I -le.sarsremsareatemet- Only 75c for the Review the balance of this year to New Subscribers Lad icc benefit by Get the IE Fence at the Lowest 'rice) DIRECT FROM PAGE "PAGE FENCES WEAR BEST " 'il '1. "pL.LLi"circcii'2ar'iifi'hTu' taatisirargaaiiiafia9i'iCfi' ml Extra New Arrivals of liens and Ladies' Suits MARCH Mr, 1914 mack. Navy, Worsteds and Diagonal Browns Mcn's suits special good lines for $750 and up. guy. blue Serges and Trade, new arrivals, $3 up Ladies' mils, special price, each 88 Ladies strong quality shoes mg. $a end 2.25 for 1.50 Men's long rubber boot5 reg. $4.50 for "ado . We have got many specie] lines at big reductions bat spece prevents as from mentioning them all. PRICEVILLE ilma'lm,1? " Mor in: Spring opening of finest materials and worn- luzmship we have ever shown before at reasonable - " ‘0 ___ n.-1A'-;n mansmp we navu .1! prices, ranging from Mm other latest shades waiting here for you. A big variety of Sample cloths for other made suite with guarantee of perfect fit and workmanship at reasonable rates. Be nure and can before buy‘ng elsewhere and you will save money for Jour own IS 20 _ 4810-ft.op'ng LICrTrQi, rc-'? W'- 3-ft.op'ng Eetiei, Ati) ci ' 48 l4-ft.op'ng Et2tjli.iitt.j-ti'ij-; - WALK GATE. 48 in. high, 31 ft, opening STAPLES. 25-lb. box, _'.'-'.................... BRACE WIRE.25ub. rolls, ....q.r.......r.... STRETCHING TOOLS. Complete outfit.. a interest. Call and see for yourself before buying elsewhere and satisfy yourself. STYLE It allows you to use less flour. For only flour that makes more bread and better bread in our oven test is offered you. From each shipment of wheat delivered at our mills we take a ten pound sample. The sample is wound into Royr. in a _tiny_mil.l; 'ipe rinur is baked into bread. If this bread is high in quality and large in quantity we use the ship- meat from which it came. Other- wise, we sell it. So your becrfit from may; bearing this name is sure. _ I? 47 48; M, f.li, 51 48 5l 5l 488 608 hi, Cd Bread and Better Bread" and "Better Pastry Too" 530 LTH IfriNly FENCE LEVINE dk GO. M, gm»; 1232 King St, West Page Wire Fence Co 2'4. 4, 5, 51, 7, 81., 9. 9...... 5% 4. 4, 5, 55, 7, " 9, 9...... 2 3, 3, 3, 4, 5i, 7, 7, 7h, 8.. 5% 3, 3, 3, 4, 5h, 7, 7, 79.8.â€! i), 3, 3, 3, 4, 51, 7, 8h, 9, 9,..) 2 _ 3, 3, 3, 4, 51, 7, 8h, 9, 9..l 5% 3, 3, 3, 3, 4,51, 7, 81, 9, 9 SPECIAL POULTRY FENCING John PAGE "RAILROAD" GATES N9 9Toped Bottom. Intermediates No, 13: Uprights 8inchesapart Close bars........................, No. 9 Pn- Wire Itriiie,i, LG; 30 and 't?Au_1te.hsrrtigirt ha (Freight Prepaid) I LI-nn. 5&9} 18 in. high, 31 ft. openmg.. ?.5-lb. rolls,...,..,..,....,..... FOOLS. Complete outfit... E of "M. in in; this oven test----- Tor-onto $811p. Coloujn materials and work Walk-tIle Wttustretr "9 Ltd. â€1.76.716 Pul7,'l'iji','9 3.80 4.00 4.25 4.50 2.35 .75 .70 8.00 .18 .21 .23 .23 .26 .28 .26 .29 .29 .31 .29 .31 .31 .33 .33 .31 .36 .42 .47 Write for 10 4page free catalog CC', aw" ' A year ago ' , B i i'ig, he cculdn t eat _ - V q til ‘6 BP., 1?ff - h' . siiiji, E; Mi K, Mb, (T L'T , . ' " "i'ih'il/i" - , Rtii,'. 'i"t'ft' “" CE, I Today he can eat three square _ mcals and sometimes onc "ir%, lexAra" becayte ChamberHin's , Mrrnd are John Melons: visited at Mr " McGiIln'uy'u In: week before leaving for Ghana-o. Inn. We welcome little Wnlm Jamr, awn of Mr and Mrs Walter Twain“. '0 our neighborhood. Mr The: Blame bought 3 paw from Mr John Mclnneu ot o Sound. Mr. T II. Binnie took a bani-en up to Torontothis ween. Ur TI II Binnie attended meetings in Mandala Saturday. 'r M. aha Mrs Wm. Benton“ Wind- by -pem Sunday n M: Jno Benton'l. Mr John Kennedy it employed with Mr It. Benton. A Rev. Mr Kennedy l the Centre next Sundny Mr Walter and Mrs. Middleton Br. visited as Mr G. Nowell'a. A sleighiuad ot young folk Tg.' Wednesday awning an Br. co. Nuwell's. Mr E lgar Ritchie left for his home In Elbow, trvsk., Tuesday Int with scarload of aeulers' effects, Miss Lillie Ritchie leaves Wednel day oi this Week for Toronto, on route tu Loreburn, 533k. Mrs Juo. Anderson and no child- rm, who have spent the past eight. uanhs with her mother, Mrs D. th. leaves fur her home in Culford, p, C., on Friday. Mr Hugh Fuel). unrkdale. visited wuh 1113 uncle, Mr D. McFaydon. In! week. Mrs J. Hepburn. of Durham. Went SundAy wall: her mun. Mo Jas. Edge, Mr Charlie Russell, who has been Wurklllg lot John Firth tor aye", lelL Tuesday fur ELbow, Sash" where he has secured a posmon. Muss Della Emu Imam}: visiting the hunt pan. of tine week With [Hands m Toucan». To Mu AND Mtts NN M. Krrcum AND FAMILY We immune hale to-night to give exprassiml to the kindly ttNrluttps we luvs always held towuds you Ind yuui'lunnly. " was wsth feelings of mum tho Be learned recently ot intended tvtuoval from our Illldsl, bur \wuzeglmx lo knuw your new homo “Ill not pleVPlll us from seeing you often and enjoying Irequent periods at .wvinl "ttetuoujt'. During ttra whole pvrmll of yuur lives, gnu have treen "t"1b'e lllrllllwl'b ot this cummuuily u. d your titpolur/e nous thin newb- llwl hum: will leave a blank that Will be t, All lo till. We haw always found yuu good kind neighburu and always “Ming to lend a helping hand ttt ev- 4y nine of nerd. We have found y.,u honest. honourable 3nd upright, Ill tour dealing» and the noble quali- tirs oi your lives make, the separation all the lllult- trying. You hate “Ways taken a deep inure»: in educational m..me and your experience as unnam- btt' " th" tisurticupal council was al- n..ys l-lmmuwiz-‘d by honesty and itilegril y. We take- pleasure in presenting you with thi, parlor rug, whirh we ask you to accept AS a memento ot our kindly teelings luwuzds you, We hope you will ever be able to remember us as tttte friends and that you may be long up trod In enjuy the joys and comfort: you so richly deserve, w. are ever yours with best wishes. Signed nn behalf of the community: Elan Ellen Edge J. G. Firth Mrs 'r, Greenwood S. J. McNally Mrs Um Flag:- Daniel Edge Henry Williams Dear Lueiais, Address and Presentation SAUGEEN VALLEY EDGE HILL Kepnedy will punch at THE DURHAM REVIEW Glad to greet you all in your dit- roroutlabom. Mostly "cry one of In an oat in the world with ideal: and pawn-u. And shining forth tram eier.vmte"1iie, we cannot help Magnum. :nbiiimd youth. Gin me 1 man tlm'n rum. tilled with ambition! fire, who let- his mark in the In" and keeps moving it higher and higher. This verso has often appealed to me since my eventful lye-an in H. B. " Durham. I an in the mlssionsry work here, as ftrtt would see by my Int letter in the Advsnee or in persons! corree~ poudence. I like it very. very much. but remember it is mingled " h some and toucheu when Punt ty and Death is e moaned. I hove been having s funernl each week lately and these have s very and as pact. Ask me. when I wins a rollick- ing, osreless youth two years ago. it nowI Wolld he plueed to minister now other: in the hour' of Dean. I would have smiled. Bo the future leems to be veiled mystery to us all. The little children who to-dsy are phyla: among the things of Na- ture, tomorrow are singiuc Praises to Whom all hearts should swell in praise ', the Mary head that etuops to-day 'neath the burden of old age. to-morrow is rejoicing to say farewell to Ruin his crown and his reward. And so Life scours more and more to be a struggle of fltstsh and blood, a rising and islling in individual and collective advancement. that only duds relief in Death, the gateway iron the mists ot morning into the lPerIeeI Day. Whn are you deciding upon for your life Work ? I feel that the young min of the mission field, are the once called upon to give W all from this work unto the young blood of this dearly purchased Cumin The world ever loves the man who will stand up and my to God and tho "es-" I have rough the good tight, I have finished the coum. ' To me the real struggle and pt) flict that men must engage in is (with an intense warning through the love of God at heart) the fight with Siu-the Bin which is within our hearts and whlnatt in our fellow l man's heart. The struggle is a pa- tient one, a slow onward progress in tsoMiiet, a steady augmentation ot Rightover Wrong. Oar ideal Is the triumph. ringing out like the bugle call, t. weary Christian soldiers from Christ upon the cross “It is finined. 't And more than that-dear young friend, consider Lite in its destiny! When you come to the end of the Stream ot Time and Christ stands o'er tho tide ; Will you then look i to His kindly me and the blush on your sin-taco hide ? When we consider thattheaosapatiunut the angels in heaven is to rerreho praise-s around God's throne, it we commence not this Life in praising llim, who show- ed such faith in L3 on the cross, how can We. in all earnestness, expect His glad tr well done." Lastly. consulvr thir-ood needs you, Christ needs you, broken beam cry out to you'. The great Physician has still the magic touch that can bell the lome. Let Ill give our heart Now to One who has knocked so on and enter his blessed work. Yours in the Master‘s service. Nuyar, Parry Sound, 27 Feb, 19ll Class i9-hitu'y Cameron. Sr dth--- Annie MncUaunel. Mary Machnnol. Tenn Wtcthumel, Annie Witter, Annie M "hall. Sr 8rd-Norman Haw, lam Runciman, Gordon McDonald. " 3rd -hfios,cie Min-Canned. Charles SCIIO‘H, Art Lane, K-ue Machmwl, Willie Laue. J1 2rur-Jennu, McLUnnel, Fal- edm Witter, Hordon Macuannel, Hur- yey Wlllmms. Mary Marshall. Pl 2nc Ellwoud Kinsman, Ada Wilson, Nuth- 'o my old High Selma! friends t an Haw Gaunt-l. Wtllie N sol Lane, Sunp,32 acre farm, Saskntehewnn choice land. o,1 inâ€. good district, good buildi and water, 30 arr-'- cultivned,50 res fenced. Price 813 peracre. Easy 1m. Addreasownn Joan Bu 3 or Jon nAn'mun. ieeville, Ont. L DER and by virtue of Power of Sue ashamed n. a e.ettain mortgage. Whit “Ill he prudun-d a! the time of sale t en- wiil he "ttered tor sale by puhhc plenum at Hahn’s Hotel in the Town f Durham, on Thursday. the 19m Lt of Much, 1914. at the hour of two n‘oldgk tttthe afternoon t ALL MP MGULAR those certain pun-ll or new of land and promises lilualP. 'f;ilit and being in the Town. ship of Pro on In tho County of Grey. Province o Ontario. and being com- posed of us Number. Sin i6) and Swen (7) in t a Ninth (hh) Concession of tho all To mpr of Proton, con- minim. by Id noun-men! two hun. dred (300) 1"r'lttl'd'i' or has. The property 1th offered for sale subject to Ire-or ed hid and to fur. that term: and eo diLiouI which will be mule known at. I time of ule. TERMS: Twenty we per cent (25 " cannot the pure so money will E: required to be paid u the time of sale ; the hllnncn to h. paid in thirty darts according to favorable tern»: and madman: to he made known at the tune of sale. For furtherI pnrticuhn and condi- tions of sale, apply to Messrs BRISTOL & ARMOUR. 43 Klnn Street. West, Toronto. t$oiicltorn for the “orig-gee, or to J. P. TELFORD. Durham. Ont. Dated u Toronto this 27th day of February, A. D., 1914. ditgiiirgra,ogtiir 'it, 1gttlulwtgtt: "T "f.." 12% a An Appeal to Young Men. School Reports BOOTH VlLLE SCHOOL Fd Mortgage Sale P, Roy Wiiharus, Johnny Inc- . Primer-Annie Macthtnrsei, Marshall, Penrl Williams, Bus e, Alex MuCUdnnPI. . E. M. MARTIN. Teacher. Short Time Only. J. W, GREENWOOD. 1 'itipi'il, '4r4ttsibiiMrttrttr" iritrtitstrtt4i-siir66" gum Men and Boys 4k was i"i+tsg+sqsitiirsqsqst4siMisiN6siMs4s4yifsiyt1i4 “15 " gveeeeeseeseeeéseeseeeeee: il? CENTRAL DRUG STORE ft tif.', Seeds! Seeds! Seedsâ€: Good Line ofi Suits! Also a fine line of Boots Eff Shoes ':H:a:a:a:aa:a:i.isiaa,-.a:-.-.t.t.t Silver Pine Healing Oil Just received another large shipment of the celebrated Silver Pine Healing Oil. The greatest remedy on earth. " will heal tk eat, remove as swelling and grow hair on a bald head. If you slart using it in time you will never require to look for Toupees or \Vigs. It also curse. hrulles. scratches. burns scalds. sores. sprains. injuries In Ade by rusty nails. fleets wounds. muscular rheumatism, etc. Also for animal use. cures barb wire injuries, bruises. sWellings. burns, sculds. ulcers, cnlks and in fact anything that any other liniment fails to cure. Horses are not quite as vnlushle as they were. Every owner is foolish to offer a thin horse for ale, as he cannot get value for it. " you use some of our stock food you will produce vim, snap And flesh and you can secure the highest price paid (or your animul. Cattle and Hogs are selling for a. high figure. One of the most reliable farmers in Norman" has stated that it would par you ten fold to use our Stock Food when fattening Hogs. SELECTED WESTERN If your homes have Henves, buy a package of our Heave (fore, as there have been horns entirely cured by using our pupal-luau. It your cattle are lousy buy some ot our Loan Killer tot, you c annot produce flesh and feed Lice. " your H one: are coughing buy a package of our Cough cure. D ('lnys are dangerous and a cough very often terminates in Heaven. Wanted-To hug the thinnest young light horse in Grey Countr, wound and right. not under four years. so that we can fred him on our stock food. High"! price paid. A blue roan proforred. We bought the celphrated “Gaines Gold" by "Pure Gold" 'a101, dam “Oliver Wilton." from Mr Lemon of Harri-ton for 8175 and after improving him on on! Stock Pond, sold him for more money than any other undeveloped gelding that had been sold in Grey Co. for nvor w. your. Try a pucknge of our Stock Food and be convinced for yours-1f. We have a car of No. 1 Selected Western Seed Oats now in stock that we are selling at It your bones have sore feet me mum of our Honey Tar Fan Remedy. the greatest our. on earth for Thruth and Diled Hoofl. SEED OATS at mill or 529361' bushel fyeighp pregai_d to any s.tationyR C PR or CT-R within 30 ac of Durham in lots of 25 bushels or over. These are the best Seed Oats you can buy as they are free from seeds and test 47 lbs to the bushel. If you want any order them at once as we are having a good demand for them and the stock will soon be gone. We have' a good stock of Feed of all kinds on hand and if you want any Feed get our Prices. If you have any grain to sell we will pay you highest prices for it. The Rob Roy Cereal Mills Co. Field and Garden Seeds ll. Prices as low as any. G T. R. Ticket Agency The Central Drug Store 'li 50e CENTS PER _BUsHEL CASH (Sacks free) Made by the W. B. Sanford people of Ha- milton, one of the oldest and best manufac- turers of Clothing in the country, We ask you when in want of a good Suit, to come and see ours. Oar" usual good make. Come and see them We have received a Govt. Tested Timothy and Clover Seed . L. GRANT Headquarters for all kinds of W. BLACK Oatmeal Millers trl-,, (Simumo ARCHIVES TORONTO Buy your ticket. here. and Stock Food Order Early * can“ I! he toll- * human. I t00att- not . DO". “I moo-nu . qtaSdh III. t no an 31 â€made: l - tum bun on mm lot * 100 mm an! watered. a * ave-Hing I * Only 85,21hl 123 mm an * dug-mug. 1 good clay * Would bran 200 mu: it * Muslim): h tiue Hugh!) * mumy. 3110:1523! iu f * [Mal a: A _ * nun-r lattts try, anL "a * un-r [mu-N1 .u ruhunm. st, J(,)i,l.\l{ * Talk-m1 uliilmns HI v ‘nVnu-uh * my L] In H! I" l-rd‘ I', ' _ de u Ian '..'I'. “Aurax ll M “a...“ Inna III mm. a... ..-- bung-Mum drum. 3:35.331} school "r' m. "I. on ' or WI! use In“. , no as “use. Qbou t m hardwood may cloud. Goad fun. house Bud mums-d t,tlteg.t'ri1dlef,: school on an lot. Welt uttered. Ott y 3,70). immune» “mover. Excellom soil, well WSW. Rood buildings. tncludiug brick dwelitrsg Ind {rune mu: hum. Lorena“ Only 85,200. With the America market open to our was“ and. and Premier Bode-'likoly to be conpollrd to no locum. that our When and Wheat Product. " out" the United States “than! duty. the price of Ontario hm Ind. ie bound to advance. You cannot do better than to BUY sow, The following are a few of ' many "MINI“. B. E. Muller is offering ; 1“;le had In unwound {mane gull; m wB, A..._u5_- -nn an " too m a in" Know. Goad nu. (ma: dialhnf. frame bunk bun. T“; lee,,. 'et, cu loan sou. oeere toe trum, mud bung ‘53.†enlly It ia Nonnwuy. 3†new In Numnby. Very large Uriel titruilittq hm mnK Dull Mn , ma g rod soil, nae unhborhood. -ll.00) aud chap I: m money. MIMI“ Eznmont‘ the “Fetus" mm ol New Ones tor l9l4 tered at' i ihvtéiizulEEu: Other [um in H Huck. E _ by. Brant, Carrick and me No) one: mun-um. All kluds ol ur exchange. To lend in hundreds, thuumudu millum- ul lowest current 'ystt'ts, wi guyuwnld h wit the hormwn-r l gum! mm “In!" uevurity. “um i Ut ls ted, C. P. It. and 09m" Tn-k 't.if and! M. Iowa! rues. “Always prompt-Never Negligm ti. H. MILLER, DOLLARS DOLLARS DoLLAltti OUR SPRING PRINTS ARE IN We have a large ran to select from and pril are moderate as well. An early call is your: vantage. Embalmlng a Speciality. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Snow Roo--Acruss fnan House. UNDERTAKER a 1 Funeral Direcisr J. (1.mnlTON,M.D., UM RESIDENCE .--First house HY.) Lawrence'. Btiseksmith Shop onto: HOURS b-tt n. I F-' pm 7- 9 r. us. “who†emanates between (Mme Ind _ “dualityâ€! hours. otBee-A9ver Jew-ttir Butte nd Lp] n tite Post once. that}? inf-Ti Tu W.C."HCKER1NG D. o s., i. o S ltonon GRADUATE ol' Tuxunn. Vow]. graduate ot Royal 11dlvge. of Dental Surgeons of Ontario litmmi Overt J a J UNTEH'H ties. Num- ABTKUB B. JACKSON OWEN SO u N D Largo sun of Specialists In-Ilvldual Instruction: Positions guaranteed to gil C A FLEMING. F CA 6.0.1:†Principal for 35 years hm a. If q a 'tat 'etMt.tt' Ceylon FHCE: Ova: J. R We!!!) mu m m.» owedw mum on. well: atoll tsunami: of mm on out an. ot Albert bt -thtt" its V V __ may.“ my Kw .- orpietirw 'cr, m. or D 2S, " wil at pro and are a thing of beauty oNon amount Tomntb-cmmu, m. , gang m 1Jtttti Donut Surgeon on am enter any day at the Huber o'""ta','ll'"'" and Buer J. F.GRANT D. D.tr, L. D. ' r. Nltfir in Suprem â€my hue Commissioner Haney to man. 'ces on umhmn Bt., oppo-iu Wdoole’s Sables. Notary Public, Cnmmissiunrr OOIYIYAJICHG ac. Full line of Catholic RUM " and black (And white mm for aged people. trr gig)!“ in A “was“: u " a can J. P. TELFORD Hoar/1w, ( = " y' "tlille'),-,-!-),;';)),.-"")) A, BELL 7' .07 an ' , ti M $tltt3lri,iliatgrt' {Oman , D. MttPt1AU.. Ceylon ttrtoC. ma Durham li. BEAN Big 4 I W hem“ nun-tenuous Hanover ii with h In†vi 6t h it ' the in