on" is theJnnnn- the demomins' W and Navy Vet In". The not has a church in Tutu- Of late the h vino Ind carries on religion. "when of â€1d,." too poo I character to and most of the - " Vetmm’ Atusm Tottrnvi'.h, in protest against tho votlr- diluting room Wham the District Attorney nude " Investigntion of the can â€My he learned much of the liar ice. of the Holy Rollers. TE. cummin- odd that . week Mo he had eatud in Dr. Osvid Coleman, who had neon- mended medicines for the intuit. but the prescriptions were never find. The doctor Ind been and only hoe-me Ptt- enon thought that in case of he! death the physician would sign u death - ttneate, ( ... """r"'""" w “W. As soon as tho fact of the child’l death was reported to the Tottenvillo police station yesterdny morning Dio- trkt Attorney John J. Kenny. of Staple- (on. was notified and Coroner Cnhill be- an an Investigation. Peterson admitted that the child had been allowed to out!" without the administration of medicine. because. he said, if it Via the Lord’n VIII that the little one should die no humnn lid could a'nil to “'0 le. Au While Mrs. Pcteuon W“ playing the Holy Rollers, who had pnrpouly hired a ball next door to the Knights of 1’th Temple. when the inquest was in pro: (not. were engaged in praying Irt',y' only for the souls of the man and wo- man who were he?! “mined. Their “out. of glory a hymns of who tinned into the coroner'- room eon- nntly during the proceedings. Mr. all In. Peterson were held by the carom to appear before the magistrate": court in Stapleton to-day. " . - Last night when Peteraon ttttd his wife, ' At the coroner's inquest held iLiGiiiG Anne. were called before a corour’a jury Peterson freely testified that he and hia o tell why they had allowed the child to wife had made no effort to minister to in!" without medical aid, both re the lick child except through lasting nested that they might pra'y foe divine and prayer. guidanre before giving their teatimony. ----_-------- The mother of the dead child knelt be- l he Coroner Martin can: end the jury " Tmt lithiumâ€: , l and lifted u her voice in a prayer. . 'hln?i7t.l'c'di.r" ah. said, “I left my Me Was ’onnd With Throat Cat l loved one in Your handa for I knew that Toronto Botel. if You saw fit to are ita life You would. Tannin despatch: A man found with Now that You have taken my child “my [his throat out in Toronto in the Cecil I how that You have done it {or the Hotel, " the corner of Beaconsfield ave- best. but I know you will permit me to hue and Queen street at midnight lee: nee it in heaven some time. The Almighty night in believed by the police to be the God in powerful. and I am oatUfUd thet mining agent of the Baneo Gianetti, for no doctor on earth could prescribe medi- who†arreat a warrant is out. cine which would cure my child If God In his pockets were found letters " -I fit to take it away. If God - fit ‘dreeoed to A. Ginnetti, Toronto, and bust. he could restore my child to me.", _ Inc-a earda of the Dance Gimtti. The New York, Aug. '26.--furerttl weeks ago the Holy Rollers of Tottenvmq, Hahn Island, prayed for five hours that Peter Peterson, a member of the “range out. might die, bee-use in the excel. of religious zeal he had proohimed that ho was ready to be received by the Lord. Peterson still lives, but yesterday Ruth, " fifteen-months-old enlighten died nt, li- home on Brcauhuut avenue unst- tended by . physician. Following the tenets of the Holy Rollers, Potereou and his wife had prayed over the sick child inatuul of administering the medicine a physician had prescribed. _ _ _ .. CORONER'S JURY HOLDS FATHER: AND [OTHER Port NEGLECT. I HOLY ROLLERS LET CHILD DIE Tr. s, Colin] Sate. Wntrhington, Aug. 'k-r-Through the “army of the British charge " Teh- I'nn, the Persian capital. the State De. Itn2l has received the following from dbtur-bod border country when cer-‘ his Annie-n residents were supposed] to be in (linger: he "tneuett to insure the protection of the town unlu- the unexpected happens, for which emergency further reinforce lent- nre ready to embark for Morocco. It it Dtnted that u . result of the Cab. het conference- nnd exchengee of view. Att Premier Clemenceau, who is at rienhnd, where he met King Edwnrd, the Government remains firm in carry- ing out its programme, which it is re- iterated in not one of conqueet. To-dny‘e deepetchee from 'Nngier those that the situation throughout Morocco in healing more serious. There are tears that the whole country will boot: be “In†with n holy wnr, which will not he checked until after en ewfnl lurifiee " human life, an the native fanatic- hve no fear for consequence. when the ', lover of n war against the ttnbe- l liners he: taken possession of them. 1 The interior in in n ferment. The rebels a have proclaimed Mulai llnfiz, the brother of the Sultan. as the true Sultan. Thi. hne nroused the natives to . condition of wild excitement, and they ere crying I for revenge. on the “foreign dogs." A new Moorish army has appeared before Cm Blanca and another attack is expected. The constant strain of fighting is begin. l h lit; to tell on the French troops of (Sun i Dinncn. while all sleep with one eye open, I with the arms beside them. Reinforce- I Iente have been asked for by Gen. Drude. I: With his prewnt force he can repulse li attache, but he cannot follow up tho n enemy after he hm driven it from the at outekirte of the town. n " "The Erma Consul " 'nrttrix report: h Pray Aloud in Court Before They Testify--Admit They Gan Baby lo Medicine- Framed Seet'e Noisy Meeting Disturb. Inquest " Tonn- mile. M Aug. ".--Am official note was “and to-dny announcing that Gen. MO, matador of the French expedi- tio-, form in Morocco, will, when the Idiom-eat: now on their way to Casa), tr, reach him, have at his disposal‘ men, which number it considered to He Will Have 5,000 Under Him When Additional Troops Arrive. WORM GENERAL mum; Of tate" the bodies of ttrl/Gales, old soldiers too poor or ignorant to join the Yotcnu' Association have gone to the 730-. Mr. Fay lanes Order to Save on Soldier: Prom Dissection. Toronto. Aug. 'f.---cVcttrdintt to " order issued by Hon. J. J. For, Acting Premier, All dead paupere who have in their live. served as soldiers of the Em. ire nun be given a decent burial, Io‘ in u it can be ensured, by I Govern- ment grant of :5 in each use. This do- eieion In: ruched on representation at Major Collins. President" of the Amy md‘Nevy Veterans' Association. The bank yesterday was cloud, end scores ef Italians, driven almost to de- spair try the fear that they had been defrauded out of their hard-etsrned u"- ‘incs intended for those dipending upon them in Italy and entrusted to the bunk were urging the authorities to have on investigation into the bank’s “Mr: prosecuted without delay. Mr. Michael Basso and Prof. Sacco, the latter of the Ontario Immigration Department, are orb-operating with the police in the cue. I In his pockets were found letters " dreued to A. Giunetti, Toronto, tad busi- ineu egmh of the Banco Gimtti. The man answers the description of the mias. ing agent. and his face resembles the picture {unlinked to the police of the [muting man. Hill; to the amount of $1,400 were found in the tnan's pockets. Pending identification the remains were taken to Craig’s undertaking establishment on Queen street west. was about to give birth to a child the Holy Rollers fought against the calling in of I physician until neighbors in. sisted. The child had been hailed before ito advent on a promised prophet. An ontopay held yesterday afternoon developed the fact that Peterson’s baby had died of inflammation of the bowels. At the coroner‘s inquest held last night Peterson freely tvstified that he and hi: wife had made no effort to minister to the lick child except through fasting and prayer. ' lies. Those who have attrmled the ser- vices told District Attorney Kenny that in the frenzy of their religious mania the worshippers roll about the floor Ind climb under the heats. men and women ityreinttnateis. Below the floor of the 'chureh there is a "prayer eellar," with I sign over the door, "This is for Christ (i?,';:,", Here, it is said. religious orgies are carried on without lights and some- 'timee far into the morning. At a recent meeting of the sect Pester. son is said to have proclaimed that he was so pure and so happy in the redemp- tion that he knew to be his that he wanted to be translated " once. Where- upon ntl the worshippers united in five hours' serious endeavor through prayer to hove the Lord show his strength and blast Peterson on the spot. It is the belief of the Holy Rollers that medicines and physicians’ services are interferences with the will of Gii Almighty, and consequently prayer is the. only remedy for Iicknese among them. Recently when n woman of the flock] To HAVE A DECENT Bmtut, The report that M ot the Sultan. had in tan still lacks official Admiral Philibart al situation elsewhere was changed. -""Ne .....,. the Moors, who were eastward. I Paris. Aug. 2th--viee-Adminu Phili. "rert, commanding the French naval tones off Casa Blanca, telegraphs that while the Moors were advancing on the French camp near Cam Blanca yesterday morning under the cover of a fog, the fog lifted and permitted the French batteries) ashore and afloat to shell the. Moors, with deadly effect. At 2 o'elock in the after- noon Gen. Drude had moved forward his field guns to a ridge, situated about four! miles from the camp. whence he shelled .L. "A--- _. - SHELLED TEE MOORS. Fog Lifted While Thev Advancl that Pttrien.oymus) there, Mr, indiGrt, ' While They Advanced, and They Were Routed. dared to be altogether cor- erman Government under stances would have acted done; in other wordt, she t warships to Casa Blanca Mum Hafig, brother been proclaimed Sul- al confirmation. arco 'tported the was practically un- IANETTI ? t Throat Cut l ad. man found wichl no in the Cecil teaeonsfield ave- t midnight Int. police to be the I then in full flight hey, the thieves missed the mane; sud got any with the wallet, which contain- ed the letter of credit, which is " no negotiable value except to the general himself. At the time his wallet was in hi. right hip pocket, and in the same pocket were the bank notes and gold which he had just drawn from the bank. Strange to General De Negrier, who is well known in French army cit-lee, having had command of the French troops in Algeria, is on a. visit to Canada. Ac- wcording to his story, he was followed to the Bank of Montreal, where he drew a considerable sum on his letter of credit. by those who eventually stole his wallet. After leaving the beak and while trying to board a car, in order to return to the hotel, he felt himself push- ed, but paid no particular attention to it. _ Letter of Credit Taken From French General', Pocket in Montreal. Montreal, Aug. 26.-A daring robbery was committed to-day, when General De Negrier, of Puis, a guest nt the Windsor Hotel, was relieved of his wallet, con- taining a letter of credit for a large tun. onnt, while he was attempting to board I street car. I nun. uvur an In: wuulu “inf UN" removed.‘ At the conclusion of the g]dr(.ge.g t to the county home at llewittville to- , the ehrcrmun of the ju'rg"s sa'd it was I day. Arrangements to that end hafiiiLedii/urir to sum up the case, the , been made. and it would have been a delegates had heard all the evidence t very great improvement over the life and it w†for them to any which side i that the old man had led for some years†had told the truth. A vote we: taken F deserted by his ohildreu, who had squnn- l of all present, each delegate's nlme was dered the mom) he had given them. leaned by the secretary. and the re- Johnmn was a former prosperous tTome was either aye or nay. or I builder of the city and had accumulated the 236 who answered the roll, 1:0 con. lconsidernble property. His wife died and l oidered the charges proven. he decided some fifteen years ago that he'. The chairman then asked Hickey and lwould remnrry. Before he did so, 1,'t'.,'iisCr7ir' to Mand up, and told them it ever, he divided his property among his I was his painful duty to inform them children and the second wife, who wan they had been found guilty of diAon, ' much younger than [ti/ns.tll. . lorable conduct in trying to illegally in. I When the proper Iu.thyities P,ritrte'i'CiTr1, with the election of olfioerrs. {the condition in which he was hung 1| What action will be taken " the re- few days ago they determined to Flr,",'suit' of the xetdie'g will 'not be mmh him 1 home in the county house, and l known until the counter churges nrrangementa to that end had been made. i brought against the executive officers It mu this, doubtless, that led to hmlhave been dealt with. The hearing of suicide. The. dead body was fourid by) thme will start. on Friday morning at members of the family who lived P the 9 o'clock. In the interval the election home where he had made his hope In the l inspectors and committee of judges will basement. and It was taken m charge go to Buffalo to bring back the ballots l by the overseer of the poor and will be cant at the last election. no they will! buried to-morrow. lplny an important part. in the new me. -----_--- _ _ . l Jamestown. Aug. 20.--Neglected by , members of his family, it is charged, to r whom he had given away his fortune, amounting to $30,000. Andrew Johnson, 9 at the age of 83 years and living in the cellar of a. house he had once owned, committed suicide last night by shootq ' ing himself through the head. Had he! not done no he would have been removed; to the county home at llewittville to-'. day. Arrangements to that end had: been made. and it would have been a very great improvement over the life: i that the old man had led for some yen-3,, . deserted by his children, who had squan- I f dared the mom-3 he had given them. Dot y Once Prosperous, Tduscribe the real lletty Green is a difficult task. To describe her clothes and her personal appearance. or, rather, her bee, separately, is to create two distinct perwnages, and only an alohe. mist could amalgamate the two person- age! 2t a single description. But, even a mere man rowgnizv-x the fact that the clothes and the woman are somehow a part of each other in Hetty Green's case. tttre paused in her reminiscences to laugh until team came to her eyes and then she added grimly: "Hut Betty is living yet." Her manner changed to an odd combin- ation of indignatirui and humor. "The airs some of those people put on iamuse me. Before they got their money come of them made punts fur their chil- dren out of their husband's old trousers and now they drive nbuut in their own carriages and hold their noses up in the ail They do not know how to use their money yet. They are not ttceustomed to it. We had money in our family for four generations. o, they oan't teach me any- thing About. mat." - W -__ “v... .1-‘vr‘ VIIIIIBH ij I used to have more fixings and trim. t mings on me than there is on a. Christ. i. mus tree. i have more sense now." 3- She tugged "aimlessly at the strings e which, in a carelee, listless sort of way h were holding her tiny bonnet on her r- head. We spoke in a hoarse, almost in- r audible voice and the most careful con- d centration was necessary in following it her remarks. In one hand she held it I much worn, small, black bag. With the b other she was constantly doing home- t thing, tugging at her cape, pulling or rul- ' ling her bonnet strings or emphasizing ' her remarks by jerking the lapel of my , coat. ‘ i "No, I don't like society. and I seldom go out. Last season I Went to one recep- _ tion given in my honor. One reason why ( I'm so tired to-day that I can hardly talk to you is that my daughter Sylvia is going away to one of those swell places. I “ill be busy for a week yet getting her ready." The bonnet strings received a particul- !arl.v vigorous tug this time. wluTh r"aitll, [quite plainly that daughtvr Sylvia. on» ‘igoing to visit the social elect with nerl l mother's consent, but not her blessing. gotng to visit the social elect with her mother's consent, but not her blessing. "Soeiety hasn't enough to do to kmrp it out of mischief. Thaw sotalled fash. ionable women spend all their time tiwse days at bridge and smoking cigarettes and drinking weak tea and strong whis. key. Every one of them ought to be down here working, and they would be better off. to my taste. I used tl/rar,.' .,,_ v... v. eu--, Juan old, in summer finery, turning b Brooklyn bridge and Uoney Island, "I speak from experience," she t “Perhaps you don't know it, but A quite a belle when I was young. 1 outgrew all that sort of thing. l rainbow silks and metal fingers nr too much about clothes and this. don't have enough to do. ii they had some use- ful work to occupy their thought: they would not run to such extravagance.†So spoke Mm. Hetty Green, the world's greatest woman financier, as from her corner in the Chemical National bank she watched the tide of girls, young and all! :.. -r.__, __ V ... New York, Aug. 'ar-Aamir girls of to-day are too extravagant. They think Admits She Wu sum: GIRL AND an um; “NIT!“ Just roousn sl,?.?,'.' f 'mGRENTAI-KS; VIENNA mm A BOLD ROBBERY. PREFERRED SUICIDE Tree; Now She Denna 'Em. yous, Now Old and Neglected Shoots Himself. I used to wear those things. ve more fixings and trim. than there is on a Christ. nave more sense now.†restlessly at the strings ,u'vleu, listless sort of way! her tiny bonnet on heri xperienee," she added. t know it, but 1 was I I was young. But I sort of thing. Them metal fingers are not - ones-Wore " as: u a Christmas I His estate has been valued gt 85,000,- 000, and for years efforts have been made by the British Government to find the rightful heir, to thin fortune. (h of the cldmanta is a Wilton-in women, Mu. Ruth Derry Vance, and her chin: is protested, Imong others, by Mr. Derry commercial tr vellor for Bros, of Detroit, and in sun, Mnm. Derrry, in the employ of Mickleborough, Mul. drew & Co., 60 Front street west, who lives " H Woodlawn avenue. With about a. hundred others they claim to be the rightful heirs of Edward eDrry, a. one time Milwaukee man, who became o diamond king in South Atria, ad was afterwards murdered. i towu rd commercial Claimant; - Toronto, Aug. 26.--A fight for millions the rightful heirs of Edgatd Perry, in Two Toronto Men ‘ A wmlution was unanimously parsed "That Walter Edmund: and Jerry Don- ovan. election inspectors, be charged with entering into a otmspiracy to con- trol the result of the last election. and that the delegates deal with the matter at the present convention, so that the union be freed of two members who. by their own confession, are conspira- tors and traitom." Toronto despatch: Hickey and Murray “cm fuund guilty of the charges of bri- lbery and corruption brought against lthem in wnnectiun with the lust. elec- tion of officers of the International LK ion of Boot and Shoe Workers. Counsel for the prosecution and die-l fence delivered stirring addresses. Hickey, in a speech full of emotion, indignantly repudiated the charge; and endeavored to pore as a martyr' who was being crucified on the altar of To. binitun. Shoewotkexs Decide That Charges Against Hickey and Murray Have Been Proven-End of Sensational Case. TWO MEN POUND GUILTY AND OTHERS WILL BE TRIED. LABOR MEN’S TRIAL. onizaticn was necessary as civilisuatirm, but that the thud of conducting colonial for conquest. followed by 1 tion ad tl,ts country for th 'sapittrlists, must cease. The Stuttgart. Col-many. Aug. 20.-An in. terwting discussion of the colonial ques- tion developed at yestorday's meeting of the lntornational Socialist (humans which i, now in session here. Dr. David, one of the, German delegates, expressing the views oi the Inuioritv will â€no ml FIGHT FOR BIG FORTUNE The Hague Conference Described as a Gathering I: of Thieves and Murderers. ! socmusr CONGREES iiiiiirii=='='= AND mscussas C0L0Mgh'noy, Neighbor) the Ira-dun !tiful young wife, a bride of two months, [in their 'flat at 510 West 120th street, ijust before noon yesterday. He then ‘turned the revolver on himself and sent in bullet crashing through his right tem. ple. Both died on hour later at the J. Hood Wright Hospital. Teich and his wife were heard to quar- rel earlier in the day, although none of the occupants of the house where they “ere living paid much attention to them. The husband, it is said, frequently re. sented the attention his wife attracted when they were out together, and their ldifferenees had become tk matter of gus" i "sip among the neighbors. I l The police had to force an entrance to the Teieh apartments after the sltoot, I ing. They found the man and his wife lying in bed elm] in their night clothes and unconscious from their wounds. A 38-eulibre revolvnr lny en the floor near the bed, where it had evidently fallen after Teieh shot himself. 1 ;! Jealousy LU, Man to Slay His Bride ' Bullet Through His Brain New York, Aug. 26.--h: sane jealousy Julius Teich er, shot and mortallv wmlr ONTARIO 3 revolver luy C'st the floor near where it had evidently fallen ich shot Ilium-If. ms of Teich and his wife said lmnd lavishvd his money on the majority said that 5' Julius Toich, a silk weav mortally wounded his beau Are Among the RIO ARCHIVES TORONTO ity said that col, r as a means of the present mev nial wars purely by the exploita- [" the benefit of The products of IN MURDER AND SUICIDE. r--rn a fit of in the Are engnged as bookkeepen, and seem cheerful in tuir eoetfinetrient. "We need sewn] bookkeeper: for the different de. partments," Mr. O'Lenry dated, "nad they Are the beat men for the job. Their fare And tretttment. homm-r, no in“ "It is a very small proportion," said the deputy warden. "l reed] only two or three canes." Mr. OlLeary any: the discipline " the institution in good. Ide. Gill. of the Ontario Bank, Phillips, of the York Loan, and Buryineuu, of Ottawa. "The operation of the ticket of leave system," he continued, “has resulted in quite n thinning out ot the prisoners." "What proportion came back to the penitentiary after being released on par- ole.'" was asked. Ottawa, Aug. M.--NVe have ahotit 450 prisoners in the institution ct present where a few years ago 600 was the nor- mal number," remarked Deputy Wtrrdenl Dan o'Leary to a Citizen reporter thiql‘ morning. Mr. U’Leary has been spending a few days at his old home in this: cite I Deputy Wayden Speak: of the Con- - â€Wm.-.â€- '"""i'"'V 101' Tte. fusing to work with non-union operators. and whose discharge brought about the strike now in progress. returned to the employ of the company yesterday. There have been no other desertions ilrom the ranks of the strikers. The G. N. W. Company are unquestionably carrying on their business in a more or less satisfactory manner, but in order to do this a number of the keys on special oervices are not being manned. The baseball bulletin service, which had been temporarily abandoned, has been renewed. and the service is being supplied in a more or less satisfactory manner. KP"" V.“ .uau. 13:†I is the statement made to-day by Knit“. States Attorney Lyman M. Bass. Lf forts were made by the striking teleg. raphers to bring the management of the l\\'estern Union and Postal Telegraph Companies into court for receiving Itt69- aagos at the regular telegraph rates and sending, them by mail. Mr. 13mm said that there is no Federal law to cover tho case; therefore no prosecution could be brought into the Federal courts. Went Back. A Toronto tlesquatveh.. William Barber, the second operator to be tlisebarpvd by the Great Northwestern (‘mmmm- 4... --» (m, Law Against It In the United I States. is Buffalo despatt-h: It is send telegrams through t U' - " murderers who ; ize easier mollu of crimes." 'territorim, Hr.cetted from barbarism, he laid, should be sent out for the bene- fit of the world. The natives, however, should obtain an "qunl share of the re. suih with the citizens of the cirilizing power on the principle that all men are equal. Mr. Quetch, of London, spoke for the minority and favored the proposal that all nation,,. give up their colonies. He referred to the peace “inference at The Hague as a “gathering of thieves and murderers who are yndeavorinrr to organ- ize easier molhuds for the carrying out of crimes.†KINGSTON PEN. MAIL TELEEAMS. Teieh left Vienna soon after his sweetheart departed. lie first went to Germany, then to other European court. tries, and finally to New York. He had been working here a little over a year when he locate-d the young woman at her aunt's home in 1.3m: street. When Julius Teich found Emily he at once proposed that thuy Hope, according to Josephine Herter. She did not take to tlu, idea, however, and it was a. month before Teieh could get the hunt, Mrs. Hotter, to consent to the wedding, though Teieh was 25 years old and his wife about 30. her to the last cent he could earn. He was employed by Smith & Kaufman and drew a salary qu £33 a wcek He had furnished his four-room flat well And his wife always dressed in the best of style. Back of the tragedy mu; tb love romance that had its beginning in Ti. mnn,‘ when Teich and the girl were schoolmates. They were sweethearts " children, according to Josephine Herter, a cousin of the dead woman, but when they grew up the girl's parents objected to her marrying Teich. Thinking' that if they were separated she might forget him, the parents sent her to America to visit her aunt. trentment, howevei, "e u the other prisoners.†uen'y. whose millions, are sought by the many claimant) ered by an Englishman, who get porisooiion of a lame 'la. There. It is not illegal in gh the mail. Ttst 8 to-day by Unit“. 't the aunt, Mr; 0 the wedding, years old and his and Send! just in ' He Hal Refused to Accept the Sittings Il Made by Chief Justice. Vnnmuvvr, B. C., Aug. 2tl. -urgal rit- l ole. in Vancouver nnd British Columbia , are in In uproar over the refund of Judgo 9 MUrtin to accept Chief Justice Hunter‘- F appointments for sitting: throughout the , province. As a result Vancouver h without I judge. . This h only the eulminntion of n tet $0! Ila-rel: between Hunter . . All Bar Society of Vancouver u dimuing I. proposal to have Martin impeached. A resolution Inn been plus-d by (MI law society to that effect. “Mun-Alain“ Aâ€! STANDS. wife, uml umnnlllml all mrl~ of " 'r------ tions. Her, i, A hole in llu- I'- Commonwealth Government Doclinel to uhere l "hot through at tlw gun; Postpone It. Operation. tiuc, “go. Thry our fellou, uill T Mon Aug. 26.--The Birmingh- nu drum-c _ 1.“) hr taken." I Clumber 6r Commerce has Asked the '/yyyoui'.s LU often lm-n m it Commonwealth Government that the all» said ri/yt. ‘l.ul.lvl|. Ill". 11tls i, tuition of the new tariff be temponriy few Duh“: Indus early In 1h.- poctponod. Mr. Wimbon Churchill, opuk- t! '.? June ire mun-km a mum†I ing to-day in the House of Comment, ll.\9lll.~lchl tum. But you would 1mm! that the Commonwealth has n- l’Hsu-d n 1 10M um the Mann-.- ‘plied that it was nut practicable lp no "ii! um: “he "'vurs pet him uni {code to a. temporary '.)otteettteett'..Nr. 'cry""." . . I Churchill also stated that than: in no l3-"IH~1:~-st v $, , â€mlmlwd mml l fonndntion for the moon tint a. lid. lflnvznnnn tUh flag had LGrii/c,i in Lake Superior. Chathnm despateh: The first seriou- automobile accident to be recorded here 'happened last evening, when the Inn- chine owned by J. T. â€Keefe, trnd at I the time under the control of Mrs. o'- Keefe, collided with a buggy in which were seated Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Owem, and their little baby daughter. The auto ins turning a corner, and was on top of the buggy before the latter was no- ticed by the lady at the wheel. Mrs. Owens was thrown under the machine, Mr. Owen. was thrown to the pullout, but, strange to say, the baby remained in the rig and was uninjured. Mrs. O'Keefe escaped without any in- jury. The machine Wu not dbl-used. but the buggy wu badly smashed. Mrs. Owens was unconscious for several hours. Serious Injuries Result Prom F at Chatham. m mum JUDGE - _.-......., unuIIr‘ by a cut from $3.75 to $3.75 per ton by the English shipping firm of Import & Hull. The latter went into the trans» Atlantic business owing to the entrance of the Hamburg South American Steam- ship (Mummy and the Hamburg-Ameli- can line into the trade between Braat1 and New York, competing with Lumport 'k. Holt and the Brnzilinn Lloyd. The Roman lines have been hard hit by the “import. & Holt line. AUSTRALIAN TARIFF STANDS. Berlin. Aug. 26.71111: Cunm ing ulfcrvd a, minimum first hagu from Hamburg. to New $127.50, including n. free ticke pool and apt-mum there, the Anmricun announces a roducl rates from $1.†to $107.50 North Gorman Lloyd tine a from $130 to $117.50. The German lines are G Volwd in rate “In; in various Thu "utnlutrg-Amerian line’s nection between New York I German Lines Reduce Fuel to the ll States-Competition With the man Liaes--Engiish Company the German Companies. AUTO CRASHED INTO BUGGY. STEAMSHIP Ore the crop outlook the bank reaches the conclusion from the data gather“! by it that this gear's wheat crop will amount to 640410000 bushels, the corn crop 2,a)0,o00,ouo to '2,tio0.0uo,000 bush. ck, while the oat crop will be deficient by perhaps as much 100,000,000 bushels. Regarding the financing of the vropa the bank says that though the yield may be deficient in quuntity, an well an in quality, there will be required prtwti- rally as large a volume of fund-1 for financing the crops as was ttteded lust year. The bank comments on the (met that in the thousands of replies there is scarcely a reference to the present posi- tion of the Ipeculntive markets. That there has been a let-up in businehs (1 m. pared with the feverish activity of hot spring and winteniu generally udnutlcd, but thin, the bunk any, is acknowledged by its correspondents with entire and» faction. ing preponderance of Ajireiii a that the businosu situation is sound and satin (artery. New York, Aug. Stk-The Tim “yo: The Commercial National Bonk of tht. cago. in it. summon-y of fimaeiat Ind commercial conditions, compiled with special reference to the crop outlook, to be issued to-day. draws the conclusion from the 30,000 replies received from its correspondents that the overwhelm- ing preponderance of evidence is that. cl... c.., 1,. .. . . " CROP pom. I THUG SHOT iriiii, CHEAP TRAVEL. t, SHIP COMPANIES ENTER UPON A RATE WAR. ‘u "furry that the kk. DEFINE]! IN 0mm 'somr KAROOHEY KILLED, PROB- AND QUALITY. l AILY BY CHARLES DISERT. ummum first clbiu pau- nburg. to New York of g a free ticket to Liver- wu there, the Hamburg- tlctsts a reduction of the u to $07.50, and the Lloyd Fine a reduetion on Isle Royue MARTIN. Fares to the United ‘unnrd line hav. With the m... Accident In Hill}; Vial» 1rcro, kI-rp hi., feet. Jus, m. [ 14.1le street It pirkml up In his ' wile-t him am... in u dc Srihhlmard In... W Frank lhmh. ot' id here tl'ul. Ioruted ju-t I Ill- dr: " lurghr n. in It M " \‘nr: um I' ', will ‘N. on ' lamina: nf nu r.',th w“. h:- fnnml druth 'l,) he... of \quv “M foun, through. The dock be largp “tough largest lake Meat: time with heuvy l go to the dork, in ertra duty. -7. ... awr nu n In) thick. Mi. 3'leauuhas imspeeted tseveral point,, from Port Colbert» tat Port Dnlhuullr. but thinks the moat advantageous one will be in the gully owned by Mr. Whit», shove the elevator at the latter port. Which in cplendil facilities for mud:- ing the harbor without being locked through. The dock it in underuood will be luv u-uuugtl to “and. htrgeat lake strain". ,7l'l"Alte; those with hm..." ‘_4., . . - A Hits Toledo Capitawts Will but! it: One in Ontario. Ft.fiatrnrines, Aug. 2l.--F..t. Yolmm. of Tokdo, n-pmw-ming l'niu-d Staten naphtha, haw bum in thin city for may days looking. for a 'site for a dry dock. Mi. Yelmn bu impeded several pain“ in... 1a.... '_-BN-...,' A .. . - -- Toledo Capi , 1-0 in“! "trunooei, for. pi, king porbvs early and in June be attic“ a â€New ~slml him. But you prisoi if I told .'.uu the 'hig' am who uh .u's pm I scrum.†“Wont Bunch in Chicago. “The “or-st hunch in l'himg: “round hem," mid Dill-rt. "I hm roldwd, my “imhm'n have lm-n um tho, have Urted tha-nloninnh- nun-.- 'tcthiuy nf n. '? thing; In- 'm~~1~:.v.l “in" luv I’mmul man. was vermin. us naming of sv.hw mu found on the Indy. That tho dead mun had boon in hard luck is “Minn-Um! Irv tho fart thnt on hi, left, 1ete1eeAieGit'hi"ii'iii,'d' mt Detective O'Neiit made- with " res tolvrr Lust me when he Wan' "HT-â€n: 'iactrtrne:. fun uttwkiny n \rom'w The human "Her qt uid hr I'uuml 1.‘ ' .-:~rnr Ph'mtwl strurluw. 2no Vnulmn-n wire-AL the r p, vtinp Vim Mammary mt kocy hi., feet. Just befor gun-cm stroet Wrroerney pirkod up by hi.. r'oettrad, him dawn in n doorway Srih tdsoard ('mnpall)‘. l Frank I'mnh, of the fin trol. iorated iuvt (mum: lam " him day in jail n-rularr. mu um fired. Dilwrt .~:I shun-1| oiist and and that he fired “ihwauw nuwrhu tho Nth-II man and “man! t tin, three "iielf, I 11its for mm." Robbery of Th, le up areado in thc In Elm-tric Como Robbery of the Utter Carrier Th, lurid up am-urrml in frun: areado in the building at the Ann Electric Company, West Ta, and Morgan shorts. The ieturr I tTac, wending his way slowly wr-l thrve mun. "Mung them Mar 1mm}; "pm: him. â€no hit him an hurls of the var, and he uhoulml: "Murder. lu-lp. poliw!" he†"rains It hmm at the (in wall-h. Dank-I ll th" [hugs ot' '. plue" uni-r th,, Whor prawns“. h the poliee ii tn th,. mun ulm “rm- tho 0'0th n llovernme"t I Patraq J. F'er, Sim-hrkopf th,. 'l'ln claim itsrucir, Iha" ducted Chicago. Aug. li-Mohr, Mummy. I hum-up man mm had been a mum-:- of and!» to the polim for I long time. “an i all"! and killed early yesterday morning while "Mining away from the place, on West \‘anlmmu nth-ct, when he and tao unknown companion-t laid up a let. trw carrier. TM polirr mum l lurk»; H. lh% n. I. the Hull and trawling business at West Yunnan-II st I'm-t and Ltrretta mun, with firing the fatal slum. Dilu-rl. when diva-ll} alsLI'd, ~inlply laugh» and my. lu- fin-d in the air. He m-knunlulgou wing a rrmlur the sm- of n... hulloé ANOTHER ang "pun hi k of the var Murder. lu-l, Some Postman Held Vp-Attacked I‘ll torrker Hwny. ll :2"th fm who! an 0ququ ".itive that Dil Our of Un- "up u' police in to u. " man Mm m myinu ttot mum: m " mam} thouts an trution of Poiimmim Fee. 'p nd Film ltrkupf, and thrve I the mtt,'itt. The patrols" ree H)."I‘l'- walk-r, but l'lH .m- run-nurh to into-wept the, Dibert Beam Cry for Help. o-kopf the l or) 1e rotunln new UP-Attacked at Vu Baron and Koran Streets, But Hit Identity Unknown. hr uh ke, kw pvr of the saloon 'ttt 28.3 Went Vaulmrn-n allors, had otmerved “In and started urn» the. the mm, and thdiiii.i I “w rum! ll - is to i', {11 I Mm Mm D o4otto,ur of, Inn-"t hum». J. Few, mun up! that he I . “divining " [urvman it ‘L'wl llu‘ra- ttt that a.†of for, mu! "th 'rirr who h, [on lives, in the rear vim». had been ttrott, of " humu- when he nirr 1mm. He gram. t out the front door t says that the r1 und down Morgan . fired in the ttir, lull s attod that the rolorr. and that while um- rm I'm-t the other two ram :rrrna t'trttrt on tlw strut from where l m - --__ "~l-ll’ dr-uaht. wiiilii no. the Mate. ttad "I! But you woudiiViiir'.' uu the P'"'"' of the irml DRY DOCK Alum Mnnmm-y an and†the Melrolml P, 200 feet mulh _ tho "ompanion . mic-y and urging hit 'it before rem-hing y t h arooitt't get him on: of in will, dmliwl Hm 'mw ehu. I‘Illl I‘vgulur c-Iusin; qualified his mum and I "' wen' inform p Ina-u mu- MW! of the “MINI" u ha " uuk um! Mal slam. Dibert. WI]- imply laugh-1 ind my. air. He acknowledge. 'the "ire of the bullet and mi body, but mly one shot and that wed another. Ir Hermann, who run- mliml on the ground. is wrt killed Mummy. t lroublemme thin-:- to ,mtrtettut the identity of ',:' held up. Thi. man of a mail ourrivr. “are by. and told Policeman illiam Zimmvrman and he worked at postal ing the Union “cut. I dalwl that mil} nine ' until the hour ot the of them hml laws. ue. "that it mu probably I had been curmumg .uw afraid lo lurlt'., to tyffortrt to IIiN'u mun mum-d Iain doiettr ttt the 'oria and c, nutil Frida "1 Give been w: unnamed; toward lay of (bitum- o partition an“ tt km Milli win. 'uuhle," I rented It inter, l, when luau Dil ll t' H n " it th I")? tr I P br rnl ter hen he ll