Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 Aug 1913, p. 1

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SUN, B. A. (STEM sang? , HATS xactly ale. ong isiies righ I. It, e cent eek at who». but at " troto Huh Will be truttt " parties. Nora very The (SIGNS ome Store " bed oucheur Back Pills contain" "d wood watered [Rough In bun I harm anus ulna] rum. VII]- ed on opttr “on ' and . and may pr H I" 1'3 Jrt “90 OFFICE ever desired without dell}. TORONTO Li'1di11'1'C'll,11 DURHAM BRANCH, John Kelly, -"r_L...c,z,=,,sti,,y,,=u,-a,aaa,a,a,,,1, h'fi1iisoaxrii,lr:cis,,tis, -.-. a! 9! S "ST EANK Stllri, deposited in this bank . draw the highest omen! me d a? QAth itat,,?,?,?,',::)':,',,':',,' :2: VOL. XXXVI, NO. 34 SPIRELLA CORSETS itezall Ltge 36 and 50 CH To make a Long Tail Short - Cut it . more, um we 1 New! It: “nun -MP"'"e-" - - YA '. itemembcr the special Giene1g/100 “"9 ahot Corsct Sale tr.roughout the Dunn"), by ttond gnu mouths. The unbreakable terms tr the right m w run! tsold In stunts.~ Arply on'the proud: 3 c. mcwrr,ter1irtttttt1ve or to J. P. Tet. 53311-133EEEEEEMEXEMEWEEE iii Mas. A our neurhtr Gold Medal t that t th nun. n‘r"""“" Box 107, Durham .. " also cut M insyintt a hug M. Bums Baits tor head ' MacFMhne's famous tnttc% Also Blue and mods M Graut's _iii',', tti)" iii) tlt tiittti, the special oghout the unbreakable timghlnx I ton. ANS SON. A! vour troubles with the in! our celebrated are ttwtttg it or North West The riiv-iiriir" id riesir subscribers to ever desired without delay. I. TbsI east, haw“! Luann Church garden party will be held on the Chmrh grounds, Dornoch on Friday. Aug. 22 Fine. program, (hawk-Id chair in attendance. Re.. freshnwnti served [mm 630 to 730. (Mimi-sin" 25.: and 15-, C',oucevrion a We g 1arm for Sale. talvon of lots 51 Mid 52 t, East Gunfrnia Road. an” about3 miles from gord grave! road. Easy right m w. Title pert: ct. e prmnii s to Ad nu Weir, J. P. TELFURD. Durham. tarattlPtr every bag ft mr it off Gem you are now August horse fair will be t 21st. met. Mayor Black bi ranged for n ssdunp-pulli.ng. on the farm of Mr, Campbell Beulimk on August 25. Hanover lacrosse intermediates have won their first tseuMual from Menfold the game than: ending a tie, tr-ul, They will next bump up ugniusl Fergus m Hanovur. weoesday and at Fergus a week Inter. #fifiwm‘u is-s-l-iii-sit);.)-'"-,.:.:),-.)..-:,,' ii,.)),.)., oPlCS 'ii) Special Farm Laborer: train will be run direct u without change avenue u ing Durham at 8.58 a. uh. d For lull parturuUts see R, town agent. A'Nithtubae""or"""TrnT."CaTiir, Congratulation to John McIlruuh, who on Monday learned that he had passed succewsfully his examinations. pm liminury to the nurse in Pharma- cv. lie was the only candidate from this nulmol wriung Ull this line. U".',') Mr, Geo. Hall um, representative rd the Sunlighl Snap Co. ism town giving special t-l‘hn to huuwhnldws and when: m (1 making a. canyus of the lawn In the interest ot' tho ruerctrants wlm handle his gowns. He will be “baud to show Isis goods at any are Mm comhlvring the purvnu-u u. I. vu-uulu cleaner tot the use ot the canetnlwr, improve-moms that, might well rvreice c/nsidvratiott from Dm- tratu Schxml Board. PASSED EVTRASCE. mee- Inspector (‘umpln-ll inform! nu that Maggie S. MCR'HJJ} of No. 3, Hentiuek. passed the l“...&mncv vxaruinutirnt last June. ' ...x.at" was PASSED H"TllA.\\r.. __- -..-,,, (‘umpln-Il inform! “a that. Maggie B. McRmJli of No. 3, Hentiuek. passed the l“...tmncv "aminutirnt last June. but throu,ult urluu- her name was (mulled haul the lust. wade and sent, out at the lime. ()ungruluhliunu Io Muzzle after a month under the cloud of failure. . _ II J n.. "I I'lll‘c-c . J. D. Ahralrtnt has installed an ottice and desk for cashier. in the crnlre M the mouth side of his» store and is erectmg It ware-house m- sun-age runm " the back to cnulain surplus anode. This gives more freedom and better display in 1he store, tending to make it brighter and more tuneful. HOT? I SHOULD sAv--The torridity of Ihe past lrw days has excelled uny- vhing known here for some years. some observers any that 96 in the shade was reached. Aurwar to have 1he mercury loitering around the oo',, is. qq Aru‘nnu Ward would say, " too ' lulu-h ". We can sympathize wlth _ A, anuw-n 11OT? I SHOULD sAY--Tme IDI‘rquy Wr& lhe past tvw days has excelled uny- vhing known here for some years. some observers any that 90 in the shade was resumed. AnyWaw to have the mercury loitering mound the 90's, is. an Artemus Ward would say, " too mun-h ". We can sympathize with Kunm- and neighboring autumn, where ‘crop: are ruined by n period of rainless weathm- accompanied by . tempera- Kama-x ana “(131. crops. are tutinedt wenthvr necompn ture of 106 in the l have decided to open up ing and Tinsmithing business ham. 1 will be at the Mlddat during the next two weeks, w' installing a steam heating will be pleased to quote pric above fines Asawxw Mama-mm" ...- ___ favourable conditions which existed on l Tuesday, the Sunday school and a Jepreseittat.ativ,e gamering nt the Anglican, church o'wnicod at, Sung)". Park and spent r. "tost enjoyable after- amen. Conveyances Wl're tsired tor the benefit of the younger p ople whils the adults walked m the Park. Races and auxin were run " unreas- t'ully and an euinyuhle lunch WM par" taken of, Rev. Mr. Hunky and the ‘teachers of the school were the com- luiltpe in eharge of me Jrrangetuenttr "tity" .lnu an t .. It, ,_. taken of. lbw. Mr, Manila-y and the “I” timcht-i-ut-l'llw school were lho com- wp xnilti'e in rh uge of the Jrvangeurvnts hll WILL REPAIR THE muocm.-rtm" It15 mediate steps to repair the Garafraxa et, street bridge are being taken by the ll? town council and next week will ace the 'ol work well underway. In order not to if have a repetition of the Lambton street u; bridge affair, Mayor Black states that they are looking about for an experi" enced contractor and have thsir eyes on a suitable man and all that is now need- HI" hits assent to go on with the work. His worship does not deem the struct- ure to he in a very bad shape and ex- o poets little.: trouble in making the "v. pairs, null he intends to be careful. f Thcmill owners have agreed to assist and the lower McGowan dam is being i raised several feet and the McKechnle damlowcrcd. Pumping in the neigh- borhood of the bridge will also be ne- I ccssury to accomplish the repair work. I Tim VALVE or Hous.-" Too many. even in our charcuest, think too much of the cost or material value rather thin of the wondrous deliveranre wrought by our Saviour " said Rey . E. N. Boone of Saginaw. Mich., in a forceful sermon in the Baptist Church. Sunday eVenlng The subject, was announced " The price of hog: too high " and the speaker very aptly il- lustrated how, like the Godarenes with l their bags. too manv prized moot hlgh- ly than worldly pose""!!".'; His text was from Matt. 8: M: " When they saw Jesus, they besouuht him that he would depart out of their Comte." When Christ at the Set of Galilee sued two souls by casting from them devils into a herd of swine and the latter than parish“! in the Sea. the Got-pooch" lamented their loss and _ . nI._:_o on "sore. u Ther val. Farm Laborers Excur _ II' g--,' "tr't6v""'ftC' FM, implored Chriit ta leave. med their hogs mo high." so lughued withrmatsrmli -- -- . I a In " "an“-.. ,, could no! unlizv the u portant value of havi i saved. We should et a hog valum ion of f/il/ I nun the gran quenion much has he " but " hot ' Let us noxvnlue oat w01 \high l '. too nuny loye‘ Chrigt." The speaker I ...__-.-- no a ICEE .ov.srsvor-tltetrl.ty Public u has we Inn-n from me derided to put in bubbling m the use of pupils, They abide-ring the purrhale of '_s,.tsat" m. the use of We J. H. HI\RDING, Tmsmith, Fitter, Plumber mum Picsuc,--Upptr the most 1ble conditions which existed on Ly. the Sunday school and a (utatative “running of the an church nimiced at, thug)”. . - I.I....nur. n direct to Winnipeg lovenbeU. P. B... leuv 8.58 a. “L. Augml. 25th. this see R, MacFurlnne ould m" Hum u.- WW” ___ ,, - . lortant value of having two souls mg had .. com. .....-. . . mvod. We should get away (may the Mr Joe Kenny. '.aeturrrythiedAr, his no; valuation of ips. Ja iudtriryr 3 sister Miss Cabana}. spent Sunday man the grant qua-non " not. " te, with the Shcwell family. mueh has he " but " how much Its tse, Mr Asket Allan, of wii1iarnstord," Let us notvnlue out worldly goods too called on friends in the burg on Sun. high l 't too many love cash more than d: Asket says there is no place for Christ." The speaker suggested. tak- hirzl'but WelbeCk. in; the liberty an s ulnanggr. that the BI G d n Fischer Ind sisters Misa. two local charges place . higher value li 1','l'fl nd Venn (k'27G'ii Mr on the work ot {you gator hue. by ii'! a to Bell "C I! last week increasing the “wet! . Alex Camp I one cv n 3 . cided to open up a Plumb. smithing business in Dur- ll be at the Middaugh House next two weeks, where I am a steam heating plant and lscdto quote prices on the 'r="eri"e"-"1'C-"==-=---------'"TTfr"a" DURHAM, THUBS‘D’LF AUG. 21, 1913. arm: IP4 that Maggie S. Blyt io. 3, limtiuck. passed ()on (-xnminntiun last June, Hill ermr her nnme was titeltst, made and sent s',1.'ti,'y,'irh,'e1', to .Gram. urhgm will be held on the Black has nlso al- -pulllng exblbltion hmnbell Dulsmoor shade Lue au-vJ\.-, pnce of hogs too Il d M J H h . nker Tery tt tl il- A r an .t " a l ennuu'y an... ethe Gad-Henge an): st'iittri?iluc'%'l.' Sunday with Mr my prized most high- and k " . ' ewe . . , . ossessionf, His text Mr (vicrmp.bell vuitedfriends at z 24: " When they Crawford on Sunday evening. wannabe him that be A few young people? from Aberdeen I of theit tiytt.yr' and Louise were entertnlned at the ', the Pet ot ("MW home of Councillor and Mrs F. Shewell _jjt;ti,',gl,rf,"',', thee', on Tuesday evening of last week. I' aw no an e . . y ished in theBets. the .sllii,',i'iiiiticiiiii.tist,,eeaa't ented their loss and t,,e,"'a',',', 'tGr' , toleuven .. They val- " "tttt . . . . . no high." They were A large number from this vicinity mammalian that they took in the party nee! Blmwood on zo the much more lm- Wednesday evening and all upon haw ot having two mule ing had " some " time. Ol f,t, away trye the Mr Joe Kenny. accompanied by hit of ips. Jet PAP,ye ulster Miss Cnharine. spent Sunda} 'ditty",,',','":,' in tly, with the Shewell family. toat wouldly goods 'tT, Mr Alket Allan, of Williamelord _ . ___-__ m... celled on friends in the burg on Sun . he -..... there in no place fa With which is t-orated the M Mr 0 the end of the year tot 35 sion mu unu ...._._ 'ee ding to ulylis u. tsttort um ‘leurv, an-.- v, teful. ond stroke i',1,o"v'eh'il11". . . He was a native of Lsuarlc, Onlanu. Swat]? and was in bis 8Gt year. ills wife I. yum: died 20 years ago. He was originally l in t"rii, a. farmer fund he and his. belpmeet ,m have mad; their early homo m Huwirk. the oo', cleprmg 10:29, con. 16 of that town- ay .l m") suiprn Huron Conqu. Three child- we. wlth ran snrvlve of this union A. D. in R where ijdrhany.JtPtt A,. Algoma. Hugh M. I' hunk,“ of .'sew l ork, the first and last named tem I?“ being ot the funeral. as well as Mr l Mulluilh and cousins from SI. M try's Stalin. and elsewhere. a l‘lumb- He was an eaunest Pleshyu-nan all m Dur- his Me and though not living in How- sgh House wk for n number, of yams. his old here l am . pastor, Rev. Stephen, Young of Oilf- plant and \lurd, was prlvllvged to be at the In m on the “and and cundm-t the services. H, . I.. n... family plot " Mr. and In. J home from their smurday. £9 ppy,le. was in his 86th year aha urulm, f N _'_W‘ an Mia-tum of the heart was thou ”f .. uftlyulh. Over 62 years ngn h “I“: Ill'; manied in Guth-land. Enghnd /ll,' . e alumst, immediMely leit for o 9"" with his young wife who am sgeuumts him. They went first to SLCI DOB --lrtt" inert. the" to Garafmxa for the a ,3...” part of hislifc and haVe lately .q.,,, “an a daughter in? OLD Mss scwmtur--Ttte.. Cross Br. an old and highly respected resident of Louise drowned himself In a water trough a week ago Sum-duly. He was it. bin 89th yea: ind ttbs mind had been deranged for some time. l Congratulations to Alex Tut-bu". I - . --- ct..', mhnnl "null. and Con-tul"""'.", w u..- __.__ . former Durham high Ichool pupil, and T.'" 1 “Wm“ TT...,. , bon of Mr. John Tul-lpbull formerly a! trip Wer my Ietun humus. who bu paced hll entrance to fulfill this promi to Normal exams in New Wontun'ulov leaving Toronto b a. 0. He intend: going to Nunnnl in Express at 12.45 p' ancouver. we arrived at Port Principal Allan hast)rlish.efteyithity.r p. m. The l the SIX week. summel Modal Ichool at ' keewatin tt our Bracelnidge and accompanled by Mrs. 11 the u a} lak 1irirlarriiief home on tiaturda . d pp ii' e Allan who land been in rldge para to rece ve th [but on. week bad 1qu come from Perm' who prop" attending the deathbcd of her father Itl her. After tir in Gavan-am. his demise bemg the been allotted toI tivet week In August.. proposed to my: Wm Mum IN Hour 1rorumT.-- higher deck and s The second protest of the Dulham Ju. place tho Port Mt venues our Hanover pluying three doing so, Iwas a under Junun: F' maul“. WM given we had already very scant lusuc1r " the o, A, L. A, Harbor and was committee. tor though Hanover had t G . been prukusly prutgamd on for this, ou f."'. eorglau 1 only the game was thrown out, and a trust to lk more 'ie sudden own mulch ordered for this have a good we "-. . ”we-“ gnuunon. The [Mg-hams From this out it, vel W ugum m, v... the husiuesu to handle the Whmlle m tins (lending contest, which will he played in Mt. Forest and wnlldouhl- less he a warm uue. A number will accompany the team flow town. A ------- _ This mute. comprising parts of Ben tiuck Mid Normmihy. will be start“ on lst of tirapt,eruher'r. with John Whit taker as Courier. The route cover south of Durham on Gravel Road 1i . . ~- nmn wen to 2m This route, COIan'IIHIIy. V... w '" Huck and Norma.nhy. win be started an lst of trapterutter'r. with John Whit- taker as Courier. The route covua south of Durham on Gravel Road to _iiii(i/,i'ide,Titdy' thank wce‘Hto gud Con. of ommuby. non T to anon Hill and home. 'iiUJu' As we briefly intimated last. week! the above gentleman. father of M r A. D. Browning and uncle to Mr J. S Melinda) of this town had died in hospitals: Scratfurd. the date was august 7th “wt Shh u we tad it, The immudmte cause was a. stroke of pur- alyais a short lilugiheiure, andn sec- ...,. and“; urove hm. Ila III‘ __-- _ vk for a number ol pastor. Rev. Stephen, Kurd. was privvaed nernl and conduct tl was imam-ed in m: that vill nge on Month The pull hearers Wet' J‘IDu- - V - On ihe 2nd of August in Grand Veil. l ley rho above gentleman passed away. lie W;t"s the father M Mrs Allan wife of Puntilul Allin of this town and has heen here an a visitor frequently He was in his 86th year and dropsy and an afferlmn of the heart wna the cause ufdenlh. Over 62 years agn he was i married in Cumin-Hand. Emmi-ind, and . . »r_..Aiq¢nlv left for Oun_ndo. The Late Geo. Browning. Durham R. R. No. 3. residing near t Valley. Beside! son remains on was interred i tery. . eu I" LIUqu- .7 - st immediately leit f0 his young wife who They went first ms thn to uarMrsru for of hislifc and ham is An.-nh.n'\ John Towner came r western trip on ---- ------- Green Grove d in me In! on Monday ot refs! Wale an JOSEPH SCAIFE in in this hum Lin is good. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Notes on a Trip Up the lakes By John S. At " noon the next day we dock- d at the See, only while a few pas- .engers with their grips was getting If and a few more getting on. About :5 minutes more took us through the .‘anadiau Soo canal and into Lake Superior. A few white caps could be seen on this Lake, which made no lifference, in the movement of the :hip. We had a very nice afternoon if it. but about dark we Wcre caught n a very dense fog lasting all night od the rock splitting toots of that fog horn was enough to waken the --living. It certainly managed to keep the writer awake. However we landed at Port Arthur at 7 a. m, and Holstein Leader tibtgittjt. Black. Clerk Glenelg Tp The writer having expressed some doubt about a lake of sufficient mag- nitude being up any distance on Mount McKay, was offered the fourth at“ in a double rig to visit the local- cents ity, in order to convince me am: on ‘ we started. We had a the road ‘along the hate of the mountain for about tour miles. The rat of the l road was wretched. We walked , most of the way. We rested several I times holding a council of war to de. l, termine whether to turn back or con- , tinue. A majority was for continu i ing and just as I was Wishing that Mount McKay and Lake Lamond wa- in the middle of the Atlantic, we came in sight ot it only a few feel from us. There it was a magnificent body of pure, clear water. said to bl [ seven miles long by over three miles a wide and said to have no apparent in- let and no other outlet than that ar. n A annual. cum: W106 lnu a-Iu Iv .... _ - ,7 . _ let end no other outlet than that ar- ttfieial one tun-cued through some peaks of the mountains for the bene- fit ol the city. Another point of interest visited by the writer was the prison farm some ten miles out of the city. Thui) form was a wilderness two years ago and consisted of a plot of land about athousand acres in extent and trot having enough of cleared land to .huild a shack on. A large part of - “um": and under This farm and Pr"?"" .. ...._-, management of Mr Jsmes Elliott, aim.-- -'" young man from the township of Sara-c Mr. Earl McOm wok in til“. County. After minglingl bolidays nt hi" on umongt e prisoners at work, he took? . ' ' us through the buildings, every re,i,ii"tse,iri?/i1','e,'t'l'" and every cell of which was neat and1 i y. clean. He informed us that prisonersl Mrs, G. and“) get at the rate of $2.00 per month on I n couple of weeks th', .iisj,'i,rci,t,iyc'i,i, their terms of eon- It. McGowtu'. nement, butt min only aid to them ' i _ T I it of good behaviour, MrPElhott being ox; itigéealt 'tlf. the Judge. He informed us that he has _ very little trouble with his family, the Miss let."? Md better clan of prisoners assisting him week with her CI to guard the possible runaway-e, Ftultsn.. . Port Arthur, the twin city, is a thriv- Mt. ts, F. Ilu; in; place, the business part of the city Oat, Mid little being somewhat on a higher, level and Hughes " New the residential part being on high and 'ttttite brother . , drx grou.nd. The street care are I think Hughes. 'or . te o Ve minute service and I five cent '. (are. The two cities are called four trxyriojgrlzolff t miles tel but they are creeping so Western point; fast towards each other that it ll only t a question of a few years till they have Mr, Feed Born r RichdividLng Itrte Jbiitersted. In Port tspend a few tits) rt ur t ere is a . e steamer had been k‘large‘dry let, A Mitses Merge p ' unched afew weeks and Marv llll I aeo, being u Inge one something over are visitinv . V _ t. in h. whet. .They have quite an extensive .nd with relat shipbuilding plant there. The citvis . ,. . I 's _ _ , It Li one of Be said to have a population Cl 16,000 Ind , when the two cities are united, which Mrs. E, G. y ct no doubt will be before many years, it Toronto oil '5" In cannot then_hclp beingone of the most pom“ Md“ n important cities of the Dominion, being ill. m- nutrwav for the commerce of the Mr "nd Mrs mi Timed-iv m important Cities or Inc nor-mm... --...,, the gateway for the commerce of the East and West. Having already trespasscd too much on good nature, I must wind up by stal- ing that my trip down the Lakes did not l differ matcrially from my trip up. Yours truly, . A” P. s.--l should like to mention by name a number of the kind people l mu in Fort William Ind Port Arthur, but they were so numerous that I am alrald it would impose too much on your pa- tience. I must however mention Mr and Mrs Adams, Mr and Mrs Kelly. Mr I Ind Mrs Archie Roberts. Mr and Mrs Angus Anderson, Mr James and Kate Doyle, Kate McArthur and her father. tdl of Fort William and Mrs Kate Bis- sonette, Mr and Mrs David McIntyre and Mr and Mrs Thou. McDougnllof 0..» Arthur. and Mr Joseph German, Inu an: w..-..'- - Angus Anderson, Mr Jamca and I Doyle, Kate McArthur and her fat all of Fort William and Mrs Kate sonette, Mr and Mrs David Men and Mr and Mrs Thus. McDoug: Port Arthur, and Mr Joseph Gor who cnmc 130 miles to see me. I say also that about 25 of the peop Fort William accompmied an: boat to Port Arthur as u send off. I would judge by that, that the,y This schonl an "i s in Ontario. Our -- , tl and Elliott Business g and we assist grcdua cAd tin / 1' I 'iii mm fiiililrjlfi, cANAnA wince me and " bad 1 tine road the mountain tor . The not of the ed, We walked We rested several _---------- -- P -. e Ditto Miss Allie Blackburn of Mimlco tis ft! 2Nli' Angus! 19!: the guru of her mother in town. C, " C If! a": .1ch Miss Eva Mopklerlof 11de Park 5.. . io Term from Sept. -- cgplhl aarttutehsd . . . . 26.000000 pniritat 'Y!', UP p o . 0' “u6mrm _" A . . Jdt.tt,tty.'S', STG. 'r'm' . . . . '"' e T... - . . o . . ttto,ttotMI M Was timnittmt Candl- _ - -A -n anal-hat. 'rms."-.: ai'iiiiiiiiriiiiii hr 0mm 'r.VsyriLAch' m " at in- t " sum: MCDO'EIHM Mrs John NVstson apt' German, friends at the Heme a me. I may in mmrum mth her the people of ‘metun’. med qun the undo“. Well M_iso_l.m:n V 1M; I tsiial "hskly unnOsvllo 0. MINI E sotr,mmrarrr"' "n; r Thursdu Lgs 1'tmto, to high grad WITH WHlCH IS UNITED Mt Murray Duviu Well! on Hominy to take I U, P. B. tusetutsn. Mr Jame- Ctense, an of Uydenhuu u lug his nephew Mr. . sud niece Mrs U. Mus. An I and hm u» Torotno wed Mrs. (ho. N of towm Th Mrs. "HA Mr. R. A. Kelly of Toronto, spent over Sunday at his pnrenbs. In. Kelly who has spent the summer here returned with him. Ila: Jun McGowan left on Mondcy mukoin the millim-ry openings in mm --"""""-=r, i7rditriijystt2?.h? Ila: Jun use“ toukoin the mill Toronto. Mr. Will Lnidiu: spent over the WWW?“ iyey'f Min Kate McCormark mother no spending this I Owen Sound rel-lives. Ill. Earl McDonald is " holidays at his uncle's in U Min Jean McGowan rem from Kimberly. l Mrs, G. bum-n of Town I n couple of weeks at lwr u IR. hicGowun. {wire oft s. B. {as o' / 2%)254 t} Mun. F. Hughes of Lou Angela. OIL an! Hula doughter. aim In Hughes " Newmnvillo. Out" visitod their brothel and son here. Mr. ti, 'bmtsets, tor . few dare. Mr, John Ketly left Tueuhy on a triplo Unlgu'y. Edmonton and other ) Western points. Mr. Feed Boer-oft. loft Wed: spend a few days III Gloucoe. Mime: Magnet Fletcher t out Mary, trained nurse of are visiting M Mr. Alex wk nnd with relatives the Wet; Iowans of Benunek. Mr; E. G. Davis came h: Mrs. E. U. Dam Ton-unto on Friday Donald “CF-rune ill. m W to Mr nud Mrs Taft. ot Detroit. univ- ul Taesdrty on a vial. to the luau”. mutht r, Mrs Ildg. " Mr 3. T. Ed- w "d.d. [Chm-dale. " is seventeen years since "he wan Int home. MissWilks, of Brantford, in I guest at the home of Mrs Park. Mr A. w. H. Lauder left tor a trip to the W est on Tuesday. Mrs J. P Telford is visiting friends in Owen Sound. Min Alethen Grant, I member of 1 camping party to Grittsth's Inland, came home last week. l Mrs. J. Leviuvuf Durhnmhn under. gone a serious npvrnlion " Weiusler ll1tt,"f' Toronto. and in getting “on. timely. e a not offered in my other similu school a to that of Strattord But-cu College no. We have experienced instructors rade 906mm". Por fuller particulnn. Mi... bum _ of st'W,i'e", Vttrite "s. oletidav I few dnys. Miss Allie ' guest in town for It m; ('22 (a idiueru of St. May‘s the week end It the sand “compo-Kai with " - Cu.2--.-teft on . ...... mnnth'l huoincsn Proctor of Kimberly spent t Mr. J. McGoww‘o. McQueen it l -r cmtiln. Wtes rt went mm with her tttreq .4 Miss Gertrude N. Y. are visit1ntt .awwn ol' Dunn-m. mm from Fergu- t Mun-gust tron :L vmt co Mr. and and other {month ber who remember d as . Wipe-med uni-e gut/ups: fiwu . ,iif,iiiiii.doo WILSON, Principal to Toronto position l. “me how. from her mother Mrs. Buncasan in very , Durhnm Inc under. rsttion " \Vellueley .and in gen ing Alon. Lurlu mto " [noun J “KM/m t melt . G/wueks Wednesday t 2nd her of Paisley 2 of Toronto. g Achuhhh'l Flea-hen no spetu1ittlr, tk I KING Mc- \' otticar last week sister. Mrs Wm. ii IND“ M u. . "t "tpste ir uneisN, Mr, Ram-ac tor I Mrs be visited

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