Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 May 1914, p. 4

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" Ut 22mmwmmmmmmmmmm 771d 'Gu-oe-rise-ire-ttrosie/er/ir 'W _ q q w ii Good Line of Sultsg t for Men and Boys t 500 tons at No I Mixed Chop wum AND BARLBY Wheat, Barley and Oats Chop Large Quantity orl1tyl, Feeding .r1tr, Sovereign, Eclipse {and Rastry'Flour At1yinds of grain bought It market prico. Special Reduction on Plot: and Peed in ton lots. CR'MPBD OAT! tor Hone Read at Fair Prices CHOPPED OATS at. . . . very reasonable rates THE PE0PLE'S MILLS t John McGowan Fresh and 03;. It 14di0 off car. See this Hay bolero pursuant. cluwhore. It will pay you. Eva] tue "Gntoisii. If not satisfactory bring " buck 3nd get; your money. We the received a ' --A violent ourthqnnko outing on eqully violent oruptlon of In. Ema. q in Sicily. bu brought death to 1le .103 villagers, who in tlt of pan * i, “cold: will push! in but diott on the side. of the .t"atshertrt" volcano. *‘M’ I lull d-taio. of report, «can. For building the Halifax and South. , wtyertr---t Mackenzie end Menu railway--Mnckenzio and Mann, eon- ;trectore. received $5,563,972 , for "stiild'atr the Candler: Northern, .Quebec. 34.228389; tor work done itll the Cenedien Northern Ontario .lines. $52,815,623 , tor Cenedlen {Northern linee from Port Arthur to the Yellow Head Pose, $109,095, 627 ; tor Canadian Northern Pagiiltt lines, I$34,760,909, with more to come ; for i(“miller comma“. $5,299,681. Not moment with giving Meekenzie and Mann lieu tine ihtrtustr-paid for out oi humane. given by the people lot thutada--and given them without tender. Mechelle and Mann, rail. wey ewnere, gave Mackenzie and Mann, contractorl. the work of par- chasing equipment for the reilwny. G e reelll ot this won another more , l,or no of million wee eel down to the , Gai of Mechelle end lean. Muckenzie lk Mann and Millions Mackenzie and Menu on the con- trolling ownero of the 'iii'eii'i'i) Northern Railway. The lines built by the Candi“ Northern and in! subsidiary railway companie- hovo‘ been constructed by Mookouio. Menu and Compony. contractors. The sumo Mockoazio and Mann who con trol tho Conadion Northern are the Mackeuio end Mann of tho company who built the road: constructed by the railwey company. And lockou- zie end Mann, railway ownorl. awarded common to Maokolzie and Mann, contractors, without tenders. It was». very nice arrungemont for Mackenzie and Han. -Hon. Dr. Reid, noting mum.” of Railwnyn, admitted in the Home that . dozen U. Sate. companion Ind been and to tender tor the can‘t-ct of applying the government rail- wayn with coal for the tueal your 1914-15. An amnion that " truck. Ind undo with the Yankee- " in ban- "eial. It new: funny when none Candi“ ml mine. are closed down for luck of business. -Ieeue W. F. Nickle. Kingston, end R. B. Bonnet, Calgary. two weil~ new: Conurvetivee. have refused to be e party to the $4s000,000 deal which the Borden government are ebeut concluding witn MeoKenie end Hen. Their reason is " be - in our opinion the Government propeeeie enl- the interest of mil- Iny ooetnetore end not of the peo- .p|.." Over 8200000000 in eeeh and credit have already [one to these nee end the Libereie will damned e eleerer "eomttlag belore greeting 1,iiiiiliiiifi5a" by leeerl Ben- eet end u. _ and porbups moro lives lost yet an the furl truth becomes known. The first recorded eruption of Em: ocznrred 467 year: before Christ and near 3 More ot big eruption since. The buyer tor the Brdrto-Wect.rie was up In! week “I purchased a number of tho tum! line!“ by the Banal; Involopment. Ho will return In thwart our two Angd complete mo wor - lo anon vane. '?fte5'l'M.UC..CC.-- V‘ C of Revision --- Town m ot 61011015191 .The flrtst si in of the Courl vision for the I ship of Glc 1014 will be he. at he Townal in said townshi on Saturday. the y of June at Io o'clock in t or noon, l all persons cone r d will pl, hotice and gover t ' elves intli; \ ated May 4th. t 14. __ PUBIAI‘ lay 13. 1914. Hampton........ 250a Beef,dr-d........ 1200m1300 'lggilig,tf.11.'.rc.' 860 Dru0tqsisc.....d.....t. 05 INr,pertmt..... .... 1200to1600 Till) CAN’T AFFORD 101th A oc to. are” " Bttt"d In. "A woman II " old " she looks".- aml nothing will nuke he: look old " manly or " quickly " grey hi1. It in with]. for uy women to pre- vent be: in“ turning any or to rumor. but my lair to :11 ita form" beauty. 'iriiiiiiirhusts. Bay's Hui: Hum: wlil do it, It is not I In. It accomplishes in town- qnlokly. sunlv. out], “a " the um. “In. stimuhtu Ind inrigorates the tdt to! hit roots. It IOMVOI dan- tt . W. no sure onouqh of in “so": to u! an no will nfund your no“, if h hill “to: I hit mu. - 81.00. 60.1150. 11et it at out More. Odd all recommended by li1acrtM8.hMra CO., p. ated May 4ttt, tlt14, Llat bu been tsrtsfully "vised. rom/kd ot 010110151914 To “no any Hui: J. is. ALACK, Tp, Clerk. ---r Durham. Ont. ’or'noon, of which tdc, w:ll please take t ' elves accord- g of June, 1914 1.15 to 1.26 1000 1200m1300 25000300 "lent-tin. leutstive. A Dec. 10, 1914. 0. At the time of entry the District Representative will inspect the hog: and mark With ear tnza or in some Equally suitable wsy. He will ulna an. concomitant. directions re hoping aecotn" of food consumed and coat of 7. A uniform price will be alloved for the ynriouu kinds of feed used by the "nt-e-refuses from homo not to be fed. 8, Later u amiable form will be sup- plied to eoteh contestant for linking Hutu-"t of costs. etc. The content- nnt will be required to sign astute- monl an to the lruthfulneu of his fig-' um. 9. The who will be free transfera- tlon and living expenses to the Two wnh’ Short Course in Live Stock And 8nd Judging at the Ontario Alricul- tural College, January 1016. The win. nor will be selected on the following basin t (a) 50 points for highest net prof1r. (h) 50 points for typo and finish, thin Pinning to be dens with the bacon hog score card. enlrles. Guelph The eight largest cities in the world ' in their order are t London, 7.251.858: New York, 5,683.87! l Park. 2.888,”; Takio, 2,186,000; Chicago, 2.185.000; Berlin, 2,071,000 ; Vienna, 2,Wi,000 J SI. Petertrhurqt, 1,998,000. l ) Where we; tddKahm)s'isWelrlyNem real', in the newest dengue, In the neatesn paw-ms, ox Lvt1n- Linoleum: and adian and Scotch make, and a very large stock to Floor Oi1cioth select from. We have 22 pieces 4 yards wide. Ra‘s in nicest Oriental shsdes, having a fine nppnrsnce, but not too costly . A fines Selection of Nottingham Caxtnins in white Window curtains and ecru, in the newest patterns. A large stock to select from, in the most approved do signs wan Paper composed of English and Canadian makes. Come'snd have a look through. Departmental: Store, We have just received u ttne stock of English & Scotch Tweed: and can have your measure taken, and the Suit furnished you in a. week Now is the time to have your met- sure taken. . ere there nrermme than 12 two men will he sent to See our New Stock of Scotch Gingham: 35:3“: A Inge stock of Fresh Groceries just received SELECT TWEEDS Try Phone No. I? tor that rush order. Highest prices for All Produce Home Furnishings G. & l MoElil0HN1El See the B. T. G-et-the but in the market. (ii MacFARLANE’S Drug Store ill C . P, R. Town Offices Buy your tickets here y". tiiigggggtgigtglglMilgllgllirX wngmsiomairigrgFx with each pair pair of Fine Shoes pr Oxfords purchased from us dur- lng that time at 83.00 or over. We have a larger stock than ever to select from and our prices are right. Take advantage of this offer AT ONCE before your size is sold. . Give us Four REPAIRING. It will be promptly and neatly done, at _ Meliirtiith's Shoe Store in the newest derignts, In the_nea.test pgttcms, of Can- (on Second Floor) Men! 2J, 9t FREE, a pgir ff April 28, 1914 an l For the Two Weeks 0 beginning Sntntday, Mny 9th we are going to give away and put on , 'OOTWEAR In great profusion, in Work- iiiaior Rubber Meets but yet roomy having been made on easy fitting lasts. The Rexall Store A fim, selootion of'Ladies' Pumps IggttgarirlgllimiiiiillFyj m, 1914 Durham If. V. 'ttl-l-EN-or-r-v- [my people are an at this scum to km for Vermin and out-s In stables hum. etc., that but I few cents. Best Extermin Her. it is .' CorrosiveSum Chioeide disso ot hot water. add water to: Spray "very we"; lulvclt‘H . thorough Cr' ii In U; a Clothi a Save $5 I------- 'll "u-tdo MAY 14. 191 Buy a ‘King Best Englisi We're Clea Working '1'" . -h ".. Luge ot it: (I " Heudvqum 531$“ FR The beau: REA Th law mg th

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