28, 1907 tt1cent Paul lUry ilver hold, ’a’a. â€"all wool, eced wool each. idge F1 To /u/{y ana/ CX+~ HUR ed into a conâ€" 1e American of New York, Vindsor, (one liable houses ut) to handle ‘ under the "AD, indâ€" Cr Cardiâ€" s‘ Cardiâ€" erman‘s within s com 4 us to chasâ€" 7 and these ed at ‘rist eart Ts T $ v memete pamganpzopein @f: ik/& Headquarters for Solid Gold Rings DARLINGS Besides these goods of our the Standard Remedies. Pri are the result of long experience in this line and we do kno use and guarantee our remedies to be absolutely harmless mixed in the proper proportions. Darlings Condition Powders Darlings Cough P Darlings Horse and Cattle Food Darlings Heave F These are unexcelled for their respective uses. This class of goods is in great demand at this season and in view of the l'(“t that l;:ht:re are a great number of di!;erenthprfgar:etiom %nlt)tle market, purchasers they shou careful to should note these R.5.°n'3 Why lmo);v what and from whom they are buying, because in nearly all cases the manufacturers of these goods know absolutely nothing about the ingredients thet go to make up a good remedy. NOVEMBER 231907 DARLINGS RUBY OILâ€"The best liniment. DARLINGS TRIâ€"PHENOLâ€"The universal : L:%idcs theslf goods of our own manufacture, c kn in da eA es sns § ces y : 20. & . D cterinary PPemodics DARLINGS DRUG STORE J)arlings‘ Remedies , The dur own manufacture, we carry a full line of Private formulae receive close attention. The Jeweller, Durham. eople‘s Druggists universal stable disinfectant Darlings Cough Powders Darlings Heave Remedy . WEBSTER and we do know what we , pure and Thke bible never went wrong: Other Societies, churches, Professors, Miniâ€" sters, sometimes did : but this messenâ€" ger of God was unerring anc, therefore it should have a first place in our prayers aod in our offerings. Science of late had made enormous studies in wireless telegraphy. balloonâ€" ing, &c., but the " flying rolil " of God‘s word ages before these were heard of made conquests and even toâ€"day was entering into countriee like Italy, hitkerto forbidden, but now priesta and people are reading and allowed to read, the word. abe to report of a surplus of $60,000 and Canada gave some $14,000 of that. The Bible Society has an income of | $1,000,000, for a number of years back | there was a deficit, but now they were | able to report of a surnine af &an m | sorrow and affliction, all men u No book of fiction or science or hist has a record at all approaching this Mr. Ashdown in his address sud the keynote of the Society was * Advance," and the great outstanding means of ady:.ncement was the work of the colporteurs who by tact and patience Q‘resemed the rure words of the bible, Nearly six mnullion copies of the Bible bad been distributed by the yarious unssionary societies, in 102 languages, the New Testament in over 100 more, while portions of the scriptures had been sent out to about 200 more, makâ€" ing 400 liyving languages supplied with the book of books, to which in days of sorrow and affliction, all men turn :“Ju book of flcl.im‘l or science or history ie Wnsc e ol 1 i. $X Mr, Jas, Snell, President, opened the meeting with praise and J)ruyer. after which the choir gave and at intervais thereafter, some appropriate selecâ€" tions, The collection amounted to $14. Officers for next vear are: President, J, C,. Adams; Vice Pres., Alfred Tucker; Secretery, Geo. Lothian; Treas., J. M. Findlay, the two latter being reâ€"elected. es ut y o o $ ts yoare mtnr Lot27, S0, Con. 1 S. D. : . Glenelg. susenssreee 85 aeres cleared, 7 acres busb. Woell Ia Amos Church Monday evening*| watered. Good Brick House, Frame, I8th Nov., though only one day‘s notâ€"| Bank Barn (45x00.) 4 mile from proâ€" ice was given, »goodly number turned | posed station on new C. P. 1. Line. out to assist with their presence and | Convenient to School and P. O. Fur: their interest the great mission work | ther particulars apply on the premises. of giving the bible to those who are in / Joun MCAkTHUR Prop want and who know it not. ’l‘hey, were re\vu'rdeg by(lll]mvi?‘gx gge 44e | *temctwmanoâ€"amemesrcanibeanemmsmsme ommc cmmmemmmstinn dress given by Rev, Chas, R. Ashdown, agent of the society from Hamilton For Sale. Presbytery, who spoke as having the| Light Wagons, Light boh-sleighs.‘ cause at hea:t, Heavy truck waron Warnn how mm . Bible Society Meeting The purpose of the Social was to purchase a new banner. _A speech from Mr, Clark brought the program to a cluse. Good ordee and feeling prevailed better than is usual at meetings of this kind,. _ After the good things of the boxes had been disposed of the proâ€" gram was 7iven fnally closing with the Nation«al Anthem, The box Social held »t the Orange Hall. Greenside, Egremont. on ihne eyening of Tuesday, the 19th inst. was crowded to its utmost capacity. Aucâ€" tioneer Clark wielded the hammer and realhzed good ayrrage prices hovering around 55c, the highest fetching $1.40 helooging to Miss Tena Eckhardt and Qlurchued by Mr T. A. Arrowsmith, Mr. Geo Lothiin was called to the chair and conducted the meeling in bis well known able style. _ Recitaâ€" tions were given by MrG. A. Watson, Mutin Wilson, Grace Muir, Jno. Wil son, Reaben Watson, Phil Harrison. Music in duetts and solos by Misses Watt and Lothian, Miss Eimnma Brown, W in. W. Ramage and W, Richardson, so a reading by Thos Atchison. ‘The string band of the neighborhood disâ€" coursed sweet music at inlervals the members of which are, Messrs David Hooper, Jas. Hargrave and Matthâ€" ew Hooper _ Miss Clara Hooper acâ€" companied on the organ,. Some 36 boxes were sold realizing $19.90, the adiunission at the door realizing $14 40. Mr Cicrk sang "Ccome all ye jolly shepnerds," and as an encore sang * a wee wifle o‘ youtr ain," A vore ol’l thanks was given to all the performers Archie McMillan and his facher, Priceville, visited Colin MeMillan for a couple ot days this week. Mr. Rob. Taylor shot a fine fox one day last week. Rob is getting to be quite a good shot. Miss Belle Dixon visited her sister, Mrs Robt Renwick Jr., last Sunday. Rev. Mr, Matheson and Mrs. Mathâ€" eson, Priceville, called on Rev, Mr. Kendall last Friday. Mrs Jno. Laughton leayes on Thursâ€" il{gy to join her husband in South iver. Miss Hattie Watt leaves on Thursâ€" day for Toronto. Hattie nlwaFn bas a bright smile and a cheerfail word for everg one and will be yery much missed by old and young. The trustees of the school held a meeting Saturday night to discuss having a school concert. â€" It was deâ€" cided to have it in December. \ Miss Maggie Wilson, Boothville, visited Dromore friends a few days this week, The Dromore branch of Women‘s Institutes will meet at the home of Mrs Robt Renwick Sr., the first Wedâ€" nesday in December. _A good proâ€" gram is being prepared _ All ladies are invited to attend. Toronto, October 22nd, 1907 Notice is hereby given that a dividend at the rate of six per cent (6%/) per annum on the capital stock of this l?nk has been dsclared for the period of four (4) months en mgt November 30th, 1907, and that the same will be payable a the Head Office and at the Branches on and after Monday, the 16th day of December next. h The transfer books will be closed from the 1st to the 14th day of December, both days inclusive. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD, F. G. JEMMETT, General Manager. DURHAM BRANCH J. C. Telford, w k The Sovereign Bank of Canada o e 4 es s Dromore. Light Wagons, Light bohâ€"sleighs, Heavy truck wagon, Wagon box comâ€" plete, Plows, Harrows, Pulpers, Wind mills and towers, Wire, Wire fencing, Stoves, Jron pig troughs, &c. Must be sold at once. A. H. Jacksox, Assignee. Containing 50 acres more or less. Good lund, well watered. _ Good brick house and frame barn with ston« bkasement stables, On good leading line of road, 14 miles from the town of _ Durhiam and adjoining the new C P R track,. 4 mile from school. Will sell right to quick buyer, _ Don‘t miss a good opportunity. For further parâ€" t,icu;aIrfls apply at the ReviEw OrFicE. Nov. 5th 1907, McKin@won J00 acre farm a Rocky, â€"Immediate possession For turther particulars apply to In Upper Townâ€"9 rooms, bath furnace, Apply to Wax. B1 We hbeg to announce that we will be open to buy any quantity of logs of all kinds including shingle and lach timber delivered to our yard, _ Prices will be quoted on applying at the Company‘s office. Tur Durnax Furxitur® Co. It was as usual a grand success. Many came in to see the winter styles in fur and velvet. Since then we made a lg:clal trip to the city and brought back some very new ideas inhow fur and velyets are done. We will show the newest styles and be in a position to give you something exclusive. You won‘t be meeting your own hat every time you go down town. _ We aiso bought a large stock of new goods at a great disâ€" count and will give our custoâ€" mers the benefit of it. _ Our stock is larger than before and a larâ€" ger yvariety to choose from. We will keep a larger stock of first class millinery all season. _ Our trade is so extensive we find it necessriry to always keep on band a grand supply of the bust in Millinery. Parisian Millinery Co. Miss Dick. __Try our Cream Bread and Hearth Loaf. They are delâ€" icious. G. H. STINSON We give special attentio® to our bread and for anything in that line, we can satisfy you. LAST WEEK we HELD our‘= SECOND MILLINERY DISPLAY ! THE MODEL, BAKERY. Farm for Sale or to Let. Winter Millinery THE DURHAM REVIEW Farm for sale. Farm for Sale. HMHouse to Let, Logs Wanted Manager & P. TELFORD, Durham ns, bath and Wa. Brack. at the given,. Proven Steel Tracks, Singer Sewing Machines, Walkerton Marble Works, The Bell Organ & Piano Co., Churns and Washing Machines, srantford, Brockville, Grey Carriages We are sole Agents in Dusham tor the above well known Implementsâ€" Binders, Mowers, Dills‘ Harrow s Disc Caltivators, Mare Spread ers Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Ha Tedâ€" ders, Masseyâ€"Harris Cream Sep‘rators The Masseyâ€"Harris Co. Intending Students should enter at the begin aing of the term if possible. _ Board can be ob tained at reasonable rates. Durham is a healthy and attractive town, making it a most desirable place for residence. Wm. Jonnston,Sr., C. Ramage, Chairman. Becretal THOS8. ALLAN, 1st Class Certificate, Principal MISS JESSIE McKENZIE LOGAN, B. A., Honor Graduate of Toronto University,â€"French, Latin, Composition, and Literature. MISS DONALDA MeKERRACHER, B. A., Gradâ€" uate of Queen‘s University and First Profesâ€" sional Certificate, â€"Algebra, Arithmetic, Hisâ€" tory and Geography. Staff and Equipment. The school is thoroughly equipped in teachi ability, in chemical and electrrcal supplies 533 Attings, &c., for full Junior Leaving and Matricâ€" ulation work. The following competent staff are in charge : Lots of other property for saile. Moâ€" ney to Lend. All kinds of busiâ€" ness attended to. Would be a great bargain. So are the following properties at the prices asked : 100 acres. Durham Road, Bentinck, Good dwelling, frame bank barn, good soil. Conyenient location, only $2500. 200 acres, Glenelgâ€"fine bank barnâ€" good frame dwellingâ€"other good improvements, only $3000, 40 acres Garden Land, Durham Road Bentinck, $1500° A enap. 250 acres on Garafraxa Roadâ€"fine buildings, good fences, good soil. To quick buyer at $6500. 100 acres, Bentinck,â€"owner in west. price $2700. _ Buildings worth the moneyâ€"farm for nothing. McQueen & Morice A Dollar for Lenahan Durham School We are pr Stock Food We have a good assortment of all these lines and our prices are right. _ Henry Boker‘s Skates in different j lines are our leaders. The right place to get your House Furnishings in lines of Furniture, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Hs spuey m nc s t e e / 100 â€" _ seue & . C %\ FEES: $1 per month in advance. Hardware & Furniture Full line of Pratt‘s Celebrated Stock Food for horses, ock F. 00(1 cows, sheep, pigs, poultry. Once used, always used. ‘ ¢ . iccs, 1 orse Blank ets lv):?::.ents:tev:gse,mt?lfl‘erent prices, but all good are prepared to supply you with almost any kind of frame. If we have not readyâ€"made ones to suit you, then we can make ones which will suit you,. We‘re also Agents for H. H. MILLER, The Hanover Conveyaner ONTA Fifty Cents icture Framing TORONTO Plcks, Etce. In this department we have many lines which would be suitable for Christmas Presents and also suitâ€" able for any home. Our stock is complete in Sideboards, Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Springs, Mattresses, Chairs, Rockers, etc., and is worthy of your inspection. Also a full line of Window Shades Curtain Poles, Pole Trimmings,etc A full line of Fashionable Furnishings for men and boys All the very latest in Collars and Ties Gloves and Hose Hats, Caps, Shoes. and much more we can4 tell you of this week. We beg to annouuce to the people of Durham and vicinâ€" ity that we haye opened up in J. C. NICHOL‘S STORE New! New! New! Embalming a Specialty. Picture Framing, Shortest Notice SI{OWflBOOHSâ€"-Ne!t to 8wallow‘s Barâ€" ber Shop.ï¬v l es n o ResipENCE â€" First house south Lawrence‘s Blacksmith Shop. UNDERTAKER and Funeral Director Don‘t forget to call and see us if you want a lamp This fall we have them from.... .....25¢ up 4plecepteued;lsu’rsbleseust........mnnet Fine imitation cut glass preserve dishes at Men‘s Cardigan Jackets at 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50 each Ladies‘ fall and winter Underwear from ...25¢ up Bee our lines of 25¢and 50¢ DRESS GOODS for fall and winter. Floor Oileloth, 1 yd, 114 yas and 2 yas wide Smyrna Ru;l.wxaolnl................l.ooesch Large 72x72 bed comforters, .. .. . .$2 and 3.( Large 11x4 Flannellette Blankets in white NE EEBRY s n 200000 0000 000000 00e w ie c 100 00 o 0 Gents‘ Furnishings THE BIG John H. Rose All our experience at your rvice. Call and see us. Full line of Catholic Robes and _ black and white Caps for aged people. A, BELL urniture cIntosh. . BEAN HE $2 and 3.00 each SELLS CHEAP $1.25 pr of IN NEW QUARTERS d farm proper ‘.\..nm:.cu: ) 1N8ures residence ind farm property upon the latest known plans mor 4 year blanket policies issued ou the annual 8 stalment or one Jnyment system under the most favorable conditions to the insured. Insure in the best. If your insurance expires this year eall on, or drop a card to The strongest purely Mutual Fire Insurance Co. in Ontario, â€" A reoordy without a paraliel and & just nw;rdhlor honest efforts. Licensed and t ; nt ; j nWpSCHed bY the Government ; insures residence MUTUAL FIRE iNSURANGE compPany Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Grey, Licensed Auctioneer for the Co. of Grey, Sales Promptiy â€" attended to. _ Rates u:con.ble Orders may be left at his imple ment Wareâ€" aoon, lcilnnou'o old stand, orat the Review FARMERS‘ CENTRAL JOHN CLARK d42atictioncers. and have ï¬leunre in announcing that I will in the fature bave havs pleasure in meeting in more commodious Tunen. all my old friends and I trust man 5 new ones. Promptness and fa dealâ€" ing will continue to be my motto, Yours for business Licensed Auctioneer for Co, Grey Terms s ts for sales as io niirieeg mas br madonrais, for, sales on tice, Durham, | s3« Correspondence addressed there, or to Ceylon p, O., will be promptly attended to, l‘enuou.ppuosuon to and have Aiter two years in business in Durham I° thank beartily the many farmers and others who bavefavored me with their trade Barrister, Soliecitor in Supreme Court Notary Public Commissioner, Money to Loan, RZ~2t ()mce, over Gordon‘s Jewelry in DURKHAM, onT. (Lower ARTHAUR tï¬ ts catls .. 4.3 1 1 Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &e. Money to Loan, Olflce. Mclutyre Block over the Bank A. G. MacKkay K.C. W or mo 0 Mcintyre Bilockâ€"Lambton St, Barclay and Bell‘s old stand rrmp O Rirtiadicctacts ts A. .. 4 24â€" HONOR Grapuarge Toronto University Grag late Royal Co] Dental Surgeon Dentistry in alt its mcne-. Ofticeâ€"Oaldep‘s MHIOCH. u.mP Hanes ons _ or to Over Univenity. graduate of Dental Surgeons af lusurance Agent, Money to Issuer of Marriage Licenses, . eral â€" financial business trar W. C, PICKERING p. DS., L Ds M Suis k _: Late assistant to ;;..‘:M to Knapp‘s (New York NEIL MeCANNEL, Head Office : Walkerton, Ont, _ MePHMHAIL_.» lonhotOoqu Ph“yxhn and Burgeons Lo {*)fice and Residence Cor. Gerafraxa and Geo. â€" Bt., wt 1oot of Kolfl. Old Moodie Corner, OFFICE HOURS 9â€"11 a. m 2â€"4 p. m, Telephone Connection No. 10 J. G. HUTTON, M. D. C M _ to Knapp‘s (New York) bye Hoapicere) *** Eye, Bar, Nose & Throat J. F.GRANT p. D.Ss Honor GRADUaATE wmotary Public, #@° Bpecial attention Women and C ARTHUR GUN CARD OF THANKS , 18 Frost 8t, â€" . MACKAY & Dunn M DLEA L. DEX TaAyt _ _" O CADUVAIE of Toronto rsity, graduate of Roya) College tal Surgeons of Ontario, Rooms J & J l‘fUNTER'& New Store Â¥ o mne l n C Ey NP C. RAMAGE, Durban Ceylon has a telephone oftice, HOURS « MePHAIL, Ceylon J. P. TELFORD CONYEYANCER, &c memmmmmmmmmmesss222..,. 2 2205% + Mclellan. ~VaAs V AN; AL+ u.' hrnmuasvm. t J. ApJ. Munter‘s Store 8 to 10 a.x. & l:{ 2 to 4 r.xj f 7 to 9 P, x. DR. BURT Commissioner . over Post Office Jewelry Store ~â€" â€" Owen Sound Town) JACKSON ven to Diseases of es, A genâ€" transacted W F Dunn Loan