Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 5 Dec 1907, p. 5

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ASH ar in tthing r good ictical n little 07 ssort rham tS In ing JÂ¥ best * the nt d an nt of Ad ny §DEC. Headquarters for Solid Gold Rings DARLINGS at prices B“-‘y your @Aristmas PDresents at Darlz'ng’s DECEMBER 5, 1907 DARLINGS DRUG STORE â€"â€"Reather Qoods â€"â€"@bony, Goilet and JYfaniours Sots â€"â€"Rerfume, largest stooXk in Qrey o. aaloe ks t en csnls ces ie is s ralan nc ofi is im ~ that defy competition. , The P The Jeweller, Durham . A. WEBSTER eople‘s Druggists Mr, Hector McDonald was early on the scene and enlivened the proceedâ€" ings by excellent music on the pipes to which many of the youang men reâ€" sponded by giving exhibitions of step dancing and eyen some of the older ones could not resist the temptation and did credit toa passing generaâ€" tion. There is nothing that will make an old Seot forget he has rheamatism better than the bagpipes. â€" Little Jessie McDonald alsogave an exhibâ€" ition of sword dancing which receivâ€" ed well merited praise. â€" A few songs were cheerfully given by different parties and thus an hour or so was spent when in the midst of their enâ€" Joyment the bell rang tor supper and everybody dropped ;his tune and inâ€" stinctiyely prepared to allay the cravings of the inner man. About 80 sat to supper and did credit to the good things set betore them (oysters not excepted) and chatted: and enâ€" in which they completed their task and up to about 8 o‘clock the rattiing of buggy wheels over the frozen ground betokened the gathering of the clans. The committee who had the sup» perin charge were busy from early dusk getting oysters and other things in an edible shape and much credit is due them for the efflicient manner Mr. Patrick Bolger, hotel keeper of Priceville, under the auspices of the Sons ol Seotland of that place whose social relations and business dealings with Mr. Bolger since he has resided in Priceville have been of the most friendly and satisfactory character and as a fitting sequel to a pleasant past they decided to have an oyster supper in his honour and make him and his wile and family the honoured guests of the evening and present them with an address as a memorâ€" ial sevting forth the good will and kindly feelings of the society tuward them on the eve of their departure trom the yillage. On the night of the 26 th November & very pleasant svocial event of unusâ€" ual interest took place at the home of " Tuat after thoroughbly investigating the complaints of the Grand Jury, reâ€" «ardiug the condition and management of the House of Refuge at Markdale, we, as a County Council, find that there is no canse whatever for the criticisws of the Grand Jury of the said County o‘ Grey, but that the inmates are all well and comfortably eared for, having an abundzsace of wilk, vegstables and gocd substautial food, as indicated by the special investigations held by Dr. Bruce Bmith, Government Inspector. Alj dairy produce and all vegetableg requirâ€" el. are nsed by the inmates and those in charge, and mose of the remarks of the Grand Jury are quite out of place and mavy of them untrae. We find that ihe managing committee and the mavager are fully exonerated, and not deserving of the criticism passed upon them and the House by toe Grand Jury, and the Grand Jury are deserying of severe censure for passing such sriticism without haying fully gone into all the facts in connection with the matter." . of S. Banquet . Mr. P. Bolger The special committee arpointed to etamine into the statements made by the grand Jury, reported the charges groundless after thorongh examination, the manager exonerated frow ali biams and the Jary wasa reprimanded. Mr Harness was present and mande a lengthy address, denying the personal charges, stating his belief that they had spruny from animus on the part of Mesers Witthun and Arlidge of Mealord. ‘The Vanager was crossâ€"examined by several members acd came ont of it we‘ll, the ‘ following resolution Leing passed : â€" The reports of the vatr ous comumittees were all easily disposed of but oneâ€" that pertaining to the House of Refuge the dissussions leadiug to and following which were the feature of the session , The salaties of the manager and matâ€" ron of the House of Refuge were incrensâ€" ed to $400 und $300 respectiyely ; chair. man of standing committee‘s were voted $10 each in addivion to pay, _A vots ofi thanks and §100 were giyen to Warden Pedweli and assuravnee that ho was mA joily good felluw." Tenders bad been accepted for a bridge on County line at Scone to cost $8660 and similarly for the Pottawaâ€" tamie bridge for $8650. | _ The Finance Committee‘s report reâ€" commended payment fo Town of Owen Sound $10, G. Binnie $3, confirmed Sreasurer‘s statement of $600 paid to the various Agricultural Societios and also siatement of Auctioneers‘ and Pedâ€" lars‘ licenses, _ That a grant of $500 to noncommissioned officers and mer. of the 81st Regiment, and that the other counâ€" ties in the provyince be asked to join with this County in memorizing she Doâ€" «ninion Goyernment to increass the pay of the uncommissioned officers aund men of the Canadian militia, sufficient to secure a good supply of reeruits for the force, ofthe right stamp, _ Report was adopted. ’ Demands on our space last week comt pelled us to curtail County council news, jand this week we giyg‘ & coliddusation, County Council. Oxce upon a time a man went down to his front gate one morning and stopâ€" ped the milkman. _ "Say," he called, "I want you to leare milk here after thist How much is it a quart? "Five cents," responded the milkmai. "Well here is 35 cents, that will pay for a Signed on behalf of Scots Greys Camp No 87, Sons of Scotland, Priceâ€" ville. J. A. Frrausox, A. CaRMICHAERL, P. F. McArtHUR Therefore we ask you to fraternize with us to night, 1ot as a Son of Scotâ€" land but as a brother and fellow memâ€" ber of that greatest and grandest of ;}l societies, ‘"The Brotherhood of AD," You haye made many friends during your residence here, and the gifts and attributes that nature has sn freely bestowed upon you leaves us no room for misgiyings as to your ability to gam friends wherever you go. {‘he friendly relations tbat have always exâ€" isted between you and us has promptâ€" ed us to meet here to night in your honor and in a formal way to give exâ€" pression to our feelings of deep regret at your degurture from among us and while we believe the Society of "Sons of Scotland" to be one of the vest and \ take pride in the fact that we are of Scotrish origin, we also note with adâ€" miration the same patriotic inclinaâ€" tions in yourself, in reference to your own country, Our best wishes go with you durinfi your departure from this village an we trust that fortune may smile on you wherever you may locate. Of a genial disposition agreeable in manners, sociable at all times and pleasing to everybody. _ We find in you all the qualifications necessary for a person in your occupation and we haye always Geemed it a pleasure to associate with you. We have also found you a gentleâ€" man in the true sense ‘of the term : geuerous and offhanded, always wilâ€" ling to oblige and often doing so to your own inconvenience, In order to attend our regular camp meetings many of us haye to come quite a distance to the village and we are often detained on acconnt of bus* iness or pleasure until a yery late hour but it is always gratifying to us to know that our norses were comfortabâ€" le in your stable and that we could get them out at any time we called for them, ‘This is one of the many things . we feel indebted to you for and we take this occasion to tender you ourl sincere thanks I LC lhined WPhtaricsd ds 1 A s } appreciate the many acts of kindnees performed tor us by you in times past,. _ To swoop down upon you in this manner and make your house the scene of this festal gathering is only the natural outcome of a friendship that always existed between us and that grew stronger as we became betâ€" ter acquainted. _ You were always kindly disposed toward us as a society aud at our concerts and festal gatherâ€" ings which we have had from time to. time you were often present and added materially to the entertainment and as individual members your conduct toward us has always been such as to merit the highest praise, oJ _ 5. 7. °0 9 Fecals many and varied pleasant associations and none that even tainted of an unpleasant nature, We meet here toâ€"night as a camp of the ons of Scotland Benevolent Asâ€" sociation to pattake of our annual oyster supper and we ask you and your esteemed wife and family to be our guests, We do this in your honor and to show you in a feeble way that we appreciate the many acts of kindnees: Phiain Pn sewe lb a qs c0c l i ) 3 99 0 L I AÂ¥a Â¥hu, ... __ _ _ ~CCCAHEGC ANC We ren. lize that in your dep«rture from among us we are losing a kind and obliging Irieud, When we look back over the past ten years or so that you have resided bhere in the occupaiion of hotel keeper vur memory recalls many and variad i Joyed â€"themselves Toronto, October 22nd, 1907. THE DURHAM REVIEW per cent (6%/) per annum on the capital stock of this Bank has been declared for the period of four (4) months ending November 30th, 1907, and that the same.will be payable at the Head Office and at the Branches on and after Monday, the 16th day of December next. The transfer books will be closed from the 1st to the 14th day of December, both days inclusive. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD, F,. G. JEMMETT, General Manager. DURHAM BRANCH J. C. Telford, w ae The Sovereign Bank of Canada Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of six T it drs idontaak w4 â€" us by you in times past, cassla D ll d suns T &5 «onl esnt en tss c rvammesmenpeggnmmens corcagen s lves immensely and 8t was over they set to away the dishes and The Reyiew, W, Globe, Sun, W. Mail & Empire and W. Witness all give balance of this year free to new subscribers for 1907, All subscribers to Daily World beâ€" fore Dec, 1st, will get 15 months straight for price quoted. Review and W. Globe to end 1907 25¢ Review to Jan. Ist 1908. ... ...... . 10¢ Combinations of three or more paners wy y q Z0 OO EM y us se s s a 400 (World for 15 mos,) Other combinations made known on application, ) | week." And that worthy citizen went ‘| into his breakfast. _ For all that week ‘| the milkman faithfully left the milk | on the doorstep each morning and afâ€" ) ter the week was up he contmued to leave it and the citizen continued to | take it inside and use it. Things went on this way for a year, and finally the _ milkman presented a bill for milk for ]flfty one weeks, _ "But I only ordered | mulk of you for one week. You should ’hnye stopped when the time was up," said the citizen. _ "Have you not reâ€" ceiyed the milk each morning and used it ?" asked the milkman, ‘"Yes, but I thought you were giving it to me," said the citizen. **You‘re a blamâ€" ed fool or else you‘re a terrible liar," replhed the quick tempered milkman. *‘*And if you don‘t pay for that milk I will have the iaw on you." The man paid up. Should you ask us the name of this citizen, we can only tell you that it is the sameZman that took the lecai paper for several vears, and then refused to pay for it because he had only paid fora year when he subscribâ€" ‘ and claimed he thought that the pubâ€" ‘ iisher was giving it to him.â€"Ex, Review and Weekly Globe .. .. .$1.25 Review and Farmers‘ Sun i*++++*1,.76 Review and W. Mail & Empire..1.70 Review and Montreal W. Wit. ..1.60 Review and Family Her, & Star.1.75 Review and Daily Globe ... ... . .. 4.40 Review and Daily World ... ... ..2.80 2/ AAmons of Uhree or more papers can also be made at reduced rates. Yearly Clubbing Offers, | Calder Block, Durham / | HE‘SELLS CHEAP. â€"Doll Purniture â€"Christmas Decorations It doesn‘t need advertising to sell such things, but people need reminding that it pays to do their Christmas Shopping early. More to choose from now and always an advantage in first choice. The stocks we‘re show ving are easily the best in town. TORONTO and Christmas Cheer. Children‘s things set a lively pace with new and attractive novelties in The Store is all enthusiasm these days with Come and see Santa Claus â€"Iron Toys â€"Children‘s" Games â€"Mechanical Toys â€"Picture Books Christmas Goods . BEAN "Cvlbintentiediiihichtccicds c d k 60004 A & ber Shop, REEIDENCE â€" First house south Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Bhop, siow IE.oonsâ€"Next to 8wallow‘s Barâ€" Embalming a Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Office. Licensed Auctioneer for the Co, promptly mttended to. Rat Orders m.ll be left at his J; nrogm. McKinnon‘s old stand, c aa JOHN CLARK C m Terms moderate, A ements for sales as to dates, &c., must be m%e At the Review Ofâ€" fice, Durham, ss«* Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon P. O., will be promptly attended to, Terms on application to Barrister, Solieitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner, Money to Loan, e amais e OMce, over Gordon‘s Jewelry Store DURHAM, ONT. (Lower Town) ARTHUR or to 42 tuction.cers. is cA 4 i 5 1 Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers &e. Money to Loan, Ofllce. Mclntyre Block over the Bank A. G. MacKay K. C. W F Mua_ Insurance Agent, Money | Issuer of Ma: riage Licenses eral financial business tr p2,, fite Royal College Dental Surgeon uate 1 Co e urgeon Denllatry in :ll its n:ncne-. Officeâ€"Calder‘s Block, over Post . w oo n t ty es 19 s Hiy HONOR GRADUATE Toronto UMVOPI“) Grad "â€"* jate Royal College Danear ol CCS Licensed Auctioneer tor Co Univeuity, graduate of Royal College of Dental Sur eons of Ontario. Rooms Over J & J gUNTEB's New Btore W. C, PICKERING D. D S., L D8 Office ._McePHAIL Late assistant to Moorfleld‘s (London, Eng to Knapp‘s (New York) én Hospitals. Full line of Catholic Robes and _ black and white Caps for aged â€" people. Member COollege o:hm and Surgeons flce and Residence Cor. Qarafraxa d Geo. (-). Bt., t 100% of nolfl. Old Moodie Oo.l'.ic. OFFICE HOURS 9â€"11 a. m 24 p. m, Telephone Connection No. 10 motary Public, Commissic CONYEYANCER, &c Eye, Ear, Nose & Throat J. G. HUTTON, M. D., C. M Honor GRADVATE â€" F.GRANT D. 0.s \ 7 to 9 P, x. #@> Bpecial attention ven to Diseases 0f Wo-undchfidnn. ARTHUR GUN , 18 FYORHIBH 5 1 MACKAY & DUNN, A. BELL . MePHAIL, Ceylon P. 0 C. RAMAGE, Durham Ceylon bas a telephone office. DBIRT Tayt, HOURS ; M ILIDLECA L â€" P. TELFORD Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey, DR. BURT °7@ VA dit 2+ Paverciax & Surexonr, t J. Ap. HMunter‘s Store _ j 8 to 10 a.x. . Money to Loan Commissioner â€"_JACKSON Imple ment Wareâ€" orat the Reviaw . over Post Office . Of Grey, Bales tes _ reasonable London, Eng) and es, A genâ€" transacted W F Dunn of Toronto . Grey {4 1@ en n

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