Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Aug 1907, p. 8

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The right' blend of the two makes the onlxpefieei1our foray bread and pastry. (ift'i'it,ii'l, OFFICIAL ft. V" - ':tticaiittt, Justtrritandproveit. fii'iig! "Made a. thoru " "istolutiii Mrs w, & Dunsmonr. ml) and a . . daughter Mtus Emily. of Hamilton, tte In all lines were visiting last week ttnd this with vellery trade Mrs Arch McKechnie at the Rncky Watches, and wit}; ltr, f,',"",',",?,',' d . Mram Mrs as arte. an children Silverware. of Markdnle. spent Thursday of last . week at the home ofJas A. Lnngford. ‘nds could while on their way to Beryie. take great Miss \Volfe, of Durham, is spend- stock and ing a. few days with Mrs Wm Fletcher and fnmilyc--stonetsett, Cor, of Flesh. erton Advancn. I osb-...c, not. Dou't pray with the hungry until you hire given him some welt. Prnver nithm-t run-l- --.. TORONTO yuurorts.--Amonm" the number leaving foe Toronto this week are Mr and Mrs Jno Wright. who will remain two weeks, Mrs Breaker, Misses Laura. and Edith McKenzie and little niece, Mr and Mrs T, Whel. On. Misses C. and L. Button, the for- _ Inee going on to New York to take in Milline" openings, Mrs V. Hahn. Pres R. McWiiliuus. of the Cement Co,, Miss J ackson. mm of the Town Treasurer. Mrs Geo Noble. Mr Wm Johnston, Jr., Mrs A. Russell. . Pleased to have a call on Friday from MrJas Thompson, ofAlgomaJund his cousin. Mr. Chas. Small. of Egre. mont. Twentwone years ago Mr. Thompson was employed by his uncle, the late Walter thnail, but after six I years with him slruck out. for himself in New Ontario and has trueceeded.'weil. He has her-n warmly welcomed by his old neighbors and leaves for home this week. Next year he intends visiting Scotland and rnlatives there. I Mr and Mrs Chas Brown left on (cl',,',',,':'; morning for Grenfell. Sus- kulchewnn, to spend two months with their son Arch, who is in business there. Mrs H. Burnett had intended to accompany them but was prevent- ed hy the illness of her sister Mrs Constable of Dundnlk. l l Mr Chas Watson. Long Chatto, a cousin of the are spending two weeks in Glenelg, Egremont, N: Durham. l Mr Herb Gray, for the last l months at Fort William. paid mother and home a visits last w He went to Hamilton Monday. ing secured employment there. Mr and Mrs Geo Het, Park, and Min: Elton, of I visited for a day at Mr and Johnston', last week. Mrs W. & Dunsmonr. daughter Miss Emily, of Rev Peter E. Nichol " last We'd.from Sault St he spent. some weeks, an main at his old home for Mrs Hanna (nee Miss E and her son Melville horn farm, Guelph, waited 3 Upper town, fur a few duv Mr Fred Harris, tinte-k, [Cement Works, but form: Sound left Tuesday morni friends in Toronto, Mr. Philips. Guelph, t days in town where his w spending some tune with Mrs. Adams, Mr and Mrs J. W. are spending the we ents, Mr and Mrs J, nmnby. Mr David Smith Went to the h til Monday to undergo treatment an abscess. Mr L. McLachlan of Price _ visited at his uncles, Mr Allan Kinnon’s recently. Miss Mary and Edith Daniels ca home on Saturday night after be in Hamilton for a time. I I, V.-- --‘U30 1 Mrs J. W. Watson, Detroit. We are lorry a iing the week with his par. Isaac, Mt. Forest and Mrs Jae Watson, Nor. health " urn-mu " a few days last . Nichol arrived in 1 Sault Ste Mane l weeks, and will nn T, Whal- t, the for- to take in v. Hahn, a Cement! w uuys last week. al arrived in town :Ste Mane where and will now re- for a. time. Herd, Swinton] ,of Utica. N. Y. ”on In, spent a few is wife has been with her, ("other Bella Grant) 'tt the Model Mrs Leslip, amen came after being lit hal High iiiiii' _ --. w... , 1" not. 'eienee 'GTu'la%'it --- -vuuu, vat. Commoner on September 2nd, 1907. Three thorough and pmtiml courses of study First clu- equ pment. pp to date methodn of Instruction. Student. siren Iron! nuisance Mt deck. We tench bulineu nu Jectl Including Book Raging. Commercial kw. Arithmetic. fiVt,'ri,eiiiiie,. /2ngn,e,n.u)ji,e' etc. kShwhmd an typew tin an prepantory wor . orth nudemi mine?! to poaitiom. Write for than“); l announcement. c. A FTTPprdvJ, TORONTO Pricnille Allan Me. 'ues, Sept. 3rd Sher “"" Among those who no a a hoh. the exhibition this week u Garson, Tom John, Lewis a to visit and Gordon Findlay. from on I The farmers m all busy - - " hnnmf at----__- WILL Rl-Orzx ON “u- utterance from Father James J. (fy).)',;',. of St Louis, contains a world of twin] truth: " Some reformers no out of their way to pav apecml compliments to the BB. loan as an American institution. They tell us the saloon is the poor man's club, his haven of rest after a day's laboricus I toil. This utterance from Coffey, of St Louis. cm Burning Words of a Priest I Btst Fiscal Policy l Mr Thompson, who years ago lived with Walter Small on the North Line and of late years has been living in New Ontario, is renewing old acquaintances amnnd these parts, Mr and Mrs John Snell visited the I former', brother Mr Jim Snell one daylast week. We are lorry to hear of Mr James 1“,... u. Irc-L_. . . THE DURHAM REVIEW m n 'w'n'ie-l- Hun"); o g. or Anna. c. AJLEIHNG mam "'"'F -v.vull\l, AIDE Week rus on dress cumin: and we haven't seen an re. and We notice Miss Wi s we poor man's oi,", he: adny'l laboricus nus the eulogy. and saloon as the [Imu- Dramore. to sees couple of our getting very enthusi- Endeavor meetings m young ladies from ‘LL__A‘V _ , '07 - -c .u "'""luuettt. the liquor The leader ot the opposition Wank leadenbip like mutual preferential trade with It could in the Empire. Hie method of secure mp of the ing this boon is by "negotiation. leg. to thotrs. Islation, and other constitutional tvery to means." Canada has given Great ttlt army Britinn a preference, and when the British people are educated eothut her Cot. they appreciate the advantages of adsl" pretereutlal trade, itinnot unlikely _ Mr Borden', wishes will be realized ; bat the people of (heat Britain Would I s when resent any interference in their do. , strike meetic legislation. as we would in for ra- ours. This in one of the matters Bid“! " which mug: ha I.» ., x', who no takintt in in week are. Bell m. Lewis Ronwick lay, from our burg. 1rt,'datttrhtery, DIED. 11f?..Iapra.-.rn Durban. Friday. 23rd. 1907. Ethel, beloved dual gag-um an ww- .. Bonn. - 'rri9.srarao..-rn Durham. on Monday 19th inst. to Mr nnd Mn Dan Md. Donald 3 son. 1 When the time arrives to record votes it will be found the the people of Canada are quite "tiatied With me way public ammo have been eondnc ted for the put eleven years. and Sir Wilfrid Leurier will continue to be Prime Minister of Canadn. attest uGiini'G' -- -wuawn of general political principles. Much that he Idesires to see accomplished is alrend y in Active t?pF"ion-imdii, that he de. plorea has been changed and the remedy applied since Liberals came into powar. Some of the things he would like to see occur are visionary I and not within the range of practical politics. W- -mmpumr. is now before the people, and however much we admire the personal honesty of Mr. Borden he cannot be said to have presented anything which bears re- [ semblance to constructive statesman ‘ ship. His task was a dii1ieait one. He has been unable to claim any thing we are noanw enjoying. Ills political tour has been inaugurated by] an academic discussion of general Political Drincinln. IL . James ,VV-â€" 7-WIWJ- a It would appear that the ihsaal pol. , icy of the government does not leave I much to be desired and that the in- tercsts of the manufacturer, the con- sumer and the wage earner are suf- tieieruly protected without handing them over to Hon G. E. Foster of I. o. O. P. fame. Speaking of the All-Red Route Mr. Borden t3onfines himself to the allega- tion thatthe Conservatives were the originators of the All-Red idea and his criticism is that Sir Wilfrid Laur- ier was not entitled to claim any or- i iginality in its inception. This being i w, Mr. Borden may be expected to give the scheme his hearty support when it comes up in Parliament. TIM: l...~-l ,7 . l t at the F -.. “Juneau olU, Exports of mine creased $743,832.. Agri ducts increased 33,8418 month of July exports , .$1.1,174,05t, the min! , being $27,723,Wi. For month exports of products increased $750,000. expor Increased tl).ax),axi, m increased 8750.000. Ne _ . v. III-.6 Mr. Borden in the speech that op- ened his political tour ot the Dominion favors a fiscal policy which will pro- mote the production within Canada ofall useful articles and commodities that can be advantageously produced or manufactured from or by means of our natural resources. It Would appear to most people that the Liber- al tiseal policy is good enough to keep During April, May, Jane and July Canada's foreign trade amounted to $214,156,015, an increase of 822,098, olU, Exports of mine products in- creased 8743.832.. Agricultural pro- I ducts inere,assj Qft RAT on WT - €53} Mr. 1.yitorrrirutdir allow me the privilege through the press of I correcting on error thnt evidently pre- nil- in the minds of Ichool trustee- respecting the school grants. The council published last week In their minutes what they desired respecting school requisitions for 1907, but, I tmd it is not understood yet, there. fore we desire to state that every school in the tr. will get '800, of a general grant evied over the whole tp. .tJ1eptiiitm.irdt%;ii Willget am!) al- . CCPf'""a"ureu pro- increused $3,847,874. For the of July exports increased by L.051, the tom! for the month $27,723,ggti. For the same exports of products of fisheries ed $750,000. exports ot'lumber 1 3d " {m rm __ To the Boards of an?" tees, Egremmt Auith‘y "In one of the left for time The AUGUST 29 a sun. 5 '. 6, 1907 {K fl 5-331»: cs'tiiiiil EX: V0 Pam the u, lull. l am new d To I Poul 9mm Ca Ow Pl Thi lg! " ne

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