Ontario Community Newspapers

Durham Review (1897), 29 Aug 1907, p. 4

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L 5;; Taylor & Co qg‘mmmfiflmxfifimg iii Cr,.',,?:::!,,?,,,?.:,,-,!, 00., Dromore ti Then we should like to burn into y‘ that for $15 you canzget alt the style tll as can be put into a saitr-tss much as i Of course the cloth is not, troltfine, nor ti luxurious, but every other way the $15 with the highest cost clothing. ' - _ t -- - .-: -"e".r_ ‘1‘}er . 3 lbs Mixed Bitun1ittitto/. . Try? pound "trf our 400 Tea. JUST ARRIVED 4 cam CorNtoritpeatr. . . . . 3 cans Kippered Herring.. Baking Powder, regular If Richards' Soap...... .... . Nltrg, by, Peerless Soar) and also Remnants of every othet description. Don't fail to have a look at these. They are sure to interest you and the price will appeal to the most careful buyer. Muslin Remnants This week These Coats are just the thing h Fall wear. They are the moat u They serve you as Spring or Fall o well. We are showing a large tttmort meat ofthem from...-... ...--, --- See the natty suits we are showing for men-in swell shadow plaids, neat stripe effects and tweed mix.. tares in a great variety of patterns from 8.50 to 15.00 Is $15your price for a Suit? MORLOCK'S Specials in Groceries If you do not wear Progress Brand Clothing, enmine our large stock of Men's Boys' and Childrettm Suits and you will find that they have a snap and style about them that are superior to most of ready-made Cloth. ing. They are made from all wool tweed: and Wor- steds of the very latest patterns Progress Brand Cloihing . F. MORLOCK is sold where ‘nno a Batt-as much as if you iraid tai. -- :10th is not. trilfine, nor the trimmings so every other way the 815, suit is identical ....--........,,8 barsfor ens Ramcoats have on . A. Glass, Some Choice Read y Made Suits Agents for Progress Brand C.".'?.'.'.".'."'.'.".'." 7.50 to 12.00 _8oap...... the thing for the cool evenings for early the most useful coat a man can buy. g or Fall Overcoat and a Waterproof as ‘9'"- ---= ' Flarity ’en’s Suits IN for.. . . m " Dromore it our bargain table Emma-:5 BRAND ' CLCIHING 1 into your brain the fact style a.ryl as perfect afit 25c Manager .5c . 'doe, Mo 25c Me Ar; utter Miss Kate Derby of Detroit, home with her mother after agrolonged tour through Europe. or sister M1153 Helen leabeu this week for Buf- ta o. School re-opened August 19, Miss M. Leeson and Miss M. Dougall. teachers. returning to their respec- tive schools, Hampden and Fordi. Miss Fiddis left last Tuesday after a week's visit with her sister Mrs Thus Young. l Misses Elma and Mabel Ball ot Hanover ere visiting with their cous- in Miss Margaret Geddes for a week or two. Mr James Anderson at the Mer- chant’s Bank, Walkerton, is upend- ing his vacation at his home here and strengthening " muscles by assisting in the harvest field. iifi"iii"ris'ic .' l'.' I J.'.' I I II I 1'at,tleli,titFCy/'.'. I "tey,............ westeAiKii"it' We Durham ...... li'lesherton . . .. Hanover ' . . . . . Holstein . . . . .. Markdale. . . . . Priceville.. . . . 2Ar.tlputr......., golljnnwood . . Pets) G'G' Messrs Miller and Sum are busy moving their mill from Elmwood here. They expect to begin their work of rebuilding in the near fut- are. During the absence of A. L. Budge Mr Dixon is acting as supply here. Harvest is about over in this vi. cinity and threshing is now the order ofthe day, Last week the frame barn of MI Hugh Wilson north of here, was barnt. with his crop of hay, barley and peas, a spark from the house when the wind was high is supposed to have started it. Mrs Wm J. Glenister of Toronto, has been visiting in Egremont with her parents Mr and Mrs Stephenson near Dromore and pat in two days seeing her old neighbors here. iMiss Dezell and Alfred Daze” are tye, arriving too late for the tuner- s ' On Tuesdav morning the 20th inst. Fidypr1'ams2ydahl 6 months, son of Mr Peter McArthur died, being only sick about one day. The fun- nral was on Wedmsday 21st inst to ', Pricevi'le and was largely attended. The Rev Mr Gibson officiating. What makes it more sad is that only a few months before, this tamily had twin boys died and buried in the one day] They have the sympathy of the community A praver meeting at the home of Mr and Mrs Rob: Henry was conduc~ ted effieiently by Rob: Renwick in the ubsence of Rev. Mr Kendell who was called magend a funeral in his old charge at ii/G, Mr John Scott is the latest purchas- er ofa 7 foot Massey Harris Binder. Mews A. Hana. Wm Watson, Jae Hooper and Frank Scott being the other happy purchasers of these machines. Our congratulations are due Miss Minnie Halpennv on her recent suc- cessin passing the severe examina- tion in which so many others throng, h- on: the province failed. Mr Jas Thompson, P. M. of Parkin. son P. o. Algoma district, alter an absence ot 21 yeais is visiting friends and old acquaitance here, and is bat little changed in his looks in all that time. He attended Presbyterian ser- vice on Sunday last and was pleased to find occupying the pulpit, no less than one time his own minister, the Rev. Geo. Kendall who labored there as a missionary some years ago. Mr Wm Reilly, Prieeville, attended service at the Hall Sunday last in good company it is said, certainly a. good place. Mr David MeK_elvey had the mis- fortune to lose his black mare on Saturday last leaving a colt some two month old. List of Fall Fair; T. -Daly." Valid}: Tiii/tdry/sri,' braking has taken; position in the pork packing establishment " Palm- erston. Mr Wm Brown has lately had erected a wind engine with which to Bump water for " stock and for the cuss. . Oh water blessed water, how little its value is thought of by those who have it u-plenty. not so with those who secure it under dimeti1tiea, Mr P. Reid had considerable expense in drillingn Fell, last summer. which filled up with sand compelling them to have' it pumped out this summer and further drilled toe. depth of three feet. This they Idid bv the aid of a spring pole, and sank the piping some eight feet further with the assist- ance ofa home made tri hammer and some few of the neighgors. they now have 18 feet of water with bet. ter prOSpects of a good supply. The whole work has cost together with wind mill, piping to bard, a, over $200, not including labor, so that be- tween the other incidental work ot the farm there is little danger of Charlie rusting out. with a few foot- oall games ardently thrown in be. tween. .Mr Chas Falconer and wife is visi- £193,141? latte.r's parents Mr and Mrs ------. Mr North Egremont. Hampden. Hopeville Fr Sept M-as .. Frtar-iit .. Sept 'dtr--27 .. Otit--e. ... Oct 1 - 2 , Oct 8--t ..... It-g .. Sent. --27 . Sept M-gr . Sept. w-a . Sept w-u . Sept w-m u Sept tr-o ame barn of Mr h of here, was I of hay, barley from the house high is supposed ONTARIO ARC!“ TORONTO " mu I ulu Ulstern Humps Machine Oil (isiitii"m'ii Gloves Lawn Mowers Separator Oil Bay Rakes Ice Cream Freezers Cylinder Oil Hay Fork Rope Stoves and Furnaces Sperm Oil Trip Rope Garden Hose a Fittings Pulp Oil Belt Laces Builders’ 1.yolsdrsu/iiha, Raw a Boiled Bolts National Portland Cement Linseed Oil Trace Chains Martin Senour Paints Turpentine Shovels Putty and GIBBS White Lead We pay highest market price for Eggs and Grain. i I You will find our stock complete and up Pitch Forks Cistern Pumps l Bindmg Gloves Lawn Mowers 8 Bay Rakes Ice Cream Freezers C Hay Fork Rope Stoves and Furnaces 8, Trip Rope Garden Hose a: Fittings P Belt Laces 1,hi3ltp,' Toolsszupplies I mm. -a.t-o " a% - _ We have made great reductions in our ces to clear the remainder of our stock. THE DURHAM REVIEW Review to Jan. lst--250 - 1-, the occasion. Don't put lard on a man's shoes when you see a. man "going down hill." [hey are already greased fur Don't kick a nun when he is unless you are sure that he will get up again. Salim; in the end oh; church pew, don't gel up lo admit others. Move along.' Don't ask the editor to publish on list of wedding gifts. [ Don't add to the terrors of death trn tucking several stanzas of doggerel to " death notice. Don't crowd the mourners. Don't lug old clippings into a. news- paper otrice and tell the editor that! Van have brought. him “something to fill up with." Take him a cabbage; he can illl in with that, .s. HUNTER, Durham, Ont "Already the world is too In: no. and our cmwdod. both' would soon "Ample out of our I that makes an kin to God if we the silent. spaces of our Sabbath in the soul mu thin]: and -.. grow." I "Canadian young men and women may elect to spend their Sunday morn. ings in bed and their Sunday evenings pruutmuling Yonge street. or they may give up their days to lawn tennis parties, pine teas and the like. but it they do may God have mercy on their children and their country." "I thinkI know something of what religion In general and Sabbath chub vunco in particular have dons in the pass for the tslrtuetheuiug and deepen- ing and dignifyiug of the lite ot the common people of Scotland. It thu, and all that “and: for it, be lost, what have we to put in its place?" 1 "Some people are never weary of shearing at what they call the insuff- erable dullness of the Scottish Sabbath. And when you are as ignorant " some of these self-appointed censors of our Sabbath almost nothing is so easy as [ to sneer. Bat If the choice is to lt made between Puritan over.prtstfurion on the one hand and s limitless sell-indul- l genee ou the other, which some seem to desire, J, for one, will hold up both! hands for the Scottish Sahbsth." Rev Geo. Jaekaun, B. A., lama! Edin. burgh, now at Toronto, in an address to men ruenlly. said swung other things worthy of rtspttionr- GREAT WORDS OF GREAT MEN Mr Peter MacIntosh erected a mammoth frame barn on Saturday afternoon. A large aggregation of muscle and brawn was present so that individual exertion was reduced to a minimum, The two gladiators of the " raising arena tt Messrs Hay and Alexander were captains. the latter winning by a narrow margin. The frame went to-gether with anl exactness which proves that contract- or Armstrong 's mechanical Ingenuity is strictly up to the standard. ""----e_ .7. .0..ou ""l"E7rt' from the immediate vicinity intend leaving on Friday‘s excursion for Western Canada. We wish them a jolly time en. route. fltttamial succesa and a safe return to the scenes of their nativity. A charming ancieu' belle is Mine McCalmon. at Varney who is enjoviug a pleasant turlough in the community lbeing the guest of the Tinkham tami. y. Mrs Harry tNntaeoompaniett by Master Carrol spent the grentrr part of last week visiting friends in Walkerton. Mr George Macintosh, Locomotive engineer for the Duluth Transporta- tion Company. is spending a pleasant vacation in the burg after enjoying lite for two years under the Star and Stripes. Miss Susie MacIntosh left on Satur- day for S. B. Munch: for a pieasant sojourn with her sister. Mrs Charles Ben. ot the Canadian Boo. an extremely winaome and cul- tured lad y is His Hue! Darnvul. of Buffalo, who arrived in the villa on 8aturdie last after nu uhsenco of two years with our Republinn neighbors. Ion! V may think "iirirray" iii'ii A numper 1t,Yaw.n.r.tmrother, Att, _extretttel A Great Saving in BINDER TWINE cmwdod. " mini}; (ll-yr; DON T -._.. Dornoch. a-u.7, i no av was, In wm hoico Is to be ROW 'ver.prtstfurion on t.rhtti Mess sell-indul- " ttt 3h some seem to 2t'l l, bold up both 22.0 abbnth." P1110 athing of what and Sabbath obser- l Thu. our “in till fwe had not. Ibnth where m aeh with down never 8. lime settler he: " perm-lieu: residence u n t,ftigtliii,ie' owned by him in the vi- 6533] of his cine-teed. the requirements In to residence may be "titrited by residence upon the aid lend. 1 Six monthl' notice in writing should be given to the 18ttrtmiufdtier" of Dominion loud- " Ottawa of intention to apply for potent. W. W. CORY. Deputy of the Minister of the ulterior N, Ir-tut-tOrin publicuion of thin ed- venisemeui will not be void for. l 1. At lent six months midence upon Ind cultivnion of the innd in each yen for, three yenrr 2 if cherub" (or mother, if the inherit downed; of the homestecder midu upon . farming evichmy onhelmd amend for, the requirementau toreMdenee may be "tigtied by pinch person residing with the father or mot er, I Harry Ruppenthal last week saw mill and machinery to l Beim of Hampaen who will re to the latter place to replace t which was destroyed by fire r The removal of this mill In midst is to be regretted and h more forcibl than words the of the i'i'l'lUi.'i'f,1' industry yjcinitr--EuGGlld cor. of ( Enterprise. n According to Present plans Thanks- F giving Day wil be held on October I am, the last Thursdayof that month. The Commercial Travellers' Assocna- tion, however, with headquartere at Toronto, Montreal. and Winnipeg. I have made representations to the Secretary of State that the anniversary should be changed to a Monday so_as . to allow many persons an opportunity of taking part in family reunions who are notable to do so when the eele- bration takes place in the middle of , the week. TheSecretary of State has been assured also that Monday would be a much better day from the point of view of the bank clerks and of all others who could reach their homes for a week-end celebration. But the week-end celebration is Just what the government is anxious to avotd in the observance of Thanksgiving. The day is set apart as a holiday not for the special encouragement of feast-making and sports. hut as a day of national rejtucing in the continued blessing of Providence ugon Canada as a people and upon ‘anadians individually. That the change to Monday, will be, gtanted is, therfore, rather doubtful. but at all events the travellers have the government's promise that they , will we heard before anything " de. finitely decided. tmt tf Canadian 'iiiiriiii w Il load ousot t willl I like 'ltfll old To]: sigma?“ _ which is not reassuring for in the Pat, ‘veree we are told Thomas appurs With . face as red " n beet. The farmers are asked m the mu: verse to neglect their plowing and the 17th and last reminds us the " hired man is mortal " and wants to no also. lhe last line of this classic. (author, P. J. f?hewrine, it..r'1n,,u'ten.'t, of the Pork factory). whic can be teen in full at our oftice, has the worldly wise suggestion; But don't forget the pelt. ------- 0 _-----.. HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS __ 7 .â€" -e--. -nv "all: lists of Auth/taria' Mm," and 'li" to be "attitted%iGriii""t,ei7ir t Bhe In tttttron her Sunday-(odo- s'4iifii'ls'ift,'i,'e,', no line. I Bolook glirgt',,rt"" girl: And on get to line. The urgency for this run-ho: boy will not: be be! And ouch In on the hop, So hustle then like lusty men l At nothing do not Mop. ( How the ttiris are to hustle like lust. l ty men is wot explained. The 4th vane more: us of a " bully time," the thh contain- the worm invitation ' To all our neighbor: round nhout We send you thin invite. The 8th vetee ensures us We'll nuke you downright welcome And feed you with the best. This is to stop "stumbling when we go_hoq1e_to teat." The " beet " enn- "lt nod cabana? Mum She Is Fi'h"i'i'i'r, the Mot no" And mm onto! The reason she ie so precipitate in that I celebration is phoned for Labor Dar, next Monday. It will be worth going to for . a... nu TI- one-tend. the ieqi.rf%Gui"d to 'be "titrited by residence upon the notice in writing should be ven Iiuioner of Dominion has n ention to apply for patent. -----. Binder Twine Thanksgiving my, Pork, Poetry and Pen "ru on uunada as a ople I gunadiuns (G/ulflfl'/ :hange to Monday, will he ' therfore, rather doubtful. eventg the truvellgrs have 14:4 'regretted and herpeUi, 'thnn words the decline 1Tt1yLindustri in this sto-date in PtctineritG"ii"iiii",r' 'wno will remove it to replace the mill red by fire recently. ttit,htui.tiGiii our cor. ot Ohmic}; pri- I HARRY Btattuiiir . ' “midget, - Dating gold his new eueuerT.' You can't be L well unity! for the New Shims. .75c up New Ties. . . 26e up New _Hattct.tio up New Hosiery.25 up xummlun and a. Wrg tu Cl' and from our stock of !tpiryinii and se- Choose Your Outfit r MENS FURNISHINGS JOHN CLARK The qualities Farm." Washers. Sowing Machines. DEERIN G H ARVESTERS In cinvnro we sell x x x x use any other quality you may wish for. Charcoal irons ttttt bat-gum. In granitevnre we sell the London and Diamond brands. Also cheaper grades, -ee --- ......w v": Hull me Buck manufactures, such an Happy Thought, Buck 'tt Pilot, Buck 'a hero. etc.. so widely known the world over they sell themselves. Ask vour neighbor about them. In Ready-Mixed paints we sell the Siherwin-WitiiLrG which users know there is nothing to equal for all pur- poses " they any it works nicer and apt-ends farther than anv other paint they ever used. In binder twine we sci mouth, known all over I as the most reliable twine A few grain cradles in stock Everything of the but manufac- tured is to be found in our establish- ment. which makes it easy to do business. In llDVannd range. and Farm Machinery. HARDWARE Reliable & Durable JasR .Gun& Co Insect Powder qu-uuu rumor- mint. Sewing Machines, Churn: FLY PAPER S.S.S..tt,' Tanglefoot ." Black Blowers Lightning and we sell_ the Ply. over the countFy It?” the Ci 119- li1fAR'rriue I, to AUGUST " 8: BE”. 5. Xitt'ii'v6', goon Ind Show for an We: Ment split con ' Blur Baie l Hen'l wholoitock Bull Kip Blue Women'u than 00AM: AND In Ban. can“: loan to: In Wu. at [1.3. Print. u mane-d prion. 4.-.“; we?! and Seed.' (Ear-nun Pop P, and white “no “In some": Milena an [mun l’ Ickllngs rttIntlrrie, e are better p “In“. "(We may” heioG%"ig now ready to do bus- iness with you We meet to our mutual advantage. Our stock is new and at. tractive and our pric- es are low. Come end judge for your- selves. We are al- ways pleased to show goods whether you l?, buy or not. If you do not buy now you I will again] PEEL, the Shoeman We Are ~Some Misses and Women 's Dodgoln buttoned boots and Oxfords. . --Woment Milking Oxfords. --Children't, chocolate strap slippers. "---Men'a can". Outing Shoes leather Gales. T For $1.00 ---A lot of Men's Gaiters weight. size 6. spices We only ask you to examine our stock. We guarantee satisfaction. ' ... llup Wine menarc- and all other school ac cessories. School Books at the new reduced prices We give you the best quality at the least price. We now have. on hand a full line of Druggists and Bookaetuas 2hthoot Jkemyes befar/ano d c, '0)", pencils; Shtat"t,a, Jor/té/ors, theesreises, 7010 $00.41, Come to us for your EGGS WANTED Whole 3nd RPott n Ind lushrd ""ht- “tape-m .nd theam. Pads 'meet over , my 2 YE it? S A Gnderi pomtent WI as follows: found out d nonwo- in mm; the 01 they bringl (no: in In an ettt II mind in d Got the Ge Invest you tiet% ke and t-.th TORI The trom We W W

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