Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 21 Oct 1909, p. 4

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a} " Lmtral Drug Store a; _ ir'" .i,ettubiyice/ec9.9S a:ece,.s.ava.aaaa:Ft . QC 53-9-0000...” -.o'oe'ooo'e 9, ticG'rath's for Footwear Light on Shoes gThos. McGrath MENS and BOYS' New Fall Overcoats 33222:.5saséesgaseeseaeeg ' " 1 o m . 2r School Opening , I'TWo have never had such ayhowiugr,of Men's, Young Meus's and Boys' Over- coats as we have this year. We lmve:n:ost any styles tlctt :mv Tnon will want at Tailored in the. long Chesterfield style with silk velvet collars and the new College Ulster with high collar up to the neck, made from the best all wool ma- terials with good quality linings, in the new shades of Bruwn and Green tweeds and plain Black and Gray English Beaver and Milton Cloths. Yo willfind, if you lllly your Overcoat here, that yin will be sure of gutting the newest style ill the llL’lll price. Engl'ish Beas Cloths. Ye, you buy 31 here, that yo' of getting ths at the sight 1 I I ' D. n G' "I “W ”on... Men's Overcoats For all the Latest in Fall Shoes call and see our stock we have everything in the, shoe line from Creepers to Walkertast Bud what nlm'u could you wish in shoes-unless it be your feet. Our shoes In: all empty. We want tenants to mom in at once. All made to tlt and tit to wear. No cheap shoes but ghee: chap. Special Prices in Boys and Git-ls School Shoes Here is the place to get suited. Call in and hnve a look it costs you nothing Handmade shoes always in stock. ens Custom work and repairing as usual to rulucti: ms in broken lines that f Hosicty at right prices. N lance. Trunks, valises, suit a and custom work as usual at tN6, The Big Shoe Store near the Bridge JCh ll " & Boys' Suits Itt Highest prices given for Eggs. Holy tailored louble breast- le from the at English Tweeds in a f patterns. is purse. 911 wing a very Men’s and 1 when you wonh money on are think- have light 1oes for the an gentle- nnd children UN and prices. for P an? MCILRAITH regress Brand Clothing iues that we are not stocking again. ces. Also Mitts lined and unlined ises, suit cases, telescopes in stock. usual at the down town Shoe Store. ur «any n 13.111 line of J.ty School Books and School ' Supplies. TlieNewllead- m ma ssill be in this week. iit suit everybod y Cut Glass 'or/ock PROGRESS BRAND CLOTHING we a very tine display l Glass at prices to Call and see us. --" a , ') The put week won more like winter l than anything else, snowing end blowing ell week, but e few blinks of !the glorious eon made the snow dis- iappenr teeter then it took coming. Very few have their potatoes up yet end we look tor n good week on this one which we hare entered. This is the 18th October and we nave just two weeks more till chill November's windy blasts makes tulds and forests bare. Already we see the leaves around us falling dry and withered to the ground and some of the tallest trees are already stripped of their beautiful garment. while the smallest and those protected by the larger ones are yet holding to tltisirl summer garment as long " possible.‘ but soon they too have to yield to the powerful iMuenee of Jack Frost and the beautiful golden color that adorns them now will soon be levelled to the ground. What a striking resem- blance to the human family! The tall trees firgt stripped of their foliage resembles the old man, he cannot escape from being caught and levelled to the ground by the biting frost of _ .. . ---__r. Ill-n " tt n 1fseu'hrof'"denyg Council‘ held lastSazurday. 16th inet., I by. law Was passed to take a vote on local option " the next election held In January 1910. So we may look ont for a dry summer next year again in Glenelg. but hope it won't. affect the crops to any extent. -' We hear of qmle a number of aa- pirante for the eitiee of Deputy Reeve for Glenelg for 1910. but hearsay generally does not become a reality, but there Is any amount of time to think the matter over before January, Mr Robert Sliortreed, went under an operation on one of his eyes recently in Stratford hospital. Later on it was found necessary to take the eye out altogether to save the other, but we are pleased to hear he is get- ting along as well as could be expect- ed and Will probably be home this week. Mrs Shortreed feels very grateful to the kindness of Mr Blake- stone (of the teaching irudf in the High school in that city) for the manner he treated her while down seeing her husband. and to his fre- quent visits to the hospital to see her husband while there and in taking him for a time to his own house. This is only an instance of Mr Blake- stone's kind acts to those in need, for the good people of Pricevrlle haven't forgotten him yet for his liberality in every respect. Our good merchants and all busi. iness men are piling up all manner of goods to supply the requirements of the approaching winter. Sxdewalks are to be in course of construcuon this week, someone from Hanover has the contract. The C. P. It. is widening the ap- proaches to the track at the station. Our station master. Mr Burgess, is away somewhere and an obhging, young man 133 lilly/t Ins place till. he reprns.rle" f v (Vb. 3 tv, inijouga, Esq., of Muloek, Bentlnck, gave a brief call to friemle at Prieeville, while coming on his way home from the West. Mac says it wowed 8 inches in Winnipeg on Sunday the 10th Oct. Thar. beats us 1tdij,,"'i1t,',; ‘in house and contents cf Mr Daniul White, Old Durham Road. ArlcmLsia. was totally consumed by fire on Friday last about noon. Notl; n; saved but an organ and It was bully scorched before taken out, a small Insurance nf some $350.00 on th , house and contents. This is the e:cond fire on the old Durham Road within ten days. l Mr John McArthur is not improv- _ ling EH last as would be liked in ba. ing, r stored to his health. The contract of building‘bridge on townline south of the town, is delayed on account of the unfavorable weath. er during the past week, but as the tsontruetor, Mr D. McMillan. is a pushing man, if favorable weather he will have it finished this week. A good acreage of ploughing is al- ready done and the damp and slushy “what makes the ground easier to Work. Those tdfeoted by measles are get- ting better, The funeral of one of the oldest. residents of Gleuelg Lakes pluce this Monday morning, being Mr Richard Haley. of Pomona. who died suddenly nine}. Ul ;.umuuu. ....v _.-_ -H--e--' i on baturday In: cf bean failure " the age ot80 yen", Mr Haley will be buried at St. John's cemetery, Po- mona, being a good member of the B. c. church. The wholesome. hermless green leevee and tender atoms of a lung healing mountamoun shrub. give to Dr. Shoop’s Cough Remedy its cureuves propemee. Tickling or dry bronchial eonghe quick- ly Ind snfoly yield to this highly ' the Cough Medicine. Dr Bhoop neuron mothers that they can with safety give " to even very ge'a,2,tt No opium, no tsh1oroftsem--a lately neck. in: hotels or harmful. It eelme the autumn: cough. and heal- the lami- tive membrane. Aw no other. Deanna Dr Shoop’e. Bold by Mao- L Purine a Co. Pricevme 1h; ground before reaching THE DURHAM REVIEW have been a source of real genuine pleasure to the lovers of nature on account at the undeserlbable evict-dot and vuiety of the iimmiti1nte4 leaves. These little forms of Mted green have done their work and now they go to their trurial--et ‘relueiantly nor mournfnlly but in majesty and with a glory that eclipses the glory ot their coming. May our lives be as the leaves-growing more beautiful as they fade-then we can sing with Browning I tt Grow old along with me The best is yet to be I The " of life tor which the fiat was made." We had a pleasant chat with Mr Hugh Macintosh. an old Dornoch boy, who visited his many friends in the burg and vicinity prior, to his leaving on Saturday last for Cloquet. Minn., where a lucrative position is awaiting him. Mr James Buchanan returned to his home north of the village the fore part of the week alter helping to I garner the bountiful harvest in West- l ern Canada. Jim thinks the prairie f is the place for an agriealtarist. The woods for the putjortnigm We extend hearty congratulations tour Geo. Bovington, an ex-resldent of this fair burg. who has recently) joined the ranks of the benedicts, l Miss Legette of Rocky Saugeen. be- ing the lucky maiden. We olien heard Geo. remark that he would rather be tired from a cannon as pop the conjugal interrogatory, so time must have wrought a great change or the question have been popped vice versa. Geo. possesses all thotse requisites which go tor the making iofan excellent hubby and we wish him tinoeial prosperity, connubial bliss and may he live tobecalled grandpa, The Lnymen's Banquet held in e Presbyterian church on Wednes- ay evening last ‘was a brililant suc- , notwithstanding the inelemeney ithe weather. The ladies of Der- och have an enviable reputation as culinary experts and the tastelully decorated tables groaned under their weight of delicacies. The speakers of the evening were Messrs McQuaker and Armstrong of Owen Sound and their speeches were listened to with rapt attention. The former explain- ed the origin and object of the Luv- men's Missionary movement and made a vigorous plea tor the hearty interest and cooperation of all in order that itsideal may be realized. Mr Armstrong dwelt upon the tate oi nations disobeying the Scriptural in- junctions, the latter part ot his speech elucidating the real interpretation of the word " Steward. tt The pro- gramme was variegated with a law choice music al selections by the choir. The proce dis were not very large, the disagreeable weather causing many to be absent who otherwise would have been present. Mme Edith (ilenister of Toronto, is here with her grandmother, hire Dung- wall Sr. Miss Glenialer Is in poor health and she was advmed by hex physician to come to the country where she would get pure air. 'ARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO The Rev. Mr Gibson is taking his holidays 1n Hamilton. lie has had a very busy time with his church and looking after the building of the marine. There is some talk of him leaving here for good. The Rev. Ml Cooper of Mt Forest, occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church on Sunday and dispenced the Commumon. There Kama new Post Oiiieo to be opened on the Otlt Con at. the house of Mr Charles Gillies. Rough stormy weather here lately. Artemesia Council met on Saturday, Oct. 2. Members present, the Reeve and Messrs McKenzie. Wright and Carson. The minutes of lent. session were read an} eotahrrucd. The following Cum- municatione were presented and read : Isnuc Tremor, C). E,, report of surwv and account for work and plan. 041 ; George I’ntchnrd, account of 81.50, rv- pairs to grader; J, A. Boyd report as cunnniseioner on cxleuditura on valley road ; A Carson, report us commission- " and expenditure on 30 sidermul. showing expenditure of 8135 on said road; George Wright. report as com- missioner of Div. No 2, showing an expenditure to due of $211.15. wrurut-cartsop--Tht" Isaac Traynor ‘C. E., be paid his account for survey- ing and pine: trot-description, on town. line A and E 041 and tut'.Eaphragia ‘Council be asked to pay one halt the tntuuust.-Cttrrittd, _ -.. . ""ii'iiia-riiiis'azie--mtat the account of George Prltohard for repairs to plow and grader 81.50 be paid,--". wrumt-..thrrsow-That the following wngur--ctuwurrThft the lollowmg accounts for gravel used and duly com. fied by overseen be paid; Mrs Jamie- son t1.60, John Teeter 38.80. George Moore 75c. George White 88.40--- Carried. iiridu--MtrEeuzt-'.nt" J, Weber be paid " tor, assisting surveyor on town line and one ltnlf of amount be charged to Euphraeia coumi,--Carried, numm-Lulieuzie-That the Reeve orscn--aumruzierr-'rlutt the Reeve and Clerk be paid " each lot services on committee re town line A and Er Carried. _ -. . . m ' n ' Domoch Artemesia Council 1iopeville. 'vrigtst--Thet1y Rosa‘s .f North-East Normanby‘: Mrs M. Donnelly and Mu T. new. I of Bannock. spent . day lust week} with Mr end Mrs he. Ferguson. l Mr Ge. Watson intends leaving this week for Detroit to join Mrs Wat- son who went two weeks Mo. They hive rented n furnished house and intend to spend the winter there. Mr Jae. Petty lost as valuable cow _ lust week, it Uving its neck broken l by a fall. - -‘ . , 7-4..-. Mar. Dy 3 In". . Mrs S. Caldwell and daughter Mur- jorie visited friends " Gleneden last. week. The Ladies’ Auxilhury church. Norm-nby, intend lecture by the Rev. Me M in the near future. Stomach troubles would more quwn- ly disappear tf the idea of treating the “use. rather thnn the tifeet, would come into pumice. A tiny. inside. hldllen nerve. says Dr Shoop. cover!“ and gives urength to the stomach. A branch also goes to the Hurt. sad 0110 to the Kidneys. When Ihe.e " inside nerves" tail. than the organs muse falter. Dr. Shoop'b Restorative is direct. ed speeiiietrlly to (hose failing nerves. Within 48 hours after starting the Rec- toralive treatment patients any they “an“ n min. So‘d by Maerrlnne * ed speeiiieslly to “use fail) Within 48 hours after startm tornlive trentment. patients realize a gain. SoU by Ma 00. Ours Is not the Bargain store but you will see bargains all over our Store. Below are a few of them : Odd Spoons.. .03 Mat Hooks. .. Odd Forks... .03 Child Banks. Sugar Shells. .05 1 lb. assorted Pocket Knives 05 Screws .... Cork Screws. .05 Carry Combs. TaekHamm'ts.05 Horse Brasher Serew Drivers .05 Thermometer Smoother Irons.05 Mink Traps. . Stove Polish. .05 Razors ...... Rope Ties., . . .05 Eye Shields. Odd Knives” .08 Lanterns .... Can Openers. .10 Halters , . .... ‘Silver Pine Oil..... .... ...... International Harness Soap. ..' International Stock Food . . . . .. . International Loose Killer. ..... International Distemper Cure... International Heave Cure.... ... Horse Covers. ...... ... ... ..... Hardware l W. Black Ctla2iilililEi'WEiiiTiliiiiT'i PATIENTS TRIATED THROUGHOUT CANADA FOR 20 CO "o FREE ""‘ - - l {‘0- 1w “locum. mvous 1l.eRthtrt - trar??,,'.,'?),',?'?')','?:?,,?!,'?:.",",:: VBLOODI "attttAgtr I l lt' tqeadl.wreorrrraq-ei..Bh- 'ear II 'ti1ritk'i" If you like a Sporting Page that is always reliable --newsy--full of personal interest-well illustrated- you’ll enjoy the "Toronto Daily Star". Our staff of writers includes men active in athletic circles and amateur athletic organizations. Conse- quently our news is firsthand and authoritative. --- I l- . I ' .I . _. f _. ' We have fairly earned the reputation of reporting athletic events, wherever they may take place, more fully than any ofher Canadian paper.. . Always,'and above all,we aiin io be fair to everybody. Subscribe now and take advantage of our special rate of , This paper and tho ' 'Tomnh Daily Star" ' together for one year-82. " Guaranteed Fountain Pen given for 5 " added to abou subscription pricu. Toronto Bally Star Accurate Sporting News mum.» fGrGiidiuiig ii.","" CONSULTATION FREE CURE DISEASES or Mai m intends leaving rout. tojoin Mrs Wat- , weeks Mo. They furnished house and would more quick- idea of treating the the tifeet, would a. A tiny. inside, I Dr Slump. governs to the stomach. A ornutkt intend having a Mr McCullough Screws .10 Curry Combs. .10 Horse Brushes .15 ' Thermometers 15 l Mink Traps.. .15 Razors ...... .25 Eye Shields.. .25 Lanterns .... .25 Halters...“ .25 less Soap. ... .25 k Food........ .25 e Killer....... .25 emper Care.... .50 veCure........ .50 $1.50 A Year of Knox Harsh Weather Makes Rough Skirt It's a splendid preparation for the skin and makes the he: and hands to a certain extent proof against the weather. It is use- ful for a variety of uses t sun -intt, m’“"" m. ”all“ was and after skull!- Put up only " If If you get It st GUNS, It's good GUN’S DRUG STORE eteeeee-t'--'-1'-1'-'l ,-i'iG2ijier1rttte-te'--1' Opposite S. Seott'g store . Cochrane YEAR. amass 21. 1909 AND Bulbs Lamp Goods Bargains in China MacFARLANE BIG f All-wool Bianketa, $3. 4 and CU, r! Bed comforters from 1.3.5 to Mn l I "T, 1114 me Flannelleu. y"- on. white or grey. . ..l.2.) p m Lace Curtains. . .aic. GOc, 75c, 1.0-! 3-H Honeycomb wool Shawls, am. TI (s'; Buck “teen Underdirtu. " Lust " “no: gttitr, ...25c n squzm- yd Ttho ilcloth. 45in wide... in m New Flint; lad aindisir, up“ w See our 25c and tiOe Dress GUN-1‘ We in now in a position to meet your wait; in Menu Cardigan Jackets 1.00. I in fact I full line of Dry (ioods' &c. Come and be convinced. See for yourself. Up-to-date goods It right prices Dott't be afraid. Come in we teorrt. pester you to buy. The goods will speak foc themselvcs “our. not.“ & Groceries New but: Chloe Oonfeeuonnry Tulips, Hyacinths, Mums, Fuschias and Chinese Lilies- all set large healthy bul and prices righ't Pure Spice- & Vinegars " 1 hull and Pure “his our: Town ottiee C.P.R. Druggists and Booksellvt F Flt-9r- Pmduoe Wan If in need of a Lamp of tutlcittd., can}? to us. Hanging, Vase Stand and bracket Lamps-a good as- sortment at prices to suit your purse Buy your Tick“: Bere Dress Goods Trimmngs Linpnc, Damask Linirto Table. Linens Napkms. Towels Towel-ing Oyemlls Jaqkéts Bain Goats thildren's d; Ladies' Coats . L. GRANT Fall Planting Winter Bloom We're not shoutiny very much but the watchful ones are pitking up some snaps. Come and secthem. MATTHEWS a LATIMER W. H. BEAN Me Sells Cheap Call and see us. Calder 's Bunk. Durham 'sh, In...‘ a wFurniturc Roofing Guns and Amn: Axes, Saw,. h. Lenahan Lenahan octane 21, 1909 Large Headqu ardware ( of doing bush urge quantitu THE tDI aim in selling always kept neSS people excellent ttrseeries, tmu", T' and courteous new. composed of y “ruins is on For the last In this way Our tin: in doing Can be mingled by patching 11 and make H NN, shingles :m- 1 tr lay Bastion! Sales Septemh have a w munition have eve 1y anytl supplies. In thew count, l wvthink il with m l Diamond HUM A fu thin lit stoc L3 in stocl in a titsre, Ca and l the so we of tl ll

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