Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Feb 1913, p. 8

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“Martina. out county will - In mUhttt the unvaried “In pay in just an. of the use. mnd not leave tho - portion of tho burden on the better land." and Pun-Mont lk M. Bionic at the meeting " the Clonal! Centre In“ Club on Fob. 3rd. Be wt on to ehow the. file the tote! inmeee in velne In lend. hyb- mente. live etoel and buildinge for the county led inane-ed only 08.8 per ecre In tene yeere the counton Prince Edward had inereeeed in the - time to the extent ot 'tko' per me. At the eeme tune the county of Bruce. had inereeeed in the name {one to the | tune of 33.00 pee ecre while Lembton county had increeeed to the extent oil 01104 per ecre. Now the conntiee ot' Grey and Bruce do not dweltiee but the counties of Prince Edward and Lamhton do end they ehow whet eon be done hy proper advertising. He then Ipoka of the beet menuer In clwauin' eeed [rein and advised ell to tut their need grain before it WI! _cwn. . Son” were sung by the President and Wm. Connolly. The no“ meat. Inn will be hell on Fob. 26. when tho meeting will be takogt by Mr John Weir on the subject of the but. breed lt Pays to Advertise. Advice regarding your advertising problems is available through any recognized Canadian advertising Agency, or, the Secretary ol the Candian Press Association, Room 503, Lumsden Building, Toronto. Enquiry involves no obligation on your part-ao write if interested. ( 30mm HIS WILD OATS n 2rt V , .-. “I. r.,"Ut, f y,' r ',./,i/ Gita' " i Ll. 'drl riiiaiM,li,lilll,ihtri. , k .. , "' , Mrel"iiiCt;friis?ii'ji: ' 'i vii/ " f " tTad 'iifii'i'gidF, ' " 1 I I , 1 'sae I .s." " lrd A . _ i) o.'. Bil' l pi,Jici'i",ir', [l ".....' . ‘ i av. Eél" i...:"...' 'tll _lli"i;iih'jii,,'it)li't""" "". ."z rr P, Ar ., e'i. ..n "(Naif . g, " r) m it? " _ .Wi', /iiiii"tii, (?ll!k - ". 'ie-, ' _ - fr???" . . ,. _ , ,7 7 ,. How many young_men P , I N, a'i aii'dlt8, l can1 ttl,' back outtllieir We'. M, 9“ . My Ff ' ear y i e an regre t neir - 'r.. - . a)iitfE8,tl85d,,rliir misdeeds. "Sowing their , JP. . my, //,'/;/;/;, YA , . rs" . .. . . i IP 'drl ", 7% g , a // A . wild oats in variousways. l ' ‘ EG . ‘ f ‘ tTad ‘. " CL" .~ Excesses, violation of us. i T. fi J , bl , . turu's laws, "wine, women 'l f' I t , lit Cr, sr/Pr, [l and song"---) have their ‘ /. r iitii , '" 'tgi%t'ie, 1” victims. Ybu have re- f .' Ell .\r " v‘ 'fig I * - , formed but what about the i) .. ".'. , RT C, . ' ' 1.14. In" - need you have sown-what in: J. " . , "I 1, ' il5 about the harvest? Don't R». .. , F) , il f/iii, 4) gg " bt.' trust to luck. If you are c"".'. 1/! ‘ It,')'; ',¢’ at present within the .".( l g I , rg t I clutches of any secret habit r. _ '.' ', 'rl r $il 4% ' which is sapping your life a"; _ i " ' » #ti'it, A . by degrees; if you are suf- e . ,'... r) 1'ita'rt't)l ' faring from the results of g ' pid g . 3'2 - " East indiscretions; if your _ , T ' N. 'h7gG f. IW, ’, lood has been tainted from T - a, .. " " ' anyprivate disease and you dare not marry; it you are married and live in dread of symptoms breaking out and_exposing your past; if you are stuttering.” the result of a miasgent our. unu cxpuanxg """ yuan u pm Inc auuuu-s no u... ...u... v. .. mm,~..- lifc--DRS. K. & K. ARE YOUR REFUGE.‘ Lay your case before them confidentially and they will tell you honestly if yon in: curable. We Treat and Cut. wuucos: vans, NERVOUS DEMUYY, BLOOD and Damn)! COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY ma BLADDER Dau. all Dim Peculiar to Men. for. Quain- Bth for “ODIN; TREATDIENT . _"i3rt,TTiTraiW:EfjiTljijil used for cdrrlsiGtuienc.e rand laboratory for Canadian basin“ only. Address all letters as follows: DES. KENNEDY & KENNEDY. M, an. m kl out "but address, Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. 'NOTIOE All lvtters from Canada must be addressed to our -- Canadian Correspondence Department in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us manually call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see an) trust no. etiests in o.ur “finds?! ottices. which ye Your Best Shopping Guide be best obtained. Suppose theta were no advertisements-- what aworrying task shopping would be! Think how you would miss the helpful infor- mation that guides you to select the hen goods and to know the shops where they can MSULTATION FREE. lothmc-Diuuu of I... Ilia-Ho its-Inuit. Newspaper advertisements are the finger- posts on the road to right buying. They are quick and safe guides to the places and goods most worthy of your patronage. How difficult to make up your shopping list without first knowing something about the Moods you need or the store that sells them! Your shopping would be ail experiment. You would pay out I let]? mmey during the slow process ot learning by experience how to avoid disappointment and dis satisfaction. experience how to avoid From soap to gas Ran. disappointment and dis- ges---hotn shoes to auto- satisfaction. mobiles -oue gets from newspaper 'Advertising Thanks to the high the information that is attutdard ot present day essential to safe and ad- advertising, no person vcatageoasbaying, REAPING A HARVEST or BORROW You CAN PAY WHEN CURE) Le needs to shop at random. It The advertising column! g of anewspaper give you re Just the information you 1e require to make your best f 1 selection of goods or store. we Leisurely, in the comfort m of your own home, you or carpi“. ant} drcide mm m the purchases in view. or cull. for this dinnict. " tho In- dies will not ho parent.“ this meet- Ing . talk on Needing will ‘nllo be given. The men will not be sorry for coming oat on that evenirg. The Ontuio Bunch of the Domin- ion Alliance he" issnnd their Annu- nl Ca11for n Convention in Massey Union Hall on Wednesday and Thursday, Mth and 27th of February. The enthusiasm over the recent victories promises to call torth a large atterrdanee. The call is issued to all churches. Temperance agoniz- ationa end other bodies desirous of seeing the Province delivered from the terrible evil ot the licensed li.. quor trdfie. Rev Mr Prndham is appointed ttl delegate to represent the Durham Branch of 8. G. Temperance Associ- ation. Inspector Campbell and C Ramage are appointed to represent Durham Presbyterian church. The usual travelling arrangements are available and it is expected that single fare rues will be secured. Standard certificates must be ,eeured from local agent: at point of starting. Any other information may be had trom Ben H. Rpence. Secy. Toronto. A Great Convention. Scott and four of " men Perish In a. Buzzard. Nothing since the lone ot Ben- iamin Franklin has stirred all British peoples as has the news this week that Capt. Scott. who led an expedi, tion to the South Pole had perished on returning therefrom with tour of his men. The news has been made twining by the discovery of the bodies by ID- other pt his parties and on Ins pens}: a written Fiiiiir message to his country describing their ill late, their coming certain death and begging that his country would see to it that survivors dependent on them did not suffer. $t These rough notes and out dead bodies will tell the tale." The British government and peo- ple have already taken action and ad- miration of the heroic dead will tum to sympathy for the living who have men bereaved. T'l.ursdnr. Feb. 13-620. Marl-hull. lot 1, con 3, Nurmanhy. will sell by public auction farm stuck, implements and household furniture. No "new? Sale at 1 o'clock " and under, cash l 12 mos credit, 5 per cent " for (uh. D. McPhall. Auctioneer MONDAY, 24TH Fem-Dan Melon". lot gi, Gun. 1, S. D. It., Glanelg. offer. for sale on above date, Farm Stock bn ulements and Household Furniture. It months' credit, 5 per cent discount fol. eush in lieu of notes. Sale at 1.00 o'oloek p. m. D. MCPBAIL. Auctioneer. Tuunamv, 27TH Ftm,--0o this due Adam Pettigrew, Noumnnhy. on Gra- vel Road. near Orchard, offers for ale Farm Stock Implements. and Houn- twld Furniture. No Reserve. 12 months' credit, 5 per cent discount. for cash in lieu of notes. The Review and Grain Growers' Guide. Winnipeg, for one year The Review and Weekly Globe for year-r-r-yi"' 1 The Review and Weekly Mail and Empire for] year.........l........ The Review and the Familv Her- ald and Weekly Star for 1 year The Review and Weekly Witness l for 1 WM"..----?-':,-" The Review and Weekly Bun for Tho Renew 'tnd Wad-.15 Lawma- or tor one3mm..."................. The Review And Weekly Free Prams for one your.................. The Renew and Farming World tors year..................... ...r'..r. The Review and the FIrmora’ Ad. vocato for I you... . ' ............... ineRoviaw and Caundiln Farm x for I PM"----- The Review and Daily Free Press The Review and Toronto Daily Star forl :ear....................... The Review IN] Toronto Duly New-1h: one your.................. The Review and Toronto Daily World for your..................... The Revi- w and Toronto Dnily Globe tor 1 yhur..................... The aw and Toront Daily MUI d Empire for l yearn..." We will send absolutely hem, for FREE the asking. poltpold. on. of our ---- large 64-ptrtre books lwith im, mt). on the common (ii-on“ of tsto9 and poultry. Tells how to feed nll kink of helvy and light bones. colts and mm, mild! com. e-lvu and Ntteuintt neon. also luv to keep Ind feed poultry so thot they will by u tall in winter " in mmmer. It contains an recommends from all over cm from ml. who have used our goodl. No farmer should be. without it. You can fatten cattle mad has: in . month? In: than by tuning our Royal Purple Stock Bpeeifiet thou you could possibly do without h thereby "vine a month's feed and labor In the cost to you will not be more than 81.50 in six pigs or 81.00 for one Meer. It will keep your horses in show condition with ordlnu'y - _ -- . - _ - ---- _I--..LI~IMIr_ Durham Presbyterian Guild purp- one giving a play on Thursday, 13th February in Town Ball entitled "The Union Depot," Admission 25e, Look for further antioancementr, ROYAL PURPLE Stock & Poultry Specifics quickly .7ror""i 00:171.. ara can. the! hen): the are" mad luau. tt tt an cams. your norm In aunt" “mm..-“ m“. ,,,,, _ feed. " you have s poor. mmnbk-look- in: animal on your place try it on min on first and we the marvellous mule which will be obtained. Our Stock 8peeiti0 will lure.“ the milk now three to the lbs. per cow per (by. while being fed in the Btatsle. A 500 7G'uieGiiiGidisoworhoet"_fe: mum. . -... - - --___V- - - -__ - will nuk- your lun- lay in» " well In the winter " in the manner. and will hep than free from am. These good- BN pun Ind Mahmud. We do_not nu gracing}; lee tl,' "il,1'i1"'i"'i hm. traiGd-aiatrdijrett iron at: on the mar"et " tbs pm“ “me. MI] Ptmrte gtoiriGeiae. We who“ {our 60¢ pent, In tn air-tight tin, for 81.50. W Punk Poultry BrmeMU, Me and “I mm. and tt.60 alt-tight tin an hold {our 600 t"N Boyd Purple killer, Me ml 500 all! 80¢ by mail. Boyd” ”ml: Gall Cure, Me and We “no; to. "gf tt thmat walnut. so: bottle: on 'gh"'"" Couch Cum, 500 tin: “I it ,ta"rrruruttatnt-t,te..ditttr., iiiii1yia"iiisziaa"'y'tl', stirii"P-orm-r,stas.io mum only by 'ttiris - ‘Pu'xpia new" and law 500 pd Ron] mu 8N by mail by ”11.! Raul Punk 30”le to SJ “" CZEtEictin TheW.A.Jenkina M11.Coo Iyear..................... Boynl Purpbe_ buppmo _u_ul Booklets - mi, be db-uimd from Wm. Black, hardware; S. P. Saunders, Harness, Durham for 1 “an".......:.................. Died In the Antarctic. School Reports. "iGFAiCrihtpra: your“ ArrfiR10, New Clubbing Rates. Sale Register. D. McPHAIL. Auctioneer. WEN LEA ............... l 90 , AiFuthe wily Flee nag World ..... ...".... 180 yaw-3% _....'.... 2 50 Duly ......... 2 60 Daily ......... 3 " 05in ......... 4 " Daily ar...... 4 " " 75 160 175 190 190 250 375 195 tith et---gean Weir. Br "h-- Annio McOtnnel, In] Cameron. Jennie Marshall, Marr McUnmel. Br 3rd -Eldon Rutseimars, Annie Wit.. ter,Tera Williams, Anni. Mir-hull. Andrew Louie. Tenn McCain-l. " Srd-hshs Runeimnn. Non-mm Haw, Gordon McDonald. 2nd-Art Lane, Alice Hsrrinon. Willie Lune And Katie McUunnel eq. Pt '2nd-Jmsme Mo ‘Omnnel. Leda Witter, Bury Min-shall. Gordon McCunlwl. Survey Williams. th. li-Nathan Haw and Ada Wilson eq., Ellwood Kiomao, Elma Brough. ton and Boy William: sq. Jr Ist-.. Muriel Broughlon, Pearl Williams, Willie, Muribull, Annie MeUannel Alex McOannel. " Emu WttaotCTeaeher. 1 No LE & N. I 4th oituvt--J Kerr. C Barber, G Grant, P Barber, J Lemon. G Me. Luughlin,0 Myth. Sr 8rd--E Men. Tride, W Brown, A Boy. E McLaugh- tin. Br 2nd-C, Gram. L Keller. T Flanagan. Jr 2nd-W Barber, R Mon rison. A Marshall. Br bst--L KPH". 8 Ward, R McCabe, V Birth, Jr lot _--T McCain. R Grant. 4th tettt"--A Wilson. H Cotton,! M Wilson. 0 Plaster. F Schenk, M McEachern, 1 Wilson. Sr i3sd--M Hopkins. M Watson, E Swan-ton. Jr 8rd--.E Spluey, Ethel Spicer. A Wii. son, J MeEurherr, K Dodds, Annie Wilson. Sr 2ad--M Wshron, MGar. dlnu. J Schenx, If Gardiner. A Schenk. W Gillan. Pt 2ad-V Spicer. M Swnmton. A Wagner. G Gardiner. Br "t--A McEncharn. E Calder. Jr "t--1 Watson, F Switzer, C Fair. l balm. J Calder. Average attendance. Men's Negligee Shirts. white and Much striped, Menu 85c Ind Boys troe, " Grant’s. Our February Wall Paper sale com. mences Monday, Feb. 3. Watchfor bargains. LAND eon BxLta--3il acres good l and. no hauling: situated inside' Durham Town limits. Spring 'rr/iii “21-3. turimti'n0rrop"i my. Gum”. ought: for quick purchaser. Apply to ‘ C. c, Human. PHONE Eavtumnopmtta..-Tht, in. stallation of many new phones in country districts hos! roused the moth. er Eve spirit, Ellch patron has cer. tain distinctive rings, which are) heard along the wholellnenndleads many curious ones to wonder what " one long two short " has to say to "three short one long" us [because may be. A Wag in is nearby township loud a trap by conspiring with a friend that. he would run: him up at, a certain hour and tell him that u certain well- known mm w“ dead, giving vely meagre psrticulars, Sure enough. in a jiffy, the End l news was confided in one and Another oven the phone and otherwise, revealing in some cases at least the curious ones. When the novelty wears off, the practice will cease. 18400000 To me EXPENDED BY WEL. ‘ memos COUNTY ON Goon RoanB.- By a vote of 14 to? Wellington Uoun. w Council has decided to inaugurate a good road scheme which, with the government grunt. will mean the ex. trenditure. at 8i500,000 on good toads This will menu the addition to the ptrsent uystmu of 100 miles of road. may building to the principal qurhrt run; rent. tite county’u shun- of 8i00,000 to he spread our curl: It numlwruf jaunt as may be deemed ndvisahlw. Oucuf u total sum of 8400,000 it is es- tuuated that the sum of 850.000 mun be art aside to crmplcte the construc. tlon of all the bridge: on the proposed Increased county roads system with permanent tstructures the hulunce of 'lk50,0C0 to be available for the per- manent. road construction which will tm "ppottiottett to the several tnuniui_ polities. based on the equtiized assets ment . Town Council would liks business and professional men of the town to use, for their correspondence envelopes with an advertisement forthe town printed an the luck. The printing omcet, of the town have been aulhnrv ind IO do such printing free of cost to ttte users. the town 'council paying therefor. Any bumneu man who has a stock of his regular envelop" on hand no requested to hung them in, get the but printed and help udvor (use the town " once. If out oten. velopel Ue would he and to quote you price-s as we canrwppiy you large or small quantiliroyl “nod. medium or common lines at reason-hie prices. Mt. Forest Rep. The post-emu building in Holstein just vacated. Good opening tor dmsmnket‘o shop, milliner. shoe- tgttskttr or for other line. of business. Rent very reasonable. Apply at once to D. P. COLBRIDGE, Holstein. Additional Locals. No. u, EGT. & PROTON. A. M. Prrrre, Teacher. No, H, EGREMONT. 8. M. Funausox. Teacher Civic Enterprise Office to Rent. MacFarlane & Co. ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO For bugnius in Hardware call on J. M, Matthews, the new hudwue man, Holstein. Everything going " coat Mr J. H. Sharp paid a visit to our village Monday and Tuesday of this week. He was here gaping " Atitt,'4'; the post o ce. e GGGffG't has permitted on Postmaster to move the post otfieq to his home and on Tuesday of this week W will e time before every" te becomes familiar with the new location. Rev. Winfield Hunt. of Belwood, is spending a week with his rather and mother here. Mt Wm. Hunt had his sale on Wednesday. The Quarterly Official Board of the Holstein Methodist Circuit will con. vene Monday evening, Feb. 17th. Holstein church at 7 30 p. m. wo all members try and be present ? The blizzard of last Friday and Saturday pre ty well filled up the north and south roads and tied up business for the time being. On the rural route Jas. Eccles covered his territory both days, but Chas, Hunt couldn't get over a portion of his route in Saturday's storm. Rev. A. Hanpson preached in the Methodist church last Sunday and the Rev. Mr Marshall was at Arthur. The Women's Institute held their annual " At Home " on Monday evo- ning at the home of Mrs Rice. A- bout thirty persons attended. An excellent time is reported. Mrs Doyle is very poorly at pres- ent. The shop and residence at present occupied by our butcher, F. Mc- Clocklin, has been leased to Dr. El. lis, who will use it as office and resi- dence. He will move in about March tat. The last shipment of new books to be purchased tor some time was plac- ed on the Library shelves last week. There are 34 in this lot and with over 60 placed in a few weeks ago, makes almost too new volumes added this winter. There are some splendid works in biography, history, litera- ture, etc., besides the latest fiction in the new books and all in our village and vicinity should beoefit them. selves and the Library by becoming I member ot this worthy institution. The February meeting of the Wo- LOCAL AND PERSONAL men's itsstitzte -vill tte. held this Thursday alternoo 1, Feb. I3, at the home of M13 D. Allan, Sr, Mr D. Cameron will speak on " Difficult churnings defects in butter: rea- sons and remedies." It promise, to be very interesting. A Choral Society was organized l last Thursday evening at the parson- l age. some twenty or more persons I being present. Mr J. W. Hunter. t President ; Miss Bride, Sec.-Treas. ; , Miss N. Philp, Vice President; Mrs l Malcolm (Con.), Mrs Murdoch, Mrs“ Nicholson Music Committee; Mrsl l, It. Marshall, Musical Director ;l Miss It. Sharp, Pianist. Each meme l her is to pay seventy-live cents.) which will entitle them to copy off) leach selection of music. A goodlyl number have joined already and it isI hoped as many more will be present! next Thursday evening. All whoi, can sing should avail themselves ol 1 their training. Practices will be heldl each Thursday evening at the par-l sonage. i Miss Clegg, of Toledo, Ohio, Mr Norman Clump. of Lumsden, Sasha. and Mr and Mrs Taylor,oflNrrir, Were recent vlsuors at Mr John Our, Inn's. Mr and Mrs Wright, of the gr: at lone land waited at Mr Lefhr'g lately. On Monday oflast. week Mr and Mrs Leliar stifled on a trip, the former to Owen Sound. the latter to Vls‘ul. friends In Orangeville. Lu Grippe is again on the warputh Ind We are sotry to say is making us a long Visit. Miss Waters. of kemlwortlr, is waiting her nuns. Mrs John Eurig. Weather very cold. News scarce, but we understand that. m the new~ future tit' wall have rural mail dehv cry at the thnd, That " good news_ Mr John Eutig. one of our most progressive humus. recently had water pipes and troughs put up in bu stables. to All kinds of Coal for sale. Apply Coal for Sale W. J. ATKINSON, Holstein South Bend The seven atom of the put week bu Med the lidetoada. having the concessions still I sheet of ice. Miss Moe McEnchnie "I I visitor In Durham hat Week. Mr " McLuen " renewing no- quninuuces in our neighborhood. Mm Eu Denali was [on week the guest of Miss Lem Wilson. er. 8. Arnott, Edmonton. yicimed his uncle Mr John Dene” lagt Friday. Mr A. says the West for bun. Council meetina is postponed until Sunrdly. Feb. 22, because ot In: Sumo-fa storm. Counélllor Alex Gillupio is under the can; of Dr, Sneuh. Messrs Angus Ferguson Ind Jae, Troupe, "tended the Reid nle It Holstein Friday. Mr Dougal MoPh-il. the noted ano- tioneer, Ceylon, was I culler in out burg Suntan. What might hue been a urinal accident occurred last Wednesday ev- I suing. Albert Bturrock while turn. ing around the large hunk of wow " Eaplm. wen thrown from his cutter on: the and of culvert and trolled some twenty rod before letting his horse go n he found it impomble to stop him. The horse was found " D Molnms' corner, quite excited as he forgot the jog. He was brought back by two of our villagers and glad to say only the cutter with a broken back seems my the worse of the M. loident. Mr Geo Gilkes lost a nimble thor ough bred Hereford last week In the result of a tall on the we while out to water. Tells Why She A lady author In the Farmer's Ad. vacate save t Farmi g is one M the least monot- l onona of occupaslons ; the work itself is so varied,-iving tor " ek, ploughing. fencing, planting, goinl to market, helping " been. To a worker in factory or shop, all days must. be much tdike-the some hour each morning and evening. the same work each day and when does he have time to live with his children ? One smallgirl described her father not lnapily as " the men can Ileeps‘ here." The country children cuddle alter their [other in the (arrow. help ihlm nbout born and fUld, no hie companions not only for the ttrat sev- en years mid to be moaclormuuve period, but until, at the thirteenth or "oarteenth, they enter the High l School. Even then they come home “or the week ends. In the densely-populated centres" one man unless he be oinnmual charsctar or attainments. is of much less impurtance than in the rural distr eta. Each county men has his own sphere of usefulness in the church. in the neighborhood. and in munieipalafNirts, in going to . ein ne. in some measure, loses his indiv- idualitv and becomes one ot the mass- es. There are few transients in ‘cuuntry districts; men intending to Estuy on the land " years. perhaps j tor life, must necessarily take a deep- i" interest in the ttffairg of their In 3mm, than to those to whom the :moving lever comes as often ssthe 1 wild geese fly. _ One charm of the country is it: in. Itormality. Nut long ago I readin 1 an article by a city Woman. temper 'iarily resident in the country. She I had mod to introduce the alternmm call. but bewailed that the country! women "preferred to run their social I affairs in their own haphuznrdpvy " Poor woman-did sue retieet" _ a“. though her ”stem migh: be right for the city, we wholive in the country may be the be" judges of what ttt right tor as P The country has not the painfull contrasts ot wealth and poverty, 1 there are in the city. There are no slums. Poor there are but not the desperate poverty ot the large cities; a garden and a potato patch are with. in the reach of all. Overorowdintt is practicallv Impossible. A city dwelier cannot choose the location oi his house as the man with more space " his disposal can ; he may plan a beautiful window to face the morning sun and the man on the next lot may hnild so as to out otf the Intighine' Wi. " iifw or a hundred acres trum which to choose a site, it is probable that " suitable, eVen a beautiful lo. cation tor building, may be found ; at the least. nothing Will prevent the windows from admitting mt the light there is as well " View" landscapes fit tor painter'l brush. The valuable: 200 acre farm, being lot S.§5nnd N. i O. can. 6. Arthur tuWnnhlp. Go. of Wellington. within 4; miles from the town of Mt. Forest, in mined for sale at. a bargain and with terms tdmost to can pmchuer. 196 acres dared, Nuance umber had. well fenced. Good comic: table home one hunk barn and one tlat bam. soil is in threst.eltom state of culuution. oonreniettt to school and church. An. ply tor other pm ticularn 3nd wrun- on the premises on to the undersigned. RIéIABD "agtttAtgT. It. Intent or J. J. COOK. Mt. Fore-c Bring your hon to 110!qu Tau- dau Banish-aim guaranteed Ozher stock will have my boot assen- don. Phone 1t . . R. M. TRIBE. super NOTICE TO I100 RAISERS. Iiopeville. Farm for Sale. Likes the Country. DER “Volt.“ ' mom: 100 ure- 1 mile Sum. of “tandem! a good turn: Inn, Mtesrqd for newt“! lea nun the mailman we.” can. loo um nur- Mount Fore”. chap " under “.000. 800 um our Dot-och "" “no Twumley'a tum) . In. wdl-t-uov- .a ' .n wind! It Twugloy ye" li Giiswest In“! EH. Miller change. A have a to Sund‘y School at , m B. a). m5 000 p. ". REV. A, I. “at". B. I. [restated-I - s d " Mt. I'd-It" . . an a) y. " iN at , 9.1:? a m REV. J. “you“. - Pttgutr DR. JAB. L. “[1003, . A. Physician. Surgeo- n! Am perly Incl. one. at “01min Dru: - Holstein Covenant has! of In“ “new m U? loan at 1rytrttt m 1e Lots 43 um " 000.1. 8. D, lt Glenda. one and a but mile. vest of Priceville. Good building. and water. Term. MING. App” to J. P. IchAcllLul. Box Mn, Guam. Alta. will “Winn mun null Ch tg,', Nice mud I tegt perly idea. m to can borrow. a. and “I! Inn-m e plum! "tnee tells cuppa“ oer ma. Laun- iii'hlirtiiiF',?ei,ii n shaman notice. Al w railway 'iiiGmk" gtotice, amended to. The Grand T, am]: Pacitie Rnilwny is the shortest .- vd the gulch“ route between Win tipeg, ukatoon. Ed. monton. Fast trains ‘cave Winnipeg " c--- ' p. a. may us . III 'tutr WI.” Portage La 1tatrie Riven Melville Regin- Watrouo Saskatoon Tofield _,, 0mm Wainwright :Neuerrf.ttrPa - Are Yon Going West? Electric ligh rd Ilocph' out. Su. perb dining c It service. As. neu- eat Grand T unk Agent foe "ll in. formation, literature,' etc or wnte A, B. Dutt, D. P. A., G. T, R., Toronto Or. do Van's Penal; Pl!!! J. R. Gen, Phone M. for: Agent J. Toner, Phone 10. Depot Age-t INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION permits student. to begin with us my day. Position. gumntccd “stratum. an! of specidilts. I carnation free. CA PLBIING. FCA G. D. FLunM) Principal Secretary Methodist cunt a..." fGiGiiutoi0rsrttit. n... Egg-Indian ,"yr'o7iri0iiEtieettQ2 OWEN SOUND ONT wmnsouwm’ _-- 7507”“: 00m] Am I. M um W. J. SHARP 5011 e of mr n n "ill In - Farm to Rent. Smooth new»? WdtfrArh"4t GfHt, T Bye l'eated unma- pm" in on.“ 1i117Ef,, laugh}? v. In? ',4 I: It the for uh or e!- Lina, 'll mun" uJilil'te'."a 31' li) El THE- Tl JAIN Katlr, Town Hail. f)'i'Irr, B; Jill HUGH GUTH H. H. MILLE C. Rh “Mil OF thtit Kits Refor “e50 or'r"te TORONTO sat PLJ VOL. il REI Bram them arm to R Ne ecret U: Mi (tl lor

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