Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 1 Aug 1908, p. 8

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! f September lst is the date (-1jrrf'l'f-1'-'(i'_c/)i)"t,t, / 'iii/f' ke/sy/C/s/ "ic/lt/pr "p... ...,... 7"." to $tar,ooo per animal in nilwny nnlce. Y all an: become a ttood over-tor in 6 month. M you stun] In The Central Terraphy School. a Gerrard at. th, Toronto. T e an“: School u Cumin. Write for "Menu". W. a SHAW. Pres. T.g.g0WNBTON, PM. in? j:1i MAPLE LEAF BRAND nil! fri * 3'3 u " g 3.4; ." ill! g 'n'i Drop in and examine whether you purchase or just have a look. ..- :33 $3 in? felegraphy A. FLEMING. Principal. Owen Sound Leads in Bpok-keeping, Shorthand, Typewrftinir, Commercial Law, Com- mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Ornamental Writing, and in placing all its gradualvs. Each student is taught, separate- ly at his own desk. Trial lessons In one week free. Visitors welcome. Day and Night Classes Pull Programme of Attrections twice daily. lnclndlng Kemp's Wild West Show. Best ot Music. Fireworks each evening. Come and engoy your- self at London's Popular Fair. ATHLETIC DAY, MONDAY, m. u. REDUCED RATES Prize Lian. Entry Forms. Programmes and all Information given on application to . W. J. It"). President. A. M. m, Seem Business College WESTERN FAIR l Greatest Live Stock Exhibition LONDON, SEPT. I 1-19 ur. You" & Mun: FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. lat MT. FOREST TORONTO. ONT. W. T. CLANCY. P We keep the THE PE0PLE'S STORE Ttettitnt for the full term at Cut-d"! hool oi Business and 14hortttnnd, an any time who hnow but the menu of this at: its sameness supporters. Open Sept When buying a Suit of Clothes, remember the w I Highest Prices for Produce-Cash or Trade. ROBERT BURNETT "i(i:f); The Place to buy Gents' Furnishings as we always keep everything in the Gents' line. A large stock ot Rumor. Yrite I: N HOI‘NI l fine line of tan, patent and kid. W. J. ELLIOTT let S“ \V r Tt MM! In! I of Western Ontario In the tlrgt step tow-rd; posmo in paying [tom 93000 Fresh Groceries Mun iineipal l'rir Ma ' Khulna!“- eior "Bin - ' nmvclm tt is IMPERIAL SHOE g It! ON ALL RAILROADS " C. L Gr. at, I mending Students should enter " the begin Mug ot the term ll possible. Bond an be ob. tamed a: remnnble mm. Durham II a healthy and tsttractivetowa, minis " a no“ desirable place tor ro-uldeuco. The school " thorouirhir equl pod In whirl shinny. In chemical And Jff,N','lf luppliel 1'lt tittings, sie., for full Junior Lenin: Ind Hurle- ulation work. The following competent out! are In charge I THOS. ALLAN, In Clus Certificate, Princlpsl Miss HERTRI'DE RODGE. B. A., Honor Graduate of Toronto 1'rnieersitr,-Ptench, Latin, Composition. and Lita-mm. Miss DONALDA McKERRACHER. B. A., Gna- mm: of Queen's Unlvenny ttnd Flm Protes nounl cehftierste,-Algetmi, Arithmetic. Htse tory and Quay-pity. Orders for new connections. changes of iirm names. changes of street addrcs, us or ordcrs for duplicate cntrics should he handed in AT ONCE to for the District of Central Ontario, in cluding Durham. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada, IN ulmut to publish " new issue of the h'allWhssat.......,...8 75to8 75 Spring Wheat.... ..... 75 to 75 Oats.................. 50to 50 Peas................. 80to 80 Barley.............,. 50to 50 Hay......,.. .....,..800to 900 Batter................ 20to 20 Egp................. 17to 17 Potatoes perbag...... lOOtolOO Flourper cwt........ 250to325 Oatmeal persuck..... 3 00to 3 00 Choppercwt......... 150to180 Live Hogs per ati; 580to580 Dressed IIogspe wt. 3 20to 820 llidesperlb..... .... 3to 3 Sheepskins............ 45 to 70 Wool................. 23to 25 Tallow............... 5to 5 Lani................. 12to 13 New Telephone Directory OFFICIAL TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Durham School Durham Markets. FEES: " per month In “1.110. DURHAM. JULY St." and Equlpmont. A. M. HUNT. Secretary T'humun WM LAIDLAW, for Boys' and Girls' SCHOOL SHOES. Also the always on hand Local Manager 29 . Rama q G were“: Mr. P. a. A. Webster went to Tor. onto on Mondsy tc act as one of Lord Roberts' body ands during his visit there. Mr. gVebuer served under " Bobs " from Purdehurg to Pretoria during the South African camgaign and is one of 41 body guards c men from the men who than composed the Canndian contingent: Mr L. Sanford. Vice-Presidentof the Sanford-O’Brien Mantle and Tile 00.. visited relatives here last week. at Mr C'rutehley'ts and Mr Geo. Moore‘s. We were pleased to have a (all from him. Mrs. John Cameron and daughter Margaret from N. Dakota artived In Durham Saturday last and will spend a month with the for tuet.'s brother Mr Dan McDougall and other friends. Mrs A. Binnie and Miss A. Grant went t Privavdle Manda ' to visit thvir friend, Miss Gertie Meieod. form- erly of Vickers, befure leaving for the West Tuesday morning. Rev. R, B. Ledmghmu, Speriing. Manitoba visited his mother and other triends in Durham and other places during the Iatte'r and of the week. Mr. Russ Wilson, teller of the Tra- der's Bank, is spending a. fottnight's holiday at home in Owen Sound and on the Bruce Peninsula. Mrs Bond, at Toronto. came up from Toronto lant Week to visit her parents, hiv and Mrs Geo. Wilson, Iofore their departure for the West. Messrs Entricken and Sewell have sold out than boot and shoe business to Mr. Thos. McGrath who takes pt 5 session this week. Misses Dora and Frankie Davidson are at present enjoying the Mackinaw trip up the Lakes and visiting relatives in Owen Bound. Mrs. Dr. Jamiesouand sun Brad h f. S tturday to spend a short time on Lake Huron's shores at Bouthamptrat, Mrs GeoMcKechnie andlittlc daugh- ter are waiting at. her old home in Guelph, during this Old Home Reun. ion week. Mr W A Livingstone. Standard Bank teller. is holidaying for a. fortnight at his home m Harriston and elsewhere. Mr Allan Bell left Saturday to apt-ml a few days with our old luwnuznnn, Dr. McDonald. in St CMlulrineu. Mr Peterand Miss Alice Raumge me visiting friends and relatives at Owen Sound. Annun and Balaclava. Mrs. Manh and daughter lsluy, " Owen Sound are guests of Miss Mc- Cormick in town, for a week. Miss Lorraine Copus, of Btratfard, bolidayed uver the week end with 1hr friends, the Misses Grant. Mr Duncan Mekeuzie, Jr., of Tom: - tr, visited his father and sister line from Saturdny to Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Firth (nee Margaret McLartv) spent Monday in t mu visiting MrsJohn Clank. miss Mary Mchyden went to Owen Sound, on Library Excursion and w; a the guest of Mrs. Maitland. Miss Jessie Munro, head nurse of Stutttord Hospital, is holidaying at home this week. Misses Carrie and Kathleen Jamie- son left Mondaw on a holiday visit to Clinton friends. Alex McDonald and Alex McQueen Sundzsyed at Mr Donald AcPayden's Bentinck. Mr. Murray Sm'th of the Standard Bank staff, Lumn. is spending his hol- Idnys at home. Mr. and Mes. Geo. Wright, of Tor. onto. are guests of his parents here at present. _ Mr. Mulvey Cowan and Miss Dora Burnett are visiting friends in Sunt- ford this week. Miss Laudell Lauder is bolidnyilvg this week with her cousin, Mrs. Dr. Wocuts, Baytield. Mr. Wm. Smith Br,, left Monday to attend the Old Boys’ Reunion in Guelph. Miss Agnes haulage is spendinga few days with Mrs A. McClinton, Varney. Miss Catherine McDougall, of Mu. luck, " spending her holidays with Mary McQueen. Miss E. Simpson left Tuesday on a fortnight‘s Visit with Berlin relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Levin" visited friends in Owen Sound and Wiarton last week. Miss Daisy Blackburn went to Chic- ago Tuesday on a. visit to her sister. Mr E A Rowe attended the Old Boys‘ Reunion in Guelph this week. Miss Annie McKenzie in spending a week with friends in Port Elgin. Harry Barnett Gent. Tailor and Furuisher, Durham Your choice of a great variet¥ of up- to.date auitings for t at new Fa I Suit. It you wish to be well-dressed, satisfac- torily dressed, at a. very moderate price, leave your order with Tells the taste of the. tailor. Our coats are cut to fit, cut In accordance with the very latest styles, by our tailor from New York with 21 years ex riencc. They are perfectly made 'a',',xJ"irh"lf, fit well, look well, wear well. The Cut of the Coat Parisian Millinery Co. Clearing Sale of Summer Millinery 2.555135; Mr. Jim. Brull will take marge of tho services at the Rockv and Dovuoch next Sunday. owing to an. Mr. Me. l).nmlvl’s absence nu holidays Rev. Dr. Flu-mm Smilh will preach the tuo I‘nlluu ing Smhhaths. Mrs John McKinnon. her son Dug. and gtund-dttui,rhter, Miss Katie Beit Black. all of Cheeky. visited the Brown and Huhkirk families, cf mefuld, last week. Mia‘- Ruhy Mills ii off to Barrie for two weeks with her uncle Mr. Thus. Livingstone. who, with his two sons were guests with Mr. Mills for a few days. Mr Wm. Isaac, Owen Sound. visitcd Durhmu friends on Tueaduy. and left Wednesday for the " Old Home " gath- ering at Guelph. Miss Jessie Hunter left, Wednesday afternoon to visit friends in Tux-unto and Mrs McClelland. (nee Miss Lick). in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. w, A. Wallace and child of Dauphin, Man., are guests at present of her sister, Mrs Jan, Burt. Mrs. Burnett, Unpor Town, left on Tuesday for Dauphin. Mnnitolm.1o visit her slaughter, Mrs, Thos. Cald. well, Mr, and Mrs. Ben Moore, of British Columbla. are spending a week or more with friends here. Mr, and Mrs. Georgn Wiison left on Tuesday for Winnipeg and the west to visit, thvir son and other friends. Mrs McIIraiLh and three children art-on annouth’u visit to lelutlvvs in tit Mary. and Mitchell. Mr Fitcheit. Detroit, ie, with his daughter. visiting at Mr Irwin‘s of the Uhromcle. Mrs Farquharson left Wednesday for Palmerston on a business trip. Miss N. Cnscaden. of Essex Co,, is yisning her cousin. Mrs P. Patterson. Mrs E. T McClocklin and daughter Miss May. are visiting in Durand. Mich. Me Wm. Black went to Owen Bound, Wednesday, to act as starter in the horse races. Mr. W. D. Mills and son Milton, left on Tuesday for St. Catharines. We have just commenced stocktaking and wish to clear out our entire stock of trim- med hats. We have reduced the prices and have six tables we are offering at very low prices. We want to sell them all and offer some grand bargains. MISS DICK, Proprietor Watchmaker, Jeweller. and Optician Besides the above Watches, we carry all the standard makes, such as the Waltham. Elgin, Hamilton, etc. P. o. A., Webster THE DURHAM REVIEW ONTARIO ARCHIVE B' TORONTO FIG . , 3335: "r',i'f,t" McKechnie’s Big Departmental Store Our stock of Wall Paper is complete; it is the eelehnt Our stock of Ready-made Clothing is the Puhion M Our stock of Working Shoes is the Sterling Brand; the me i Our stock of Groceries is fresh and good. Granulated Sugar $1.00, the same quality as we sold three weeks ago 22 lbs saved is a. dollar made. how 13 and 14. Con. a, . D. It., Glenelg, 15 act-H hush. frame barn well watered. Must be sold. " Chocolate Shoes.........1.75 Prints. neat patterns from . . . . . . . . . . AK Flannellette........... ...........60 The recent spell of hot weather puts us in mind of what '. Old Rt-liuhle ., had to my about the heat: .. Why, down in At'zouu when I twed than it was so hot that they had to splice two thermonetere together to get any laws of the heat; and even than the quick- silver would spurt over the ther- mometer sometimes." Women's Corsets from... ' . . . . . .46e up " CottonHose..........1-Zcup Neat-fitting white canvas Shoes. . . . 1.10 Women's Queen Alexandra Shoes.. . 1.60 BORN. McKEcrvsur---In Durham, on Thurs- day, July 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Dugald McKechnie a daughter. MiLsK-0n July 27, to Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Milne, of Louise, u, sun. Where are the Lord's Day Alliance people ot Durham? Are they all away on a holiday that the C. P. it. is allowed to be a detriment when better thlngs were expected. Rev. Br Janiieson will dispense the Sacrament on Sunday next. A lecture and limelight views on missions will be given in the church to-night, Tuesday. The threshing season was openisd Wedneaday lastMr Wm Long hav~ lug finished. Huvest is progressing rapidly, when and barley all in and some are cutting out: and peas. The Bible Class And tenchers at the Sunday School are having a picnic at ilder’s Lake Wednesday. Mr Harry Grasby is able to be around again after 1 very painful illness From July 6th Iudlvidol Instruction, i up-todste courses obtained at the British America: Business College I Y. M.C. A. Building. Toronto 'oldest and Best. " Write for Catalogue. Rev. Mr gyms has taken up his abode " Mr . W. Blythe's daring his pastorate here. Miss Agnes anage is spending the Week with Mrs. A. Mecliiiton. short iGGiG. ....-.. - W Mrs. and Miss Churehward are visiting Mrs Wilton " present. . Mia Avery of Kincimine 13 visit- mg her tator Mrs R. J. Allen. In. A. McCabe has been spending the week with her sister Miss Taey qufion who is still quite ill. Mr 1nd Mn Ed] Watson oftown want Sand-v with Mr and Mrs Wm Morrison. LOOK SUMMER TERM. Jen_ny Allen is home tor a -----i.- - For Sale. A. H. JACKHux. Durham Butter and Eggs taken as Cash Varney. and second because we want stock reduced before stock-taking and in order to do so, will give Mammoth Stock to Arrive We have reduced our prices for the month of August for two rea- £0118; fitst, because we must make room for a 0.. -t--_-.t GREAT BARGAIN AUGUST PRICES at our 1canTomatoes.....9c tcanCorn.......ttc tcanPtsan......h: 3 pkg Huddicc. .25c 2 pkgs New Food. .25c 1 t't C.om. Starch. .6c I can Beef, Ham and Chicken Loaf, used for lunc htc'l'fit .I0c can 4 loc bottles best Extract. .25c. 4 loc pkg; Dalby J ly Powder. .25c e Everything in Hardware reduced to clear. Screen Doors, complete. LOO for. .75c l 1.25for...85c ', I.” for, . .NC 20c Hay Racks,...."2 for 2Sc. Hay Forks. Mtc for 35c; 05c for....46c Remap", we are going out of the Hull's." Men's dongolu bals. 5.00 for. A.00 ' Men's box calf halt, 6.00 for. Matt Men's dongoln and box calf bale s.so for 2.75 ; do 2.75 & "' for..2.tt0 Ludgcs' patent leather Oxfords, 2 styles, 3.25 and 3.50 for. . . . ... . ..2.50 Ladics' patent lcuthcr Balls. McPherson make, 3.50 for. . .. . . .. . . . .2.” See our Bootsand Shoes for. ... ._.... .... ........ .........50c and " Men's Suits, single-breasted, reg. s to 6.50 for. . . . . . . .... . . . . . . 9 men's Suits, single and double breasted. neg. 75° to ”-00 for 10 " " ref. " to IS.” tor.. Boys blouse Suits, tweed, were 2.75 and 3.50 or. . . . . . . . ' . .. ... Whitc Crochct Beds . . . . , ,' , prcads, fringed or lain, worth I.” and I Ic'.','),?,',!,,' 'Black .srte,cr?, Ljndcmkirts. 2 'IG't ctc, worth I.” for If: and Mist. Skirts in grey and colon. worth 2.75 for. " worth 3.60 fer. L In Full Surlntr--ftne, “Mimi's Ask to see our Bargains in Boots nnd Shoes Wool Wanted. Cash or Produce for Good: while Sale has. ALEX. RUSSELL Clearing Sale THE Blltt STORE Men's and Boys' Rudy-twat Suits Russell’s Gigantic Groceries for Friday and Stturdny ; it ls the celebnted Shut” nuke Some lines have been greatly reduced. but there are lots of Bargains yet. The fol- lowing are a few of the SPECIALS : and the Highest Prices paid Men's Working Shoes from. " " " " " 1e,the 3"" Wm e-ieiiJi" tine Shoes from. . . . . . King Edward Shoes.“ Working Shirts. . . . . . Pine Shiru...... .... Overalls............. Felt Hats........‘... lated Sugar to arrive, 20 lbs. for ago 22 lbs for $1. A dollar AUGUST It, worth t.soaqd 1.00me .....l.20 .... 1.39 E} , 'hueeteye bumm THE tt .aCC 0L. Nil ltc to Ores anu 0 L! tio Ol

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