Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 28 Oct 1909, p. 5

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cinths, Ischias jlies-- lealthy is right Lifts to homing but the les are t some mic and , Lamp ome to (, Vase bracket ds ANE s I": nnkable In sting Groceries Ate Wan is Coats nd rskirts wary ’inogars MI Pure nurs INT EAR " for Men Women AN Caldct 'n Block, Durha- 35- L75 pr 1w a ' Bum 3.3 pair Lil) on . 75. O) mu in Good. " El Headquarters for Hardware tiy Furniture Guns and Ammunition Roofing We have the newest styles of winter , Dress Goodsv' An inspection is invited. Axes, Saws, Ene. Lenahan Sr McIntosh. Lenahan lib, McIntosh is past but thanksgiving should should be thankful for the liberty oi the liberly we enjoy in our methods buying and to give good value when disagree. We have just received t Furs and are selling them urmture GENTS FURNISHINGS This stock is large newest out. THE? CITY BAKERY urge: OCTOBER 28, 1909 .. Oh, wad some power the giftie gie us To see oursel's as others see us: It wad irae monie a blunder free us and foolish notion: What airs in dress an' gait wad lea'e us and e'en Devotion? -----Burns, Sales THE BAKER, Gara . . fraxit Street, Durham DRESS GOODS Ca; be laid over old shingles. If your old mingled roof leaks, don't'swaste time and money by patching it. Cover it with Brantford Roof- and make it water-tight for many years. Ifthe shingles 'are not off in patches you can readily lay Bastion! Roofing over them and a neat job of it.. September starts the Sporting Season. We have a good assoxtment of guns, rifles and am- munition. In addition to the stock we carry we have every facility for getting almost immediate- ly anything wanted in the line of hunting supplies. In these lines more than any others, quality counts. We try to get the best qualities and we think it you examine the goods you will agree with us when we say that we have. Black Diamond Axes, Saws and tools are all fully guaranteed. f A full line of new ond up-to-date goods. Any- thing you wish can be secured for you if we have not got it in stock. See our Showrooms. FURS . 8' J. MCKECHNIE s1ils, Thanksgiving Day and varied. The The Highest Prices Paid for Produce. a new stock of l at low prices. Headquarters for all Bakery Goods Choice linesof all kinds of Cooked, Cured and Salt Meats, Groceries, Flour, etc. ROWE'S BREAD ’SAL WA YS GOOD Once a customer, always a customer. Give us a trial-we'll do the rest. Highest prices for Butter and Eggs. g should never ceaase in many ways. In public matters, we iberty of the press, that bulwark of British freedom, and for methods of doing business. We want to..get good value when ue when selling. Some differ from A, bin we agree to . McKECHNIE. . , Just received a new stock suitable for the colder weather. We have a very large stock of the new- est styles and the neatest patterns. Fresh groceries arriving daily. MEN'S CLOTHING BOOTS & SHOES -A friend of mine once minds puppy and a kitten to ether, says an ex- change. She wig they grew fond of each when They ate out of the “the dish, slept in the same bed, in short. were inseparable. When they grew up the dog was considerably larger than the cat, hut was alwnya more gentle in his treatment of her. " the cat was wanted, and could not be tound, it was only net-easmy to any to the dog '. .. Go and get kitty," and " he would trot to find his playmate. seen bringing her back in his mouth, as a mother cat carries her kitten: One sday the dog jumped from a second-ston window and broke his leg. A more sympathetic and devoted nurse than the cat would have been hard to find. She would lie by the ttcut with the dog's head resting on her paWs. occasionally licking hil face as if to comfort him. When he began to feel some better she took It upon herself to extertain him, and kept the members of the housrhold convulned with the ccmical antics and capers that she out before his bed m the hope of cheering his (alien spirits-Outro, Express. A BIG BUNDLE of old papers to My under mums for 5 cents at the Re view Omce. . P , Sive, free for " , Wow 6ubseribers c I Tounyoneforwurdingus82 in I GROCERIES ') ta, tada,,,, t Ilsa Kitten Proves Her Skill " I. Nam. The REVIEW has completed arrangements whereby it is enabled to offer to its paid-in- advance subscribers, a Gsure your //A, against heeidtsnt 5/ AM Mecident just/rattan? Potiey good for one year from date of issue, in the Imperial Guaran. tee and Accident Co,, Toronto, the best Company of its kind in Canada,forthc. very low price of Although suitable tor any oc" cupution or trade, this Policy is specially adapted for the re. quirements of farmers. It not only covers 91000 payable in case of death by accident, but pays spccified sums for certain losses and a weekly inuemnity while laid up from injuries. This policy includes, kicked by a horse, gored by a bull or cow injured while operating thresh- ing machine, mowing machine or reaper; railway, automobile, elevator accidents, etc. - To anyone forwarding us 82 in payment for two new yearly subscriptions to the REVIEW one of these valuable Policies will be given free. ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER Order one curly from Our Humane Corner. tr. 00 Dar/mm, Ont. 'roiits ,, MISS Bethune Grigor is the prima domm of the " Imperial Scots" Unm- pany who come to Durham on Tues- day, Nov. 9th for the Concert, under the auspices of the Library Board. This gifted young lady (late of the world renowned Cull Rosa. Grand Opera Company) is a rredit to the land of her birth. Tall, dark and of com- umnding stage presence, she is the possessor of a glorious soprano voice of great range. power and surpassmg Some interesting furares hive been; gathered at Winnipeg post oftiee alto) the disposition oi the earnings of thel foreigners. These figures show that] the Sluv people of Winnipeg alonet have sent nearly half a million dol- lars to their home people in a little| more than two years. Since August, 1 1907, the sum total of such sending oil, money to the folks at home--ehiefly in Itassitr-has amounted to $435,936. l The figures tor nine months oi this year,show an outpouring of money I earned here to the amount of $102.-l 866, and the heavy months of the year-November and Deettmber--- are to come yet. In November, 1008. b38,725 was sent across by these tor eigners, and their December contri- butions amounted to $24,306. The figures demonstrate the earning cap- acity of the Sluv in Western Canada 'and his devotion to his home people, bat are not altogether assuring upon ‘the question ot the value ot these b people as Canadians. While driving home from town Monday, Miss Bella Snuggle. of the 12th concession, met with an accident that might have terminated seriously. When about half a mile out it appears the Irnlt ot one of the shafts dropped out and the horse becmning {tighten- ed and unmanageable dashed along the road, upsetting the buggy and landing its occmpaut'i. herself and Miss Tess Scales. who was accompanying her. on the ground. In It frenzy of excitement the animal headed for home leaving the buggy in detach- ments along the road. Fortunately for the girls they escaped from the wreck nnhnrt With the exveptiun of a slight shaking up,-9yton Advance. An interesting old gentleman has been the guest of Mt and Mrs It. Cook at Ceylon during the past, week, in the person of Mr Abraham Gould ot! Kansas. Mr Gould ran the old peatrl, ashery between this village and the station about titty years. He was in partnership with another man who) bb did " him out of his portion ot the business. He left here for Kincardme with only 50c in his pocket. Later he worked for Mr James Hunter at Out. ham, and subsequently removed to Kansas where he accumulated consid- erable wealth, He has three sons in Kansas. one a. lawyer and two on farms. The old gentleman is about. 80 years of age, but many men of 65 look as old. He had a longing to visit the scenes pf his early Ide, and tus hat-n in Canada for ton Advance, It was from China that the tirist newspaper was ever issued. This was away hack in the year 713, and it ap- peared withouta break up to the pres- ent year. Many copies of the old numbers are still preserved in the museums of the large cities of Europe, and in some of these early copies are accounts of the discovery of America) by Columbus. The tiret English news- paper, which was called the " London Gazette." dated back to November, 1065. In 1690 the tirgt newspaper in the United States was published in Boston, The title of it was .. Public Occurences." In 1729, Benjamin Frank- lin sent to lhepuhlic from Philadel- phta the first number of the Pennsylva- Canadian Money to Russia: Elia Gazette DURHAM. 27 Oct, 1909. li'aitWheat...........8 95to8 Spring Wheat.. .. .. . . 95 to Oats.................. 37to Peas 82to Barlev............... 52to Miss Bethune Grigor, Prima Donna. Better Lo'ed ye Carina bel 't?,',"",'//,1,t,s,'," a,yytf/y,it Its: 1:12: oa58.....se...-...... 00w i'K Peas................. 82to 85 Barlev............... 52to 52 Hay.......... ........12 00to12 (I) Butter.......:........ 20.to 20 Eggs.-..-- Mto 24 Potatoes Der bait....... 50to 50 Hay.......... ........12 00mm JJ) Batter.......?.-..... 20,to 20 Eggs 24to 24 Potatoes per bag....... 50to 50 FlourpercmA....... 280to320 Oatmeal persack..... 3 00to 3 00 Chopper owt........ 150to150 Lite Hogq_per.cwt... 7 69 to 7 60 I1idssstilti-. THE DURHAM REVIEW Durham Markets. District News. The First Newspaper. fG GGI, Vagekaw-Flesher- ........ ..... 0O-.. sweetness. She earties her audiences by storm and. they hang upon the notes of the beautiful singer m breath. less eclasy. Handsome Miss Bethune Grigor does not confine herself to the songs of Scotland. England and Ire. land. She is an accomplished linguist and sings naturally m the languages of Ilaly. France, Spain and Germany. This is her fitst visit to this continent. Plan of Hall at MM'Fnrlane‘s Drug Store. Reserved 'itat-tsr-ine, and 50c. Plan to be opened ts'aturday, 'doth Oct. at 2 p. m. Comfort for all. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain Mortgage, which will be produced at the time ot Sale. there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the '. Hahn House” in the Town at Durham on Thursday the 25th day of November A. D., 1900, atthe hour of mo o'clock in the alternuon, the following prop- e my ', 95 95 37 Being composed of the north east portion of Park Lot number seven, on the north side of South Street. in the Town oi Durham, in the County of Grey, having a frontage on Bruce Street of two hundred and eighteen feet, and extending westwards with an uniform width to the easterly limits of the landsolthe Grand Trunk Railwav Company: together with all buildings, plant and machinery erected thereon, including the steam boilerand engine, and all fixtures in connection therewith. TERMS or SALE t--Ten per cent of the amount oi purchase money to be tf1d at the time of sale, and the alanee thereof, in thirty days there- alter, without interest. For further particulars apply to J. P. Tumour), Durham. Vendor's Solicitor. JAMES CARsox. Auctionee l Dated 30th September A, D., 1905 160 acres, house, stable and break mg, valued at $1,200, 6 miles from Minetonas, Man, on the U. N It, close toland of whivh an average of 42 huh-hem per acre of Full wheat was tureshed, all good land. a never fail- 1113 spring cue-ck runs across corner of it. 81,200.00cash, 160 acres, 4 miles from Swan River, Mam, all gum! dear, prairie. dear title. Price t--1,2aJ.00. Cash $800.00. Mortgage $400.00. J chwrrsux. 300 Somerset Building, Winnipeg, Man. 150 acres in Bentinck, huildings and suil good. everything m firnst.tGst, shape. Price $5000. 250 acres on the Girafrnxa Road, LIX) clear. 50 acres hardwood bush, well watered, first class buildings. Will be sold cheap to wind up estate. 250 acres in Beutinek, Five miles from Durham. fino buildings, good land. with a quantity of timber. Must be sold at once. Price greatly reduced. 100 acres in Bentinck on Gumfraxa Road near Dornoch, good buildings, price reduced from 83000 to $2300 for quick sale. 200 acre farm near Dromore. high class property. splendid buildings Price right. W. F. DUN N, The undersugned has purchased from Mr Rubt. Britton, the valuable thor- oughbred York Boar " tVelbeck Hero No, -116h5-and utfcrs it tor servwe at reasonable rates. A good comfortable house with lmrd water inside t rent 86 per month. Lots 2 and 3 of 20 in the first cont cession of Bannock, one-half mile south of the Corporation of Durham, 100 acres in good state of cultivation l well watered by running streams. A frame home. 7 minus, frame bank barn, 45x69. Town school. For further particulars apply on the genus“ to James Burt, Proprietor ulham. Thoroughbred York Boar tor Service To Rent 2 good houses. Apply to MORTGAGE SALE Farms For Sale. Manitoba Land House to Rent Farm for Sale. TORONTO Wu. BAILEY. Mulock. Solicitor, Durham, Ont WM. LAIDLAW J. I. Lanna-n. i, m _ Leads in Book-keeping, Short~ hand, Typewriting. Commercial Law, Commercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Ornamen- tal Writing and in placing all its graduates. Each student " taught separately at his own desk. {trial lessons ior one week free. Day and Night Classes. Visi- tom welcome. W. T. CLANCY, - Principal send you FREE our booklet showing how hundreds of young men andwomen have made I suc- cess of life. Write now. Don't delay, Address 0. A. FLEMING, Principal, Owen Sound Fall Term Opens londny. Oct. k STRAYFOArh ONT. V In: the repuratttou, of being the but uncu- cal naming school in Canada. Thorounzh course- have produced result... Baum-a men say our graduates Ire the but Ind they apply to us tor once help' Our _ um succeed as none other. Thus deput- menu Commercial. Shorthand and Telegraphy Enter B'. once. Write now for our tree eatalogue. MOUNT FOREST Business College Sun and Equlpmont. The school In thoroughly amped In teaching nbllily.1n chemxml Ind elec cal supplies m fittings, ae. tor full Junior Leaving And Munc- ulltlon GW. The following competent an! we In clause t T803. ALLAN, vl,',r,2fnt); m Clan ceruiteBte, Bubjkcms '. Science. 'uclld. English Grimm: Boo -kecpi!uzsud Writing. MISS DONALDA MeKEKRACHER, B. A., (and nae of Uueen's University. Subjects Lulu. French. Algebra, Arithmetic. MISS AMY EDGE. Graduate of the qulty ot Eduastiou. subjects: Literature, Compo- Iitiou. Geography, History Hid Art. Intending Student: Ihould enter " the begin ning of the term if possible. Bond an be ob mined " reuonable mes. Durban in I heslchy sud attractive town, making it I mo" dellnble pluce for residence. FEES: " per month In sauna. J. P-Tolford_, Ate us for particulars and wAwill UN DERTAKER and Funeral Director " HOW To SUCCEED " in business life. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice Suow RooMs-.-Next to Swallow‘a Bur- her Shop. RESIQENCE - First house south of Lawrence's Blacksmith Shop. A dun-Hing houae and It} acre-m land in tht. Town of Durham, lute the Mighton property), south of Lumhmu Sh, a short, distanca west of U. T. R. Station. Apply to D. A. McLACHLAN. Principal. Durham School Lot 27, Com18, Township of Egre- mont, 13t acre». 115 acres ole-red and of good clay loam. I" of which is in good state of cultivation. 10 acres of hardwood bush. "lattee, of soft. timber. Good fencos, also a good spring creek crowing the farm, Good buildingu, consisting of Inge brick house with all modern conveniences. Inge fume harm with Qtone basement and good naming. driving home. Pitt pen and hen hon". all of which are in good re- _ air. Easy termI argument. For l further particulars on price, write or l Apply personally on the pumice. to l Axon- IcDoocuu. Full line of Catholic Kobe-s and black and white Caps for aged people. Emoalmlng a Specialty. N0RTiiER, For Sale or Rent A. BELL Farm tor Sale th'ummn “use Wagon. Vuruey. Tues. 000K. lax-Male. Dromord P. o, C. Bun... HONOR GRADUATE of Toronto Univeru‘ty. (“dune of Moral College of Dental Bn com of Omar-i0. Rooms Over J t N1'h'h"lhli'l New more J. o. HUTTON. M. p., c. In. -rai Gaia cor-00: 'an 'MMI &,vam loos of mu W. C, PICKERINO o. D s., L D S "Gia Emma; we M... Dunn; in all in hunches. ott_ider'ss Block. over Pout. one. HONOR Gum; A" mm University and m [lav-l (him Danni Eamon ARTHUR B. JACKSON insurance Agent. lunev to Donn. Issuer of Inn-mgr Licenses. Agen on! Ilusncuu hutineau transacted. F-u B. I H p I. Yo-oft-oo" No. " Banister, Solicitor. Romy Public. Gottvtrrtustter, Le. honey Lo Gran at lowest rates. Barman Solicitor in Supreme Court notary Public Commissloncr. . Money to Lou). Om'"' on Lunlnron tit., opposite \Vulpole'u Stables. D. McPHAIL-’ lactic.” "ea- Indium-o om Ian: on” a. “on J.r.Ntoerr, uw oMce. Aimed opposite Rm of. ). “deuce: Carru" 34mm. te, George The Hanover Convcyucer. elm: 200 Acres t1usttetg---Good frame dwel. Iin and one of the very heat and LT,d Name lmuk lmrna in the County of Grey-a gift " 32700. 100 Acres. Bentinek--Fiue brick ven- eered and ftuswe dwelling, {rune bank lmrn and all good buildings. price will l hardly the value ofthe buildings. Owner hound to sell. 180 new: sentinel: - th miles from Hanover, close to school and Post 011109 with daily mail. Brick house. frame bank barn, great snap. and [any other Good Romulus in Farm and Town property. DENT AL J. F. GRANT 0. 0.8-. LO. B. Term moderate. Arr-aunt“. for “has n to ante Ac., must be In c " the Review or tims,Durtuan. a: CAtemtspotyhery3e mum-ed than, or to Ceylon P.0., will be promptly Amended to, Tern- on nppucsuon to D. 'EttPEML, Ceylon P. U or to C. BAIAGE. Durham Money to be Made asa:EMDEChdLE,, If you want toBttr or Sell go to Miller No charge if no business done. “In: nad Stunshlp Tickets to all points. Money to_L¢nd at. low_er rates than - 7&6;ch barrow elsewhere. Debts Collected. No chute if noth- ing collected. All kinds of f1msracia1 business carefully and quietly stun- ded lo. “Always Prompt, Never Negligent." Cochin!“ Plow Co. Ltd., [nation-d Paris Hows. Sprout", etc Blue“ loner: and mac Inn-ow: - Wnatror" and Sleigh: Inner. Armstrong. rune” tad lay-u Buggies. Armstrong and Tudhope Cutters Bell & Thomas Organs and Pianos Rudd Harness, Toronto Raymond & New Williams Sewing _ Machines. National Cream Separators Robes, Blankets, Rugs, Whips etc Daisy Chums, Washers, Winger: Beatty's Hay Goods Promptness and fair dealing will continue to be mygnotto ;. Yours for Busiiaess, Notary Puhlic, t',omnti"ioner, WNVEYANCEB. lac. by attending to this ndvertusemc m Rice. Mantra Block over the Sum ’ dud Ban , Durham, Ontario. DURHAI. ONT. (Lowe: Town Licensed Auctioneer tor Go. Grey Peter Hamilton - Ceylon bu I telephone omce. McIntyre Bunk-Lambton M, Barclay nod Bell 's old and Be sure & get Stin- J. P. TELFORD': l. B. McLellan. We buy our bread at Stinson's and -thfG it " the very best too. That is what you hear the people say. son 5 bakery goods and you will always be satis. fied. We have", a fresh supply of Buns, Dough- nuts, Cookies, Cakes, and Pastry of all kinds always on hand Cart Delivers Duly W. F. DUNN M. B. MILLER, es H. STINSON Model Bakery THERE'S Implements r! £51 SEE [3% I' Ii mafia A!

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