Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 23 Jan 1913, p. 4

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61 . The Dh ) 2t dith, ui cdedindnioan â€" Mnb xoetactutl I The Review and Grain Growers‘ | Glle‘gzg‘?m:';?:d.t"l Guide, Winnipeg, for one year 1 65| Prlcevilie. Good The Review and Weekly Globe \Terms reasonable, §OK | YOAT ... .cs se cesc e n en es rea e e=# § 15| J.F. M The Review and Woekly Mail and | Box Empire fOf 1 Y@OAP....cce ce ce + 1 75 'l'h:ulle'ie:vmd the Family Herâ€" | ye«â€"smiil and Weekly Star for 1 year 1 90 | C ‘as The Review and Weekly Witness | F'::(: Al.)Le:w, P fOF 1 YORF.......cccccece s en en en e e e e +# 1 90 | to u Durbhant :f " e n s o o o g oc | from date, Keep Well Get Well The The Review and Weekly Advertis OK fOT ON6 YORP ... cce ces een cce e k en nn* The Review and Weekly Free Proxg fOf ONO YOAT... cesc se k6 6+ The Review and Farming World fOP 1 YOAL, ... .ccscc ce cce cce e en e e# The Review and the Farmers‘ Adâ€" FOCRARO® fOF 1 Y@ML ... .. se se e en en ++ TheReview and Canadian Farm The Review and Daily Free Press e o ooo The Review and Toronto Daily Ytar fOf 1 YOAP....... se en 69 ‘The Review ard Toronto Daily Nows LOP ONO Y@AF.....c ce k6 k}* I‘he © Royview and Toronto Daily World f0f 1 Y@BF.......cccccrrrcccnee 8 15 Ihe Review and ‘Toronto Daily Glob@ fOf 1 YORIT....q_ucccreccen .66 4 10 The Review @Bd Toronto Daily Mail and Empire for 1 year...... 4 75 if JAMES R. GUN, Durbam For Â¥ The Central Drug Store 7 3222333 332333330332332 3329 ;G&GGGGFG(G%G&GGE&G&G&G €6€ db u & The â€" Central Drug Store \ Review and Weekly Sun for As long as you can, but New Clubbing Rates. As soon as you can. With the present changeâ€" able weather it is a very easy matter to get a cold. _ There is nothing better than Gun‘s Grip Capsules" to break up a cold quickly. Have a box on hand and when you feel a cold coming on, take a few capsules and note the results. â€" As the saying goes "the preof of the pudding is in the eating" so the "sale of a preâ€" paratio 1 â€" a sure sign of its worth." CHILBLAINS is another very _troublesome complaint. Our " Chilbain Cure" gives instant relief. Get your Snuow Shoes read y 10 If you do not own a pair, call at t] the best of eyerything in that line We carry a great variety of Snowshoes, for the Girls, for Boys, for the Ladies and for the Men, ranging in price from $: to $6.00. Everyflnng for the Skaters Mr Jos. Brown claims be hbas been favored with suitable weather for making skating ice. and is determined to do his part towards furnishing amasement for the young . 2 10. MAD C OM TV awakh as Remember both these preparations are guaranteed . Money back if not satisfactory. [ 1141 44 40003 CA on dctatont â€" Ahaictatcontntrantatnts 1 P Our establishment can furnish everything else, such as Hockey Skates, Spring Skates, Hockey Sticks, Packs, Ankle Supports, Shin Pads, Hockey Mitts and Skate Straps. We have what you want in Hand Sleighs at prices to suit every person, from 25¢ to 2.50 eaebhb. Cee m inmiinek ranty td * Being always upâ€"toâ€"date, we have just received a consignâ€" meat of the new Lanterns with the new shaped globe thas will not break by the heat, a Globe that you can put your band in to clean. The Lantern bas a positive lock burner, making it abâ€" solutely safe. If you want Light, Satety and Convenience, buy it. Price $1.25. A Life Saver all kinds of Commercial Printing of Highest Quality, Try the Review Job Dept. is am appropriate name for the quick action style of 1@ Hot Water Bottle that we sell. Ready the minute M the water is hotâ€"it often stimulates parts of the body P where the blood is not circulating properly, acts more n promptly than any medicine and so often really save" a life before a doctor can reach you. Don‘t be without ; a hot water for aches, pains and defective circulation. i Several sizes and styles and made expressly for our g trade. â€" Fully guaranteed for two years. m See that our name is on each bottle g New Lantern, for _ Light, Safety and Convenience We are Headquarters for Rubber Goods=â€"All kinds . T. R. Town Ticket Office SNOWâ€"SHOES Daily Shoes ready for the next heayy fall of Snow . mair call at the store where you can secure . BLACK 2 50 0 | Purnam, â€" Jan. 2: go | Flour per Cwb .... ... \Oatmeal per sack . .... zq Chop per @Wt...) ... *Buckwheat...... 90 Fall Wheat...........$ \Spring Wheat.... .. .â€" 75 | Oats, Teed....¢«cesys + §Oats, milling........ > 50| Peasg.... ........+**** ‘Barlev............... 50 | Butter ...... .}.}>>>>*** 4448 . aB.. . s t in o Glenelg. one and : half mules west of Priceville. Good buildings and water. Terms reasonable. Apply to J. F. McLacHLAN, Box 260, Calgary, Alta, Fred A, Lewis, piano to be in Durham in a ¢ from date, when you do get ill, Potatoes per bag......> Ducks........}.}}>>>+>* Geese...... ..0s..l. .++ Turkey$..... ... }}> +++* HCNS...«x..««er..s kx Durham Markets. wshoes, for the Girls, for the , ranging in price from $2.00 Farm to Rent. piano tuner, expects in a conple of weeks 22, 1913. 2 40 to 2 90 2 75 to 3 0) 1 35 to 1 50 50 to 50 $ 90 to$ 95 90 to 95 . 33 to 34 . 88 to 34 90 to 100 22 to 12 to 12 to 18 to 8 to ! â€"The Home Rule bill passed the | British Honse of Commons by 110 \ majority. It goes now to the Lords, ‘has receryed its first reading there, ‘ and will there meet its death. Should | the Liberals be in power nexb session TQIR: Burfam Review it will go through the same processâ€" likelyâ€"and when the Commons pns-\ ses it a third time, it becomes law in spite of the Lords. ‘ â€"Mr N. W. Rowell the Liberal leader in the Local House, is showing‘ not only great activity, but great verâ€" satility in the topics he is discussing tefore the country. Temperance, License laws, ete., are generally sup« posed to be his strong points, but on the Labor question, on taX reform, 1 m i M c ies e of 55 .)7 12 18 The Types and Breeds of Sheep and Hogs. This was the subject of the address | given at the regular meeting of tb.\ Glenelg Centre Farmers‘ COlub on Janâ€" nary 14th by President Binpie,. }jn ad | interesting manner he traced the ori-\ gin and improvement of the different brecds and showed the difference beâ€" tween the wool and the mutton types: in sheep and the fat and bacon types in hogs. Most of the breeds are of Earopean Origin. There are some American breecs o6 hogs for the pro: duction of the fat hog. THURSDAY, JAN. 23, 1953 The President also summarized thei new bulletins which were added to the Club Library, _ Variety was lent to the program by some well rendered songs by W Connelly, Pat Fogarly and Thos M Binnie. The next meet» ing will be held ou Tuesday February j 3rd. Special Around the World Cruisé Canadian Pacific Empresses of _ * Kussia " and * Asia," An unusual opportunity for an around the world eruise ail under the Canadian Pacific flag with its consequent standard of service is offered with the advent of the great new quadruple screw turbine engine stcamships * Empress of Rusâ€" sia‘" and "Empress of Asia." The "Empress of Russia" will sail | from Liverpool April ist and will call | at Gibraltar April 4th, Villefranche Apâ€" | ril 8th, Port Said April 12th and will proceed via Suez, Colombo, Penang, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, Kobe, Yokohama and arrive at Vancouver Saturday, May 3ist. From Vancouver to Toronto passengers may travel via Canadian Pacific Main Line or Crows‘ Nest Pass Line and may also travel from Ft William or via Great Lakes route to Port McNicoll. The most direct connection to make for the sailing from Liverpool April 1st is via "Empress of Britain‘‘ from St. John, N. B. March 21st, 1913. The Canadian Pacific Atlantic Emâ€"| presses are so well known and have established so enviable a reputation | tor safety, speed, service and acoom-l modation. that when we say the| ‘‘Empress of Russia‘‘ and *‘ Emâ€"| press at Asia " are larger and taster | than the " Empress of Britain ‘‘ and | * Empress of Ireland ‘‘ it means a | greatdeal. They embody the very | latest featares of marine architecture ‘ and every known convenience and | comtort ter passengersâ€"the service| and cuisine will be maintained at high * Canadian Paeific ‘‘ standard. | The " Empress of Rassia‘‘ and| ©* Empress of Asia‘‘ are sister ships â€"593 feet long, 68 feet beamâ€"gross reg ister 16,850 tons, dinplacemem‘ abo ut 34 000 cons â€"â€"speed 20 knotsâ€"| quadruple serewâ€"turbine enginesâ€" . andthe firss merchant vessels built with the "cruiser "‘ stern, a feature which is especially adapted for speed and increases the stability, besides securing more room on the various decks. _ When ocean liners were built so that they should fioat with two 0: their eompartments filled with water, it was thought a great thing, } but the new ** Empresses ‘‘ can have four of their compartments filled and still float. The rate for the entire ernoise is $639.10 exclasive ot maintenance beâ€" tween arrival time in Eogland and departure of the *‘ Empress of Rosâ€" sia." Get'particniars from Canadian Paâ€" cific Agents, or write M. . Marphy. District Passenger Agent, Toronto, A similar cruise will be made by the : Empress ot Asia " sailing from Liverpool May 27thb, 1913 «4 B + + PUBLIC NOTICE THE DURBRAM _ The weather took a decided change | on Saturday after the thaw of the |last three days and now we bhave |\ suow enough sgain to cover the ice |and make good sleighing. The blackâ€" | smith‘s delight would be if the roads \kept icy, then shoeing would be a | necessity for to get along. But as it ‘is, the snow falling on the soft 108, \mukes good going fearless of stumbâ€" ling. li is not our intention to write A big budget this week as we huave & couple of obituary nollces to write and churel report. The annual meeting Was held in the Presbyterian church here on Wedâ€"| nesday the 15th of January and as it | ; is generally the case Was not very | p largely attended, _ However those | j present transacted the business well. | ; After paying all demands the neat | j sum of $62 was left over to be apâ€"| ; plied in this year‘s business, The|, congregation was never in such 4| , good standing, showing that the | good pastor‘s services are ngftecmted | by his hearersand others. Mr. Mathâ€" eson hbas a large ares to go OV®!, ‘covering nearly 20 miles from north to south, yet we neyer hear of him \retting up a compleint of too much \to do. _ Some of the old managers \ who served their day retired and\ ‘ | younger ones substituted â€" instead, \ When giving n# back ward look to the *\ time when diffculties were in the â€"| way, when the oid buildings had to 8| be replaced, sheds Lo build for our i\dumb animals and many other conâ€" f| yeniences which are now Nn use, P T 1 e IF] waek I‘\n S Amenime n Hebie ce tiser it was decidedly hbard to get the | means to accom»lizh the desires of those that srpeintended the work. | Now that all thesa sopveniences ure\ in use and all prid for it is an easy | matter to attead to repairs &c, and if those who are at the head of the busâ€" linesa at presert and in future will imâ€" prove their tiime and enpergies as did those of the lust forty years, we Aro assured that the Presbyterian church in Priceville w li he the best equipped | congregation 40 years from now in \ rhis pgrt of O tario. The question C‘ raising the pastor 8| salary was diserssed and probably'x will ‘take effect in the near futare, | when on equal agreement will bei made between tho two congregaticns, | Swinton Park anc Priceville, | The funeral 0% the late Arch Mc.\ NVillan, Swinton Park, took place from his brsther Juhn‘s at Ceylon to Swinton Park on Saturday, 18th Jan. and was largely a temnded, . As this is out of our territcry we will not write | auy more &3 some one from that part | will bo giving & full agcount of the | death of this fine young men at the ‘ age of 89 years, ! Miss Cbristena MceDonald, (Dunâ€" can‘s) writing from California says the fruit bas been all frozen some 2 weeks ago, the worst frost in 40 years. ! _ We will soon bhave mail delivery in | this secmon. Some of us were satisâ€" \fied with the old way but as old ) things are all passing aWay tke new | method must be obsarved and w&hope it will cerned. We also notice a large number of| farmers baving tolephone lines into their dwellings, so now the old fashâ€" joned manner of going to «"caley to our neighbors‘‘ will be abolished, as ; the conversation can be kept up by‘ sitting neme their ain fireside. | Mr W W Ramage is engaged weekâ€" 1 1y by St Columba church congregaâ€" tion for the purpose of training the choir and all thas wieh to come io receive instruction from bim should aviil themselyes of the privilege of corsing to hea im as everybody knows that Mrc. Ramage is hard to sarpass in the art of music. _ His first meeting will be on Thursday the 28rd inst at 7.30 in the basement of the cbhurch. The Forester concert in this place is to be held in Watson‘s Hall on the eyeving of the 80th of January. A grand time is expected. The i%ev. Mr. Matheson attended Presbytery meeiing at Orangeville on Tuesday the 14th inst, The Publishers beg to thank all who during the last two weeks haye reâ€" mitted on subscription. The label has been changed this week, _ We are looking for many more renewals this month and hope those who are in arrears fora year or more will balâ€" ance things up by putting *"the little yeltow Iabel " a year ahead. Priceville That Little Yellow prove satisfactory to all con Lllll2l 222 ce t mt t WOGEC 'U'â€", PE TY Mrs. Ellison from Elbow, Bask., was visiting last week with Mrs. R. Ector. HudSk l Pupe l cget 2 hn it m CLUE. Mr. and Mrs. T. Banks moved to Durham last Thursday. _ Mr C. Cotâ€" ton has purchased their farm, a tapestry Fiig. _ BX UXE "Aan.1 * tation there was card playing, danâ€" cing, and conversatton until about 2 | o‘clock when all wont home in sleighâ€" | Joads in the bright moonlight night. | Mr John Moffat was chairman while | Mr W J Ritchie read the address and \ Messrs D Edge and H. Williams preâ€"| \ sented the rug. Mr T. Ritchie and\ | others gave excellent music for the | dancers. Following is the address ;; | To Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Banks, | Ii Dear Friends : | | _ For some time we have known of | ) | your intention of leaving our neighâ€" ) ! borhood but not until your removal\ 1 | to town did we realize to the full the , | gap whish is left in ous community. | | We have always found you as neighâ€"| \bors kind and o Miging and evet| 8\ ready to help. Your home was On®| J | of ganerous hospitali y and especialâ€" | ‘, 1y in time of sickness will Mrs Banks | e\ be missed for there was none more | s,, eagerly _spug}]t for or whose services | | were more readily given of highly | . | appreciated. Itis with pleasure that‘ PhbtresC s AEDARRO CCAE CC On Tuesday night about 75 of Edge Hill people and their friends gathered at the home of Mr T Banks, to present them with an address and _ eC sestee rno. â€" After the pregent sn L ous db x we meet with you this evening in\ your new home and we would ask you to accept this rug as A slighti memento of the time you spent at\ Edge Hill. _ Wesincerely trust the remainder of your lives may be blesâ€" sed witu every comfort and that you may be long spared to enjoy the competence which your indpstry has accumulated. _ Signed DWd yA NY ME=liak ROYAL PURPLE Stock & Poulitry Specifics Skating Tuesday, Thursday and | Saturday evyenings. Admiesion 10c. | Also Saturday afternoons ; Admisâ€" | sion 10c ; Children under j4, Sc. | We will send absolutely free, for FREE the asking, postpaid, one of our sungesmemen â€" NXZC S+02KC ©IOK8 (with inâ€" sert), on the common diseases of stock and poultry. Tells how to feed all kinds of heavy and light horses, colts and mares, milch cows, calves‘ and fattening steers, also hew to keep and feed poultry *o that they will lay as well in winter ag in summer * It 9onuins 360 recommends from all over Cankda) ‘from people who have used our goods. No farmér should pe without it. % be obtai Royal Purple Stock Specifie, 50e pekgs.; f 60e pekgs., in an airâ€"tight tin, for $1.50. Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 25¢ and _ pckgs., and €1.50 airâ€"tight tins that b ?Su"r'is'oo""ieks'-, Royal Purple Lice Killer, 25¢ and 50e tins ; 80e by mail, noby’fl Purple Gall Cure, 25¢ and 50¢ tins ; 306 Ro:'ll:‘\‘ll.rple Sweat Liniment, 50e bottle; 60c lz:lml’urph Cough Cure, 50e tin; 60c by Royal Purple Disinfectant, 25¢ and 50¢ tins, Royal Purple Roup Cure, 25¢ tins; 30¢ by TheW. A. Jenkins Mfg. Co. Royal Purple Worm Powder, 25¢ tins; 30c by Royal Purple Supplies and Booklets _ may be obtained from Wm. Black, Hardware; S.P. Saunders, Haroess, Durham TORONTO ohn Â¥. Mofiat | Vm. R. Edge] only by ?‘%MacFarlane & Co. 4t [ecolevelseelece EEW&EWE@WHEMEE Pirst come First Served THE CITY BAKERY £ y § mt _ Oe . C 0 Headquarters for (onfectionery and al! Bakery goods At this season of the year yOUu always have a hankering for them. _ Oar shipments arrive freâ€" quently so are ever fresh and tasty, Take a box :%:*W%*W*v&v ofi eQoofacts ofaofe ofe of : ofle ofatie ait of iioot: s k3 GRANTS AD. home with you . Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. MENâ€"YOU HNEED NERVE )ns KENNEDY & KENNEDY DRs.K_m.N * s m _13 €i Matbeait Mich REVCCL O COF WR mt ie C I " OTIGE AN Istters from Canada must be addre w o © | to our Capadian Correspondenge De A poepaemaeaeme . mont in Windsor, Ont. If you desi see us personally call at our Medica] Institute in Detroit as we see and no patients in our Windsor offices which)gre for Corrcsponde:xoce E7 Â¥ UX c a LLL M Aolénrs me 11 see us persqnaily €4l Cn" BA C hish arse for Parresno no patients in Our Windsor _ offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only, Address all letters as follows : DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsos, Ont, Write for our private address. Wonderful Nervous System: While wishing all my friends a happy and Presperous New Year, I wish to call their attention to the 280 yards New Curtain Nett Also a lot of Pure Linen Lace and Insertion at 5¢ per yd Ladies‘ Collars in Robespierre Stocks, Fancy Jabots, &c. Excelsior Handkerchiefs Men‘s Lined Jackets, Etc. Try our Fresh Oysters h e t se CS C C c 0 y e T t Cor, Michigq&Avc_. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich, Choice lines of Cooked Meats, Plain Fancy Gakes, Fresh Groceries, etc , C. L GRANT C. P. R. Town Office New Goods Just to Hand EARLY INDISCRETIONS ANP EXCESSES HAVE UNDERâ€" MINED YOUR SYSTEM ‘The nerves control all actions of the body so thet ®23° thing that debilitates them will weaken all organs o the system. Early Indiscretions and Excesses have ruined thousands of promising young men. Unnatural Drains sap their vigor and vitality and they never develop to a proper condition of manhood. They remain weak lings, mentally, physically and sexually. How you feel? Are you nervous and wesk, despondent and gloomy, specks before the eyes with dark circles under them, weak back, kidneys irritable, paipitation of the hear bashful debilitating dreams, fediment in urine, pimples Be one of the lucky 144 fi JAN. 83. 1013 ofoofe ofe ofe ofe ofe e ge cge e# ROWE "ue (Ag i( $ % E. [ Often the Cheapest We thank our ma their liberal patronage and all a New Year of J rom seiecti( posed 1 quality Far l4 O:ten th R Cheapes: BF TA3 regular FURS! Small Profits Ladies‘ . 28, 1013 THE PEO dife the Also a few pa and Hap Wome It Jall 1 See our 4U0C Mens Cloth | : »d Coats, Bi ‘adies Cloth Try Mckechaie‘ Just agriv e4, Try the Ceylon A new stock 0 11 Our stack 0 T om MclLR ROBT We Want Highest We havy o and Re No tauyne M en Br

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