Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Apr 1914, p. 8

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WT ll 32 ,uMh, Only 50c for the Review the balance of this year to New Subscribers W 'a'.":":"":":"'"""""""','), W l" at. CENTRAL DRUG STORE f) iiseeds! Seeds! Seeds! ‘f Prices as low as any. SE The Central Drug Store 5; 3333333333 ir.2vat.S'.9.Sar.9Sa.3" 533 hi One baking tells the tale. Use PURITY FLOUR once and youll always use it. FUR“? FLOUR BurtrsatlgofdTRlTY: Your monerwilrbe:returned if it does not prove entirely satisfactory. (il", We have a good stock of all kinds of Feed hand, including Chopped Con Chopped (on & Oats Chopped on: Crushed Oats If you want Feed, call and see us. Our prices will please you. The. specially designed and up-to-date method now generally Idoptod Ur eifeetually preventing entry of all draught, snow, '10“. raft: or dust ot any kind, thereby insuring an even tamper- uun throughout the building. Why deny yourseli the maximum of comfort at the minimum of alpine. All metal-weather strip costs less, is far more ef- lootin than atom nah and is a permanent institution. requiring no maul. lost public buildings in large cities are equipped with it. Arabia.“ specify it, the Government demands it. Field and Garden Seeds (i; G. T. R. Ticket Agency Ivory window and every deal where ever made of wood will to equipped with Eatimates chum": givon. Work guaranteed Write, Phone or Call. Maul-cured and instilled by Saves its cost in Fuel in a short Time The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Feed l Feed! " EVENTUALL,Y Govt. Tested Timothy and Clover Seed All-Metal Weather Strip We no ptying Me to f.0c for Good Oats at our Elevator Headquarters for all kindsof {Magi Better Bread” iiVrttetiiY', Pastri; ‘tob . . Furber dk Go. Why Not Now Oatncal Millers BUREAU. ONT Srnith's Calf Meal Feed Meal Mixed Peed Seed Oats Buy your tickets here Order Early m m iii m ' t gs (a tt.t ft) M l) l 1lriloLs'rEIfhiil Rev, Mr James sue a Lintem Slide illustration and a talk on " The Life ot Thomas Crossby " " Yeovil on Sunday night, which was very instructive. Mr J. McArthur visited in Arthur onfiatltrdtV. _ - _ . . The backward weather is going to make the seeding Into this year. It is to be hoped we soon gd tsettdr weather. Willie “(Arthur spent Sunday' under the parental root Ind also vis- ited his sister, Mrs C. Yake on the toth con. We are glad to see Miss Sophia MeAttbur out again, after her recent illness, Mrs Hugh Lamont is visiting with her mother this week. Mr John Swanston is engaged with Wm. Rogers for the spring new. Mr Geo. Hoeflin is erecting some fence for Wm. Great n present. A NERVY TIH(‘K.-A scaled letter addressed to the Herald-Times, Walk-l erton, and containing a cash remittance; of three dollars from a subscriber, was‘ opened by a village postmaster in Bruce _ County, who extracted M cents from the amount as commlsslon tor himself and forwarded us the balance of 82.75. The " postmaster " placed the words " news agency " under his signature to make the grafting game he was pulling (, off look more plausible. The subscriber i however, was only credited with' $2.75 " this end, and on coming to Walker-l ton was surprised to find that his letter i had been interfered with in transit. As? the unauthorized opening of scaled mail by postmasters is a criminal Mtence, punishable with a heavy penalty, the loot that the P. M. expects to get by a trick of this kind is hardly commensur- ate with the chances he takes in getting in wrong and landing under the shadow of a stone wall. M" Walkcrton Herald. Eat dinner' at night. Mungage your house and buy an automobile. Let the gmcerynnn and meat deal. ers wait a while, Borrow enough money to j in H enuplc of country clubs. When there is a. reception, have gar- ments sent up on approval and wear them to the reception, Place your nose at an angle of forty- tive degrees whenynu paw an honest working nun (m the sueel. - Refer to tour Ford as u " motalt " and slum the street cars In all use». sions. Forget the letter " r " in all of you: conrerotion and cullivme a fondness for grapefruit. Make a loud noise through the now when anybody Intentions such a plehe. ian thing as work. Articles acceptable It Parcel Post rates include Merchlndise of all deg. criptions - Books - iusotg--seedsr--- Farm Produce, etc., but not letters, lixplosiVes or Intoxicating Liquors. Regulations Governing Parcels must be tied up firmly, but not leaded. the postage prepaid and name and Iddress of sender placed in. sxde or on the cover. Parcels. containing Letters, will be forwarded at Letter Rue lndshon paid garcels Will be forwarded and double the deficient postage callecwd at destination. Limit of tsize-Atl feet by 1 toot by 1 foot or 21- feet loug--irolls) or 3.h feet girth by 2; feet girth-O feet over all. Limit of weight for February, March Ind April --6 pounds. Parcels will not be Registered. but may be insured-5c in addition to the the postage, rtaring for an Insurance on actual value of contents up to $25.00 and IN up to $50.00. Parcels of fragile or perishable mat- ter, such as Eggs, Meat, Fish. Glass. Liquid, etc" cannot be insured. Tags and Labels for Perishable and Fragile parcels will be furnished by the I'ost, master. Parcels bearing a Reinrn Request and after 16 days. parcels bearing the name and nddres: of sender will be returned direct. to sender, who will be required to ply a charge equal to the original plunge. After delivery has been mlde a parcel will not be return, ed to the gender unless the person returning it pays she return postage. Parcels any contain Invoucas or Ae. counts provided they "Into exclusne ly to the contents of put-eel, alsocards or label! with brief necessery direc- uona for the idsntifieation oi each article, when seven] are enclosed in the one parcel. When in doubt cali‘at is, Post Office uud gs full information. Parcels containing Liquida, Oils, etc.. must be enclosed In Wooden, Metal or Papier Mnhe block: or tube: with imffie,ient cotton or other packing to take up contents in use of break. age. Damaged Parcels. which have been insured, Will be held for enquiry and when loo of pan of contents occurs the cover of parcel must In predaeed, 'al,tASh,t 1t,ttuo '3gltiLA'ggi' -_- ...~V -- r-"" my." |J yum-Aunt“. For quicker um] safer deepstch mail parcels " only in the day " powble. 9lnBSllRjir, THISTLE TOP VALLEY How to be an Aristocrat ---_.i-------- Parcels Post. "lt'l ll, reviewed at length! he Advan- tageland disulvanhges of the Local '“d?Y1Upainn Act and Canada; Temper-an" Ul','; Act and and the 343th! htndienp was "likely to remain no long In the present uphiaiiC1T".1'/'/ wan in power. Every recent‘m‘we made by temperance men to ihaye the Weak pmntl of C'annds Tem- g with"""""'" Act C. T, A.) strengthened iwas met by the plea that the liquor men wilt demand tho insertion " tho ‘53:: i tr5ths clause in it tort, Such is 1oaneful {power of the liquor tunic. Local Op- TEE DURHAM REVIEW tisruted. m , tret l Mr and Mn Stevenson of Toronto Wnuhl be discussed innnon-partizun . ' . ' ' Rev atmosphere. At present in the Oatate 3:13:1tmg their daughter. Mrs( ) to L'gishtu'w a two temperance " I,, h p t ed from ' a. r graumn re urn Shall Grey Try the Canada Temperalcc Act ? to L‘zishtu'm a two tempsranc measure would past by an enormou mwj wity if members were freed frnu the shackles of the party caucus. power of the liquor tunic. Local Op- tion was . "iagnithrertt triohd of tear- perum-e in this province, but, it would he better if it, had the majority rule feature of the C. T. A. .. Not the Luv but the m:-n behind the law. is tht power that enforces It " said Dr. Abraham. With the right men he preferred even the old Sean Act to the best License law ever made. Be showed how gunner remnants had been embodied in the C. T. A., especi- ally in regard to drugzists and doctoro but put his greatest weight on the im. pnrtnnn- " having oftleeri, who would carry out the spirit of rho Law. He praised Mr Hanna for making it com- pulsory to mum inmxienled men tell whele they gut. their liquor in mm- license districts even In m Local or- tion districts. Pahlic opinivn was be. ing strengthened and he believed mnny men were now willing and bold enough to stand ulool from their pnrty on this qttesi'vm, Much 'discussion followed and ulti- mately on motion of Iter W IV. Prud ham the question of subuneslon or non-submission of the Cl, T. A. in this County was left Io be determined at a fut ure Convention, the announcement and calling of which in a thotough and ettleient manner was left in the hands of the new executive. This exvcuxive. on the Committee's Report, is as follows: President-C. A. Fleming. Owen Sound, Vice Presidents-tusp. CUmpbell and Rev. w. w. Prudham. Durham, t'wtrreiarr---F, w, Millhouse, Owen Sound. Trtnsurti--Dr Staples. "anovcr. 0 her llwmhrls are, Juo. Coup-I, Hanover. M. Arumruug and -- Haw- Trarnsuret--Dr Staples. Huunw-r. 0 her mending are, Juo. Coopir, Hanover. M. Al-umroug and - Bow. era. Mmkdfulv, Mr Hanna. Menford. The cmnmmce‘s report Mano tt Med for a resolution candeuming the 3-5)th clause. tteeortiutended If U T, A. was not suhmlltvg to County to bring on Local Option votes an educational lneasurrs. urged Churches and Sunday Sehnols to start pledge-sum n m - pnigns, and recommended prilumios to bring out temperunce candidates. Many others spoke. an atmosphere of enthusiasm prevailrd and lt in hke- ly ancther and homer accredited Con. vention will he held before long. In the muller of the estate of Samuel Neal. late ol the Village of Holstein. in thcCortnty of Grey, retired farmer. deceased. And take nulice that after the twenty-second day of Mar, A, 0.1914 the said Executor: will proceed to dil- trihute the estate of the aid deceased among the muons entitled thereto, having regard only to the chim- of which-they shall then have had itotier, and the said executor: will not. be li- able for the mid manta. or any part thereof. to any person or mom of whose claim they shall not then have received notice. Dated at Pol-min this, 10th day of April, A, D., 1914. .10an. ORCHARD. Holstein, Ont. Liam: NICHOLSON, Holstein. Ont, Executor. of the lust Will and Tan- ment pi Samuel In], (ceased. NOTICE is hexehv given that all per sons having any claims or anlind. against the estate of the late Samuel Neal, who died on nr about the four. teenth day of Derrernher, A. D., 1913, at tho Village of Holstein in the (loan- ty of Grey, are quuited on or before the 22nd day of May, A. D.,19H, to send by post prepaid. or to deliver to the uradereitrned Executor- of the III! will and Testament of the said Samu- el Neal, damned. their names and ad- drealea and tull particulars in writing at their chum and statement! of their Accounts and the nature of the secur- ity (if any) held by them. Notice to Creditors ‘1' nca. 1"/il Mrs (Dr.) Ferguson returned "9m om ; St. Marys on Wednesday, will}. Mrs; i Marshall returned to St. Marys the _ -- Iday previous to visit with her mother. if mm m PERSONAL Q‘memm‘enI Mi and Mrs O'Nei1 and two child- ren from the west, are visiting their relatives, Mr and Mrs D. W. Camer- 1 Percy Mappleavel this week end {for Stratford, where he will write off ibis Business College exams. ‘ Mrs Wm. Geddes is very erysipclas n present. J. A. Man]: leaves this week for Springville to Issist in the vocal ex- ercises at the induction of Dr. Marsh! successor Mrs John Mammy and two children arrived trom Toronto on Friday of last week nd u: spending a few weeks with In Mammy in the village. Dr. W. D. Fergttson has renovate the interior of his office and house re- cently and is now making outward changes by having a new roof place _ on the dwelling. Rev. Winfield Hunt. of Belwood, was a visitor in Holstein last week. Mr and Mrs James Durant, oi Mt. Forest, are visiting his parents. We are pleased to learn that the dispute between J. W. Manny and W. J, Avkinaon in regard to the liv. er) business has been amicably set- tled between the parties. Mr Richard Irwin received the sad news on Tuesday, that his father had passed away at the home of the for- mer's brother, James Irwin in Minto. Deceased was 96 years old and for- merly resided On the 2nd con, of Egremnnt. An unusual feature about the death of this pioneer and that of Mr Alex Allen Monday lay in the fact that they were the respective fathers, of Mr and Mrs James Irwin, the two deaths occurring on success- ive days, Owing to Mr Irwin, Sn, being so critically ill, his son and wife were unable to attend Mr Allen's burial on Tuesday. Rev. Dr, Marsh was a visitor in Toronto over Sunday, his pulpit be. ing ably filled by Rev. Mr Bailey, of the Dominion Alliance. Mrs Clark, of -""""'"", is a guest at the manse. _ Alex Hamilton is maxing the late James Johnston's house on Welling ton street this week. Mr V. Voisin has disposed of his storcain Holstein and Mount Forest and it is said will live retired in the latter place. The Holstein business has been Purchased by My F. Allin;- ham, formerly from the vicinity of Listowel. With Mrs Allinghlm and son and daughter, he took possession on. Monday and sleek-taking is now going on. _ With the advent of Spring, tbel population of this industrious burg: has taken on an unusual boom. Within the past three weeks, more than thirty souls have taken up their I abode here with intent to become res. l ideals and the accretion is conning; unusual comment. Mr and Mrs Jos. I Switzer's return started the influx,) followed by the entry of Mr and Mrs Dyer and four children from Ayton. I Mr Dyer is engaged with r. Irwin. Mr and Mrs Brant and seven children then moved into the hotel, where he is giving satisfaction. Next came Mr McKenzie, the foreman on the, section gang, with his wife and fourl children into the house next to the station. Lastly Mr end Mrs Frank Allingham and two children have taken possession of Mr Voisin‘s store After an illness extending over a few weeks, his demise arising in m various diseases, the death of Mr Alex Allen took place on Monday lat the home of his sister, Mrs Adam Maia, at the age of 71 rm “Allen. iwho was for many yeari'a farmer in Egremont and later resided in the ivicmity of Alma and the citv of (Guelph, had spent the winter months (in the employ of ll. Irwin here. Af- Aer contracting sickness, ha was interned " Mrs Main's, his wife also ‘arriving from Guelph to be at his ’bedside. He we: twice worried, his i first wile being a daughter ot the late Neil McKellar. ' He is outvived by three daughters, In June: Irwin bo- ilg the only one we In familiar with by name. Two brothers end two " ten also susvive. The lunenl took place from the home of " state! Mrs Main, on Tuesday ethnic“: to fytrthrattet eeataterr, Rev, Me has odulatitttr. The football club was organized for the season at a meeting in Roberts' hall on Friday night. A large num- ber were present and great enthusi- asm was shown among the boys, who, with plenty of material to choose from, are out to get a top-notch team. Prospects for their success are considered rosy. The tollowing offlc. ers were elected ', President-Rev. Mr James ; Manager - Harold Main ; Captain Roy Dickson; Secy.-Treas. ---J. A. Marsh. The practice nights are Monday, Wednesday and Satur- day in Mr Calder‘s fields. Colors, red with white breasts, pennants with red-lettering of the club's name on the pennant. "T, hv,“ the well-known favorite tertiei of A. R. Hershey, mot instant death on Thursday of last week, when Bert Edwards in his automobile ran over him aecidentally. Tobadiah possessed the canine virtues that are common to all dogs and doubtleu shared in the [anus of the dog-world to the some extent. Mr Hershey was quite. attached to the animal and will doubtless miss " companionship. week for ill with l i Mr Frank Blakemore, Binninglun mug-u a brotherin-1aw of Mr. Thus I Sunsby, anivcd Inst week in the vii. "age, and has engaged with Mr In. ( Snell for the summer. i, Mr Thos. Atchison in busy this 3 week moving into the house recently ivacated by Mr James Allan. Amos pulpit was filled on Sunday by Dr. Rae, on behalf of the Domin- ion Alliahcc A very impressive m- :wn was given don; temporancc mes. Miss Nellie Atchison, who ha been attending Mt, Forest Business College has secured a position with The Bov- ser Co., Toronto, and leaves next week to assume duties. - Mr John McMurdo is creating I kitchen to his house, with Its Bonk" " foreman of the job. J At a recent meeting of School Trug. tees, Mr Major Ecclel was elected to that ofiiee, In place of Mr R. lune. who recently moved to Durham. The Dromore Branch of Women‘s Institute will hold their Alma! Meet- in g at the home of Mrs Sun Patterson on Wednesday, May 6, commencing at 2.33. Mrs Marsh of Ho1stein,will be present and address the ladies, also Mrs Hostetter will (we a report Jrihis%G/eiiiion. Anni- an: annual meeting. all the members are requested to be present. Mrs Mastic, Mrs Patterson, (t The second and third divisions of lot so, Con. I, E. a. R., Glenelg. 100 an", “and buildings, one mile south of Dut- ham. Tenders will be received up till May sun for the contrml of pain'ing the in- trrior of U, B. S. No. 2, Em vault and Normanhy. Lowest or any and" not neceumly accepted. Plans and speci- thvatioo may he had by applying to 1101ka Roanx‘raox. R. it. No. 3, Ayton, ONTARIO ARCHIVES q TORONTO It) fil0USE=clltiNllN0 t Seeds of all Kinds, or Grains s; I.” ”””O””“”““ .4. “”0...“ .. ”CI...” Dutch clatnser..10ctttitt. Boa-Ami ..........l5c Ammonia......,. ......uc per bottle, also 10c powder Flax Sosp......l5c a tin--Ost 0. K. for polished floors I,'air11s-ont!tevtrymtr?ose--i- .. Brushes,olallkinds......................5ct050L Brooms, from...........................25ct050c d. W. HUNT We just received a shipment of Trimmed H and also Untrimmed. These are the 11th styles and at prices exceptionally low. Sent us for two weeks, then any unsold to be retm-. so come at once; have a look at these. _ BARN WALLS, HOUSES, SILOS. BRIDGES AND CULVERTS We also sell the DURHAM NATIONAL PORTLAND CEMENT, that well known brand at the lowest possible price. Cement always on hand. Call or write and get my prices before you let your cont mm J. W. Hunt is prepared to take all kinds of Cement Work----. m I W?" CATAL000ES President TAYLOR8c CO. Dromore Tenders Wanted '3e3. _ DIOMORE CEMENT WORK YTAL00UES Now these have just HI ' . If you have not rocoiw '1 l , be sure to ask for one, as the values are unulrpmv and everything guaranteed, or your nmnoy back. If possible, we will procure them for you. No need to go elsewhere for For Rent TAYLOR & CO. Highest Prices for Produce We are on the job with lots of all kinds of cleaners: Mrs Patterson, Seetetary A. H. JACKSON Millinery We are in We mu ket to buy t u tweet. or mar, at the highest nmx price. We supply two um. {rm cub of our pawns. pay all exp- chug... pay lwiw each mm chequn payable at par. Bu cum and" in the won, in: , an received and send our pun-m utulement of “mo. Write for t and gm our ”cannery a will. TRMAV» & BAN-um, Palm Creamery. Palmerston, I Sunday School nt9tl REV. " REV. D. B. MARSH, Bert, ERAS. i Holswin Conveyuncor Issuer of Image Lice ”may to lotus u lowest rum. (em to sun, borrower. Fir" Lib humane plus“ in thoriur, "tutsk commune-‘1 Deeds. M can. beam and Il- ”scum shun-n1 twice. . All work Drum unwed ta. . . MT. FOREST. ON T A superior school with Mp4 tant instructots snd through courses. Atttiated with Camp... College, Stratford. We do mm: for our students than does an) other similar school. All grads ates in t-itiolr. You msy enter " my time. Write for psrtlgulm» or call at the College. sw. Jam: 3min": Col/eye D. A, "CPACHLAN, w. E. Wttso Pmadcnt Principal Fresh) lerinn Church y Selma! It to. Survive at ll ' and 7 p m. - P. R. C. M, Tuerdly It tt p. u Methodist Church urn. so, 1914 Cream Wanted Go. I“ 7.00 p. m JAMES. w, J. SHARP HOLSTEIN Hervlre s t Past I [d I] L] y [J , _ itead Nell” Mug oti Peed A. Law m be in Ourlu $1 about too ie A pair of! hee with n mith'r. ttee May my summer I on applic: ll " hand chair " (all, open mm Wu»; Arthur. forum ; _ went West trr ll H Bran held Our alum: to I but Hm southeast“ '.lt local lnclcr t better had h (an: instead duck he saw Midge tha um Cl" an“ Th w c STRAY MOTHERS the Iccond l Med by th, a! mother): but instin: lamina ur on Sunday I take the tm main; it a The man abt. Brig WIS ve of vie bma I) rema I'm mm il of " Our M “I“ an t Hamilton. he. and tl In Predict cadet awnilonal k the Winnipeg mad In UGl Agteat would WORK wax u A ll 's Mu. when t-'t l- May night”; tr', ',s ' “Null” DIM. Hr. . “during My ins to lib-n he ILA m: ls 'teeded changes Hg k "I! in: Samar) (w!) “Raid. had ”£th a [at year and an” dhnrirte conditions mun one. He referred n m uncovered. thc and): Magma Im. I! human Sunda) tun JMtoette disgracc of 0|. kw, rivcriran'" I '-. where the Sa into a thn. i ”new at ._ T . attack cabin-up: All]! hh “III cthodiu Chr ”(Mi O Inc pr: VOL. XX tec f. ll

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