Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 13 Feb 1913, p. 3

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Fi’S GREEN ISLE ory Is that Sell 'eace od I. mu Dru-d." had been tata 3941 he wok,. i viqiun; the "an! m. who up and m! the - uradhst and - " penple we call the mt ' My tar-"bk. I. a I wilt-H- pherl but Mu. mm: III- s “mints. tt DREAM ask that “A“ we of grit a Co a heahhy 5-. X it onh Bo, h. 'q .‘l ihese " "'. Ht) spot i- : al-Ut whom ~-v:'il In: Bats up Lu F. zit-hm open. wirr,, try him to he m1" hear 4 . hand» deep: 'iren of hope . Tn hm, that our. - to sit with I. an K] friendship " and poo- " things}- I and how WU?” ond "Ls angels, x . -Rev. M "le of " New to I In. .Lt the Cum-h. BHrrtS is to av O my ‘1']. Mo he " d of .37th. 'res to 35.73; gmud "My. a, '"' to “a mun-on. as to ”as; m tp, to “.3: bulls. 63 to 33.5; mug. n, W 'tdr, outUgts, “.25 to " 73, - all Pt."rdif/,g"t I"): ti, on . a. to " at u a. to . a 't'ifist yam-Imp. 3310 Gr prinnn~rmm use I! Mr. . T. Smith of Ingorsnll, pro- “do: of The Odor-i Tribune. died d Wiring. of tho brain an Fri- Mnmreul, Feb '_t Roc amen. Mal to .75. and the MW" 1trodes from that by“. an " win!» rhmru butchers' OetWqh brought 06.15 to hm can! " to 05.50, no! the Pot-mu Btoek from $350 to '450 r too lbs. A few ch, 2CD bull. add in 'tlr, " 'frm, [will A! ‘5‘” to "ti and m Inwnr [radon anm "oo m “‘0 per lbs. ‘Insnp hold at WAN in $750. and rum. at $1 to I for 100 Itw.. Valve! iarteed from MOI) ',y at!!!” "srl.-. a; m gise and unfin- mkstected Inn o.' bugs " high a “173. but the ruling prions the day tor carlvad 1ote werv from U to 0950 per ton nu. cet oft can. TO"..0. Petr. ti. “on, to, ted Ind - and 0&6 Lab. Cttoiee calves, so ”.50. lot-lb ale 85 w N:, ,5...’ nun ttlr4 an? 'cl,', 'f,',..,',',..; . . t I 1- - I. b “a man. “Mm $5.”; (that; July 'ra-lk. ukod ts Poound No. l 910: food wheat. 66b& Guano Whom No. 2. 960 to lot. outside. PIB‘AH‘ down to l cracks. of [96 death per 1,000 popnlstioa By Intuit mortality he mean. the death of “hie. w'thin a year from tidr birth. “The infant mortal.. 'N In eighteen cities of the Prov- moo to s casual oboerver cleanly indicate. that than 10 3n unru- nntsbb waste of child life in an!” of them," he aid. “It is the cry of the babies. It in n plea for-the education of the parents in all that pertains to infant 1,ife. lt is the great opportunity for health de- partment. to carry on exploration work at the piahlic Cost. instead of but"; it to philanthropy and, will organizations. It is omen tinny a, branch of municipal hoaitrsi work and should he instituted and candid on ax much so as any workl now buiug dune." Dr. Budget“! FREE-3 (lf ‘IIO Trumund,,us Loss to Province in One Year.-Uireat Infant Mortality H nnnn A despatch from Toronto says: Dr. Charles A. Hodgem, medical Adviser to the Conservation Oom- niuion, Ottawa, addreswd the chic! otticials and inspectors of the civic department of health in the City Hall on Wednesday on “Con- notvstion of Life." Dr. Hodgetts cited figures to show that infant modality in Ontario u at the at: Dunno 0.“ Irwin's. Toronw. Hob. u. -hLsatbotta Wheat)?!" _ ar Canto. Cum. emu. In. inn Ola-Mu M Dunn an: Apr-u. United sum Markets " Lin Mock Marlon a Ftt09 Tel slAfuNn "NTgtit Of AIER‘GL No. 2 white FARM “23333813 :0. 2.3530 to Ne. for a: ' down to m, for poor lo do _"crlr1ral'i'S PREVENTAB “about: can. 471-40) n IRAQ- It (than, Inn. and In“ u'ihnrlit'orat: "For the past three years I have used Grape-huts and mulling else for my breakfast sad for lunch be. fore retiring. It gpeedily set my stomach right and l congratulate "rxrcit' that I have "rnrtmcd silt health. Thero is no grr'nvr t"r'ftt- fort fur a lii'c‘d_man than a lmwh of Grape-huts. It insures restful sleep, and an awukvning in the morning with a fee-ling oi buoyam courage and ho efulness. "Grape-Nuts line. been a boon to‘ my whole family. It has made of am 2-year-old boy, who used to bel unable to digest much of anything, . ru'nust, hoalthy, little rascal weighing " pounds. Mankind certainly own . debt of gratitude to the expert who invented this perfect food." Nuns given by Canadian Pentium Co., Windsor. Ont. “Thank a xenon.” bungling.» an." A_t-rregte “This condition was diseouralr. ing. an I could tind no way to im- prove it. Then I saw the adver- tisement of Grape-Nuts food, and decided to try it, and became de- lightod with the result. It {"Advicea received by the eastern railroads indicate that the 30,000 l firemen almost to . men have vot- §ed "yea" on the proposition to Gtrike and tiomp over 52.000 miles (tt railroads, rather than accepr ' the oiier of the companies to arhi, tr Fifty-four u. S. Railways Involved in Big Labor Disputa. A despatch from New York says: The committee of managers of the eastern railroads announced on Frrday night that their firemen had l occ-d almost unanimously to strike. A statement signed by. Chairman Elisha Lee for the committee saylz Referring to the fact that in thil Province there were 34,341 dentin in 1911, Dr. Hodgetts said about 40 per cent. of them were preventable; M,000 lives which should have been saved to the country were lost. m calculated that each life was worth 820.000 to the country, hence the total loss in money was 840,000,000. In Toronto no less than 6,000 deaths had occurred in 1911 that were preventable, and this entailed a less from $6,000,000 to $10000; 000. Education'wni the great heed, tho doctor claimed, to prevent such waste in future. referred to the Dominion Govern- ment’s encouragement of the far- mern by granting money for educn- tion along agricultural lines, and he said: “The Government might devote 5 dollar or two each you to the odueation of our people in the intricate problems of prope- gating the race, and the conserva- tion of the lives of our babies.” Dr. Hodgett-s claimed that it was as much a part of the work of the Government to spend money on educating the people on these lines as to spend money on bringing men and “humid into Canada. tt JM V k 80.000 FIREMEN TO STRIKE. 0 through rested me I adequate temsive orcluvr tr M min n at Mth DY! sting told on mo till *came so weak that me. oven the light- at lunch. and I was d after a night of wa ENTAgLE n after a nigl .tnfitting me ms raven“! rliarnemtary Hindu} for ', tric mmission of dis- sufficient num- to consider the ---_, veisty Lenora ‘in SnuW. now prep NINE) ft rm rman j !ot, 1 their biggest coup has tret to come when ’3 . _ they will put on the market the stock ‘wry , of the C. N. R. oorp0rauom. This tragtr l thfslyTntintsn.tsl line, now running into its ' -. i “magnum: of miles of traekae,e, has been , Un- l bum. entirely by the rude ot bonds the near-ist". romaining in the control of Mac. L1,“.- I k‘evne .tsud AattCroprsonallr One of “a: ¥mj In. the - point- a .‘33u7iam'ri'i'é Richard was a crusading 'rar-pant in the (‘DI’WI’II he den-rib... Aurora local aption stands recount by a fraction of 3 vote H.” “in mummy be the most import. an! mom of general logiulntion to can. hen)”: the lluube this resslun. Tax Re. form and Tempuranoo Insulation wlll no doubt lunbh the bum tor what 5M known a. drama dababu. . _ Plum. " Jagtteq Young. The that): ot Hon. James Young " am unlove- u Liberal of an Old Guard. who for "an put bu taken a hon. though an onlooht'l. lingual in plain. can“. mu two volume: of “Mamba-0|." jun Publish“. line 1”"! yt bra. up)". hm: work to in iii iii: Ttsadru"tu%. wright]. with when ho was oonumpor- Pffph, Hy; quin‘l'l- work in urittlr tating that it their Lulu. m lw nu‘lunw! in My" pronu'm, In 1'1: Act. Thu general principlr m much-m Workman]; Corupcurtsatiou legislulmu is that a mud 1s emublishcd to winch cm. ploy-1's at” what contribute, and out " this mud damages are paid to Wuere-n wlwnever accidents o6tur, Industries are graded awonhng to the hum-d, so aha; the employcre in hazardous owupatwnm have to [my mum than those in loss haz. ardous woupmiom The workmen them- selves cottttiuttu, nothing and the fund is adruinistumut by the state. I'hroretivtally, 1eiria1ation of this kind should apply to everybody, but it in unwed that rrpresemathua of rural cou- 'stitaer:ritm will object it farm Inboun- mul more (Jerks are included. There u, thereiore, a “gummy that the“ clause- will be dumped in dig 1ettalortiop_trvarat is to be Hwnmmvllded by Mr Willi-am Mar-Minn Urn-luck] commissioner. who has been in 'tsrvrsratiuq the subject. and that Int. "rirrrr unimm which have bean axi- main; ' r the Act wit! not objevt, faring that if A my dui so 'hey would joofal'dile their rhunw‘s of getting any “isla- in the country W il I i a m I Hanator t Rennie and Minn them! days this wi it “in hermit on tl and inothor all hwr them into ttoirut con, tiiuu.tg,u, l tN.tlicy lt. ai 5%??? 1'ilii"a'l,u4t much the” two men synem. who h i<I.eture to accept the Rogiatrarrrhip. This was the Elba of his career. He made his Hartt plunge into politics by running for the Mayor's Chair, but he could not tarry the (bur-native party with him, and he was defeated. At that time he wns President of the Farmer-r Bank, and it has been said in explanation of his m- tion in running for the Biayurnity that his desire was to bring pmtige to the Bank. Ho calculated that as Mayor of Toronto he could have got in England or elsewhere all the eruritat necessity toe the new institution. ills Physio-I Strength. Mnny notice no told of his Quorum- “fourth. Once 'singles-handed he ole-nod up . crowd of lumber jack. who were making trouble in a northern camp. Again getting into an altercation with I F'" h man an account of some tritiintr dun- ”all that bad bot-n done to the 'elritttt in which stbitt wos Tiding, he bought tho 0 wilt from the cahhy for $25.00’and than l'lrht‘li if memo down on tho ati'oni. tiss raw an arrive Orangcman. As a you": mnn he broke from his party in the [)3an .NfcCurthy "targ, but later wan .,‘~,.m.nm;.i in {Imaging N. t'lnrke WHI. 1. has left his rank on tho Damien! life ot Toronto. The ar-ati" Wad Association. u may “in too-day no I monument to hil work. Thu m u- ooodincly "launch! and 942001.170 In their org-ninuon. u {not tor which Nubia must be thunk“. m. orlzlnd idea, it In aid, wan to introduce .n onnnnntlon that would bo an ett.etive u Tmmnnc but in this he wu thinned by what known as the silkqtockinf element In the party. Hanover. ha ha no tronbh h bring elected to the Legislature, when he could have held his sent u long u he wanted to. Tharp wu some dimsppoint. ment amung his friends when he was not mlznn Into the Whitney Cabinet which was nrzaniud in 1905, and it was not long .ItD-rwnrd tlwt ‘H: retired from thrs Leg. lie-Mu was an camber. an id the union - tad Imagination ot the rumour. H. vs. would. But h in gnu] cox-rec: to a: that In In “an: a very strong or n vary "on nun. no bad the hrrrt to resolve and the bud to contrive but he rarely had can hand to execute. Tho Late Br. Mu 't-ttttt--iotq In: 80-. an 'Mgt-ttlm"-'. cm "ttte"--P+ " In. - Alum." delighting in litt in mm amnion. the with of an In. Beattie Nubia. mm. M" found can. “not” Wm in on ehain ot chW which totutdaoiimarrinhiadrath. lath court room " lawyer: plowing for 3.). qua-bin; of tho indict-nu “and bin; at In: bod-id. hi. donu- man-c to retain tho breath of life. Tb- hwy-n gained their point: but on. short hon: later Baum Nubia. was dead. Beam: Nubia} bare in binary in anoleon. Hi; living room- wm Biied with picture. 3nd boob ”mining to the Empemr. Ind it in aid that in do. vound every lino ot Nspoloon “our our. he could itrsd. No doubt thin [In oxphim why Nubia} lilo Win in non. nirikiqg‘rupecu (not mlqdin; tho, nil-c HIM?!) (yli0/lrtmri'lllfllllf INTERESTING IITS " ttttMt. no. THE QUEEN CITY. oCiator" i‘ari) " iakiintiim ot " Orgamud Ward Asmlltlons. $t The Tan Richest Mon late of the ten wen! At (no Logisfature. Th. th N. R, ttrouo, r) 'ynd. Mpnn ken hum named m the list, Mr. Mr. D. B. Hanna. Mr. him-der- l, and " Henry Penna. are of ©qturt'r ve spent their iis to be tt hich in the renaatiun iegitsitrtiom due tht- quemirm or whether kenzie i La direct management and 'oncorna and ' H “H Wicca} V r, a re worth of this kind 1iy, but it is of rural cun- t'agrm labor... are Mr William ablest CA)rpoe it. D. B. Mann value 815000.000 , 12,000,000 0 5,000,020 4.000%” 5.0:; woo 3.003.000 3.000.000 2.000.000 Lest men Plating use! was b, in gut. if? A despatch from It is reported that der of Tack will be ornor-General of consort. Princess wo mc n A dish of Toutioo served either with cream or milk. or fruit. is cur- prisingly good. "The Memorv Llngers" Grocer. everywhere all tent land, Maine, for depart Thursday. Be will be pie tsashun 1!!) Scotland. when manta have been made i, temtiou by his wiie. the on his way home to Soot tal and shot McKenmu, bartender dead, and mortally wounded Dr Devlin. -a._ mmus nave been mam: tor his tie- tendon by his wife. ss'lrcpcsrd was on his way home to 800L184“ with his wife and family from Chicago, after being injured in the head while working in the latter city, when by ran agnuck in the Bath Ho.. Murderer Deported Prom Montreal --Wiil Go to Asylum. A pic-patch from Montreal mu: John Shepard, the nmuiurcr of Frank McKenna, a Hamihun 1mm, and Dr. Devlin, at the Bath Hmvl last; summer. was when to I'm; Member: of Nation! Diet Assault- ed on Leaving Building. A deapntch from Tokio “ya: Most exciting scenes were witness. ed during the dispersal of the Jap- anese Diet on Wednesday after a vote of censure on the Government under Prince Katlura had been carried The exits from the Cham- ber were thronged with people, who cheered the members of the Constitutional party when they assaulted Sahuro Shimada and other so-called renegade: of the National Liberal petty. They were thrown out of their rikishas when they attempted to drive away, and efforts were made to duck them in the canal, but these were frusr trated by the police. Cain-clan M'- M a. uc VIM-u. m. exhibited st the Winter Fair, wee sold to Mr. Robert Miller of Btoutr ville, who ti',.'."",",'.')" on Wed- needny to Mr. Fr Herding of Wenkeehn, Wilconlin. The Guelph heifer brought the highest price of n string of sixty-tive Shorthornl which peeled under the hammer It the Union Mock Yards. Breeders from all port: at Canada end the United Stet” to the number of three hundred were present, and bidding wee fairly keen, though hardly u Ipirited " in former years. Clydesdale mares brought as much In 81,010, and Percherone on much as $980 each. at an euc- tion held here on Tuesday. The horses were bred by T. B. Huesard of Markham, Ont. EXCITING SCENES IN TOKIO. You can have a asie of the summe‘ sunshine of the C van lie --.s by serving a dish of' These crisp fltvoury bits of toasted white com make an appetizing dish at any time of year Try them in February and Is He the delicate true maize fhvour, the grand 4.sheqrioeihiirr Yi,.- ti]; best beef animal an .Canadn st the Guelph WinterAFgu two months Champio- Post Toasties Shivery " ELI-1N GO ULD's GIFT. HEIFEB SELLS FOR "ttit, BACK TO SCOTLAND. one of the must chartni f the British ariswcrm to be S'yokt Mornings msrhler TI" tutqrhtas Wisconsin Man ondon as XI"! 'ext G' " xl UI H n uf with Britain ai y 18 practical politics on A UOIIOhOId Rom " Dr. Mos-00’. Indinn Root Pill. med meet the need which no often 'gtfi'X every “with: I modiciu ”one: up ind mu te the bowels. send ugv. single, fell bun-Mb a car being switched shortly before midnight on Tuesday, and died from his injuries; 'while just before Hut)" on Wednesday James Henry Cunning, ham, married, was thrown " the rear fwtbuard of n 1ooomotive and killed. A despatch from Fort Wilham says: ll ithin twelve hours two fatal a<~-idents occurred in the Canadian Pacihe Railway yards here, both victims being switchmen. Chas. Wm. Brock. twenty-nine years of first cflic sponsible lelalitil-s 000m in William l New York od Thursday with the iimt Friedmmm serum for the wine of tuberculosis. to open up and regulate the bowels. Not 'h are they etrective in " one! of ttttet,'; but they help way In ing up a Cold or u . p. by dunk! out the synta- 'ii',tiiiliiii, the blood. lt 3h..- n ey re Dev. or can disdain Sick 'a'T2'dittttt “Inn and other common ailments. h tholqllea; some dime words Dr. m ue. IN D Pt Decisive mama; tGkliiit. " Toronto will have a plowing bee in the spring, when fifty teams will break up the vacant Iota to be used as Bower gardens. Mr. B. A. MInNub ot Montreal has increased the amount of dam- ages for alleged libel he claims from Col. the Hon. Sum Hughes from 810.000 to 850,000. A dopuuwiou from Tkrrirnto and surrwunding mum'm'palitia awk'd in The Montreal Bar tendered g NF mption to his Royal Highness the Duke of Conmught at its annual banquet. It Almon Hampton, a, Urmar new Gananoque. was crushed to death under his binder while preparing foe a oale. A workmen', compensation bill in not likely to be mated at the present session of the Leginlature. A f1smontu'syld baby under- went on operation in Toronto tor 1. broken thigh mud to be caused by it. father. forgoodroads A structural steel plant is to be erected at St. Thomas, to cost $100,000 _and to employ 160 men. Jersey breeders will try to have the lands"! of milk sold in cities rained. The Bksueirt-Irrsiaa, Amanda: will immune the import tax on United States cattle. . The Dominion Canaan, Limited, is to erect a $65,000 factory in Chatham this summer. Rahal clung“ are to be made in Ontario". prism" by new losin- lstion. Cm“. the Fin-Mn and ttr World I. General Below You hummus mow All. out) _ - In: cums " A nursuu L. Th e TWO SWITCHIEIIN K!” Tuouosutouvaraooorttoe Iii York urt A SENSIBIM AGRF,hi,NT. read a third for Borden and tho Minister aye for a. subsidy of 88.600 for the Tomdtto, Uxbridge Perry Railway. llf my that pom will mend £100,000 “I W N TORONTO ll l” nitod Mates 11210115 on t'ettt It Hawk) Trih R! " itain ll hat Germany MM 1118‘ m ban a hoe 'ffsi'i,t" my a I 4353359. " m W ttlt star n III-u ..'l. l)te'rr. '.r; II " n 'i"l' in l f' Mm ' il ;I 1: ~1m1ch In Hm Trvusor,s "I"! tltr-re urn In: IT, 1, .ul c, . ',, 'A $433 tlast luv-Mk Hf ("Hing munm unti' peu'vc‘hrw‘ fish: “m, ff" hwv“ W‘H'“ "VI is 4w _ "Wit-vi. and. "reunul'i. the C rt I L, ll." ' p451. mud that count!) in drifting to ruin and _Uw- “ng1.va nun Aqsr, all along banklupth. A great anti-wu- the Hm. The 'Iuris. on their mm demoristration occurred on Sand-Iv fudr Minn. iIII.. mm mm mm. The in front of the Wu 0500, " much "lrlrtira began “ll TIN-min)" Tho the Young Turks "no public-9y do. l BuUars 'ulru.trr.evl In -:I. KIIdikeui nounoed u murderorl Imd thieves. ;towaeut, Knvuk. which the Turk. Mahmoud Bhedket Pub. arermtloooturimi. The fight land until on the balcony and tried to make yawning, when the Turks retired to much. but in [new with op- Hula}. A1er Balsa tom on mbdou epithets. the minty In 1 the brawn cunt Occupied Myth- tho rum “up is inductiboblo. l phyto. It in reported that the Bul. It has been Emily cold vim 'tbro bola" lowing “(M burned buy new. The addict-I no Ill-val! tho military buildings. The fed an! ure, sheltered. ann- IIIIdn Indra! the Tutti: unop- ha pox. 1',',tPdT'; man naiéndnd 'ttttttte, lino at " men-oak " Ash 3 Iowa u. . . “who“ to O cholera. " ie Ida‘s“ that the than to h M! M some means to save its face. It in sgid that the coup d'etat was only intended to occur after Kiunil PM?” surrendered AdrGnople, but was precipitated by some misuke. Hvucy the diihttlty the Ministry h "aw in. There. it not a "on! in A despatch from London snyuzi force- ct Tchatalja ha The Daily Telegraph publishes “ducal to ie0.000, uhirl long uncensored despatch from its! in” mph to defend correspondent, Ellis Ashmead Burt» l arlro 'tn/io/ttiT,,",": lett, at Constantinople, in which l a” to G" ipoli, 3.!” he says that the Turkish people are. int-[270.000 fmen. ' h i; in such a ltlte of misery tml. desti» f h. ',,1"'3 l an“ (ll l tution as a result of the War alutt' I",', If,. I' CIO' l' ”1 they are completely indifferent Ls . mganunx, ut nu.h , to the tate of Adrinnuple. imr1rt"'ticolt. In the , "ThtCabiuet is in .’ quwdury," ot the 'rrttttr"zattott the Buys the correspondent. “It known xltlr’w the nmment " P. that it will be compelled to code 2l'1 the oofu. Pro Adrinnople. and in only ”kiwi tl'f..f'et.teui_tt,efo", TU the (mom, who is a entire family. If a Polio. Gnu Expo-um Shake. " low York Polk». A Pstseteh from New York uys: The trail of polio. " upon which Dubriot Attorney gul- B. Whic. and trtstoutuatsuntmeriadoclared by him on hunting to have emerged from the thicket of minor exposure. to an open road loading to men higher up. Through the re- mrkahb w nhwsion which Police Captain Thnmm W. Walsh made in tho [)1le of the District. Amwr- nay on Wednesday night. which will be repeated to the Grand Jury, in- dictmanta will be sought “my. a po!ioe inspector and others an tsl, leged graft taken on u inn-g" mud-u If obtained those indictnu, ui',' be the mod. important develop- man/ta in the exposure of the "s:w- tear" since the city was unused to the alliance ot the pollute with gambling and vice by tho Rmvnthal murder. The tropical ‘ white large cities iormod of hard earth from two a ten» in height. In each l Board Mmuure in 1912 Over Ma Billion Feet More Than in 1911. non more thingies. The production for Ottawa Cl wan 97,030,000 oompue< 774,000 the previous yea tal number d shingles f" 735.000 anninst M.25th00 There was a. nut the, lumber out Assertion of Superintendent Burgess of the Verdun Hospital tor tae insane A doom from Iona-ed upmindiuidui, provided in I. not A stirring appeal tor the be“: “We“ a.lloar.od " ooasqsui" qdtuesatittat of the oomnnnitv'in and to u.-' “Home beta. - - . . . ". tion I. taken. By such . out. an penguin; to insanity. In. the Holt aitd M“ w... 'u in- .tuuaitotttumrortotoi. tii'er-dnikiWiiaiakiii"ii; Bug“? Medical summl W of tho patient grad: dinin- of tho ordun 30-93-31!“ the lit- Mid. Prevention Mid not out. nae. " the Atth annual meeting of; should be the watchword of ali-. the odtosr, of that imrtitutUn held iata, and in an. was: it devolved on Wede duration. That, upon them to becom- tho instru- taken in its incipient "ages, in- tom of the public. The not-din unity was, with rue exceptions, M the tsociologist, " well n ti. curable, was the opinion exprou- physician. had hon O iiedd for their ed by the doctor, Ind hi: “can endeavors. By providing . Inc.- ment WIS borne out by . prawntr tally deficient individual with 0.- tion of statistics gathered in the cupntion and nmusement, Wonder. insLiutiun over which he prvsidvs. cu Il be workwl, um}. (unnamed Tlu, trouble was that, In a gonel‘blj “hr. trrctiueut, .lnrh could in th. rule, the relatives, of an afflicted nugwritv of cum he "mm.“ 1NPORTANT DEVELOPMENTS SAYS ENSANHY IS CURABLE LUNBEit cur IN 0'ITAWA. RKE ere cut " " "WW4 m the 'a-sos w a: mu; 51......" 1 - Way of the Ant ft " mom th re mo, ( fhrhtirur l Bub." l nowad- h the line. The Turks, on their mm ndmiudon. haw ' 5.000 men. Tho thrhting hm” on Tha-us. n. Eula" advanced from RadiUui impracticable. In the rre'sten'. mm ot the 'rrtrttnization the rmy mm'J starve the moment u Inn-.npU-d bt leave the cunt. Prom n ttrliy and economic Btandosutt Turkey'. position is hopeless. Nothing on.) prevent. oven Vt!" miblurcuaoc IX- ocpt immediate ”comm-m M the inevitable." DI DH Chest Colds, Wheezing Ina-um at a full“ theme. In" ”that knows how (Mum It I. tom6Bro1uwoliildtotau.oo- Int-mu. Seldom will on. help unlo- clul " lug. doc... and the mull ’- to commonly upset the 'stomach and Ink the child lick. Mic a a. gunman cum Rte 0M trouble. sud children] colds. Nun. Gumm- an: "In all my export-nu to away I in.“ tmot say um mm to tiepostdabu " Net-Vilma. " 3 we null huimonl. [ivory any you rib on I. uboorbod quickly. clnh through mmwtbwmxdumm when. And can. gun-My. lepton”: to! cheat odds. pain in ' “do. all nook. elraohe. tamhu‘he. I have found tterri. lttte mum-bio. In treating the Inn-or m. of ohndnen Nervilmo In. no sum. 1 think Neretlitgq ghoul! be In our! You (‘an Break Up Cold, Feel Flu Next lord-3. by l‘ollnwlu the “NH-willie" Method. spontaneoul turth of "re, "The dis» ouvery point. the wuy for a clung. pt on; form of pa,ettt 123,-»; 'w be incupuble of It. into another)" ta.id Pref. limuux on Friday night. (mild be worked. and."oaiiGii with trmtmonl. cures could in the majority of cue- be eftssted. Hun Nani anku Lows G.000 In. red. of BANKRUPI a r-M and on" yet! ll Hanna“ tor ISM H Cured Over Night " AN than (ho-patch to way an.” that on going no oli, 3nd that won I.“ along Th of honk- of proof that h I. home. I. IVS In end import, " cal l p d d o

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