The oldest and strongest business school» All facilities are of the best. Students receive expert instruction and persona attention and are assisted to positions \\l'me for catalogne of this live upâ€"toâ€"dat, Ols. T. M. WATSON, Principa Open year round--Ent_e! any time E ine blel;:r’el g::;(il:; :?s(ivg:tet:;ns just arrived, so come in and examâ€" g A Full, Complete Line of Dress Goods Y, M. C. A. Bldg,, Yonge & McGill Sts TORONTO THE PEOPLES STORE and in placing all its graduates, Each student is taught separateâ€" ly at his own desk. Trial lessong for one week free. Visitors welcome. Open Sept. 2. W. T. CLANCY, Principal, Day and Night Classes. Leads in Bookâ€"keeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Commercial Law, Comâ€" mercial Correspondence, Plain Business Writing, Business College BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Ornamental Writing, Fresh Groceries always on hand. BUTTER & EGGS WANTED For Fall, mixed tweeds in checks and stripes in all shades, browns, gseens, reds and grays. j We carry everything necessary to a gentleman‘s wardrobeâ€" natty neckwear, bright new hats and caps, daintiest patterns in Fall Shirts, Large stock of Fall and Winter Underwear on hand. MT. FOREST It is part of our business to be constantly on the lookâ€"out for correct things for men and at prices that are an inducement/to them to come to us. _ Now it‘s a known fact that men‘s attention is a great deal harder to attract and hold than the ladies‘, yet we have succeeded and are now supplying the majority of the men of Durham and surrounding country with the renowned REGENT Clothing. Don‘t sit and wonder about for fall, but come in our store, while our stock is new and we will show you the nattiest range of Clothing ever shown. A Blended Flour BLENDED FLOURS are not only the best for all home bakingâ€"they are also the MOST ECONOMICAL. They yield MORE bread, cake and pastry to the pound than any other Try it, and you will use no other. The famous Bread and Pastry making qualities of Ontario fall wheatâ€"are combined with Manitoba spring wheat, which adds strength and nutriment. Ladies‘ New Fall and Winter Coats (of Ontario and Manitoba Wheat) Makes the WHITEST BREAD i «* LIGHTEST BISCUITS «4 * TASTIEST PASTRY &« «* DAINTIEST CAKES BLENDED FLOURS are TWO flours in one. ROBERT BURNETT THE IMPERIAL SHOEâ€"In patent, kid, dongola and box calf Strictly upâ€"toâ€"date Furnishings Selling Agents for the Famous Imperial Shoes and Renowned Regent Clothing Your New Suit or Overcoat * Made in OQntario" rincipa All graduates of this school are absolutely‘sure of getting positions. _ Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free, ' Is the first step ‘ e egrap y towards positions raylng from $5000 to $150,000 per annum in rai way service. You can become m good operator in 6 months if you study in The Central Telegraphy School, 3 Gerrard St. E., Toronto. The finest School n Canads. Write for particulars. 4 We are having an upholsterâ€" er the first week in every month. Anyone wishing old g ods renoâ€" vated to look good as ew should advise usâ€"we will b pleased to attend to it at once. Night Calls for ndertabing promptly _ attinded _ to. door south rix once" P (BBSS Has a full line of Curtain Poles, Window Shades, Picture Frames Frames to order of all kinds, KRESS, W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal . Youge & Alexander Sts H. SHAW, Pres. _ T.J.JOHNSTON, Prin Attend the Best. It Pays I ; m Hiizea Wligo TAORANVTOA Alm TORONTO, ONT. Undertaker Containing 50 acres more or less, Good land, well watered. Good brick house and frame barn with stone bkasement stables. On good leading line of road, 1} miles from the town of _Durham and udjoining the new C P R track, 4 mile from school. Will sell right to quick buyer, Don‘t miss a good opportunity. For further parâ€" tlcun:-; apply at the Revizw Orricr. 147 â€" 51 903 a proportion of 73.per cent. The maâ€" ‘lorit,y for the riding was 1002 while in 808 it was only 647. A much larger vote may be expected this January seeing that, for the first time it 1s being held at the time of the Municipal elections on aseparate ballot. It is to be hoped there will be a full vote of all citizens and certainly the majority should not be less, but more, than in 1898 or 1902. Theevil intended to be curbed in these years is not lees rampant todage, and we think the pubâ€" lic sentiment behind the effort to curb the evil is stronger now than then. 1 North ward East ward West ward At the Referendum vote taken over the Province of Ontatio on December 4, 1902, Durham voted as follows : \ for against maj. North ward 27 11 16 East ward 41 11 30 West ward 71 21 50 139 43 96 This vote would have carried Local Option even with the 60 per cent han. dicap, for the percentage above is 76. There seems no reason why a vote with a similar or eyen larger fercent- age should not be recorded in anuary next, Only one munijcipality in the South Riding, Normanby, gave an adverse vote, and the total majority for the Riding was 647. Te Comingntuairat Ainis 4 028 hnd wbaticsi i 4A 48 ed on the liquor question in the generâ€" al Plebiscite yote taken all over Canaâ€" da. fThere was a majority in every ward, though the yote was a small one Here are the figures : for against maj. North ward 27 11 16 East ward 41 11 30 West ward 71 21 AfY DARLINGâ€"SMITHâ€"At the residence of the bride, Woodhouse, by the Rev. J. D. Richarderson, M. A., n Tuesâ€" day, Oct. 22nd, 1907, Mr. John A. Darling, Druggist, of Durham, Ont., to Miss Lillian Smith, unly daughter of the late A, W, Smith, Woudâ€" wl 2 Woons.â€" At Montreal, on â€"â€" Ostoâ€" ber, to Mr. and Mrs, Ben Woods A son. Mre, Leslie, upper town, bad the pleasure of a call from an old friend, Mr Jos. Johns, commercial traveller, of London, who lived with them 25 years ago when residing near the Rocky. _ She was also invited to his parents‘ golden wedding in Walkerton soon to be celebrated. _ He also called on his old teacher, Miss A. Gun. Mis., Moore accompanied by her sisâ€" terâ€"inâ€"law, Mrs. Morice, returned to ber home in Teeswater after spendâ€" ing a few months visiting friends in and around Normanby, Weare sorry to hear that the former is in yery poor health. IOn Siptgmber 20, 1598, Durham yotâ€" Mr J . A. McGillivray, of London, has been appointed 8. A. representative for immigration with the Dom Governâ€" ment at Ottawa and moves his family there next month. house. Plebiscite and Referendum. â€"â€"Â¥4 > »4â€"â€"_. MARRIED for for BORN. 40 10 against _ maj. N4 12" 41 ONTARIO ARCHIVEs TORONTO we will hold our Second MiKinery Display when we will show all the new ideas in Winter Millinery, Velâ€" vet and Fur will be shown done in the latest style. _ We make Millinery a specialty and spare no trouble and ex. pense to make it our busineas only and therefore we are aiways making ap new atyles. We invice you to call any time and see our complete stock. Parisian Millinery Co _ Miss Dick. On October 29 & 30 Second Millinery Opening Annountement .. On Queen 8St.,Wurham. Splendid location, 7 rooms, \Wwell and all convenâ€" iences. Apply at Review Office, There is sure to be a big demand for this hook as nothing so complete has ever been issued. _ It has been copyâ€" righted by the Family Herald and Weekly Star and will most likely be in annual publication. It can be had on most reasonable terms, _ Full particuâ€" lars can be bad in the Family Herald and Weekly Star as well as a partial list of contents. _ No howe in Canada should be without a copy of the Can. adian RedBonk, A most valuable book has just been issued called the "Oanadian Red Book," It is a book of 269 pages all about Canâ€" ada and things Cauadians should know, It is published by the Family Heraid and Weekly Star of Montreal, which is a safe guarantee of its reliability, 1t contains complete reliable informaâ€" tion on every conceiyable subject perâ€" taining to Canada, its History, its Geography, Government Depts.. Railâ€" ways, Canals, Steamships, Banke, Lands, Insurance Ca‘s, Postal Service, Churches, Hospitals, Societies, and thousands upon thousands of interestâ€" ing facts and figures, A. H. Jackson is an Issuer of Mar riage Licenses, Dyrham, Ont, When Kon buy ur underclothing f“ Stanfields, they e the best. Made rom pure Nova Sdptia wool and warranted unshrinkablQ at Grant‘s. Our minister Mr Kendall preached a fire sermon last Sunday warniog us not to meet trouble halt way. One of our citizens was grumbling about not having any applesto eat in the evening when a friend came along with four bags ot fine eating apples so be said Mr Kendall is right, I‘ll grumble ro more. We huv:k:me special sbaps in furs 8. F. Morlock. We noticed there was a new music teacher in our burg last Monâ€" day organizing a class. Robt Taylor and John Renwick took in the Foresters‘ concert last Monday night and report baving had a good time. Mr Laumley of Walkerton is attendâ€" ing ner sister Mrs Bonax. All the sports of Dromore are getting their guns and ammunition readyfor Thanksgiving Day. I exâ€" Fect we won‘t need tobuy any fowl or supper that night. . N. Burnet Mr and Mrs Richardson, of Mark® dale, visited the latter‘s sister MiB Wilson ot this place Friday and Satâ€" urday of last week. Mrs Boax had the misfortune to fall and break a bone in her hip one day last week but under the care of Dr. Sneath, we hope she will soon be betger again. Mr and Mrs Colin McMillan visited Priceville friends last Sunday. THE DURHAM REVIEW Miss Sneath, Barrie, was the guest gt her brother Dr. Sneath for a few ays. â€"How to prepare for winter use and their value as a food. _ All ladies are inyited to attend. The Dro;nore branch of Women‘s Iostitutb will meet at the home of Mrs Huntor next Wednesday, Nov. 6th. ‘l‘ogxc: Making Xmas gifts. _ Apples. â€"HoW to prenaretor winter nea and at reasonable prices. we are preâ€" pared to supply the\needs of forâ€" mer customers in thik line and we also hope, many new ones. Peel‘s famous ‘"‘Handmade‘"\Shoes will still be kept in stock. Repairing promptly af}qnded to. Having purchfsed the shoe busâ€" iness of the lat# F. Peel, we wish to announce to the Public of Durâ€" ham and vicinity that, with an everâ€"increasing stock of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Fic. " The Canadian Red Book." Houke to Rent. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"# $ #â€"â€"â€"â€"_._ Dromore. = + i a »â€"â€" Dated this 22nd day ct October A. D. 1907. J. P. TEurorp Solicitor for Admin istrators, DaxtIEL McDoveart Grorer McKronxi®. the Sixteenth da&;:t November A. D. 1907. their names, addresses, and descripâ€" tions and a full statement of particuâ€" lars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them duly certified, and that after the said day the Administrators will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims cf which they shall then have notice. _ NOTJCE is hereby given in par* suant to R. S. 0. 1907, Cag. 129 See. 38 and Amending Auts, that all perâ€" sons having claims against the Estate of the sad Archibald McKechnie, who died on or about the Nineteenth day of June A. D. 1907, are required to send by })osr. prepaid, or to deliver to J. P. Telford, Solicitor for the Adâ€" ministrators on or before \ In the Surrogate Court The bridge on the C P R in Priceâ€" ville is a tine structure and Colin Mcâ€" wean‘s big cut is on a level showing that rough places can be made smooth by the labors of man and animals, A number of our propressivye farâ€" mers along the Durham Road imâ€" proved their farms by pusting up new wire fences. They are Messrs ‘Thos Nichol, John and Angus Mcâ€" Kechnie and probably some more down faurther. The Rev. Mr. Kipp will preach a Thanksgiving sermon in the Methoâ€" dist church at 11 a. m. Bill Seaton made a good job in picking the stones oï¬ several of our leading roads lately. Thanks are due to councillorJ. A. McMillan for giying him the contract and so faithâ€" tully performed. Mr Pete:',zloArthnr is away for the last ten zs on a hanting tour through Muskoka. _ He has as a subâ€" stitute Mr ‘Wm Reilly attending as acting clerk in the store till he returns ‘The Rer Waiter Nichol spent a day or two at home at his father‘s, Mr John Nichol near this place and attended church on Sunday. Miss McCosh, teacher at Top Cliffe, is enjogoi:g this week at bher home in OwenSound and is attending the Teachers‘ Convention held there this week. The geueral complaint is scarcity of feed for stock but as our wenther prognosticators are predicting green g:’m till Xmas, we hope for the t alterwards. Water is very low in the Saugeen river, consequently our mill 1s at a l:ls to keep regular time in ranning order. ADMINISTRATOR‘S NOTICE TO CREDITORS. es ob n 2oo uo 9 o u9. S CC amay of Grey, in the matter of the Estate of Archibald McKechnie, late of the Township of Glenelg in the County of Grey, farmer, Deceased. This is a bm{ town at present; a large number of men are still at work §lving the finishing touch to the C P which will take some time yet beâ€" fore in good running order. Fine weather duriog the last® two weeksâ€"rain on Sunday. Most peopâ€" le are busy taking up their turnips and in general they are yery small. Priceville of the Count Eggs Taken as Cash at The Down Town Shoe Store j H ' to every school boy A Nice Pencil Case given Free o § purcusing a pair of Boots. Case contains 1 lead pencil, 1 pen, 1 slate pencil Is to be seen at the Down quality and price. No urging The Largest Stock of Boots and Shoes in Durham Sportsmen : Some real snaps in RIFLES and SHOT GU'-\"S‘ Here are some nscful articles, the price of which should rove an inducement : (Q.arvem. imortiv $1 P20 X PHIF HOF . 1 : s a x1 ; + 1 + x 1 +s +244 ++ a a 4 + NE Silver Dessert Knives, worth $3.50 doz for.... ...... . ... $3.00 Granite pie plates, reg. price 12¢, now.............. .2 fOr 15¢ Tin * #* 5C, HOW.»++~s ++ + ++ ++ +s# SOF Bt Knives and Forks, per dozen pairs, reg price 1.75 for ... . $1.15 linives only; Wene 1RS FOF; 2 .17 .. > .:. 1 + + 5251 +% #+1% 54 » +5 a » 9BB Pairs of Carvers, were §0¢, for............ :..... .... .. . . B0G Butcher Knives, were 25¢, for................2..2.00‘‘‘‘‘ ‘A6he Everything advertised last week will be continued but every day‘s search reveals something else we want to clear out and to do so, we apply the reduction kuife. Keeplast week‘s list for future reference, as this Sale will continue until all requirements are met Is the amcunt we must have by Jan. 1, 1908. Our call for the above amouunt is being responded to and everyone that comes to inspect the goods and see the low prices goes home thoroughly satisfied with his purchase. Ourefforts to obtain the money required in so short a time will be taxed to the utmost but the selling price of the goods must be our working point THE BIGQG STORE $10,000 HARD CASH ALEX. STARTLING REDUCTIONS Empire Soda, regular 5¢ size. ...... Figs, worth 5¢ Ib, now.... .. .. .. .. . Trilby Polish, worth 10c each ... ... : Assorted Extract, worth 10c each .. VeHY POWAENS .4. Â¥1 12x % 2 » 2 21 22 2 2 u2 l2 22 Ibhs Sugar fory:.1......;i4l22mivulhe 44. ns t i. 02. M Canned ?&cats. Beef, Ham, Veal and Chicken Loaf, worth 150 Pores +83 14 4 38 ++ xWC x sR +i4 2488 + + a4 #hk & hh t s on W 4 49 i0 Cavoy Soup, OMA IBCIOT : : se c n rea nann n int rrie seve s en s Salmon, Sunflower Brand, worth 190, POF .+« > »++> +6 44 4 s 3%% Shredded Cocoanut, half Ib size for.,... ... .......ll..ll.! Groceries==â€"Friday and Saturday Hardware Bargains ash or Trade while Sale lasts. it the Down Town Shoe Store. Call and examine . No urging to buy if goods and prices don‘t suit. 50 doz for ... . .. » > » . » K&00 MHOW,+~++1 > «++ ++« + a6 POF oc now.....‘.......}..ztor.lï¬ â€˜s, reg price 1.75 for....$1. J. S. Mcllraith OCT 31, 1007 ... .7 for 25¢ 7 lbs for 25¢ ... .4 for 25¢ .... 4 for 25¢ .... 4 for 25¢ $1.00 10c 15¢ # j Msk eSelecele o 3 PI = K im THE VO Ece Othe Thi r% H this pocl Th Th wil tio na {r nc an