utterndunce was not as large n usual. Mr Matheson was chairman and had a lengthy program which mus .well prepared and gum. and 'bwb retieeu, much credit. on tlw commutve. Them was a well 1min: use and all the little talk and some of the bugger ones carried " presents. We wish the editor and slut? and retviers a brig!) . happy and prosper one New Year. The marriagw of Mr Jos Wlme and Kids Nina Warm)" took place an Dre. 16. ttee Mr. Lem-e need tl e nupnm knot In the pre-encv cf ubnm 40 with M I And ultimate Inmds of the cm.- puntmg parties. Mr Whit: has pur- chlvd'lhe Moor" womb!” and mm Be and ‘Mre Will!» have Iakm up home-tuakmsr. We (intend hearty congratulations. t , ' _ t . Mr. and Mrs War McCormizk and family. Mnand Mrs. Hugh McMnilun and lamily. Mrs. G. " Parslow and Mr D McCormick spent. Xmas mm Mr and Mrs John Nichol. Priceville. Miss tiuisntt of Swain; College Is spending Mr vacallon an Wiuglraur Misses Ruth Stewart, Annie. Knox. also Master H. Human) of Durham h gh school are home. Mr and Mrs. D J McCormick spent. Xmas with Beutmek friends. George intends going to college in the near future. In loving uleumry of lmhrlln Black, tteiceed wife of John McArthur, who departed this He. January um. WU. Our years are like the shadows Ou ~unny hills that. he, Or flowers on the prairie That blossom but to die, The message In the morning. Which called her home at. night, And to be: Heavenly Either Her prrit wok to tbgnt, The alglywas and, the, agony That llaimvd doctor’s skill ; She knew that God Was calllna And she must one) his will, We hardly can believe the fact That mother has gone. to stay l We often think that she‘ll come back While we're at wot k or play. Thy hands are clasped upon tity breast, We kissed the marble. brow. And in our aching lieu-u We know, We ttave nu mother new. ‘But on! the .mgunn of ulll' heat I, _ None else may evo know. i Atseu we knew that we must put, l We loved out Inutner so. Weep not. for u a. doling mother, (for she's only gone to sleep In the gentle arms of Jews, Dear children, do not weep! But we know the Will “Wakeu At Gabriel‘s u unnpet sound And come butts n sunning angel From heueutu the graveyard mound And everywhere we turn our eyes, Theru'u was“; of iiatliutr ling“: l But on l we turn away and sign. The touch " a” that buttery. We and you with us yet. mother, l Cod doeth all things well I Oh how we miss you mother dear, No mortal humus can tell. Oh mother, stun we never feel Times loving M II” entwmlng l Around our net-u. as oft they did, Wimlove and anrik combining e What pain she ,sutttered here below, . No on. I‘VE He- know; ', roi- .1qu took, her to himself. Wlyme [can shall never tlow, Ber may kinds are tnlded, l Ber toll. on earth are done t In trouble. He all ended, Her he: (only crown is won. We laid our mother down to rest Beneath the mud. cud sod l Bur we mum to sleep livald" her. When we are called of God. Tht we! y fond caress and mule Thu. so at! to q: wns givvn, tri, shall never - them more Until we meet in heaven. l: SWiNTON PARK IN MEMORIAM -Butrhtutd and Childlen HER PLATFORM ore The school meeting was very poor- " attended this year. Mr Geo. Rite chi: was re electvd trustee sud Mr The mail of R. R. No. l in deliver. ed in the morning, which given the carrier more- rhue before dark to de- liver the mdl, bat makes paperli day late This is only until April next, when we will again have our mull in the nlrermmn. Mr and Mrs D. Edge attended the t9evemmn-Bittmts wedding " Bun- esaan last week. Mr and Mrs Rubermon, of Moles- worth. visited with Mr T. Greenwood this week. W. J. Ritchie succeeds " father, Wm Bitehuy, as treey.-Tre" . Mr mm McMillan was honored on Monday last by the township with a Morris chair in ree vgnition of his long sen ices Sun lur 1 var....................... The lthIew uml Toruutu Duly New-d». (he ,ertr.................. 'l'lw 1tesut.a and Toronto Daily World h r your Thu fteyirw and Weekly Mail and Emplrr lor 1 yenr.................. The lit-new and Grain Growera' Guule. \Vnnnipvg tor oue year The lie-irw uml the F wily Her. uM an“! Wm kly Star for 1 your Tm iiuview Ttrt Wrekly Witness tor 1 "Br.-.......-.-.. I't Theltevir,w _ tor I )Mr 1'l, The young postrnistress, says Every- body's Magazine “as reading a postal card from the lnnrnil'g many. Final y she turned it over to the address fur l ye' Thu “an "Huh," slut said in a disappointed tone, “this curd is fur met." MEIEHEHS (lf BELIBME CHILDREN Should Read . the Following Letter-Miles. _Slack’s Story About_Her flh.i.ld.'s. Recovery ls Entirely Reliable. Palmyra, Pa.--'H'hree Fears ago mfy litle girl had black meas as which 10 t her with a chronic cou h and so awfully thin y nx wuld count IT her ribs,and she calmly-ll 3:0 much she had no appetite. "Nothing we gave her seemed to hel her at all until one day Mrs. Neibert tolls) me how much good V inol had done her little girl, so I decided to try it for my little ohe, and it has done her so much good she is hungry all the time, her cough is gone, she is stouter and more healthy in color and this is the first win- ter she has been able to play out in the snow, coasting and snow-balling without any ill eftects."-Mrs. ALFRED SLACK, Palmyra Pa., . _.. _ -.. We know Vinol will build pp your little ones and make them healthy. strong and robust, therefore we ask parents of every frail and sickly child in this vicinity to try a bottle of Vinol, our (ix-licious cod liver and iron tonic \virlinut oil, t'; w. H. BEAN Com pliments of the Season May ydu and yours enjoy a Christmas nf uaforgeiable pleasure with health and iolenty for the New Yea-. out It It v'-""'-'v "'"e"""7=".--T'ic'_ adv-mew “luau-ted weekly.‘ m 011* 9.1122101: sttupr. ne'emmc We; Tm to: Gun-99. $3.11!“: W mom. can by "t-tftjit.'f,t)j.lr,)i.t)j.i.,lilitttt,. VI n- mn induce you to try a bottle ml it", a bodybuilder and strength, 4' for y'alr child. and you do not i s'l t,'rt 1'airn, T'tt icill return Tr'?",,, y M: Ilvrhund. Mucftatlane & Co., Druggists, Durham, Oat. " cw and Clubbing Rates. w and (tnumliau Farm w mu wean, Advenis IT EDGE HILL Disappointing Itne Fauna-9' " The Big 4 Was My Sun for 301M 0:0th ronm Daily 390 390 160 250 106 190 180 13. II. 14. 27. 15. 16. 22. 18. 30 i10. 11. 12. 18. 24. amass tttttttttttttttt tttttt am 12. 15. 16. 17. 1 Political, Social and MU. T Shipwrecks, Storms, Acci- g E “113mm Happenings dents and Fires at Home g 'atmataatraattttttttmttttt" Ft,W.8s'tA$gtoa't8tfai'ti"at8tfo'tratA'ri8t “m“ 1tat,ht1ht,lt,to'.""""'""""t" L In the New Year's honom Mon. M. Mexico accepts mediation. P. Langeiler and Ron. P; c. Cam.. " Mine explosion and are entombed eron became K.C.M.0N, c. J. 208 miners at Eccles. W. Va. Jones, Ottawa. and Per, The Charla Workmen's Compen- Eht', fr1rte'a,ftefli ling: satlon Act passed the Legislature. Kelly became Knights Bachelor. MAY. t. News were received of the illness 8. The freighter Colombian burned of Sir James Whitney in New at sea; nineteen lives lost. York. 5. Niagara Falls chosen for A. B. C. 5. Local option contests in Ontario mediation. resulted in 16 victories for tem- T, Premier Borden confirmed the re. t 'ITE',', fgrces :13] 'i,',t,etit,tf; 1','f'rk'g'ia'li'ol'ltg1t'/lt, of the grime . . on. osep am pr a n an- o ec " ana a's nex over. nounced retirement from politics. nor-General. i. Kratchenko. the murderer, SMbtUP IO, Tremor ct St. Etna, Sicily, take: ed from Winnipeg jail. 183 lives. J. Royal mail steamer Cobequid 12. The report on the West Short went on Grand Manan in Bay ot Ry. tiageo laid .he blame on J. W Fundy. Moyes. Fire in Montreal caused damage‘ Hon. Mr. Borden announced in ot $500,000. creased drydock subsidies. 4. Lester Brooks, Port Colborne, 13. Rebels captured Tampico, Mex. lost his life trying to save for- 15. Expialon of chemicals at Detroit elgn workman from death in Mlch.. kills 14 men. 5 fpurriace. 18. Porting; du iPlorlt swegtstiyggigsgg . at iament opened at Ottawa. trons rs w t 1 oss o ' 6. British submarine A-7 sank at 19. Bush fires in Muskoka causer torpedo practice, carrying down heavy damage. her crew of 11 men. 20. Win. Ruttan killed his daughte 8. Sir James Whitney was moved to and her husband near Graven his home in Toronto. hurst. John Kratehenko re-arrested. An order-in-council in Ottawat an 2. Three men perished in an explo- nouncod the formation 0 l sion at the Eastern Ontario Live Canadian naval reserve. 7 Stock Show, Ottawta.0 25. Anglbishop negig 0;)Queli3elc or; . Edgar Simpson, o rangeville, ate a cardinal y ope us killed his parents and then slew at a Vatican Consistory. l himself. 27. Lord Stratheona's etstatt proba 0. Old Dominion liner Monroe sunk ed in London at $28,000,000. by collision oft the Virginia 28. A hotel balcony gave way and 4 capes with a loss of 41 lives. persons were hurt at Georgetowr 19. " tii. 80. 31. 12, Bl. 4llillillErlyll .IHE SWRY (f 'iii,,' IHE PM YEAR PHI , DIARY FORM 'i'.,:,"; 14. 20. M, 25. Patrons of ,t'othnbtet cream-lies and chevse tum-min. w.- wan‘ your Cream luring the winter montha. Highest prices paid for good Noam. We sum. ply two cans free and "my ' wk u e.u‘h nnonlh Wrttc for can“, ' MARCH. . The worst gale of many years swept over the eastern half ot the Dominion, working damage amounting to several hundred thousand dollars. . Hon. P. D. Monk resigned his seat in the Commons. L. The C. N. R.’s application tor aid was laid before the Commons. '. Gustave E-vanturel, M.P.P. tor Prescott, resigned his seat. l. Premier Asquith offered tempor- ary exclusion from Home Rule to Ulster counties. _ l Naval estimates of $257,750,000 _ tabled in British House. i, An earthquake in Japan resulted in many deaths. Over 250 persons perished in ti- dal wave inundation in South Russia. 3. Editor Gustave Calmette ot Paris shot by Mme. Caillaux. r. Woodbine Hotel, Toronto, burn- ed with loss ot four lives. Four also perished in hotel fire in Brechin, Ont. J. Fifty persons drowned at Venice, Italy, by the sinking of a passen- ger steamer in collision with a torpedo boat. Hon. H. Bosiock became leader of the Liberal Senators at Ottawa. 2. British army oftieers refused to tight in Ulster. 6. Generals French and Ewart re- signed over Ulster affair. 0. Premier Asquith took Secretary- shlp tor War, vacated by Col. Seely. 1. The U. s. House passed the Pan- ama Canal toll repeal bill. APRIL. I. Blizzard on the seal tishinr grounds wrecked the Newfound- land and Southern Cross with a loss of 250 men. 2. Mrs. Charles Millard, of Van- couver, murdered by Jack Kong, a Chinese boy servnat. T. The Western Rates case tindirig was issued in Ottawa. Body or Robert Hayde, a grocer, found near Honey Harbor. The program ot the Ontario High- ways Commission was tabled in the Legislature. S. The four gunmen who slew Her- man Rosenthsl in New York were electrocuted at Sing Sing. THE DURHAM REVIEW FEBRUARY; Peruvian revolutionists deposed President Guillermo Billinghurat. A well-marked earthquake shock was felt in many parts ot Ottawa. Thomas Hardy, the novelist, mar- ried his secretary at the age of 73. Sydney Charles Buxton was ap- pointed Governor-General ot South Africa. J. O. Mousseau. A. Bergevin and L. P. Berard, ot the Quebec Leg- islature found guilty ot accepting bribes. Guteliutr.Staunton report on the N. T. R. tabled in the Commons. The Ontario Legislature began its session. Great Britain protested the mur- der by Francisco Villa of William Benton, an English rancher. Charges ot having offered his ser- vices to the liquor interests of the province were made against Gus- tave Evanturel, M.P.P., in the Ontario House. U. S. fleet ordered to Mexican waters to enforce demand tor salute for arrest ot marines. 9. In a. riot at Ludlow mining col- ony, Colorado, 26 persons were 10. killed. American warships captured Vera 12. Cruz, losing 17 killed and " wounded; Mexican loss, 126 kill- ed 195 wounded. . 14- The Onturio Redistribution Bill introduced in Legislature. U. S. troops ordered to Vera Cruz. 15. Head of the L. S. Legation left the Mexican capital. Argentina, Brazil and Chile otter- V ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Cream Wanted Palm CI cannery. Pattutratott, Ont ttPratt-tTer-tet""""' 10. 11. 12. 14 l6 19. 21. 23 24. 26 28. 29 M'ArtrrtD-A reliable mun to to]! Rudy Canadian Grown Nook in Durham and Grey Co. Mart now It thelmut calling time. Send fortisrt of Spring Offerings and tPrnu in 'uterr's. Liheraleomissionr. "va Hume free outfits. ed to mediate between the United States and Mexico. Mexico accepts mediation. Mine explosion and fire entombed 208 miner: at Eccles, W. Va. The OMrio Workmen', Compen- sation Act passed the Legislature. The freighter Columbian burned at sea; nineteen lives lost. Niagara Falls chosen for A. B. C. mediation. Premier Borden eontirmed the re- 1 porter. appointment of the Prince 3 ot Tech " Canada's next Gover- nor-General. Tremor " St. Etna, Sicily, takes 183 lives. The report on the West Shore Ry. tttttttttt laid .he blame on J. W. Moyes. Hon. Mr. Borden announced in- creased drydock subsidies. Rebels captured Tamplco, Mex. Explalon of chemicals at Detroit, Mich., kills 14 men. Portage du Port swept by disas- trout, fire with loss of $100,000. Bush flreg in Muskoka caused heavy damage. Wm. Ruttan killed his daughter and her husband near Graven- burst. An order-in-council in Ottawa an- nounced the formation of a Canadian naval reserve. Archbishop Begin ot Quebec cre- ated a cardinal by Pope Pius X. at ll Vatican Consistory. Lord Sirathcona's estat: probat- ed in London at $28,000,000. A hotel balcony gave way and 40 persons were hurt at Georgetown, Ont. sLuis . _ By a majority vote of " the Irish Hung Jtqle, Bill passed this Brit- lsh Commons tor a thirrtime. - The rateamship Empress of tits land witPfarnmed ana sunk by. the colller Storstad " Fatbér Point, Gulf of St. Lawrence. Oat ot 1,476 on board, 452 were sav- ed, 1,024 drowned. JUNE. Rev. Dr. Herridge chosen moder- ator ot Presbyterian Assembly at Woodstock. Terrific cyclone swept district near Woodstock and aged cou- ple were killed. Powassan, Ont, tiretswept; loss $300,000. The Senate threw out the Farm- ers' Banc Aid Bill. Senate passed C. N. R. bond guarantee bill. Redistribution bill Introduced in Federal House. [ Manley Chewy lumber yards at l Midland destroyed by tire; loss $250,000. Storm swept Gulf of St. Lawrence and many fishermen perished. Fire in Tilbury, Ont; loss $100,- 000. U. S. Senate passed Panama Tolls Bill repeal. Senate amends Postal Act and bill to incrase Senatorshlps. Lassen Peak, California, a sup- posed extinct volcano, suddenly awoke and sent up clouds of rock, smoke. fire and ashes. Inquiry into Empress of Ireland disaster opened at Quebec. Inquiry into Dugal charges of bribery against Premier Flem- ming, of N. B., was begun. Two hundred miners lost in ex- plosion in Hillcrest mine at Hill- crest, Alta. Two hundred also lost in Belgian disaster. Hon. R. L. Borden, Hon. G. E. Foster and Hon Adam Beck, J A. M. Aikins and T. W. Rod- dick received knighthoods in the King's Birthday honors. Nominations for the Ontario elec- tions were held _ [ Sir James Whitney addressed a mass meeting in Massey Hall. Toronto. . [ The reconstructed Kiel Canal opened by the German Emperor. ' Fire in Salem, Mass., caused a loss ot about 812,000,000; 20,- 000 people made homeless. . Gavrio Prinzep shot and killed the Archduke Francis Ferdinand and " wife in the streets of Sarajevo. Empress ot Ireland enquiry ad- journed. . The Whitney Government was re- turned to power at the polls with 'a majority of fifty-tteven seats. JULY. Prince of Teck spoke at Dominion Day banquet in London, Eng. Jack Kong, slayer ot Mrs. Mil- lard in Vancouver, sentenced to lite imprisonment. House ot Lords accepted Home Rule amending measure. The A. B. C. mediation closed at Niagara Falls. Nominations tor the Legislature were held in Manitoba. Bomb in New York tenement killed three anarchists and wo- man neighbor. Enquiry into Southampton Ry. charges opened in Fredericton, Dutterin Terrace, Quebnc’s fam- ous promenade destroyed by tire. Roblin Government in Manitoba returned by bare majority. Report in Empress inquiry blames collier stor,stadt tor the accident. Misses Louisa and nasty Starr killed by a C. N. It. train near Mount Albert. Gen. Victoriano Huerta resigned his omce as provisional president of Mexico, and was succeeded by Carbon]. than!» & wnanxaTox. Foothill Nurseries. I x, Tomato FF., 16. 19. M. 21 " 24 25. M 28. " 26 31 10 13 16 18. 19. 27. 30 M. 30. l7. 12. 19. ft “.m-w w In. her home " 1t'."g,2'2't'; " _ . glut“ - do- Mm." trr 'i.i..qEltiii, m all Mole-z .0 None " Believing Artnr worn pest mule its new one In Brent County. Century ot - eeHtteated by linens of U. s. end Condo at Niacin Falls. Ont. Twenty wounded by Hindus In enort to hon-d Komsgnte, mm In Vancouver Humor. King George summoned 5 center- ence ot lenders on the Ulster Ilene. Ex-Pretridettt Huerta ot Mexico l sailed from Puerta, Mexico. on the German cruiser Dresden. Samuel Price, K.C.. appointed [ chairmen ot the Ontario Work- l men's Compensation Board. Hindus ogreed to go home peace- ably it given food. The Nova seotirMetropo1ittut Bank merger was announced. [ Austria sent an ultimatum to Servia. The Home Rule conference at Buckingham Palace ended In failure. ' Clash in the streets of Dublin between Nationalist volunteers and Brit sh troops over landing arms. The hundred years or peace was celebrated at Lundy's Lane bat- t1etieM. Business section of the town or Bancroft, Ont., fire swept; loss $75,000. . Serious earthquake in Nova Sco- tia, Hull lumber yards burned; loss $500,000. . Body of Blanche Yorke found In Dr. Robinson's cellar at Tam- worth. Mme. Caillaux acquitted in 24. 20. 29. 30 20. l7. 23. Luafl, wa- wI-u Maul Ivr muv- , V I, .H' 'i1hti,tiifit ft itliiiiiii'll'le :3 't '0‘. '27 'ttmite (.,':ti' 1aalmlartt _, ff u. n. 1. at. " Lb. 1 other, Canada contributed 1,000,000 . , I , begu‘of tiour to the Motherland. w.c. PILKERIAU IJ. U b., L Fire " Grlmsby Beach; loss ttoNott (.lc.\l:\,.11‘1. ot 1... $t0,000. Uuivereuy, grudu..u oi il NAI \ tl Special session of Cnnadlnn Per- ..1 “WW Sm mm W m l," 'M m [lament opened; titty mllllons U". J ad lf11's"ri.llk'rc','i ,0 voted for war. ' -_. . ' E Canadian Parliament prorogued. --t-r----l.""" Ontarlo contribute: tittur worth $700,000 to Great Britain. . J. P. TELFURD Conclave of cardinall opened at _ , Rome to elect luccessor to Pope 7 Barrister, S?.ilih.tor,, '.n 5w Pip8 If, f . _ Court Harlan Plume Comm»; Paris Ottieial name ot St. Peteiaburg, Russia, changed to J?ttyotrta.d.. Cardinal Giacomo Della Chiesa , elected supreme pontii! to suc- ceed Pius X. Newly-elected Pope crowned at Rome as Benedict XV. Dr. C. K. Robinson charged with the murder of Blanche York at Tamworth, surrendered to the police. Magn1tieent otters of aid to Bri- tain by Indian princes were an- nounced in the British Commons. Turkey abolished conventions, treaties and privileges protecting foreigners in the Empire. Eight survivors ot the exploring ship Karin]: reached home. Gen. De La Rey, noted Boer gen- eral accidentally killed near Johannesburg. A. W. Wright and Geo. A. King- ston appointed to the Ontario Workmen's Compensation Board. Irish Home Rule Bill became a law in Great Britain. Seventy-two deaths in wreck of schooner Francis M. Leggett ott the Oregon coast, south of Colum- bia river. l . Lt.-Col. the Hon. John S. Hen- drie was sworn in as Lieutenant- Governor of Ontario. . Hon. Dr. J, O, Ileaume, Ontario Minister ot Public Works, who lost seat at elections, resigned place in Cabinet. ”.1" S- ="" a lawn. my , at A. m: Marvel , g 'ii91i' 5. Douche ', t “..:;’ . _ “yum ".rr.carrtt for " _ v" , ' " by r-wnu‘. supply t f" " t.'APA J. aura-pt no T, then Lug and “an? tor Illus- SN 4 and book-sud. t gLte an e n M --J "s-ah--' -_|..u. Ff N“ OCTOBER. Hon. W. H. Hearst became Pre- mier ot Ontario and took into his Cabinet Finlay Mncdiarmid as Minister ot Public Works. Guard Burgoyne of St. Catha- rines murdered at the Welland Canal by a. fellow soldier. King Ferdinand accedes to the throne ot Roumanin. Premier Borden announced a call for 20,000 men at once, and enough later to bring Canada’s total up to 90,000. immigration Inspector Hopkin- son ot Vancouver shot by a Hindu. British hospital ship Rohilln wrecked ott Yorkshire, 100 loot. NOVEMBER. Their Majestieo inspected the Canadian troops at Salisbury Camp. MILL-Gen. Otter began work of rounding ulienn in Canada. The Canadian Government put an embargo on cattle to protect native stock unmet tho toot and mouth disease. Charge unmet Premier Flem- ming of N. B. in railwny cue sus- tained. Timber cm churn not sustained. .. Eight lives lost in wreck of the Annie M. Peterson in Lake Superior. Sir Henry Howard appointed British envoy to the Vnttcan. Turnkey Coxford murdered by (reaping ludinn. at Pembroke all. King George visited the troops in France. Gen. De Wet captured in South Africa. Three German proforma given leave ot nbaence trom dudes at Toronto Unlvenlty. Gen. Beyer: drowned trylnx to escape acrou Yul river. Great Britain proclaimed . pro- tectorate over Egypt and appoint- ed a Sultan. Three Scandtnnvhn King: met " Malmoe, Sweden, to pun for pre- servation of neutrality. - Rev. J. McP. Scott shot by con- vetted [ Toronto. SEPTEMBER AUGUST. DECEMBER. Jewuu 'mxutonur'y u: 1-7"!chth and I'trystt"mnr u " “mac and ummm about the IMHGI'h: I r Marvel “mg-1': Deemed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Term. moderate. Arrangements for date dates can be made " Renew Onceornt my residence next door. Phone call to No. ti, Durham wall be promptly attended to. D. McPHAIL, ". MI in Voice Production and 'ttth ttttite home 0 Mrs S. F. y b, "err. Tucedn "cut,'-' y" 7p.m. Ui iitutuenti booked. ppd Mee on mehrw t) Walpole'u bl JORGE GBADK‘ATE I dam Bow 00mm mum-y la M. its anu- tttue-Ove: Jewell Bite Pout our ART-10a H rm“ lash-nu: Arnlmemenu , um. Arc.. must he mun- u " M, Durham. bar (array-mac m. or w (‘eylou 1' U. wil: AtttMtott In. in. on nppllmli i DURHAM l HIGH sumo UNDERTAKQI? an} Funeral a; sun; Picture Framing. :' hm itaowibrrMs RESIDENCE Lawrenet J. F.GRANT D. D.S, L. D. S "mending Students u mg of In term (I tttut awed n ”Humble n and Mn- wwu. m a!“ (or Manna: I“The would IQ,'; b" “at? one. he an mjond f. Ind nun-e III It rug-emu! Aucuuneer --"" o . t Good Morning-:'. STEM: n mutilation lotion won. The re Ill can?“ t HO8. ALL4E, Ptu H the ll two! In thou-0v unity. lu vhcmiyty! . t The late; DURHAI. ONT l L. GIANT 3337551 wow. .ura’ll‘r Attt't _'t' ot Mmrmw ttutuscual MN We Are Introducing "er IIIVt'ullmn Hm _ mud for)! (-mnful. N,, Hp. Ntwer human-I buggy The shape i- not pressnd in. Will” [m style. superim my ol nm Iatkmnnnbip. A'wulu' less. WN WWII (3 mm. out ttole. ur urw unv- l M we will amid po w" trutt"?P"'. Iullhon (In-liar C' Kare-{Enid Silk Home: \, or I um OC?'". We value “he or . run “our 56c "Jae Ameri'n Conny-Lx-lr list a” y or 0 PM" “if -t'gt JrtrBier' am the can .. w ' n Ladies' u: " ' @0536. Dol expire! "he loo-1M it, , Full line and lr m Embmmmg R. I. ISAAC Chum: AI‘y Pub! CUNVEYAExCLIR D lcPHAlL. Ceylon ortoC. BAIAGE. Durham 3 um of our 75c yam: Ame: icnh Ca~llmere Mom, h. BELL Sn" and in Alnrrk Amwll HOSIERY SINGING R. H. ISAAC, Durham sad “'th y Elly . tt tun The Blu- k Mt All IOOL em Jo. (in-y to: ”it! I test Noti to tween D'U M H' Bt). up ul

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