Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 May 1914, p. 2

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IN; 'i.' In the Spring lost Nettie ' Need a Tonic Medicine One of the “I!” In“ the thud 13 oat of order 3 tho rimrue, “mighty; eruptions aid - that come hem wit tho My fm- winter to orig. Then prove that tho long juicer life of BANISH PIMPLES _ AND “UNIONS not need t tonic at W m. M blood does not manly dww it. IOU in ditdUtsrintr eruptions. To “in same condition is due attacks of mountain not! huh-go; the Ihrp. stabbing pins of sciatic: bod neuralgic: poor appetite and a Innin- to avoid exertion. You can- Dot cure theme trouhho by the use a! purtradive medieinets--you need t tonic. and s took only, and lawns all medium (than in PPf rn equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills or their tonic. Hashing, nerve- [adoring powers. Every dose of his medicine makes new, rich blood 'whioh drives out impuritieo, trtirnu- like every organ and brings a feel- lng of new health and allergy to weak, tired, ailing men, women and ghildren. If you no oat of sorts ive this medicine u trial and see UI' quickly it will restore the 1-p- who. revive drooping spline, and Ill your veins with new, heaslth-triv- You can get these pills from my Medicine dale! or by mail st 50 but. . box or six boxes for $2.50 from The' Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. A gentleman was once walking‘ beside . welrdressed girl, and thought to himself, "I wonder if she takes half as much pains with her heart as she does with her clothes l" A poor old man was coming up the mad with a loaded wheelbarrow, land just before he reached tho girl be made two attempts to so into the 31rd " I small house. but the you was hoary, and would swing back Mime he could so through. "Wait'." add the girl, tsiippirtet lightly forward. “I will hold the gate open." She did no, and NF oeived thanks. “She deserves to have beautiful clothes!" thought bhe trragttermsn, for the“ I. bunti- In! Spirit." "It certainly bu been . blessing In our home," writes tb young lady h regsrd to Pootum. “I an one at ab “mil: of “who, who. before new; rectum, would make s healthy pom unoolnlor- tatrUUry their complaining a band- Iche. dim sour stun-ch, an, tom drinking who.” atras in ind u injurious Mosul» it maotaino the - drug, Maine) - Family of Twelvn Drink Putin. resign II A ppy y 0W Sells-mums. Deserved It. m the We Witt be - to Put In. hula T l The rmmttt. ed April, In, and June no in Ian’s butt, and their plodua in a the lowed. price. Hence it would eeem in? for than who keep chickens?”- home don- “w to preserve the surplus during the“ who so that when the hen. one to lay the table can be Inpplied jun, the tune a. and. Those persons who have topurchue can! all the your Mound might also lay down eggs for winter use, eup- posing they have ' cool place. V l keeping them. The freezing pomt In Iii; no means news-any. Any oool locust will answer. When the eggs we bought they ,hould be emailed before being pre- served. A mailing chimney costs very little. _ n WAY! " PRESERVE“; EGGS. As moat people know, egg shells? no porous, the tiny holes admitting air for the ' to breathe. Also the egg evaporates through the nun means, and this rmsulta in an empty space, which fills, with air. Thu is always an. the broad end, and for this reason the point should be downward when storing eggs. To teat eggs look through the instru- ment (after putting in the egg). If not quite full the egg is not, perfect- ly fresh, and, of course, the larger the empty space the older the egg. l The yolk should be perfectly lround and ahow perfectly clear. If (there is a. haze or the white looks a (little cloudy tho as; is.bac.l.. The object to be obtained in pre- serving eggs, is, of course, to pre- vent evaporation. If the air is ex- cluded eggs will keep perfeotly at home for maths. The process is very simple. In fact, I have known eggs to keep by just placing salted butter in the palm. of tho hands and burning the eggs about until every bit of the surface was cover- ed. A cleanly method is to dip the eggs into liquid glue. which can be bought at any drug store. Another way is to dip the eggs into boiling water for less than a minute-just long enough to form a thin coating of albumen inside the shell, 1nd then put them through a very thin syrup made by dissolving sugar in water. A number of eggs can be done at the same time quite conveniently if they axe put into a. colander or fry- ing basket and then dipped into the liquids, but it should be wen that even bit of the shell u oovaned. Some persons do not know that eggs absorb odors, but they do quite as much as butter does, so for this renaon they should be placed by themselves until a. sufficient quan- tity is gathered for preserving. Otherwise they may have a queer fhsvor when cooked. which the housekeeper may attribute to some fault in preserving. ~A -wJoiien pail iii handy for pack- ing the eggs away in, using dry bran to prevent breakage. BABY'S OWN TABLETS GUARANTEED SAFE Boby’s Own Tablets are the only medicine for little one: that are tWsolutely guaranteed to be strictly tree from opiates, narcotics and other harmful drugs. They carry the guarantee of a government analyst to this effect, so the moth- ers whose limbo ones we tiling need have no fear in using tho Tablets. They cannot possibly do hum, and never fail to do good. The Tablets cure all childhood ailments such as constipation and indigestion, worms. colds. colic, simple fevers, etc. Thousands of when through- noUhing also for their babies. They are sold by medicine dado" or by mail wt 25 cams a. box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brook- villa, Ont. THE PORT " LONDON. Thes “prion editor" u a reality in Rani... m in ardevaskspnreot due to the inmate life which every new m under "kial con- trol ban to lead. The Jam inci- 15rterrs 0t Public-t In Vogue (but which revealed hiss exhonoo was the - of the "Be.verroaht ands” the other day, when he pmved to be u: ilb2erate Lnborh of Riga. What Minis that by law a W mutt be registered as that of the "Redaktzrrizartel," or “vapou- aihle odrhbor.” and it is against the person so registered that any action is taken by the authorities. Now as it would obviously not be conveni- ent for the actual editor to be im- prisoned, either in noo-psyment of the frequent 6nea levied or as a. re- cult of a direct sentence by way of punishment. a. dummy is employed --ed course for an appropriate 00n- sideruvtioL. In the provincial press the "prison editor" is a recognized institution. It is understood in the case of the prison editor that if the penalty be imprisonment without the option of a fine his honorarium is okmnewsurateV larger than if it be ordinary arrest, in a guardhouse. In the latter case he takes. his "rib. ting” very oomtortahly and content- edly, being supplied from outside with his meals. drinks, tobacco, and reading matter at his easp1orrr's l Neva Scetia Case or Interest to ill Women Halilax Sends Out a Message of Help to Many People. Halifax, N.S., Dee. 16.--When in- terviewed at her home at 194 Argyle St., Mrs. Haverstock was quite will- ing to talk of her peculiarly unfortun- ate case. "I was always 'blue' and depressed, felt weak, languid and ut- terly unfit for any work, My stom- ach was so disordered that I had no ap‘getite. What I did eat disagreed. I su ered greatly from dizziness and sick headache and feared a nervous breakdown. Ufon my drutrgitst'p re- commendation used Dr. Hamilton's "I felt better at once. Every day I improved. In six weeks I was a well woman, cured comfletely after differ- ent physicians ha failed to help me. It in for this reason that I strongly urge sufferers with stomach or diges- 1yt, trouble: to use Dr. Hamilton's s. Pills, Dr. Hamilton's Pills strengthen the stomach, improve digestion, strength- en the nerves and restore debilitated systems to health. By cleansing the b ood of long-standing impurities, by bringing the system to a high point of vigor, their effectually chase away weariness, epressiop and disease. Good for young or old, for men, for women, for, children. All dealers sell Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. Not for one hundred years has the Thames been oompletxsly frozen within the London (England) are}. The you 1814 was ushered into the metrppolia by a. fog of exceptional density and blackness. This fog Lashed for seven days. Then came the trout. Between London Bridge and Blackfriam Bridge the Thynees soon became one Urge sheet of ice, and remained as and] for nearly ten weeks. The frost did not finally break up until the end of March. On the ice were erected tents and booths in which refreshments were sold to the thousands of Londoners who enjoyed the novelty of prome- nading in midstream. Printmm set up preset; on the ice and printed various mementoee of the occasion , whilst in the middle of February the River 'Dhemee became the site of a. great lair. During recent years, ‘vhe nearest approach to a. texrzen {names wae seen in January, 1831. Dr! UG- Faiiii- inirisrr" 1? P 01mm“- rm. to cur. {mung am or Protmdln. Pun. "" “Dilation (not “not. no. Money' is tef cheap when it is all a mm as. mm “about tau-mm mom Sweet 'Home. "Did also make you feel at home l" . 7 "No, but she made me wish I PRISON BY PROXY. ”company I!" Frozen London. Best Money. Be WAS WHAT C. “A5833 PAID FOR nonn's KIDNEY PILLS. md Been All” for Si: or Seven . Years when no Took a Neighbor's Advice nd Found 3 Complete CIR-‘1 , . Moms, Man., May 4th (hsewial)--- Mr. Cornelius Hansen, weilhnown and highly remanded here, is telling his friends of his simple but outn- plete cure from db [51'0th itlneaa. The facts in fried are: He had Kid- ney Disease; he took Dodd's Kid- ney Pills; they cured h/sm. Bat let, Mr. Hansen tell his own story. “I was troubled with my Kidneys tor six or seven years," he says. "My back was so sore I oouldn't get out of bod in the mornings. I tried medicines. but they did me no good. Then I met a, neighbor, and he advised me to try Dodd'ss Kidney Pills. He said he had need them in his family for a lung time and they wave a great medicine. t "I bought six boxes of them, mm! by the time I had taken “was of them I was feeling much better. Now I am quite well, and I think the best money I ever spent, in my life was what I paid for Budd's Kidney PilU." Dodd's Kidney Pills are no cure- ull. They simply cure sick Kid- neya. But they do all that is claimed for them. The Queen is immensely interest- ed in everything historical, and when going on a visit to a new place invariably reads everything con- nected with its past. This plan of knowing all about places of interest beforehand commends itself so greatly to her that she encourages her children to do the same, and the young Princes and Princess are consequently extremely well in- f0 rmed Dr'. Sydney Chapman, lecturing to the Victoria. Institute in the theatre of tho Royal Society Arts, London, gave a, general census of the sums. He said that under the best possible conditions not more than Ax thousand were visibio to the human eye, so that, although they had been compared to the sands of the sea. for mulutyde, no one iid; iGi-ioin' more than half of the visible dueHImt is to my, three thcyutaaimr--out one time. Minard's Livnlment Co., Limited. Dear turrr,---Your MINARD'S LIN!- MENT is onr'r y for lore throat, colds “61?“ y lllmenta.‘ _ - -_'.--, .... nII"! re can I. can in On. My Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININ‘B Tablets. Drugxlsts refund money it tt an. to cure, E. w. GROVES ulna. tut. to on each box. 250. CON!!! qu'u- . _.....-..V., It neVer 'fGii; K; relieve and cure promptly. CHARLES VVHDOTEN. Port Multrrav% . Miss Young-What in your opin- Ion is the best time for a girl to WNW 1__ _ _ . "Tri;', 'Elde r-Whenever the man willing. Try Murine Ere Eemgdy It you have Red, Weak, Watery Eyel or Granulated E ends. Doesn't Smut --Soothetr Er Eda. Druggists Sell Murine Eye emedy, Liqui ' 25c. Soe. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c. Soc. Eye Boom Free by Mail. Anne‘I’enhMMAllIy-IMMM Mun-In. Eye Round: Co.. Chlem Warden (to new prsuonery--What work can you dot What was your oooupatiout Prisoner-l Watt a 'cellUt in an orchestra. Warden --Well, then, we'll not you to saw- ing wood. piggion upon lit. 'l Royal Children Well Informed. “How did'you find tharpiece of steak. tsir " uked the ailing wait- or in anticimiqnpf a 1.iyrra.1. tip. " really don't know," said the Urge man. gazing Lt his plate; "I just happened to move that little piece ot potato and the stock In under it." "See here, waiter," exclaimed the indignnt customer, "here’e e piece of wood in my -el" '.'ytt, "lint, rrorrl'ted,, 'ht,, water, :33? ,t,'pttici' thing! t dou’ ty but Elan ti, tho kennel “I”. “I; mum-cannula... mumaerwttaikirttmis tt,gtg.'o1ook"oum""; “job. Only 6.000 Seen at One Time. . Sympathetic. Ethel-Jack tried to kiss, me. Mirie--Wow impudent! Ethel-But he was interrupted. hurie--how annoying? "She has a, heart ot stone.", “Perhapa not." “She but I can nuke no im- Bald Wlth a Regretful Sigh. " :l' I iiiiN In out V Ge but Elan {>191ng I'm my to Ut k Plrppeh wife’s hi I'D rrsti. And It vult- hos." , IO l' ' - o 0 than on the witch}! 1'8"? ft,te, 'Gr-sired a. diamond t" His Ever Spent Angry Cute-er. Shall Portions. Bud Tue. His Trade. " "iitttj(ifffftlfffffijllll (lf 80MB] Ifil The preliminary statistics of Prussian births and deaths for 1913 shim that there were rather more than 15,000 fewer births than in 1912, but that tho excess of births over deaths was 550,764, the excess being 824 above that in 1912. The number orhirths in Prussia in 1913 was about 100,000 fewer than in 1906. As Prussia is about two- thirds of Germany tho Prussian rc- tume’are a fair guide to the posi- tion thmughout the. empire. And Foot. In Bad State. ttttunmet and Fostered. Could Not Shop. Completely Cured by Outicun Ointment In Short Time. -at-mtrootvesrrtmdir'rtthts molboluuwm.8heMuedvu7 murgoatdtser%rnrnair' Mum-umfholkmwu A kindergarten teacher. after ex- plaining to her much interested class that birds have feathers, betsm have fur, sheep have Tool, etc., aakM the question: . -rirGr," Js, can tell me wink, oy- stem have?" I - _ - and than some -----lbut every- mlumedwmakolc womsndahojm med for pain. I told my mother about Cum-um Ointment and we got 5 box im.. modlawly md bandaged up her foot and Oranges first went to England about the beginning of the sixteenth century, and found ready favor with those who could afford them. Curi- ous use was sometimes made of the fruit soon after its introduction. Cavendish describes Cardinal Wol- sey on entering a. crowded chamber "holding in his hand a. very fair orange, whereof tho meat, or sub- stance within was taken out and filled up again with the port of a sponge, wherein was vinegar and other connotations against the pesti- lemt airs; tho which he commonly smelt unto, passing among tho pm, or else when he was powered ( with many suitors." -iGiitisthirue girl, my 'atrirr recite, answered, "Crackers." Warts Distigure the Hands But can be palnlesnly removed in twenty-four hours by the as. ot Put- nam's Wart and Corn Extracmr. Fifty years in nu and still the but. Insist on getting "Putnant's" Extractor. Mc. at all dealers. "Have you any experience with children?" _ -. lag. Two applkatlonl made quite . am {creme and we kept. on using It andlnl. short time her lea and toot were comm: curedi: (Signed) Mina L. tam. Mn Ir, -i'siiJ,-tmcarn, I always worked in the best families," 1913. Prevent dry, thin and filling hair. allay itch- ing and irritation. and promote “an growth and beauty of the hair frequent. shampoos with Cancun Soap. mined by maximal are-ins: with Cuticun Ointment, are usu- ully ttttoctets when other methods fall. Cuticun Sup and Cutlcun Ointment we sold by armin- and dealers everywhere. A single set in often Butricitmt. For n liberal free sample ot each, with 32-p. book, send post-card to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp.. W1). Boston. U. B. A, Rheumatism Goes Quickly Its Virus Forever Destroyed "I my have bugged about my children a. bit." "That's true, you have." "And I may heve‘referred at times to the feet that my ancestors were celebrated people." "Yes, I have heard you do that." "But I still think I em entitled to some credit. for modesty. I have never claimed that my employers could not get along without me." EVERY CASE IS CURABLE. Good-bye to Rheumatitanl Your aching joints, your tttiff, sons muscles, those sleepless nights and sutNriptr days---trriod-bres orQnfer-- yogr gay is gone. J J C ' Suffeifer, Sheer up, and read the good news below. "A men met me a month 'lf?' and said, 'don't stay f,'.','%ed,; quit oom- Pleining, limber up.' y answer was. I'm rheumatic, I can? do it.' He looked me over in I pityine sort of way and told me to fl to the more“ drug store for New line and Ferro- zone. The combination had cured him. I Wu convinced of his sincerity end followed his instructions. I rub- bed on Nerviline three times every dnr--rultrod it right into my “lain: tttt The pain quickly leuened. on beanie more umber nnd ectlve. To Mratthryirttq of we dine-e trom iii",tiiif btl,tl)iii/t,ti.!,'itii1!;' tliiit4eiityi? pain " 'ttt “he t 111% 'lt') t,'At 3": “$04!!” itg,trl, hub-u -e.ee_" iiiid #el tiediisi ___, --"e 215213. on ter2iLei',5giiiii.i. Eon 11?:wa tnGdaLrc racyiG do you thiuk it has him had. Mu. than! PY-PT husband I. 'tryrfrPr if??? kW: comb “la-Inhalation“ _lfesPit,t,ate,t-d1thusund .1- Fewer Births in Germany. TO REMOVE DANDRUFF Oranges In England. Limited Knowledge. The Fixin’s. not sleep ant nights“! could not bear to have waxing mu It. “We Med - and tik Modest. KE ”13110 PAIAGIAPIIS. . A long life without old "e-oh. my: - To err is human, but to forgive is quiet. A bad memory is . cheerful liar'l nightm. One gentleman who all: another sedan-n s liar in lo gent-1cm. Fortunately for the Mouse man, for of his prayers are wavered. When tb fool has nothing to "' hofs never "stiatied uotil be uya it. More than . blanket Mtge is needed to keep a house warm in cold weather. - Only :golwill neglect his tamil y in order to pose as . public bene- factor. -- . An ordinary cold is one of tha very few ailmeota the modern phy- sician has been willing to undertake to cure without a. surgictl operk tiun. "Does the baby tik yet?" asked a, friend of the family of the little brother. “Nam." replied the little brother, diagustedly. “He don't need to talk. All he has tar. do in {KI-eff, GiiiAus git: everyghing in the house worth having." _ dow Sister (who wants to be left alone for a moment with her suitory-- Fnitzi, it's cold in the house; so in the next room and close the win- Terrible 'taAli_tm lecilonl i whiskey still is wanted an BAM-BOE GAVE QUICK RELIEF. Gibba--l'd really like to know the secret of social succeu. For taking the pain out ot s. burn or scald there is nothing equal to Zsm-Buk. Mrs. Eugene Deniers. ot Pembrdke, 0nt., who wns the victim of a mlntul scalding accident, proved this. She says: "I was cert-yin; a boiler of steaming water from the Move to the wash-tuh, when suddenly my strength tailed. As the boiler was tailing in splte of my alone, I tend my babies cry, end to svoid scaldlng them I gave the vessel e quick turn. The elfect ot this was that every drop of the boiling water poured over my feet and limbs. scalding me from my waist down. Dibbs-AMy bov. there are many secrets of social success, but one of the most important is to be able to pretend you are having a. good time when you’re not. “As soon as I MW the children ind escaped, I told my olden troy to bring the Zuni-But (which we dwnyn keep in the house). I applied Zuni: But freely, and the pain wu noon used. I continued using it,',',',"',',' and in I. wonderfully short time th notes were eompte' ly heated." Zam-Buk ia’equniiy good for cuts. bruises, eegertt" ulcers. piles. pimpch} etc. Price 60e. per box, " all drug- sisto and stores. or post free from. the Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. on receipt of price. Refuse substitutes and lml-, tations. There is nothing "Just u good'. " iritzi-But it's closed. fiiater--Well, then, open it, Little Brother Disgusted. Sister's Request. The Diwiemtrters. Onebuma.o¢four-low ft,',',':,','.-.': dew fkeoeauto- Now-locates " !rre,eooktitueooit-aaid . acoot i?ii'ti 2L Bum-seq. rsks,uet,y,t,.'s atop rack; Also 4 t,'t,t;nt,tdt,die2e,il' I" kiddo-34M“ KITCHEN ECONOMY INFLUENZA 'l,ttF'i,f.iiiiiiu o',,St.", in“: If, tho t'ir, “ml-‘EEE'. the ou :oou All org-lune“. WI by all“ I'OMI'I MRI-PEI AND " 'ttt 0 dose- otwn om. One bout. Stt.rtta'rd to on an. tor brood Inn-u. hub] ootM, qtalNorsr--ait 4 anions. Ion Iklmul act-attic coupon-t Au OHM"! new“. on; can... Int. 0. I 'rr‘u'li lurch. an! mu R. .. ”OWE mum-no M... MM. -------"'--== ()NION GROWERB. GET LITERA- turo re onion Weedern. R. a. Bruner. Ollndn. Ont. Ja oali7F on has so tLetory iocteht 2t m..-.,..-----------""------;, G ooo WEEKLY IN LIV: TOWN IN York County. ?,i,it,t,t""T,tl'f Book “when In connection-, co only “.000. Term. “Deni. Milan Pubnnh- lns Compsny. " Wu! Adoutdo snug Toronto. . Connedion between feeding and literary genius in commented on by Robert Shout-d in his “Modem Paris." Bola, he aye, wrote best when he wu very stout, and that when his bulk dwindled so did his talent. M11: Gautier, himself enormous, maintained that - of genius should be fat, and tor proof pointed to "that more banal than man," Helm, to Alexandre Du- nne, ”always tat and iouy," to tho “hippopotamus in breedses." Roar sini, and the plump and well fed ep- pearurce of Victor Hugo and Saints Beuve. What I“. Bid For 17.. Theoo1dwierterot 1840trqsvertu' the blanket. Ita inventor, Tram Blanket, va- . PM “mm, new in Beirtol, and Mien from mum to want. Ho and his wife winds; from the been” cold by reason of mm. bedding and lack of fuel, he maimed for annealing to pat on the bed to increase the warmth, and hit on a poem of rough uMnUhed cloth that had been thrown to waste. Ita was: an a. warmth-giver suggested the mun- fwture of special bed covers of the same Tatoria,1, and there articles. to wftiW he gave his own name. won him fame and immoruiity.--. Loodon Chmicle. .-.---rV u a. “mu. cm. on. Nothing looks more pitiful than an old Joann arrayed in hee dnughter'ir eaat-oft hnery. ----""-"" r Ttttt WA!" " - OI "Lt, A .._..n. um... null or bur! hrs: Anon» - r-uqtrtyt_1e"1e. w gnu use by! whole and - by Peefeet baking. mining their full W. mvond with delicious m They have no ...I. , 'tu'GG.'"cisii'iiuaGcd1e r DAM in.“ cum "nu. HEMPAPIII '0. [All Bull; Versus Talent. "an no "he, - In: an“. and“! I 'Ei'fk'ii ttom hm an. I AND " 00! 00.1. I to G mil-735 63m mm III-nun. Frith'. If“. if] ES] to the tun m I'll-III! house. t.ttntF Mr tt towel.- "Ind " t n the t: night t Int fuI " t he thou thi. Fr " vow " For dias the mir Odd. Oahu II tr V. " " ror their can onll thit but mum will be you hum! m mam “shed n bundling: he saw tet palm 'ttubr hum" Momt ho m5 “1'!!er . turn ' III Inches (In liable u Mr." In. the lim- hlvo m fell lay Mm rm rofusod :Whg lulu My? Tt not. (hut holy " t “(Alford l 'IGM bur.- t-weutr that maker "I lhoulnl .%. better holy-5 county." sum '10: I mum ' Mr Stephan" 'thar. all a. “Illa", you'd The III-ad Kr Huh [Mump- . 'tttle 4|!lul not: lehauuw "Herve tou “0‘ tltafror, Extra G MI n: lave. CANADA SUGAR RE Pottingter “Yes our ”(the I I” ho'n ttt M!" (Gui. and 100 Pound Cloth Bags, and in 2 Pound and s Pound Sealed Carton The man- [$4,119 " Ft Tl thh h F891 , He ll Elem Tu Dye t 'theirs' No! hut . is 10 Pound, 20 Pound, tro Pound to M M ii The he. t There Chan ld THE

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