Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 8 May 1913, p. 7

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i1 a man be answers to this us systems of lost in their y have discovâ€" missed the dyâ€" n imperative of t do of myselt, _ me of His t which is sorâ€" oly. He estabâ€" tstep, so that omes From ldc_»'n hO i. L:-gb. he slogar rough the of the big tement isâ€" is what is ‘ campaign better than to tell a keep your he world is ps only five seem quite h one speâ€" â€" somewhat refuses to : whatever. ot the one i causes & er a kettle ee. _ They : a decided nds of food, their cost. hlias and rorites, but white musâ€" al M‘ esâ€" Spiders e of taste ; e thing ; to inother. ts food beâ€" very eight state it 1 waund . _ gondolas ahol. INFESS Above. ful above all ely wicked."* the ages can jects of their and gladness art to sing. ‘our heart is its rest in J. Smith. the n ® carmage drawn by 1his inâ€" t, made he wou‘ld reed that Until the te coach k horses : spirit of mation of & irom mA the Pharaoh the judgâ€" court adâ€" I} worse upply of ainst the prince immedi n. et and pon virâ€" TY no $ can inred inder the Pharâ€" carry n@ n xO K 04 t I M JUi T AIr rk as the Do so much for imples, blackheads, rccf rough hands, and dry, thin and falling hair, and cost so little that it is almost criminal not tousethem. Soap and Ointment CUTICURA WHY ENDURE _ PIMPLES Outicurs Soap and Ointment are sold throughout Minard‘s L when one medicin WRme for a number o ’Atrongfist testimony ; ‘of that particular r M Tiet on the care and treatmen; ip, sent postâ€"free. Addres: Porte BABYSâ€"QOEY TABLETS _ w***" USED FOR TEN YEARS remain & ‘dew, but ‘downpour no othé Tablets them sa worlg. A Hberal sample in ad . sent postâ€"free. Address pow. Cl V"* "*in and sent postâ€"free, M-MDUMCQA . Dopt. 28D, Darton %. », A, \ H W m H Cured by Toning the Blood and Strengthening the Nerves NERVOUS DISEASES IN THE SF RING © Iniment Cures Colds, Eta ind lhat thien, more t! er time, a bloodâ€"maki storing tonic is needed ntiquated custom of tak es in the spring is usele system _ really â€" ned ening, while _ purgati lop throush the bowe rm hut uy H n Fains of n LJ es, after long observaâ€" rvous diseases are more _ more serious in the it any other time of the changes in the system, winter months, may rouble than the familiâ€" akness and weariness of seter "amw IRLE of each, with 5%â€"page mat ost. people sufferâ€"as ndoor life, in poorly 1 often overheated ficial records prove and May neuralgia, e, epilepsy and other troubles are at their it then, more than d that feeds the and thus cure the nervous disorders. such other forms of as headaches, poor ess in the limbs, as unsightly pimples In fact they unfailâ€" health and strength nd depressed men L n of the best medi ma th y ma Dr. W he dealers or b ox or six boxe : Dr. Williams kville, Ont. Gold 11 r, Hanst‘ moking his got a good "No. : thâ€" aper to ge unmarried hter 1t Ont 11 many «o1 no othe: ncerning . Beamsâ€" iltimate n year them a Thouâ€" n using ‘s Own d in t is t fallin violen at Thom the re a 1Mms usec som th | rotating earth, and thfi tfiy toud to lengthen the day. e effect 1s, howerer, so slight %a_t it cannot be messured in any le i me _ &b man‘s disposal. is est;â€" mated, with the aid of dertain as sumption and upon the data availâ€" able, MacMillan has made the neâ€" cessary computation by the formula used by engineers. He finds for the increase of the length of the day ; one second in 430,000 years. laXin a 1€ For a long time it has been known that the tides act as a brake on the soas ma«le solid by fish. The result would actually be a paradox, to the effect that if there were no death everything would promptly be smoâ€" thered to death. One need but give a few minutes thought to this befors they understand why there is death, why, after all, it is only by death that we live. Of course, such a thing as no death is a great deal like an irreâ€" sistible force striking an immovaâ€" ble body, for in an unbelievable short time the earth would be covâ€" ered with animal and vegetable matter, the air packed solid with birds and all flying things and the of those microscopic marine algae called diatoms, One whale at a single mouthful swallows billions of these marine animalculae. From the bottom to the top of the scale the scene is the same. The greater the propagating power of species, the greater and more raâ€" pid is the work of death, so as to preserve the equilibrium, without which all life would ceese. Nature seems eruel to us, but is it ! ‘ _ If there were no death, imagine what all the codfish would do at this rate. As a matter of fact, takâ€" ing codfish alone, if there were no death among them, they would smoâ€" ther everything to death with their numbers in the first three years and leave the old carth dripping codfish into stellar space. x Medusae aro destroyed in enorâ€" mous numbers by acquatic animals ; but the stomach of each medusa contains ment. Now, take another three vearsâ€"making six in all from the time the first cod deposited her eggsâ€"each of these cod deposits 3,000,000 eggs, making the total of six years 64,091,000,000,000,000,000,â€" 300,000,000,000! And this from one ~xdfish only ! ; If there were no death, imagine what all the codfish would do at eAt iWA nc death one cod‘century. In 1800 King Humber E teu im six years, fill the ocean | and Queen Margherita took part i c oria fo!"" and running over. Of these observances. i course, thoe original codfish wouldâ€"| It is an interesting fact thalt Whl C a‘t do it alone, but she would be | Rome has been a city [9}' a lht es( ’vchpx,.nsiblo f«;l‘ it. One cod lay3’2.663 years, on ofru? (})fcl?istf::*: e'],‘;;xai: about 9,000,000 eggs in the year afâ€" ’ utterly %)ereft}? m'd!:l‘ t ’x ‘r she is three years old. was early in the middle ages, C Three years later, if there were | barbarians wer> expeted"" Word ao death, all the progeny of thxs]was sent out that;~fsomuch as nc first fish would each deposit 9,090,-ldefensc could be muge, everybody, )00 egqls during that year, makl?)%! men, wmtnl:n and ch\lzldtren, s)liould 1 total of 81,000,000,000,000. move up the river. Not a soul was course, these figures are so great!left. within the city limits for more that they mean nothing to us, exâ€"| th{m twentyâ€"four hou}x;s. is6 cept, perhaps, a gasp of astonishâ€" Inder Augustus the population ment. Now, take another three ;rf Rmn%hnumbered ne:rly six T;l- vearsâ€"making six in all from the | lions. en it went down to the time the firs: cod deposited her ; minimum limi‘t.. of 13,000, in tho m.iq- eggsâ€"each of these cod depusitslvglle' ages, to rise slowly'ag.am uqt1l 3,000,000 eggs, making the total of‘ it is now 3540,000. This is an inâ€" :ix years 64,091,000,000,000,000,000, â€" | crease of about 15,000 yearly for the 100,000,000,000 ! And this from one | last ten yvears. Consider the vegetables for a moâ€" nent. One plant of henbane «can produce no less than 10,000 seeds in a single year. In five years it would have covered the entire surâ€" face of the earth with an impeneâ€" crable layer. And what about all he mushrooms that multiply so raâ€" iree p a fant ieroos remained alive at the end of a year their total would be so enormous as o make a sphere larger than the xnown universe. The (Cynips, which produce the galls on the cak treos, the rose lice, the phyloxera and other aphidians )r insects, which extract tho sugar from plants, multiply in Enormous Numbers, One aphidian produces 25 descendâ€" ints in a single day ; on the second day we should have 25 by 25, or 625 ndividuals, the third day 5,825, and i0 on in geometrical proportion. en thousard of these insects, lighter than ether, weigh oneâ€" twentieth of a gram. Ten consecuâ€" ive generations would make a cube equal to 1,000,000 men weighing 200 pounds each, and this in ten days. One fly gives birth to about 20,â€" 300,000 individuals in a single sumâ€" ner. At the end of five summers of ‘ree propagation we should reach + fantastic figureâ€"82 followed by 35 ‘ The destruction of life is as cruel i the depths of the ocean as it is n earth, and the same terrible iings would happen if there were o death in the sea. Take, for inâ€" rable layer. And what about all he mushrooms that multiply so raâ€" idly in a few days as to make all ther vegetable life almost imposâ€" ble 2 wou‘d be so great there would be no room for them. The atmosphere would be transformed into a comâ€" pact mass of birds and insects, which would be impenetrable: even by the rays of the sun. In its suâ€" perabundance life would suflocate ard crush out life itself. And then death would rule supreme all at once. In a few days all organic life would have disappeared from the sarth; it would be nothing but a waste and a desert, ‘ That microscopic animal, th Rotifer or Rotator, lays 300 eggs at 1 time, anrd starts 70 generations every year. If all these individuals Shortening of the Day. Buppose for a mom*nt that the equilibrium between life and death were to ceaseâ€"imagine death arâ€" rested in its work! What would happen? ‘The number of living beâ€" ings upon the surface of the earth Would Net Re Room for ings Upon the Fa the Earth, IF NO DEATH THERF wWoULD BE DESTRUCTIOXN. SUPERABUXOANCE 0f LfE At the c propagat itastic fig More than 190,000 The Simple Codfsh. for Living Beâ€" Face of ED. 4. ‘‘These opera glasses were given to me a year ago,‘"‘ she said sweetâ€" ly. ‘"Aren‘t they beautiful?‘ he replied. ‘‘Yes," she answered, ‘‘but I discovered this afterncon that they‘re beginning to rust from lack of use.‘"‘ Whereupon he tumbâ€" led to himself and invited her to go to the theatre. i Landladyâ€"‘"You make an awful noise with that cornet." Lodgerâ€" ‘‘*Well, I‘m sorry to hear it.‘" Landâ€" ladyâ€"‘‘So‘s everybody else." Some people are always so busy following advice that they never catch up. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Distemper Two toes loved by four corns for five years and eentenced to die by five appliâ€" cations of Putnam‘s Corn Extractor. If you want to cure corne, "Putnam‘s" is the only thingâ€"try this painless remedy, 2%c. at all dealers. The supposition of most people that the word Roma comes from Romulus is erroncous. _ Romulus comes from Roma. The original colony was called Roma, from Ruâ€" mon, river, meaning ‘""The town of the river,‘"‘ and its head, or leader, was Romulus "The man of the town of the river.‘"‘ So that after all Romulus did exist, though Remus is still to be accounted for. It is an interesting fact that while Rome has been a city for all these 2,663 years, on one occasion she was utterly bereft of inhabitants. Thig was early in the middle ages.’)fi barbarians wer> expect@et"" Word was sent out that;~Hfsomuch as no defense could be made, everybody, men, women and children, should move up the river. Not a soul was left within the city limits for more ’ It was Marcus Terenzius Varron« who first advanced the theory. founded upon patient research, th2t the cornerstone of the city that in after years came to be known as the Mistress of the World, was laid at the end of the third year of the sixth Olympiad, in other words, 50 r)'cars before the birth of Christ. Ancient Romans used to celebrate the city‘s anniversary by fetes in honor of the Goddess Pale, protecâ€" tress of shepherds. These obserâ€" vances were supposed to have been originated by Romulus himself. ;I‘hen later came the ‘"Ludi Secuâ€" ares,"‘ a*. giha. C sfi ts hold Atighc li)%zsi;nins&' Path new century. In 1800 King Humbert and Queen Margherita took part in those observances. Anniversary of Its Founding 75( Years Before Christ, The City of Rome has just comâ€" pleted the celebration of the two thousand six hundred and sixtyâ€" third anniversary of its foundation. This places the birth of the city in the year 750 B. C. ISN‘T THIS ROMANTIC ?2 always cure diée.;;e‘d"ki'(-]-nâ€"éys' When Mr. Marchbank decided that his kidneys were the cause 0‘ his troubles the rest was easy. Al most any of his neighbors could tell him that Dodd‘s Kidney Pill: "I used liniments and plasters, but they did not do me any good, and as there were other symptomt that my kidueys were affected, ] decided to try Dodd‘s Kidney Pills. Afiter using two boxes, my back was completely cured, and my kid neys have not troubled me since." _ ‘"About five years ago I hurt my back from lifiing, and it developed into kidney disease. My back pained me all the time, and I was very much troubled with headaches My appetite was fitful: I had a bit ter taste in my mouth in the morn ings ; I perspired freely, and my perspiration had a disagreeable odor. ROME‘S AGE IS 2,663 YEARS. Marchbank, King‘sâ€"County, N.B.. April 28 (Special).â€"After suffering for five years from kidney disease, brought on â€" by . a strain, Hudson Marchbank, Esq., . the â€"wellâ€"known farmer"of â€"this place, is again & strong, healthy man, and anothci grand cure for Dodd‘s Kidney Pills has been put on record. In an in terview, Mr. Marchbank says : ‘"About five years ago I hurt my back from lifiing, and it developed into kidney disease. My â€" back ‘Found the Carse _ f Tha Rast Was Basy How Hudson â€" Marchbank, After Suffering for Five Years, Found Quick Relicot and Permangent Cure in the Greatest of â€" Canadian Remedies. DODBD‘S KIDNEY PILLS QUICKâ€" LY CURED HIS KIDNXEY DISEASE,. IS8SUE 1813 An official census of Christians in Japan, taken in 1911. has only now been summarized fot the public. Tables eubmitted include the folâ€" lowing figures: Roman Catholic, 55,081; Gruek, 14,749 ; Anglican, 15,â€" 090 ; Presbyterian, 18,441}; Congreâ€" gationalist, 16.115; Methodist, 11,â€" 763; Baptist, 4,191; other sects, 12,240; total, 155,681. 2t 1 ly, and bringing deep «leposits to the surface, there is a constant ferâ€" tiHzation effected by the vegetable matter dragged into their burrows by the worms, much of which is left to decay where"it will do the most also, that, in addition to the benefi cial service of stirring up the soil a(..uiui_nq air and water more easiâ€" worms, which have been digging it for thousands of years. Observaâ€" tions are recorded showing that during the active six months of each year the castings of the worms brought to the surface there amount to about 240,000 pounds an acre. Spread out evenly, this would make an appreciable annual layer. Darwin estimated that the castings of five years in England would cover the whole kingdom with a layer of new earth an inch thick. In the Nile Valley the layer would 1 doubtless be thicker were the worms equally numerous and busy, as appears to be the case, because the proportion of nonâ€"arable land there is much less than in the Briâ€" tish Isles. It must be remembered. Egypt‘s Productiveness Is Largely Due to Them, The fertility of the valley of the White Nile is renowned. British scientific surveyors report that its remarkable productiveness is due in large part to the diligence of earthâ€" and Kingston, Canada Get the dollar outft, including the hard rubber inhaler, and medication to last two months; medium size 50¢., sample size 25¢., at all storekeepers and drurgists or The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. p gre [mm in about ten minutes the one thing ‘I know of to do it is Catarrhozone. To relieve an irritated throat quickly, noâ€" thing can excel Catarrhozone. It simply cate up a cough or cold of any kind. I know of colds that have hung on for months that Catarrhozone cured quickly. Nearly every man I know carries a Caâ€" tarrhozone Inha‘gr with him day and night, and in this country it makes a wonderful protection against all winter ills." Clarence E. Cromwell, writing fro dicine Hat, saye: ‘"To cure a sn cold in about ten minutes the one A New Remedy Now Cures Without the Uso of Cough Syrups or Drugs. Just think of itâ€"you can clear away '.m:f;fud. racking cough, drive it comâ€" perfec & O4¢ 9i the sys¢m, make yoursolf that y well by the new breathing cure Yot mploys no medicire at all. 5 wonder how; very simple, indeed; ;;“ simply breathe in through a Catarrhâ€" poFu® Inhaler rich balsanic essences that al and soothe away tht cough in a few Murs' time. In using Catarrhozone you bathe the lining of the nose and throat with that powerful antiseptic of the Blue Gum Tree of Australia, which is probably the surest cold and cough cure in the world toâ€" day. Old Winter Coughs Now Easily Cured Many Christians in Japan. Jutland is not the reclaimed land only that has been improved by the planting of forests, for the woods have softâ€" oned the climate and increased the fertility of the whole neninanlia af L s on en e and towns are rising everywhere. Treeâ€"planting gives ‘work for the destitute; the moor is peopled by families; the valuation of certain townships has risen one thousand ind five hundred per cont. And it ;reets the traveller toâ€"day. These forty years have doubled â€" and tripled the wealth of the Danish naâ€" tion. Railroads and highways are ‘utting the heath ; new buildings | T.7CA Yaluabie territory. The solâ€" | diers of Jutland, trudging over the black and barren heath, home to ‘heir untilled farms, encountered a shickâ€"set figure in ridingâ€"boots tha: talked across the moors with & spade over his shoulder. On nearer ‘pproach, it proved to be young Captain Dalgas of the engineers, Jready a veteran of two wars. When his lats comrades in arm: r12d returned his greeting with the liscouraged complaint, "It is a bad, »ad day for Denmark!‘ Captain Dalgas replied, "It is. But what has been lost without can be won vithin!‘‘ and he pointed earnest] toward the desolate heath thai tretched to the horizon asâ€"unbroâ€" zen as a desort. ‘"In your time and ‘n mine,‘"‘ he said, ‘‘we can tura ‘hat waste into forest and farms, ind win back more than we ever ‘lost to the Prussians,‘" The enthusiastic dreams of the roung engineer has been made tc come true. â€" Failing to get governâ€" ment aid, he formed the Danish & Jociety ; he pumped water from disâ€" tant rivers, and let it run over the neath; he introduced , fertilizers. | burned off the heather, persuaded ‘armers to convert the heath into |/ rlowland and pasturage, planted |‘ imberâ€"producing trees, â€" and went |â€"/ up and down the country address ing massâ€"meetings and schools,. At last the government lent its aid. The result of the work of Captain Dalgas is that & new Denmark | 1 DUE TO EARTHWoOoRXMS.! ow Pfi Emc rin Autsricb s In the disastrous war of 1894, Prussia‘ wrested from Denmar} much valuable territory. The solâ€" diers of Jutland, trudging over the black and barren heath, home to | Moors With Trees. Denmark has ‘made a national hero of Capt. Enrico Mylius Dalâ€" zas, the man who saved and roâ€" made the country by watering the lesert and by planting the marshes and moors with trees. How it was done, Mr. Henry CGoddard Leachk has told in McClure‘s Magazine. Dane Planted the Marshes and RECLAIMS A COUTXNTRY. the whole penifi.é[xfa';f To cure a sncezing , writing from Meâ€" Mistress (getting ready for reâ€" ception)â€"How does imy new gown look in the back, Norah! Maid â€" Reautiful, mum. Sure thoy‘li al‘ be delighted when you lave ie That is LAXATIVE BROMO _ QUININE look for the signature of E. W. UuROYE Cures a Cold in One Day. Cures Grip ‘n ]wo Duye. 25¢. vertised in my Newspaper." That‘s all1 You will,bo Dellgg:c‘d 1 Pey if Satisfied, We take the risk. Send toâ€"day ! Address P.O. 1240, Montreal. DON‘T MISS THIS OFFER. ap He (making poor headway)â€"Wi!} nothing induce you to change you: mind and marry! Sheâ€"Another man might. The hot air treatment for trouble is seldom efficacious. ada. It is Appreciated by the Thrifty Housewife who wants things "Just a Littee BETTER" Send Post Card toâ€" day. ҤimPlÂ¥_say-:T_ T pollin Mirard‘s Liniment Cures Carget in C e in c ts ceqgeeryâ€" l . â€"Tor _ _ A Splendid 10 Tent Fousehoid Speâ€" ctalty is being Introduced all over Canâ€" â€"LOOK Try Murine Eye Remefly. No Smartingâ€"Feels Fineâ€"Acts Quickly. 'I‘r{ it for Red, Weak, Watery Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. Ilusâ€" trated Book in each Package. Murine is componnded by our Oculistsâ€"not a "Patent Medâ€" fcine"â€"but used in successful Physicians‘ Pacâ€" tice for many {nurs, Now dedicated to the Pubâ€" le and sold by Druggists at 2¢ and bJe per Bottle. Afustaa anos bags SE CITC DR UE rrnntect dn hy RersnblMepatieaiet dsc h M 0 t 2+ Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago to refute the proposition that modâ€" ern dentistry is modern. Achieveâ€" ments of unknown dentists of anâ€" cient Egypt and Rome prove the contrary. Just who the dentists were the historians do not always relate, but the results of their work have proved beyond a doubt that bridge workâ€"on which we moderns specially pride ourselvesâ€"of the most skilful kind was done as long ago as six or seven centuries beâ€" fore Christ. In the tomb of Sidon were found four incisors and two canine teeth in the jaw of a woman that were held together by gold wire, two of the former being trans planted teethâ€"what might be called crowns in this dayâ€"fastened in by gold wire. In the museum at Corâ€" neto, the ancient capital of the Etruscan federation, are to be seen several specimens of bridge work done by riveted bands of metal. When Your Eyes Need Care Try Murine Eye Remedy. No Smartin@â€"Feels Bridge Work Done Six or Seven Centuries Before Christ. A medical authority has just stated a numbér of newlyâ€"acquired bits of information that would seem What do natives like to wear best1? Frockâ€"coats. They may be out uf fashion here, but in the East C . _the rage. TroAgkere the pu.nâ€"they have a positive he of covering thei legs; but & 120Ckâ€"COAt aud> i i+ can be manâ€" agedâ€"a topâ€"hat will make a savâ€" age gentle for a year. _ f‘or some years he has been drivâ€" ing a picturesque trade with th> darkies in West and East Africa, Siam, the Malay Islands, New Zeaâ€" land and Australia, selling the savâ€" ages old theatrical costumes, in which they array themselvos with childish pride. Only a few days ago he sent out his son, George, with a large consignment of dressâ€" es bought up from the 1910â€"11 edi tions of ‘"Dick Whittington,"‘ ‘‘Cinderella,‘"‘ and ‘"The Forty Thieves." London Outfitter Sells the Savages Old Theatrical Costumes. "‘Outfitter by Appointment to the Dusky Potentates of the East." Such is the novel description by which Mr. John Hyman, the uniâ€" versal costumer, whose headquarâ€" ters are situated in Leicester Square, London, has the right to advertise himself. ‘ All dealers eell Dr. Mamilton‘s Pills, 25¢. per box or five boxes for $1.00, by mail from The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and Kingston, Ont. ‘"Nothing could give quicker results than Dr. Hamilton‘s Pills and I strongly advise every young woman to use them." "Formerly I fel: tired and depressed. I lcoked as if a severe illnese were hanging over my head. Only One "BRGMO QUJNINE® "In using Dr. Hamilton‘s Pille I find my system is wonderfully built un. Jt is certainly the mort effective remedy I ever ceed. I have now a good appetite, sleep more soundly, ard awaken in the mornâ€" ing feeling quite refreshed. ’ Dr. Hamilton‘s Pills begin by cleansing the svstem and purifying the blood; they also improve digestion and render food ready for absorption. Additional nourâ€" ‘shment is quickly supplied and the patiâ€" ont is fast strengthened and invigorated. Full of spirit, ruddy and strong is the wirl that assists her eystem by the use of Dr. Hamilton‘s Pille. The following recent letter from Miss Etta McEwen, of Haliburton, speaks for itself : *~ ‘ Dr. Hamilton has invaluable experience in these cases and fourd nothing co prompt in building up young women as his vegetable pills of Mandrake and Butâ€" ternut. 3y Following the Advice of Miss McEwen You Can Quickly Become Strong Again. The pallid girl always lacks appetite. What little she eats is badly digested. At night she is restless, she dozes, but doesn‘t sleep soundly. Vital force must â€" be incressed, now blood must be supplied and a general reâ€" building take place before she will feel like she ought. 1 Dr. Hamitinn Wenâ€" desussBonaig in o ho inh O Te No ARRAYING DARK RULERS. ANCIENT DENTISTRY. Bright, Ruddy Checks For Pale Girls Longer Any Need to be Pale, Weak or Anaemic. hh ts a ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Cow It has been shown by recorded Eeats, made principally abroad, that y the means of e;s“g&g exercise the !}*upagcn{ ol the lungs r%a.y be inâ€" (::"'Ed t6 thé extent of more than 14 rl\:t Eit. ‘mfilfinfi was the I was very sick with Quinsy and thought I wou‘d ntundflo. 1 uged MINâ€" ARD S LINIMENT and it cured me at once. 1 am never without it now. Yourse grau.-mll;. 5 % _ â€"__ _ MRS. C. D. PRINCE. Nauwigewauk, Oct. 2ist One of the most elaborate funerâ€" als ever held at the celebrated dog‘s cemetery at Molesworth, Hunts, England, has just taken place. The body was enclosed in a coffin of regulation type, with handles atâ€" tached, and was conveged from Lordon in a motor car. The "deâ€" ceased‘"‘ was a fox terrier, and the interment was witnessed by four persons, including the lady owner of the dog. A wreath placed on the grave bore the inscription: To my darling little Punch, from his loving mistress. _ Requiescat in pace."‘ Nrard‘® Liniment Co., Limited a hundred ills, and it cures them all. One night one of my kiddies had earache and another toothache, Without Nerviline no one could have sieptâ€"I applied it as diâ€" rected, and the childrens‘ pains disapâ€" peared. My husband uses Nerviline for lame back, rheumatism, aching joints and all sorts of muscu‘ar pains. It is as good inside ae outside, ard is as much a part of my home as my kitchen stove." You find a thousand uses for a good family remedy like Nerviline. Get the 506. family size bottle; it‘s more economiâ€" cal than the 2%¢. trial size. Bold by all storekéepers and druggists, or The Cn-‘ tarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N. Y. A Westerner‘s Exporience Related. "It‘s in an unsettled part of the ©Jun» try like our far West that proves how valuable Nerviline is in the home," writes Mr. Patrick M. Dehaney, from Fort Sasâ€" katchewan. "Chills are frequentâ€"a hot drink of Nerviline sends life circulating through the body in three minutes. Cramps or eudden illnees at night is one of our terrors. No druggist or doctor is near, but if Nerviline is handy you can get relief. The worst cramps Nerviline has cured in my children in half a minâ€" nte. I don‘t think any farmer‘s wife has any right to be without the protection of Nerviline. In our family we use it for To Enlarge Capacity of Lungs, For Etomach Pains and Cramns, Romedy so Prompt as Norviline. Ever Have Cramps, Nausca, Vomiting ? ruyrx lf!-;;;nn‘[ll‘l.\‘l"...\ the back parlor of the small shopâ€" keeper, in the smoking room of the smart London club and in the cafe or barroom of the suburban inn or city ginâ€"mill. The old saying of "drunk as a lord" has no longer any meaning, thanks to King Edâ€" ward. All will remember the meâ€" morable letter written in his name by his private secretary, Lord Knollys, expressing the wish, as monarch, that the royal toasts, which are obligatory at most miliâ€". tary and naval messes, should be drunk with mineral water by all those of the officers who for one reason or another objected to aleoâ€" hol. Toâ€"day the number of officers in the British army who are total abstainers is very large, and the battle of Omdurman, which crushed the Madbki and restored the Soudan from barbarism to civilizaâ€" tion, was won by Lord Kitchener with an absolutely teetotal force. | nearly half a centuryâ€"that inebriâ€" ety has gone out of fashion, .and that hard drinking is no longer countenanced. Intoxication is now regarded as being bad form in the banqueting hall of the peer or great territorial magnate, as well as in the cause of temperance than did the late King Edward VII. He was very sparing in the maiter of stiâ€" mulants, and entertained an inâ€" tense horror of drunkenness. It is mainly attributable to the social inâ€" fluence which he exercised upon English life, from the time of hs marriage, in March, 1863, until â€"his death, in 1910â€"that is ho sav. for The Late King Edward‘s Temperâ€" ance Influence, Though he was not a total abâ€" stainer no one contributed more to Elaborate Dog‘s Fameral, DIDNX‘T LIKE PRUNKENNESS out anvthing like ;.“;:i' wRIE Af oxch. "®D $200.00 IN COLD CIVEN AWAY FREE CPAKE r t F o e OR TE Cig l s: Can be handled very easily. The sick are cured, a P in same siuble, no maiter how "exposed," k;p( from ha the disease, by using SPOMN‘S LIQUID O!STEMPER CURE. Give on the tongue or in feed. Acts on the blond and expelg rrmo of all forms of distemper. Best renndiy ever known or mares in foal. Druggists and harness dealers. Our froe Booklet gives everything. Largest e:‘lln;‘; horse remedy in existanceâ€"15 yeare. Distributoreâ€"ALL â€" WHOLESALE DRUGâ€" GISTS. _ SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemisis and !lncteriolotulg Coshen, ind., U. A. CANADIAN MEDROTNE 0o to say, for RCYREH CoOLT DISTE "I saw Lushman going home lJast night the worse for liquor." "Had a bigger load than he could carâ€" ry, did he?" ‘"I won‘t say that exactly, but I do think he‘d have been wiser to have made two trips after it." There‘s nothing like a "Bood manuâ€" facturing plant for raising money. Minard‘s Liniment Cures Diphtheria Your drlgcm. will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure ary case of Itch ing, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in t i0 i4 dayse. 50c. or two previous operations, carried out, respectively, seven and thres years ago. who went into a hospital in that city suffering from acute abdominal pains, was examined by Rontgen rays, which revealed the presence of a foreign body at the seat of the disorder. _ An incision brought to light a pair of artery forceps, which must have been left behind at one Xâ€"Rays Shows Forceps in Man, A brewo(‘s drayman in Berlin goLERs CA.\'(‘HR. TUMORS, LUMPS®, ®To, internal and external, cured with» out pain by our homs trestment. Write n# before too late. Dr. Beliman Medioal Co.. Timited. Colingwand. Ont PILES SURED IN 6 To 14 nays C e A'l‘ oNCcEâ€"MEX To Lkarx BARBRER trade; export instruction ; constant practice; toole free; always sure employ. ment for hbarber. Write_for eatalogue. Moler College, 291 Qmeen E.. Toronto. POLSON "?2%,%°:" Tor Engines and Shipbullders yant Veniatiog and Heating Systems and power purposes. TANKS AND SMOKE STACKS, | Agen‘s for Stuite. brick miles S o. q TAMP COLLECTORSâ€"HUN DEKED Dig. ~ ferent Poreign ftampe, Catalogns Album, onl:_ Beven Cente Marks Btam» Plvivt in us ie ts ul asirca d 21 200C 0E0 UA FARM® iN + 5 Manitoba. Alberta and Saskutchewan H'kc."‘b' bought. Worth the money for wick enle. hows 4n aiy. _‘ CC PRnP qOO6 & farms in different mections ol Ontarie on my list. If you want a farm consals$ tWn V nssy ns mm (‘ oon. srock FARM OrF so ACRKE® x va Three Houses: large Rank Bara. Mumet sold qmick. Price is very low se s 20 TTE .. *@ ACRES TNX aippursrx comxtyâ€" »°* Soil clay lorm; 2 acres fruit; new rick houee; number of outhnildinga, 3 iiles to market _ and Railway Station. his is a cheap farm. ‘The Western Real state Exchange, London, Ont. These gloves are specially tanned for hard service and will save you moncy and reduce your glove expense by the year. Send for our descriptive pamphietâ€"The Pinto‘s Shell, HUNSON BAY KNITTING Co. When buying your Piano insist on having an If you want the best and longestâ€" wearing gloves or mitts ever turned out of a factory b: sure and @sk for the famous OTTO MIGEL" Yorarrsre Toronto. Canada‘s Expert Clove and Mitt Makers, MONTREAL. W. NAWSON, Toronto nayE ovEr 2]¢ _ NO J 108 . L. BENCDICT & CO. Montreal MOWWWaprmmmemaccc EYVERAL _ DESIRARLE FA RM® U ic 4iX _ LaL T VPML GLOVES By The Year Piano Action Maypole Soap P_> L RARMS rom sate DAWSON, Winety Colborne Strest to. MALE HELP wanten STAmPSs ann cons MISCELLaANENU® nPanta fimfes"} TORONTO oNE mMUNDRED Goop New and Second for heating

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