Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 12 Dec 1907, p. 4

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x Taylor & Co., Dromore Eompmmemerae d reven poo amemo mm emmmmmmererene x In Overshoes and Rubbers §§Chri_§tmas_ Cards u*4 g:g Christmas only three: weeks away, we are fully preâ€" cE pared for the rus) 1, so before buying elsewher» :.5 have 2. look at our display. ::%mmmficmr&:mmmfimgmx% 5 Taylor & Co., Dromore % 38. e d ce t To ip t o Io ts ols oc tp ip Ip Ip Ip o ie cf ts Ip s iz < TO FJHC PUBSDIG =: 28 e l o ol e e e e e l ie onl t o i e e e e l l ie ic : S. 4. Starity, J HA. Stass : Toys of All Kinds Try u« for Christmas Groceries. We have them fresh and at right prices As usual we have a large stock of Silk, Lawn and Linen handkerchiets for the Christmas trade. You have just 20 days left to do your Christmas shopping. This store has special bargains to offer to offer you for every one of those days. . . . . Christmas Handkerchiets We are clearing our furs at special reductions in Ladies‘ Elecâ€" tric seal and Astrachan Jackets, Men‘s Fur Coats, Ladies‘ Fur Scarfs, Roffs, Mufts, & Caps. Sole Agents for Progress Brand Clothing We have a gseat varicty of Fancy Linen Table Covers, Tray cloths, Sideboard Drapes, Centre picces, and Doylies in the newest designs of drawn and Tencriffe work. S. F. MORLOCK Christmas Goods We have the very finest quality manufactured For the lit le ones and numberless presents for the olderpersons. â€" It is hard to decide on what you w ill give your friends for Christmas.. Le t us help decide for you. We have a L arge stock of Christmas Cards and the postcard fad is just starting. We have a very large st ock and prices moderate. Don‘t forget to ask for one of our Wallpockets in place of a «calendar. Very fancy and useful ~ow is your time to order a suit, Overcoat or any garâ€" ment you are in need of. We woald like to measure you now for we are convincsd ws can suit you better than any where else, Mr Glass is attending to the cutting himâ€" self and as to the making we hayea first class man to make the coat. Ptices away downâ€" Now Bargains in Furs. ‘erohant CGait. FANCY LINENS «27 We are showing a very large range of Men‘s Neckwear and Silk ovuffiers for the Christmas trade. HV})anager & Cutter Christmas Neckwear Mrs. McAndrews proved a delightâ€" ful entertainer. _ Several solos were rendered by Mr. Saunders and well received. The various speakers dwelt upon the mnn{( acts of kindness shown them by Mrs. Batters and her assistâ€" ants, Miss Conkey, and Miss J. Gill es. Dr. Atkingon (son of Mrs. Butters) reâ€" plied in a few well chosen words and returned thanks for their courtesy and gentlemanliness while guests in the house and wished all prosperity and happiness. The programme was interspersed with many songs and amusing stories, instrumental music and dancing. Piper Heetor McDonald and his little daughter Jessie appeared to great advantage in fall Highland costume. _ Piper MeDonald is one of the finest specimens of the stout and stalwart Highlaader that eyer douned Dr. Atkinson. â€"*" The longer I live the more deeply am I impressed that that which makes the digerence ‘beâ€" tween the weak anc the powerful, the great and insignificant, is energy, invincible determination, a purpose once formed, and then death or yvictory." Mr. Hebden.â€"*"To color well reâ€" quires your life it canuot be done cheaper." Mr. Fairbairne.â€"** Blegsed are the jJoymakers." Mr. Carmighael.â€"" The falling drops at last will wear the stone.‘"‘ M:~. Rowe.â€"*" Things don‘t tarn up in this world until somebody turns shemup.". :° _ ... o l Mr. Hant.â€"â€""I bate a thing done by halves, if it be right, do it boldly; if it be wrong, leave it undone.‘"‘ Mr. Dingwall.â€"*""It is the part of a wise man to keep himselt toâ€"day for toâ€"morrow, and not to venture all his eggs in the one basket.‘‘ Mr. McAndrews.â€"" If a man can write a better book, preach a better sermon or make a better mouseâ€"trap than his neighbor, though he baild his house in the wcods the world will make a beaten path to his aoor." Mr. Manleyâ€"‘*Can anything be so elegant as to have few wants and serve them one‘s self.‘‘ Mr. Ford.â€"" The cheerfal live longest in years and afterward in our regards.‘"* . Â¥ s Mr. Stewart.â€"*" Eyery man stamps his own valne upon himsulf, and we are great or little according to our own will." Mr. Drowley.â€"‘*Then _ do _ not squander tims for that is the staff life is made of." » Mr. Bareclay.â€""Be a friend to yersel, and ithers will." Toasts were reponded to and speeches made by the the following gentlemen : _ Mr, Murchie.â€"â€"" The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well and doing well whatever you do withont thought ot fame.‘‘ As a toast master Mr. John Mcâ€" Artbhur stands second to none. _ He has long been recognized for his great gifts. His manner puts those around him at ease. He has unâ€" bounded control and a knowledpe of the world that nothing can surpass a calmness of temper that nothing can disturb and a kindness of disposition that can never bs exhausted, we surely would find it hard to get on without "John‘"‘ in Priceville and no matter whera you inight go in the community his influence is always feit and his presence welcomed. He rejoices with us in our success, tries to relieve us in our distress and comâ€" fort us in our surrow. l The choicest dishes were served at their proper time and it Indeed sgmke rwell tor the house which has so long beld the reputation of being one of the best conducted hotels in the country. â€" After justice had been done to the many good things provided and the table cleared Mr. McArthar openad the programme with a very approprtate address in which he spoke in praiseworthy terms of the lady of the house Mrs. Butters (tormâ€" erly Mrs. Atkinson) and her asgistants Miss Beatrice Conkey and Miss Jessie Gilles. _ He narrated the fhistory of Priceville from its earliest date. told . of the time Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson came (some 35 years ago) and of their strict principles and attention to duty and ot the great struggle she enduared to educate her two sons, of her sarcrifices and finally her success. She is highly respected in the comâ€" munity, was always kind and good â€"indeed where are few women of whom it can be moretruly said *‘ the elements so mixed in her that nature might stand up and say " This is a woman." The spirit of pleasure and good fellowsh? took possession of everyone and seldom was there an eyening spent wich so much thorough satisâ€" faction to all. At 8 o‘clock, when toast master Mr. John McArthur took his place and looked over the faces betore him he could not fail to remark that the success of the evening was assured. A farewell banquet in behalf of some guests was given by the Comâ€" mercial Hotel at Priceville on Thursâ€" day evening. Everything in the large dining room was very prettily and graceâ€" tally arranged and the many who were present will not soon forget the merry hours spent there and the genial and honorable company repreâ€" sented. The management was so perfect that no period of the evening saw an embarassing feature. Bangquet at Priceville Hockey Sticks 8. The said Debevtares shall bear it terest at the rate of fire per centun per annum, payable ye@ ly at the sai bank on the 1st day ol October in eac} and every year during the eurrency thert of, and shall bave attached e them con 2. Each of the said debentures shall be signed by theMayor of the said Tawn of Durkam, and by the Treasurer tln3u * of. and the Cierk of tie said Town o/ Dorbkam shall attach thereto the Corâ€" porate seal of the manuicipality. 1. The sum of $4000.00 shall be exâ€" peoded by the Town of Durham in the erecting and building a bridge across the Saugeen Miver and approacthies there bo, at the porus where the sard Riyer inâ€" tersects Garafraza 8t in the Town of Durham. and for the purpose of raising the arid cum of $4000.00, debentures of the said ‘Town of Durham to the said amount ot $4000,00 in the whole shall be issued in sums of not less than $loo each on the first day of September, A D 1908. each of which debentured shall be dated on the dats of the issue thereo!f, and sball bs payable within twenty years thereaiter, uamoly;â€"oue of each of the said debeniures on the first day of the month ot Qctober in each yerr, for iweuty yenrs after the passing of this By.law ad the office of gue Standard Bank of Canada in the said Town of Durkam. THEREFORE, the Municipal Coun. cil of the Corporation ot the ‘Town of Durbam, enacts as follows:â€" ,*/ AND WHEREAS \the amount of the whole rareable propelty of the Town of Dorba.m according t& the last revised assessment roll thereod is $722.745, AND WHEREAS the amount of the #xisting debenture debG of the said Munâ€" icipality is $37184 67 whereof no part of the principal or interest is in arrear, AND WHEREAS the total amount requirod by ""The Municipel Act" to be raised apnually by@special rate for payâ€" ing the said debt aukl interest as hereinâ€" alter provided is $32D.97, . AND WHEREAS it is desirable to issus the saif debentures at oue time and to makel the principal of the said debt repayablb by yearly sums during the period off iweuty years: being the currency of t said debentures ; said yearly sums ng of such respective amounts that thp aggregate amount payâ€" uble in each ybar for prineipal and inâ€" terost in respe$% of the said debt shall be nearly as possible equal to the amount so pejyable in sadh of the cther nineteen years of auch peribd (as shown in schedâ€" ule "A" hereto anrlexed ) AND WHEREAS in‘ order chereto i; wili be necessary to issue cebeutuies of the said Towh of Durtam in the County of Grey for the sum of $4000 a« herein after providdll (which is the amount 0o: the debt intbnuded to be created by this byâ€"law) the froceeds of the said debenâ€" tures to be @pplied to the said purpose aud to no otlier, WHEREAS it is advisable and req uisite that a bridge shall be built o: Garalraza St, at the poiut of intersectio_ of the said atreet, with the Saugeen rirer in the said Town ot Durham : A By.â€"law to sutborize the issue o. Deventures of the Town of Darbam, in the Consety of Grey, to the amount o $4000 for the purpose of building an. erecting a bridge‘ rcross the Baugee: River. and approaches thereto, at th intersection of the said River and Gara fraxa St in the said Town of Durkam. Of the Municipal Corporation of th» Town of Durbam : The programme completed, the guests danced away the happy hours untl daylight warned them ‘twas time to go to work. a& great musician and loves to play the old Highland tunes so dear to our peogle. He was received each time with great applause. _ Jessie Mcâ€" Donald is thegbest and most charmâ€" ing little Sceotch dancer that ever appeared in Priceville. She became at once a general favorite. Mr. Angus McLachlan eatertained the compiny with his feats of dancâ€" ing. Angus is a born contortionist. At stepâ€"dancing he plants his nimble feet so gracetully, lightly and quickâ€" ly and has such a variety of steps with good time that all admired the jolly red haired lad from the N, line. His piesence is always desirable and wherever Angus can hang his hat is home sweet home. the kilt in this village and to see him in full costume with the great military bag pipe over his broad shoulder would make any Seotchman proud. But Hector charmed the company with wonderful playing both on the bag pipes ana violin. _ He is indeed THE DURHAM REVIEW ockey | Byâ€"Law No. 535 TORONTO k HUNTER, Durham, Ont Canada‘s Famous Automobile Skate Lightest, Strongest Handsumest The Aluminum foot plate is the distinguishing mark of see our Notth Window for these Skates and Bells. Call and select your stick while stock is complete. TAKE NOTICE, that the above is a tbrue ecopy of a proposed byâ€"law which has beeri taken into consideration aud which will be finailly passed by the Council of the Municipality of the Town of Dur‘am (ih the event of the assent of the electors being obtained thereto) after one month from the first publication thereof in the "Duorham Review" the date of which first publication was the twelith day of December, A. D,, 1907, and that the yotes of the electors of the said Municipality will be taken thereon, on the day and at the hours and places therein fixed, SCHEDULE "A" Referred to in foregoing Byâ€"lawâ€" Showing how tue atount of $320,97 thereiu required te be raised an annualâ€" ly by special rate is apportioned. YEAR _ PRINCIPAL INTEREST TOTAL 1909 _ $ 120.97 $ 200,n0 $ 820,97 1910 127.02 198.95 820 97 1911 138 .87 187.60 820.97 1912 140,04 18..98 820,97 1913 147.04 17818 820.97 1914 154.89 166 .58 820â€"97 1915 102 11 158%.86 820,.97 1916 170.22 150â€"75 820,97 1917 178.73, 142.24 820,97 1918 187,66 138 .8i 820.97 1919 197.05 128.92 820,97 1920 206.90 + 1214.07 820.097 1921 217,25 103.72 820.97 1922 228 11 92.86 820.97 1928 _ 2839.51 8146 _ 320.97 1924 251,49 69.48 820,97 1925 264.06 56.91 820.4% . 1926 277.27 43.70 820,97 1927 201.18 29.84 820.97 1928 805.68 15 29 #9n O7 Dated at the Council chamber at the Town of Darham the day of Janâ€" uary, A D. 1998. % We are having an upholsterâ€" er the first week in every month. Anyoue wishing old gods renoâ€" vated to look good as ew should advise usâ€"we will b pleased to attend to it at once. Night Calls for ndertaling promptly _ attsnded _ to. door south ms Post Office ED 8 8. The Clerk of the Council of the said Town of Durham shall attend at his office at twelve o‘clock in the forenoon ul Tuesday the seyenth day of January, A. D. 1908, to sum up the number of votes for and against this Byâ€"law. 7. On Saturday the fourth day of Janâ€" oary A D,1908, the Mayor of the said Town of Durham shall attend at the Couneil Chamber at ten o‘clock in the ‘orenogn to nppoint persous to attend at the v&nous polling places aforesaid and at the final summing up of the votes by the ‘Clerk, on behait of the persons interested in, and promoting, or opposâ€" ing the passing of this Byâ€"law respectâ€" ivyely» Has a full line of Curtain Poles, Window Shades, Picture Frames Frames to order of all kinds, West Ward at John Muwrdock’n office by John BGith. Deputy Returntaog Ofiâ€" cer. KRESS, 4. During the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised annualâ€" |ly by special rate on all the ratable property in the Town of Darbam, the lnum of $320.97 for the purpose of ({\aying the amount due in each of the said years | for principal and interest in respect of ihe said debt (as shown in the Schedule ' "A" hereto anvexed.) _ 5. This Bylaw shall take effect on the day of A. D. 198. _ 6. The votes of the electors of the said Town ot \Durham shal: be taken on ths Byâ€"law at the following times and places. that is to say ;â€"On Monday the t6th of January next, commencing at the hour of nine o‘clock in the forencoon and concinuing till five o‘clock in the afterâ€" noon of the same day, by the following deputy returning officers ;â€" Nortb Ward at Archibald Dayidsou‘s office. by Clifton Elvidge, Deputy Reâ€" turning Officer. East Ward at the Town Hail by H H Mockier, Deputy Returning Offlcer. pons for payment ofthe said interest, which coupons shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of the said Town of Durham, $ 4000.00 $ 2419.40 W. B, Vorret, Clerk ockey | The _4 Undertaker $ 200,n0 198.95 187.60 18..98 17818 166 .58 158%.86 150â€"75 142.24 138 .8i 128.92 114.07 81. .46 69.48 56.91 43.70 29.84 15 29 Clerk Mayor $6419.40 $ 320,97 820 97 820.97 820,97 820.97 820â€"97 820,97 820,97 820,97 820.97 320.97 820.97 820.97 820.97 820,97 820.4% . 820,97 820.97 820,97 Light W ons, Lisht bobâ€"sleighs uusy tmc:‘vngou. Wagon boxr gnn- plete, Plows, Harrows, Pulpers, Wind mills and towers, Wire, Wire fencing Btoves, Jron Pig troughs, &¢, Must be sold at once, & m 122 n‘ #4, 40, Con. 18. D, CA Glenelg, 85 aeres cleared, 7 acres bush, Well watered. Good Brick House, Frame, Bank Barn (45x00,) $ mile from proâ€" J station on new C. P. i, Line, &:venient to School ana P. O. Fur. ther particulars Apply on the premisea, Jounx lchimwu, Pron Lot 27v %- Con 85 aeres cleared, Containing 50 acres mor Oor less, Good land, well watered. { ood brick house and frame barn w th stone basement stables, On goc : leading line of road, 1% miles from the town of_Durham and adjoining the new C P R track, 4 mile from sch ol. Win sell right to quick buyer, ‘on‘t miss a good opportunity, ‘FRop fuither parâ€" ticuiuiz apply at the Revir â€" OrFICR, McKinwon 100 acre fap Rocky, Immediate possess For turthep particulars app We beg to announce tha.t be open to buy any quantity all kinds including shing} > tim ber delivered to our yard, will be quoted on applyi . Company‘s office. THR Dornay Furxi i JOHN CLARK The qualities Farmers Washers, Sewing Mackines, Do not wear out your good carpet with a poor broom when you get a carpet sweeper cheap. Skates for every person. be found anywhere. Our Clauss Razors are ali wanted. Eirap§s and shaving soap in abundance. Do not forget that we have the best selected stock of Razors that can In sleighs we lead. _ Small boy‘s s]gighs 25¢, Girl‘s sleighs 4 ic, Coastâ€" 10 0R C LCE ECAE mIvIGUC T.V, VORSE ers 95¢c. Toboggans $°, and coasting bobs $3. DEERING In cutleey we are wel‘ stockedâ€" Pearl handle kuives and i rks, Celâ€" luloid bandle knives and tciks, Bone handle knives and fork:, Silver bandle knives and forks, Carving sets of every description »nd other kIinds tovo numerous to ment »n. HARVESTERS We have a great many «rticles in Silverware suitable tor hriscmas presents. _ Water Pitcher Pudding Dish, Tea Set, Smoking 8 1t, Crumb Tray, Berry Spoon. Gravy Ladle; Meat Fork, Sugar Ton:s, Sugar Spoon, Butter knife, Cheese ‘coop etc. You will always find ¢ seasonable at THE HA STORE. Farm for Sale or t SKATES ! SKATES! and Farm Machinery, We assure you of courteous treatment. We invite you to call on us. _ We promise that such a visit will be a pleasure. We have a line of Holiday Goods that cannot fail to interest you. Don‘i make Christmas shopâ€" ping the hardest kind of work,. Don‘t get all fagged out for Christâ€" mas day. _ Try this Store as a shopping place. Make Christmas Buying a Pleasure Reliable & Durable Farm for Sale Logs Wanted For Sale Drug Store G UN‘S A. H. JacicBox . < Black pe want. , Churns, &¢ i at the M given, ) Let. UREK Co, + _ Prices & at the we will of logs of and lath Y Pmp i Bogar ©oop etc. stockedâ€" rks, Celâ€" ks, Bone erything DWARE O“M lotlon h..‘ of BI‘D sor We carry llc(iowa.n'n. Milver. ton, Ayton, Royal Household, Five Roses, & Latimer For Fresh Christmas Groceries, Fruits and Oysters, Try Matthews If you need a Christic of are giving special prices Caps in abundance, MATTHEws & LATIMER All kinds of tea, Spices and extracts Brown, Cranulated and lcing sugars Fruit Celors, Jumbo Candics. caused by inferior Groceries. \W have all the ingredients for you Christmas delicacies such as Christmas Cooking The Average Woman DECEMBER 12, 1907 Does not need to worry about he: rospective harp and crown ; but end ess worry is caused by the failures it The New Railroad Bridge Seeded and Seedless Raisins, Curâ€" rants, Candied peels, Comfits, Chocolates, Cocoa, Coffee. VaeFartane & C.s. Come aud see how we manage to wait on you €) Across the River in town is causing a great deal of talk since it was Started. Many are predicting that it will not stand the test when the floods come in the Spring, Other that there wiil be a big jam when the freshlet comes, and will be carried away . We would not like to have that come to past but we would like to see people jam and fill our store and get the bn;gu'ns we are giving in new Dress Goods Furs, Boots and Shoes, Undcrwur, etc. Jmoh’ny Jot, Cased Pipe or Cobacco Pouch Otd Chum W)eerschaum Ptayor‘s VYavy Cut Witts Yaoey Cut Stasgow Wifixturos See our stock of Collars and Handkerchiefs for Xmas. Christmas SGif t3 Druggists and Booksellers For In Flour The above selection is the pidh of the tobaccos of two continents. All are sold at lowest prices. choice seâ€" lection of We have a firstâ€"class sclecâ€" tion of the above mentioned goods. We also stock a No present is more appreci ated by husband, brother o â€"ah ~â€" some _ otherbody‘ brother than a MHyman‘s or Fedora we Clubb‘s odaccos will Men‘s Of 4 |

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