Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 14 Aug 1913, p. 8

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C) CD E i E Ohmic: of iiritnutmn left to the excursionist. Halt a-cent a mile from 1%nrrpeg to Rama. Saskatoon, Warman, Swan River, Edmonton, and to dl other p nuts rt the Canadian Northern Railway. 't H "tttrntns,', h " I cent a mile {roman pointn or; C. y. R. to Winnipeg. . LINOLEU MS We have just received t . fi new pieces in differ- tr ent widths. Be sure to see these whether you want tt to buy or not. loco-o” ”mama-0.0.0- t TAYLOR& GO.Dromore as: :95. {11%fl‘25filififiifiifilfififléfififitfi The Store that sets the pace JO This Carload of REDPATH SUGAR is going fast at $1.75. Don't spoil the fruit with poor sugar. GLASSWARE o-oo-oo-au-o'"'. way su mmer wee We must clear our remnants of f' s, Ct:yrsetts We have picked Seventy=lour pair out of our regular stock. Some are white, some are drab. These are the celebrated “D. & A." Corsets: short, medium and long styles. Regular Price, 50 cts, 75 cts, M cts, 1.00, and 1.25 tsiiiititcc 39 The first to come will get first choice. All one price now fl 'FF Gila. People are beginning to know (hat for a song to make a noise wih-.-.it's, week. and sold at bargain prices, just t, ,cs the, highest re for “omelet-h R L. rAIttBArRtt,Gesnr PMS. Agt. est country in the West is sinned by The Canadian Northern Rail . Thu demand for Harvesters along its lines Is very heavy and it: mng, h All, t cent a mm: Ir(nn_au pun-nu? u" v. I" n Wsnaip:g to or-gmal starting point In Ontario uslins, Ginghams e can sell you 2 Wire for Fencing work shirt at 50c. Fine Shirts 50c to $2 ea n toronto my! loath]. on U. N. o. and from nations in Southwestern On- My! mi south at Grand Trunk unit: line, Toronto to etbrnia. sToroato Bert all C.N. o, nations an and south ot Sparrow lake. al Fl, rm "Mural Ontario Railing 3nd unions on Bay ttf Quintr. incimlni: luau, aim points on other lines north of (i. T. R,, rorbtttohrttis line, mu n and including Shanta! Lake Ind mum. t Toronto, all C N. o, A- tttons out and south ot sparrow um. Ml Central can MM tray ol ‘ldllllt radon, '. also "ttttttttg on other imva cast of Noni ttt numnuundq win-e Irwin-tiny nilsutinua on the C. N. tl. rail oi and in in; Mae .m't, Jerome to ilubordenu. and u. & L, St. J. Ry. station. I inmnm to Sparrow Lain on C. N. o. '. niso points on other lines Toronto with “my. sudbury Inc mut thereof. We have just received a shipment of beauti- ful decorated glassware in prices ranging from ... .....................tseto Meeaeh These are most wonderful; you must see them DINNER SETS $6 and 7.00, also 12.00; all leaders and extra value. This is the Frost Wire and everybody knows its qutility---noue better. Prices are very low just now. . . . . . .20: to 60e per rod Iorsseektrs' Guide, Mtol ntormation apply to en1s and Boys' Shirts TAYLOR & tMA. EXCURSIONS f0,000 Harvesters Wanted -N . and all other IS, Gmghams Dress Goods for ar, So hare a look at the prices. DATES " SALE To Winnipeg $10.00 no“ lag 31.000 free homestead' twuilingthe settler Watch our Ad. every week Always something for less than it's worth. Can. Nor. Ry ,Toronto.0nt r that our Sales are genuine. It's not some old junk that we've bought -.it's, our own good reliable stock, worth the regular price every day in the just to get you acquainted with us and our method of doing business. “cuâ€"J}ELF-.1.E'--’.‘~'3.'5'li'€-‘IL-!J~J.L4IL%JJEJ.FÂ¥L$WQ£¥EITM%9331 )rTr""l, a,rewr-.hre. tyarrrdrfr"rthUf.-itd " . yififMt p, TIMI-1 ilr]iiiiiij. 3. D. ABRAHAM COMPANY iwm‘ we 1auur sautit, turs 1Set1TOtT, I if the Governments are in earnest I Quste a nuriihgr from here atteude/l,lLin" wishing the Ontario farmer itlt/d',yy,u..i)ici1"cat Swinton Park iprOsperity. they will get about some '; l ay. -. 1‘memod of inspiring him with some! 1 Mr NN allacy 111lyp, who. .io.r ttliiG' oflns own home acres, and In. iPSSt‘if‘o mont _/f. has been “Siting m l him know the story of men who have its: deSt' returned tothe village onlsueeeeded at. his own door, with the , a ur ay, . lame kind of land and climate and [ On Sunday last a line young son i markets [was born to Mr and Mrs Robt. Tay. i . i, ilor. Congratulations. LJOnlano [iiy..y5,"'.i, go leilhe Et? l i Mr and Mrs Chas. Simpson and "ion, of Toronto, are spending a week 'orso at Mr C 1icMallan's. 3 On Friday of last week the local lfootball team went to Yeovil and lplaycd a fricndlygame with the tgam (there. The game resulted inatie, ithe more being i--- I. ', Ncws is scarce this week. A death, walling forth the sympathy oi the {\vhule community was that of the; 1child of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. McFadden; iThe funeral was largely attended,': ', interment taking place in the English 1 'Church cemetery, Rev, Mr. Hartley! jonductingthe services. Four little igirls, Gertie and Reta Lawrence, l 1 Maggie and lilva Lawrence acted asl l, pall bearers. I m V Mr and Mrs L. Auchenbauch, oi Buffalo, me at present holidaying with thclattcr's aunt, Mrs Renton. Quite a number from here attended the Orange picnic at Swinton Park on Tuesday. Mrs W. Hastie left on Wednesday to spend a mouth or so wrth her uncle, Mr Molfat, near Hamilton. Miss Mary R. Ramage came home on Saturday last after a month's visit with Toronto friends. The lure of the west has been much l tallied of in recent years, so much oo' that a reaction has been setting in to, Larouse a sentiment in favor of Old; Ontario. ()ne of the good thingsi ‘along thisline we take front a recent}; ‘isaue of the Port Perry Star. i 1 Had halt the stories of success in) LUntario been published, men would; ilicve taken heart and directed theiri lenergies to improvmg the homestead‘ linstead of neglecting it. One cannot ihclp feeling sick at heart at thil united 'iefr.ort to advertise the West and the :miserable indifference of people both {public and private as to the fate of [Old Ontario. Are there no romances ibere of men who have risen from poverty to luxury? There are many tar more than most people think. I 'lrnow at the present, moment of a Iyoung fellow in Reach who bought u ifitty acre farm and in tour your: Ind Congratulations to Mr. W. L. Dixon who too-k and place in the South Grey Field Crop ccmpetion. First place went to Mr. Arch. Park, Bentinck. North (l'itretnont ilril0LSTElrts/ Dromore Boom Ontario. @Mmmimafifimwfi! THE J. D. ABRAHAM co. THE DURHAM REVIEW it paid for and well stocked and equippul. lie is not alone. 1 could tell you of another man in this town. ship who was on the verge of Belllllg cut a few years ugot dtseouraged at. livery country town has among its cilizms men who have grown wealthy on old ()uturtolarms an’l who left the farms to their children in excel. lent condition and uble themselves to retire upon their earnings. The spirit of brightness and content. made these men's lives happy while tlwy worked as we do not need to work to. day. Ontario can afford to let the West take cane of itself and make a deter. mined eifort to keep her sons and daughters at home. If she dues not then the come when she will erase "Garden of the Dumb “m , for the garden will not bins-rm when tun land is neglected for In! of labor. A whlle ago the Toronto Board of Trade pxofessed to be about to under. tulic. advertising Ontario. That word has been kept. in a way; but it is New Ontario that is being advertised. Old Ontisrio seems to have no champions and her cause is going to be increas- ingly tld1ietil.t to take up as the farms become, more weedy and the orchards become infested Wllll pests and over grown with suckers. Boom Ontario and let the West blow its own horn. There is plenty of wind out there, and plenty of sturdy men to do the blowing. The welcome rain came last. Satur- day, Mr. A, Tuck would have been through harvest. if it had not been for the rain. Some of the young people took in Knox garden party Friday night and report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Main and Mrs. Coleridge of Holstein attended the Women's Missionary Society meeting [an Thursday.~ The meeting is held the Igt Thursday oi each month in the church, Everybody is welcome. Mr. I’mdlmm of Durham preached Sunday in Orchard church. Miss Hopkins as visiting her cousin: the misses Brown. Mr and Mrs Harhottle of Durham visited Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Falkingham. Mr gm] Mrs Cornish and Mr and Mrs Bums spent. Sunday at. Mr. Finder's. Mrs Hay and Miss Audrey and Mrs Shilling visited one day last. week at. Mrs. Finder‘s. C. Baker " going west. and has got Bert Dyers to take his place at Mn Douglaé'. All our STRAW HATS It' I are going at exactly -‘ HALF PRICE. _ 2i5ifliiiiiirf)iiSiill'i Erie-lie/iii:".;,]?;';-;'.:','-,'--,',:?:' rSii?ri,Srii'li.-Siili'p.iy' ',ih?rlgliieiiilri?ri wc'iij,-ilrrt,)'ri, Ig-so/Lil';;:;'):,;.',?.; , 'iiiTfS/i'i:j'i':rt/, 's/-ii1'l-if,tl iiliimlirili', if ti; "r?';-- Orchard any must. to be the , for the d""""?""?'??',?"'?'"" if; LOEAL AND PERSONALi Mr Ernie Hunt, of Toronto. is vig. iting at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs James Hunt. Mr Wm. Main. son of Mr and Mrs; -â€"- Adam Main, is at present spending _ Because a farmer keeps a herd ot short vacation with his parents here. many cows it does nu) neetasiatily Mr and Mrs. Arthur McClockliu of Duthant spent Sunday with friends in the village. Mr Geo. Bye has purchased the house and lot in the village, 9wned by Mr Jas. Myers, of Orchard, and will shortly take possession. Mt Geo. Bye has purchased theimliow. that eaeh one in. the herd is1 . -, __ a, w, house and lot in the village, 9wned especially adapted tor dairying. The, DR Jas L iTi' by Mr Jas. Myers, of Orchard, and typg and general appearance PN' by . . . will shortly take possession. good, the temperagnem and unsposx- t physician, Surgeon " . . non may protmse tair results, bat, the l _ . ' . Mr Hutcbtson. who is travelling In real yalue a each one in to be meu- I 5W?“ 1'1P,uel, pod tlse interests of the Bible Society, ured actuallv and practically by just “mm" atid Chihttvo gave an address illustrated with I. her individdal yield, not the average ', '/g,',u5tt,' te, I"?.',', views, in the Methodist church ol the herd as a whole, at the end of? "J,1'.f) {Em}; H IN “n Thursday evening last and also ad-‘lmu season‘s work. iom . t a t l ll drested a “Em" ween? onSundayl Over and over again when dairyi ce :1 05 e n evening on t e “a" " ject Jan-mars have checked up the produc- I 'e"""""'-"""-"""-., Mr and Mrs Fred McClocklin visit.ltion separately ol each cow therel , ed ovel the week end with relatives I have been found wonderful surprises “ . J. 8'11 in Flesherton. ft.y11ise,ri.ous,s AisyyoirstPents., TWP l Holstein Cottveysuteer Mr and Mrs lIcrb. Keith. who have been visiting friends here for the past two months, returned to their home in Saskatchewan this week. Mr I1iscock left on Tuesday on a visit to his sons in the west. No doubt his presence and help will be appreciated in harvesting the crop, The ladies of the Presbyterian W. Is. M. s. held a very successful meeting Tuesday afternoon. The annual bale of clothing was packed and made ready for shipment to the foreign- field. The members of the Presbyterian church and C. Endeavor choirs met in the park Tuesday evening. Tet was served and a social time spent together. . The Prize List; for ligiumorit Fall Fair on Sept. 30 and October I, have‘ been issued and are in the hands of the Secretary, w. J. Sharp. for dis- tribution. If you have n- t ruciudl a copy, write or call for one. A number of changes and increased prizes have been made in the list, and Vt ith fair “mother, the outlook is fora 'iris,ri,rerth"n has horn" show this full The talent is almost all engaged tor the concert sccond night Tun-("51351 N.',It'ti',--ty'ottre misunder- standiughasuttseuiutlteruvaldistricts over the postal rates for the rural delivery. M my people who are mail- ing letters tl rthese routes are under the ime- _,siun that the rate for lPtters to be (let l cred on them ttt the ordinary city lute of one cent per ounce, and in the towns are putting only that an ountof postage on the letters of ‘le'tvr who are included in the rural ttxi . As a result, the postal 1 anti“)! iries have during the past week been compelled to send out clrcularo to I be distributed in the posGotBees through the province. The rote: for the rural delivery are the some as those for ordinary mailing. That rate is two cents per ounce or fraction thereof. The only letters that are carried at the one-cent rate are the drop-lotto", which are for delivery " the some attire where they are posted. Mr. G. Hamilton, Orlllia, the Gov- ernment judge in the Field crop Competition in this township was Field Crop Competition ’Facts and Figures from the Dairy and l Cold Storage Commissioner. round inspecting a few da3s ago and awarded the prizes in the following order: Joan Swanston, Jas. Calder, Andrew Hunter, Wm. Grout, - Reid. There were 12 entered for competition. " good lovkcrs " have turned out to , be poor producers; the despised cow 1 ot insienitieant appearance has otten , proved a splendid money maker when I her moderate cost of feed has oeenl deducted from the large total yield of milk and fat, Some cow testing tig- urcs recorded by thedairy division; Ottawa show great contrasts For: instance. two cowa )ielding the samel weight of milk may ditrer in produc-; tion of fat by 175 pounds of fat. Ton cow: the same age may ddrer in pro- tit by $235.00. The aged cyw may 2 do far better than tho Me your old. Two mature cows in the some herd _ have been known to differ in produc tion by eight thousand pounds ol milk. One herd ot twelve cows last} year grave thirty-six tons ot milkl more than another herd oftwelve. i How are these vital points to be deb" 1nitely ascertained by the practical: dairy man ? Such tests are brought he light when figares are used, It is ‘just as simple as A B C. Keep rec. ords (It individual production ; it takes scarcely ten minutes per cow per month and abundantly pitys every dainuiim, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM $10.00 To WINNIPIG~VIA Chicago and Duluth Plu, human: per mile from Winning to dertitustittt, but not Myom‘l Mnl'lrod, (Allyn!) Edmoutun. RETURNING-$18 00 to Winnipeg. plus hull-cult yer mile from points can of um _ Cum; y or Edmonton, to Winnipeg. Aug. 13AFgom alt cations out ot Kittirstost In Ohmic T t . AU .22--l'rom all statlom Tarmac to 5mm Tunnel lncluure. n. mallow, and h, n: thereof in Ontario. . AUG, M-From all unions North of, but ttot lnolndlng Main Lino Toronto to sun Ill: l un: , via Stratlotd, Bll lulloul Toronto and North and East of Toronto to Kingdom SEE;- a --Ftom all nations Toronto sud But. und hat)! Orlllln Ind Scum: Jot. s . 5 chain Bll sullen: Toronto to Sent: Bay maul" Ind Wm thereof tn (rm-no. Tho Grand Trunk Pacino Hallway is tho the?“ and quick." route l? " y ttttreq" Winning. Saskatoon. (mo-ton. Full pmlculus a all Grout! trunk Ticket omoeu, or mm C. E. HUKMNG. ll.I'.A.. G. T. Ry., Toronto, Ont. August 15.16, 17.18.19 Round trip rates from DURHAM to New London, Conn, Portland, Me ; Old Orchard, Me '. Kennebunkport Me ; Marta}; Bay, Que ; Cacouna, Que I St, 49112 ia.ir,i St John N. B. '. Halifax, Full particulars from Vany Grand Trunk A‘Vntr JAS. R. GUN, Tomi Agent J.0. TO NE N. 8.. _ChariotreioVG, yini.Triiiri, ney N S. ”1711? iiiore that always satisfies SEASIDE EXCURSIONS Return limit Sept. 4th, 1913 Low rates to other points. Keep Records FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS This Baby R exactly include This Velvet Ribbon is very much in demand just now. The stock will not last long. . Come early. . Velvet Ribbon 2 yds. for Se Don't pay the Long Price for Your Groceries You pay less HERE. Buy a Raincoat It might rain. Today's the day to buy it right C. F. W. s is our regular five cent Ribbon, on sale this week at y half price. The colors White Cardinal Yellow Nile ing lot) am bush, 0 an Rood lilld lmt3. con, 13, "remont, contniu ing 100 arm's. (lures good hAl'du'uml btrch, 0 Acres mixed Hume-r. lmlnm " good lllllhle land. Well watt-n d. good spring creek ruining through. another sprung . few roll: from lm n. drilled well at home. G and {num- housevnnd hurrah”! dliw- med. linv orchard. b'itumted 25 "tiles lrmu ll"! stein, 5 mile from actual. Will he t. rid on easy tern". For further panic“... :Il‘S apply on premises lo JOHN WMV. Kuhn-in Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheu Dit. Jas. L, WILSON, u. A, Swen! attention paid to dineuaae wouten and Uhildmn. T, Alum Ry Ear, Note and Ibroat. T Ev thoroughly tested and [hues pr perly ited. omee at Holstein Drug Store RHEUMATISM. Lumbago and Inttw Back can be cured by the tpeat I Ind liver remedy. l, Edmonton and return .._... .. 43 w l, Low rues u other points. Rom“. ilimit two months. Pullman tourlrt sleepers lave Toronto H.831). m. on above dates running “not: h to Win, nipeg via Chicago Inc gt. Paul or Duluth without chance. Tickets aw Also on Isle vls SCH“! and Northern Nuviguion Company. Money to loan at lowest rule-5, and terms to sun borrower. Fire and Lute Insurance plural in thoroughly tu4inute companies Deeds. Mm: gages. Leases and “Villa rxeculed all shaman notice. All work prnmpny attended to. Brandon], (but. Aug 3, V' Your medicine, Pie Pills. 1. us Work wonders for me. The thematic rm have entilely left me and] oqeeever thing to your remedy. Yon an at hlm to publish ulna. u. H. u mun A reliable French regulum: ver this, , , pills are excechngly tiliii',iiilt,l, rtyulatir.1,g. / generativc portion on e tenth “shun. he, all cheap imiuuou. DI.“ 'u'u Ar. s, , " a box, or three tor tto. Mailed o am ttd/r, m M In" 00. u. 8i1lhyllil'.'1, 0'" Dr. de Van's Female Pills HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Emil 'rttesd" until Oct. 28 inclusive Winnipeg and return .... ....$35 UH Edmonton cud mum ..r... .. 48 w d Trunk A ent. . J. 0. T0*NBR. Station Agt Issuer Farm for Sale. w. J. SHARP AUG. 14, 1913 FIG PILLS Cream Garnet Pink Black of lurlage Lieenses tki at it air g3 John Ken BA;- or was; . " SPIKE “an cr TORON VOL.XXX¢ U

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