Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 30 Jan 1908, p. 5

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Ekey I {mace ear q rot/(1’: UAR? 3 Need at ? G/a' Gout, TEAS eettts me ner " THUR '172 n 's Over. Laggtrtgs R r whi.ut. "tik Tun; tutto, Plum! of hey can cold will Von reg]. e of this ree from " Cotd severe. quicker u take. Price. " tl Mdi Nouns- l throat '" " thmat I in the he M. Iteration veloped, i4 " lb our n We beg to announce that I,,. open to buy any quantity I all kinds including shingle tin-hey delivered to our yard, will be quoted on apply“); (”umpuny trottieer. Ttin Dunn“: Fl'mn'" Light “Gamma. Light hob-uleighl. Hmvy truck wagon. Wagon box cow- pite, Flows. Hut-rows. Pulpors. Wind millu and lowers. Wire, Wire fencing. waves. [run pig lrnuuhs. kc. Must he , .Id at once. A. " A-,-.' " prs Men's Oiltans left, sizes 8, 9 2 pm Youth’s .. " I2, 13 Misses Cardigans as lowyas 50c pr IOpr Misses dongola button boots. all sizes. reg. LAO. going at 01.00 Trunks. Values, 'reletr:orets, Club Bags, &c. at rcasonable prices. Are your Pulmonary Chamois Vest. We In... For m "mommy's Tatum Cod Liver on Preparation. Darling's Syrup of the 1rrrrorttosNlitii. These are tonic. tissue and system builders in $t.oo bottles "-'-'"-"'-eaeaeaseeec-o-, Waygrbury'. J AN BABY M, 1908 Logy Wanted. DUMiAx Fawn-cm: Co, . MclLRAlTH The For Bale. DARLINGS, your u Grippe unce that we will quantity of logs of , shinglg am} lath apiusinit {if}; H. JiiéksEQ'f' I Amiga". . . Darling's La: [uppe 25 cents a box, Imonary organs weak ? ' We have them. Price; Farm tor Sale or to Let. McKinnon 100 acre farm at the Ruckv. Immediate; possession given. I For turther particulars apply to J. P. Ttitvortn, Durham 311v. 5th 1907. line, The undersigned will sell or ex- thange for cattle or sheep. one heavy mare. supposed to be in foal tu a good horse; one mud more supposed to be no foul. one undater more rising three years old. Both roadster: are good quiet drivers. Afply at. residence, hall mile from c, “mm D " ........ Our aim is to have none of these goods in stock by the lst of Mart h to the down town shoe store and gust some of the bargains offered in Winter Goods 'Custom Work and RC airing as usual 'rh'h'l's"ls1c8'srrs"rl'. For Sale or ' drivers. Arply nitric-shag: mile from G' ”can P. 0. town Holland and Glenehz. __ COME Laxati ve Druggists Then you should wear a Quinine Tablets, Exchange. Air/m HOLLY Old newspspers for sale at this Bee. Big bundle 5 cu. Good 1 lighting om. packing or wrapping. A. H. Jackson is an Issuer of Mar riage Licenses. Durham, Ont. - -"---F-s. W‘VI a.... A. Leslie, and to spice of mutual-able wanker was very largely attended.-. Com. The funeral which moi-hike on Friday to the Rocky Snugeen Cease. tery WI! conducted " her pastor Rev. Much sympathy is teit for the father, brother Ind sister who have thu. eustained e. second bereavement in so short a time it being only about ten months since their mother died. Her father. who went to Toronto on Mondayand was with her until the last. arrived home on Wednesday evening with the remains. Deceased won a member of the Crawford Presbyterian Church where she will be much missed. her bright, sunny disposition and winning man- ner having rendered her a. genera.” favorite and gained for her "i"'? wherever she went. For the past two months she had been living in Toronto, and a few days before her death she was taken to Grace Hospital suffering from appen- dicitis. and her father received word that an operation was to be performed. No serious doubts, however, were entertained as to her ultimate recov- ery', in fact, after the operation “as performed she steadily improved until the day hetore her death. On the evening of the 14th R change for the worse took place and in spite of all that could he done by loving care. and _ medical skill. she gradually sunk and early the next morning she passed away. Her end was peaceful and happy. for che knew that although she was leaving her friends here, she had a better home prepared for her, and that He whom she loved and In whom she trusted _was with her and would sustain her. “Seldom has the community re- ceived such a shock as was experienced a few days ago when it was learned that Maggle Mekechnie, eldest daugh. ter of Donald McKechnie, of the 8th concession. had passed away on Wed- nesday Jan, mm at the early age of 21 yams. 1y death of an estimable young lady has been sent us. We sympathize with the father and family who have lately been mating through deep waters: loss. Mrs D. Allen met with seerioue mishap Saturday morning. Feeling unwell. she returned to bed after kindling the fire, but was disturbed by the little dog furiously pulling at the bed clothes. On arriving-r0 put him out, she discovered the house had taken fire. Help arrived at once and the firo was extinguished. after bar. ing caused serious damage to the aperture. The house was insured so ye Allen will not be at. such a heavy We notice the majority cl the far. meh sell their live stock in Holstein. Why do not the Dalham buyers be a little more up to the times and not always stick for that extra hula bit of profit. The following notice Muster Mansfield Leeaon has been oonfiued to the house with u Grippe for the past. week. I The members of the Sunday l School met at Mr T. Wallace's, Tues- ‘dsy evening lust and surprised Miss Nellie, who has been a valuable ss- sistlnt for years, with a token of their Appreciation, m the form of a rock. ing chair and parlor table. with ap- propriate Address. Refreshments were served end an enjoyable evening spent in music and games. l Mr and Mrs It, J. Allen returned Tuesday night from a visit to the lat. ter’s relatives near Kincardme. They had the misfortune to lose their horse while there. Mrs D. McCrie and Walter spent Sunday mth Mrs Geo. Marshsll. Mr Otto Keller had 3 dance at Mr c. T. Leesou‘s Friday. About thirty young people enjoyed the night. Miss E93 Burnett, Durham, _is spending a few days with her cousm, Min Era Blythe. Mr Walter PSriepervn on the C P It from Medicine Hat. gave tell; the: and friend! a pleasant surprise Thursday morning. Walter mll have tt month's vacation. Mr. Wm Smith is recovering nieele from A broken tab, the result of n fell on the ice. . Mr, Ed, Manulcy is cutting wood for Miller and Scion. Miss E. Leeann of Mt. Forest is spending a few weeks With sister and brothers here. no " the mil/it iiiiui'i' Seim Humpden. THURSDAY, JANUARY all): Durham Elmira: Cameron L.t.uderiad Will Prue u. mien met With a serious Saturday morning. Feeling she returned to bed after sr the fire, but was disturbed little dog furiously pulling in -l...L-. rs . . Obituary "mi.--, -1- Vamey. of the untime- at this of. for 'i-i-'-,.-:.':--',-.--:--,-)-)-'--.)-.;-, & Furniture MttKeuzu-caraotv--Thtst thin Council meet on Sum-d”. the 8th day of Febru- ary nut. and on the first Snturdly of oach montlglurmg the you except the month of eeember. which meeting in on the Ilith day of December. Curried. Council adj-ds-Ad-. MtrKesttzie--Wrigut--Thu ten dollars be gamed in aid of tho seek children] hospital Ind forwarded so J. Ross Bob. "non. chairman. Toronto. Carried. thmrou--Wright-Tut the Clark or- der copies of the Municipal World for 1908 for the me oi ths members of the Council. Curried. MttKonzu--Bemt--TUt the Clerk hue the immune on the town hall and furniture renewed in some reliable com- panv to the amount. ot 0900. Curried. MtrKeusu-Wristut--That the Been lad Mr Carson be . committee to in. quito into the "tthasty of the treuur- or. auction. Carried. Wright-Fon-Tut the Reeve ex- acute quit chime for doyiution of road over lot 22 and part of lot 28, con lo, to Geo Chadwick and E. A, Gnhun. u deunbod in bylaw 674. Carried. MoKertzte--Wrieet-0at the Reeve. Mr McLoughry and Mr Carson be paid 82 each for serving on committee re chin: ot Thou Douglas Ind Ion. Car. ied. H. Thompuon 88.50. IDJ‘ISEO tTG' c; holding nomination Ind delivering ballot bozo: " ' Carson-McKenzie-- That the deputy returning offleers and others be paid " follows: Wm McLoughrv 98.50, I'. Clayton " W. H. Heard " 50. A. Gil- elitist $8.50, D, G. McLean 68.5.). S. leben 08.50. 900 Moldrum 08.50. F. Betst--Wrieut--TUt Pater Muir be paid 92.50 for removnng inmate to house of ”fags. Unified. Wruln-ihsst-Tuat the following account: be paid . ll. P. Legato. 160 feet of lumber for hub boards, 82.40; J. & W. Boyd for can] all. 50c ; 'il. ll, Lever, tile as oertitied by over-3n, M; W. H. T%rstou, eleouon stationery. ballots, cm, $17.M. Carried. l Best-Orson-Tut John Pedlsr be paid for 28 yards of gravel used on road 81.40. Curried. Artemesia Council held its fhst meet- ing for 1908 on Monday, Jan 18, pursu- ant to statute. There Were present. Alexander Muir, Reeve; Tho as il McKenzie, Deputy Reeve; John A Carson. George T. Wright and Robert Best, Councillors. After each of the above named bad duly signed and made the required declarations of tymlitimttion and ot offiee hetore the clerk. they look: their seats. The minutes of session Jil Dee 16 and of special meeting Dee 21.) 1907, were read' and approved. Coo. munications as ioilows were read: D, McLeod and C. W. Bellamy, applica- tions for the oftiee of assessor for 1908 ; R. J. Sproule and Joseph Blackhurn, application tor the oitiee of auditors for 19.18 ; J, Ross Robertson. asking a grant on behalf of the Sick children's hospital. By-laws were passed appointing c. W, Bellamy as assessor. Joseph Black- burn and R, J, Sproulc auditors, and W J. Caswell. J, P. Ottewall and A, F. Pedlar as the locsl board of health. Lenahan ".5 u. auuun. rot upuomered Goods, couches. ItoikiU" -eiiiiuri, Direms, Sideboards, Parlor tabla, Bedroom Suites. etc. Give us a call. We can supply your wanna We make it 9. point to carry all kinds ol ing in stock. Fpr 1plrolstered Goods We have a limited number ofthese which we gain, Call and see them for yourselves. . Artemesia Council They have no equal. It mil pay y for your Poultry " this time of the 159p: in tstotsk--imrd for Hornet a - - JV _...... all: nurses, DOV Try it and be convinced om: merits _.... mull - ll Diamond" and you will be perfectly "tufied Along with the above we have also Cro: Handles, Saw Wedges. Saw Jo’nterg. Saw S: In HAND SAWS we also have a Diamond which carries a guarante “Shurley & Ihetreeho and many Diamond" and Von will I... “dun" we have a full lune of CROSS COT SAWS, See our famous "BLACK DIAMOND" b't---They are fully guaranteed, We hum also muny other hues which are worthy of notice. We: have a full {me i, SAWS! SAWS ! SAWS ! HORSE BLANKETS PRMT'S FOOD FURNITURE ma ume ot the your. All kinds "i;ruiria for Horses, Cows, Sheep. Pigs and Poultry. Iced ofitn rum-in. It .mll Pf you to use " we have also Cross Cutnnd Hand Snw :, Bare Jo’ntera. Saw Sets, Saw Vices, etc. jj'Reduction it?! kSale all kinds of furniture and picture fram -..,:I Is__:, . - _ Entricken Maltese Cross Brand Rubbers, Mitts, Gloves guarantee with rl, t} u_mn_y other kinds. Je NEW QUARTERS ONTARIO ARCHIVES TORONTO Repairing and skate sharpen. ing a specialty. Try us. Still in full blast. Where? Why, at Peel's Old Stand at the bridge, where you may leave your measure and get a first-class fit in mnde-to-order Shoes. After two years in business in Durham I thank heartily the many farmers and others who haveiavored me with their trade and have pleasure in announcing that I will in the future have have pleasure in meeting in more commodious uarters. all my old friends and 1 trust many new ones. Promptness and fair deal. ing will continue to be my motto. Yours for business, McIntyre Bmek---umbton St, Barclay and Bell '3 old stand REVIEW CARD 0F THANKS cIntosh. 'e McLellan. P139.) :Egg Producer' are offering at a bar- Sewell the "DiLton",iii" L Use 3 "Bisck BON Boas ALWAYS FRESH T We ere hnving on upholster- er the ffrat week in every month. Anyone wishing old code reno- Voted to look good a new should advise us-m, will b pleued to attend to it at once. tt t Coll]! ‘ndem manly 'lU'lftl “a: _doot south BIt noon Has a full [me of Curtain Poles. Window Shades. Picture Fume. Fumes to order of all kinds. KRESS, All our experience at your service. Call and see us. and much more tell you of this week Is the thing to think ( J. C. NICHOLS STORE A full line of Fashionable Furnishings for men and boys All the very latest in Collars and Tie: Gloves and Bose Hats. Caps. Shoes. l We beg to announce to the people of Durham and vicin- ity that we have opened up in J ohn New! New! New! We have a good supply of fresh Bnkmg Always on land. Also a good unort- ment of Candies, Null Ind outages. . H. STINSON would be a great laurgnin. So are the followmg properties at the prices asked , too acres, Durham Road, Bentinck. Good dwelling. frime bank burn. good soil. Convenient location. only 825(1). '200aerm, tlietttrur-tine bank harnm good frame dkellintr--other good improvements) only $3100. 40 acres Garden Land, Durham Road Bentinck. 31500- A snap. 250 are: on Guatraxa Itotuir--iine; buildings, good lencel. good sail. To quick buyer at 865(1). 100 acres. Ihttntineir,--owner in west. price 82700. Buildin 3 worth Ibi- money-tarm for notging. Lots of other property for sale. " ney to Lend All kinds of busi- ness attended to. Gents' Furnishings A Dollar for Ivey Ye..a great Proven steel Tracks. Singer Sewing Itchlnes. Walkenon [able Works, The Bell Organ & Piano 00.. Churn: nnd Washing Inchines. dmtford. "roekviile,tlrsy Cal-lures Ite ruiii.jiFrirjji; We are sole Agents in Durhnm tor the ab " well knuivn 1Tplements-- Binders, Mowers. Dillu' Harm's Dino Cultivatom Manure SEN-den. Buy Runs, Buy London " Ted. don. Many-Ennis Cream Sep 'rators roliday Baking McQueen & Morice 't Undomkor The Hanover Convey-me r Model Bakery We’re also Agent: for g. If. MILLER, EDEN Fifty Cents we can’t ose now - E715}. "“5...- umu "IIS " the If..." any It term POI. . and (In ob med a Wide rum. bum... in I healthy and mvewwn. taking it I most tie-tub}. place for residence "In: " w month n “ma. _ Um. "'"'eyer., c. lam-- Iusa ttttttip/tgt/ttarid a” and um '0 T unity In hobo gittgtat cm. I-ft-tni, Audi-cue. Rio my and 0W!- it." and (quinine. The school In emu; m In u tNIttr,tn chunks! Ind own")! Man. he. tor lull Junior leaving and tsiaeitieg GW. The following comm no I. charge n mos. ALLAN, m Clnu Certitte.te, Pt I186 JESSIE IoKENZlE WAN. B. A., Guam of Toronto 1JnfremttCL't Mu. Composition. and um". her 8565?" ' Butane: - m [Juneau's Bu Bigow nouns Embalmlng a Specialty. Picturefmning. Shortest Notice main. Madam. would cm " the . 1tqitfthiuiiiiTtTGriii;iI an... -- PM. UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director “banned Auctioneer tar the Car, manly nteuded to. In omen 'I'dh be left u. " In rooms. Me nuou‘a old ma. 0 once. Durham School JOHN CLARK Licensed A Perm. moderate WM Arc., mu t'i.1',l','fr,r'ttgii. b than. or to Ces “tended to, " Barrister. Solicitor in Supreme Court Notary Public comtnissiirnisF, or to DURHAI. ONT. (Lower Auctioneers. ARTHUR i JACKSON Burl-ten. SoUcltzn. Converaneem, c. Money to Loan. Otrue. McIntyre Block over the Bank Insurance Agent. Money to Luau Issuer of 1ti'iiii"ttf, Licences. A non- eral tiuanciat :usiness trtuttmcted ”enmity in in ilGGeiiii', Ottiee-aattieea Block. l Full line of Cutholic Kuhn and black and whale Cups for aged people. Hot?.!, yRADt'Aa-tit MN Royal (fallen Dentistry in all its um HONOR GRADUATI- Universlly. grhduaw of I ot' DPI'NALI Surgmmn of Om Oven J h J liltNTh‘la-u ’. McPHA u.... '0 Pyee,e Agent Money to Loan like, over Gordon'. Jew 060:. 13mm. 01".. over t glint and “My; Cut" “In“ on. u mo! am. Old Moodte 1 - -- cum: noun J G. HUTTONJVI h. notary Pu'ulio. Cum m GUN VEYANCER EyeJiqLNuse * Throat D313 TEAL ‘. c. PICKERING o. D s., L o s In: and aim . Iii” tea "li'rMI Junta Lana. diff-.5 :. The following mum: on! re ' All. 1"c1nascertims.te. Panda“ 9--1l..tn 2-4 pin}: ___.- Toinphonn Connection No. " D. .cPHAIL. Ceylon P. 0 C. RAIAGE, Durban e Ill-an: to teoahietG (Eden. by) and to Knapp? Wen You) Eye Hannah. . MnoKuy K. C “010.... if" Ionian: 2to 'r.ut rto “an. -mlmuou momma-mu '%'llfd"lllt'M'4W. . F. GRANT D. ARTHUR GUN. M “Non Am a telephone to Ceylon i o, Tenn; on MACKAY & DUNN, Knob.- C(HM‘I’Ifllclhu» um h MEDICAL J a J ii "eiirriiil1's";t', . BELL . Pirst house south of Blukuulth Shop. rate. A enema for "In" tmi':"."; the tte ' bar (bmWndc-nue a Ceylon P.0., will be I Team on application to Auctioneer tor Next. to Swdlow‘u Bar. Licenued Auctioneer for the County of Grey. Plnxcul a arugu- DR. BURT '. TELFORD kdunte of Royal College 'p,P..v.tf.9erivio. Room. ', Commissioner HI.oturer. me has. Mum: JEN.” 'Pe'" Wage &el. Han-urn Sun P,e!.et,tttrtsitt and ordt we 33.41:} {Detail a.“ " "iii Jewelry dtore ot uter , over Pout 0111c. Town) fn Mm Panel”: l'L, We? 'V ew . tnt MW At 'rt"'ttrtly I Honor hunch. d. Grey W F Dunn of Toronto w Store Owen Bound I and beo, 0m. run Ink

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