Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Nov 1913, p. 7

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"... 2,, 'cr-L' LU: Oil Ft Zi qtr;tvibitrip-,gairoiitiyrb-ieHil+l"bibt tt (Branching out to New Lines fl: ii, We havethe goods ii Mme (i/sin/jj, Li PHARMACY tl PRICEV'ILLE, - 0mm EaeaaaaaazaaRaa, 107. 1311)” Dry Goods. “up: Mr. George Atrowsmith of Durhlm In in town luau; Monday. D. G. McLEAN, SM " " nemllem to make my comment rm the Weather as we all feel the r "(eels of the change from the besulnful “ester of last week. Nearly every l ad, has his cumer out now bat they any be obligad to use the when]. Pure [Halllv an"). " rant-m. at)» Fulton! Hendor Stock Food, perpkwr ._.. ...... ..... Me Beautiful Di why of Toilet may! Iliona. P pr: sod is mak "pom of hieh In i Ir, me um Mr. th AROUND we VILL-me RN o . I F. , " aesaseastegtcirqsiysqss1ysqs8qsoih* Mug PRICEVILLE tma'fmll 'tur Irc0owan's" Anon, and Feed We have recently plum Ltiit trent weights. So: u when requiring u bag. full (If Ames Holden Boots and Shoes They spent for themselves. RH this you SODL making preparations [or In. of re%ulding his all-mill us destroyed by tire. Martha Watson returned trom Ila where she he been for New goods are aux-lung every in and we will noon have the best stocked store in this northern country. . Just reached as. some clinic. Stand and “gaging Lamps, wtiiebt we will sell at, I very low price, considering the u. ulin. HM Do nut forget that mrs no "In: earn the price of a good horse by Winter. We sell Traps that no" al that touches them. If sh are a hunter, We can nun We are selling from $6 te $25. the che spest. THE CITY BAKERY Headquarters for Confectionery and 311311ny gobds There w " a line at Wood Honing Stove: shipped to us by uniamku. and we will rattle than off at89 etch. Do not lose this opp nullity. We luve opened oat a largo gtoak ot Mitts and Glovel. which we. intend t.sellat prices ranging from 25c up. We daily have shipped in a supply of the best and purest Ice Cream. Delicious Sundaes, Sodas Specials, Soft Drinks, etc. at our parlors. Take an Ice Cream Brick home with you. choieeii-ofCookeihs Plain and they Cakes. M tNrtmeiea, an, a. I, lk liDVVA RE Mtg',', "g'f'g'll"J. at will sunplise you at oil hrr. L SPECIALS umIl. 9its tor. . minialu or dis- laMn. 9 lb for Snap. tt rah-n. dor Sun-k Foo Highes: who paid for Farm Produce. Groceries, Hardware and Oils ot all kinds Let as supply your needs. r Bram that fur} gre "1.ebrt,tyr,1thet.o,et,,t.',t 13:3 Fresh Ice Cream Daily mud Show on!" 'lt-s nt reducod ng the satisfied I wen: to Toronto uuaineas, Mr. " Pparauons for the link ins nil-mill 13’ Cantu! Telephone orrr_il r. We can satistv your tame in Guns. which 56 to $25. Ammunition cheaper than and ' BLACK i, Another carload of clock no ship- -ped to Toronto on Monday by Maura HIerm-n McLean and John Stoturt, l The new {human which were recently installed in the Presbyterian church ore giving good "tistustion so Jar and we hope they any continue to 'do so. _ - . _ .A __ 12..- Mr. Neil McKinnon (Jamel m.) '33 home 1m week to attend to affairs previous to gomg to Brampton to reside with hll mother. Rev. Mr. bieViear of Flesherton will preach here next Sandi-y and Rev. Mr. Matheson of this pines will occupy the pulpit there. Mr. brlnder returned home lust Friday highs after spending a few days in the city. John L. M in Dundalk r " his home. A number from hers are attending the W. H. M. B. meeting which " being held in Laurel today. in stock n full line of f1 T'Ey" Teiiiik Mink Skids this lover fail to catch every anim- L. McDonald who in teaching ialk now spent the week-end Mekinnon (JameI_St.) Priceville you pnrchuo ROWE dTho good roul- wo wcroonjoying‘ uring manner sud fall no beginning to gut nomawhst granny tnd thm slip. pers In of no use low to protect the {on from the mud n the null would ho to luvs " "Mthtt tlaieh " or wet feet Ind alter awhile tho com- plum will be " ens-tn unit " or cold to“ when the biting herd from ot Wm or com: or " G rubhnidh cm- udh his mics no dhnrndh don blinndnl. . We saw I fusk of wild gen. going south. u the north pole mun hive but getting ttttt cold for than. The young people enjoy the long eveniege in much“ of emueemen. while are old one enjey lhemeelvee otting behind the eleye and probebly felling eeleep before in tredtii".--ols when e obtuse from the yeeu ol long ego when min, now or anything else welldn‘l keep them from encoding meetingl of e dtfUrant kind. The as blienechin gun tank a gebheil leech i aid or the you: no uuoeeaingly peel- 1ing by. e few more weehe wall bring {as to the close of 1918. _ We beer it reported that one at our ‘5 fair young men is to be duplieated in the user lulure. We hope to be able Ho gwe a better proof of the matter When the event occun, Mr Willie Mather had um. fifty big loud: of turnips and " would be I nice sum for a little boy to make up at M bushels a land and at 150 a bushel. how much money would Mr Muller get ? The choir of the Presbyterian church 15 very Ittentivo Ind there In proepecti of siding more members to n during winur. Reeve Nichol. of Glonelg. was a busy man all fail attending to his du- nes looking after those building bridges, cf which Glenelg in unfortun- Me to have I lot of them to build. lit McLeod is busy ltying the found-non for I new chopper. which he intends to have 10 running order before New fears. The roads are getting bud for Imu- mobiles and those who wan afraid to meet them cm dun now without {an or faynr. id Neil MoCunnel. of Durham, culled on friends on the south line on his way from Swinton Park. Sam's from nut attended Mr Adam Wetr's sale on the 4th inss and bought some of the stack. The McKinnon boys (Hugh‘s) Me busy ploughing on the Egremonl farm " they fimslusd as home some time Mo. Mas McLean, from Proton button. visited at be: lunt's, Mrs John " 1LlhuN lately. Miss Annie MoMils lun accompanied her home a few day' ago. Neil Cameron, of Boothnlla, Egre mom. is Bull living. although suffer ing from thut dreadful disuse, cmcer for the last three year! or more. We axe lorry to hear of the long illness of Mrs McFarlme, near the Rob Roy, us shuns now some three months bedfast, Fall wheat looks good this fall. Mr Arch. MoCu-ig,of Top Cliff, has 15 acre: which looks good, also Abraham Hooper bu a large acreage sown which looks fine. When the weather gets cold bwhe lors will be huddled up in bed to keep their feet warm and what about maids ---tUy will keep themuelves warm myway. Dhoilbh an: facbhar " Isamhrardh " funchd a ahennhnidh leachd Iluth on: or the summer and "turunn in past and the cold wmter is new us. Ezremont. Mr Wm. Davis, Br., of Bagot, Men. has com. back to spud t few weeks with his {made and neighbors hare; Mrs ll. Kearney and Min Bea. ol Durhumeen: last week It Mr J“ McGilliymy's. Mr TigosiDnvis visited friends in Own Sound last Walk. - -- si/ Archie Benton. Sn. returned {you London fooling much better. - Master Robbie and Miss May Davis Ipenl Sunduv at their grandtsthsr'ir, Mr James MeGillirrar. i Rev. Mr MoOaulnd prettehed " {farewell lumen at the Contra on \Snnday. We with It and Mrs " Caasland every success whorever (they go. Me and Mrs John Greenwood and family visited at Mr A. Boston's on Slnday . The young people of Sangecn Val- lay upon: a pleasant evening " the farewell party " It A. Weir'l on Thursday. Miss Vin. McNab is visiting in “it-v12 ll. Binnie Went on 1 busi- ness trip to Hanover at Thursday. Hollowe'an passed off with more I than the qual prank: played while not begrudaiog the boyo oono fun, we think it is o cowardly punk thief oot to doliborotoly or neoidcnmliy break the bingo: tstd gate in o couple of in- sioncos. There is, " is sold. honor among thieves mnetimu. If there is ony honor in them in this can. they will mnke good the broken hinge- ‘whel nothing further wilt be aid. if I no! oclio- any bo tale“. Min Maud Robinson. of Che-lay. upon a few days holiday: with her cousin: here, the Hstuny family atad "turned on Monday Int. Saugeen Valley Tho Commission of Conservation for Unnudn huve our warmest than“ for n handsome hound voluno oi their fourth nnnual report, which “can of town planning. public health, forest preereriaUom to: turning, tutorial, North Egremont - Gray Hairs a Handicap Inlet? of Hum Sui-nu II to iv" the Your; In This is the you. In“. "e. Ev- erywhere you Ind the his join in tho hands at young men. The appennnca ot "e, diacredtu your tbility. Youth and "tcutter are am ecu-Ina in the eyes of basin”: mun. - ._________e' -.--.. 'iLiriiriu. guy hurl spoil your chncn when n- no euy to prevent. or cure them. It GUI iire. It is u lull tonic that re-invngoratu the tmir root- and tho snip. suppla- new ttourUhmettt, a new In” of Mo to: year lair. than bringing buck it. natural color and luxuriance. " removu "ndrutt. l We guanntee I to do thin. Your .00.] will be refunded If it hill after 3 “Ir trut. 01.00. 60c, 250 Get it our store. Sold and recommended by Muff“- lno & Car., m ugglue. Duthon, Ont, -iiGriiu, Hearth "no": tho ll- tnnl color to any hair and no one will know you use it: - . inter pave". oyster farming. clay belt of New Ontario. Agricullunl Survey. fish hateherier, smoke pre- vention, Ike., and is profusely illus- trated in Me colored cuts. Miss Ella Ramon, of Dromore, spent her last Sunday In Egremont u the home of Mr and Mrs W. Banana. bo- fore axing her departure on Tueadnz of this weak for a course in Guelp Genenl Hospital. We wish her abun- dance of success. This Monday morning fUds sleigh" in; fairly good. after the blustery snowstorm of Sunday night. Mr Hermie McLean, ot Priceville, is becoming an ext-nu" buyer of cattle and was around here on Friday last. making lam. pun-has". Mrs Wm. Brown was the guest hut week and of her sister in Durham, Mrs Wm. Clark. to. -sirl Manny and baby left here lust Friday to Join her husband in Toron- MirI Mary Bmwn went to Toronto In". Mondav. Mr and Mrs McNally. of A'ton, spent one day last week It “I Falk- ingham‘s. . A very “10008“le misuionary meek ing wu held on Tnuudsy ufuernoon and in the evening In! held I meeting to comider about the Christa)“ Tree, It is to be on the 23rd of Decemhr in the church. Mr and Mrs Ward and Mn Falk- inglmm wanted one afternoon " Mrs Finder's, Mr Hoeilin went to Hanover Satur- day to visit. his brother. Trapping is the order of the day. Mien M, 0. Blyth teacher of Some spent our Sunday with her folks here. Mr Fnlkingblm sold his driver to John Ian-r]. . of The trustee: tmttiit0iWims "Eff to ban a meeting Tue-day evening to consular about . Box Social in tho school. " Dali“! Announcement 1 beg to announce to the pub] taken over the Boot and Shoe bu ly carried on by Thos McGrath. I solicit your esteemed and valued patronage in this iine. New lines arebeing Added to our already large stock. I carry a most up-to- line of Footwear at prices which will suit tll We have a good stock of are "erin; " low prices for we want to reduce our stock any kind call and see us ut t' purses. Cheap Feed Orchard McGowan Milling Co. Repair shop will be carried on as before. We assure prompt and effioient attention. w m“ " , '2»: 'gglr' 'Pr"5KJTh'Eu, _ 4 , " 'a . "' by" ta i',ii 1rliif,i; Fi, in“; a I F, t.rq--e' ->* r H. . L Saunders , ot Priceyillt, is Crushed Oats Chopped Barley Oat Peed 1',cic 1 -r" ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO announce to the public that I hue he Boot and Shoe business former Mr. G. A. Wet-on um me VIII an: returned to their farm. Mr. and Mm. D. Ailan of Durham were guests of their hunter. Mrs Geo "ttttt week ago. . Mm. cOIeeaey in at present visit. mg her brother, Mr A. Llwreeee. lire. Jn. Hopkins spent. I few any: with her daughter Mn R. Whitman In Durham. Mrs. Wm. Alice visited her son Mr. A. Aljoe in Hanover lot week. Mr, Jim Allan spent Thursday but with his sister here. Mrs. N. Whitman m “consumed by Mn. E Mnnapnt Sunday 1:: mu'l daughter, Mrs. Allin Park. Mother 1arttfu, changed her 001- or and now in cover“ with snow, " ghongh not quite "ffuient for thigh- in. '""." Hours A, H. and Will Burnt! drove over Int Orcbsrdvillo Bun- day to attend tho final-slot Mr A. H.', sister. formerly of Mt. Forest. It ls on sud duty to rsportths death at Mrs Wm. Wiltshlrs (1m Rachel Lyons) on Friday lust. utter I short but sen-re illness of (ultra. " Lyons and son, Spring Hill, Mun. arrived . week provions Ild wars present It the time of her death. The iatteral Sunday to Duldalk cemetery ‘was well attended. The hnsbud. daughter. ion. pursue. brothers and sisters bus our sincerest sympathy stock of Food on hand that we rices for the next few weeks as at stock. If you need feed of b us " the Oatmeal Mill. GUNS DRUG (STORE White Pine Expectorant (Cough Syrup) Linseed, Licorice and Clorodyne Popular Cold Weather Specialties (Cough Syrup)' Rum, Honey & Glycerin (Cough Syrup) Gun's Grip Capsules (For Colds) Nasaline (For Cold in the Head) We are still doing bus- iness and selling at a discount. J AS. R. GUN Dru ggist, tiotmvi11e. Wuhan and his wife hare Chopped Oats Feed Oahu al Mixed Feed 1 and son Nassau, 1. Burns, Oakville, hit with the for. n. Robt. Wells, Durban ii tom AID mm“; The Edutai- Library Board Inc decldod to hold I once" about the 12th at Dee. The program. oom- Inimo expect to In" some excellent number) 1nd will do their utmost to provide a high clns concern TH. Rev. John Dixon. who has been punching in the Presbyterian church for the In! three Sud-3's. it a voug nun of good Ibimy. His sermon have been a very great help to than who listened to them. We If. sorry to uy he his beencom- yelled to In uide " regular Work, owing n 111 health. I: Nicholson paid a short his broth! at Chelleubnm SA returning Monday. We but not bend of am of om 1oes0porternert going north m hum deer, bat We “link necessity Wm force them to extend their human; grounds, " they have cleantd up everything it night. around here. It Jan Waning tor loosejtw. when position to shipper partmeutnl non. Ir Sattt Eula arriVed home from Erntzld. Bank. on Sntnrdny ot lust, wee . Mr And Mrs Orchud. ot London, He visiting tricndu in Holstein. Miss Lizzie W alnsley has returned from her visit to friends in Blythe Ind and in much improved in balm, Don't forget the Mxllinery J. W. Hunter‘s store. Low a . UV. --- - - Misses 15088.0 Weir and lieu Bob. on! visited in Durham over sh. Week end was Nettle Troupe returned to Lockport. N. Y., on Thursday. Mr Thu. Brown returned homo from the Wett on Friday night. W. rear“ to report that moot the older tuition“. S. Neil and N D. Me- Kenzio no indiupowd at tresent. The 0.9.ngemen had a successful towl supp" on Guy liswkes' night. Over 50 were in atcendance and Rub-1 era' Hall was 21in decorum! tor the event. Ban. Edwards mums an ideal wont luster and tho gueszs panouk I heartily of his proponla. l __ l At the court held here today the cue ot Snell F. Kellur was decided in favor at the defendant larsrely by the evidence oi Wm. Black. At the March Fair Mr Jae. Snell banging horse from Mr Keller. which ina few days went lame and on reselling it he lost some $00. The union Ins to recover this $60. It was proved that the pleintitf allowed 24 days to clams betore complaining end this and other evidence from “rulers and Mr Black who knew the horse, caus- ed the decision. .. I..." oo-ooo-or-o'. t I t :FUWL PM: t i F((i)Wl, t ittoLsT'1iaN Wnrling left on Tnesdu I. where he Ins neared a skinner with a large de. Division Court -- - TAYLOR & CO. art visit H Suurdn y. DROMORE Sal. at i, It went In. do not nil-cur! :Heletein will soon but I kennel _o Mum'- - end feet new“ In Henry. the din-fuming. A eel-hey in! cinna- headed by Dr. W. P. Ellie ihnvetehn the mutter in head and II- ;teld to lea-eh the project in the form. got I joint stock comp-ny with e axial of 020,000. " "on " .8000 we of stock he. been subscribed the promoters of the when. will apply to the Govern- ment for I clutter end thie etep mllbe tellowed by the complete orgartimtittrt [ of eeompany. r Naturally the " men behind " are en- _ thusiastic over the proposed scheme _ and they expect no trouble in getting etarted. All kinds of fence will be kept. There will be pen. for the black when. the silver breed, the red {one and even l the common dog fox “-ll not he forgo'.- ' ten. When the chart” has been pro . cured land “I” be purchnsed in the _ I village or immediate vanity. Many gloomy days In Novnmber bled Tho luau clouds lung low, And through the duck grey tuna:- [were F all feather, Glret, of now. A (on beautiful dnya lust week tol. lowui by nu electric norm on Friar {Inhto Mum J, Eurig "il J. Hunt 1nd lightmng roll put up on their buns tut week und sure enough lightning Immediltely put in n Ippennnce. It Dune. of Mount Forest. did the work well. {some time ago Mr and Mo Em Pun. mend to their Domain ti mnby. We join their otherfriu in "lung them prosperity in th new home. lint En Bum. we regret to is ill. Bev. Mr Men and In Balm. Draw. visited a Mrs RII'II'I “I I P. Shun on Wednesday at 3 week. We had tho pleasure recently listening to bump" phyed by I F-Ignun. The pxpas. we wen formed, tre two hundred you: old I chuered on the hughhudem st haul. of Wnerloo. Two loo-acre farms in Bgremont lat M, con It, and the otrcr kn " wishes to make in ir, iir'eaiea by the . u.nder.iar will be sold "paiateV or together. The first mentioned farm hss brick house. bank barn, cement stoblin‘, drive shod snd other outbuilding. A windmill forces a utcr from drillsd well to house. Second farm hos comfoetrble dwelling house, lysnk barn no other buildings. Agood wcil uthousc sod s never tailing spring. School on the ism. Rural and and telephone This offer menus s bargsin for some one as proprietor. hss purchased western tum and will be leaving the essl shortly. Aptrly.to, , , “in: an and: tho an“: and mu 510,0“ Fox Pam Titjiijrggit.tg..,lltr, South Bend Farms For Sale tum uacomtoetrble Ink barn at other m." n house lid I nc. School on the 1.SwaoTom f R. R. l, Holst: - Info. ball " a a um.- l and telephone. arglin for some one purchased western leaving the cut Fir " of " " W511 'N

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