Wt stand, ' I think that we will the but!" ar tif, f. through p the land ere tired feet may rest. W! til til _ Plans. t unfold. “part, P wilt Meal fl th d Ii d rift tr lun 'clmxy k today ._ - - w m let, _l.v'db"Ci,'dlf'e'htetaAhiEri'ii'Gatl 1lr'altA'tr2it 1b1't=Ltt', Ts., bodv bide- mane We. hold†t,Tg'2iei21i.7iinalrll1'l'dlr' 'Am In: culls It forth with â€If“: to rstoloe “I Igor-gait. m. - - 'd8U' b ------, In. cl. at min 1eerteiiiiaairm"i" Prayer. '.'Udti22i.Cii,i"irgiCiilk'fAl t mighty and thrive holy God, hum. ,heat",'"ift' 118Mtttp.ii , I and r"v"rently we approach Thy "qt a.“ 2AettiiiifrGt"i'"iu “I n , "t'ttt. We are Th} Subjects. o In. to no beet I“ d - iiite) ,2 I n King. and we have rebelled against 'Tcrre, M u - ?dt'titti', "l _ Wt' an- Thy r'hildren, 0 “WingI ,2l'r,ldi',ti' I. “Hz... "T'J"g,'lt I 't i, and Wu haw. disobey-d and m h iiiirihEt 1 d l Thu-v. We have no hope but in 'ghillt','lt2atif,ti .0 l I ru-u-v. No light .,hine, upon our tttttig? Ilrdlt,TtddiiiiF2 a I " 'lf'-, ‘uw- through th,. door which d “a. ' And I m g m .. , 1' t', im-t Hymn-II. W" Irle,, Thee, most on" Ian-Ivy In on. a D .0 I I n ms! "uh? hat Thou hast a att the. “m“ oe I“. “b a d ., f r, t V M In I an " a. Cu.- ,', l fur [lm a grout High Prisst, who No Jlue may»: lerlllll ll m Iâ€. " i ' All-rm] tor In an vll-rvml "itvrific", h begin!!!“ to m M, M.“ . ’Hu ~.H-l'|fim- ot' Himwâ€. Ile MP“! 'oei' M oPfetorrukd M 'vaa , 1 , .g.ler.w .,,..~.,mochan-.vhouhlhntomuq ' ltut ll, l\" Ilw~ l "Mk! tttter' multlhrimd I m‘mu’m tt - "t In.†ll, uttrl Hm ll, i, ahh, to the d,“.m¢ d m WI. "ot h ., 'rr vlu- nth-Hum! brunt that Thom to tho '"rhnttt_ I it.“ " I 4 I Ili, Howl V.'. mg obtain the anhtoOrtp" " m (I m“- ' ‘LJ I - haw“ of sir, ...n -I ' i, "preeious faith." canny in P33 in the blessings it bring: Ines it bring them? Not b . or worthiness of its mm. , merit in faith; how can tin it comes simply trusting the yt Is there anything virtur, Hun We conclude-d that thi~ in, what Lord id doing PH'I‘} thy}. {'Eu- wicked lin- nul nut half their '. the triumph of the v irked i, short, but en"my that shall h- (Ix-unwed nth." He overturm m.Vstetns of im 'y and brings in the rnght to reign. " i, the wrath of the Lamb. It is . expressed in WNW". fur He fights the words of His mouth: and de- t"" with the brightens, of His rising. most welcome 501"ch on the shares tt' heavenly Canaan “ill be "They lead which sought tho- young child": “on! words of the dug-4 Precious Faith Names, Itt an inward W. in you l .t that we havé t mn- found safety Wk? No, faith " 'tot d push ajar nd within a --Uwiston (ht Interpret God Knoweth u.“ unto I!" H Mm, I "he! a,- I Be brave and 'tmma.'Tttte ttm h but the mm, Our Joya but“... MUQ~W' 1591mm when. ma. tmt on 'd sight. Wham named coul- "e. h I.“ If. ray. bath ia but 1hnr: 'ts. 4-- “ h _.-- ', _ no and as}; who live men 0r bad, gnu " or y one mum-r. A m r meeting cried. “I. _ It sow-med shorkin: mungc-r manhunt-'1 ilw [ ruleem. Thy body eont f previous. munch-rpm I k hunting for prom-50m Ii mpantively innocent as '. but evil draweth near ullute. to degrade. to de _ not in all the nlnin I. 4 ken w um] sing and put a I " fur a day is canning will be heard again “hit-h sought the l ft A .3431 u. â€but“ try mountain.» blue, mugs Howl] drttttma. into phantom caved; A burning art. at [lowing crimson no. Driving "on “In be!)th the locum; wuss. ' A dwky Lumln an" by now band Brtalst “nut; smearing nay. .5“- I,,..,-., tear t t ma ma bosom ot the me! Dual; pray run-in quickly drum and Tue flash“). [low at u m n Cr,fott of the an.“ thqt no... And unto Inna I. born I I.“ " “mighty and mm and nvercntly , 3â€.“ meat. We are u King, and we hw tot in all-the plain. lest ten and destroyed. P must be decision. coma for a Power more trail than "Nod. sin-L's to mn- _ . .and the into E, think of angels pr: benefits for man. ty words; it is we Him (i,iiiiiiiiifiicr,it(l: kiiii'it,iaiif,ii, HQ boa} /5www- V \ a"iitt)f' fiiifiiigj Jt tor us and that H to the ttttermost. l th "is blood the may mess of sin, and th may be t.rtahL." on n»- pation from false ...u.y wrap. (locum; our the land. unto mun b born a realm Mutt. nun: "re-rt of living 1mm deer, my cm: mud by mu m: â€and: chin. In I mu] “up. n the bosom of A. ...u num- here. not or “my WM». than “to Dan b berm a th y he enabled to the service of G wi In Inger “on t only power All"? Words, curtain drawn bfumeou band an “your!“ run their laughing th " Shall Be No Night Best. ther in the elett" of not in the least goodness before "5111 Bull!!!“ upon our hrough the door which J. We blew Thee, no“ , that Thou hast ap- great High Priest, who In: a" "tornul veterifiee, . of Hintivit'. We bit-sat pr “nu in make inter. swan-it}- and dreams Than "rt Precious. In-rt- i, al,", refuge. to" UN- infant. born My contains a soul Mun-rs art. on tul 'wiuui life. Thy soul wont an well " pre- eth "our to darken, le, to destroy. Fleet " 'ming when 70d knew 'ournal art outside 0 make all 'ound.--Dr. "my in use" r Egypt. Matt ir.13. praidiug. and laden l They also spank well that We take man in that tlo i, able to NM. Grant that ,5- may obtain the uni through His under " find couraga, obed. cr:tit.v. more o "apture and the I Ierod " by any life work Ill" poor :1 V C hl- lung-st? 'rod: The-re in a fervid m calm re. mum-rate our I our 'uri-, Md rful cour -u angels They are 3: child's illou be l nd Why not take away those cribs and let Tour horse feed from the floor. It will require more time for it to consume a meal. but that is surely no objection and the Animal’s digestion will be improved. Bow about that hono- which is so rave. Iom for grain; did you ever try one of the. cribs with cups to prevent bolt. tr of the groin. or has you experiment- by scattering the osta along one side of the mu floor so they must be onion or the tom j, stride, or the cannot. of"? imam, .3... full of m: I long. A we I ten is I good r Did an In tl A better " is few 4ays, £10": ,1 horse stand on pea floor in not m I... I - 7 ,‘ï¬_ ...... r...“ If you had examined the animal you might hare found some heat about the ooronet or some with-emu: al-nng the muscles of the pastern or About the ankle Your {fiend says "call a veterinary an] hare him manual." thmm, forward tada, 'siriiiiiiiii'g "PH and there was pain. I --- I I - ten is I good rule in watering Arock. Did you lee that warning signal which mun thnw out the other day a: you stopped your horse for s moment. As Ire, I. it halted one forefoot was ' --- ., . . man full --.--. I was unvm The Kind Needed. Not try the Ham, But ('ll 'tpg','. "tt Mr " tho '"r' , IH.), and I would" if my one an give a ransom , length bee able can. for uttering horse. as soon :prcbably l “the, _ttnvefiniahedamia or just be- Mattel appe fom going out toe I drive, up a writ. 5 ccssary to or in Suburban Life. In the that place, , ment is no the on: an valid out of the stomach .'upon the l into tin Mating! m, where they {but for th omnot. be ted and must be m active ivint, out in irriuat, ml tho second I atom-oh lnrir-Z- I, _ There. Dillard’s A Dene:- ny is put), using for a ' anâ€, lino": 9". . and let the se stand on pea hirin- if an earth I in not to be had. Of course the in ration must be ty)lt reduced and n meshes sttbsstitdtvd."' heat see if the heels have hem out so as to attain the muscles of the ion. st.., A . -- - -'"""- v. vac It's. too. loft long to insum more or the foot is not properly bal. "No foot no horse," in an old - V_- "a“! on. W Vb†I and hen “mu-d to the my than. “a with my our: duly mm with cotton plug: Inmmm‘mh 2tpttyuiiiiCiii"dlsd"llf'l A mar. a wide cloud 'fa,','", 'ttrr, iv tho sound of n 0W a a W. mm In my. with the “use. but 1... " Mnd. moo I ttrtritt fun fouahln. “an. M I Ion: httervat, anoth- h-II- ._, -- .- - . ___ '“I't “I gently in I “to! In 'N much all Mao. v “WI. which o. .1. - -- - “to n b the ttttio m a ttte "lill7,"i'llh,1 m. pha. one, an ','iiR'!t with": to tho chuck d MI m can (step, M ia. In. both new: It! cool. t up owl... ham “'0 , 3,900 too m». can- *--- g w-- "“"“"'"-wu 'ruyqNetem" unmuhmï¬u‘m.= It',tt '0' h 'sl'li,?.k"1rel'le.'llb'8fd'di: ',tQri'e'iiiiiicJ%"drJli'l't"t%t'2e. no . I ‘mumum “7.1:... 1* “an. on: Pat,'.' !itttroEiuiiGGh"l "-3 amglflm~£l 1Tlll'ld'2,fd,: mun. Aut" I'IiolH-g‘mï¬mp‘1-luw 'l/ttlt Ducal-h.- '3uP.3Ptyg Llnilnont Cite: bel HORSE SENSE. ll with, when they {but for land must be an active ivint, oul the second I stomach orirnin,; Ike- a home dull and Bernow I. time and that of- I'olUt a y in watering stock. ll lnif crm t warning signal which I of his fe " bun out so 'les of the leg, insum more Dandruff. - - LUi"krfA"PVetdtttohireiFt i:iltTfii','itet,s',?, mgmmï¬ . 'ii'i'ltt' filri'ff! iiiiii'ijiits,it,ii"ii' '. 'itr?ii'.?tiAtif. sigma “A. “st-hm. ._ A xurr. Borozowski, the Pole who just ygmrs ago attempted to assassinate Alexander II. in Paris, as the Ern Wag driving back in state from the y [at Longchamp with Napoleon 11L, one, But I then Czarowiich (afterward Alexa ill!.), and Grand Duke Vladimir. ha a mom ilongth been thetttetteod to death, and l as soon gprcbably have been executed ere just be. Hatter appears in print. It is hardly I a writ. i' cossary to any that this capital pu', It place, , mom is not the penalty fur his attu stomach .'upon the life of Marauder ll. in I re they fbut for the murdvr of a fellow mm '.. --u.... â€L- . . - Miami G"d" 97 per cent cents a ton. Revolutionized Snacking. A French inventor claims to have Wrought a revolution in the smelting of crapper. and practical smelters are on“ all the way from America to study the process. Instead of costly furnaces. also. tricity applied to tanks, and it is u- serted that ore can be thas reduced to 97 per cent. pure copper at about " (20119,. I Frm.. "w on w ranrrict itself to a snntence of pend servitude for life. About ten your: ago Borozowski was Talensed. on the condition of his spending the remain. der of his life under police surveillance in New Caledonia. V“. y:-\ _ an! I"! I Polish student from Valli}?! ( lnit' crazed on the nuhjcu-t o , of his fellow countrymen at tho Rusaians. His aim was and had it not heen for the mind of Napoleon’s cqucrfy, war! in such a manner as t its neck nnd flank the two h would otherwise ham laid both of the monarchs. Sympathy with Poland wa ml in Franco, and indeed ever in Europe in thosc (lays, and the efforts of the French an sci-un- such a conviction as able the judges to sentence to dmth, the Paris jury im saddling their verdict with t ing clausc of "eircumstane, antes," which left the court tive but to restrict itself to of penal servitude for life. your: ago Berrr.owski was Cl the condition of his mendino f Execution for um“ um an. 8mm. loamy. Tho nubile for the and] child, the plum for the middle-dud 'ihiht, Hi. "tthtie Hold tor tho boy, folk than and nodal would In. for tho boy tho girl in tho tom, wild-Ion. man: of new nhtlonlhipl during adult 11h --ttte.. are minimum auditing with a... f1'tg,', th tuft t upon mu . plan ot me alt-m which is related to In tt)Tdthtdl',/lt, and. of the not of group an o armor“. Mn“. M in undated uncanny b tho oom- ttL'e,thiiiiiiii, of ML". New: in and the Commons. What You Don't see in Edinburgh. m, nun round was pronounc- nco, and indeed everywhere else a in thow days, and in spite of ts of the French authorities to ch a conviction as would en. judges to sentence Berezowaki fr... I)“; . . _ on for Murder of a M Fired at Czar Alexander, a," T --e. - .1." m “a _ b li?, 'it2lii'iilii 1ut2.iiti' - M b 't'lekt,t,P. , To b IT td?,pliJiihset,rs. il,'e'itgtiidi'i' '10- - “w 'arm jury insisted erdiet with the m “circumstances tt' he auiju-t of the wrongs mtrymen at thv hands of His aim was a good one, been for the presence of )n’s equurry, Coun Raim. manner as to receive ini sk the two bullets, these I ham laid low one or; _‘_,I, Iry mauled upon with the mitigat. nstnnces attenu. court no alterna- It is hrGii.v27, capit'al punish- who just forty I Man Who tssinntv, Czar the Emperor ONTARIO ARC TORONTO Alexninder 3mm. anvmpt in 1867, l has at races , the will this The thoory that to mend in wry mm are in no hurry to " Compounded Quarterly - " got this from ton Herald. Advice They Heed. “Yes; I'm going abroad at once gotta go." "Oh, you mustn't let the doctors l4 you." U Company A uaa TEMPLE BUILDING. 1036510 Cam all loan- 52.900.000 The IJI2f,?2, TREES You might see “W, to makeafew hundred dolum--it you hadthetseediuuestea. Our booklet E out free on re. y'ttt"y1itshmnatiu-tuthirte MWu4wmm wa hsrittouar. nearest tiieket agii/t Br-wrtte. Ilutiee, A. G. P. A.. R. ' 1tt the 1,000 Islands. running the rtttri ' il,", Montreal, and quaint Que. bee, to t e far fumed Saginaw river, 800 mile. of varied scenery, by boat, with ev- err comfort and convenience. Can this delightful summer outing be surpuaed? If you are arranging for your va- cation trip consider this. and “I: mm- A few Gmhed, of I thousand or ytea4rtute!incaseaemenr,se,. harb-tthenakateutnanr. Inna. httiirmu-Ntututeitioah, to ttttte down “'9 'ltiae-rma need i u _ V... w -uvyvvu “HE'S", on all Dutch !Wttahie-reuipi' tho on those of Belgium.--yroin the London m-LA in moored the Dutch lighuhip Huh, which for some days now has been equip- ped with 3 novel system of lublnuino is“. by new of sunken belle. II fog, wow or hu'l, or whenever from my cause the weather is judged “thick" ‘enough, the†hell: can be bounded one. every three seconds. The “yum he. been MM " B practical working tent. and "haze ":1qu are deemed to he I good eno it wi be ado on ntl Dung}. Nahum... lite, generally Every man has before him a salon. peoblem in providing for {We need. Thedwthlul nun mun map out hu Pill. guided by hi, “Mum and stick to it. [ Holhndaemto bopionoeringnnow duelopmmt ot no. liens]: which my render cont 1ighuhim of double utility t'.rvtrtitietim-og. At: . tot Pr. Nora! Sgt. agrthqut of 'ldrlll'dll THE making of a Man Talks Viv "Damn†“I" In. III-pouch» In“... Mum Pulls. VII Letttt- Valley I. I. w 9th, 80th, and Sept. 6th. Ttth. ob $'tVd any; deg/tttg,',"," a Pun-w II on urn For tkUta and /'l'l'l5. 'llf,alhtti on or "it. Robt. S. Lurk. P aft“, " King Street but, TwangJ tlllilg,e,,,,Ptitj Ut. . (“v ‘V- - Tii'; n on ',i",h"i'iir')'F,tt'ii, the 'iitr,titii J,',',",, a a. 'auufSethttfaegt Baum“ - 'U. - - van-nun" 1etptardi," mi" in? 'Wh ““1“.qu trHrtytstts-tsdiGTi; .1.“ 1Ci'l'etgrtttlttrd ' - .13 . .ttrar2tiFt-ti0rti'7G"ii"iiartll ttttee-Grail-ia'"".'.,";? "tueieteie ii,r7iit.iii?li?ii'iili% In Ier.t W. The oblkiu Banking by Mail Ihnm It St. Lime, 11t..'r'rietteotmmi" new " Sigma. but it is never too late comforting to those who to begin. a lawyer."--! ulna-6'3; [[POylortL. doctors scare a I“ your ',_H. Foster ‘Washing. A girl mFiid'iii7tl “Siam. m be " dumb as " oyster. Some men Are a; slow that doubtful if they go fast “leap. A .m ..-.. L..- A .. ..- . Uncle Allen. "Onee in I while," aid Uncle Allen Sparks, "you meet ram: who in no buy talking about the 'higher life,' the 'am', vernal brotherhood of nun,' and the 'gen. eral uplift' that he never [In time to clung. his socks.†-"Vererur," she said, "ull William to have the carriage ready at once. I an going to call on Mm. Felkirtrieqr." -----_--, . ,,_,_. -.. - Anti. wel- Udnnng’s house " "Yes," trnmvered the voice at the other end of the wire. "tk Mrs. Welkinring thereto "No: she bu gone out drivi 1nd ill be gage several hours. ts'rrl'o'Tfllfl,,"i Here Mrs. Capsicum bun 'plttTe. g up the And She put ms sway in! summer. Ind told In. she didn't are; She was wecry ot lips like cherries. sud pink cheeks and golden hair; She hsd fallen In lore, she whispered. with A "cute" little Teddy Bear! ‘30. I've suited here in the darkness " bu llixhneu' commands; Oh, the hours l've spent in longing tor the touch ot her bshy hands! For (on though she loves mother. she holds no in iron bands. It my rival was only hundsoms I would never shod s tear. But ugh. that horrid monster. thet never would let come nmr. Oh, the thoturht ot that Ben and her High- ness is driving me and, l fear. But I hope m. bright, bright morni . sh. will mm to her love of old, " Cttd the Teddy Bar's picco- vii hs esksn by her dolly's bond of gold; \nd the Irma ot her loving Elana. will my waiting Inns entold! Mrs. Capsicum was "Hello.'" she said. “ (Denver Republican.) The Teddy Beu- dcuroyl the motherhood In little *ria.-iata In mooning priest. ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Ramona Bil hard, not: or "lieu-t lump. and blemish“ from hors, blood spun, curbs, splint... ringbone, Iva-nay, still... sprains, sore Ind swollen throat. 00 h. ete. Save $50 by use of on. bottle. 8,'lt nnted the most wonderful Blemish Gun ever known. Sold bv druggiltu. nur- cameo morn-by with In urn-mum. desire to rush into the atom and buy cloth... sun, the ttrm might Mot can. vain-bio in formation it it lhouid try thin query some time: 'ur In an a hundred dollln' worth at good: in I we“ by this kind at Martin- inx, how may hundred dolim' worth could we so“ by devoting the name quantity of in, matter to the mpunion dt entaminlng and I intructivo no'retoer Undo?“ _ ,_V __..-. u. I who. For elm“: "It l of collecting your Chill :4 you found his pocket-boo] mount of money he owed you do with It?" Foam: Aspire chum mt), tril “4-. '- -____, . - - . _ -___., -..- . yum-gm. 1 would be diefigured for a coupie or weeks. I we: advised to try your Liniment to allay lit, irritation end did no. The effect we: more than I expected, a few Hrplieatioms Completely curing the irritation. end preventing the bite. from becoming sore. MINARD'S LINIMENT is also . good article to keep off the monouitou. ,,_- ._._....u... w.. mu Dear Birts,--Whue in the gunner I wu badly bitto “I W! “IL Minard's .Linieyt, Oo., Limited b: 'lhctrlc Clock at Berlin Enjoy: a Unique Diati inetion. This in aid to be the electric clock in the Uaeenent of the Berlin Observa- tory, which wu installed by Professor Poona! in 1865. It Wu incloud in en l sir-tight glu- cylinder, and has fre. quently run for periods uf two or three months with in evernge daily deviation of only Ifi000 of I second. clothing firm In La “linol- taun and-v- to um 31.1th to In†" you!“ to show window can week O auction. tho but nmwer to which it unra- a I. Flu- nv-m-|-. “In - - - The Deserted Doll ï¬w- P'-- than, “awning '"eTgtttttoi.iiiirii"Clr. Hahn-Moon... The Show Window Catechism. Her Dear Ihiend. wonurs usr marinara n wt" It the telepbon said. “Is this Mrs. Wei. I wu badly mm iiriiddii'iil' badly that I thought I would be I I"... A 7 - slow gut it is "an _7.._. - - In" pocket-book, continua; tho . " -" -__u _ " "It rdrttii 3:; Chill tein" I ma Intro†tho manna it *ria.-iatarvim, will M51} '0:th he momttitoea, Yours frelr, Speaks. Cttterull, Nfld, you._ Whit iroilid I " IV“ 1 EM dew-1nd “can.“ _ cguntry hut _ to -wind our ttt- our watch A certain type of not. Maiden and terse com-lush statement. has been rirtit Americun. any: Marsh- Por instance: "Willie Jon fired I. mnnon yelterdny. will he held tomorrow.†Minn“ Liniment -rteue, Neon one" are usually among the most prospemus firms in Belfast, but they have had to warn the farmer. throughout the north not to kill any more pigs until the strikes are nettled, for it in impossible to bundle them-:- a. Busineu has thus been diverted to other Irish baron curing centres, " though the majority of farmers ttGi,! simply respitml their pigs and no unk- ing no attempt to supply the market. Danish baron fartoriea will thug peotit. -9tandani. _'--"-). “Human," - ""'eel. .11.". tx',:','?.,',,"',,:'::?,- “I'll-l. My...“ """'1"t"tutrmaci"i2"e.' 'de.",21tahe1rLru- Aha B..*, " hm . mmvmvmwm “a"! nad ovum " " V, -w. wuu' all" M your children trouble you in thin , Don't blame the child. the chine“ it ain't (re it. This tmtmont cum ulna nnd aged people tron with urine difficulties by dar or n; -ee. “III. M. BDI' In", Box w. 8, Windsor. thu., will send free to any mother her moot-QM home vacuum. with full instruction. Send no money but writ. her today tt your children noun. - '- a.. Spnking do. not cure eh bed-wetting. There in . con can fur this tumble. Mrs, EK,- Ilv A ‘~-> ---e- ""'" -, h-dh. I up no room or a child, but beau-o they In" 7' . cum-a mindu. : . u M Mr on Mend Beam: him: up that'. “h when there in a quiet wedding. tho any on “a Mine. is In wopriuo [m for this bride. I Tho book cu: be bound in lunar. or not. l===="t In tho can my be. . Live like a unnible poor nun, no mattarl how much money you have, or RU n looo- l, moun- Auxi- for you. And the nut coll-n Imme the tor your children. ---, -.. “a m; um we'll my our all!!!“ “I... Ind no longer M our at... cm In Allow-d to M0 on rum on A catw- tlcket. not been“. thar an up tho room or a child. but beau-o they have chtMtntt mindn. Mr old friend new“ Pure“ an that when there in I qttiot wedding. tho any oe 1i)ettetq II an mun-lu- an a..- A: _ -- itio Always Everywhere a. C - WI LIZ; EDDY'S muons SHARP SENTENCE (Prom tho Pull-(lamb The “mull vhh to morn In 0 taken tor u holy zeal In the can: mall]. lliddsr's Toilet Pan â€Md rua, M 50; Bud Tau " Ae 'tterr-tye-iii Syecsucui2aauGiri"iid.1' Tm ddh-mh-al inp- Had. They“ .I‘MWW‘WIHWI“. Arie,. ' rkmic-garo. TM CM‘MW “mac-act. ~,hllqzod-¢h. G". u this on our daily he -nters Enid the 9erth right to place their label. on eaaketa and I the .1'yrtog,tePireture tf a m in Int- ‘lod in a coffin bearing such a label he goes to his last resting plm to remain through all eternity in an “unfulr' Arti- ele. The (ll-image Federation of Utror has been naked to appoint a committtoo to put upon the merit. of the dispute.--- I Chimgo Chronicle. ' kink Riot. has rented the coffin industry, tnd them is considerable doubt in a won mn'a mind In to what style of s coffin ( to purchuo in order to necure the prop perly labeled union article. Even the} Union Burial Amoeiation, emailed 0-,: podnlly to decide thin matter, u at I: 10.0 to decide the matter 3nd in “Him i easketn bearing the label of tbe â€par , tem' union, which the wood worker- " l, chip to be non-union. :' Slept With Bis fuller; Pair and and: Ind-IL no jurisdiction! dispute between the 1'to1t1"ysp' sud 'httrrtntom' union 8mm rm mime VIII] to morn I: often nu- holy zeal In the can. of an. I 9311.03311- {dd Shmh' for your tnotherto try next ironing day. of story. having the trotteltmion to I direct an vlnimod u purely Marsh." P. “Wider. Hie Jones loaded and ‘-.n-tl-_ .... A onc of the“ d muting Books me colon all ready to me. We'll also and lam- ponnd package Cellu- Inc trut, Bacon, Plinth; Book? Do yd- ivalt a also qre'it par â€"-â€"â€" "III IKGOITKIID 'ruter all! Amer. up“ If You wilt ‘hir‘egnt;h you“ fr (in; a: Among the PM“ Intel, have". - - m" “In“ upon I England We was on. an In F----- . tho gift of an elderly Indy " the - ISP‘NKING borhood with whom you. We Cd cure chiidren of 1'i'i'iirCppPCeiiiii"u' old â€I! I I 'Pm.titutioetat . ac P M M S . mumulutod . apply of cnrdbmrd not- ;dm "att a, tom, which allrworkd and had "and Mr h'er I ' M and on which line never and to draw full 'iuld'l,7iSf. with the greats: freedom u oceanic m. her teu, tt It I d ht .,- you in thin 'mr. l_' "tft' "do n n" LL- " The aGii Menuhin. amide; 'tight. “a "u"! Wt: “Ivy bie enough to on. of fighting it (-c tamed ti'iiai"ii the effort to any -n‘ - ---, - l A couple of yarn Mo England Pew. ducal the biggest Wll’ vein-l in (5. world, and It one we and the Juliana. made plum to produce others . little blmr. Now England in planning to H. one of Str,0tttt tom. more than so per can. humor than the Drntlnouzht; sad . mdy our naval officer: re fizan a. one of 40,000 tom. and Jun- .m--- _ "I- am or on Mood with noon 'rem. pe Selle M mumulutod . tom, which ch Ind on which with the “to. "on. catch-""78 t.?r0-riirt EaarIlh" “rim 7:; 7;: Rome can“. l'l'OI-I 32-21-“! 'd,"t'2',Ve my; a; " cheerful "a. 1 by n cord of the l “we on which the MM. htmtt tin u - __.__.... y..-- w “I." " the dog. and min she felt the form od [he folio. clun. "yor----" the any lehNtmena, when hem-dd - I My: I “Emu" 4‘ "Welt," all. mutinuod, "rm an M l the ulna kind of u at you were note» "lr.criiiii. F I In. an of a Cat. ( Ethel, and a, In! Wind in linking "her date land up on his hind â€I. but her offorU to make the out do likewise frowned in the little girl getting n bad swatch, whereupon Ihe exclaimed, “You la-,, at." ! Her INTI!“ mother, who overhaul (her, punished her manly; bet, not dir iltenrteud. W the next honing and. :nduvmd to have pull to and.“ i the dog. and min she felt the {one a! line: (dine chm. "rote---." the any mum h-.. -_- c, -__=. .. 1rjis"ti'i7-.. ' all _ _.Sh‘ h I bench,- A JIM!) ', "Ab, I an." In nun-l. manly. "non-g Hum" at all a. m "(I you. In! " Muuhm-Iy-Ilnu'n-uon tool d u I In! b all." new It (Philadelphi. cw? 3.3.7]; in: an. tio. ".-.U. "WWI n" buzz-Y" "W. "- '1‘... you! has no! In III at not" _Thog.es-t. will. " will... want to iraa " a...» «a 0- ... ..- an! to .I who ll sun-out II- and: must two o'clock on blue meWmMPmH- "in wig-5752!! ter."?. doe, N"V “n... am up†my b mild one of 42,000 toem. The , any but the Roosevelt pk. vandal pence " Invin- - al "do and tshea, “m of tV “he colon over tha L:-k ah -- . "Ml or Id â€unmarr- lulu m "Aha-lug _ - - --II n to Beart tyertttmtr P it (-ontinunlly defected. Md wife; Record.) Wee, â€but. by uFaTil . durum d the " ml“ he" Tttu, When th, bveetittatic “med my mud Hun Dr. Ibvi, mended n mp“ _ r hm Clan tho do phyrir “an. Cm tha'. Min-n an with": mum to amu- h Ship] As an!" “an - â€line "at While Mn u, 'Urllers, ' hntt r“ door I Mk. wFer, I. down .m h which " - fit to kn. he mid mm . t be. H but. but I -ttin to. “that l guidance mu- m. mother .. “Corona . all lift-Id up "Ahnighry _ H one In , a You MI in taqded by n 1 m of the " vile hm igtataad of min P-tes Lil " Mt-arm " “It at Nov York. Mo the “a.†m III-ml M Ptterr" nu, night di "r, might 'U It!“ mi COIOIEI'S HOLY t m E dintaaNi tnin Amend to be in dot "The Britt) Waking! courts-y of Today'. that the s 'arte “In. wit be checked ot hula- have no f fever of hours In The in have pm of the Sill ht mu of wild " for rev.“ Maori-h a Ilium and The run-u niae w tell Blanca. " with the “a have With his ottaeke, bu .terny after‘ (“Hakim of HI why mer with " Pray A fanny-1 Wu- qulg I Vin; tl " a cu inet on.“ " he I;'.'),!.,,';,':') the Govert mu um ttl Ila-rated u In: which may! he amid the win All on tuned t iii My f lint night we" l â€I. men, In: th