Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 6 Nov 1913, p. 5

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.@@&&@&**&&***&**fi&*@****gf * Branching out to New Lines * cror s m marnesAnedbeeeieieee getiing their mail in Priceviile P. 0., 'fi We have the goods H' PRICEVILLE, â€" ONT e Te t Td e To d ns en kess in Lion‘s HMHead after a short visit with Mra Robertson. w Rural Mail Delivery started from Ceglon, Nov. 1st _ Quite a number who are on that route were formerly ArC n The goneral remark cf our cusâ€" tomers is "Well we‘re glad to have a Doug Store in Priceville, and we know everything in it is new and fresb." If you do not get your drugs stationery and school Supplies here, ‘Why not ? sOME sPECIALS Salts for Anvimals, 9 lb for . .. 25¢ Sulphur for animals or disâ€" _ J J & I J & J AufpA cb py L4 L4 L4 L4 L 4 &4 # Face Crea ms: S'hampoo PDOPI\-I’ ations, etc. and prices that will surprise you Y ou can‘t beat eit her. enlecting stabies, 7 10 IOF. 200 Pure Castile Soap, 6 cakes.. 25¢ Famous Bendor Stock Food, PCr pPkge ... ... . . .«««*â€"<ree 00 Beautitul Dis<play of Toilet soaps Our Windows and Show cases are full of articles at reduced prices. _ Be among the satisfied custemers at THE _ QUALITY PHARMACY All are delighted to see Bert Ausâ€" m returansd from Rambow Lake kirg the picture of bealth. Of airse it will require time and great re before he will be biraself again. Mr. Haghie Mâ€"Kechnie is in Owen unmd this week on business. Mrs Chisholm returned to her home Through Eqnipment ; Com Tourist Sleeping Car Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Oils of all kinds Let us supply your needs. LEAVE TORONTO 12.20 _ p. AARIVE VANCOUVER 1130 p. D. G. McLEAN, NOV.6 1903 Through Equipment ; Comp Car. Tourist Sleeping Car. AROUND THE VILLAGE P Buy your stove at W. Black‘s. There are all kinds of stoyes on the market, some consams less coal than othees, _ Ino the Hapâ€" py Thought the coal consamption is almost nil to the ratio of lieat produation. Oak Heaters from 7.50 to $28.00 ; base burnâ€" ers from $33 to $15. _ Rpairs for Happy Thought can ba seâ€" cured in quick order. \Wo have a number of specials for this week. Among them are ; [A R DW AREH PRICEVILLE &.L,2 VANCOUVER EXPRESS 1 dozon Buggy whips regular price 50s, present price 25¢ Coal Oil Heaters regular $4, present prig@.............0>+ $3 Bird Cages regular 1. 50, pres@nt pMIG@......... k.+ ...$1.05 Gal Iron Bushel Baskets ceg $1 present price ......... 750 e stock Auger Belts, Files, Smoothing Irons, Hinges, Lamps e Fittings and Chopping Axes at your own price. McGowan‘s Flour and Feed ARE YOU WELL SHOD ? _ You are when you purchase your shoes here. We handle the celebrated 3 We have recently placed in Different weights. See us when requiring a bag. Ames Holden Boots and Shoes They speak for themselves. Take GATE â€" CITY _ EXPRESS Leave Toronto 2.30 p. m. Arrive Winnipeg 8.20 a. m. ablos Highes: price paid for Farm Produce. Advantage of the Specials we are Offering BEST NEW TRAIN FOR WINNIPEG and points east thereof 0 lb for. 25¢ tâ€"* Central Telephone C _ (SecondDay) J ; Compartment Observation Car, Standacd Sleeping Car, x Car Dining Car, First Class Ooaches, Oolonist Car. Commencing October 26th C.mpafl-fl.nt Observation Car, Standard Sleeping â€" Car, Dining Oar, First Ula«s Coaches, Colonist Car . BLACK but hava it delivered to their gates frem Ceylon P. 0. now, e Malsolm Melnnes shipped thres earloads of stock to Toronto on Mon day and Otito Konold 13 shipping one toâ€"day, (Taesday.) _ It is surprising where all the stock is coming from. .w Jubn L MceDonald has secured & position as teacher in Dandalk, being a subsiiute for Miss Moore who had the mmsfortune to meet with a seriouns aecident during summer holidays. _/ A bevy of young girls from bere spent s delightful week end at the home of Mr and Mrs John Aldcorn and daughters, Swinton Park. A very enjoyable evering was spen!t at the bospitable home of Mr and Mr: W. J. Meads on Wednesday, Oct. 29, when their eldest daughter Ella, was united in marriage to Mr W. Gibson, of near Markdale. _ The bride who was tastefully and neatly attired in white crepe do chene, entered the parlor unaitended to the strains of Lohengrin‘s wedding march played by Miss Jennie Muir. _After the marâ€" mage was solemnized, Rey Mr Matheâ€" son officiating, the guests were enter tained to a bounteous repast. . The 'night was far spent when all dispersid after having a very enjoyable evening Tho many boautiful gifis recaived by the bmde show the high esteem in which she was beld, The best wishâ€" es of the community go with the young couple. Assembled at the Commercial‘s [»ning Hall on Monday night Oct 27 were about fifty ladies and gentlemen of the village. _ They gathered upon this occasion to banquet Mr Peter McArtbar before leaving the followâ€" ing day for High River, Alta, where he and his family mean to reside in fatare. The dining room was elaborately decorated for the eyent while the table itself presented the most invi ting appearance, when all were com fortably seated around it, _ The first course of steaming fowl tempted the stock a fall line DAILY DaAILY Priceville Toronto. *?tppflito and thus perhaps unconâ€" <o ‘ serously rendered it easy for wit and | humor to bubble forth till the sparkâ€" #o ling eyes and the oftâ€"times tinted whe cheeks of the fair sex, outelassed by e far all the beauties of an artificial *\mture. and needless to say proved "C" | the greatest attraction. The diower and its accompanying mirth over, toasts were proposed and responded to, tringing forth many fine speeches from thoss whose honor this duty fell upon. e The toast list was "The King," ** Canada,‘" " Ogr Ancestors," * The Ladies," " Our Guest and Absent Guests." Mr McArthur responded in a suit able mammer indeed to the toast proâ€" posed to "Our Guest and Absent Guests," and afterwards gave a selecâ€" tion on the pipes which he bas often done before a Priceville audience. Mrs Herman McLean sang a beautiâ€" ful Scetch solo and Messrs Black and Sackett pleased all many times with their violin music. _ The sing img of " He‘s a jfolly good fellow" and Auld Lang Syne, marked the closing fcatures ol the evyening. _ The Mc Arthur family will be much missed in this community but all wish them happiness and prosperity in their western hcme,. At the annual meeting of the Civic HAoliday Committtee, a neat balance of T‘we Hundred and Sixty Dollars was found on‘ hand, _ This means that next year‘s program should be a igood one, as financially there is now good support. _ Comparing the popuâ€" ;htiun of Priceville with Toronto, also the gate receipts of each at the Civic Roliday demonstration and Canadian National Exhibition respectively, wo (find that Pricevilie did seven and one ’hun times as well, and lots of peopl, visiting Toronto at that time bag about as much trouble sgering ac. commodation, Next year it was de. cided ta have better accommodation, It is only a matter of a couple of mouths till Musicipal Elections + re here again. This seetion of the Tp. of Artemesia should see that the ma jority eof the Council for 1914 tavor building the bridge over the Saugâ€" een as it enters Priceville. _ This is the time to find out betore Nominaâ€" tion Day. The council for 1914 must recogr:ise the constraction of this bridge as one of their chief tasks and enly those favorable to the priject should reeeive the support from this part of Artemesia. Alex McLeod is making preparaâ€" tions to rebuild his mills, after his ;overo loss of a few weeks ago by re. We are sorry Mr N. McKimmon, 8r., is laid up tor a week from the effects of a sore ankle. We hopse to see Neil out soon again at his arduâ€" ous duty sorting mail for three mail carriers. A few from the south line attended the presentation to Mr Mclonesand sisters on the night of 31st Oct. and report a guod time. Gaelic time for Sunday. Mrs McMannis writes to her old home from Rivers. Manitoba, stating that threshing is pretty well done. Complaints are made that the grain didn‘t turn out so good on account of being partly bailed out before cutting Bob Fisher is busy ploughing for the farmers of Priceville tor the last two weeks. Cold and fresty the most of last week. 1t. Those having turnips are busy at them tor the last few days, nevertheâ€" less the bard frosts in the morning. Mr D. J. McDougall is away for a few weeks visiting his brothers and sisters in Algoma. * Two men that Priceville could not do without their service are Dr Lane and Dr. Mclatyre, the former to atâ€" tend to the high class daring their ailments, while the latter attended to the ills of the amimal creation. Both are busy . Quite a lot of ploughing done in this neighborhood this fall. Some of the many triends of Mr Dan Mclanes and sisters, of Bunessan assembled at the old homestead, now MUr Wm. Brown‘s, on the evening of the 31st Oct., the object being to show Mr Melnnes and sisters the high esteem in which they were beld by the commuanity at large and the acccmpanying audress willishew the appreciation of Mr McInnes‘s services in matters relating to all that tended tofartber all goud causes and now that be and sisters have severed their sonnections from the old home where they were reared from the days of their youth, they naturally will look back, as it were, casting a look from Toronto at the old farm at Bunessan, where once a large family consisiing of father and mother, sisters ana brothers all assembled under one rooef in the old log house of leng ago and although in later years the old bouse was substitated by a comfortâ€" able brick residence, yet the memorâ€" ies of years long ago canmot be forâ€" gotten by them. Mr and Mrs Brown kindly enter‘: tained thelarge crowd ssssmbled or the occesion by throwing open sll? their doors for the purpose of accomâ€" modatiog all coxing near or ftar away, also his large stables were treely opened to shelter the lower classes, their animals, trom the eold winds of a Halloween night. The |lar¢o house was filled to its utmost, ‘pretty well divided equally with laâ€" dies and gentleman anad after a while‘s chat here and theseâ€"alft over she bhouse, the assembly was called io order by Mr A. McCuailg, of Top Address and Presentation VICINITY was preached for the last the coming six months last By J. A. MeD Cliff, who proposed the Rev. Mr Mathâ€" eson to be chairman and this was carried unanimeusly. The chairman referred briefly to the object oi all coming out on such a cold, but otherâ€" wise a fine night, after which the presentation was made, consisting of a beautiful easy chair apiece to Mr Mciones anvd sisters. After which Mr Meloues thanked the doners for their kiad words and presentation. The evening was spent in addresses w hich are too numerous to mention, all testify ing to their regret of Mr Mcâ€" Innes and sisters geing away frow their midst, bat all wishing them bappiness and prosperity in their new bhome in Toronto. The ladies supplied the large gathering with abundauce of good things to appease the appetites abeut 10.30 at night. Singing was interspersed during the evening and an all round good time was spent by old and young. The following is the address, read by the chairman, Mr Matheson ; To Mr Donald Mclones and sisters : Dear friends : Your mauy friends in this neighâ€" borhood learn with regret of your inâ€" tending departurs from our midst. Words ean hardly describe our feelâ€" ing of the loss thus coming to us and the community at large. You have always taken a deep interest in evâ€" erything that coneerns the public. The charch, school and all benevoâ€" lenot institations, whose claims were brought to your attention found in you loyal friends and liberal supportâ€" ers, you willingly gave your time and morey to help others, you have left with ns a noble example of liberâ€" ality, kindmess and unselfishness and you have done much for us is makâ€" ing our commuaity the progressive and harmonions place that it is. We all tcliow you to your new home with our prayers and best wishes and we hope that you will long be spared to enjoy the rest and privileges of city life in your new home. Signed in behalf of your many friends : Rey. J.A. Matheson, Mal. Mcinne, D. MeArthur, Jr.. A. MeArthar, Jr. Bunessan, Ont,, Oct. 31st, 1913 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wells visited on Sunday at Mr. James MacGillivray‘s. Misses Berta Cuff and Maggie Donnelly spent Sunday at Mr. George Allen‘s Several of the families from here had w very pleasant evering on Friday at the farewell party given for Mr. D. Maclonis of Bunuessan. Mr. Maclinois asd hbis sisters are leaving on Tuesday for Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. William â€" Beaton visited at Mr. John Beaton‘s on Sanday . For Sale by MacFarlane & Co., Druggists, Durham, Ont. A (ew of the young folk atrenoded the contert at No. 9 school on Friday afternoor and reprt a good time â€"Some change bhas taken place in the list of Loeal Option campaigns now under way. Some of ‘the muni cipalities failed to present in time their petitions for the submission of byâ€"laws. _ The cumber of byâ€"laws to be yoted upon as far as now reported is forty four. The liquor party haye alveady secured the sabmission of reâ€" peal byâ€"laws in ten local option munâ€" icipalities. _ There are seveu Canada Temperance Act campaigns under way. â€" This makes a total of sixty ona contests that will be fougkt out at the polls in the near future. â€"In the town of Orillia some opâ€" poments of Local Option presented to the Council a petition praying for the submission of a repeal byâ€"law. _ It was proposed that if repeal should succeed, aprlications would be made only tor wine and beer lieenses and it was argued that such a licensing plan would be in the interest of ‘true tomperance." _ After a strenuous efâ€" fort bowever, the repealers succeeded in seeuring only thirty two signatures to their petition ana some of those who signed were aliens and not enâ€" titled to vote. The movement was so manifestly insignificant and unâ€" popular that the council properly reâ€" fugsed to take any action concerning it. â€"An epoch marking dinner con ‘ ducted wholly by young men is rather a novelty in Canadian politics, For this reason the Liberal Club Federaâ€" tion of Ootario which in Hamilton on November 26th is to entertain the Right Hon. Bir Wilfrid Laumer and Mr N. W. Rowell, K. C., M.P. P., deserves all the more eredit. â€" There will be covers laid for 559 guests and delegations are expected from each of the 44 Federation Clubs throughout the Province, _ The speskers of the evening will address thernselyes to young men, and will discuss puoblic questions from the young man‘s standpoint, TH DUERHAM REVIEW Saugeen Valley gib woâ€"â€" 4@ # 4 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO q m Chickens, per lb ... . 10 1 Fowl (henrs).... .... 7 TOO6IOIE.:......... . 5 s Ducks...... .:;.... 8 1 CCeSE .:~ ;. ; ;:s: «. 8 I Tarksys............ 13 List has been carefally revised, Desirable and convenient farm for sale of One Hundred and Fifty acres, situated I} miles south of Durham of the Garafraxa road, being lots 1. 2 and 3 of 30, township of Glenelg. For furâ€" ther particulars apply to _ g: Washing made easy by using Lux &# White Soap for Hard or Soft %Water. Also Borax Soap & % «P of ofo ofn eframiectrefpriole Qaolye oite ofe AQeaie oo ie obe ofe ofe ohe oge ofe ofe ut > Desirable Farm for Sale. dire io B os ofe se ofe ofe obe o ofe efrofe ofs efoote oboofrate agaoke t se ofe aPs Announcement W. L. Saunders NEW FUKRS ARRIVING THIS WEEK Uuse Omo for Bleacher, â€" Purifier, and Cleanser. We have a good stock of Food on hand that we are offering at low prices for the next few woeeks as we want to reduce our stock. If you need feed of any kind call and see us at the Oatmeal Mill. Cheap Feed I beg to announce to the public that I have taken overthe Boot and Shoe business formerâ€" ly carried on by Thos McGrath. I solicit youresteemed and valued patronage in this iine _ New lines are being added to our already large stock. 1 carry a most upâ€"toâ€" line of Footwear at prices which will suit all purses. McGowan Milling Co Repair shop will be carried on as before. We eassure prompt and efficient attention. FOWL Alive Dress‘d Also Mens and Children‘s Felt Hats. C. L GRANT t V Rigen on 08 t 030. 00] Crushed Oats Chopped Oats Chopped Barley Feed ):‘ n:\! Oat Feed Mixed Feed Jaxes Gray, Rocanville, Sask 32 to 32 t Oatmeal Milis 12 11 10 85 35 35 85 21 White Pine Rxpectorant (Cough Syrup) Linseed, Licorice and Clorodyne (Cough Syrup) â€" Rum, Honey & Glycerine (Cough Syrup) Gun‘s Grip Capsules (For Colds) Nasaline (For Cold in the Head) We are still do‘ng busâ€" imess and selling at a discount. JAS. R. GUN GUNS â€" PRUG STORE Druggist, Cold Weather Specialties Tele 4 Durham | $ ARTHUR H. JACKSON Barrister, itor in Suprem Court Nowrys%lic Commisstoner Money to Loan. flice on Lambron St., opposite () Walpole‘s Stakles, In the matter of the estate of David McClocklin, late of the Town of Durâ€" ham, in the Connty of Grey, gentleâ€" man, deceased. .NOTICE is hersby given, pursuant to Ontario Statntes 1911, Cap. 26, Bec. 55, that all persons haying claims against the estate of the said David Thomas McClocklin, who died on or about tht 16th day of September, A. D. 1913, are required to send b'j”“ %ro- paid or Otherwise deliver to J. P. Telâ€" ford, of the Town af Durhsz m, Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the 28th day of November, A. D,, 1913, their names, addresses and descriptions and a full statement of particulars of their claims and the nature of the secaurity, (if any) held by them, duly certified, ind that atter the said day the execuâ€" tors will proceed to distribute the asâ€" sets of the estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of whish he shall then have notice Dated the 20.h day of October, A.D. Iu the Surrogate Court of the Counâ€" ty of Grey, Notice to Creditors Insurance Auetltuonw to Loan. Issuer of Marmage Licenses, A gen eral financial busimess transwoted. IBIG 4 1913. Snuow Rooasâ€"Across fromj M ouse. cross from}Middaugh Embalming a Speciality. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice ResipENCR â€" Lawrence‘s UNDERTAKER a n Funeral Director «an Mr Mepball has ® telephone, in his resi dence in Ceyfon. J. G. HUTTON,M. D., C. M OFHCE: Over 4 P. Peiford‘s office, nearl opposite Ruststry Oihoe, * * Derms moderate . Arran e t Gates, &C., must bgmml nmgm" OE : @econd house south of Regitr£ oflice on east glae of Alhert 8t. OFFICE HOURS 9â€"11 a m 2â€"4 p M 1â€"9 p. m. Telephone Communication hztm Office amd Residence at all boure. ihse. ar to olyio to O6ylon (8?% ydu 3. 8} $ 8 # 8} there, of to O6ylon P. 0. will be nt'.endg to, ('ll‘gms on a ppitcation h' Bed Comforters from ............. .....,.1,25 up to $5 each . Floor Oicloth, .. 30¢ a equare vard Table Qilcioth, 45 in wide, 25¢ a ya New Spring Prints all now in Call and see them W. C, PICKERING D. DS., LDS Jye: * W AUAtEHE No ooke * PTwilled Sheotin Heavy bleached yds wide ... HOoNxOR GRADVATE of Toramo. University, graduate of Royal Oollege Officeâ€"Over Jeweliry store and oppo site Post Office, SELENA CALDWELL } Wiruar Warsox ; by their Sâ€"hcitor, J. Every graduate guaranteed a Eositlon. Thorough courses. arso staff of Specialists, _Inâ€" dividual instruction. Best equipped Oollege in Canada. Licensed Auctioneer tor Co. Grey Notary Public, Commisstoner, . MePMAIL_+ Mourber Col DURHAM, ONT, (Lower Town J. F.GRANT D.D.S.. L. D. %. OWwWEN sSOUKND â€" ONT \ FLEMING, F CA G. D. FLBMING Principal Becret ary Full line of C‘rl holle Robes and black and white Caps for aged people. J. P.TELFORD. > NORTHER AILIHNAI) CONV EY A NOER. A. BELL GRADUATE Toronto Univerdty, Gra : lu“.t Upliege Lental Burgeon s in all ie oranches. LACE CURTAINS of w e AaMkbG Willan wW. H. BEFAN 24 M 40 in 30 in 54 in 00 in 60 in ting k‘sl house south of ckesmith Shop. CALDER‘S wide . wide . wide wide wide wide 2 ydse wide.25¢ ya heeting, 2 ). P. TEurorp Executors BLOCK 25¢ pr b0¢ pr .10¢ pr 1,00 pr 1.00 pr 1,50 pr 40c ya

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