Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 19 Mar 1914, p. 8

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t tt, Cotton Seed Meal Oil Cut. Holmes Inl t o,-;.-,--",-,--.;---..----.-.--- -- - t gEconomy§ MT. FOREST. ONT. A “valor school with col-pc- tent intructnrs and through courses. Atttiated with Central College, S rntford. WI do more for our students that doee any other Iimilar school. All gradu- ates in position. You may enter at any time. Write for particulnn or all " the College. BW. for”! 3min”: Collage “an“... ““00“!” n. A, .\Ic|_.M:MLAN, w. I. WILSON. President Principll Now since eyoxything seems so high in price, poulbly it would be well to try and economize in some things. Now we can save you some money if you one to purchue in larger quantities. Ask your neighbor to take half. These goods are all ilnettrt quality. TAYLO It 8600. Dromore Jams: ttlrets Save Money by Buying Your Groceries in Larger Quantities Christie'Block. Holstein Just Examine the List: TAYLOR & CO. Pump- Gnolino Engine. Fania. Ital "(but Idea foe Produce ‘HORNING. D. P. A. lwm. CALDER, Town Ticket Agent J. TOWNER, Station Ticket Agent Round trip tlckets to points In Manitoba, Album ma ankuchcw m "a chieaito, tbt, Pull and Duluth on we each Tuesdly until October 27, Inclusive " laureate. Through Pullman tourist sleepers to lump" on above “to. leaving Toronto It p m. No change or Otte w" Brenna Hus Prom minimum Ontario, Kingston. Renfrew Bgtd we" to point: In Aibctta And Saskatchew- un. etch Tuna-y during March and April. low Colonist In": Homeseekers Excursions (In. way mould cuss From “0010mm Ontario to certain points In Alberta, Bullsh Columbia nun-mm, Or-xou \VuMnnon. " On uh: Much 15 to April 15 Inclusive. Full particulars at Grand Trunk Tic- ket Odices, Toronto. or write C. E. Return Limit two months SETTLERS' FARES (5/7/76 uuso,x, %%%7mn %vrreny 0/7 afArLss., ofGaur. /aettctwts o/gee/c-eta/vs £223, (3974223 4720/ (gala wdu"M?' a}; Efx/g%zéza¢z 7/ //2 tdest 'v'in'/iipr cv/2Li/,a, m 95%, stats, a22r//aéz'27 Tsous, (1/ am. siou,, 0401/27 //26 "east I'm a'yas. . 17/! cw/c‘iw/ (a you a may eotdialisxvitaticot, (a attend (It; (l)ucdsitavtx, wkiek "sWeotts. jr1isey "ll, tyl, "eweat anafeét'aé, (se-ttpil-y. (é47)¢e(/ in (/Le Gtest MIC“! f)tod ant! als ' mar/9‘1. ,ZZey will .110ch nc the: cytju'fd olilto, anrJ‘v/rzu can c/e/wna/ on ff ' anyfét‘nf l yaw '"oy .jc/(r/wt// not (a atw/'crrseeezt.' We Malaya eoreseistts 0/ 2,gas ' Seas f)ustat, £72 fcla, k $467. 0/) mt(/ we T'" (Maude you tut, f/w vrdetes will tfe $697131 74%.; /tess cenf. (claw ' hiya/at Niall/naked. %u we]! [a ermté: we/conw, eaten, tlutrh, you ”my "ot d, an in. tent/£727 /¢¢¢zc/eadct. - Meri, [It "col, f0» (/(zz, . YI/e, We are pleased to note that Mr. Lachlan McDeugall is making fair progress towards recovery. Mrs Jag. Swanston has received word from her son John A, that he and lus companion Were moving along quite favorably with their stock towards Winnipeg. Mr and Mrs Geo. C. Swanston Ind family of Lumsden. Bank. unwed on Tuesday ot this week to stay for I While on the old home mm the for mer's mother. Welcome home Gen. Un Saturday evening last the homer of Mr. ll. I'. Dodds was made exceed- Ingly happy by the presence oi the “WW young friends of Mrs. John A. Swuuacou who assembled there to bid their friend good bye and at the name Mme to present to Mrs. Swunlton a beautiful set of very vain-bio tulver-, ware as a that of remembnnco ol the many big” dnya spent together. Mr and Mrs Ed. McRobb entertain- ed their friends and neighbors to. pice dancing party last. Friday enn- lug. clnldren who travel two miles to school. Mo, Williams and little daughter hit on Tuesday of this week to will. her sister. Mrs. Wm. Shields at Peu- zance, tiaglt. Mr John Snell returned to Chum/- in, Alta,. after spending the winter a: his old home. Mr and Mrs W J Phllp 1nd (“ugh _ ter Edna and grandson. visited their' daughter Mrs Ed. Moliobb and spent the week end with friends here. Miss Emily Wilson spent the week and With Mus Dadds at. Maple Lam Maple Lane has been fortunue I) securmg the Ollie: of Township Treas~ ( urer again. We wish Mr J. ll. Plnlp all success and lune troutidenee that. he will make a good Finance Miniw The weather has embraced a mile and looks much better to the little A short dams was read by Miss Bella Mchmes and the presentation wasmads by Mrs. Wm, Fairbairn. Mrs Swanson very tittiogly replied, thanking very heartrly the young people for their good wishes for her- self Ind family and assuring them that their beautiful gilt would always remind he: M her dear fneudsrnd the home ot her childhood. The ad- dress was In follows; We loudly remember that you were born here and have lived ttttttttttttttae- ly among us sharing the joy! and sorrows ol “In. We sincerely mob Jou and your husband and family Ml joy and pro-penny in your fawn home. yawn écnzewzJPz that, (XL; (Ox/{cgtt‘wlz (on To Mrs J. A. Ge.mrurn, Deu- Siater and Friend,--. We in the name of your many friends and well wish." here, kindly ask you to Accept of this cabins: of silver, hoping " will remmd you of the nanny happy days you have lived in the Town-hip of Egumom. Signed on hehnlf of all Miss Jennie Calder I - Mrs Irwin Feb!) I Ilia. Kite Sincloir We have much pleasure in meeting with you and your clnlc'lrw this ev- ening ere you dam". to yuur home In Sperling. Manitoba. Idols"),?]?:)); Mgpla Lane. Match 14,'14 YEOVIL An Invitation 'ijiuyght. AND PERSONAL ' 'tese-:tw-s.smseast:ear.-:" Miss Jane Matthews, of Durham is at present visiting her brother J.M J A. Marsh was to Lucknow one night last week tillintt a concert en. gagement. Mr Chas. Irwin, of Duluth, is visit ilg his brother, R. Irwin Mr and Mrs Plaster, of Hopeville, spent a couple of davs with their daughter, Mrs J. M. Matthews. . Sorry to report that J. W. Hunter suffered from a relapse in his health while attending church on Sunday. Now is the time to e both fowl and animals a tonic. Ca Meal, Roy- tal Purple for stock and po rr, Her- ):ageum for the hogs. For s at J. M. Ma ewe. Messrs Gen. Calder, Janus Lewis and Wm. Eccles are in Owen Sound this week on Jury business. W. J. Atkinson returned from a trip to Toronto or Monday night. The Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist church are holding a concert on Friday night. Miss Tuck- er and Mrs Marsh wni speak in the interest of Missions. Refreshments will be served at the close. Mr and Mrs J. W. Philp and Mrs Bailey from Meta near Arthur. are visiting the Philp and McRobb fam. ilies In this yxcmity. Sacrament was dispensed in the Presbyterian church on Sunday, a large congregation attending. At the conuntat3icattts' meeting, 19 new memllers were added to the roll. The tine weather of last week iwith the prospect of losing the sleighing, rashed the tinal logs to the local tum. ber mills the proprietors at which state that the supply of the past sea- son has been ample, but not in excess of other years. J. D. Mam " hearing iiiFiGG around and has mam- tsignattsreii, al- though it is said that some will not take the party tsplit. The monthly meeting oi the Wo- men's Institute will be held atihe home of Mrs T. J. Reid on March 19 at 2.30 The meeting will betaken by Mrs Rogers, the topic being dr The School-its relation to the commun- ity " and Roll Call, " Houaeelean. ing. " All ladies welcome. The Conservative party in Hoisted are at variance with their leader, Si James Whitney, in the matter ot his temperance policy and with him to adopt the measure of N. W. Rowell, the liberal Chieftain. and have the bar completely wiped out. Bo strong are they feeling in the matter, that a petition is being circulated and sign- ed among Conservative. here, to be sent to the premier and requesting him to submit a plebiscite to the iii? ple to abolish the bar in Ontario. r By the turn taken in public op'sr ion as to the rural school fairs in this part of the township, it seems hardly likely that the frontier along the western side of the township will be represented at this year's exhibition, if there is one to be held. As a re- sult of a meeting at the Holstein School trustees on Friday night, No. 3 will refrain from entering this year Word from the surrounding sections seems also to express dissatisfaction with the Pair. It appears that the Government which bore the expense last year will not keep it up, wishing the (sits to be self sustaining. R QWWWIS‘DWW‘ a572i, vrrl, Jil'"?." -, Ma/W/l- 'r/eat-tir-tam/y .-e 1/ (W U act/p ftee MN " 4 Now thati is housecleaniug time, 11 want you to et our prices beiote I buying elsewhe . Our stock is com- lplet.e in all If s, Alsc wmdow ‘sbades. We a 0 have Sherwin Williams paints. t J. M. MAT- THEWS. the new f niture man. _ Miss Anna Rice is homo from Lon- don: Mr John Troupe left on Tuesday to visit In Owen Sound. Mr C. Ramage, of Durham, visited in the village on Monday and enjoy ed the atrttonotntetsl lecture that we ning. Miss Mary Dodds went west with the Swanston family on Monday. S. S. No. 9. Egrcmont, has décided to erect a new school and will replace the structure which has rendered ex- cellent serv:ce in an educational w.) for about 40 years, However some friction is said to exist among the section residents, some desiring to have the site chosen on the San farm. An arbitration meeting is being be? this Thursday to $9 tile matters. A fair-Sized crowd attended the sale of furniture at the commercial hotel on Tuesday. Some articles brought good prices, while others went considerably below cost. It is said that the hostv1ry will be closed up for a couple months. the propri- etor, F, Jordan, being unable to find a successor to Mr Lougheed. The latter has not decided his future car. eer, hut may go west. What the travelling public will do tor accom- modltion with the hotel closed is a quandary. . ( Before preaenting the numerous 1views he had a preliminary talk on the uses of the science, showing that the timing of railways, manmactor- ies, bells &c.. Were -all conditioned on astronomical time. Not a side line or concession line was run. not a ship moved on the ocean but had Dome foundationin Astronomy. He dealt' on the extreme exactitude of the Science. 'o the only true acience." where calculations of speed must be reckoned to the one-thonaandth part of a second. and vet and: perfection had been reached that eelipsea and other phenomena could be predicted t too years ahead. tr The workshop of the Almighty 't was an impressive phrase used by Rev. Dr. Marsh, on Monday night; 16th March, as he threw upon the screen photos of star clusters and le- bulae that represent, in the opinion of astronomers, worlds in the ranking. at a stage comparable to what existed in our own solar system millions of years ago. The lecture was given in the Pres- byterian church to a very good audi- ence and was entirely unique to any- thing a iven here. Rev. Dr. Marsh is an ash ,, omer of note, has been hoo, ored by aeveral Scientific Societies of this and foreign countries for much original research conducted by him. not only with the telescope, but with the spectroscope and other Instru- ments and is an adept " stellar pho- tography, which has done so much in recent veara to increase our kaow- ledge of the heavens. "An nudevout Astronomer is mad " save some one and Dr, Marsh in there by-Itudies ' looks up from Nature unto Nature's G. d " and finds in the gospel -:theme and lus pastoral work, outlets for his thcl'g)’ and bio devotionel natnre far in excess of " aeientifU research. Rev. Dr. Marsh's Lecture t9t .._. 'Mir', y(I 24a)” on tl . 'ri, w y»-~’."f.". “a 'iam, iN .' v.- It' 1i)sCigip,h' He had many views of our own rid dead moon showing in detail many of its peculiar circular extinct eratere. its mountains, its Ihadows and many leatures. The planets were shown in various ways. Motion slides in the powerful lime light represented the motions of all the planets and Intel lites round their central lax-inn". the Sun, causes of eclipses were graphically portrayed. The snows of Mus. the markings of Jupiter, the wonderful rings of Saturn, were all shown trom photographs. Spots on the sun. sun fires and Corona " seen in total eclipses by the armed eye, were shown and explained. Comets and their vagaries came in ,for review, and having flashed out or thrashed out our Solar System the \tremendous journey to the fixed stars V as undertaken, at journey which hich makes the Niurtatscet, of our our system though reckoned in undreds of million miles, sink into ttsignificance. Double stars. binary systems, col- ored stars, nebulae, star dust, as re- vealed by telescope and camera from immeasurable depths of space, forced upon one the littleness ot our own earth and of puny man, while it ex- alted the great Creator who had or. dained it all. Dr. Marsh in an elo- quent period at the cioee brought be. fore his audience, the power, the ma jesty and the glory ot God "revealed in the cavern: of stellar space arousd us. "The Bible reveals Godblovo and mercy. The book of nature pie. seats His wisdom and His goodness t but yonder starry vault with wide? open pages. displays His power adj His glory. " Rev. Mr James and Mr C Ram.“ at the close voiced the appreciation of the audience for the excellent lecture. Mr and Mrs Alex Aitken visited Mr Finder Int week. Some of the youth took in the Car- nival n It. Forest Friday night. A 1"terd, ot young mi old at- tended army concert when all hid a good time. The buzz “w is busy these days sawing wood inthe neighborhood. Mr and Mrs J, Ne '-e'msted their mother, Mrs Rob Nel A t thin place. Mr Hill". of End-n preached in the Orchard church on _ ndny. Mr. and In. John McLean of Dur- h-m visited the latter', father. Mr Hay on Sunday. Mr and Mrs Finder visited " Mr, Robt Ankeps Thursdnv Int. can; . We also sell the DURHAM “Roux. PORTLD '1} CEMENT. that well known brand at the lowest WWW" price. Cement always on hand. Call or write and dot my price: before you let your cont mm BARN WALLS, Hdgsss. SILO_S. BRIDGES AND ULVERTS ORCHARD TORONTO IARIHED Rat-tttmmm-At the ruidenu the hrida'u gunman. by the Roth , layer, on Much Hth, Malgnrvl daughter of Mr John Hunter, tiv Jni. Wesley Rny, non of Mr A Ray. III of Egremont. ' MARCH ”rd-On this date J, Brown, lot " can a, Egremont, b " an extensive tale of Farm Stock r: l Implcmeuu. No 'erve. 10 m , credit-. Discounts percent. Sale ', l'o'dock. FRIDAY. Much goth» David l. Christie. lot “.001: I7, Ettreturor', will loll tlm_stock. implements cr' 1 furniture. Sate " l o‘clock. .No xx “we. " mo. credit, 5 per cent t' i (or cash. The Ipring than are here now " tite rand. Irv. getting bare, A m burp! farmers hm- in t supply Ibo» to Ude than over the up: itotsds. WOODYAnD-[n Holstein, on Mum} ' Much 9, to Mr, and MI: Tl _ Wondysrd. I daughter. Matote-tn Holstein, on Mum _ March " (A Mr and Mrs (w _ Inner, . Doll.- It Ind Mrs Grout visit Normmby Thursday last The Grangns um mm t1otar and an now. A number oi ch: friends of yin cr, Hot-burg spent. uh en-joynble Hum g u ttis home “it Wsdnerday night, Ilsa Bopum McAnhur vismd tst. Conn on loudly. Mm Din-Id KeiLh of Michigan " vutung her orutueriJchn )loArlum. ha. Harvey Gran ythed a: Ni. Ferguson‘s Friday lust and attenu.cd no concert M S ti No. 12 u mgm. Mus Mun Duddi went toilse on Monday. Mr. Tues. Tube united at. Grant: Wednesday has. Mr Scott. Ecelu “comp-mm r) “in Bell MuAnhur 'viaued at (d McArumr'u ' " Muinumg of the u n D ALLAN, THISTLE TOP VALLH Clerk Sale Register D. “CPHAIL, Auctiumu HOLSTEIN sown: hunt visited friend 19, 1914 D. McPHAII. Allotiouur taking orders f " ll II Government Stu-dud FRI! at Inhulnne‘o Drug Store. I high and” um! ttet prion. “'Axru). ' April 1-1 gum (organ-rd " In work. T“. " ttrieevirU, R. . In. 2. Get goihuhu mlo cumi thet?eruHt oak. Excel-mu Powder. itil do u. 2,5c at M u 0mg more. , A Marque Sale ul the Pro; Plant ot the Done Portland Co. " Owen Sound " thC out on “I 01 April next '"rtrr a: RIUIITEKl-JL , huh-1d to enclose coin m l In cannot [or uuuumleum the 'ioui. The Post Uthco Ottawa bu qued on Ilull mm 090. Demo ul' fauna u mouthed. nah-u. neg”. Mr John Burgess, hum. "tutroee his reeudence h E4 Improvc an “nun-o: .-, has “no week bought trom M of the" CW pressed In soon an the masons cum 3 proceed with the work. Tue out eetsulo um~| 1ileueU Centre truouere' C mm 'uu Touthy. Mat. t [Smut-a walla-pun on the m ot we Umu-d PM ol (I Yorsn Pins Dt Ulhl'l. wiil M501 All should an“? rut, The "In.“ ”Adlll'h nkllulé Will we“ nl M. Jan. A. Brown on Tm 2.30 p m. KAI J. ticGo on .. “told-Mum tr nu luau: un "Tn-unu-m u Shrub- .md Hahn." r, ' no aat.wet' “all (1 Hon new a In'ortlr a due. um .elcouse. FOUND Us. Isscnux Common had a fall lust Tr, in. and out " twad. In l he went out and fell, loan can. by a strain appanm. (“lid but. 1161ka- arc', ts cold. He In It Gnu at taken to the home of Mrs Me for hmptul treatment under the are of Dr. B present. The can is a " SAVE 11!! CALYEF .- .1 bring and: In the I'm have n In. pa-d to pm mu of culvn, This " ttea-Nt " Per cent it is "'" I. no lower that“ valve. will. killvd in W ine of (when ic proud: line and Gland: might t take I led out of he: t [unim- will surely cmuc ulna. is done. Thank- " I Kan-m. . knew why men do um ' Then we never: rumor. Sunny newspapel. the tires- oermom, the C kw. "itute to run on Home Sunday collar Wm. Mid day mowing nap than“ In "le It from thin list. Tun-luv ot but new, "avid died M. the Home of Refuge in dale. AIM! ooh About two mam - there. Ile w“ in ho I)! “I [or nanny year. ttatr hue tech!» condition. than widow " In town. In such cues " um pen-um- would ttad I “no top then. though mirfortttne or in oi haunt. menu of summon” the Vuliohin‘ palm. The l we" inland in “nude ce VOL. XXXVII, N Wolherull in in lawn d1 ill “Wnrrou Wasrtt.' - lied by MI B M - of the (.ppmilum We. in a recent. quen- '" '15 making a bugor “than the (invernmon gum» in building Nu m Runw- Ttte "Humv- MI Govt an"! mm (but “cud J .1 250 (In more that "rttttt U Brure Ill trrotV If the WOW aitecrlr ' arm!» 'uyion u " o wanton w: the pmph-‘a money and um- wl “may 0pm to the spins of any of which (mum in pm which the Government uhould1 _ n-th-r un- Gimme way mm the tot a winch! . .ud than rather ll on "rat.---) kn... Glonvlg ' t L. toarrt it md l He actor " Huh “Ch by urnngomcnt n comp“! wat, c, to w nu (hon h "t the night the luv mi man " t his .m- tor d pl get fl " me In " a] MI In (In - re the " ti H mam h ll RD the (“and mm Ht od "om I3 Hr thl Mud est Id

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