,_ .v. ule “I " u to heaven. Which brougl worm be Profiutsu for tho: their former condition In lilo, tonderfu! delivmnce from In WH av. w.. Beware lest thou large! They will be in great denge their prosperity. "Ever let m word 0‘ tautiott--'beware./i physician is unknown at the beware!" When house in ad, and land to land --lthen hem er. Beware lent than forget forget His law, target mu p1 get In: holy day. forget ll iorget to love. obey and 1 forget to render Him the eel hand. Md forget to give Bin Ohm. '.verhirmiip, luxury “It. of God have and t life hom many mule. Wht can. ntiefied with "rthty l hymn forth-nih- 10. 11, Whieh m 'ware-ood had not emly rorni.ed to bring them into Can- Ill. I Atrmham--iri. 13. 14-17: 15, l; 18, 18; 22. 17. 18. To "aae-G'en. 26, 3-8, " To Jaeotr-Gen. 28. H. Buildest not-The Israelites were about to leave their tents for the homes of the Canaan. ites. who because of their exeesaive wickednes- had forteited all right. to them. In these verses " here "a pie. ture of “Ming civilization." We are eonst-ntly appropriating to our own use that which he: been produced by the hard fought battles and the laborious " forts of theme who h-v. lam- =n__, m. Worthy; spin†idolatry M). hand, in the g t of the 'e 01:“;- .". ttettrt. uplift thy m plan. of the dtlt., o. ,'.'h',"t'raed2, ttreaqrth, until all Jew take this literally. "Mnee writing. tell know that ye were are and costly, law could Page†tt! (John 13:34). 9'sz of the law, or read them if thev ( "a Ptey': w di " thear, this comm-nd h" T. ) vid said 11'qu God ever before the '25:; bll in mine heart, t the We." The spiritual meaning is “glint thee" (Psa. tut. our homes Ind ht be! all our por girl longed to join I sea-sons uhould be ruled in lunnonv with mother felt " wise n the law of God. . Shula nun... ...:AL l -N. 'e---..--.. u.-cu-'wr. o. bind them, etc.--mte Jews ttttf this injunction literally. The Ime- ed phyl. uteri“ no leather box. with {our com- partartenta, h which ere put four por- tion of the law written on parchment. These were bound to the forehead end an by long lather shape. "But the real meaning of this command in that l God's law should he in every deed of the l 3-..; = At ' .. - _ v v - -_ -__r w- 1'- - - hears--coiare Jar. 31:83. These words were to be understood, loved and obeyed. t. teach thear-lit ever po-ihle In]. In the home, in the gumhy school, through the public worship of God. aili. trmstlr--Thefe must be no laxity nt thi- point. unto thy etadrert--4Ngdren mod to be taught and trained. To neglect either teaching or training is detrimen- tal. The chi] in 1"eit'elored-rtmtutpttg is the art of promoting growth. he rhild is itrnoett-rtetushirstr is the art of turnishing the mind with the knowledge of things. talk of thear-tot lectute 'upon them, simply tnih. The not}; of God are to become iiirt of iiur life, v, mi le with on therhreer. The "gtphcfe of Ue,,td. m {great " fect on the life ot the child. Good train. ing And A family reii ion no the found:- tion of . strong Geel1,', character. 8. - -_. V" " “3“ which hm, been produced by the tought battles, and the laborious " of those who have gone tetore us. ‘eware lest thou forget the Lord-. wilt be in great danger became of prosperity. "Ever let men hear this 3, tautie?tt--'u,rnris./; When the tia is unknown at the door--'tttm, 'e!" When house is added to house tnd to Int-1|. 'rk, . n..."- um [oriented all right. to . In these verses we In". "a pie. of Idvuhcing civilization.†We are .rsfr,. ---. _ A. - ti th _ "W" .- - rat. on - I113:- n, dunes, e "a o "in. It includes "1% fi1,I',s,'i'tlthiit, ti and tomthe Emu ties," lt n 't o' re of all morn] activity?‘ The soul in "t e personality, the individual existence." Tu might in "the sum of the energies" of both body and mind. "He that hath *tio love in his heart haa the fountain and noun-e of all virtue. It In to tho Me what the minuprlng is to I watch, what A fountain is to a stream, what the Ion] in to tho body, what the two olive tn. of 2eeUriah's vision were to the hm, they fed. It will express itself in love to mtut,"--Peloubet. F n. The duty of teaching God's word WIS. children (n M). & them word. r-Betriautintr wit}: "tple, k., In thin. _-.,e -v. uu- In: limited time. 3. Increase mitrhtur--Moae. new 1 great future for them if they obeyed God. 4. God is one Lord-Here in the comer. atom, of the Hebrew “it; Jehovah in one. This, great truth stood opposed to all the idolatroue religions of the nations around them, against which Moses warns them so earnestly ls. M). 5. Thou ehalt love~Thin comprehensive require- ment God calls the first and greet com- lnndment. And by its side he places the requirement to love our neighbors I. outtakes (Lev. 19: 18). On these two hang all the law and the prophets. Com- trg Matt. 22: 37-40; lurk 12: 29-81; tthe 10: 27. The whole ei ifieanee of the scriptures u a rule PI'?, in em- bodied in there PP,i_rteep9.-aaadi. -Without love God himself become. but A distant and infinite idol. Love doee _ not reneon; love epeeke its own lan. : silage. finds its own prayers, met†its ' own songs. and sets them to it. own I music. Children can love when they an f not understand. Love - straight I through the tone of reason and ascend- I to the haven where it we. crested in Il the hurt of God.-Parker. Heart .... , soul .. _ mittht-- We my under-tend ti this u a command to devote ell of our tl powers to God. The heart is men’l 4. inner natnrje and in the gent of the eliec- Ol “A“ aL, __., .. ,, ---, '1'..- wlth men, that they may be wine and good; there is nothing wanting that in .uttetive of ripeness of experience, of depth and genuineneu of sympathy. He become. shepherd attain, only now men and women and children, more wayward than any bent: of the field, constitute‘ his multitudinoua and most trying flock. lead Deuteronomy immediately after Exodus. and mark the growth of the man; how hiss voice is softened, though the fire of his eye is not dimmed; how his tears are multiplied; how intense in his pastoral solicitude for the ulvation of laraeL"-Joseph Parker. Day. .... tyloegefr--compu, chnptera 8: l; 30: l6; 6: 16. The person who wantee his I life in sin does not live his nllott-rl “In t pr Him the service of thy rt to give Him of thy Inb- lineu, luxury Old forget- have sapped the opiritusl y souls. When men be, with out“ N 8 the soul 't'e',ltJtrtd Which My“ aa', oft." erid with'uuigagv'y- "or. yew: but who loud tad clear mom LlatrtmxL-a: than forget the Lord-. lugs-t His promises, for, y. forget His worship. obey and that Bin. "t.c A‘ ' thet? 12;; , for .35; tiGUii inlay 3012001. [ii:iit',ii I in We. and Ila; from heathen bow Rafa E chin; God's word lions“ ). & then words "no I not 6. In thine on: tt :83. Those wold. French loved mdloboyod. head ai r ibe le. In. . 8,ng school, of 0:? hip of God. aiti. a good no hxity nt this Dun . a a-Ahiidren hood if (go; ted. To Meet would): ing is detrimen- "my ol 'eioped--triuthte that on g growth. The patina. ng in the In of of the a I the knowledge with In: tn--Not lactate glory. I The words of 1mm! " '--Ptsrk (VI. 10 I sortened, though u. "Observe ' not dimmed; how we had a (lilac d; how intense in poor Womtut Vb for the salvation and had been w her. Dlys .... Pe"ttres, said 1 we" g.. I; ar. the textt" "Sun I who wastes his feather." "wk his waned time. "Well, Pm beat “Moses - .' 7t.en what my; thev obend “M t fine up...“ .n _ T -_, .-...... mun, Any word have I a?! hr. in mine heart, that I might not sin u against thee" (Pu. 119; ll.) A little m- girl longed to join a picnic Arty. Her tlt mother felt " wise not to let her. When Suaie came. with her request, the mother ). said. "No, Susie dear, you cannot go." She had expected to see i sorrowful dis- " appointment in her daughter'. hoe, but " instead, the little one bounded "my ', singing merrily. " w†Mmid of seeing w you grievously disappointed," she said b afterward to her \Zaughter. "I have got , the mtv.winma,oco,.'.i', A“. . __ ,_-- ... - eys, and mid: “Momma, I am so glad you told Jesus my name. He knows me now, and when I come up to haven he will any, 'Come in, Arthur) your not)" told me about you.†l . V A. a M. C"'"---- A w... an talk about her lute 5“ without id]. . widow. "V "" 6"“ you told He know. me no" and to haven he will say, 1 Ttme my" told m 1 """'__i.= ....u was on a 10 where I can get them easily.†many talks to chillren are like Mary's cakes, on a high shelf. rakes low. The teacher who " 1auV school lesson, "The extel divine forgiveness to the impenii patella}! rather than actual," I cakes too high. A Christian mother led her tit to I quiet spot, and, kneeling, em ed him to INN. As she eenaed 1 the child looked into her face, wf; P, tan in hi on, and said.. "N “at: so glad you told Jesus I" mm “all eApeCIGG to m c sorrowful dis- lappointment in her daughter'. hoe, but instead, the little one bounded sway singing merrily. " was timid of seeing you grievnusly disappointed," she said afterward to her lianghter. “I have got the ‘Ihy-wjll-be-done’ spirit in my heart." the ohild answered, aweetly. VII. “Teach thy children" (v. 7.) The mtory of the cross has. peculia- fatseina. tion for culdren. Make the truth simple and comprehendâ€. A child was naked whether she would rather stay with Aunt June or Aunt Mary, both of whom were kind. She said, "O, I like to stay with Aunt Jane best, because she always I puts the cakes and ' -- - . - q . -_- “cum", believini - then right. Iryyrtheuiii; I was on TW, l?†side of France, for reasons I could ove at, r 910$ng 1 had a German tttt 'Wy-nt-ie-t heart. In vain I re- word monstrated with my heart for its r. r0rd» verse sympathy with the French. Wheel: hine ever the news came of a reverse to the on. French, my heart was pained while my yod. bead sided with the German. Hy head my. was right. I would have joined the army moi, of the Germans. Would I not have made ttili. a good soldier! I could have truthtully this sung. 'I'tn glad I'm in this my! But heed if a Moltke had known my heart, leet would he have trusted met Now, in the ren- army ot the Lord some of us have hearts ling that are not true. The heart has sym- _ the pathies that wander away to the armies 1 of of thr allies. So Cod cannot trust us , [go with much power, nor use us for his l ire glory. But perfect love makes the heart , of loyal to god Ind te his kingdom." 1 u tr. goth} the little foiioun (v. 5). , he You are commanded to Ewe God, not as f " did Adam before he fell, not as did the w tt- angels who never sinned, not as did I", . I- who sat at his feet, not as did John the p, , beloved disciple, not as did Paul the gi " great scholar, not as did John Knox, s: 'l. whose love for souls broke out in the or IV agonizing cry, "Give me Scotland, or I w. " die!" but with thine heart, reaching Vt t. after a God but just known," with thy on d soul, so long dead in trespassea and sins, th . with thy might, which mat. seem but th t weakness. Pray him to enlarge tin: . a L,__a ..-. _ .my- wnu never sinned, not u did nary who est st his feet, not as did John the beloved dileiple, not so did Pull] the great scholar, not " did John Knox; whose love for souls broke out in the, agonizing cry, "Give me Scotland, or I die!" but with thine heart, ranching after a. God but just known," with thy soul. so long dead in trespuses snd sins, with thy might, which mat seem but weakness. Pray him to onlsrge thy heart, uplift thy soul, and increase thy "length, until all men seeing thy love shall know that ye are " disciples in. deed (John 13:34). Yr. Hide Godu word "in thine homo†Com- to wh 39.3]; Heb. 1 ce of 6. 13) 9111- Love duty. Witho 1 but the S! does truth) ian. by tio1 at its M). "l on love " can oelf, is ittht 1'be u ends not pro I in not in n...“ m unpn. ti. 2.) The , companion of faith (1 Then. 6. 8). That . to which we are to provoke one another, . Heb. 10. 24). To serve one another (Gal. i 6. 13). To follow after (I Tim. 6. 11). Love is to he fervent (1 Peer I. 22). Without (ii-simulation (Rom. 12. 9). In the Spirit (Col. 1. 8). In deed and in truth (I John 3. 18). Makes us willing to icy down our lives for others (l John 3. M). "Love suffereth long and is kind; love envieth not; love vauntet'h not it. Ielf. is not puffed up, doth not behave its†unleemly, leeketh not her own, is not provoked, thinketh no evil; rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Month ttll things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth ell thing. Love never faileth†(I Cor. 13. 4-8). Read this love chapter every day on {guy A knees and ask God to teach you to 104$ worn and did it, though the liG text or sermon. m. Study the word "lore' the fruit of the Spirit (Gal bond of perfectness (Col. 3. filling of the law (Rom. " debt we own A" --_.. "TI dd: 11. "oidiii; to We had I â€And . v_,.- 'ttttive. A child was asked would rather stay with Aunt Mary, both of whom he said, "O, I like to stay te tttst, because she always u. perxectness (Col. 3. 1 g of the law (Rom. 18, we owe one another (I path to walk in (Ebb. tr: tPet tlet mm better , .. "l. I and a grand sermon yesterd worn-n who kept 1 corner I had been wont to cheat wit "es. "mist a, ' _ T""t'P"""e9," we said lianghter. "I have got done' spirit in my mswered, sweetly. v children" (v. 7.) The has: peculiu fascina- Make the truth simple ttrtt shelf. Set the her who said in g "The extension at the immanent is I actual," put his te his Magnolia? M" mac ibioun (v. 5). led to Ewe God, not u lge fell, npt "rdid the I" "Hm, endureth lever failethn " Car. ' love elsapter every and ask God to teach "Thy Word is}; l 1 her little boy ylirtg, commend- ceased praying face, with up. are like LG b'on..hear ,th Nr ie 9- test of " is an evam. 'in thine heart" a low she'll, r others (1 Job: 3. long and ig kind; 9 vauntet'h not it. r, doth not behave " .._A v -- “um am in“: him under. 'ly, urnestly, ad tender semi. , of Your being. fpr little. J. R. be 'rdiirfria “Friars inns. _ “M111".- , "love" tv, -. ..,. (1 Peer I. 22). (Rom. 12. 9). In In deed and in Jtes us willing to when (1 John 3. mu. b. 22). sl. 3. N). The m. 13. IO). ter (Rom. 13. (Eph. 5. 2.) l Too v rvuw Ill“ LP!" examination. He stated that the wound corresponded to what might be made from a. bullet of a. smell revolver, of, any, 32 calibre. The bullet, it appeared, went into the right lung. where he found it lmbedded. and he laid it upon the table. _ From the nature of the wound he did not think that Gilbert had lived more than I. minute, because a. large blood venue! had been bunt. He stated that the wound showed that the man bad; been in e 1ttqophtr podtion when the 2t1'tttttfii"iifi7G1"rt'o"'lll de. fendant: counsel he gutted that if the an: of the one discharging the re- voh" had been annvnl' -.---- h ... luv worn or the local undertaker, and rt the women were in the lockup. , The Inquert Begun. " A postmortem examination Watt held F. during the day, which did not bring out t anything new, and the coroner began his y inquest in the afternoon, but Boon ad. r journed till the evening, in order that l counsel might be present. At the in, t quest, Andy Headings, a day laborer, who , resides in the North Ward, stated that he heard abate and was near the tent u when the last discharge of the revolver. was made. He stated that there were between thirty and forty among the raiders, and that some had their faces blackened. Robert Lancaster, into whose house the body was taken. Wed by four men, l I unfortunately appeared to know very lit. tle, and knows none of the people there, though he has lived among them ell his life. His evidence did not amount to I much. ' Dr. Albert Fisher Wtttt culled, and 1 made his report upon his poet-modem r examination. He stated that the wound e corresponded to what might be made" t from I bullet of a smell revolver, of, any. , " calibre. The bullet, it owned, went B into the right lung. where he found it 8 imbedded. and he laid it upon the table. I From the nature of the wound he did , not think that GM A-a ““’ if). It in All ai iiirii in the room of I: the women were he then ia",.'] in dill Constables a mediat-ay made. the all ttll 13. gf w _ The dead man, Phi“; man who had laid a o no effect. He hit not done. So on Tuesday ed about a dozen men, that they would make tent and drive the pun! from the town. “In ful 8.) law bu been inopern occasion. chug“ had women of this clan, a before the Police Mg! mined them each time inaumeient evidence. I with m 2l,'ltt1t time. Since-tut ( time the women ave been here off and ta: The were 3363 early in the I ri thin the")z took their tram to Sontag}? ton, where Col. Belcher forced them to make a huty exit. Last Friday night they returned and itehed the}; tent in, this" 'diiukfA'a' of $2 North Ward, and within twenty-four hours life there be. came intolerable for the residents. They wanted them out of that Rn "... “A after mama ttark., s"ri aoutiie, time the women ta.. The Vere J, thin the; took I romt, in the township of Keppel, on the shores of Fpoy's Bay, and it proved a difficult thing to rout her out. She [pitched her tent on the marine allow- [ ance and defied removal. The authorities of Keppel Were remiss in their duties, and at last the Mayor of Wiarton and the, Police Magistrate practically drove; them out by a game of bluff, for they had no jurisdiction in the matter at ii) ’ le, two wo e the F nt tss Albemnrle, hut the at','3dl',fhe5/,,' 'li!?, “3-3": ' - The Town Hall, Wiarton, was packed by hundreds of people to-night to listen to the Coroner'; inquest on Philip Gil- bert. County Crown Attorney Dixon, of Walkerton, was on hand to press the prosecution, and Mr. A. G. MacKay, ()ch Sound, represented the woman un- der arrest. Un every hand there is a dis-1 position to severely censure the authori- tics for their laxity in dealing with the women of ill-repute. Agnes Thomas is an old and familiar name in these parts. Two years ago she located on Four' Mile Point; in the townshin of Kan-ml -.- AL T Wiarton despnteh: As already report. ed, Philip Gilbert, on old and well known a citizen, was shot and instantly killed by a Mrs. Thomas, one of a pair of diseolute , women who were housed in a tent in til I tsuburb known as Vognnville. The sec- . tion in question has long been troubled , with house,, of a questionable character, and Mrs. Thomas was warned away from there more than once. She always re- turned, however, and when she came back last week it is said Gilbert organ- ized a gang of men and boys to mid the . tent where she resided. The tent was I pulled down by a mob estimated at from 1 twenty-live to fifty men and boys, some 1 with blackened races. The two women i were pelted with stones and rotten eggs, t and it is said Gilbert struck Mrs. Thom. a us. However, the woman fired several e shots in the air to frighten the raiders tl away, but the last shot struck Gilbert m and death followed almost instanta- m neously. y Rulings, a day laborer, who the North Ward, stated that mom and was near the tent In! 'Gu.), - -. aw, and the coroner h the afternoon, but I _ the evening, in on ht be present. At u__u,r - Mob Pelted w, - -e"""* all“ re in a large number of Ope- les and the arrest was im. ade. e body of Philip Gilbert lay of the local undert-lmr "a one duetuaiuai "32 an lowered anyway it ( 'iiiirjiiiiii"iiiiiff""' AT mum. Inquest In. the Murder There ol Philip calm Wm- Thonm named and Then Re-Arrested, _-_ w.“ G -iiieri',"'lot1e'irit: and Counsel A. her tent on the marine allow- . ny t addressed the jury for d defied removal. The authorities a. {few .m.mutee, the latter 'emphatlully pel were remiss in their duties, Ptietturrting that the shooting had been last the Mayor of Wiarton and Pstitied yd that there had been Tth: ice Magistrate practically drove P/r, tttttea/ia that the killing at ut by a game of bluff, for they Gilbert Wag accidental. jurisdiction in the matter at all. Verdict of the Jury. {WERE Ora Wig“ tss Null!“ le, The jury retired and brought in I. ver- authorities in t at toisatGTit got diet that the said Philip GillserPearne" to tem and forced them to make I his death at “4.-.“- .7 .. iaouble-auiok Hum C'..., Ah, . Planned the Raid. Blame the Authorities. laid a eiunpuini, an; ‘1; e felt something had to be Tuesday evcgning he head. severely censure the authori- eir laxity in dealing with the ill-repute. Agnes Thomas is 4.....nzhr - ' ,,--..-... -“".7 out of that. So far the inoperative. Upon three you had been laid against clan, and the cue. tried ice Magistrate, who die- ch time on the ground of l hum-- {Philip Gilbert, appfared, "wi/iii are he {01min upon the ta le. "?"Pd _he did aired Mares, With Stones and Rotten Eggs, nests, the tent ropes tent dragged away. 'n, and the Women gs, ttnd B baton wag evidence that force of men and boys to mid the the resided. The tent wu by a mob estimated at from bo fifty men and boys, some on the marine allow- emoval. The authorities remiss in their duties, Mayor of Wiarton and snot. and instantly killed by a, one of a pair of dissolute were housed in a. tent in l "--_-. "mm, unu tekrsp. “It. mien w†held not bring out _ oner begin his but Boon ad. j in order that j At the in. , laborer, who I d, Mated that I near the tent t I AL _ _ 9ner summoned, long before he 3 Was at 1. Ma- te Shooting and as was warned away from tt once. She always te- r, and when she cune it is said Gilbert organ- ( ONTARIO ARCHN TORONTO ' me In- It sup-inure that there was Inc brer, who dian cam near by, but the men ted that much any“ the influence of liqu the tent they did not know anything abow revolver ihad happened. The equnw was 1 are were ted for trial by the Shoal Lake long the ’trate to-day. So far this 't Win one The compnny will be registered for fit. teen million, of which two million will be initial expenditure on gaunt, with a at. near Vancouver. All t e raw new in now found in British Cannabis. It. vnlue Ind extent of the iron ore. of the count is only lately being fully tod- bod. a greater amount London. Vancouver, B.C., Aug. 26.4. T. Shud- forth, ironriuustei, _yaTturojj-iiiiis", one of the organizers of the North Paci- fie Iron & Steel Corporation, in here ar- ranging for the amalgamation of the oeuhl “(I ;..... t.,.=____, STEEL-MAKING IN B, 0. Great Plant to ‘be Established by [play wu suspected, u indicated 1spamhea to the east at the time. mystery has been cleared up' arrest of his squaw, charged murdering him. The Iquaw wh rested made a pathetic confess killing hrr,horbartd in a atruanln by name, disappeared mysteriously from the Rolling River reserve, and foot IVI‘. There oil 1 Man Had Come Home ROLLING RIVER SQUAW CONFESSES KILLING HUBSAND. his 1tiiiaii,Ud _ _ _.-w duds-LNKC. T Philip Gilbert wu a. " you: of age, and WM Engl had served a number of yes stable in South Africa, and Wherton for twenty years. married. was an honest. law, sen, and every man in Win hi. "so...--, " 'Juettls ftyii' iiiiii'i ment, ,._ "a. wrung OX urinal-r: was accidental. Verdict of the Jury. The jury retired and brought in I. ver- diet that the said Philip GillserPearne" to his death at Wiarton on the 20th day of August from a pistol shot wound and the jury are of the opinion dint the bully came from p rgyolver fired by the hand of Agnes Thomas. , Mr. MacKny contended that the ver- diet was no finding against Mrs. Thomas. ‘ The jury had not found unlawful about] ing, and therefore the prisoner wu at large. The Coroner, after further unru- tnent. mfn-A-l A, , Defence. ---- .. nu "mIley. Wife Hid It and the Husband Threat. ened to Kill Her-she Acted in Self.. “-‘___, rum h ~WIS "â€"0â€"- vac row on the mad when a nu came from a. house on the of the road, and threw eg at her, one stone hitting he "she went to a. clock to " when the shots were fired, turning found Mrs. Thom the bed crying. In a few chief came and placed them She told a might story, at dent that ' s, - CHOKED INDIAN. -"""" wuV um - we tent, cut the guy ropes, pulled the tent down, upset the furniture; than she ran towards the road. She just got on the mad when a number of men came from a. home on the opposite side of the road, and threw eggs and stones at her, one gram: ',.use_, , w..-†nnwr xurmer argu- tt, refused to issue a. warrant, and r. Thoma was discharged, but ' atly am under a. warrant issued the' Police Magistrate. GHt.. nn- A "__-_.. m nut pmperty, and gt' she would tire in the ah. a tew times it would scare them away. She stated that at 9.30 p. m., there must have been nbout fifty men, some with faces black. ened, standing on the road in from. of the tent, Mrs. Thomas, who went out, asked them what they wanted. They did not reply, but some one of the crowd aid: "Come on, boys; now is our chance.†Gilbert led the raiders, who ran into the tent, cut the uuv Mm- *--"“ AL, A _ 1hy oJGi' of British Capital. _- m. uvlue was m London. They had unwed here last “May and had been warned on rue-sun; “bemoan that there would be a crown mun-e that night to tear the tent down. am: and the story to Mm. lhomu, who advised her to get a. newher, as she had, ' ttf Proust herself and her pmperly, and gt' she would tire in the ah. a tew times it would mun-n “LN" t that he??? l detidedi, in w, (I lulled --_ __...v-u I AC! Airs. Stella Lamont, the Agnes Ibomus, was man rwere empty. The chief ( woman had told him that came she went out and a men wanted, but instead they began tearing tho t, simply shot in the air Hwy. night want for the downward ta- deney of the bullet. ' The Primar- Statement. Chief Hull, who made the "rest, oht- I ed that Agnes Thomo would to know why she was arrested. The Chief in- formed her, "For killing Phiilip Gilbert," whereupon she replied, “Surely to good- ness I did not shoot anybody." She TOE legged to be taken over to where Gil- new“ hen. was, so that she would be convinced he! an); that he was shot. He took her to thelxif' l' street, where he met the Mayor, who attd it. gave instructions that she should not be t The q taken in where Gilbert was. She told but “We the chief that she had only shot to 'lttf,"'ty wore them, so they would quit tearing Trade the tent down, and that the last time of the b she fired someone had struck her on the I iett “"0 Bren and knocked her arm down. He ' 'tur, tchtrt groduced the revolver whioh he , ---- .. . "Uome 8n, blots,. in was; a; 2 stone hitting ici'. to a Creek to wa shots PPrre fired, I uuL we men were " (luenee of liquor that anything about what 2 tpat' yap commit- Mn. Lumont'n Account, " her home Wu 'brrtved here last Warned on (um! [ would be a crown "Serve, and foul in their airli, Attoi-qey and irnpmsloit Aug. M.-. Sesevral wu another In. ' English by iikif of Rays f' . con. ' ind yediiurii; With Whisker, . "" “I" Thomas lsiist few minutm 5. He waa%itr Ttthiding citi- hrton mt: l and it md/iii.' n upon the jury 'e-k.. . Magis let' on the back. wash her face, i, and. 8pon NF Aid under arrest of Aiatty WW.) pulled -"'9. we upenmg of the rseaaon. The crop outlook is generally very encouraging. The wheat looks well and harvesting in drowing near. The to. tal In em to prove {only done to mym’e figured. Should ft go be- hind somewhat, te price! for _ Will offset the eh Hit-lg ,,_- IVUI' ___,, "u. u. an mrectione. Money is very tight and firm and relief in thin connec- tion seems to be as far off an ever. Other branches of wholesale trade report e good, sensonnble demand for all lines. I and in almost every direction prices may be said to show marked firmneSs. 1yinrtipegL-k' fairly. good volume of l business, is moving here at the present moment. At this season of the year there is always a quiet tone to the order. ing, but shipments are being made and heavy lines are arriving from the cut. In dry goods these errivnls are glow. but It is honed the! ---" . Toronto~There is now rather more activity in general trade here. Whole- salers are busy sending out fall lines, and they report that an unusually heaVy business is being done. The total vol- ume is said to be even heavier than that ‘of last year. Crop prospects are look. ing well in all directions. Money is very tight and firm and relief in this connec- tion seems to be as far off u ever. Other branches of wholesale trade report n good, seasonable demand for all line-7 and in almnet eve-'- Ay ._ " may" Aural/II: woe to which Western and,“ is being encouraged by genenlly excel- lent crop conditions. The stripgency in money continues as bad as ever. Cana. dian securities have been eeriously " fected by this factor and by the declines in New York. Collections, are generally iiair, sud where renewals are granted it is " considerably higher figures than have ruled for some years. The dry goods men report that fall and winter gods are going out well. The grocery trade is beginnig to show a. better tone after the holiday season. Fairly good shipments are being made and values generally hold firm. A good business is opening out in all lines of hardware.' The railways still find difficulty in obtaining desired supplies and values ere firm] The buaiueu in small goods i. ako heavy. 01 on the Flow-Mumm palm 84.60 to " gram; Ontario. il pa- cem. yuan for Mt: “that; oatatot brand. or ---- ' wmné'wmg we the lam 81min tutu Whuchu" on.“ Oct. tBe Md. Ki-tom-ons humane VII hold tabla afternoon. TN 46 white and 427 colored. . can} thirty, were told I: 11 TORONTO FARMERS' Twerttrtive loads of new t day told between 816 and cum. were one load of Fall and the tint load tor the was which sold at 400. ‘tht. white. bush. ... ...I Do., red, but. ... ... ... Do.. Spring, bush. ... ... .. Do.. some. bush..... ... ... Oats, bush. ... ... ... ... Barley. bush. ... ... ... ... Pena. bunk. ... ... ... ..... Har, old, ton ... ... ... ...: -_Do., new. ton ___ , MONTREAL LIVE trrock CANADIAN APPLE g1 "---'-'_.-- - IWV III‘I th'lN5 - Hut, and '/ff'."lrar",d l W and" “In! like. ---- I THE mm 1% all Hi“ ill-bl. col- 0" LITTLE BER SET "LAKE " In. exceedingly "the and the all for CA3trrhEs--.wammrst SLEEPS. nipple. 8 buy. Collection In good. ----- . 2,f?2'1',tu,',i 1tongttt,tird One Borne on Creek-Parents Too Ft-, TORONTO uvn: STOCK ulnar. aaiiii one. to Give Child Usual Burial; Hat. L. dere AU2; 'eNtuh,c't. it: ' Quebee--Trade reports are many terred It Beside Stream. nun. hu‘e m C,Lu7aii. amps-nod o: 1.034 yrtuttetmr, and while Mennoni- --- "a"l'Jt./i1gu' g,1hilr “0w "Id tBnsos, has fallen in the eastern Motion of the ham.“ Pet 'tttt 20 ' mm I o, .. l bet ' province during the put fortnight ' . l . . .7 . " ' s/tlee)',';"",',","',,,.':)."',,:,','.'",,,,':,',: ','dfi, report. to hand Are 'iitii'/2'lS',"% mg the Irou'y ot tue irtuonth-oi,. 'ttvt, 'szw"mmag "m" "m “m 1t,'e',.e is every indication for A very Me of Air. and Mrs. Frank tl-e.., w; _ ' ' . . I arvegt. it , 1 '3'! tire t'ui, "itu'liInu .n.“ . _ (That tNg 't)f,fSt,lg,gy"iga,up, Hamilton-The volum. " e." mum-u.- VI J l 'tlp l I l i bit untold. More gnarl In “a"- -.-_.r" c, - . Bre the closing an“: f q tn. 01:115.": AIO-ény FLOUR pawns mru FARMERS' MARKET. ve loads of new hay received to between $16 and 817. Gran re- one load ot Fall when, ll 900. t load for the lesson of new can. It 400. m est-cue .. ... ..... moo ... ... mum WHEAT manna TRADE, S quotation. on "ur.. Bept. 9139; Md, MARKET, but 010 016 Ott 016 075 900 50.1 1260 017 063 075 . I Mteeial um " 07.1 ti "ICE 1050 15% mum a vein of gold-bearing feet Across, and have already two miles. Lurid utories are I wealth. McDougnll'c (lute w starting point from which the I proapeotors will act out for field, it being about eighteen I! their objective point. The sum meat there is almost drserted, t itants having t_nigmusd to the l field, bag and Mange. l’roapec dicatea all doing the line are in men to investigate. 090 1050 Cobalt, Aug. 26.--The with the report of a very near Night Hawk Lake, u Water West and slightly so Lake. It is 'tated/thai tw, found a vein of gold-be: feet new», and have Ill-1 two miles. Lin-id “â€2 015 ttu 018 Report 051 055 0 76 mun our own. They made e legislative, loch], educational which We. were not called to I legislation of the colonies in of the ancient Inniuge law u cent, and it wae too won to I their experience of the nature ing of the change. He heard, a from those who, declining, t thought, to be led by the Colo; path of fiscal change, the nrgu it was the mother country’s dl low them in a matter intimat, lug soda-l domPMIll' m- 00 oo M i London, Aug. 26.---ra the Home ol Lord: the Amhbiuhop of Canterbury, in unsuccessfully Opposing the 'sooond read. ing of the manage of a deceased wile" liner bill, laid the colonies, young and eager for home life in sparse populr tions, were when M tum/"‘5“ a. Britain Harman ire nonwn. Wu forced to ca the Grind Opera ed Monday night, Mme-nu have h but night Dr: Samuel Milligan, who ts attending her, deckmd that the any never nppenr behind the to ttlight, again. Mil- Fox in uttering from unpendidth and peritonitis. and yesterday evening was forced to cancel her engagement st the Grand Ohm-- EY.,..., ' . - new York, Aug. ',?!.re:,orAire to a deapateh from Pituburg. Dell: For. the comedienne, is nerioully ill " the Hotel Lincoln. - wc mower y1m.trriduts%, fol them in a matter intimately "feet, mm domestic life. to escape a [serious injury if not death. . Had you been u careless u 1 my . family might have been having a fun. , end td-morrow. I did not realize what I had happened until it Wu all over. Gratefully you", Sun o. Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell, an elderly man, we: in company with a grayhaimd woman walking along the tracks from one amusing to another with their Ma toward the train of which Mr. than. mem w-s engineer, and being name- what hard of hearing, were not Aware of the applauding train. The fetgin. ear whittled and rung the bell without any success in alarming the two per. l eons. Be put on the emergency bulge- and succeeded in bringing his hit: to i, a stop within four feet of the man Ind t woman, who knew nothing of their dan. f ger until they were axed. FF --t ...c "PPP " 'lli2 he report of I very rich gold fih Eight Hawk Lake, . large sheet of West. and slightly south of Abitibi It is outwith“, two Swedes have a vein of gold-bearing rock 130 tron, and have “ready traced it iles. Lurid Itoriea are told of ita . McDougul'a Chute will be the ' point from which the strum of tom will set out for the In! t hair-n ..c- . " Ney _ York GOLD " COBALT. of Rich Discovery Then Swedes. Dunkirk. Aug. 26.--The following very gratifying letter was received m-dny by Michael Summer: of Dunkirk, engin. er of a passenger train on the Dunkirk, ‘Allegbeny Valley & Pitbburg mm. Warren, PI... Aug. 20, 1007. Please accept my thunk; for stopping you: train yesterday in time for mo On nah-~- . V Train Stopped Within Four Feet of “I. and Won... ottawa-There Inc I in the situation than retail stocks are movin collections are fntr to l continues to favor an e nOFs. Rot can to Follow COLON!“ All YOUNG. - --- w .vvu. I undon--There" ic genernlly tone to trade there. The l bucinm will hold moderate tl the dole of the holidny sew trade in fair and collections no satisfactory. Local industries ( engaged. " __..-~.-a. um row! trade in brick. Harvesting“ Ibod be. ginning and crop. are looking we". Col- lections If! fair to good, I --a, -- - . Hamilton-g is now good. going forward promise I hee M"eDeP--Trade reports are usually “unfunny, and while Menu-ud- has fallen in the etttsteret lection of the province during the put fortni‘it report. to hand are "eiLioTr" 12t rt,'e'vU?e"eriuiGsii'i"irriTd,lll'.' harvest. IEluriiiiii. t.t1?yttu-titraat-- there-. 1km» a ,,.-...-.,, Janus no home life in sparse populr when to conditions other n. They made experiments, acid, educational and fined, re not called to follow. Tho f the colonies in relaxnim- - "e""r'""xa" .‘ ---- - Opera House, where she open. Fatt , night. All of her future en- Over l have been cancelled. I lteevrhet A“; 39TH: PM is, Experiment; SAVED ake, C llrgeunheet 'if "". th, buy south of Abitibi Ile my , hit two Swedes have "f tht, ft old-baring rock 130 my. I... ' ve “ready traced it Flu-re torim are told of it. whcel. mu 'tt “We will be the Mr. Ruin. Which the stream of no “WP-Hg , out for the lg. out of hi. eighteen miles from shaft... . The sum" new. ' After d, deserted, the itsUtr. 'Ueceasiled ed to the new gold had dart. if. Prospecting lyn. duh): ah ll _ __‘, .V-uu "I will hold moderate until after of the holidny .enaott. that! r and collections on generally 3". Local industries no busily my and being “,me_ Tring, were not Aware _dtittd train. The fetgin. I rung the bell without “mains the two per. n the "nap“? bake- n I._:_..-, . . hwy iaGai, M ta, t".trPritsedl.v, qt, rightly, he colonies in the "guinent that Ho tivif, Shore by nm tooth and . , only silver I, _ ‘n'. Jf,PUt, “Ea Wot 1 undini Jul Bin on the Dunkirk, f..r}l'.}“};...‘..m}; Pimburg MM. ‘9 ulna“ pun-am I rebution um very re. "Que from ' Ind Work. Their Boeiat ._...... .u "vt""" , git, 1007. Llertr 1hirheater towtmhi for trPrpirttr , boy ,uay.'s body was found time for In. _pluymg m the neighbor!» if not death. Jim-Her. “ha I". investigu‘ '" u t my othere un- tto marks of ti: wing . fun. little body and it. man eri Mile what _.'t'veval months agu. the m- all oven i Mun prevails that the pun-n! "m Ewen- too poor to provide 1 Mitchell. , the burial uxpennen' and. rum , N no jvuffin from an umbrtukin 1nd Iona! unwt. they buried the chih In one In the soft mil beside the l their M. “mum. Mr. thens. f The coffin has been mu] eiug m_ 'lt" burying place bv the mu not 1'"! min the week. . In: pmw his sincerity. out of the box. wrapprd lock Ind, thus “and. in... May sinners went to benrh after the demons†, .vuallVIIN'. Ind., Aug. M.- Tht, Pet. William Gralrb, pastor of the Cluuvr. of the First Born, is :1th hundreds iv his flock by Ilee"yymiiii; the pawn l , his creed with mulemkea. , He 4% that “Mn can butâ€; harm to true worshippen. and says in can handle any kind of snake. mum divine protection without injury. To prove his faith. We: caught in the woods I few Weeks Mo Wert' taken to the church my! be was u-Rwl in park his 'd-ttr. He took (hull out of tho, hese ...--_ -. , Nashville. I William Grala of the First llu his flock by do: his creed with Be delami harm to true , can handle any divine promotin- I CHARMS Indiana Ihr Twine. Tied to Carriage Wheel. Raine“. Lyunvilhu Pa., Aug. as." A. lieilelmnu “an out driving , he was eizcd with a jumping. toothuelte. and no dentist Witt He tivd u piece of twine an" tooth and tried to pull it him (mlv um“... I . _ Twine, much man of Petrtsy triet. wait thot lmiwning. I. lah‘llted ut; Mr. You i. 'iutrteu "1 all well tl a.» of hi. Ali Pitt "an: Y tiam, nu "ttt lion... L: like with tthle to t, of the un enjoy tlr gioes tttrt f "t tld IL " ninety beach on nited Stat. farm tret: r I hmdun. Aug /,'tli/y 'c'ttsott" I Hive to be a ‘chown that t strong thut it to a great Age. This view i Brampton. form in! judge. tiir MAN AND TOOTH COKE our and died Mica-(dud M- m. “any can huh; true mtrt!hippera, and any in la any kind of lack" mum “action without injury. 'e hit faith, We: caught nods I few Weeks Mo “arr the etureh and be um 04-" .EX-JUDGE DECRIES OLD AGE Lord Brampton at mum Yon-'- Dn- Pastor Ont hen resolved on heroic nu- mw and of the twire to rl front wheel; then. brarin, mute his horns the med. was one nvnluliun " nd both the offending moh telmo, came out. Th" in itttbttr,, oiug ‘lnm n (In , indeed in a "ele'oration Vin The body of the thin morning in South Side. Chester. Pa.. A SNAKES In “a; were mourning the dud: "of “the: "iii Sunday, the “wily that occupies othe: half of the double dwelling " ._‘._,,_â€_. . . owt unm- d hu rtit; thought t g" bare, l - " "-r.-._.".el. lvunu luau db Ind tntien from u candelabra lac-dict the with and all. tire t covering it, The "canine!" Mat, uleep and snoring on a lounge. room. dum-ritS-Tr- He ' t'rerne them “In uwukemzd by the -,itil, tri.re9 you-nudit- found 1nd The M died My naming. following a Deli-la Catholic (tn-luau, friend. of we “all" called 5.:an evening. Sunday and Hand.†(“Mimi exptem' sympathy. Lemme. Veit. Hi ed and placed about the mom in \. the coffin had been laid. The family retired at midnight, “1.. wntlnel mutual in the loom. a. L- cuutom. Early next morning 3;t. l r a few act-01mm stopping the ho to run ----~ " 'ent to the mourm-n' demo-nun“... on the Mr. [new extingulnhed the “mm-- mm for the undertaker, who laid be but) in another Curtin. Furtumz re eoffin was clout-d and the “mm. m reach the body therein. While the Cu family and In Huston, Pa.. Aug. va on; (d the body of the 3-month. of It. and Ma. Funk cus, (my, caught tire thin morning partly burned, but the body ot 'seed the tunes. w. Em. ( Wrarre Rattlers Bis led: , Putt '""ty I Cett be (Ix il t' ak isttte in not riteiliitt regret that I an: N. that ho and fell hem ' wheelbarrow Blood Poisoning. L6B6 up no wriulu. ll, wwwr, not in, and nou unit-y (In u-nI-wly Te:n mu-inJaI' of the vitr “lum- expnm-iom "tl tis rvlatiri, to Mala-Hr uch wide nun-"M“ Impmyimd " w .. . _ furuwrly tho hum tiir Henry Huwkiv Ind halving retired I pen-don Ina the I waning of his " A. it particularly on];- lmn very few t't Two my coiiiiiis out"; ago, the gnu! ils that the parents poor to provide the in makin, a.n I" ttur. ' Pittunu "e exprerriou, on 'vhativi, to Mala-Ht wide ammo-t. devoted Ilia tinn Mowing the him, in the Pittour, "to. about I l, exttmtod L f. 26.--One lll‘wu'mper a hundred the mnml n " Ninety Years His Leisure. 'S cousm DYING Inn in Julmwn'. l eater WWIIIllip. a 'dy um found by f the 'tetihborhodd. the 1mm; t'xpeeted Tttttov-ed by ""t I am no tive part in I 'otvy M, been washed in by the “an. n Autr. 21 "tott of tl “"1 molar at, The jolt w: he trgot jerk, auiimtet on th it withih no aruun. it Ilium-h“ 'urea .wur. Popular M. II good thi: tuvetstigutin honor of u tirir,, he: child was inn bt. JON} Celln'l "me, “I Tho jam zit toruey mu sin by over badly Pm.prr, ammo I " mun iuwkinu, tired in Wh i Ir yetsterd., Monizi t, L.9er the the child their of the pr " the fu, securing a About ‘WIIN u evidently I mineral in ad Gives ’0!†-Wa - h on the pic. a “I I bm it body on tht bah then amen! fro" of Regrets woe u ttt " " and te "mi, I dreamy "You luv “nu-1 of the on orphan, 1 "at, Mr in brought It with sun "t “my! through tl Inm- Gut any weft. "on." du- “hat." " mphntknllv t.ke of ter! by no not: Gem M, Prti Mm; but Erma-h- tny my a "twig hit bo, ($1M in" any rid ttN f" “About iw, (Arlington. I â€huh-d MAM! 0100‘:me "Ne i. my mm" , "r." me." gig-"r? "t my “Id uk." grin-it, on lilo-d5 um “Grundy unit in " "Toudid dint-h cable In†"Not very ad bqttergsi' odor "ded [ - unpn In. Fun sd of the to do I too. H1 mu... Opiate-o! "Quin l Colo-cl M Why did I (an? I d COO-m " exp "Am " Mm. lb,“ dual My. k all will GIN! did It